


MNN. Mar. 10, 2014.  In 1710 the Haudenosaunne sent five chiefs from each of our nations to Europe for the first and only time to spread the peace. They took the wampum belts to explain and ratify the Guswentha with the monarchs. All 13 royal bloodlines attended and received a wampum belt. It was their invitation to send their settlers to learn the great law and teach it to the rest of the world. Teeyyeeneenhogarow, Sagaweathquatikethtow,Honeeyeathtawnorow and Etowohkoam were dubbed the “Four Indian Kings”.  Among those receiving the wampum belt about them Great Peace were the Romanovs of Russia. They reigned from 1613 until they were murdered by evil factions within their own bloodline on July 18, 1917.

Putin: "That's right!We have a proud history of thousands of years!"

Putin: “That’s right! We have a proud history of thousands of years!”


MNN Story “1701 Great Peace of Montreal”.

President Putin of Russia recently advised the world on how to dissolve inequality and how to make the consensus fair for all of us. We need him to help us dissolve the illegal Corporations of Canada and the US. All land must be returned to the Ongwehonwe through the application of natural justice. The world will be put back into balance. Everyone of these criminals and their families who were part of and benefitted from the genocide of us, our ancestors and children will go down the gauntlet. 


Vlad the Impaler has pounded a wooden stake into the heart of the New World Order.

NWO is on its last breath!

NWO is on its last breath!

At a meeting in Germany on international, economic and war issues, the US/EU/ NATO war orchestrators squirmed like vampires trying to keep out of the sun while Vlad was shining the sunlight on them.  German emperor Angela Merkel, US warmonger John McCain and all of their war cohorts were  blown away by the Impaler.

NWO ran for cover NWO ran for cover! 1

NWO ran for cover! 

If this was a guitar battle, they were blasted off the stage. In the following clip Stevie Vai represents the New World Order ruled by Satan. Ralph Machio represents Vladimir Putin and Russia. The guitar battle speaks for itself. Watch Vlad blow the new world order off the stage!   “Crossroads Guitar Duel”.  

Video: “Vladimir Putin at World Peace  


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws









MNN. FEB. 22, 2014. US President Obama thinks he can beat President Putin of Russia at diplomacy, war, intelligence and propaganda. It’s so complex. They’re both powerful. Let’s try and simplify it as we did in the Great Law using tewa’ara:ton. We want to know who the toughest guy on earth is!putin obama

We’ll put Obama and Putin in a UFC cage. They have to leave all their weapons of war at home. They must show up and let the world watch them fight it out for free on Youtube! UFC Ultimate Fight welterweight Champ, George St. Pierre, just retired. He can be the referee of the greatest UFC battle yet, OBAMA V. PUTIN. Georges St. Pierre Retires from UFC.

The ancient Haudenosaunee sport of “tewa’ara:ton” [lacrosse] is a medicine game of healing, to struggle against the forces that try to unbalance the world. There was no class or medal system. It was not a nationalistic contest to see who is better than another. Today sport is part of the class system where a bunch of rich people play against each other. The mostly out-of-shape audience pay to watch billionaires, mainly grown men, play a boy’s game. Their job is to entertain and mesmerize the masses. The Olympics promotes nationalism, a symptom of corporatism. 

Pussy Riot: "Madonna never told us our Cossacks would show up!"

Pussy Riot: “Aagh! Madonna never told us our Cossacks would show up!”

It looks to us like Obama has never had a real fight in his life. It appears to us he just does what the oligarchs have told him in his whole life. Since medieval times the oligarchs only job is to create fights through their different factions behind the scenes to continue war worldwide.

The US is envious of the great Olympics Opening Ceremony that the Russians put on, showing off their beautiful culture and vast contributions to human kind. In contrast US and Canada history has no contribution to human kind, only to war and genocide. Our contribution to human kind is the Kaianerekowa, the Council of the Great Peace to the people of the world. 

Ready, set, go!

Coming soon to a UFC Channel OBAMA V. PUTIN.

Muddy Waters tells us like it is. We would like to know who is the real hoochie coochie man: “Well you know I’m the, Hoochie Coochie Man/Everybody knows I’m him/I got a black cat bone/I got a mojo too/I got the Johnny Conkeroo”. Muddy Waters – “Hoochie Koochie Man”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

“CIA agent captured in Ukraine Protest”.