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MNN. Apr. 3, 2014. Quebecois separatist candidate, Pierre Karl Peladeau, declares, “I want a country “.  He wants total power first as a cabinet minister, then as premier and then king of his dynasty. He is launching a hostile corporate takeover of Quebec Inc. Peladeau wants a country.

Mohawk Warriors: "Mr. Peladeau, We heard you want our country!"

Mohawk Warriors: “Mr. Peladeau, we heard you want our country!”


He became a billionaire from stealing and selling our newsprint worldwide. Now he is a media baron. He’s ready to declare war on the sovereign Mohawk Nation on whose land he squats. He has to answer to the Mohawks about our unsurrendered land and resources. This is an international issue.

Pauline Marois promises when she is re-elected as Premier of Quebec Inc. she will make the Charter of Values even stronger. She can decide that everyone should shave their heads or eat poutine three times a day. Whatever!

Peladeau threatened to pass a law disqualifying himself from putting his Quebecor Inc. assets in trust. As Neo was told in the “Matrix’.


He punches his fist in the air and shouts in French.  They promise to rewrite history. Indigenous will be almost non-existent. Who are those bronze people whose skin color the Quebecois like to emulate in their tanning parlors? Where will their cheap cigarettes come from? Will Quebec, an Algonquin word, have to be renamed? Quebecois will pledge to speak only French until the day they die. They will be taught that they won the French and Indian wars! That they brought all the Indigenous land and resources with them from Europe!

The Nazis are trying to take over Quebec like they did in Ukraine. Only French will be spoken. What is going on in Quebec is the exact same m.o. in Ukraine, except with a Canadian flavor. Many separatists are already in major positions ready to run the show. Quebecois with help from outsiders are being organized to intimidate, attack and create conflict. Same old, divide and conquer.

Mr. Peladeau’s friends are ready to help because they think they can get the booty on the stolen Indigenous natural resources. They will not. We don’t deal in what if! They’re talking what ifs! They will never make more fake borders on our land. We Ongwehonwe will take our rightful seat at the table of nations. The rest of the world is waiting for this balance of the natural law to happen.

Pauline, be careful what you wish for!

Pauline, be careful what you wish for!

As Led Zeppelin sang and Pauline better listen, “Always the same, playing your game, drive me insane, trouble is going to come to you. One of these days, and it won’t be long, you’ll look for me and I’ll be gone. Your time is gonna come. That’s all I gotta say to you, woman, your time is gonna come. “ Led Zepellin. “Your time is gonna come”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws






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MNN. MAR. 30, 2014. London bank is falling down! President Obama and the bankers who own the Western banking system failed to start World War III in Ukraine. Soon the worthless USDollar will not be the world currency. More US citizens will join the 44 million who are already using food stamps [vouchers].  chinese weapon

Russia and China are setting up money exchanges throughout the world to transact business and trade using the Chinese Renminbi. Chinese are setting up an exchange in the city of London and many other cities around the world. Chinese Currency Exchanges.

Admiralty law is banking law. All courts in Canada are Admiralty courts. The law of the land that the Corporations of Canada and the US reside on is Kaianerehkowa.

Time to dance.

Time to dance.

Return of our ever growing $700 trillion Indian Trust Fund will be immediately dealt with by Chinese and Russian middle men. Banker Nathan Rothschild is holding $500 trillion of our Indian Trust Fund. We want that and the other $200 trillion from the other banking families. This will cause the dissolution of both corporations when the debtors call in the loans.

Every resource extraction deal made through the Canadian government corporate Indian arm are illegal and hereby nullified. Ring of Fire Deal.

“When you chose indifference on matters of human rights, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”. [Karl Jung]. Canadians who never stood with us are corporate criminals. They and their progeny will be held accountable and pay to the fullest extent for their crimes.  

Everything on Great Turtle Island belongs to us. The Corporations of Canada and the US are the terrorists. They will go bankrupt and be dissolved. These criminals will be convicted of genocide under our law. If they leave, they will be tried under international law.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAEvery community on Great Turtle Island that follows the white roots to their source will establish rule of law as set out in the Kaianerekowa, the law of the land. Otherwise they must vacate. The wars are over. As Bob Marley says, “No more war! No more war!”Bob Marley. “No more war! No more war!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Putin’s new money system.                                                                                             Video: “Countdown to the Looking Glass”. 1984.   http://www.monitor.net/monitor/free/biatrustfund.html Indian Trust US                         






MNN. Mar. 22, 2014. Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated the deft and legal repossession of Crimea. Mohawk head hunters are offering him a very attractive commission on an assignment. He could help us reclaim our ever growing $690 trillion Indian Trust Fund.  repo man

The invaders to Great Turtle Island never paid the Indigenous for anything ever, not for a piece of wood or a strawberry. They stole everything. Corporate squatters, it’s time to pay your debt to us. We are offering the job to repossess our goods to the best repo man we can see from the top of the tree of peace, “Vlad the Impaler”. Somebody’s gotta do this thankless job.

Repo man is returning everything to its rightful owner!

Repo man is returning everything to its rightful owner!

Until our debts are clear, you will live in fear. REEEEEPOOOO MAAAAAAN. These criminals that are pretending to be the authority on Great Turtle Island can’t run or  hide from the repo man. No one will give you shelter. Everybody knows you’ve stolen everything you can and carried out the biggest holocaust in all mankind.


We want everything that was taken from us from the time you landed on our shores. We will notify the world what he is doing for us as it is legal. Like any repo job we offer a commission for all possessions returned.

Vlad knows this job is dangerous. The thieves will be angry and violent. Repo man will will have the authority to reclaim all stolen property on our behalf. it’s a dangerous job. That’s why we pay high commissions. Like bounty hunters, repo man will work anywhere in the world. These criminal banksters have tentacles everywhere.

US and Canada are illegal entities under international law. At the same time, Vlad should be helping us plan a referendum to remove all the invaders who refuse live by the law of the land, Kaianerehkowa. manhattan

When Vladimir Putin returns our stolen property, all details will be worked out by the people according to the law of the land.

As Krystal Shawana sings and the bankers beware. Krystal Shawana. “Not without a fight”.

“Defenders of the Land”.

Morningstar Mercredi. “Sacred Spirit of Water”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk








MNN. Mar. 17, 2014. Crimeans voted 97.5% for unification with the motherland in a record turnout, only 1.7% against. US President Obama yells, “It’s illegal!” Czar Alexander III died at the summer palace in Livadia in Crimea Russia on October 20, 1894. Obama signed an executive orders to seize assets of any person or entity that criticizes the criminal coup he helped pull off in the Ukraine.   Obama executive order to punish critics.

"Guys. This is where "we belong.

“Guys. This is where we belong”.


Another personal executive order nullifies all US debts in the trillions to China for supporting Russia on the Ukraine issue. This is a declaration of war against China and Russia. He is fulfilling his role in the NWO to start world war III for the bankers. Obama declares war on China.

Obama shills!

Obama shills!











Another order punishes anyone sympathetic to the Russians! Obama EO punishes Russia.

Crimea voting under international law to secede from the Ukraine is good news for colonized peoples everywhere. Scotland, Venice, etc. are doing the same. Quebecois voted and lost twice to secede from the Corporation of Canada. They have no legal assets such as our unsurrendered land and resources. The vote would not have been legal. They can separate from Canada by dissolving their branch corporation.

Colonialism is illegal. Future affiliations between freed people and legitimate nations such as Russia will be on an equal basis, irregardless of the size of the nation, such as the Mohawk Nation, Luxembourg, Monaco, etc. In 1923 Chief Deskahe was sent by the Iroquois Confederacy to The Hague to exercise our right to apply for membership in the League of Nations. Canada, US and Britain pressured to have all Indigenous illegally declared as “an internal matter” of the colonists who invaded us.

President Vladimir Putin protected the right of Crimeans to vote for independence or to join Russia. Crimeans, Russians and Ukrainians finally killed colonialism. They are in the forefront of the greatest movement for freedom and equality for Indigenous people worldwide.

We Mohawks will exercise our right to self-determination. The black serpent will be washed away by the waters of peace. 

First Crimea, next Kanekota.

First Crimea, next Kanekota. 

As Vera Lynn reminds us, “When the lights go on again all over the world and the boys are all home again, from all over the world, and rain or snow is all that may fall from the skies above/a kiss won’t mean good-bye, but hello to love”. Vera Lynn. “When the lights go on again”.

Voice of Russia: Crimea vote legal.

Venice to secede from Italy.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws