

Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. July 5, 2015. The colony of Canada forbade the Potlach ceremony from 1885 to 1951. 45 people were arrested at Memkumlis. 20 men and women were sent to Oakalla Prison in BC for feasting, dancing, giving gifts and sharing everything. Prime Minister John A. McDonald saw that sewing money on ceremonial blankets and then burning them showed that the ongwe’hon:weh were not interested in capitalism or becoming industrious slaves for the white man. Potlach.

Money is soon gone. But land is forever.

Money is soon gone. But land is forever.


The European money system is based on the idea that the earth and our fellow man are cruel and merciless. Whereas the Ongwe’hon:weh of Great Turtle Island understood the complete opposite. European bankers have shown Greeks and everyone else the obscenity of their evil matrix. The billionaires’ ponzi schemes steal and squeeze money and property out of everybody. Perpetual wars and permanent power of a few are necessary to maintain this corporatocracy.

These beasts will eat anything!

These beasts will eat anything!


The Greeks have been paying for loans with interest to the billionaire bankster’s for money that did not benefit them. It went directly back into the pockets of the billionaires. When the Greeks could not maintain this extortion, their government and economy will be taken over by the bankers. Their standard of living have gone down even more. The old Mafia strategy is used. The victims are threatened with starvation, imprisonment or death for interfering with the power of the billionaires, who even place bets on the outcome. Greeks are human beings. Their ancient philosophy understand they will stay, eat together, live in their houses and have clothes on their backs.

...bids us dance.

..a strict law bids us dance.

The billionaires have to exploit and destroy the earth. Though there is no overpopulation, except of billionaires who cannot be sustained, UN Agenda 21 is enforcing its depopulation program. Dark people will be culled so they can hold onto their paper made wealth and power. Our mother earth has provided enough food for everyone. The natural world can rebalance itself perfectly when the billionaires are gone. Refugees overrunning Europe will be fighting with the populace, not the billionaires. In Canada it’s the fault of the Muslims, not the billionaires who are stealing fish, resources and destroying the land.

Equador disallowed an $8.7 billion dollar debt. [Breaking the Creditors Power by Fanny Malinen]. The IMF debt is Illegal, illegitimate and odious. We ongwe’hon:weh pay for our own money that is being lent to us, which is not legal under international law. The Europeans have no natural wealth. Canadians and Americans have no land or resources. They created an economy where the billionaires can decide who lives or dies.

The Great Peace was to maintain survival of all living things, humans, plants and animals. When we were satisfied and had what we needed, we went home. We fed ourselves, gave gifts and shared. We knew that our mother would provide for us. She could not be drained of her resources.


Opah! Today we refused to be slaves to the corporatists!

In 1958 a young kanion’ke:haka was working on the Cross Canada train with a young student from Alert Bay BC. They were invited to his community to take part in one of the first Potlaches after the ban was lifted. They drove there. The fishing fleet had an exceptionally good season. Over half a million dollars in gifts were being distributed. Families and nearby villages were invited. People were so happy. The joy was infectious. People ran into their home to share what they had. The train employee even gave away his car. Afterwards, the people said, “Now we can sleep better!”

This is the “one dish one spoon” philosophy. It past time for the Europeans to listen to the Great Peace if they wish to save themselves. We remember and live it daily.

Annie Lennox sings the message of change, money can’t buy it: “Take the power to set you free. Kick down the door and throw away the key. Give up your need, your poison seeds. Find yourself elected to a different kind of creed.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 for original Mohawk music visit


a strict law bids us dance

Michael Hudson. A new mode of warfare.










Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Jan. 11, 2015. Ongwe’hon:weh, the sovereigns of Ono’ware:geh, are ready to shake off the illegal shackles of the corporation of Canada. Australia is undergoing this transition as well. Control of all our land, resources and inherent sovereignty will revert back to the Ongwe’hon:weh. The trillions in our Indian Trust Funds will be recovered. Admiralty law has no jurisdiction on Ono’ware:geh. We have never been legally bound by laws and statutes created by the settler colonialists.

Bankers' quagmire based out of the City of London.

Bankers’ quagmire based out of the City of London.

Canada having no clutches of authority into us and our possessions will collapse. Clasps of corporatism like passports, medicare cards, birth certificates, driver’s licenses and permits will be no more. Our tenants must pay their arrears and taxes to us.

Public notices will be posted throughout Ono’ware:geh.

Incorporated INDIAN  chiefs & councils: "Wait up, Harper. We're going with you!"

Incorporated INDIAN chiefs & councils: “Hey, Harper. Do you have room in your boat for us?”

Police powers will enforce the Great Peace throughout our territory. To administer our lands and communities embassies will be set up everywhere to establish diplomatic relations with Canada, its citizenry and other nations. Our offices will issue all currency, passports, identity documents and licenses.

We are the sovereigns. We are not bound by foreign by-laws and rules and will resist Admiralty law of the seas. The police and military exist to enforce corporate laws passed by their Houses of Parliament will no longer exist.

Ongwe'hon:weh: "I'm staying!"

Ongwe’hon:weh hear the language of Mother Earth.

The Admiralty system will be moved off-shore with the bankers. The Constitution of the Great Peace will be implemented on all of Ono’ware:geh. Life under Kaia’nereh:kowa is fair and just. Those who violate the Kaia’nereh:kowa and remain outside the circle will never find peace.

As the “killer”, Jerry Lee Lewis, reminds us, we will shake it all off: “Well, get out from the kitchen and rattle those pots and pans. Well, roll my breakfast ‘cause I’m a hungry man. When you wear those dresses, the sun comes shining through. I can’t believe my eyes. All of this belongs to you. I said shake, rattle and roll”.

Read: Tribal law in Australia.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit