mnnlogo1MNN. Jan 20, 2014. The following is a legally issued Mohawk Notice released in 2007 and is the law of this land. Everyone is required to read and abide by this notice according to Guswentha/Two Row Agreement. this-is-indian-landAlso, it has come to our attention in this Jesse Ventura video that corporations are violating international law. Nestle is draining the fresh water sources of the Great Lakes of Rotino’sionni:onwe territory. See:  Jesse Ventura. “Great Lakes World Wide Water Conspiracy”.

ship-of-foolsOn August 17, 2007, the Longhouse People of the Mohawk Nation [Haudenosaunee Rotinosionni Onkwehonwe Rotiskenrahkete Kanionkehaka Kanienke] – issued the “Notice of Navigation And Travel Restriction: 

A. With authority under Kaianerehkowa, Supreme Law of the Great Architect of Creation; 

B. Rotiskenrakehte “They who hold the Peace”, inside Kanienke, declare Navigation and Travel Restriction; 

C. Restriction shall start at Twenty-three hundred hours, eighteenth day said August, Two thousand seven until further notice, and shall apply to vessels of any nation or corporation engaging in commerce, commercial intercourse with corporate United States or Canada, from navigation or travel inside or upon navigable water, known to be Kanientarahwanoneh, said Cadaracui River, said Lac Saint-Pierre, said River Saint Laurence, said Gulf Saint Laurence and tributaries, beginning point upon the Earth at Forty-three degrees, fifty-six minutes north latitude and Seventy-six degrees, fifty-one minutes, thirty-five seconds west longitude; thence along rhumb line to point at Forty-three degrees, fifty minutes, eighteen “seconds north latitude and Seven-six degrees, seventeen minutes, fifty-five seconds west longitude; thence east and north along land and course of navigable water Kanientarahwanoneh, said Saint Lawrence Seaway, to point at Forty-five degrees, fifty-three minutes, thirty-nine seconds north latitude and Fifty-nine degrees, fifty-eight minutes, twenty-one seconds west longitude; thence along rhumb line to point at Forty-seven degrees, thirty-five minutes, ten seconds north latitude and Fifty-two degrees, forty-one minutes, thirty-one seconds west longitude; thence along rhumb line to point at Fifty-two degrees, sixteen minutes, twenty seconds north latitude and Fifty-five degrees, thirty-five minutes west longitude.  

D. Air-space within one nautical mile of domicile or abode of Onkwehonwe shall also be restricted from use by government or private contracted security aircraft of said United States and Canada; 

E. For centuries Onkwehonwe and other aboriginal nations upon the Earth have suffered genocide, near total destruction of our Earth, way of life and the continued war of aggression by colonial invaders under de facto Papal authority, said Holy Roman Empire. Crusading British corporations said United Stats, Canada, Australia, France, England and others continue this genocide in pursuit of commerce and presumed Sovereign Dominion Over the Earth;   

F. In Unity with Algonquin People to stop uranium mining by Frontenac Venture Corporation;

G.In Unity with original People attacked and children taken, by British corporation of Australia;

“H. In Unity with original People upon Earth against Globalization, North American Free Trade Agreement and meeting between puppet leaders of the corporations United States, Canada and Mexico at Chateau Montebello on twentieth day of August;

“I. In response to corporations State of New York, United States Bureau of Indian Affairs and Catskill Development LLC, attempts to interfere with Ancient governmental structure of Kanienkehaka and unauthorized negotiations, to deprive of Ancestral Land;

“J. In remembrance of our past struggles and in unity with continued struggle of all original people upon the Earth at Chiapas, Oaxaca, Wayuu People, Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Kenenhstaton and others against the Vatican’s terrorists;

K. Rotisknrakehte shall exercise and maintain explicit reservation of Right, have Authority to use all force necessary, with necessary means to maintain the Peace and stop the destruction of life on Earth, by this Navigation and Travel Restriction to vessels of any nation or corporation engaging in commerce, commercial intercourse with corporate United States or Canada;

L. Furthermore, Onkwehonwe may take prize of vessel and goods for breaking the Peace by violation of this Restriction;

“M. Rotiskenrakahte ask that the People upon the Earth, take notice of our right to Peace on Earth and unite with us to stop the destruction of Life. Rotiskenrakehte intent is to open eyes of the people of your world, to the War of Genocide pursued against original People upon the Earth;

With Authority under Kaianerehkowa, so be it our Minds.”

Multinational Corporatists returning to the Fatherland!

Multinational Corporatists returning to the “Fatherland”!

As Neil Young points out about Harper and the multinational oil junkies: “I’ve seen the needle and the damage done, a little part of it in everyone. But every junkie’s like a setting sun”. Neil Young. “Needle & the Damage Done”. 

Enbridge Line 9.

“UN Agenda 21”.

Harper’s water law Omnibus Bill Prime Minister Harper’s Water Law Omnibus Bill. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit
















MNN. Dec. 11, 2013. “Nia:wen:kowa”, thanks, unknown sign language interpreter for speaking to us. We got the message!

"And this is what we think of everyone except the corporate class!"

“This is what we think of everyone except the corporatists!”

The Mandela Program of Corporatism is suppose to continue! The protesters’ boos were heard worldwide. Mandiba is not around anymore to help keep the corporate mask on the continuing apartheid. All of the CEOs of the corporate states were in attendance at a huge soccer stadium in Capetown for the big staged send-off. Their masters told them to be there. Canada’s Prime Minister Harper showed up with 4 past crime ministers. The unknown whistleblower waved his arms around with seemingly meaningless gestures right in their smug faces. Behind them was a giant picture of a laughing Nelson Mandela! No, we are not deaf.

Interpreter: "Obama just said that depopulation starts here!!! [Like hell!]"

Interpreter: “Obama just said that world depopulation starts here!!! [Like hell!]”

See video: Mandela Memorial. Fake sign language interpreter.

It was a great corporate function masquerading as a funeral for Mandela, who was a corporate asset. This gathering is supposed to be the New World Order implementing UN Agenda 21 laws in their respective corporate entities. It is the UN led totalitarian state where people are stripped of personal rights and freedoms.    Agenda 21 – UN run NWO. 

"Thanks for warning us about the Agenda 21 depopulation program".

The masses: “Hey, Interpreter Buddy, thanks for warning us about Agenda 21 depopulation. We kind of guessed!”

We Indigenous people everywhere got the message loud and clear. As Johnny Cash points out in his song: “And there are drums beyond the mountain/Indian drums that you can’t hear/There are drums beyond the mountain/and they’re getting mighty near/” Drums.Johnny Cash. “Drums”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L







MNN.  28 Dec. 2012.  Prime Minister “Pudge” Harper faces the final dissolution of the corporation of Canada. He and his cabinet signed C-45 into law.  It’s an unconstitutional illegal corporate by-law to enhance UN Agenda 21 to set up a one world government.  To do this Canada has to take over all our land and resources through a hostile corporate take over.  UN Agenda 21 is forcing changes to our lives worldwide.  Harper has consulted mostly CEOs of banks, foreign oil companies and dictators. 

Canada is trying to control and threaten us, reduce protection of our communities and millions of our lakes and rivers.  Our communities can be leased through scam votes. The government can call a meeting of their band council and a few followers to vote to absolutely surrender our land.  This vote will be deemed to have been assented to by the entire community, even though the community was never consulted.  

All parks and selected lands will be UN protectorates.  The Niagara Escarpment is a world biosphere protectorate ceded to the UN.agenda21

Agenda 21 has laid out a depopulation plan called “sustainable development”, controlled by the UN and a one world government run by a small group of bankers.    

Sustainable human settlement development means they will go into poor Indigenous areas to take our resources to the elite in rich countries. We will be moved to densely populated areas to make our lands available. Our lands will become “wild lands’ where we will not be allowed to live or even traverse.  That is why our communities like Attawapiskat are not being developed. Band councils, special law enforcement and consensus structures are being designed to implement this fiendish scheme in our communities. 

The fire inside the Indigenous people, past, present and future, cannot be extinguished. We are facing Harper’s war machines that are mounting what he thinks is the ‘final solution’.  He is trying to take our rights, lives and possessions. Harper, you can keep your corporate artificial band councils and their followers.  The rest of us, you are going to answer directly to us!  

Their desperate corporate pyramid is coming apart.  They cannot save themselves by larceny, lying, attacking and threatening.  Their guns are turning on themselves.  Individualism is being replaced by collectivism, lies by truth, war by peace. 

We Kanionkehaka saw the conflict in 1990 and learned the lessons of war.  We stood up on the Guswentha [Two Row Wampum] and the Kaianerekowa [Great Law of Peace].  

We were never ashamed to resist when they tried coming into our homes with guns.  We didn’t stand there and turn the other cheek.  We did not run from the conflicts.  We ran to it, like to Kanehsatake when the Quebec police opened fire on the Mohawks. Our brothers and sisters came from everywhere to help us.  

Theresa Spence of Attawapiskat could die from hunger.  We must run to her, not away from her.  When we burn tobacco we embark on a journey, to practice, uphold and enforce the great law, the true order of the natural world. apocalypto2-2

You hit us in the face.  We are running to the conflict as we are directed by the law of the land.  You better remember our faces and those who could not be here or are now gone.  We will proudly defend our Mother Earth. 

Harper, you better watch out! ACDC sang:  “Kicked in the teeth again.  Sometimes you lose.  Sometimes you win.  Kicked in the teeth again.  Ain’t this misery ever gonna end.  And I’ve been kicked in the teeth, kicked in the teeth, kicked in the teeth again”.  Harper, it’s a losing battle.  Make sure your dental plan is paid up.  

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0