BARE NAKED EMPIRE [io’nents:toten]



Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. June 4, 2015. We can all see they are criminals and they’re all going to the gulag that they built for us. TRC ‘terminator” Murray Sinclair’s recommendations and the Senators passing the anti-ongwe’hon:weh Bill C-51 on the same day is no coincidence. Minister of Indian Affairs Valcourt showed his disrespect for our slain missing murdered women. He refused to stand with everyone else in the room. They all took oaths to the CROWN and Canon Law, which is based on the Pope being God who owns every living thing on this earth.

"Not sure where to go. I'm a Heinz 57!"

“Let’s get ready to move home!”

The earth is everybody’s mother. The only way you can attach yourself to your mother is through the women of your original homeland. Their children who have been away from their original part of the world are lost and cannot find their way home through mother earth hereoin ono’ware:geh.

If you are transplanted to somebody else’s part of the earth, you need to go home and help your children to reconnect to their mother so they can be whole again.  When all people do this the desecration of mother earth will end.

teiohateh is the formula for peace and perpetual co-existance between different peoples. We have been trying since 1701 to teach the Europeans this philosophy. We went to London in 1710 to spread the teiohateh concept to the European monarchs and their people. The monarchs saw they would lose their hierarchical paternal control structure. 65 years later they engineered the first modern day “false flag” war called the American Revolution. They used their army to chop down the actual tree of peace that stood for 3,300 years at Onondaga. The tree was the physical evidence of Dekanawida and the Great Peace. Then the Europeans established the Republic of War, the USA, and set out to annihilate us.

"An island where I can store my money."

“An island where I can store the money.”

teiohateh allowed them to live here under our protection in perpetual peace. It was and still is an experiment to use the good mind. Our goal has always been to achieve peace throughout the world for everyone.

Anyone who sees our land as something to monetize, fractionalize and rationalize has to leave and return to their own land where they will be cured of this ailment. This is the problem on earth today. They ran away from their own mothers.  Like all runaways, they will never find peace until they heal with their mother. Only then can they stop desecrating their mother.

"Goo goo! I want my mommy!

“Mummy, can you put more cream on my sore bum?”

The festering pimple at 6 Nay has started to spread its roots to Ottawa. The only cure for this type of extreme diaper rash is what the immortal Bo Diddley sings: “You gonna be sorry that you left me alone. You’re gonna be sorry. Pack your bags and now you gone. You’re gonna be sorry. Tried everything to get along with you. You’re gonna be sorry. I tried every little thing I knew how to do. You’re gonna be sorry. You don’t love me no mo’ was the reason why you gonna go. Back Home. Go back home.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] for original Mohawk music visit

"The rats go first!"

“The rats go first!”

Marx: capitalism is over!

American Indians offer amnesty to immigrants.

Bob Rae on reconciliation.






MNN. Apr 17, 2013. “False flag” is a covert military operation designed to impose extreme fear amongst the population so it appears they are being attacked by other entities, groups or nations. In naval warfare a flag was put upon the ship, hence the name false flag operation. In the recent past all major wars have been started with false flags [eg. WWI, WWII, Vietnam, Iraq, etc.]

Mohawks always know what to do.

Americans: “Mohawks always know what to do!”

The first modern false flag was the American Revolution. Coincidentally, it started in 1775 in Boston Habor when the Free Masons dressed up like Mohawks, boarded a British ship and emptied all of the tea into the harbor. They stated they would rather throw the tea away than pay the king’s tax. They pretended to be Mohawks so as not to pay the taxes. Nothing changes!boston harbor

Both George Washington and the British commander Cornwallis met and planned the subsequent skirmishes in the Masonic Lodges throughout the colonies. In 1775 from that incident at Boston Harbor known as the “Boston Tea Party” George Washington and his ragtag army began the first major skirmish called the “Battle of Bunker Hill” on the north side of Boston Harbor. 2,400 British troops drove out 1,500 Americans.

There were skirmishes between 1776 and 1778. In 1779 the true reason for the American Revolution was revealed. Maj. Gen. John Sullivan marched through Seneca and Cayuga country to the capital of the Iroquois Confederacy at Onondaga with 12,800 heavily armed men. They chopped down the Tree of Peace and tried to put out the fire that symbolized the peace. The real reason was to turn the law of the land, our constitution of peace, into the “law of war’ US Constitution.

Washington:" Cornwallis, the Iroquois don't know we work together".

Washington:” Cornwallis, the Iroquois know we are workng together”.

The British parked their ships at Quebec City while the Americans did their dirty deed for them.

The law of peace tied all the Indigenous nations across Great Turtle Island together. Soon the Mohawk, with all the other Indigenous nation on Onowaregeh, will fulfill our destiny by standing up the tree of peace and eliminate the war problem. As Bruce Springsteen penned on how a population is deceived “blinded by the light, cut loose like a deuce, another runner in the night. Blinded by the Light”.

MNN For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0


Tree of Peace will be stood up soon by us for all people of Great Turtle Island.

Tree of Peace will be stood up soon by us, for all people of Great Turtle Island.