MNN. April 28, 2008. These colonists are floating over us trying to land, like a ship from outer space. They hover trying to gobble us out of existence. This is about a vast tract of Haudenosaunee land in eastern Ontario.How do we know there were any Indigenous people here? Archaeologists have found evidence of longhouses and burial mounds. Guess what? “No’gonquins” [Algonquins] did not build longhouses or burial mounds. The evidence shows that the pre-historic people who lived here were Iroquois, just like the people who live here today. That’s why Ottawa and Ontario are trying to take control of the burial sites so that no one can see the evidence that proves they’re Haudenosaunee/Iroquois.Ron “Boner” Williamson, the archaeologist hired by Ontario [Archaeological Services Inc.] states that “All “Archaic peoples are forerunners of the Algonquin people”. Is this a joke! Is he saying that all pre-historic people eventually turn into Algonquins? The colonial governments, corporate investors, mining companies, developers, bankers, military, academics, archaeologists, historians, churches and fake “Indian” communities want our resources. So they’ve set up a huge “twisted history” scam. All the history and maps of the area have been altered.

Whole communities of fake Algonquins have been created. Some of the prominent “No’gonquins” are: Doreen Davis, Robert Lovelace, Harold Perry, Paula Sherman and Randy Cota. [List of phony communities available].

Ron “We-have-a-bone-to-pick-with-him” Williamson says that the Algonquins, “occupied the whole area of Ontario”. This lie fades against the facts. The “Archaic People” were divided into two groups, the “Shield Archaic” who are the forerunners of the true Algonquin people and the “Laurentian Archaic” who are the forerunners of the Iroquois.

They know that the Haudenosaunee would never give up anything to anybody. We’ve been designated by the natural world to take care of this part of Mother Earth. To push the fake history Mother Joan Holmes has been brought on board. She creates Algonquins and “Metis” from non-native European stock with the stroke of a quill.

Chris “From-the-Germanic-Tribe” Nahrgang has become chief of the newly formed “Kawathra Anishnawbek First Nation, “wannabes” who have become “Sons-of-bees”. They were hatched by Joan “Queen Bee” Holmes. She is the Indian Affairs hired paper “Indian” maker. She imagines herself to be a historian and genealogist. She is neither. She concocts false versions of our history by twisting the interpretations of church records and not by scientific scrutiny.

Joan Ho’lmes is the “registrar” and “membership clerk” who helps band elections go the Indian Affairs way. In the 2005 Kanehsatake Mohawk election she put hundreds of non-native people on the rolls so the results could be in favor of the Indian Affairs nominees. Holmes has a list of signed-up 2,500 wannabe “Algonquins” who are purportedly the same ones listed for each of the 9 newly-created virtual Algonquin communities. Overlap!

The “Shield Archaic” inhabited the Canadian Shield, which is mostly rock with very little topsoil. They were mainly hunters, fishers and gatherers. The climate and rocks did not allow them to bury their dead. They cremated them and left no trace.

The true Algonquins are north of the Ottawa River. They support our struggle to bring out the truth. These Algonquins were part of the 1701 Great Peace of Montreal. Ron Williamson with Ministry of Natural Resources maps greatly reduced their land base. This map fantasizes No’gonquin territory as being south of the Ottawa, which, as we all know, is Haudenosaunee territory.

The Hurons, who are Iroquois, gave the Confederacy the rights over their land. But they never left. There are quite a few at Six Nations who have married into the Cayuga Nation.

The “Laurentian Archaic” are the “Alleghans” who are the ancestors of the Iroquois. They are much older than the Shield Archaic. They live south of the Canadian Shield. The climate and topography allowed us to develop agriculture. Corn was introduced to us from the south and was adapted to the northern climate. This stabilized our communities. We buried people in the ground in ceremonial mounds. These Iroquoian burial mounds exist on our territories, including Eastern Ontario.

The Kaianereh’ko:wa-Great Law territory is the eastern half of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island.

The Laurentian Archaics came about 11,000 years ago. Before that the “Palaeo”, “Folsom” and “Clovis” were in the area, who are also our ancestors. [Alan D. McMillan, Native Peoples and Cultures of Canada . 1995, p. 61]

The Algonquins were in the plains area in the Lake of the Woods, which is where Ontario and Manitoba come together. Their ancestors are a later group of Palaeo, the “Plano Palaeo”.

Then about 3000 B.C. there was a climate change that forced the Shield Archaic to migrate south to the head waters of the Mississippi. They followed it down to where the Missouri drains into the Mississippi and then went on to the northwest into Montana where they stayed there for a while. Then they followed the Missouri back down to the Mississippi. At that point they wanted to cross east over to the other side of the river. They knew there was a race of people there who were giants, the ancient mound builders, the Alleghans, who are Iroquois.

We gave permission for them to cross. After they started crossing, we noticed there were more than we had bargained for. Our people started to become fearful of being overtaken. A fight started lasting for 100 years.

“Bone-Head” Williamson is making the false claim that the “Serpent Mounds” and “ Petroglyf Park ” near Peterborough are Ojibway. These petroglyfs are similar to those found at Safe Harbor in Pennsylvania at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. An archaeologist found that the people that lived nearby and some of the symbols might relate to the Lenape who are Algonquin. The area is in fact the ancestral homeland of the Susquehannock in origin, who are Iroquois. [Donald A. Cadzo (1934) Petroglyfs in Susquehanna River near Safe Harbor Pennsylvania. 2001]

“White-Bone” Williamson invents Algonquin land as being from the southern tip of Georgian Bay to the farthest eastern convergence point of the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers. This is where the Kanehsatake Mohawk community is located. There is presently a 250 sq. mi. claim to this Mohawk land being made by squatters, Canada and the Sulpician Order.

The oldest treaty in Canada is the 1701 Great Peace of Montreal which covers the Nan-Fan Treaty area. [Map attached]

The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources uses the Ontario Archaelogical Society to promote its fake maps of the reconfigured treaty areas from Haudenosaunee to bogus Algonquin lands. For example, they’ve taken the NanFan Treaty area and cut it down to less than one-third of the original mass.

The Nanfan area is 1200 miles by 2400 miles stretching past Lake Michigan all the way to the east coast of Turtle Island, south to Florida and north to Hudson’s Bay. This 1701 treaty with the British was meant to protect us from encroachment by the invaders. The French were out to destroy, kill and rob us. Most of our villages and people were annihilated or we were enslaved. This was followed in August 1701 by the Great Peace of Montreal to regulate peaceful trade and commerce with the French and their native allies, the Hurons and Algonquins.

The Williams Treaty area of 1923 covers south central Ontario, which is also being officially designated by Ontario as Algonquin land. All of this is remains Haudenosaunee Territory.

In 1701 the Confederacy took over trusteeship of Huron lands because they broke the Great Peace. Huron land is north of Kincardin Ontario, north of Hawkesbury Ontario to Mattawa on the Ottawa River by Parry Sound. This is now designated as Algonquin land for the fraudulent land claims settlement. The Neutrals, who were Iroquoian, also gave stewardship of their original homeland over to the Six Nations. It was from Kincardon Ontario to Hawkesbury Ontario to south of Lake Erie.

Ontario is creating fake maps of fake treaty areas and trying to give the land over to the fake Algonquins. They are really settlers who have signed up to be “no-gonquins” and a few who may feel they have some native ancestry.

The fake Algonquins cannot lay claim to a huge land mass they never inhabited. The original Algonquins came to our villages during the winters and left in the spring. In the past this hospitality was known as the “bowl and spoon” relationship where we take care of each other.

Anyone who disputes these facts is threatened. At the May 10, 2008 archaeological conference at Trent University in Peterborough Ontario, the seat of misinformation, William “Dried-up-old-bone” Woodworth of Michigan emailed a questioner who had been sent there by the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. He had asked about their lack of consultation with the true Indigenous people and their false maps on the burial mounds. This expert told the Indigenous attendee, “You have no inherent “right” given your own ancestry and education, both native and non-native… I know enough about you to discredit you very quickly.”

The Jesuits tried to say we conquered the Hurons and Eries and annihilated them. We did not wipe ourselves out! For 400 years the Jesuits have tried to hide their genocidal tactics. Only people like Joan Holmes can look at their records. They were Catholic mercenaries and missionaries on the side of the French. They brought in troops to slaughter us, to bring diseases, alcohol, education and religion to break us down and reduce our population to less than 10%. There was no “conquest” and no “acquired rights”! We need to fight these “boogie men”. The Mississaugas are now trying to pass themselves off as “Neutrals”. We think they should call themselves the “Biased”!

Hey, church and state, the world is not flat! This program of lies is well planned and has been going on for a long time. The unethical conduct of these operatives must be investigated. Charges for criminal fraud should be laid against them.

Kahentinetha Horn, MNN Mohawk Nation News


(1). Joan Holmes & Ron Williamson testified at Ipperwash Enquiry on OPP murder of Dudley George

(2). Joan Holmes & Robert Lovelace [the fake Algonquin]

(3). Robert Lovelace & Chris Reid [the “class action” pro bono ambulance chaser]

(4). Robert Lovelace, Chris Reid, & Kris Nahrgang [the newly created Algonquin chief]

(5). Chris Reid & Joan Holmes [who set up the fraud]

(6). Chris Reid & Kris Narhgang [who pat each other on the back]

(7). Kris Nahrgang, Ron Williamson & William “Bill” Woodworth [who promote lies about Iroquois burial mounds]

(8). David Donelly, Heather Bastien, Luc Laine, Kris Nahrgang, Barb Harris, Cecil Sault [who are on Ron Williamson’s First Nations Founding Circle that promotes MNR fake maps and fraudulent land claims]

(9). Ron Williamson & David Donelly [who phonies that create anything fake]

(10). David Donnelly & Chris Reid [this ambulance chaser pops up everywhere]

(11). Joan Holmes & Mike “Jesuit” Swinwood [the Jesuit connection]

(12). Dr. Thomas H.B. Symonds [another Jesuit connection] From activities of M. Ricci SJ in 1584 to other Jesuits until 1721, …… 1576-1578 edited by Thomas H.B. Symons with the assistance of Stephen Alsford

(13). Joan Holmes & David Donnelly [everybody knows Mother Joan]

(14). Heather Bastien, David Donnelly, Kris Narhgang, Luc Laine, Ron Williamson [the awesome cesspool foursome}
Joan Vastokas contact info: VASTOKAS, Joan (Prof. Emeritus)
Romas Vastokas contact info: VASTOKAS, Ron (Prof. Emeritus)

Ron Williamson, Archaeological Services Inc., MAILING ADDRESS: 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2P9 PHONE NUMBER: (416) 966-1069
Fax: (416) 966-9723

Kris Narhgang RR # 4 Burleigh Falls, On. K0L 2H0 (705)654- 4661

William ” Bill” Woodworth Toronto, On. (416)504-7753

Luc Laine 1360 Rue Des Charmes Laval, Qc. H7P 3R7 (450) 963-9208

David Donnelly 416.703.1100 x 250 The Flatiron Building, 49 Wellington Street East, Toronto, Canada M5E 1C9

Heather Bastien 535 Chief Thomas Martin Wendake, QC.
G0A 4V0 (418) 843-5366

David Sanford aka “Grey Eagle” (416) 850-2489

Susan Jamieson University of Trent Anthropology Office: OC 130 Lab: OC 127
Telephone: (705) 748-1011 x.7627

Barb Harris
(905) 765-8512 1695 Chiefswood Rd. Ohsweken, On. N0A 1M0 (519) 445-2201
(519) 445-4208 fax

Jason J. Annibale LL.B., B.A.H. Associate Phone: +1 416 863 4795 Email: 1 First Canadian Place 39th Floor 100 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5X 1B2 Tel.: +1 416 863 4511 Fax: +1 416 863 4592

Joan Holmes & Associates 7 Hinton Ave. North, Suite 200 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Y 4P1 Phone: (613) 722-7675 Fax: (613) 722-0787

Petroglyphs in the Susquehanna River near Safe Harbor, Pennsylvania
(Mounds in Ontario)
(Lenape Migration) (Lenape, Mengwe & Allegewi)
=HPf0cLXiQAwF&icp=1&.intl=ca (Susquehannock)

Posted: May 15th, 6:20 pm EDT. Click on News & see category “Sharbot Lake”

poster: katenies



Algonquin ‘Nohawks’ get ready to be taken over

MNN. April 5, 2008. This is a “hypothetical hypothesis” or theory of what could happen to us Indigenous people if we are not vigilante. Let’s call her Chief Doreen “Whalebone” Davis, was recently created into a paper Algonquin by Mother Joan Holmes. We hear that soon Indian Affairs and Ontario are going to set up a “reserve” for the newly created virtual Algonquin “Nohawks”.

In October 2007 Whalebone had already minted her own currency known as “Doreen Dollars”which she claims is at par with the Canadian dollar. As far as we know, she’s not native. We real Ongwehonwe have our own lawful trade and commerce customs for dealing with the colonists. Her money can only be used at participating merchants of her choosing in the shopping mall she’s thinking of building up at Sharbot Lake. Doreen announced that she is going to try and set up these bogus banks in other Indigenous communities.

What is “Doreenged” using to back up her “Doreen Dollars”? It is only worth pennies. She appears to be making our Haudenosaunee Territory as her own “reserve” and using it as collateral. It could be development of the area as a tourist site with casinos, which is one of the biggest fronts for money laundering, we hear.

In November 2007 the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada issued a warning, No. 79, regarding the Anishinabewampum Bank, “They are not an authorized federally regulated institution”. They ordered this fraudulent entity to cease and desist from holding itself out as a bank. 1-888-495-8501

Yet Mother Joan Holmes who fraudulently creates “Indians”, ambulance chaser, Robert Plots, and the rest are still “churning the butter”, as they say. This whole scam needs to be criminally investigated, charges laid and people sent to jail. Today, the “Anishinabewampum Bank” website came down before we even had a chance to write about it. Lol! [But we have a copy of it.] Just like Coreshellgroup” [J. Patrick Howe] suddenly stopped its internet bragging, all their affiliate cohort websites came down within a day of the MNN story. Hmmm!

How can a “desolate front” be set up to transfer large amounts of money without being monitored? Through a shell game, of course! We found some of the peas! We believe that the U.S., Canada and other shady agencies and individuals always need a way to send their dirty dollars or money laundering somewhere else.

This is “dirty ops”. These corporate cons could have come up with an idea like setting up “Indian” banks to give a few dollars to the “Indians” and then send the rest somewhere else.

Doreenged has set up the Anishinabewampum Bank with an office at 110 Railway St., Kingston Ontario K7K 2L9 T613-541-1703 It is a small two storey brick building with one-way looking glass windows like in a cop shop. There was nothing in the rooms except a few desks and chairs and some old men roaming around like refugees from the nearby Milhaven Maximum Security Penitentiary with nothing to do, or waiting for the big “pay-day”. Some of the names are Doug Raymond, Ext. 227; Al Baldwin Ext. 226; Patricia Raymond Ext. 222; Greg Raymond Ext. 228; David Baldwin Ext 553; Cindy Mills Ext. 554; Shawn Raymond Ext. 550. There are others like “John” who did not want to give his last name; and “Brenda”in the office. Both Doreenged and John described their operation as a “clearinghouse”!!

When anyone phones them, a machine answers and asks for a message or instructs you to dial an extension. Anishinabewampum Bank shares the same address and phone number as the “National Savings Club”, which is a “private” buyer’s club. They said they are not looking for new members and they will always “protect” their members!!! [websites ]

An innocent investor went to Kingston on Friday, April 4th, to open up a bank account with Anishinabewampum Bank. They were asked for a minimum $6,000 deposit that was supposed to be used in an “off-shore” system in New Zealand. They later denied saying this and said, “It was just a misunderstanding!” This perplexed the investor. We think they saw him as a “Tonto with a JR complex” and decided to shake him off quick. In 20 minutes Tonto got surrounded and was “cautioned” to leave.

New Zealand has tax free “special purpose companies”, asset protection trusts, off shore companies, off shore corporations and banking. In other words, New Zealand is an off shore haven “for the rich”. This could be the “Algonquin trust” or “mistrust” that Robert Plots of Blaney McMurtry of Toronto may have set up with Doreenged Davis. We hear that Mother Joan Holmes is now trying to pass her off as a “Metis”!!! Doreenged looks more like a “Maytag” [money cleaner] than a “Metis”.

These Joan Ho memberships expire in 5 or so years! Virtual Algonquin Nohawks could sign away our Haudenosaunee land, make joint ventures with the mining and casino companies and set themselves up. Then their “Indian” or “Metis” cover expires, “We can make money and then disappear because we’re not Indian or Metis anymore! Whoopeee!”

The trust and its beneficiaries are non-taxable except on income made in New Zealand. They make money by avoiding taxes. That’s why all these “Metis” have a “Maytag” [money laundering] complex. Indian Affairs put $405,000 of seed money into setting up the “Algonquin Trust” which is really a “club”. The recent Supreme Court of British Columbia decision of Madam Justice Ann MacKenzie is that “clubs” are legal but “gangs” are not. [#522 Mar. 27/08]

To a lot of people it looks like a money laundering operation is in the making. The head of the club is probably the Queen who thinks she owns all our land and can appropriate our resources if she wants to. She then converts it into money and puts it into another commonwealth country.

As we see it, if someone was washing dirty money, they could funnel funds through something like Anishinabewampum Bank. An address of a main office is needed. Involved could be drugs, arms, prostitution or corporatized black ops like “Blackwater Inc.”, etc. Whoever they are don’t want people snooping around. Could organized crime benefit from this phony Haudenosaunee land claim? They might even think of going forward with legal gambling operations on our land.

As we have heard non-native business people say, “It’s always good to have an Indian friend to run an illegitimate business underneath them”, so they can use our sovereignty to their advantage and avoid taxes. If you don’t have a best Indian friend, you can create one”. In the end it is seen as an “Indian” organized crime.

Greed and larceny are not part of our traditional culture. Colonists see the loop holes and abuse them. It’s the fake Mother Joan Ho “Indians” who get blamed for criminality which then reflects unfavorably on the rest of us. Let’s not forget the “ Vichy ” Indian collaborators who work hand in glove with these fraudsters. As we have seen, it’s set up so we stay poor, they take everything we have and get off scott free! People like Joan Ho have experience in creating Indians in hot spots for Indian Affairs, like Kanehsatake to control the election results and Lubicon Lake to get around resistance to a land claim.

The threat of uranium mining exploration and drilling could be a diversionary controversy. To “legalize” land theft under NAFTA, the corporation sets up a board of directors and then sets up the business with the government. This agreement stands forever. It’s a typical magician’s sleight of hand. That’s when the gangster element and all their hit men become apparent.

It’s possible that Indian Affairs and the rest of the “bottom feeders” may be getting paid under the table. They help set up something that looks legal, run the money through bogus banks and bogus bank accounts and quietly line their pockets. We’ve had our fill of their Grand Chief Phil “Many Fortunes” of AFN who helps them sign away everything we have!

We are fighting big beasts. The greedy and rapacious golden serpent and the silver serpent are going to devour everything in their path and each other. In the end they will be devoured by the red serpent from the north who, like us, has the same ancient principles underlying their philosophies. We’d do well to put our wampum in the Bank of Hong Kong and not in Doreen’s purse!

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

Click on “News” and see “Sharbot Lake”

poster: katenies



15.04.2008 21:30:56


MNN. March 29, 2008. Our Haudenosaunee Territory is now infested with paper “Algonquins” and virtual “Algonquin” communities created by “Mother” Joan “Ho”lmes. She is the darling researcher, registrar, genealogist, membership clerk, judge, jury and would-be executioner of our nationality. She is the “gun for hire” by Canada or anybody that wants to become or create paper mache “Indians”. We understand she receives a large sum of money for each Indian she signs up. If the real Indigenous at Ardoch or Sharbot Lake want an Algonquin identity, according to our ways, they have to live on Algonquin land.

Mother Joan has also been known to write fake history about the Haudenosaunee that Canada uses to try to settle their phony claims to our land. She’s been hired to write the phony history of the Mohawks of Kanehsatake, Kahnawake, Akwesasne, Tyendinaga and Wahta. She even helped convince the ignorant Kanawake band council that our land was given to us by Louis XIV!!!

We are a bigger industry for these gangsters than General Motors! In the syndicates they set up, all the top jobs go to “non-natives” except for the figurehead, like Ellen Gabriel, who gets brought out for photo ops. She does not legally represent us. Only members of her organization vote for her. It’s like saying the head of the women’s auxiliary of the church represents all Canadian women.

Those Algonquin “Nohawks” who don’t follow the party line are called NLA, “No Longer Active”. We are informed that Mother Joan creates “Indians” with a five year expiry date. Is “nationality” like a driver’s permit! It looks sillier and sillier all the time. Right now about 20 people have up-to-date licenses and run the whole show. This gives them access to lots of money. They also have a “chief-in-training” who gets voted in by those few “Nohawks” who have active status. Mother Joan needs 125 virtual Algonquins for each community to be able to “conduct business” called “joint ventures”, which are run by non-native shell companies, like Coreshellgroup.

According to reports of witnesses who were in court, Judge Cunningham issued an order that the “Algonquins” cannot “speak directly or indirectly to anyone who they believe could be or is in contact with the Mohawks”!! How did this guy graduate from law school? They could get six months in jail for violating this order. How do they plan to monitor it? The Sharbot Lake “Nohawks” agreed to this condition. It apparently was requested by Neil Smitherman, the ambulance chaser [lawyer] for the uranium mining companies, Frontenac Ventures Corporation and Platinex, who want to mine in the area. An ambulance chaser for “Ardoch Algonquins”, consented to this decree. How can a court be making orders like this? It seems like they think they can do anything they want, that the law is something they can dictate.

In the meantime, Doreen “Wishbone” Davis, another “Nohawk”, is running a cigarette shop on Silver Lake, with Unity and Confederacy flags flying out front. The non-native girl working there said that the RCMP gave Doreen permission to run her store. The land is leased by a native guy from a non-native. This is not sovereignty.

The colonial perpetrators are panicking to cover-up their fraud and questionable activities. This whole scam needs to be investigated by the RCMP fraud squad and the Auditor General of Canada. They think their Shakspearean tragedy is still running, but it’s over. We’re hanging on to our vegetables that we should be throwing at these corrupt actors.

This order sounds like a prototype of the kind of controls that the colonists will try to put on the “real” Indigenous who stand up to the frauds being committed by the corporations, mining companies and colonial governments and their agencies.

We took over the Thurlow Aggregates Quarry in March 2007, to protest an age old robbery and injustice over the illegal infringement on our land without our informed consent. It is a clear violation of our authority and international law. At first the band council supported us. Then Julian “Who-was-born-in-Italy-and-thinks-he-knows-how-to-run-a-banana-republic-like-Canada” Fantino met with the Tyendinaga band councilors, Donald R. Maracle, Roy Brant, Trevor Lewis, Barry Brant and Blayne Loft. They denounced us and went to other communities and corrupted them against us.

Last April 2007 the Mohawks of Tyendinaga demonstrated on the CN Railway tracks. The trains between Montreal and Toronto were shut down for 20 hours. A Mohawk woman met with the Commissioner of the OPP, Julian Fantino. He asked her to try to get them off the rail line or “he would kill them”. They went through the police lines to speak to the demonstrators. The police pointed their weapons at the men, women and children.

Last July 2007 Randy Cota of the Ardoch “Nohawks” asked our people to go up to help them. Our men felt something was eerie about it. They went up and were alarmed when they saw the Ontario Provincial Police involved at the protest site. Cota forgot to tell our people that he was an OPP officer. It was almost like the Mohawks were being set up for an ambush by the OPP bush-wackers. There were no Indians locally, only the settlers all dressed up in their Ralph Lauren cottage wear. Something did not add up. They decided to get out. Since then these “Nohawks” have treated us with disdain.

Fantino publicly said last June 29, 2007, on the “Day of Protest”, “We want a peaceful day”. Behind the scenes he had lined up APCs, tanks, soldiers and paramilitary. He had everything ready to wipe us out.

CBC’s “The Current” got some handwritten notes by OPP officers on how Commissioner Fantino planned to raid the Mohawk demonstrators on the night of June 28 on Highway 401, Highway 2 and the CN Rail line. Actually, nothing was blocked. As promised the Mohawks removed their peaceful demonstration on June 29th. Shawn Brant turned himself in for “mischief”. The notes described how Fantino brought in the TRU Tactical Rescue Unit, SWAT team, Emergency Response and the Riot Squad along with police choppers and aircraft to watch the Mohawks. Even though nothing was going on, Itchy Fingers Fantino gave the site commander, Carson Pardy, the final call to go in, which they did not.

Mandy Smart of Tyendinaga said she saw the heavily armed OPP gathering in the area. The OPP wanted to use force. When she met with Fantino, he warned her that if the Mohawks did not leave by 6 a.m. on June 29th, there would be an attack. “He did not care if the men, women and children were behind those lines.” CN Rail which runs through disputed Mohawk land, suspended rail traffic between Montreal and Toronto for the day.

Last Monday, March 24th 2008, Shawn Brant went to court. Randy Cota has been trying to help make Shawn out to be the leader at Tyendinaga. On March 18th Cota forwarded a message to Shawn Brant from his OPP colleague, Nathan Leland. Leland had sent a memo to his operatives [JUS] to watch a video on Shawn Brant entitled, “Why has he not been arrested for terrorism?” It came from caledoniawakeupcall, a racist anti-Iroquois site run by one of their operatives, Gary Mchale.

Shawn Brant has been told that if he does not accept a plea deal of 12 years for “blocking” the railroad and the Trans Canada highway, they will put him away for 90 years. [ 416-925-6939]

We’re beginning to think it’s time for us to clean up our communities of these outside influences. It looks like this is what’s happening. We all want a clean peaceful community.

Kahentinetha Horn, MNN Mohawk Nation News

Click on “News” and see category “Sharbot Lake”

poster: katenies




MNN. Nov. 13, 2007. It looks like the many former and current victims and their families were relieved that the atrocities of Thomas Delaronde, Mary Swamp and Laureen Delaronde of Ganienkeh have become public.

Thomas, Mary, Laureen and their ‘plotters’ allege that MNN committed “treason” by writing the facts and posting it in a place where the world can see it. What treason? The Great Law is about freedom of speech. This is suppressed in Ganienkeh. [ HISTORIC “GANIENKEH” – the attempted…. ]

MNN did not encourage a “takeover”. It called upon people to save an important project which should have grown and prospered into a model of Indigenous sovereignty and human rights. Instead it has been turned into a closed isolated cult-like camp of ‘mindless groupies’. Accusing MNN of advocating a “takeover” proves that Ganienkeh has become a private corporate enterprise of three conspirators and their paid worshippers.

Thomas, Mary and Laureen did not tell us why so many people left Ganienkeh. The excuse is that “not everyone could adapt to a life without running water, electricity, modern conveniences and the worries of not knowing what would happen next”. What about those who did adapt? Why did they leave?

Anyone who asked about accountability for projects and behavior were isolated and ignored. The questioners were made to feel unwanted. This neglect eventually filtered down to their children who left to save their children from scorn. These deliberate psychological abuses are violations of the entire philosophy of the Great Law.

In some instances so-called “seers” were consulted to create a type of “witch hunt” against these questioners. One person was singled out as practicing “bad medicine”. Spreading these false stories among their supporters was meant to create hatred and fear of this person. Eventually the grandchildren were infected with the same garbage. The family, relatives and grandchildren then had to leave.

The founders like Karoniaktajeh were adamant about keeping out superstitions such as “witchcraft and sorcery”. They condemned these practices as “mind control” strategies of the church and the government. When the “disciples”, Thomas, Mary and Laureen, were seen “blessing” the water in Ganienkeh, many questioned their “beliefs”.

Other atrocities include denying a young mother with a newborn baby firewood to heat her home in wintertime on direct orders from Thomas; denying access of a parent to see their child or be “shot” trying; belittling young married couples who were having marital problems; and young people succumbing to outside addictions such as drugs and alcohol being ostracized rather than helped, labeling them as “too much trouble”. These are all violations of the Great Law.

The Ganienkeh Indian Project was created so that Indigenous peoples could grow and develop to their fullest. We had to address all the issues that afflict our people. Ganienkeh was not meant to be the private estate of a few privileged “schemers”, Thomas, Mary and Laureen.

Those who stole money and property from Ganienkeh were often welcomed back without much scrutiny. These were often close associates and family members of Thomas, Mary and Laureen. Rather than punishing the guilty, often the friends or relatives of the “thieves” were beaten. Guilty by association!

A non-native professional employed in the community stole what was said to be over $1 million. He had gained the trust of the “social set” [Thomas, Mary and Laureen]. Investigators tracked him to Hawaii where he lives in luxury.

Viable projects were either deliberately failed and neglected or turned down. Agricultural projects that should not only feed but financially help the community fell by the wayside. Beef cattle were allowed to inbreed depleting the herd’s bloodline. Goat farming became a laughing stock. They were left un-milked for up to three days on a number of occasions.

Farming projects were mismanaged by the “clique” [Thomas, Mary and Laureen] who controlled the funding. Workers were expected to be productive using equipment that was obsolete 50 years ago. [Doesn’t this sound like Indian Affairs?] Requests for modern equipment to improve production went unheeded by the “gang of three”.

Other good projects were proposed such as canning, a bakery and a butcher shop. They were all ignored. It was easier to reap the windfall of cash from slots and cigarettes. It was too much trouble to create alternative and self-sufficient ways to carry the community through tough political times like illegal state and federal tax assessments on gas, gaming and cigarettes.

Workers began to neglect their responsibilities. If the “cabal” [Thomas, Mary and Laureen] didn’t seem too concerned about how things ran, then why should they, especially for their low wages and no benefits?

Many came to Ganienkeh from all across Turtle Island with nothing. They hoped to escape the oppression, destitution and despair of “reservation” and city life. Ganienkeh was a ray of hope. No drugs, no alcohol, no foreign laws to deny them their identity! They left behind a “black hole” they dreaded returning to. Consequently they had to tread lightly, fearing expulsion from Ganienkeh by the “junta”. Many grew tired of the rhetoric and seeing only a select few benefiting from everybody’s hard work. They left [of “their own free will”, as the “grand manipulators”, Thomas, Mary and Laureen, often said].

It’s true that a small minority was expelled for violating the Great Law. The vast majority left due to mistreatment, abuse, neglect and atrocities committed against them by these three who fancied themselves as ‘plantation slave owners’.

There were free thinking and knowledgeable people who came to help Ganienkeh, who thought it would benefit all Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island . They wanted to see the fulfillment of Karoniaktajeh’s idea of a national identity on the world stage for all true people to learn from. In the eyes of the “divine rulers”, such far-sighted people posed the biggest threat to their little empire. These “would-be string pullers” had to stop these generous people from helping.

When these “tyrants”, Thomas, Mary and Laureen, could not maneuver the Great Law for their own benefit, they descended to violence! No peace, power and righteousness here! Only blind rage, hate, jealousy, revenge, gossip, greed, threats and laziness! 8,000 to 10,000 people did not give up their voice. They were muted through fear and they had to leave.

Thomas, the leader of the “dictators”, often speaks of the “kawatsire”, family, as the foundation of the Great Law. Many of their own blood relatives want nothing to do with them. Why?

The trustees on the “ Turtle Island Trust” recently released a letter throwing their support behind Thomas Delaronde. They thanked him and his “henchwomen” for what they have done for Ganienkeh. One trustee is a close “personal” friend of Thomas. He refuses to be swayed in his support for this distorted and deformed-minded man. A few years ago when people who had “adapted” to the lack of modern conveniences were being pushed out, they paid a visit to him. They told him of Thomas, Mary and Laureen’s corruption. The trustee told them, “You’re upset now. You’ll get over it”.

In the early 90’s some Onondaga families asked Ganienkeh to help them reacquire land by using the Turtle Island Trust. They refused. It has become the toy of Thomas and his “sidekicks”, Mary and Laureen. No one else need apply.

The Grand Council of the Iroquois Confederacy sanctioned the establishment of Ganienkeh in 1974. The Confederacy has an obligation to see that this project continues its original intent, with the backing and support of the Mohawk people. Thomas and his “groupies” have stated that they will not recognize the Confederacy. Says the forked-tongued self-admirer, “There are no longer any true Onkwehonweh left. They all follow the Indian Act or federal Indian law”. This is not true!

Thomas, Mary and Laureen closed down the school. Almost $1 million worth of books, materials and manuscripts were destroyed or burned. Text books were sold for 25 cents each. They felt there was no need to educate the children on world history and current events. Just like some famous book burners in the past, their actions are not original. It’s popped into the minds of so many tyrants throughout history all around the world.

Ganienkeh is only 33 years old, still in its infancy stage. It’s prone to mistakes like any child. The other 8 Mohawk communities are “elders” by comparison. The Confederacy as a whole has a very mature mind.

Thomas and his “preschool dynasty” have become big spoiled brats. They come and go as they please. They answer to no one. They’re like those kids who murder their parents because they don’t want to be accountable for their actions.

It’s time for us to gather our minds among the roots of the great swamp elm and to counsel. Once again we must save this great project that can still be a model for other Indigenous nations to follow. Public problems require public debates. The only solution to this is through an open and transparent procedure as prescribed by the Great Law.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: katenies


Book Review: Great Law v. Handsome Lake Code




MNN. Oct. 28, 2007. MNN Mohawk Nation News has published another book in the “Mohawk Issues for Dummies Series”. It’s called “The On-Going Confusion Between the Great Law of Peace and the Handsome Lake Code”. Here are some comments from two people who read the book:

“Gees, I always thought I was ”traditional” because of my belief in the “Creator”! It looks like I have to question how I relate to the natural world and my responsibilities to it”, stated a Kanion’ke:haka youth who is always looking for answers.

“What a colonial conspiracy! This is the first time anyone took the Great Law philosophy and compared it with the Christian-based Handsome Lake Code ”, said a surprised elder of Kahnawake.

This book helps readers to understand the alarming turn of events at Six Nations over the land reclamation. For almost two years the Six Nations people, our friends and allies successfully took back and held Indigenous land known as “Douglas Creek Estates”, now called “Kanenhstaton”.

The Indigenous right to this land that was stolen by the settlers is well documented in the records kept by colonial society. This is why officials from Canada and Ontario have never offered to have Six Nations rights reviewed in a court or by a neutral third party. If the evidence was properly reviewed, they would lose. Their only hope to continue with the theft of the Six Nations land is to get someone to agree to terms that reduce Six Nations rights.

According to the Great Law, only the women can deal with land issues as we are the “progenitors of the nation” and the land is held by us for the future generations. The Confederacy chiefs, clan mothers, “talkers” and lawyers that are sitting with Canada and Ontario are suppose to be discussing the return of our stolen land. Instead they got suckered into setting up something called the “Haudenosaunee Development Institute” to sign our land over to white developers. Decisions were made without meeting us and coming to a consensus. Permission was given for the Ontario Provincial Police to attack those of us who objected to the illegal housing development, who are now facing charges in the colonial court.

The chiefs and clan mothers at Six Nations violated our law. The following abstract from “The On-Going Confusion Between the Great Law and the Handsome Lake Code” lays out the source of their confusion and inability to push the Six Nations sovereignty and land issue. They are influenced by the fear based colonial ideology known as the “Handsome Lake Code”.

“A “philosophy” is the basic underlying principles, conduct, thought and knowledge in how a people relate to the natural world. An “ideology” is based on doctrines, opinions or ways of thinking which set out how a people shall behave, not necessarily based on a knowledge or practical understanding of the nature of the universe. These differences can be seen in the conflict between the ”Great Law of Peace” and the ”Handsome Lake Code” which, on the surface, are seemingly similar traditional understandings in Iroquois communities.

The Great Law is a pre-contact philosophy which formed the basis of Iroquois culture. The opening thanksgiving outlines an interdependent system of relations of all elements of nature which are equal; women have powerful roles in social, political and economic life; and the people form the base of power.

The Handsome Lake Code is a post-contact Christian based ideology which outlines a hierarchical order of the “spirit” forces, offices and elements of nature arranged according to their idea of power. This ‘faith’ is trying to get rid of the Great Law in most Iroquois communities.

This book compares the principles of the two. The conflict is between the “inner directed” Great Law adherents and the “accommodationist” Handsome Lake followers. The Great Law adherents are directed by the inner core of our knowledge system and traditions. The Handsome Lake followers are influenced by outside forces to accept the modes of colonial society.”

The conflict is created by religions and how they weaken, confuse and control our people. Elders like Karonhiaktajeh, Kanietahawi and others explain their relationships with Christianity and the Church and how they had to struggle to be free. They describe their lifelong battle to get rid of the deeply ingrained psychological conditioning designed to break down their will and freedom of thought.

Today we are beginning to see how we were made to live under its shadow without realizing its effect on us. We think we’re “traditional” when we are practising Christian-based rituals such as confession while wearing Indian clothes. We also take on the traditions of a variety of other Indigenous nations. For example, the ‘pow wow’ takes native imagery from its original context, i.e., the Plains Indians, and adapts it. There are many similarities in the nature-based philosophies of all Indigenous peoples on Turtles Island and beyond.

The Great Law of Peace is the Constitution of the Iroquois, also referred to as the “Old Way”. This confederation of five nations, later six, was a powerful force before and during the colonial period of Turtle Island or North America as it is called by the European settlers. Certain principles of the constitution were adopted as the basis of the Constitution of the United States, such as the three party structure and some symbols. The Iroquois Confederacy still exists today. Most Iroquois nations are finding their way back to the original Great Law philosophy.

Basic principles, a comparison of the “Law” and the “Code” and where they contradict each other are set out. To make sense of this deep-rooted conflict in Iroquois communities, these two philosophies are examined. Iroquois followers of the Great Law see the Handsome Lake Code as deliberately attempting to disregard the ancient world view of the Iroquois. The Handsome Lake followers believe they are “traditional”.

An understanding of these matters offers key insights into methodologies that are being used by colonial officials to undermine attempts at Six Nations to uphold our sovereign rights.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

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poster: katenies



BAND COUNCIL ATTACKS “COUNCIL OF ELDERS” AS PART OF GENOCIDE PLANMNN. Sept. 24, 2007. Every community has a set of rules to conduct its affairs. One of these in Kahnawake is the Membership Law.

Before the European invasion the Mohawk lived according to the Kaianereh’kowa, Great Law of Peace. Many still do. In 1897 the colonial government of Canada illegally imposed foreign laws known as the “Indian Act”. Today the majority object to the illegal band council system and will not take part in their elections. However, this system is the only way the Mohawk can get access to the portion of our assets that these foreigners stole from us.

The people of Kahnawake spent more than 20 years developing the Membership Law. The people wanted to decide for themselves who could be a member of our community instead of letting Indian Affairs impose foreign notions that are destructive to us and our culture. On May 14th 2004 the people established a Council of Elders at a public meeting. Their task was to apply the people’s Membership Law. So far over 90% of the applicants have been found to meet the requirements.

This isn’t good enough for band council chief, Mike Delisle. At a closed meeting, without notifying the public, he unilaterally suspended the activities of the Council of Elders.

Is this legal? No way. Not unless you believe in dictatorships. Mike Delisle has completely sidelined the people of Kahnawake and cut them out of taking part in the decision-making process.

This brings to mind a situation that occurred in 2002 in Venezuela , a country with great oil wealth that has been held under the thumb of an oligarchy that kept most of the people in poverty. The 5% minority monopolized the resources, power and wealth.

When President Hugo Chavez was democratically elected, he educated the people about their democratic constitution. He began to reorganize Venezuela so that the assets were fairly distributed. This infuriated the oligarchy. They organized a CIA backed coup. They invaded the Presidential Palace and abducted President Chavez. They declared that the elected government was disbanded. They immediately started a brutal crackdown, trying to disband popular institutions. The army was ordered to shoot anyone who objected.

The people refused to accept the return of the old dictatorship. A huge crowd gathered around the Presidential Palace. The soldiers would not take orders from the usurpers to shoot the people and decided to defend the constitution instead. Within two days the usurpers were kicked out of the Presidential Palace and President Chavez was returned by the people. He did not take revenge. He simply confirmed that the country was a popular republic and would continue to be ruled according to the people’s constitution. No one has the power to suspend the operation of the law. Hugo Chavez said, “If anyone does not like what I am doing, they can vote me out of office”. Only the people can change the law.

Mike Delisle was not been as brutal as the Venezuelan oligarchy but he has grabbed power like a dictator. He took it upon himself to suspend the Membership Law. Mike Delisle has managed to create a climate of fear. This is why he’s been able to push the Council of Elders around. Let’s take a closer look at what Mike Delisle and the band council did.

At the beginning of September 2007 the Council of Elders was called by Jenny McComber of the Registrar’s office to pick up “your envelope” at the band council office. No explanation was given.

Under threat of suspension Mike Delisle ordered us to attend an “urgent” meeting at 6:00 pm on September 5th at the “Golden Agers’ Club”. Mike Delisle spoke in a hostile and angry tone of voice as if he was scolding kids instead of speaking respectfully to the community’s elders, some of who are in their late 70s.

Mike Delisle reviewed a “secret” 24-page document entitled “A Review of the Kahnawake Membership Law”. This document was not the result of consultation with the community. The Council of Elders was not given copies of this list of allegations. There was no indication who wrote it.

On behalf of the Council of Elders T.B. carefully summarized the allegations that had been made by unnamed persons. T.B. asked for a copy of the document and time to discuss it.

Then band councilor, Rhonda Kirby, a former member of the Council of Elders, repeated the allegations. She was followed by Timmy Norton, a member of the Council of Elders who used to be a band councilor. He stood behind us and made further allegations, in the course of which he admitted that he had breached the oath of confidentiality. He’s the one who told the television station about a decision before the applicant had been notified. He punctuated his tirade by resigning from the Council of Elders. The Council of Elders agreed to suspend application hearings until such matters were cleared up.

Friday morning, September 7th the Council of Elders was shocked to read in the Eastern Door newspaper that Mike Delisle had suspended the activities of the Council of Elders. The elders were given no opportunity to see the evidence or to defend themselves against the charges. Just like the Venezuelan oligarchs, Mike Delisle made a public announcement of his “fait accompli”.

On Monday, September 10th T.B. of the Council of Elders supposedly received an email from Alexis Shackleton of the Membership Registrar’s office declaring that the Council of Elders would no longer receive any support services from her office and that we would have no access to a lawyer. The Council of Elders is required to keep minutes, write letters and review all administration and files that are kept by the Registrar.

The band council has followed a procedure that seems to have violated our tradition in a number of ways. The issue to be considered was not formulated by a neutral party. Mike Delisle told the elders that he is selecting a third party [maybe with the help of Indian Affairs?] to conduct his investigation. He is also hand picking the three members of the Council of Elders who will be involved with him.

According to Haudenosaunee practice, a council serving the public must be neutral and cannot be removed once they have been appointed. Mike Delisle seems to think the Council of Elders can be neutral so long as long as it does what he says. Councils serving the people are given a support staff that must remain neutral and may not take part in the decision making process.

The Council of Elders was appointed to conduct a quasi judicial function. Its neutrality is important. Members should be protected from arbitrary removal from office, just like any judge anywhere else in the world.

Before this matter erupted, the Council of Elders had run into some problems. The Registrar, Alexis Shackleton, whose role should be purely clerical, was giving the Council of Elders written instructions on how they should decide a case before the applicant was even heard. She also was placing persons on the membership roll who were not qualified, which were subsequently overturned by the Council of Elders.

The Council of Elders must make decisions based on the laws and customs of the people as set out in the Membership Law. There is no provision to usurp their decision making role. As it turns out, Alexis Shackleton is one of the authors of the report that Mike Delisle relied upon in his attempt to disband the Council of Elders.

Mike Delisle’s suspension has no legal force or effect under any known concept of legality except totalitarian dictatorship. There was no evidence presented, no legal argument and the Council of Elders was not allowed to present its points of view. This violates the basic principles of procedural fairness that are recognized by most nations under international law

If the community doesn’t like the rules, it should change the law. Mike Delisle is a member of the community. He has no more authority than anybody else to change it or to dictate how the Council of Elders applies it.

There has always been pressure from Indian Affairs as to who can be a member. What are Mike Delisle’s motives? We understand that almost 4,000 people want to be enrolled. Perhaps many may or may not qualify according to the Membership Law. This reminds us of the situation that happened at Kanehsatake when James Gabriel was handing out membership cards prior to the 2005 election in the hope that it would garner him votes. This was done through Alexis Shackleton’s counterpart, Jean Vincent, the Registrar at Kanehsatake.

The band council also wants more voters because it will get more money. The would-be Mohawks want tax free status, land, health and education benefits, to vote and take over Kahnawake. Is Indian Affairs planning to relocate the Mohawks to stop opposition to the expansion of the St. Lawrence Seaway , to build a ten-lane bridge right through the middle of Kahnawake and who knows what else! Somebody’s got a long term plan here.

The band council hopes to “cash bleed” the Council of Elders. On September 24th the Elders paid for a meeting room from their own pockets. T.B. read the most recent dictate from the band council which appeared to declare that the Council of Elders can no longer meet except with the band council. This is a violation of the right of freedom of association that is guaranteed under international law. Mike Delisle seems to infer that it is “unlawful assembly” [according to who?]. Remember how the RCMP used to break up our longhouse meetings? Indian Affairs must be laughing at how they now have our own people suppressing us.

This looks like a hostile corporate takeover of Kahnawake by the powers that think they are. What kind of future is in store for our children and the generations to come? A dictatorship under the direction of Indian Affairs and Mike Delisle? The Mohawks of Kahnawake better speak up quick. Delisle and his cohorts have put a noose around our necks.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

Contact Mike Delisle with your comments concerning his behavior at; send your concerns to and

poster: katenies



MNN. Sept. 20, 2007. Message from Rotiskeneketeh, “We will be walking peacefully on the CPR tracks from the “border” of Kahnawake at St. Constant off Highway 132 at the intersection
of Highway 30. From there we will walk to the Train Bridge over the tunnel in the village of Kahnawake.”

“We are standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Six Nations who have just been kidnapped by the foreigners forces of the Ontario Provincial Police, Hamilton City Police and the RCMP. Ontario and Canada have walked away from the “talks”. This has always been an international matter of colonial Canada invading the Indigenous sovereign people of Six Nations.”

“Our people have been victimized by attacks from colonial government agencies. This use of force must stop. They must obey international law. We are standing together in support of all of our Six Nations Territories .”

“Defending our land is not criminal.”

poster: katenies


Red-X escapes Guantanamo Gulag!


MNN. Sept. 17, 2007. At this time we don’t know how the infamous Indigenous sage, Red-X, escaped from the Guantanamo Gulag. His captors tried to break his spirit. But the Red-X said, “I already know this scene. I went to rez school!”

The account of his escapades is forthcoming. People Magazine, E-Talk Daily and the New York Times are all reportedly fighting for first dibs on his story. Red-X is keeping his mouth zipped. “I don’t need to talk to no colonial rag. MNN is the only one I’ll talk to. My story is just for my people!”

As MNN reported months ago, the Red-X had been captured and was being tortured. He had communicated that he would make contact with those who had fine tuned their perceptions, who had ears to hear, eyes to see and minds to know. Red-X indicated that he did receive a sign from the “war counsel” of the Third Dimension which makes itself known to those who are placed in abject confinement.

Red-X was inculcated with lyrics passed on to him on a stone tablet which was presented to him by a powerful warrior spirit, who spoke with thunder in his voice, lightening emanating through his eyes and with the head of a burning bush. His muscles looked like the mountains surrounding eternity.

The truth inscribed on this tablet from this ethereal being were to be transmitted to the mundane realm which we live in. The communicative enlightenment was to manifest its elucidation by means of melodious tonality. The musical vibration and the message would liberate the millions of people who have been imprisoned in their minds, deprived of free thought and the ability to contemplate in full cogitation. This is all part of his “sageocity”. People have been traumatized by the horrible shock and awe perpetuated by the neo conservative cabal of the Bush administration. They murdered over 3000 people in blood so cold that it would make Truman Capote shiver with a need for a steam bath at the nearest spa.

As one can imagine, the “force” tells no lies. The ethereal realm presented sacred missives in honor of the Red-X.

Red-X was instructed to deliver the words in the appropriate manner so that the truth could be converted into power. That power would then suffuse a sonorific voice that could translate into psychic transfusion. The words would be transmitted by means of rhythmic nuances for the understanding of those who are ready to hear it.

As he crossed the ocean from Cuba escorted by a fleet of dolphins onto Turtle Island , his silver eagle was waiting. He quickly mounted the silver eagle and headed back West to the place where the sun never sleeps.

As he flew he reminisced about the horrible atrocities that had been perpetrated upon his mortal form, which he never succumbed to, because his will to live is unyielding. He understands the suffering of his Arab brothers and sisters by the U.S. military torturers who have been given unlimited powers according to their so-called “extraordinary rendition”.

The Red-X was constantly tortured on the “water board”. Nothing could break him down. They wanted him to reveal the secret power of the Indigenous people who are able to communicate with the “kasastenera kowa sa oiera”. They want to know why they have not been able to totally exterminate us. We know who we are. We have the marks that denote our special place on this earth.

They put a hood over his head so he could not recognize his torturers, as if he couldn’t tell they were Americans, especially when they greeted him with “Howdy Doody!” They put him face down suspended by a pulley. He was then lowered into a pit of gurgling water so that he would sink to the bottom and be made to think he would drown.

His torturers only fed him during the day one sparse portion of cornmeal and a piece of sugar cane. They thought they were starving him. They did know that maize is an integral part of the indigenous diet and thus the main sources of the Red-X’s mystical psychic power. They were totally “amaized” at his strength.

“I have tried to expose the truth about what happened in New York City at the Twin Towers on September 11th 2001. I have been greatly concerned about the falsehoods being spread because it was built by my people, the Onkwehonweh”. He was troubled by the official story given by the U.S. government through their mouthpiece Ari Fleischer who said, “Be careful what you say and who you say it to”. He was warning about the police state that was coming and the penalties for those who talked about 911 in any other form except from the “official patriotic” perspective.

The War Counsel told him, “You have suffered enough, Red-X. We will make it easy for you to escape”. He memorized the lyrics that were on the tablet, which then evaporated right before his deep set eyes.

As he flew the words kept coming to him:

1. 911 was a “false flag”, nothing new
It’s been tried and true
As a means to perpetuate
The war mongering greed
Of the very elite few
Hell-bent on dictating
Who we are and what we do 

You can’t escape the eagle’s eye
The winds can hear your plans and lies
Your skull and bones and false flag flies
But the spirits of justice are on the rise

2. The epitome of evil false flag operations
When you kill your own people
To justify attacking other nations
Side stepping the rules
Governing war crimes and treason
Murder and genocide for your own sick reason


3. How dumb do you think we are?
You control-demoed those Twin TowersBoom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom!
From the very top floor down
Anti-terror fire and brimstone
With a dash of pyrotechnics
Suspending rights and cleansing ethnics


4. Stand down orders to the U.S. Air Force Allowing four planes
To go unchecked and off course
But, hey, what happened to
The plane that flew into the Pentagon?
Come on! No parts! No luggage! No bodies!
Something is very wrong
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowich and Bush
Have the motive, the means and the opportunity
Just like Hitler, Pinochet, PolPot and Mouselini
Your crimes are against humanity
And for that there is no immunity


5. Your game is up
Burn in HELL
Your future generations
Will know this story well
Your oiligarchy is
The next tower to come down
And the history of truth is
The only story we’ll tell



Red-X spoke these words to his messenger, Bro’hawk, who found Dacajawea [Splitting the Sky], who converted it to music with the assistance of She-Keeps-The-Door, Speaks-The-Truth, Shahada and Nat. “Truth to Power” came into being.

Listen and live on!

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: katenies






MNN. Aug. 5, 2007. The Indigenous people and President Hugo Chavez are bringing together 40 Indigenous nations of Venezuela from August 7 to 9, 2007.

The Mohawk delegation is made up of two women, Kahentinetha, an elder and Karenhahes, Bear Clan Mother.

This congress is setting up a broad international movement of indigenous people to reject colonial oppression. During the 20th century, the European states that generated the colonial movement began to understand that they would destroy each other if they kept up the land and resources grab and the ensuing killing of Indigenous peoples. Colonialism was declared illegal. Canada continued to define a “person” as any individual other than an Indian until 1951. Canada still does not respect our sovereignty and presumes that their colonial law is the only law north of the 49th parallel. The U.S. usurps the Indigenous lands, resources and jurisdiction south of the 49th parallel.

Canada refuses to sign the Declaration of Indigenous rights at the United Nations, even though that declaration is a profoundly colonial instrument. International law recognizes that no state can absorb another without the free and fully informed consent of the people concerned in a free vote. The Indigenous peoples and nations never agreed to become part of Canada. Canada is addicted to old destructive models of social and economic relations and medieval ruling class credos. It thinks that social order is based on command and obedience, not agreement between equals, and that there can’t be wealth without poverty. Such nonsense.

The meeting in Venezuela will take place in Mapiricure, an indigenous community in the south. On August 9th President Hugo Chavez will be presented with the Indigenous Feather known as the “Penacho” and a headdress. This will be followed by a ceremony invoking the powers of the natural world. On that day 11 land titles will be turned over to the Indigenous Communal Councils by President Chavez.

The shamen carrying out the ceremony will be joined by shamen from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Nicaraugua, Mexico, Panama and the U.S.

Here is a draft of the words that the Mohawk delegation will be delivering to the International Congress of Indigenous People “in Defence of the Planet”, outlining a new paradigm for human existence.

“Nia:wen for your invitation to witness this historic event. From our women, we bring greetings to the women of your country.

From the “Rotiyaner” who are the men of our nation, we bring greetings from our men to your men.

From our elders, those who are the grandmothers and grandfathers, we bring our greetings to you who are the grandmothers and grandfathers of this nation.

From the fathers and mothers of our nation we bring greetings to you who are the mothers and fathers to your nation.

From our young people we bring greetings to your young people of this nation.

From the children of our nation we bring greetings to the children of your nation.

From those who still crawl upon the earth and those who are still on the cradle board, we bring greetings to your children who crawl on the earth and those who are on the cradle board.

From those faces of our future who are still beneath the earth, we bring the greetings to those of your people whose faces are yet beneath the earth.

Now that we have said this, we may begin.

We would like to have had a larger delegation here to day. Due to our struggle to preserve our sovereignty we are oppressed and ignored on our own homeland we call Onowarekeh, also known also as “Turtle Island”. The foreign colonial governments of Canada and the United States limit our movements on our own land. They fail to teach their people about our existence, our philosophy, our laws.

Mr. Chavez, thank you for giving our people an opportunity to establish relations between our governments under our philosophy known as the “Kaianereh’ko:wa”, the Great Law of Peace. We are not under the colonial laws. We continue to adhere to our laws and traditions. We continue to ensure a future for our people as the Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk.

We are the eyes and ears that will witness this event. This is the beginning of a message to other nations to work towards bringing people back together to form an alliance. We wish to develop a sane and healthy way of life that assures that all people are decently cared for.

We need to renew the solemn blood covenants that have bound all Indigenous Peoples of South America and Onowarekeh, our name for Turtle Island, for thousands of years. We are one blood. When one family member is oppressed the other must aid their covenant partners. Everyone is there to uplift each other. No one goes without.

Our perception is that the material world is to be shared and distributed equally. Our ancestors knew that when a hunter went into the woods and brought back a deer, the entire community shared in that bounty. This is common to all Indigenous peoples of the world. Those who have fallen away from these simple concepts and now practice colonialism must be brought back into the human family and saved from themselves.

We present you with a copy of the Great Law, our constitution, in both Mohawk and English, our Confederacy flag, the Unity flag and several books about us that will be of interest to you.

We, the Onkwehonweh [the original people], are the guardians of Onowarekeh. Recently South America was visited by the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada. They both avoided Venezuela because they can’t understand what’s happening here and it frightens them. These are emotionally disturbed people. They don’t know how to exist on a level of equality with their fellow human beings.

They do not represent us or even the people of their countries. They follow habits of thought that have been proven to be ineffective and destructive to the continuation of human life on earth. They represent foreigners who have usurped our resources and deny us any rights to our ancestral heritage.

Our words as the true representatives are binding on Turtle Island. We have always been here. We belong to the land on which we were formed. Mr. Chavez is here with the true owners of the lands of Onowarekeh and South America. What we say between us is binding.

Under natural law and international law everyone has a right to our own government, nationality and land.

As elders of our nation, we are dedicated to work in the best interests of our people. Each of us has power in our lives. We have a duty to spread the Kaianerehkowa throughout the world. The white roots from the Tree of Peace go in the four directions. Those who wish to find shelter may trace its roots to the source. My nation and Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy are in need of this alliance at this time.

Mr. Chavez holds the same political positions as the Mohawk Nation. We are here to help fan the flames so that the fire grows larger to make a place for all humans to share its warmth and benefits.

No one needs anyone’s permission to promote alliances, unification of our peoples and to spread the peace as prescribed in the Kaianereh’ko:wa. We refuse to live under a dictatorship.

An opportunity came to us to come here. We seized it. Last September some of our people went to New York City, which is on Iroquois land, to hear Mr. Chavez speak. He was inspiring. They told us that they agreed with every word he said.

Our message of peace came to us from our ancestors, Dekanawida and Jigosaseh. They told our people to bring everyone into a covenant of peace, to link arms with all the other peoples of the world. We are continuing the work of our ancestors to bring the message of peace to you today.

South America has the same colonial past as Onowarekeh, Turtle Island. We have occupied our territories since time immemorial. This land is who we are. It is our identity. Mr. Chavez is one of us. His roots go deep into the soil, the jungles, the mountains and fields of Venezuela. From the earth he gets sustenance, vitality and ability to help his people. The people feel safe. His first instinct is to protect the Indigenous people and the visitors who are here.

Venezuela is a beautiful wealthy part of the world. Your resources are now being skillfully used to enhance the best interests of the land and the people who live upon it. You are tapping into the wellspring of ancestral memories that are hidden in the minds of every person living here.

Now all other Indigenous people are seeing that it is possible to take our lives under our own control, not be dominated by foreign forces and to do good.

We feel secure with the Venezuelans. You are competent and sure of who you are. Initially the multinational corporations felt intimidated by the turn of events. They are finding they can work with the original people in the best interests of all. Everyone is benefiting. The only way to achieve harmony and prosperity among us is to bring all our talents and innate abilities together.

Mr. Chavez has found a way to bring this out in all of his people. He represents the forces of a people who are on the move. He has offered a new paradigm. He is showing Indigenous peoples and others that we can take over our own lives and run our own affairs. We can do it so that no one feels intimidated or threatened. It is becoming the natural way to do things.

Dekanawaida and Jigosaseh, the man and woman who helped develop the Great Law of Peace, understood this. They realized that the strength of the Confederation was based on no nation dominating the others. Each, no matter how large or small, had a right to exist and remain who they are.

There was no stifling of the innate abilities of the Onondagas, Senecas, Oneidas, Cayugas, Mohawks or Tuscaroras. Larger nations did not overpower the smaller ones. We were equal. Diverse peoples were brought together to work in harmony for the benefit of everyone. No one could assert themselves over others.

This is the reason why the indigenous government in Venezuela is successful. Mr. Chavez has tapped into the same knowledge that exists in all Indigenous people. The renaissance in Venezuela is going to spread all over the world.

People always feel threatened by a new paradigm. We can expect many attacks from the colonial powers. We do not use guns but they point theirs at us. They don’t know what else to do. The young, the poor and even the middle class in the colonized countries are all suffering from the same insecurity and dislocation that has been imposed on us. They will join us once they understand.

If everyone doesn’t relearn how to look after the earth and each other, there will be nothing left for anyone to eat; no clean water to drink; and no clean air to breathe. The colonial commercial exploitation of the environment has been taken to such extremes that human life itself is in peril. We can work together to clean up the mess we have created as human beings and make the earth healthy again.

The greedy grasping power hungry people who are trying to gain control over all of humanity have lost touch with reality. Just when they think that they have achieved their goal of absolute control and domination, the pyramid of delusion will collapse beneath their feet. Life itself will be gone.

Nobody wants to suffer the consequences of a collapse of this order. Venezuela has a model that is working. People are free and work together to develop everyone to their full potential in whatever area of life they have chosen.

When somebody wants to go from one place to another through forests, jungles, swamps, deserts or mountains, somebody always goes ahead and cuts the trail. The others follow the steps of those who went ahead. They all get to their destination safely. It takes a courageous visionary to see far ahead the dangers that are prowling around. Hugo Chavez is a trailblazer in the realm of the world’s progressives. He helps whole groups of people move forward together. He is setting in motion an act that others will follow.

We have a chance to see how this model is working to its fullest potential so that the good life and good health is shared by all equally. We feel gratified and honored that we are taking part in the dedication of the land to the original people. We need more people like Hugo Chavez all over the world. We hope for the continued good health of Mr. Chavez, who cares to lead in troubled times. Artificial ways will dissolve themselves because they are not real. Humanity must go back to the natural relationships. We salute you, Venezuela, for showing the world how your humanitarian goals are being achieved and are inspiring others to achieve”.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

Send your comments on this movement to be presented to the Venezuelans and the Indigenous people who are attending his event at, and

poster: katenies



MNN. August 21, 2007. Originally, in January of 2006, this objection was sent out via electronic and registered mail to all states claiming sovereignty over our un-surrendered lands known as the Arctic Region/Turtle Island. This objection has been revised to include Russia and sent registered mail to the parties.Soon to be Posted: News category “Women Title Holders” Attachment: Mohawk Manifesto


DATE: January 28, 2006

FROM: Women Title Holders of the Kanion’ke:haka Nation

According to Wampum 44 of our law, the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the Women Title Holders are the “progenitors of the soil” of Turtle Island . We are the Caretakers of the land, water and air of Turtle Island. We are notifying you and the International Forum of Nations of our constitutional jurisdiction in our land that is being violated.

RE: Non-Indigenous invasion of Indigenous constitutional jurisdiction of Arctic Region of Turtle Island by Canada, United States, Denmark, Russia and other outside entities

TO: Canada; United States; Denmark; Russia; Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II; Governor General of Canada; all Provinces of Canada; President of United States; Department of Justice Canada; U.S. Department of Justice; Attorney General of Canada; U.S. Attorney General; Department of Indian Affairs, Department of Interior; Stock Exchanges Toronto, Montreal, New York, London. Tokyo, Hong Kong and Zurich; The Pentagon; U.S. Army and Navy; European Union; Department of Defense Canada; Canada Steamship Lines; others listed at end (Addresses at end of Public Notice).

OBJECTION TO: The invasion of Indigenous constitutional jurisdiction by Canada, United States, Denmark, Russia and their affiliates and all outside non-indigenous entities who are presently attempting to usurp the northern region of Turtle Island. Canada is fighting a turf war with Denmark over the “barren” Hans Island in the Arctic, and U.S. submarines have surfaced in the far north. Canada, United States, Denmark, Russia or any other corporations have no claim over this area which belongs to the Indigenous people of Turtle Island. We demand that you cease and desist, immediately your invasion and exploitation of Indigenous territory and its people.

This turf war over the Arctic Region is a violation of our customs, practices and occupational jurisdiction. Modern international law seeks to protect small peoples from incursions by aggressive states who use military and economic force to impose their culture on others. According to both the Canadian constitution and the American constitution those states cannot simply appropriate our land, resources and territorial waters. Indigenous people never surrendered our rights. The Western Sahara case makes it very clear that a territory cannot be incorporated in another state without the informed consent of the majority of its people. This requirement has not been met.

Neither, Canada, the United States, Denmark nor Russia has authority to extend colonial authority or jurisdiction over us. Any past agreements or treaties have been limited to allowing foreign settlers to live peacefully on our land.

According to our agreements with Canada and the United States, any American, Canadian, Danish, Russian or other foreigner wishing to enter our territory for any reason whatsoever must deal with us through their state representative. No individual or foreign entity can invite outsiders onto our territory.

The Women Title Holders have the authority to safeguard our land for the coming generations. We have always defended our right to self-determination. We continue to do this now that the right to self-determination is recognized as a universal human right.

Canada, United States, Denmark and Russia never consulted us nor asked us for our consent to enter our Arctic waters and territory.

This dispute between Canada, United States, Denmark and Russia over our territory, waters and resources has overlooked our rights. The colonial custom of appropriating the sources of indigenous sustenance is resulting in the genocide of many indigenous people and destroying the entire world environment for everybody. Mother Earth is already badly scarred and yet you have not modified your behavior.

We demand that you to leave aside your colonial habits of the past. Move into the 21st Century in a way that respects our equal rights and common humanity.

We are registering our objection to this illegal assumption of jurisdiction by Canada, United States, Denmark, and Russia and their agents. In Canada we took an action in the Supreme Court of Canada – Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:neh v. Attorney General of Canada and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, Court File: 05-CV-030785.

We brought this constitutional jurisdiction issue before the U.S. Supreme Court. See No. 05-165: 2005. In The Supreme Court of the United States In re Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:neh, Non-party, Petitioner/Movant/Appellant, The Canadian St. Regis Band of Mohawk Indians, Plaintiffs, Respondents, v. The State of New York, Defendants, Respondents. Petition for Writs of Certiorari and Quo Warranto with Prohibition and Mandamus in Aid to Prevent Genocide. Rules 17.1 and 20.1.


1. Jurisdiction over our ter­ritory now called the “ Arctic ” and beyond, belongs to the Indigenous People of Turtle Island.

2. Canada, United States, Denmark and Russia must respect that relations with us shall be con­ducted on a nation-to-nation basis.

3. Canada and the United States never made a treaty of cession with the Indigenous People for the Arctic. Contact can only be with the constitutional Indigenous people to deal with this issue.

4. The denial of a nation’s exis­tence constitutes genocide, according to the many international covenants that Canada, United States, Denmark and Russia have pledged to uphold;


5. We demand that Canada, United States, Denmark, Russia and their corporate bodies and associates immediately cease and desist their illegal assumption of jurisdiction or presence in any way, shape or form on our territory, the Arctic .

6. Finally, we demand to be officially informed of how international, federal, state and provincial entities can violate international law and the rule of law by superseding our jurisdiction over territory that we never surrendered through a treaty or any means whatsoever.

By Kanion’ke:haka Women Title Holders

Kahentinetha, Bear Clan /s/______________________

Katenies, Bear Clan /s/___________________

P.O. Box 991 , Kahnawake of Mohawk Territory ( Quebec, Canada ) J0L 1B0,

Sent to:

-Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Government of Canada, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa; Bloc Quebecois, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa Canada; Jack Layton, New Democratic Party, 279 Laurier Ave., Ottawa Canada K1P 5J9; Liberal Party of Canada, Dalton McGuinty, Premier. Legislative Building, Queen’s Park, Toronto ON M7A 1A1;Attorney General of Ontario, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 1200 Vanier Parkway, Ottawa Canada K1A 0R2; Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, House of Commons, Ottawa Canada K1A 0A6; Minister of Defense Canada, Major Gen. George R. Pearkes Bldg., 101 Col. By Drive, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0K2; Department of Justice Canada; Attorney General of Canada; Department of Indian Affairs; Hon. Paul Okalik, Premier, Government of Nunavut, Iqaluit NU Canada; Government of Yukon, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Canada Y1A 2C6; NWT

-George Bush, President of United States, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC 20500; David Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, The Pentagon, Headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense; -Andrew S. Eristoff, Commissioner, New York State Department of Taxation, W.A. Harriman Campus, Albany, NY 12227-0155; -Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC 20530-0001;Gail Norton, and George Skibine, Department of the Interior, 1849 C St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240; Tracey S. Toubu, Director, Office of Tribal Justice, United States Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington DC 20530 202-514-8812 Fax 202-514-9078; U.S. Congress; Ralph Seekins, Justice Minister, Government of Alaska

-U.S. Army Corp of Engineers,; The United States Army, 1500 Army Pentagon, Washington DC 20310-1500; The U.S. Navy, 1200 Navy Pentagon, Room 4B463, Washington DC 20350-1200; Central Intelligence Agency, Office of Public Affairs, Washington DC 20505

-Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace, London SQ1A UK; Governor General of Canada, Mme. Michaelle Jean,

-President Anders Fogh Masmussen, Denmark, Christiansborg – Prins Jortgens Gard 11 – 1218 Copenhagen K, Denmark; Minister of Defense, Denmark, Forsvarsministeriet, Holmens Kanal 42, 1060 Kobenhavn K; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark, The Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United States, One Dag Hammerskjold Plaza, 885 Second Ave., 18th Fl., New York 10017 USA; Mr. Javier Solana, Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union, Rue de la Loi, 175 B-1048 Bruxelles

-Bono, DATA, 1400 Eye St., N.W., Suite 1125 , Washington DC 20005

-Canada Steam Ship Lines, Headquarters, 759 Square Victoria, Montreal, Quebec Canada H2Y 2K3; Royal Canadian Military Institute, 426 University Ave., Toronto ON Canada M5G 1S9

-Toronto Stock Exchange TSX Inc.,; Montreal Stock Exchange/Bourse de Montreal Inc. P.O. Box 61, 800 Victoria Sq., Montreal Quebec H4Z 1A9; Board of Directors, %The Corporate Secretary, New York Stock Exchange Incorporated, 11 Wall Street, New York, 10005 Fax 212-656-3939; Kathleen Chu, Tokyo Stock Exchange,,; Ann Moulier, London Stock Exchange, 10 Paternoster Sq., London UK EC4M 7LS; Hong Kong Stock Exchange, 12/F One International Finance Center, 1 Harborview St., Central Hong Kong; -SAM Indexes Gmgh, DJSI, Seefeldstrasse 215, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland,

-Iroquois Caucus; Mohawk Council of Kanehsatake; Six Nations Council; Chiefs, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc., 412 State Route 37, Akwesasne (New York) 13655 518-358-3203; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, P.O. Box 579, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5T3; -Mohawk Council of Kahnawake, P.O. Box 720, Kahnawake of Mohawk Territory, (Quebec) J0L 1B0; Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, R.R. 1, Tyendinaga of Mohawk Territory, Ontario 613-396-3424 Fax 613-396-3627; Cayuga Nation of Indians Inc., P.O. Box 11, Versailles, NY 14168 F 716-532-5417; Seneca Nation of Indians, Allegany Reservation, P.O. Box 231, Salamanca, NY 14779 F 716-945-1790; Cattaraugus Reservation, 1490 Route 438, Irving NY 14081 F 716-532-9132; Oneida Indian Nation of New York Inc., 223 Genesee St., Oneida NY 13421 F 315-361-6333; Onondaga Nation, Rte. 11A, Box 229, Nedrow, NY 13120, T 315-492-3041; Tonawanda Band of Senecas (Tonawanda Seneca Nation), 7027 Meadville Rd., Basom NY 14013 T 716-542-4244; Tuscarora Indian Nation, 2006 Mt. Hope Rd., Lewiston NY 14092 T 716-297-4990; Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs, Box 366, Rooseveltown, NY F 518-358-3488; Kanatsiohareke, 4934 State Hwy. 5, Fonda NY 12068; Oneida Nation, RR 2, Southwold, Ont. N0L 2G0 T 518-652-5414; Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:ne, P.O. Box 1016, Akwesasne (NYS) 13655 ;

Organization of American States, 17th St. & Constitution NW, Washington DC 20006; World Trade Organization, Palais Eynard, Hotel municipal, 4 rue de la Croix-Rouge, 1211 Geneve 3, Switzerland; International Labor Organization,; International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR UK; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Blvd. Leopold III, 111- Brussels, Belgium;

-UN Office of High Commission for Human Rights, UN Plaza, S. 294, New York, 10017;; Rudolpho Stavenhagen, International Commission for Human Rights, P.O. Box 16, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland; Coalition for the International Criminal Court, %WFM, 708 3rd Ave., 24th Floor, New York (NYS) 10017,; The Hague, Anna Paulownastraat 103, 251 BBC, The Netherlands t: +31-70-363-4484 F: +31-70-364-0259; Pope Benedictine XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, St. Peter’s Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy; Shiva Vanadana; UN Forum for Indigenous Peoples, Room DC2-1772, New York 10017

-World Intellectual Property Organization, 34 Chemin de Colombettes, Geneva; International Monetary Fund, 700 19th St., NW, Washington DC 20431, F 202-623-4661 lelgislative affairs; -World Trade Organization, Mike Moore, 154 rue de Lausanne 1211, Geneva 21 Switzerland; World Bank, 1818 H St NW, Washington DC 20433 USA f 202-477-6391; William K. Suter, Clerk, Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First St., NE, Washington DC 20543-0001

Greenpeace International, Ottho Heldringstraat 5, 1066 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands; GreenParty; Ducks Unlimited, One Waterfowl Way, Memphis, Tennessee 38120; Sierra Legal Defence Fund

-Amre M. Moussa, Arab League, Mr. Chavez, President of Venezuela ; Mr. Evo Gonzales, President of Bolivia; Government of Israel; Government of Palestine; DeBeers Diamonds; Exxon; British Petroleum; Shell Oil; Petro Canada; Forest ry industries in Canada; Fisheries industries in Canada;

COECO Friends of the Earth-Costa Rica ; ISODEC/third World Network-Africa; Western Shonone Defense Project; JATAM/Mining Advocacy Network; Federation of Rondas Campesinas of Northern Peru; Minewatch Asia/Mining Communities Development Center; Mineral Policy Center; Mineral Policy Institute; MiningWatch Canada; Goldbusters; Environmental Mining Council of British Columbia; Project Underground;

Sent August 21, 2007 via electronic and registered mail:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President Russia; Mikhail Yefimovich Fradkov, PM Russia; Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs; 4 Staraya Square, Moscow, 103132

All media

poster: katenies