MNN. OCT. 30, 2013.

Haunted House of Parliament logo, the corporate arena of the fight to the death over stealing Indigenous funds and possessions.
We wish the Corporation of Canada players a revealing halloween.
![Senator "You-[Indian]-are-a-failed-experiment" Lebreton, Prime Minister "I-only-pass-on-orders" Harper & their 'failed "bag-man" fixer' Nigel Wright!](
Senator Marjory “You-[Indians]-are-a-failed-experiment” Lebreton, Prime Minister “I-only-pass-on-the-orders” Harper & their ‘failed “bag-man” fixer’ Nigel Wright!
We, the true natural people of Onowaregeh/Great Turtle Island, are not being fooled. We are watching and understand what these greedy bitchy fools on the hill are doing: Paul McCartney “Fool on the Hill”. MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L