

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. June 6, 2015. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission is an incorporated product. Though usually toothless, it will bite its maker. It revealed Canada’s excuse for their practice to erase, disappear and rob us of everything. They are trying to say they are better now and so we must forgive and forget, but no justice. This is how genocide is made legal, eg. Palestine.

It’s an injustice commission offering candies and beads. The obscene dishonesty is proved. Trying to erase us involved violence, threats, forbidding languages, cultural ‘genocide’, rape and murder of women, sexual abuse of children – trying to create a subject people. We refuse to be complicit!

This relationship has been toxic and must be dissolved. We will completely control our sovereignty. We cannot be given back what we never gave away. The corporate criminals see as we do that their day is over, the game is finished, but they’re trying to hide it.

Molten gold couldn’t cure owistah disease.

The most useful part of the TRC insult is that those who would own us must now pull up their pants from around their ankles, put their junk behind their zippers and take their hands out of our children’s shorts, our pockets and our earth, water and air.

Right from the beginning our women saw their sickness. They said, “ia onkweh tikon”, they are not a natural people and should not live among us. The wisdom of their fears for us was all proven.

The residential schools, set up to teach us to be afraid, question ourselves, to cease to believe that we are a people, a nation, with inherent rights and freedom, of value to this earth and its future.

The minister of the corporatization of the INDIANS, Bernard Valcourt, could not stand up with the people who demanded an investigation of the thousands of missing and murdered women.

Valcourt: The women were going to throw vegetables at me!"

Women: “Mr. Valcourt, you can only have what we will give you”. 

His message was “We retain ultimate power. Be afraid. Fear for your women, for your children and yourselves”. But It is the same old smoke and hot air. He has nothing between his ears and nothing in his pants. He and his cohorts have no legal right to keep on masquerading as our master. Stephen Harper and his closed door silence is meant to perpetuate the fraud that they have power, but they have none, and never did. Now they are running scared. For all see finally with proof they don’t even have any moral authority.

We are, as we have always been, a sovereign people, a sovereign nation. We are not going to ask for our birthright. It is ours. We are free. Get out of our house!

The leaders wearing the skins of their hunt.

G20 leaders wearing the skins of their hunt.


As Annie Lennox sang, it’s a brand new day!. “You have taken my existence. You have filled it full of stones
. … Now I need to walk alone. But I won’t be sad. 
I won’t be destroyed. No, I won’t be. 
No I won’t be sad. .. and the word is it’s a brand new day. .. 
I need to walk alone. And the word said, It’s a brand new day.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L1B0 for original Mohawk music visit

Indigenous opt out of Maine legislature.

Child protection.






MNN. Mar. 28, 2013.  Each Indigenous has an equal share of the ever-growing $50.3 trillion Indian Trust Fund being administered by the illegal trustee, the Corporation of Canada, through the Department of Indian Affairs, 10 Wellington Street, Ottawa/Hull. It is the accumulated wealth from the exploitation of our natural resources. We demand our fund. Should they refuse to turn it over to us, we will seize our assets and foreclose on the law-breaking trustee.

14th floor backed out windows is the "war room".

14th floor blacked out windows was the “war room” in 1990.

They have to pay for their genocide and they know it. Sorry isn’t good enough. 

Canada is spending our fund without our knowledge or consent. They use it as collateral for payment of the corporation’s debts, to raise money on the stock exchange and to bolster the Canadian banking system. 

The Indigenous People will recover our Indian Trust Fund that was set up under Section 109 of the British North America in 1867. The same year the Corporation of Canada passed the illegal “persons” law that “a person is anyone other than an Indian” so they could become the trustees of our fund.  

All parties have been put on notice by registered mail sent to Prime Minister Harper by a Mohawk woman elder, demanding her share of the Indian Trust Fund. 

The trustee has defaulted. The entire fund shall be returned, along with any amount spent or loaned, plus all the interest. The Corporation of Canada will be dissolved to liquidate its debt to us that they cannot pay. 

Not with our ever growing Indian Trust Fund.

We will foreclose on all the banks and shareholders of the Corporation of Canada who are guilty of selling our land and resources to accumulate this fund. Should there not be enough funds to cover the principle amount owed, the accrued interest and fees, all federal property throughout Canada will be seized by the Indigenous beneficiaries of the trust.   

To begin the process, we can convene a meeting of our People of our communities and notify Canada to return our fund. Should they not respond, we will begin the foreclosure procedures and seize all the assets of the corporation. 

Don't come back, you hear!

All Canadians have benefited from the proceeds of our funds. To begin the reconciliation- repayment process, they will have to assist us. Should they wish to stay here, they must polish the chain, wipe the dust off of their own memories and start living according to the principles of the original Two Row Wampum agreement. Once a nation accepts the Peace they are obligated to spread it, to the world.

As Robert Plant sang: Hang man, hang man. Upon your face a smile. Pray tell me that I’m free to ride, ride for many a mile. Your brother brought me silver. You sister warmed my soul. But now I laugh and pull so hard, I see you swinging on the gallows pole.” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0