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MNN. Sept. 26, 2016. The Syracuse court has not been friendly to us. Judge Frederick J. Scullin [bones] decided to speed up the trial by violating the individual rights of the pro se plaintiffs. He forced them to choose one spokesperson, violating the rights of the other Onondaga 15 plaintiffs/victims. They can’t cross-examine the NYS Police defendants. This an unprecedent 20 year case. The court matrix is bizarre. american-cops

Scullin started to limit the questions . Then he began asking the questions himself, often answering them himself.

'Judging by those smoke signals, they know we're here and they're not afraid of us!'

When the questions are in the plaintiff’s favor, Scullin interrupts. Rules are changed from one moment to the next. Then he demanded a list of questions be submitted to him for approval, repeatedly saying, “If you don’t like my ruling, you can appeal”.

NYS Trooper: "For trespassing on your land doing a ceremony & having a picnic".

NYS Trooper: “For trespassing on your land doing a ceremony & having a picnic”.

Then Scullin threw out almost all the questions without looking at them. The evidence is almost nothing. He does not want the jury to see videos of the horrific beating and false arrest for trespassing on private land on May 18, 1997. He won’t let the jury go out to see the Jones land to view the fog line, billboards, wood pallets, Route I-81, the house and site of the ceremonial fire.

When we object and ask for explanation, he says he doesn’t have to explain. The DA is granted most objections. We are seeing the panorama of the destructive power of the Indian Ring.

One plaintiff had enough. He stood up and demanded justice from Scullin and said he wanted to be dismissed from the case so he could start an appeal. He was thrown out of the courtroom for the rest of the day. Scullin’s voice broke, sounding much like he wanted to cry and then he ran out of the courtroom.

This case belongs in the International Criminal Court where we might get a fair trial. thahoketoteh.

Don Fogerty sings about the elite Americans where judge Scullin {Bones] comes from: Some folks are born made to wave the flag. Ooh, that red, white and blue. When the band plays ‘Hail to the Chief”, Ooh, they point the cannon at you. It ain’t me, It ain’t me. I ain’t no senator’s son. It ain’t me. it ain’t me, I ain’t no fortunate one…. some folks inherit star spangled eyes. Ooh, they send you down to war. And when you ask them ‘How much should we give?”, they only answer “More, more, more”.  


MNN Mohawk Nation News .for more news, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

PERSONS CONCERNED ABOUT JUSTICE FOR THE “ONONDAGA 15” CAN HELP. Call these parties and ask them for their position: District Court Fax 315-234-8501, Angela C.; Brittany E. Aungier; Carol L. Rhinehart; Devin M. Cain; Elkan Abramowitz; Gabriel M. Nugent 315-425-2836 Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi; Jodi M. Peikin; Robert J. Anello; Terrance J. Hoffman 315-471-4107; Timothy P. Mulvey 315-448-4800 Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Fax 1-315-234-8501. Ask Syracuse Post Standard to cover this rial 315-470-0011., New York Times 

Scullin has disallowed this evidence so the  jury cannot make an informed decision.










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MNN. SEPT. 19, 2016. Prayer is like a fart under the blanket. When disaster hits, people ask for prayers. Why? We acknowledge creation in our own way to ourselves. Our constitution doesn’t mention it. You can smell a fart. After a while you don’t even smell it anymore. It goes from your behind to your nose. Only the farter and their partner smell it and get the benefit, if any.americans-pray-1024x680

It’s time to get out from under the blanket where we’ve been for 500 years. Prayers never saved us. We’ve been smelling our own fart over and over again. We need to smell the fresh air as nature intended.

The ship came here and brought a load of pacification/prayers.

The ship came here and brought a load of pacification/prayers.

An old elder said that when he was a young man he was a warrior man of action. It wasn’t prayer that brought success when he needed a clear mind, clean nostrils and good reflexes.

The biggest s.b.d. [silent but deadly] farter in the world is the Pope whose fart doesn’t penetrate the atmosphere because he hides it under his heavy skirt. Don’t stand too close to him because spontaneous internal combustion might kill us all!

The trial of the Onondaga 15 in Syracuse smells like the worst silent but deadly, moldy, fart. [@ 100 South Clinton]

He wanted us to pray while he kept on farting He wanted us to pray while he kept on farting.

He wanted us to pray while he farted. 

Maybe we should have a world fart day for peace where everyone participates and feels better. Would it help? Prayers never did. We have to try something new. In the meantime we need fresh air to think and find solutions. We should be talking about world peace, not prayer. tekanaratatis

As Frank Zappa teaches about shysterism: “The mystery man came over and said, ‘I’m outta sight’. He said for a nominal service charge I could reach Nirvana tonight. Well, I was ready, willing and able to pay him his regular fee. He said he would drop all his present affairs and devote his attention to me. And he said, ‘Look here, brother, who you jiving with that cosmik debris?” on 20 year old lawsuit against NYS Police.

Salvatore Volvo Internal Report of 1997 Beating Hidden.

Censored News


MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

PERSONS CONCERNED ABOUT JUSTICE FOR THE “ONONDAGA 15” CAN HELP. Call these parties and ask them for their position: District Court Fax 315-234-8501, Angela C.; Brittany E. Aungier; Carol L. Rhinehart; Devin M. Cain; Elkan Abramowitz; Gabriel M. Nugent 315-425-2836 Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi; Jodi M. Peikin; Robert J. Anello; Terrance J. Hoffman 315-471-4107; Timothy P. Mulvey 315-448-4800 Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Fax 1-315-234-8501. Ask Syracuse Post Standard to cover this rial 315-470-0011., New York Times 




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MNN. 17 Sept. 2016. BEFORE THE TRIAL STARTS:  After an uprecedented 20 year delay in seeking justice for crimes committed against us, we now have to deal with a judge who is protecting his cops to cheat us out of justice. , Judge Frederick ‘Freddie’ Scullin of NY District Court:

1] Without explanation throws out evidence that supports the victims and makes cops look bad. p8

2] Makes victims identify cop assailants who were masked and covered their badges.

3] Limits victims to 5 minute statements to describe the horrific attack and beating by the cops.

NYS Troopers: "Yep, we got them all - men, women, children and babies!"

NYS Troopers: “Yep, we got them all – men, women, children and babies!”


4] Sends witnesses out of state until the trial is over. Protects local cops. Uses fake witnesses on a motion. Drops 4 cops from the case in 2005 without telling us. can-8-23-1

5] Helps lawyers Terrance “It’s-all-about-money-not-humanity” Hoffman, Gonzo, Pagan and the rest to drop pro se plaintiffs who want the truth to be revealed.

6] Piles pounds of legalese papers on victims who are representing themselves they can’t possibly understand.

7] Delays civil case against the cops for almost 20 years so the statute of limitations runs out and the cops can’t be charged for their criminality.

8] Only he can question the jury’s bias.

9] Restricts opening victim’s statements to 5 minutes to prove their case!

10] Makes sure that the jurors will not see the video of the beating that this trial is based upon.

These are his orders to us prior to the trial! Judge Scullin shows prejudice, bias and complicity. He should be removed. We can never get a fair trial in the Admiralty court system. We expect more judicial dirty tricks. The trial starts on September 20 at 100 South Clinton Street in Syracuse. Come and stand with us.

Wow! Stereotype gag.

We imagine Judge Scullin singing Frank Zappa’s song to his Mohawk princess wife: “Honey, honey, hey. Don’t you want a man like me? She was the lonely sort. Just a little short. Her jokes were dumb. And her favorite sport was hockey in the winter … He took her home to a motor court. She did not kiss him. He tried to ignore it. But it made him so angry he could have killed that lousy BITCH. And she slammed the door in a petulant frenzy… A petulant frenzy. This is a petulant frenzy. I am petulant and I am having a frenzy”. [Honey, don’t you want a man like me?]

MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

PRSONS CONCERNED ABOUT JUSTICE FOR THE “ONONDAGA 16” CAN HELP. Call these parties and ask them for their position: District Court Fax 315-234-8501, Angela C.; Brittany E. Aungier; Carol L. Rhinehart; Devin M. Cain; Elkan Abramowitz; Gabriel M. Nugent 315-425-2836 Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi; Jodi M. Peikin; Robert J. Anello; Terrance J. Hoffman 315-471-4107; Timothy P. Mulvey 315-448-4800 Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Fax 1-315-234-8501. Ask Syracuse Post Standard to cover this rial 315-470-0011., New York Times trump tramples onkwe’hon:weh.

The matrix is trying to exonerate the NYS Troopers from the crime they committed:
Kahnawake at Standing Rock.

Kahnawake at Standing Rock.




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MNN. 15, 2016. In Syracuse court, Room 6, 12th floor, Judge Frederick Scullin made the 16 plaintiff self-lawyers [pro se] sit like good soldiers in neat rows, with name cards in front of us! We got a list of dos and don’ts like when to stand, sit or go to the toilet. He named Ryan Poplawski 315-565-4500 as our federal procedures advisor.

Get in your seats and stay there.

“Get in your seats and stay there”.


The four death squad troopers who beat plaintiff Robert Bucktooth almost to a pulp were dropped from the case in 2005 by some tricky secret procedure. The lawyers and the state never consulted us.

What's her clan?

What’s her clan?

The judge could not pronounce our names. Then he suddenly revealed that his wife is a Mohawk INDIAN princess. He could not recall her royal lineage even after living with her for 50 years.

Most documents we filed were irrelevant. The matrix is trying to exonerate them of any crime they committed. We think it’s a coverup.

Is the kaia’nere:kowa terrifying the NYS judicial system? Scullin [Bones] is picking the jury by questioning the candidates. It will be a 4 week trial, 4 days a week.

He picked as sole evidence a lame video that shows the deadly troopers standing around enjoying the nice day doing nothing. He rejected the one that showed the same I-81 INDIAN Detail beating us mercilessly with wooden batons. He doesn’t want the jury to see any of the real evidence of the state police beating down on the men, women and children. This video is part of the disclosures sent to us from our former lawyers.

'Stop Police Brutality!'

‘Stop Police Brutality!’

Ollie Gibson, on behalf of the Onondaga tribal chiefs Inc., helped make up the “hit list” for the I-81 paramilitary force. We got a worse beating than Rodney King.

Our ambulance chasing scummies, Terrance “Take-this-settlement-and-shut-up” Hoffman, Gonzo, Pagan and the others deliberately mislead us by delaying the civil action until the time the statute of limitations expired for the criminal charges. Under the kaia’nere:kowa there is no statute of limitation for crimes against t he people.

We could not see the faces of the masked goons without their name badges while we were fighting for our lives.

A question was raised about a person who was not there on May 18, 1997 whose testimony is being used to drop the charges against Trooper Jos. Smith.

"We have to stay out of town for a month".

Blythe: “We have to stay out of town for a month”.

Main defendants are NYS troopers James Parmley, George Beach, Jos. Smith and Dennis J. Blythe. Blythe will not testify as he escaped jurisdiction by going on a safari somewhere out of state where he gets his pension. He was the investigator of the Bureau of Criminal Investigation that spent 12 years with the Onondaga chiefs planning the break up of the Iroquois Confederacy.

NYS Asst. Attorney General Timothy “Jack-Rabbit” Mulvey, kept jumping up and down like he needed to pee. He wanted to dump a few more pounds of papers and binders on us.

Scullin said continuously, “You may disagree with my decision but that’s my decision. If you don’t like it, appeal it!” He’s suppressing justice by blocking the truth. He said the phoney settlement they made with the other 72 plaintiffs is irrelevant to our case! This should be provided to us as part of full disclosure.

You onkwe'hon:weh say what we don't want to hear.

Scullin: “You onkwe’hon:weh are always saying what we don’t want to hear”.

We can only make a 5-minute opening statement after about 20 years of injustice and violence by New York State.

We lived through this horrific attack and continue the struggle for our children. Come and watch the circus “No Fair Trial Here” of judicial clowns performing at 100 South Clinton in Syracuse on September 20.Come one. Come all!

Roger Miller sings about judge anxiety: “Well, dang me, dang me. They oughta take a rope and hang me High from the highest tree. Woman, would you weep for me?

MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

23 standing rock defenders jailed.

Standing Rock. This is for real, folks!

media banned from standing rock.

Any concerned person should call these these parties and ask them what their position is: District Court Fax 315-234-8501, Angela C.; Brittany E. Aungier; Carol L. Rhinehart; Devin M. Cain; Elkan Abramowitz; Gabriel M. Nugent 315-425-2836 Fax 1-315-425-2836; Joanna Gozzi; Jodi M. Peikin; Robert J. Anello; Terrance J. Hoffman 315-471-4107; Timothy P. Mulvey 315-448-4800 Fax 1-315-448-4800; Judge Scullon’s assistant Nicole Eallonardo Fax 1-315-234-8501. Ask Syracuse Post Standard to cover this rial 315-470-0011. New York Times