

Please post & distribute.

June 26, 2016. Watch this video first.

Once everything reverts to our natural languages and ways, the corporate matrix imposed on us will be gone. Our visitors will have to learn our language to communicate and live our natural ways. We have over 30 million colonial settlers in Canada who are not natural to this part of our mother earth. They will have to be unplugged from the matrix.

Happy onkwe'hon:weh kids!

Happy onkwe’hon:weh kids!


Justin Trudeau will be the last prime minister of Canada, an ancient useless relic. The parliamentary system is nothing more than an illusion of freedom. By the time the next election comes around, it will be over. Their whole neo-colonial play will end. morpheusandneo

Their ancestors came in search of freedom from their masters in Europe.  crazy horse-1

They found out everyone is a slave to the banker. We are the only species who have to pay money to live on earth.  babylon

Fake foreign place names will revert to the original onkwe’hon:weh names that our mother earth naturally answers to. The corporation of Canada has a British language, stolen land and an artificial culture of which the bankers are the gatekeepers.

The politicians are agents of the bankers, No one gets out of the matrix if the bankers have their way.

The UK Brexit vote shows the people are trying to unplug from the matrix.

The bankers will “be cast down from whence they came for all eternity”.

In the end everyone will bow down to the truth. All the agents will be defeated. Brexit is akin to Neo going into the core of the matrix to end the war. We will have free will to chose love and peace. Brexit is the beginning of the end of the war on our minds.


As Pink Floyd laments: “Us and them”.  “Black and blue. Who knows which is which and who is who. Up and down and in the end it’s only round and round and round. Down and out, it can’t be helped that there’s a lot of it about. With, without, and who’ll deny it’s what the fighting is all about.”


ALERT: PayPal has transferred MNN’s funds [$165] to the US Federal Reserve without explanation. MNN Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Brexit and the Matrix


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake

Minister of National Defence, sujjan.h@gc.caSally Jewell, Secretary, Interior Department, 1849 C St., NY Washington DC 20240Bill Clinton, 1271 Ave. of the Americas, 42nd Fl., NY 10020 212-348-8882.

US Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Ste 7141, Washington +1 (202) 514-2000

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

UN Secretary General
Ban Ki-moon, 1st ave. and 46th street
NY 10017 1 (212) 963 1234









Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. July 5, 2015. The colony of Canada forbade the Potlach ceremony from 1885 to 1951. 45 people were arrested at Memkumlis. 20 men and women were sent to Oakalla Prison in BC for feasting, dancing, giving gifts and sharing everything. Prime Minister John A. McDonald saw that sewing money on ceremonial blankets and then burning them showed that the ongwe’hon:weh were not interested in capitalism or becoming industrious slaves for the white man. Potlach.

Money is soon gone. But land is forever.

Money is soon gone. But land is forever.


The European money system is based on the idea that the earth and our fellow man are cruel and merciless. Whereas the Ongwe’hon:weh of Great Turtle Island understood the complete opposite. European bankers have shown Greeks and everyone else the obscenity of their evil matrix. The billionaires’ ponzi schemes steal and squeeze money and property out of everybody. Perpetual wars and permanent power of a few are necessary to maintain this corporatocracy.

These beasts will eat anything!

These beasts will eat anything!


The Greeks have been paying for loans with interest to the billionaire bankster’s for money that did not benefit them. It went directly back into the pockets of the billionaires. When the Greeks could not maintain this extortion, their government and economy will be taken over by the bankers. Their standard of living have gone down even more. The old Mafia strategy is used. The victims are threatened with starvation, imprisonment or death for interfering with the power of the billionaires, who even place bets on the outcome. Greeks are human beings. Their ancient philosophy understand they will stay, eat together, live in their houses and have clothes on their backs.

...bids us dance.

..a strict law bids us dance.

The billionaires have to exploit and destroy the earth. Though there is no overpopulation, except of billionaires who cannot be sustained, UN Agenda 21 is enforcing its depopulation program. Dark people will be culled so they can hold onto their paper made wealth and power. Our mother earth has provided enough food for everyone. The natural world can rebalance itself perfectly when the billionaires are gone. Refugees overrunning Europe will be fighting with the populace, not the billionaires. In Canada it’s the fault of the Muslims, not the billionaires who are stealing fish, resources and destroying the land.

Equador disallowed an $8.7 billion dollar debt. [Breaking the Creditors Power by Fanny Malinen]. The IMF debt is Illegal, illegitimate and odious. We ongwe’hon:weh pay for our own money that is being lent to us, which is not legal under international law. The Europeans have no natural wealth. Canadians and Americans have no land or resources. They created an economy where the billionaires can decide who lives or dies.

The Great Peace was to maintain survival of all living things, humans, plants and animals. When we were satisfied and had what we needed, we went home. We fed ourselves, gave gifts and shared. We knew that our mother would provide for us. She could not be drained of her resources.


Opah! Today we refused to be slaves to the corporatists!

In 1958 a young kanion’ke:haka was working on the Cross Canada train with a young student from Alert Bay BC. They were invited to his community to take part in one of the first Potlaches after the ban was lifted. They drove there. The fishing fleet had an exceptionally good season. Over half a million dollars in gifts were being distributed. Families and nearby villages were invited. People were so happy. The joy was infectious. People ran into their home to share what they had. The train employee even gave away his car. Afterwards, the people said, “Now we can sleep better!”

This is the “one dish one spoon” philosophy. It past time for the Europeans to listen to the Great Peace if they wish to save themselves. We remember and live it daily.

Annie Lennox sings the message of change, money can’t buy it: “Take the power to set you free. Kick down the door and throw away the key. Give up your need, your poison seeds. Find yourself elected to a different kind of creed.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 for original Mohawk music visit


a strict law bids us dance

Michael Hudson. A new mode of warfare.










Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 24 Mar. 2015. What happens to plutocrats and their followers when colonialism is over? A great big hangover. After centuries of oppression these parasites suffer in agony from dehydration, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, hyper-excitability and anxiety. They can’t live without preying on us, our lives and blood anymore. Their fake matrix is falling apart and can’t sustain them. They need pacified and scared slaves to operate. The beast of war is hysterical and waging last ditch colonial wars to continue their deadly illusion.

Wow! Heard the pyramid disappeared.

“Ow! I’m out of colonies, honey. Have you got anymore aspirin?”

The West is suffering the morning after hangover. They can’t live without colonialism. They have nothing without stealing and making everybody else do the work. They will do anything to stay in the old game. France, England, Spain, Holland, Portugal and Germany are the biggest predators. They rampaged, raped and pillaged Ongwe’hon:weh [natural people of the world]. They have everything through blood lust, warmongering and chaos. Now the colony of the US is colonizing Europe. Russia is once again in the middle of their fascist aspirations.

'I won't be around, but think, Billy - you will see the end of this race in your lifetime!'The oligarchs have less and less compliant slaves. The victims are finding they can protect themselves by disappearing, missing work, low job performance, reduced productivity, poor achievement and less spending.

Some complications of colonial hangovers are collective amnesia about their brutal colonization tactics. Their control mechanisms are disappearing because their underlings who do all the work are being rendered irrelevant. Bankers who know all the inner workings of the matrix are disappearing. Scientists who develop all the weapons of genocide are being eliminated.

China and Russia are on the ascendency, throwing a wrench into the plans of the West. They do not follow the pyramidal power structure of the Vatican controlled West. Russia is preparing for nuclear war because they have seen these people at their worst in two world wars. We as Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawks thank the Russian people for ending the banker created World War I and World War II. Nia:wen kowa!up in smoke

Jigosaseh, the mother of nations, warned Dekanawida about the dangerous man who eats humans and stands in the way of peace. Dekanawida said that it is each ones duty to bring such evils to an end so that all people may go about from place to place without fear.

As the Irish Rovers sing about their hangover that the oligarchs will be feeling. “Could have been the whisky. Might have been the gin. Could have the 3 or 4 six-packs. I don’t know. But look at the mess I’m in. My head’s like a football. I think I’m gonna die. Tell me, me oh me, oh my. Wasn’t that a party”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 original Mohawk music visit

Dead bankers & scientists.

Police tracking video:

USD flash crash of things to come.








MNN. Mar. 3, 2014. The shaking of the ground started by the Tyendinaga Mohawks represents all the frustrations of Indigenous people everywhere: the 900 murdered and missing girls and young women that Canada refuses to investigate, the residential school death camps that murdered over 100,000 children, the continuing medical and social experiments by Nazis on our kids, Canada’s malnutrition experiments and a long list of crimes against humanity by the illegal corporation of Canada. 

Prime Minister Harper, There will be no more murdered sisters!"

“Harper, there will be no more murdered sisters!”

The new Canada Education Act reminds us of Hitler’s plutocratic education statement: “Give me two generations of their children and I’ll have no problem”. We are being taught lies about everything such as that everything must be monetized, that the land can be owned, soon also our air and water and that whoever has the most money makes the rules.  

Mass graves of these children murdered at Canada's residential school death camps.

Mass graves found of children murdered at Canada’s residential school death camps.

Russia was ready to help the Ukraine pay off their IMF International Monetary Fund debt. This threat to the bankers caused the black serpent US/EU/NATO to kick out the elected president and install an EU puppet banker.  

Through deceptive language of legalese they have co-opted all governments worldwide to become corporations. Admiralty Law is based on Canon Law. The recent agreement signed by the Queen of England and Pope Ratzinger protects them from being charged and punished for their crimes.   

The invaders are not naturally attached to the land or the original people. Canada is a foreign corporation injected by the bankers. We have always resisted their presence. The white serpent, the Free Masons, are in every town in Canada. There are 1,240 lodges [560 in Ontario; 118 in Quebec; 54 in Manitoba; 30 in Newfoundland; 114 in Nova Scotia; 51 in New Brunswick; 15 in PEI; 58 in Saskatchewan; l49 in British Columbia; and 141 in Alberta]. Their “religion” is referred to as The Craft. Within the rituals of The Craft, human blood is required. Historically municipal, provincial and federal politicians have always been affiliated with The Lodge. Free Masons do have a “god” who is Lucifer, another word for Satan. Free Mason Whistleblower.

Our missing and murdered girls and young women.

Our missing and murdered girls and young women. Canada refuses to investigate!

To regain our freedom we must drain and eliminate this abcess from our society. We cannot coexist with this evil enterprise.  

We Indigenous are dangerous to them because we constantly advocate liberation of our land and ourselves. The Mohawks are “shaking the earth” by demanding that Parliament starts a real investigation of these murders by March 31, 2014. Canadians need to know which of their representatives are visiting the Masonic lodges. Remaining silent reveals they are members of this cult. They are evil doers who must leave Great Turtle Island.  

As Malcolm X said, “time and the truth are on the side of the oppressed”. Long live the Indigenous people. Soon these serpents will be but a blot on a page in the history book. 

When the Canadian people face this horror within their own communities, it will put an end to the bloodletting:  “Ride of the Valkyries”

“Tyendinaga Mohawks shake ground”

UK Press: “Sex with children doesn’t harm them”.

UK Express article on paedophilia.   

Nation Talk: Murdered Indigenous Women.

BeforeItsNews: Queen & Pope.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit















decision 2007


MNN. Apr 30, 2013. Federal Court of Canada was asked: Does Canada have a constitution? Are Sections 109 and 132 still part of the British North America Act 1867? If so, our rights to our lands, resources, funds and our sovereignty supersede that of Canada. [Thahoketoteh of Kanekota v. the Queen, T2007-13, Apr. 8, 2013].  Judge Snider refused to answer this simple question, in 4 pages of nonsense. She ordered Thahoketoteh pay $500 for the tele-conference trial, which cost $0. The corporate court system is set up to encircle, subvert and overthrow anyone going against the Corporation of Canada. rule of law

Kanekota was a direct confrontation in their own arena, by their own rule of law, which they did not follow. They sit in judgment as one of the parties in the dispute. This violates international law against genocide. Canada could only deny us our basic human rights.  

Canada has a constitution which the courts do not have to follow because it was not ratified by the people. At the signing of the 1948 UN Declaration on Human Rights, Canada and US signed. A clause was added exempting US and Canada from the International Criminal Court. They could never be tried for any human rights violations. They can only be tried domestically. Accordingly, they are waging war everywhere in the world.   

Their blatant disregard for the questions indicates their uncertain future. With their accomplices, the UN, IMF, World Bank, BIS and other Rothschild owned banks, they are fighting the advancing consciousness of the people who live with the land. junta

We are a free people with free minds. Their fake system needs our resources and our labor. They are trying to break us up into moderate and militant blocks to fight or negotiate with one side or the other. The world balance is shifting. Rather than encircling us, they are being encircled. To start WWIII they need to steal our resources, funds and labor.   

Many supported our case to help promote our constitution of peace. Judge Snider’s “fatally flawed” decision opened the eyes of all, that going into their theater of the absurd is a waste of time.   

Thahoketoteh felt that the energy of putting his mind into the case was anti-spiritual. They will never rule against the corporation. Nor allow a third party adjudicator to make it a fair hearing. We are living in a military dictatorship with no rule of law. Our true constitution for thousands of year is the law of this land. We will not appeal this case.  The white roots of peace have been exposed for all on Great Turtle Island to follow to it’s source.CIRCLE As Jimi points out in his classic “If 6 was 9, I don’t mind. If all the hippies cut off their hair, I don’t care. Cause i got my own world to live through, and I ain’t gonna copy you.”


MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0













MNN. MAR. 16, 2013. There once was an evil man whose head was full of serpents like Medusa, called “Atotarho”. Each serpent wreaked havoc, domination, disorder, control or death. To bring peace Dekanawida and Ayonwatha combed out the serpents. As his roots were in Great Turtle Island, he became clean-minded and was appointed the chairman of the Five Nations Iroquois Confederacy.



Today foreign serpents control society which all have the same head. The monster is the “corporation”. Dekanawida said there were three, red, white and black. The white and red would fight. The black unite them and create war with everyone on earth. They work out of one mind. The different heads coming out of the monster control money, politicians, military, intelligence, religion, war and espionage. The financiers that control the monster create and prosper in times of turmoil, war, recession and depression. 

Ancient European societies sent the multi headed monster onto our land. It could not take root in our soil like us. 

The multi headed monster tried to kill natural law which requires many forms of intelligence. The monster wanted everyone to live with only one brain, theirs. They cannot control the minds of those who have a natural desire to be free and use their minds. 

Monster: "It's mine, mine, mine!

Monster is the deadly quagmire!

To wrap its tentacles around the world, the serpents have nested in the United Nations. Their eggs are hatching there. The octopus-like creature is trying to grab and suffocate everything. We are resisting. This enrages the monster. 

The states in the UN are those taken over by this monster, like Canada, US, France, Spain, Germany and Russia. They suppress the true owners of the lands everywhere on earth to feed the head monster.   

The UN monster tells us, “the rights you have are those we give you.” We say, “Canada, we own everything”. They know it’s true so they are trying to give us a few dollars for our resources. 

The UN multi headed monster set up ‘A Bureau of World Indigenous Affairs’ to control us. Central control is far away, in the City of London and the Vatican. Their bully is in Washington DC. The “United Multinational Corporation of the World” is made up of serpents such as the bankers, IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization, Vatican, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Exxon, Shell, the Bilderberg Group, Federal Reserve and the US energy-industrial-military-pharmaceutical complex and the royal economists. 

Sharp comb for a big job!

We all need to comb the serpents from our hair!

What is the antidote for the serpents bite? The monster dies when the people exercise freedom to think and assert individual and collective sovereignty. Creation instructed us to try to comb the serpents out of their hair to become of one mind. Telling and living the truth while singing our songs will soothe its spirit. Unless they acknowledge the great natural power of creation, the monster will die. 

Lady Gaga tells us who she works for, when she sings about the monster: ”He ate my heart, He a-a-ate my heart. “You little monster”. He ate my heart, he a-a-ate my heart out. You amaze me. You amaze me.” Lady Gaga “Monster”

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 WHERE EAGLES DARE TO SOAR available from MNN.






MNN.  Jan. 22, 2013.  All the money to run the Corporation of Canada comes from interest on the Indian Trust Fund. This revenue comes from exploitation of our land and resources.

In 1907 Canada declared us as non-persons so they could control our money, lives and future.  They gave themselves power of attorney without our permission. According to the Trust Fund Management System, the Indian Affairs Minister can manage our money as if he was our parent. He can collect, receive, hold it, decide how to manage and spend it without our knowledge or consent.

Indian Affairs cabal manages Indian Trust Funds.

Indian Affairs  Trust Funds managers.

The shareholders of the Corporations of the United States, Canada and the UN are getting filthy rich playing with our trust funds. Very little comes to us.  Most goes to their friends, corporations and governments.

Indian Affairs website states that “any licences, permits and other instruments to individuals and organizations” that exploits our resources belongs to us. Otherwise, there would be no need for a cabal known as Indian Affairs. They distribute 10% or more of the interest to the Vatican, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, international banks, the Queen and the bloodline families.

Indian Affairs suspense accounts are from businesses run on our behalf by the Corporation of Canada. Public Accounts of Canada monies cannot be disbursed or given to us.

The Environmental Studies Research Fund Accounts belong to us. Special Accounts are individual and band accounts which we never see.

Indian Estate Accounts are from deceased Indigenous, or those deemed incompetent and “missing”.  They collect and hold money on dead Indians.  On every child monies due is collected and kept.

Not included are the vast royalties from deals between the provinces and multinational corporations for our natural resources. The following table shows what Indian Affairs admits to taking and distributing to each province. They answer only to the bankers.

Our payouts to provinces of oil, gas, royalties, rents & bonuses.

Payouts to provinces of oil, gas, royalties, rents & bonuses.

It’s all ending.  These new omnibus bills like C45 shows that the Corporation of Canada is trying to steal whatever it can and then flee with the loot.  We will not be extinguished through their new fascist bills.

We will put in place a fair distribution system for our people to take control of our land and resources.

Sir William Johnson, King George’s representative in North America, told him that the Iroquois were not his subjects. “Any man who dared tell us we are subjects of a foreign power, no sooner were those words spoken would his throat be split. You better have a good army at your back if you make that claim.  We are slaves to no one.”

band/tribal councils fall between canoe & master's boat.

band/tribal councils falling between canoe & master’s boat.

All resources are ours. Our funds are illegally held in trust for us by some very untrustworthy people. Remember that the colonial band and tribal councils are all incorporated and the councilors are chief executive officers. They try to steer the canoe for the boat master, violating the Guswentha.

As Mick Jagger sang:  “Just as every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints.  As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer.  I’m in need of some restraint.”  Misdirection, confusion, greed, will all be cast down.

Rolling Stones: Sympathy for the Devil

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0


See Elyse Bruce




MNN:  19 Dec. 2011.  Because we aren’t like the colonial invaders, how many of us thought we were crazy?  They tried to make us imitate and look like them.  We’re not taking it anymore!  Look what’s happening.  

The US and European economies are falling like the WTC.     

European Union EU is a non-military empire, run by the IMF, EU and Central Bank.  Spain, Greece, Portugal and Ireland are staying in the EU prison, to help tear it down from inside.  

The US was never going to be an empire.  Their job was to create wars for the bankers. 

Millions of US rulers and their middle class agents are fleeing Great Turtle Island with the cashbox that contains the country’s resources and riches, to deposit into the City of London [central bank]. 

Political, financial and crime bosses will follow the money.  Those left behind will suffer without leaders to tell them what to do.  They will tear the US apart from within.   

Technology is creating fabricated information leading to decisions full of error.     

Government wages unending war on innocent foreigners and now there’s payback on their own people.  The masses are being threatened with austerity, fuel blockages, riot police, checkpoints, drones, limited mobility, an economic collapse, draconian controls, health emergencies, no political and legal order, starvation and death.  

Their moral compass is based on property, thrill seeking, addiction and kleptomania.  Their politicians and CEOs steal millions, so they emulate them.    

President Obama signed the Defense Authorization Act to bring in martial law.  Any US citizen can be arrested and detained without any criminal charges.  50 FEMA camps are ready to accept prisoners.  Millions of family-size plastic coffins await.  

The ex-pats are moving to Australia, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, South Africa, Spain, Brazil, Czechoslavakia, Thailand, Buenos Aires and Argentina, where English is spoken.  Japan, France, Italy and UK are out.  Too expensive.   

Americans can’t easily learn other languages.  These unilingualists can’t see the perceptions of others.    

Their brain patterns are being technologically altered to numb the creative side.  Their culture short circuits their thinking, causing a bipolar like behavior.  They fantasize and blind themselves to reality.  

The Western mind has been conditioned to be weak, shallow, blood thirsty and guiltless.  They suffer from anxiety and depend on medications.  Pharmaceuticals create diseases and addictive poison cures.  

Their artists are like Indigenous whose intuition and intellect work together to see reality. Many scientists and artists are politically persecuted or murdered.  They could have been the voice of truth.  

Information at the top of the pyramid will always be incomplete.  Voices below are varied, as they should be, with more insights.  The rulers are confused and have lost control of the masses.   

The old Soviet Union locked away its critics.  The United States expels them. Blacklists and restricted employment often work as effectively as the Soviet gulag system.  

We indigenous are staying out of their way but won’t let them trample us.  

We don’t have technology.  Yet our way is infiltrating their system. 

In the song, London Bridge, “Take the key and lock them up, lock them up, lock them up.  Take the key and lock them up, my fair lady”.  Remember, nothing artificial can last.  Nature tears down all walls. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, to donate to maintain the website [PayPal] and to sign up for MNN newsletters go  More stories at MNN Categories “COLONIALISM/ART/CULTURE”.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 Store:  Indigenous authors – Kahnawake books – Mohawk Warriors Three – Warriors Hand Book – Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy. Category:  World – Colonialism – Great Turtle Island – History – New World Order – courts/police Economics/trade/commerce – Land/environment – art/culture.