MNN. Aug. 5, 2007. The Indigenous people and President Hugo Chavez are bringing together 40 Indigenous nations of Venezuela from August 7 to 9, 2007.

The Mohawk delegation is made up of two women, Kahentinetha, an elder and Karenhahes, Bear Clan Mother.

This congress is setting up a broad international movement of indigenous people to reject colonial oppression. During the 20th century, the European states that generated the colonial movement began to understand that they would destroy each other if they kept up the land and resources grab and the ensuing killing of Indigenous peoples. Colonialism was declared illegal. Canada continued to define a “person” as any individual other than an Indian until 1951. Canada still does not respect our sovereignty and presumes that their colonial law is the only law north of the 49th parallel. The U.S. usurps the Indigenous lands, resources and jurisdiction south of the 49th parallel.

Canada refuses to sign the Declaration of Indigenous rights at the United Nations, even though that declaration is a profoundly colonial instrument. International law recognizes that no state can absorb another without the free and fully informed consent of the people concerned in a free vote. The Indigenous peoples and nations never agreed to become part of Canada. Canada is addicted to old destructive models of social and economic relations and medieval ruling class credos. It thinks that social order is based on command and obedience, not agreement between equals, and that there can’t be wealth without poverty. Such nonsense.

The meeting in Venezuela will take place in Mapiricure, an indigenous community in the south. On August 9th President Hugo Chavez will be presented with the Indigenous Feather known as the “Penacho” and a headdress. This will be followed by a ceremony invoking the powers of the natural world. On that day 11 land titles will be turned over to the Indigenous Communal Councils by President Chavez.

The shamen carrying out the ceremony will be joined by shamen from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Nicaraugua, Mexico, Panama and the U.S.

Here is a draft of the words that the Mohawk delegation will be delivering to the International Congress of Indigenous People “in Defence of the Planet”, outlining a new paradigm for human existence.

“Nia:wen for your invitation to witness this historic event. From our women, we bring greetings to the women of your country.

From the “Rotiyaner” who are the men of our nation, we bring greetings from our men to your men.

From our elders, those who are the grandmothers and grandfathers, we bring our greetings to you who are the grandmothers and grandfathers of this nation.

From the fathers and mothers of our nation we bring greetings to you who are the mothers and fathers to your nation.

From our young people we bring greetings to your young people of this nation.

From the children of our nation we bring greetings to the children of your nation.

From those who still crawl upon the earth and those who are still on the cradle board, we bring greetings to your children who crawl on the earth and those who are on the cradle board.

From those faces of our future who are still beneath the earth, we bring the greetings to those of your people whose faces are yet beneath the earth.

Now that we have said this, we may begin.

We would like to have had a larger delegation here to day. Due to our struggle to preserve our sovereignty we are oppressed and ignored on our own homeland we call Onowarekeh, also known also as “Turtle Island”. The foreign colonial governments of Canada and the United States limit our movements on our own land. They fail to teach their people about our existence, our philosophy, our laws.

Mr. Chavez, thank you for giving our people an opportunity to establish relations between our governments under our philosophy known as the “Kaianereh’ko:wa”, the Great Law of Peace. We are not under the colonial laws. We continue to adhere to our laws and traditions. We continue to ensure a future for our people as the Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk.

We are the eyes and ears that will witness this event. This is the beginning of a message to other nations to work towards bringing people back together to form an alliance. We wish to develop a sane and healthy way of life that assures that all people are decently cared for.

We need to renew the solemn blood covenants that have bound all Indigenous Peoples of South America and Onowarekeh, our name for Turtle Island, for thousands of years. We are one blood. When one family member is oppressed the other must aid their covenant partners. Everyone is there to uplift each other. No one goes without.

Our perception is that the material world is to be shared and distributed equally. Our ancestors knew that when a hunter went into the woods and brought back a deer, the entire community shared in that bounty. This is common to all Indigenous peoples of the world. Those who have fallen away from these simple concepts and now practice colonialism must be brought back into the human family and saved from themselves.

We present you with a copy of the Great Law, our constitution, in both Mohawk and English, our Confederacy flag, the Unity flag and several books about us that will be of interest to you.

We, the Onkwehonweh [the original people], are the guardians of Onowarekeh. Recently South America was visited by the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada. They both avoided Venezuela because they can’t understand what’s happening here and it frightens them. These are emotionally disturbed people. They don’t know how to exist on a level of equality with their fellow human beings.

They do not represent us or even the people of their countries. They follow habits of thought that have been proven to be ineffective and destructive to the continuation of human life on earth. They represent foreigners who have usurped our resources and deny us any rights to our ancestral heritage.

Our words as the true representatives are binding on Turtle Island. We have always been here. We belong to the land on which we were formed. Mr. Chavez is here with the true owners of the lands of Onowarekeh and South America. What we say between us is binding.

Under natural law and international law everyone has a right to our own government, nationality and land.

As elders of our nation, we are dedicated to work in the best interests of our people. Each of us has power in our lives. We have a duty to spread the Kaianerehkowa throughout the world. The white roots from the Tree of Peace go in the four directions. Those who wish to find shelter may trace its roots to the source. My nation and Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy are in need of this alliance at this time.

Mr. Chavez holds the same political positions as the Mohawk Nation. We are here to help fan the flames so that the fire grows larger to make a place for all humans to share its warmth and benefits.

No one needs anyone’s permission to promote alliances, unification of our peoples and to spread the peace as prescribed in the Kaianereh’ko:wa. We refuse to live under a dictatorship.

An opportunity came to us to come here. We seized it. Last September some of our people went to New York City, which is on Iroquois land, to hear Mr. Chavez speak. He was inspiring. They told us that they agreed with every word he said.

Our message of peace came to us from our ancestors, Dekanawida and Jigosaseh. They told our people to bring everyone into a covenant of peace, to link arms with all the other peoples of the world. We are continuing the work of our ancestors to bring the message of peace to you today.

South America has the same colonial past as Onowarekeh, Turtle Island. We have occupied our territories since time immemorial. This land is who we are. It is our identity. Mr. Chavez is one of us. His roots go deep into the soil, the jungles, the mountains and fields of Venezuela. From the earth he gets sustenance, vitality and ability to help his people. The people feel safe. His first instinct is to protect the Indigenous people and the visitors who are here.

Venezuela is a beautiful wealthy part of the world. Your resources are now being skillfully used to enhance the best interests of the land and the people who live upon it. You are tapping into the wellspring of ancestral memories that are hidden in the minds of every person living here.

Now all other Indigenous people are seeing that it is possible to take our lives under our own control, not be dominated by foreign forces and to do good.

We feel secure with the Venezuelans. You are competent and sure of who you are. Initially the multinational corporations felt intimidated by the turn of events. They are finding they can work with the original people in the best interests of all. Everyone is benefiting. The only way to achieve harmony and prosperity among us is to bring all our talents and innate abilities together.

Mr. Chavez has found a way to bring this out in all of his people. He represents the forces of a people who are on the move. He has offered a new paradigm. He is showing Indigenous peoples and others that we can take over our own lives and run our own affairs. We can do it so that no one feels intimidated or threatened. It is becoming the natural way to do things.

Dekanawaida and Jigosaseh, the man and woman who helped develop the Great Law of Peace, understood this. They realized that the strength of the Confederation was based on no nation dominating the others. Each, no matter how large or small, had a right to exist and remain who they are.

There was no stifling of the innate abilities of the Onondagas, Senecas, Oneidas, Cayugas, Mohawks or Tuscaroras. Larger nations did not overpower the smaller ones. We were equal. Diverse peoples were brought together to work in harmony for the benefit of everyone. No one could assert themselves over others.

This is the reason why the indigenous government in Venezuela is successful. Mr. Chavez has tapped into the same knowledge that exists in all Indigenous people. The renaissance in Venezuela is going to spread all over the world.

People always feel threatened by a new paradigm. We can expect many attacks from the colonial powers. We do not use guns but they point theirs at us. They don’t know what else to do. The young, the poor and even the middle class in the colonized countries are all suffering from the same insecurity and dislocation that has been imposed on us. They will join us once they understand.

If everyone doesn’t relearn how to look after the earth and each other, there will be nothing left for anyone to eat; no clean water to drink; and no clean air to breathe. The colonial commercial exploitation of the environment has been taken to such extremes that human life itself is in peril. We can work together to clean up the mess we have created as human beings and make the earth healthy again.

The greedy grasping power hungry people who are trying to gain control over all of humanity have lost touch with reality. Just when they think that they have achieved their goal of absolute control and domination, the pyramid of delusion will collapse beneath their feet. Life itself will be gone.

Nobody wants to suffer the consequences of a collapse of this order. Venezuela has a model that is working. People are free and work together to develop everyone to their full potential in whatever area of life they have chosen.

When somebody wants to go from one place to another through forests, jungles, swamps, deserts or mountains, somebody always goes ahead and cuts the trail. The others follow the steps of those who went ahead. They all get to their destination safely. It takes a courageous visionary to see far ahead the dangers that are prowling around. Hugo Chavez is a trailblazer in the realm of the world’s progressives. He helps whole groups of people move forward together. He is setting in motion an act that others will follow.

We have a chance to see how this model is working to its fullest potential so that the good life and good health is shared by all equally. We feel gratified and honored that we are taking part in the dedication of the land to the original people. We need more people like Hugo Chavez all over the world. We hope for the continued good health of Mr. Chavez, who cares to lead in troubled times. Artificial ways will dissolve themselves because they are not real. Humanity must go back to the natural relationships. We salute you, Venezuela, for showing the world how your humanitarian goals are being achieved and are inspiring others to achieve”.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

Send your comments on this movement to be presented to the Venezuelans and the Indigenous people who are attending his event at, and

poster: katenies



MNN. August 21, 2007. Originally, in January of 2006, this objection was sent out via electronic and registered mail to all states claiming sovereignty over our un-surrendered lands known as the Arctic Region/Turtle Island. This objection has been revised to include Russia and sent registered mail to the parties.Soon to be Posted: News category “Women Title Holders” Attachment: Mohawk Manifesto


DATE: January 28, 2006

FROM: Women Title Holders of the Kanion’ke:haka Nation

According to Wampum 44 of our law, the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the Women Title Holders are the “progenitors of the soil” of Turtle Island . We are the Caretakers of the land, water and air of Turtle Island. We are notifying you and the International Forum of Nations of our constitutional jurisdiction in our land that is being violated.

RE: Non-Indigenous invasion of Indigenous constitutional jurisdiction of Arctic Region of Turtle Island by Canada, United States, Denmark, Russia and other outside entities

TO: Canada; United States; Denmark; Russia; Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II; Governor General of Canada; all Provinces of Canada; President of United States; Department of Justice Canada; U.S. Department of Justice; Attorney General of Canada; U.S. Attorney General; Department of Indian Affairs, Department of Interior; Stock Exchanges Toronto, Montreal, New York, London. Tokyo, Hong Kong and Zurich; The Pentagon; U.S. Army and Navy; European Union; Department of Defense Canada; Canada Steamship Lines; others listed at end (Addresses at end of Public Notice).

OBJECTION TO: The invasion of Indigenous constitutional jurisdiction by Canada, United States, Denmark, Russia and their affiliates and all outside non-indigenous entities who are presently attempting to usurp the northern region of Turtle Island. Canada is fighting a turf war with Denmark over the “barren” Hans Island in the Arctic, and U.S. submarines have surfaced in the far north. Canada, United States, Denmark, Russia or any other corporations have no claim over this area which belongs to the Indigenous people of Turtle Island. We demand that you cease and desist, immediately your invasion and exploitation of Indigenous territory and its people.

This turf war over the Arctic Region is a violation of our customs, practices and occupational jurisdiction. Modern international law seeks to protect small peoples from incursions by aggressive states who use military and economic force to impose their culture on others. According to both the Canadian constitution and the American constitution those states cannot simply appropriate our land, resources and territorial waters. Indigenous people never surrendered our rights. The Western Sahara case makes it very clear that a territory cannot be incorporated in another state without the informed consent of the majority of its people. This requirement has not been met.

Neither, Canada, the United States, Denmark nor Russia has authority to extend colonial authority or jurisdiction over us. Any past agreements or treaties have been limited to allowing foreign settlers to live peacefully on our land.

According to our agreements with Canada and the United States, any American, Canadian, Danish, Russian or other foreigner wishing to enter our territory for any reason whatsoever must deal with us through their state representative. No individual or foreign entity can invite outsiders onto our territory.

The Women Title Holders have the authority to safeguard our land for the coming generations. We have always defended our right to self-determination. We continue to do this now that the right to self-determination is recognized as a universal human right.

Canada, United States, Denmark and Russia never consulted us nor asked us for our consent to enter our Arctic waters and territory.

This dispute between Canada, United States, Denmark and Russia over our territory, waters and resources has overlooked our rights. The colonial custom of appropriating the sources of indigenous sustenance is resulting in the genocide of many indigenous people and destroying the entire world environment for everybody. Mother Earth is already badly scarred and yet you have not modified your behavior.

We demand that you to leave aside your colonial habits of the past. Move into the 21st Century in a way that respects our equal rights and common humanity.

We are registering our objection to this illegal assumption of jurisdiction by Canada, United States, Denmark, and Russia and their agents. In Canada we took an action in the Supreme Court of Canada – Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:neh v. Attorney General of Canada and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, Court File: 05-CV-030785.

We brought this constitutional jurisdiction issue before the U.S. Supreme Court. See No. 05-165: 2005. In The Supreme Court of the United States In re Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:neh, Non-party, Petitioner/Movant/Appellant, The Canadian St. Regis Band of Mohawk Indians, Plaintiffs, Respondents, v. The State of New York, Defendants, Respondents. Petition for Writs of Certiorari and Quo Warranto with Prohibition and Mandamus in Aid to Prevent Genocide. Rules 17.1 and 20.1.


1. Jurisdiction over our ter­ritory now called the “ Arctic ” and beyond, belongs to the Indigenous People of Turtle Island.

2. Canada, United States, Denmark and Russia must respect that relations with us shall be con­ducted on a nation-to-nation basis.

3. Canada and the United States never made a treaty of cession with the Indigenous People for the Arctic. Contact can only be with the constitutional Indigenous people to deal with this issue.

4. The denial of a nation’s exis­tence constitutes genocide, according to the many international covenants that Canada, United States, Denmark and Russia have pledged to uphold;


5. We demand that Canada, United States, Denmark, Russia and their corporate bodies and associates immediately cease and desist their illegal assumption of jurisdiction or presence in any way, shape or form on our territory, the Arctic .

6. Finally, we demand to be officially informed of how international, federal, state and provincial entities can violate international law and the rule of law by superseding our jurisdiction over territory that we never surrendered through a treaty or any means whatsoever.

By Kanion’ke:haka Women Title Holders

Kahentinetha, Bear Clan /s/______________________

Katenies, Bear Clan /s/___________________

P.O. Box 991 , Kahnawake of Mohawk Territory ( Quebec, Canada ) J0L 1B0,

Sent to:

-Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Government of Canada, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa; Bloc Quebecois, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa Canada; Jack Layton, New Democratic Party, 279 Laurier Ave., Ottawa Canada K1P 5J9; Liberal Party of Canada, Dalton McGuinty, Premier. Legislative Building, Queen’s Park, Toronto ON M7A 1A1;Attorney General of Ontario, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 1200 Vanier Parkway, Ottawa Canada K1A 0R2; Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, House of Commons, Ottawa Canada K1A 0A6; Minister of Defense Canada, Major Gen. George R. Pearkes Bldg., 101 Col. By Drive, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0K2; Department of Justice Canada; Attorney General of Canada; Department of Indian Affairs; Hon. Paul Okalik, Premier, Government of Nunavut, Iqaluit NU Canada; Government of Yukon, Box 2703, Whitehorse, Yukon Canada Y1A 2C6; NWT

-George Bush, President of United States, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC 20500; David Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, The Pentagon, Headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense; -Andrew S. Eristoff, Commissioner, New York State Department of Taxation, W.A. Harriman Campus, Albany, NY 12227-0155; -Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, U.S. Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC 20530-0001;Gail Norton, and George Skibine, Department of the Interior, 1849 C St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240; Tracey S. Toubu, Director, Office of Tribal Justice, United States Department of Justice, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington DC 20530 202-514-8812 Fax 202-514-9078; U.S. Congress; Ralph Seekins, Justice Minister, Government of Alaska

-U.S. Army Corp of Engineers,; The United States Army, 1500 Army Pentagon, Washington DC 20310-1500; The U.S. Navy, 1200 Navy Pentagon, Room 4B463, Washington DC 20350-1200; Central Intelligence Agency, Office of Public Affairs, Washington DC 20505

-Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, Buckingham Palace, London SQ1A UK; Governor General of Canada, Mme. Michaelle Jean,

-President Anders Fogh Masmussen, Denmark, Christiansborg – Prins Jortgens Gard 11 – 1218 Copenhagen K, Denmark; Minister of Defense, Denmark, Forsvarsministeriet, Holmens Kanal 42, 1060 Kobenhavn K; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark, The Permanent Mission of Denmark to the United States, One Dag Hammerskjold Plaza, 885 Second Ave., 18th Fl., New York 10017 USA; Mr. Javier Solana, Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union, Rue de la Loi, 175 B-1048 Bruxelles

-Bono, DATA, 1400 Eye St., N.W., Suite 1125 , Washington DC 20005

-Canada Steam Ship Lines, Headquarters, 759 Square Victoria, Montreal, Quebec Canada H2Y 2K3; Royal Canadian Military Institute, 426 University Ave., Toronto ON Canada M5G 1S9

-Toronto Stock Exchange TSX Inc.,; Montreal Stock Exchange/Bourse de Montreal Inc. P.O. Box 61, 800 Victoria Sq., Montreal Quebec H4Z 1A9; Board of Directors, %The Corporate Secretary, New York Stock Exchange Incorporated, 11 Wall Street, New York, 10005 Fax 212-656-3939; Kathleen Chu, Tokyo Stock Exchange,,; Ann Moulier, London Stock Exchange, 10 Paternoster Sq., London UK EC4M 7LS; Hong Kong Stock Exchange, 12/F One International Finance Center, 1 Harborview St., Central Hong Kong; -SAM Indexes Gmgh, DJSI, Seefeldstrasse 215, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland,

-Iroquois Caucus; Mohawk Council of Kanehsatake; Six Nations Council; Chiefs, Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Inc., 412 State Route 37, Akwesasne (New York) 13655 518-358-3203; Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, P.O. Box 579, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 5T3; -Mohawk Council of Kahnawake, P.O. Box 720, Kahnawake of Mohawk Territory, (Quebec) J0L 1B0; Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, R.R. 1, Tyendinaga of Mohawk Territory, Ontario 613-396-3424 Fax 613-396-3627; Cayuga Nation of Indians Inc., P.O. Box 11, Versailles, NY 14168 F 716-532-5417; Seneca Nation of Indians, Allegany Reservation, P.O. Box 231, Salamanca, NY 14779 F 716-945-1790; Cattaraugus Reservation, 1490 Route 438, Irving NY 14081 F 716-532-9132; Oneida Indian Nation of New York Inc., 223 Genesee St., Oneida NY 13421 F 315-361-6333; Onondaga Nation, Rte. 11A, Box 229, Nedrow, NY 13120, T 315-492-3041; Tonawanda Band of Senecas (Tonawanda Seneca Nation), 7027 Meadville Rd., Basom NY 14013 T 716-542-4244; Tuscarora Indian Nation, 2006 Mt. Hope Rd., Lewiston NY 14092 T 716-297-4990; Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs, Box 366, Rooseveltown, NY F 518-358-3488; Kanatsiohareke, 4934 State Hwy. 5, Fonda NY 12068; Oneida Nation, RR 2, Southwold, Ont. N0L 2G0 T 518-652-5414; Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:ne, P.O. Box 1016, Akwesasne (NYS) 13655 ;

Organization of American States, 17th St. & Constitution NW, Washington DC 20006; World Trade Organization, Palais Eynard, Hotel municipal, 4 rue de la Croix-Rouge, 1211 Geneve 3, Switzerland; International Labor Organization,; International Maritime Organization, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR UK; North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Blvd. Leopold III, 111- Brussels, Belgium;

-UN Office of High Commission for Human Rights, UN Plaza, S. 294, New York, 10017;; Rudolpho Stavenhagen, International Commission for Human Rights, P.O. Box 16, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland; Coalition for the International Criminal Court, %WFM, 708 3rd Ave., 24th Floor, New York (NYS) 10017,; The Hague, Anna Paulownastraat 103, 251 BBC, The Netherlands t: +31-70-363-4484 F: +31-70-364-0259; Pope Benedictine XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, St. Peter’s Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy; Shiva Vanadana; UN Forum for Indigenous Peoples, Room DC2-1772, New York 10017

-World Intellectual Property Organization, 34 Chemin de Colombettes, Geneva; International Monetary Fund, 700 19th St., NW, Washington DC 20431, F 202-623-4661 lelgislative affairs; -World Trade Organization, Mike Moore, 154 rue de Lausanne 1211, Geneva 21 Switzerland; World Bank, 1818 H St NW, Washington DC 20433 USA f 202-477-6391; William K. Suter, Clerk, Supreme Court of the United States, 1 First St., NE, Washington DC 20543-0001

Greenpeace International, Ottho Heldringstraat 5, 1066 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands; GreenParty; Ducks Unlimited, One Waterfowl Way, Memphis, Tennessee 38120; Sierra Legal Defence Fund

-Amre M. Moussa, Arab League, Mr. Chavez, President of Venezuela ; Mr. Evo Gonzales, President of Bolivia; Government of Israel; Government of Palestine; DeBeers Diamonds; Exxon; British Petroleum; Shell Oil; Petro Canada; Forest ry industries in Canada; Fisheries industries in Canada;

COECO Friends of the Earth-Costa Rica ; ISODEC/third World Network-Africa; Western Shonone Defense Project; JATAM/Mining Advocacy Network; Federation of Rondas Campesinas of Northern Peru; Minewatch Asia/Mining Communities Development Center; Mineral Policy Center; Mineral Policy Institute; MiningWatch Canada; Goldbusters; Environmental Mining Council of British Columbia; Project Underground;

Sent August 21, 2007 via electronic and registered mail:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President Russia; Mikhail Yefimovich Fradkov, PM Russia; Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs; 4 Staraya Square, Moscow, 103132

All media

poster: katenies






MNN. Aug. 5, 2007. The Indigenous people and President Hugo Chavez are bringing together 40 Indigenous nations of Venezuela from August 7 to 9, 2007.

The Mohawk delegation is made up of two women, Kahentinetha, an elder and Karenhahes, Bear Clan Mother.

This congress is setting up a broad international movement of indigenous people to reject colonial oppression. During the 20th century, the European states that generated the colonial movement began to understand that they would destroy each other if they kept up the land and resources grab and the ensuing killing of Indigenous peoples. Colonialism was declared illegal. Canada continued to define a “person” as any individual other than an Indian until 1951. Canada still does not respect our sovereignty and presumes that their colonial law is the only law north of the 49th parallel. The U.S. usurps the Indigenous lands, resources and jurisdiction south of the 49th parallel.

Canada refuses to sign the Declaration of Indigenous rights at the United Nations, even though that declaration is a profoundly colonial instrument. International law recognizes that no state can absorb another without the free and fully informed consent of the people concerned in a free vote. The Indigenous peoples and nations never agreed to become part of Canada. Canada is addicted to old destructive models of social and economic relations and medieval ruling class credos. It thinks that social order is based on command and obedience, not agreement between equals, and that there can’t be wealth without poverty. Such nonsense.

The meeting in Venezuela will take place in Mapiricure, an indigenous community in the south. On August 9th President Hugo Chavez will be presented with the Indigenous Feather known as the “Penacho” and a headdress. This will be followed by a ceremony invoking the powers of the natural world. On that day 11 land titles will be turned over to the Indigenous Communal Councils by President Chavez.

The shamen carrying out the ceremony will be joined by shamen from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Nicaraugua, Mexico, Panama and the U.S.

Here is a draft of the words that the Mohawk delegation will be delivering to the International Congress of Indigenous People “in Defence of the Planet”, outlining a new paradigm for human existence.

“Nia:wen for your invitation to witness this historic event. From our women, we bring greetings to the women of your country.

From the “Rotiyaner” who are the men of our nation, we bring greetings from our men to your men.

From our elders, those who are the grandmothers and grandfathers, we bring our greetings to you who are the grandmothers and grandfathers of this nation.

From the fathers and mothers of our nation we bring greetings to you who are the mothers and fathers to your nation.

From our young people we bring greetings to your young people of this nation.

From the children of our nation we bring greetings to the children of your nation.

From those who still crawl upon the earth and those who are still on the cradle board, we bring greetings to your children who crawl on the earth and those who are on the cradle board.

From those faces of our future who are still beneath the earth, we bring the greetings to those of your people whose faces are yet beneath the earth.

Now that we have said this, we may begin.

We would like to have had a larger delegation here to day. Due to our struggle to preserve our sovereignty we are oppressed and ignored on our own homeland we call Onowarekeh, also known also as “Turtle Island”. The foreign colonial governments of Canada and the United States limit our movements on our own land. They fail to teach their people about our existence, our philosophy, our laws.

Mr. Chavez, thank you for giving our people an opportunity to establish relations between our governments under our philosophy known as the “Kaianereh’ko:wa”, the Great Law of Peace. We are not under the colonial laws. We continue to adhere to our laws and traditions. We continue to ensure a future for our people as the Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk.

We are the eyes and ears that will witness this event. This is the beginning of a message to other nations to work towards bringing people back together to form an alliance. We wish to develop a sane and healthy way of life that assures that all people are decently cared for.

We need to renew the solemn blood covenants that have bound all Indigenous Peoples of South America and Onowarekeh, our name for Turtle Island, for thousands of years. We are one blood. When one family member is oppressed the other must aid their covenant partners. Everyone is there to uplift each other. No one goes without.

Our perception is that the material world is to be shared and distributed equally. Our ancestors knew that when a hunter went into the woods and brought back a deer, the entire community shared in that bounty. This is common to all Indigenous peoples of the world. Those who have fallen away from these simple concepts and now practice colonialism must be brought back into the human family and saved from themselves.

We present you with a copy of the Great Law, our constitution, in both Mohawk and English, our Confederacy flag, the Unity flag and several books about us that will be of interest to you.

We, the Onkwehonweh [the original people], are the guardians of Onowarekeh. Recently South America was visited by the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada. They both avoided Venezuela because they can’t understand what’s happening here and it frightens them. These are emotionally disturbed people. They don’t know how to exist on a level of equality with their fellow human beings.

They do not represent us or even the people of their countries. They follow habits of thought that have been proven to be ineffective and destructive to the continuation of human life on earth. They represent foreigners who have usurped our resources and deny us any rights to our ancestral heritage.

Our words as the true representatives are binding on Turtle Island. We have always been here. We belong to the land on which we were formed. Mr. Chavez is here with the true owners of the lands of Onowarekeh and South America. What we say between us is binding.

Under natural law and international law everyone has a right to our own government, nationality and land.

As elders of our nation, we are dedicated to work in the best interests of our people. Each of us has power in our lives. We have a duty to spread the Kaianerehkowa throughout the world. The white roots from the Tree of Peace go in the four directions. Those who wish to find shelter may trace its roots to the source. My nation and Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy are in need of this alliance at this time.

Mr. Chavez holds the same political positions as the Mohawk Nation. We are here to help fan the flames so that the fire grows larger to make a place for all humans to share its warmth and benefits.

No one needs anyone’s permission to promote alliances, unification of our peoples and to spread the peace as prescribed in the Kaianereh’ko:wa. We refuse to live under a dictatorship.

An opportunity came to us to come here. We seized it. Last September some of our people went to New York City, which is on Iroquois land, to hear Mr. Chavez speak. He was inspiring. They told us that they agreed with every word he said.

Our message of peace came to us from our ancestors, Dekanawida and Jigosaseh. They told our people to bring everyone into a covenant of peace, to link arms with all the other peoples of the world. We are continuing the work of our ancestors to bring the message of peace to you today.

South America has the same colonial past as Onowarekeh, Turtle Island. We have occupied our territories since time immemorial. This land is who we are. It is our identity. Mr. Chavez is one of us. His roots go deep into the soil, the jungles, the mountains and fields of Venezuela. From the earth he gets sustenance, vitality and ability to help his people. The people feel safe. His first instinct is to protect the Indigenous people and the visitors who are here.

Venezuela is a beautiful wealthy part of the world. Your resources are now being skillfully used to enhance the best interests of the land and the people who live upon it. You are tapping into the wellspring of ancestral memories that are hidden in the minds of every person living here.

Now all other Indigenous people are seeing that it is possible to take our lives under our own control, not be dominated by foreign forces and to do good.

We feel secure with the Venezuelans. You are competent and sure of who you are. Initially the multinational corporations felt intimidated by the turn of events. They are finding they can work with the original people in the best interests of all. Everyone is benefiting. The only way to achieve harmony and prosperity among us is to bring all our talents and innate abilities together.

Mr. Chavez has found a way to bring this out in all of his people. He represents the forces of a people who are on the move. He has offered a new paradigm. He is showing Indigenous peoples and others that we can take over our own lives and run our own affairs. We can do it so that no one feels intimidated or threatened. It is becoming the natural way to do things.

Dekanawaida and Jigosaseh, the man and woman who helped develop the Great Law of Peace, understood this. They realized that the strength of the Confederation was based on no nation dominating the others. Each, no matter how large or small, had a right to exist and remain who they are.

There was no stifling of the innate abilities of the Onondagas, Senecas, Oneidas, Cayugas, Mohawks or Tuscaroras. Larger nations did not overpower the smaller ones. We were equal. Diverse peoples were brought together to work in harmony for the benefit of everyone. No one could assert themselves over others.

This is the reason why the indigenous government in Venezuela is successful. Mr. Chavez has tapped into the same knowledge that exists in all Indigenous people. The renaissance in Venezuela is going to spread all over the world.

People always feel threatened by a new paradigm. We can expect many attacks from the colonial powers. We do not use guns but they point theirs at us. They don’t know what else to do. The young, the poor and even the middle class in the colonized countries are all suffering from the same insecurity and dislocation that has been imposed on us. They will join us once they understand.

If everyone doesn’t relearn how to look after the earth and each other, there will be nothing left for anyone to eat; no clean water to drink; and no clean air to breathe. The colonial commercial exploitation of the environment has been taken to such extremes that human life itself is in peril. We can work together to clean up the mess we have created as human beings and make the earth healthy again.

The greedy grasping power hungry people who are trying to gain control over all of humanity have lost touch with reality. Just when they think that they have achieved their goal of absolute control and domination, the pyramid of delusion will collapse beneath their feet. Life itself will be gone.

Nobody wants to suffer the consequences of a collapse of this order. Venezuela has a model that is working. People are free and work together to develop everyone to their full potential in whatever area of life they have chosen.

When somebody wants to go from one place to another through forests, jungles, swamps, deserts or mountains, somebody always goes ahead and cuts the trail. The others follow the steps of those who went ahead. They all get to their destination safely. It takes a courageous visionary to see far ahead the dangers that are prowling around. Hugo Chavez is a trailblazer in the realm of the world’s progressives. He helps whole groups of people move forward together. He is setting in motion an act that others will follow.

We have a chance to see how this model is working to its fullest potential so that the good life and good health is shared by all equally. We feel gratified and honored that we are taking part in the dedication of the land to the original people. We need more people like Hugo Chavez all over the world. We hope for the continued good health of Mr. Chavez, who cares to lead in troubled times. Artificial ways will dissolve themselves because they are not real. Humanity must go back to the natural relationships. We salute you, Venezuela, for showing the world how your humanitarian goals are being achieved and are inspiring others to achieve”.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

Send your comments on this movement to be presented to the Venezuelans and the Indigenous people who are attending his event at, and

poster: katenies




MNN. May 18, 2007. The Bush Administration is planning to build a huge Highway from Mexico to Canada. The NAFTA Super “Autobahn” will be a four football fields wide car-truck-train-pipeline corridor from Mexico to Canada. It will be a 10-lane limited-access road with tolls. Jerome R. Corsi of “Human Events” has written extensively about this project which is being done on the quiet.

The NAFTA autobahn is mainly going to transport our resources from one million square miles of unsurrendered Indigenous land in the northern part of Turtle Island, through the U.S and Mexico to the countries of the Pacific rim.

Then the road will bring containers from the Far East to enter the United States through the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas, bypassing the Longshoreman’s Union on the docks of the west coast. The Mexican trucks, without the involvement of the Teamsters Union, will drive on what will be the nation’s most modern highway straight into the heart of Turtle Island. [See attached map]. We see more containers on trains that are miles and miles long coming from California ports heading east. The west coast is one of the places where they want to put unions out of business.

So who benefits? Not the Mexicans! Maybe not even the Americans! Certainly not the Indigenous land and resource owners!

The northeastern route will go along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River, right through Haudenosaunee territory. Mega bridges to the northern reaches are already planned, one from Kahnawake to Montreal, one over the Ottawa River at Kanehsatake and another from Cornwall over to Akwesasne. Once again we Mohawks are in the way.

The Mexican trucks will cross the border in fast lanes, checked only electronically by the new “SENTRI” system. The first customs stop will be a Mexican customs office in Kansas City, known as a “Smart Port”, built for Mexico by U.S. taxpayers. Containers from the Far East can be transferred there to trucks going east and west.

Super roads are not a new idea. In 1933 Hitler and the Nazis finished the German “autobahn” during the Third Reich. It linked north and south Germany. It was promoted as creating jobs. It was actually built mostly by Russian prisoners of war. The military was involved in the planning to provide mobility for the movement of their troops and weaponry. They were designed with auxiliary airports with aircraft hidden in tunnels or camouflaged in nearby woods. [We don’t know what military auxiliary will be built alongside the NAFTA autobahn].

In the end the German autobahn was useless during most of the war due to a shortage of gas and lack of trucks. Tanks and trucks were hard on the fragile surface. Much of the road was bombed. The bulk of the military traffic, men and material ended up being transported by rail. Eisenhower was inspired by the German Autobahn and created a U.S. interstate highway system in 1956.

The concession for the tolls on the Texas portion of the NAFTA Autobahn was leased to a Spanish firm, “Cintra Concesiones de infra”. Rudy “911” Giuliani’s law firm represents Cintra exclusively. The state of Texas was paid $2.1 billion up front and $700 million yearly for 50 years. “Rudy Guiliani Capital Advisors” has been bought out by “Macquarrie”, an Australian Consortium which leases and operates U.S. and Canadian toll roads. It can be presumed that the whole corridor will be a private toll road which will need a private military force to protect it.

“Euro Money Seminars” of the UK is teaching state and local U.S. governments how to lease public assets such as highways, water works, prisons and schools to international investment groups. One of Giuliani’s firms, “Giuliani and Partners”, has a component for leasing out private police forces.

President Bush does not appear to be anxious to secure the Mexican border. Maybe he has to create express lanes first for the Mexican trucks that will be bringing containers into the heart of the U.S., to bypass U.S. union workers on the docks or in the trucks. 90% of trucking is now non-union because of government union busting.

The only places where the unions are still strong are in major financial industrial cities like New York, Boston, Pittsburgh and Chicago. For example, fabricated steel coming in from non-union fabricators have to go to New Jersey, reload onto union trucks and then are driven into New York City by the Teamsters Union.

It’s to kill off whatever is left of the unions. It’s to steal our resources. It’s to stop indigenous protest. It’s to eliminate anyone who wants to prevent the reestablishment of the oligarcic cultural elite who want to treat the rest of us like slaves.

To get the public’s [forced] “cooperation” of those cities and towns that are in the way of the corridor, large corporations are being shut down, such as Domtar in Cornwall Ontario and General Motors in Massena New York. A few hundred million dollars has been taken out of the economy on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border. Lost jobs will lower house and property values which can then be grabbed cheaply or easily expropriated by NAFTA under the “eminent domain” stealing act.

The public is mostly unaware of the coming North American Union that is planned for the United States, Canada and Mexico. Various U.S. government and state agencies and scores of private NGOs (non-governmental organizations) are working behind the scenes to create this highway. The U.S. government has set up an office in the Department of Commerce called the “SPP Office” for “Security and Prosperity Partnership”. The SPP Agreement was signed by Bush, President Vicente Fox, and then-Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Tex., on March 23, 2005.

CN Rail and CP Rail in Canada are part of this. Let’s see how lucrative it is for them to steal our resources and to cooperate with multinational corporations and the governments they control. As of February 2007, the President and CEO of CN make more than the directors and senior management who make 2.2% of all outstanding shares. This is about $30 million. You can bet that when dividend time comes, they won’t be eating Kraft Dinner like the Indigenous people they stole the land and trust funds from to build the rail empire.

CN has had record profits on the backs of employees who were fired thus resulting in safety issues. A newly appointed vice-president and chief safety officer was created to address derailments and toxic spills. Many railroad engineers have died due to poor maintenance all in the name of $$$.

This autobahn will not benefit Turtle Island. It is a corridor to carry resources that are being stolen from us. It is transported through the U.S. to Mexico and then put it on ships to China and elsewhere. It appears like the U.S. public will not get anything out of it either. The investors and profiteers use U.S., Mexican and Canadian fronts on their various boards.

Until 1999, the land in the north of Turtle Island was administered by the Canadian government. Then a “government” was set up similar to a band council, with no authority over resources. This control is still held by the federal government which can make deals to sell it all off to multinational corporations.

This is a stupid plan. How will they defend such a long road? These extremes of self-centered despotism are not new. They have risen many times before. 2000 years ago the Han Dynasty in China forced people to do a lot of road work for almost nothing. The penalty for arriving late for work was death. Finally, when a river flooded and the people could not get to work on time, they rebelled and brought the dynasty down. Despotism always falls down in the end. This senseless project is doomed from the start. In the meantime the people will suffer a lot while the abuse builds itself up to the breaking point.

If this megalomaniac nonsense isn’t questioned right now people can go through decades or even a century of suffering. The U.S. was founded on egalitarian principles they learned from the Haudenosaunee/Iroquois. The U.S. constantly forgets its inspirational sources. When Europeans arrived on our shores they were huddled masses yearning to be free. They were dirty, malnourished and abused. Now they abuse us.

It’s time for everyone to throw off the shackles of abuse. We have to assert our rights, participate, share and laugh. We were not born to be slaves to corporate greed.

Kahentinetha Horn,
MNN Mohawk Nation News; &; for updates, workshops, speakers and to sign up, go to; please sign the Women Title Holders petition; for sale “Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy” and “Warriors Hand Book” ($10 USD each postage included)

poster: katenies


Letter to Governor General 11/7/06

The Women Title Holders answer a letter from the GG’s Secretary. She is being asked to meet us on critical environmental matters at Kanekota [where the waters come from out of the earth].From: Rotinonhsonnion:we Women Title Holders

Nov. 7, 2006.


Right Honourable Michaelle Jean
Governor General of Canada, Rideau Hall, Ottawa

Att: Lisa Bryden, Office of the Secretary


We are responding to your letter of September 21, 2006 to the Women Title Holders regarding the situation in “Kanekota”, the northern area of the Haldimand Tract. We appreciate your considered response. For your information, this is not a treaty issue, but a proclamation/contract to protect the Mohawk and all our posterity from any encroachment whatsoever for all time to come. This contract has been and continues to be breached by Canada. According to protocol, we must deal with Canada and its agents through the Governor General of Canada.

Our concern is that Kanekota is being environmentally destroyed. It is the highest elevation where all the fresh waters in Ontario begin flowing in all directions. This area is being devastated almost beyond repair by industrial and chemical pollution. Presently two multinational corporations, Enbridge Gas Distrbutors and Canadian Hydro Developers, are exploiting our land for profit. They are trespassing and do not have authorized permission from us to conduct business on our land.

We, the Women title Holders, according to our constitution, the Kaiahereh’ko:wa/Great Law, have the responsibility to take care of the land, water and air of Turtle Island. We are accordingly asking you to meet with us as soon as possible to resolve this issue. The desecration that is continuing to be committed to Turtle Island is tragic. Please help us for our sake and for the sake of the future generations.

We need to clean this area immediately. Then the land will clean itself the way it was designed. It must have clean water coming out of the earth so that it can carry out its duty.

We would appreciate your meeting with us at your earliest convenience. You represent the government that has given unlawful authorization to the polluters, Enbridge Gas Distributors and Canadian Hydro Developers. We need your help to stop this illegal encroachment on and destruction of one of our most environmentally sensitive areas.

Onen kiwahi, Women Title Holders of the Rotinonhsonnion:we

Kahentinetha /s/ _________________
Katenies s/s ___________________

Cc: Confederacy Chiefs Council, %Gayetweh, RR #6, Hagersville, On; Enbridge Gas Distributors Inc., 10 Churchill Drive, Barrie, Ontario L4N 8Z5 1-800-461-4480, ; Ann Hughes, Canadian Hydro Developers Inc.,, Suite 500, 134-17 Ave. SW., Calgary Alberta T7T 5S8.

poster: Thahoketoteh


Prentice Power?


MNN. Oct. 12, 2006. Minister of Indian Affairs, Jim Prentice, you remind me of “Barney Fife” on that old television program “Mayberry”. He was a blowhard, smug and incompetent. You pretend to be analytical and over enthusiastic about Indigenous people. But you don’t know anything about us nor do you want to. When you look at us, all you see are oil wells sticking out of our heads. Is that why the oil industry in Calgary has you by the short hairs? Are we right? Do the dots join up the way we see them, Barney?

The Conservative Party realizes that they might lose the next election. So they need you to push some big changes through as fast as you can say, “We gotta get dem Injuns out of the way so we can get their oil”. You represent “Calgary North”. What does that tell us? You’re the Minister of Indian Affairs and you’ve got a big job to do. As your riding website boasts: “He also starts the assignment with top qualifications.” As one oil industry leader put it, “There has never been a minister who has been better qualified going into a portfolio than Prentice” [National Post, Feb. 27, 2006.] Of course, what they really mean is they’ve never had their man right in the “Tower of Power” in Hull, Quebec, like this before.

Barney, you have a lot of debts to those who put you in power. Calgary is the oil capital of Canada. There are Indian communities all around Calgary, like Tsuu tina, Blood, Piegan, Blackfeet, Stoney and others. The oil industry wants oil. They want to start explorations. Indigenous people and our land regime are in the way. They don’t like it when we keep telling the industry, “It’s our land and we won’t let you ruin it”. That’s the problem. We want to clean up the environment. They can’t stand our complaints about their emissions and pollution, which are going to double in the next ten years, along with the Prime Minister’s “double talk”. By the way, Alberta is already the most polluting province in Canada.

At Six Nations/Caledonia, Captain Gary [McHale’s navy] was begging for money just a few days ago. He practically called off his 20,000 “White Man’s March” onto the reclaimed Indigenous land of Kanenhstaton. He said he might even have to go back to work to maintain his lifestyle in Richmond Hill, the ritzy suburb of Toronto, which is also on Six Nations land. Suddenly he’s back in the “riot-and-violence-against-Indigenous-people” business in a big way. His parade on October 15th is on again. Is he a gun-for-hire and “back in the saddle again?” Only with corporate money can one get so much corporate media coverage as he’s getting. Also it’s expensive to bring in those busloads of paid stooges to start the kind of vicious attacks that we’ve been experiencing in the recent past. We are unarmed and we are on our land.

Now we see that the Six Nations/Caledonia firestorm has been built up to be a diversion. This is the two-step set up. Gary McHale is going to keep the attention focused in the East. The federal and Ontario governments and police want him to create a big racist fascist attack on the Six Nations people. It would seem the bigger the better, as far as you and your oil baron backers are concerned. Right on cue, Mayor Marie Trainer of Caledonia is going to cry, “No! No! No! No! No!” If anything happens, “I want to declare a state of emergency!” In other words, “Bring in the army”. Then martial law will be declared. And this will show what will happen to other Indigenous people who resist the takeover of our resources by the oil companies and corporations.

Must be getting pretty busy in the war room, eh Barney!

In the meantime, Barney, you’re getting what your want – a big diversion so that you can put through some draconian measures like privatizing Indian lands which you have already announced. You are putting us on the fast track for genocide. And the world is watching. This is “termination” with the stroke of a pen. In 20 years over 100 Indian nations were wiped out in the US. None ever got their land back. This is absolutely illegal. We’re not letting this happen. Everybody, get off the fence.

We see that you need to make it look like you have a justification for passing certain laws to remove our rights over our land. Stirring up violence against us is one way. Canada signed in 1948 the UN Convention on the Crime and Punishment of Genocide. You can personally be tried and convicted of genocide under international law, Barney. If you work for the oil industry, then they own you lock stock and barrel! If you remove Indigenous people and Indian title to help your corporate bosses steal our resources, you will put yourself on the fast track to jail for committing the crime of genocide.

We think we know where you get your orders from. Do they come from Texas, the oil capital of the world, to Calgary, the oil capital of Canada, to Indian Affairs in Ottawa? Do they make the decision to terminate all Indigenous people and our land rights in Canada so that the oil companies can rape us and the colonial country of Canada? We always knew there was oil involved in what’s happening to our rights. We smelled it. We didn’t get oil fever. We got wise. Yep. You just may be owned by the oil companies!

Barney, here’s what we think of your plan to lock up our communities:

There once was a minister they called “Dim”

Who carried out the oil industry’s whim

His mind was all dusty

His weapons were all rusty

That’s why he did what he was told

He sold his soul for black gold

We need solidarity support this weekend, October 15th, at Six Nations/Caledonia. So come stand with us or contact Do whatever you can to help.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: Thahoketoteh


Letter to Enbridge

Women Title Holders of the Rotinonhsonnion:October 11, 2006


Phil Mannell, General Manager, Enbridge Gas,
Central Region, 498 Markland St., Unit #1,
Markham, ON L6C 1Z6



Further to your letter of September 29th 2006, our concerns were very well explained to you in the DEMAND OF THE WOMEN TITLE HOLDERS OF ROTINONHSONNION:WE/SIX NATIONS TO ENBRIDGE GAS DISTRBUTION INC. OF BARRIE ONTARIO TO CEASE AND DESIST THE BUILDING OF A NATURAL GAS PIPELINE UNDER THE PINE RIVER IN HORNING’S MILLS ON THE HALDIMAND TRACT. We sent this and the “Mohawk Manifesto” to you on September 13, 2006.

We own this land. You did not consult the Women Title Holders who are the legal trustees of this land. You have no right to exploit our land. You did not get our permission and never will to put a gas pipeline under the Pine River.

You are trespassing. According to the Haldimand Proclamation of 1784 this land is for the “Mohawks and their posterity forever”. This position has not changed.

Your Open House Public Meeting or “Hot Dog Party” at the Horning’s Mills Community Center on May 30, 2006 does not qualify as consultation with the Indigenous landowners. None of those people attending have title to our land. They are all squatters except for one Mohawk who was there to see what you were up to.

At that Hot Dog Party, Thahoketoteh, a Kanion’ke:haka who lives in Horning’s Mills, asked your employee about the pollution. He smugly told us we’ll “just have to eat that”. A few weeks later Thahoketoteh told Grant Kilpatrick about the pollution problem in the river. He said that Enbridge had all the approvals, including from the Ministry of the Environment. Send us immediately a copy of your environmental approval.

Your plans, permits, orders and consents are all illegal. Your further destruction of the Pine River is a crime against our future children. Your plan to earn revenue supplying gas to people who are squatting on our land constitutes fraud and theft.

The Pine River is already in bad shape and needs cleaning. We plan to do that. Why don’t you re-read our Objection and the Mohawk Manifesto so you can stop trespassing and ruining our land.

You’ve given us a deadline of October 7th 2006 to answer you. This is our deadline to you! Get off our land immediately!! Take your mess with you! And don’t come back!


Katenies /s/ ____________________
Kahentinetha /s/ _____________________

Cc: Hon. Stephen Harper, Government of Canada
Confederacy Chiefs, Six Nations
Women Title Holders, Six Nations Confederacy

poster: Thahoketoteh


Poison Pine River

By Thahoketoteh .My history here at Hornings Mills goes back 3 years when I rented a place on the banks of the Pine River (Hornings Mills Tributary) My first summer
here I started to clean the physical pollution out of the river going through my yard. To date I have removed at least 20 tons of physical pollution out of the river.Two and half years ago I contacted the MOE in
Guelph to report an environmental emergency as there was a constant leaching of phosphate in the river. I had to contact them again a few days
later as no one showed up to address my concerns. The guy at MOE said he sent someone out and his guy said “a bit of foam in the river, no problem”
I told him no-one showed up here, the place that lodged the complaint. He started to get defensive and uptight and actually raised his voice and
said “dont tell me I dont care about Mother Earth” and I pointed out that he actually doesnt.

Then I contacted the Niagara Escarpment Commission and reported it to them and they bowed out saying it is not in their jurisdiction. Then I contacted the Nottawasaga Conservation Authority and they actually did come out and have a look but wouldnt even test the water to identify the contaminant. Nevertheless I have continued cleaning the river and have walked up the South Pine and the North Pine to condirm the P.O.P.
(persistent organic pollutant) comes from the Hornings Mills tributary.

The Mills that were here left a huge mess for us to clean up, the evidence is all here. There is at least a metre of concrete looking stuff (from the stone Mill that was here) clogging the river. A piece of it broke off and on the bottom is all of their other garbage (pipes, steel,…) I probably will find a kitchen sink. The POP is what concerns me the most as it is probably from the paper Mill and it is known that the increased incidence of Diabetes 11 is directly related to these POP’s from old Mill towns.

Since none of the “government people” who are supposed to protect the environment are doing their job I give everyone of you reading this the
authority to do your duty for mother earth and start protecting your future generations. It is the duty we all share for our unborn children. As Kahentinetha said in one of her articles “it is time to clean the deadwood out of the Canadian government and then we can clean the environment”

The deadwood in this scenario is the guy at MOE in Guelph who is covering up a huge environmental mess, probably for the perpetrators of the mess.
The solution is simple, get the shit out of the river as mother earth continually pumps clean water through the earth up here only a 1/2 mile from where they hid there mess in a man made lake. She will clean herself as she was designed to do.

Now Enbridge Gas is rushing on over to wreck it some more by putting a pipeline under the contaminated river (that we will clean). Even though our Women Titleholders sent them an objection that by the way, they never responded to.

There is a lot of rotting wood in the artificial society called Canada that needs to be cleaned out. Wake up Canadians. Do it now

Always promoting Peace,



poster: Thahoketoteh


STOP U.S. Aggression Against Venezuela

Sign the petition online:

Donate to help with organizing expenses.
International Action Center
Founded by Ramsey Clark
5C – Solidarity Center – 55 West 17th Street – New York, N.Y. 10011
212-633-6646 –

The United States government and its corporate media’s belligerent campaign against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and its leaders must cease at once. Several incidents that occurred during the
session of the United Nations in New York City clearly expose the campaign’s escalation.

On Saturday, September 23, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro, who was part of the delegation from Venezuela attending the UN meetings, was detained for 90 minutes in the JFK International Airport as he was ready to board a plane to return to his homeland. Charging that a code in his airplane ticket identified him as “almost a terrorist,” U.S. authorities held him. Mr. Maduro told CNN that he was confined to a small room and told to remove his clothes; he added that when he showed his diplomatic passport, the harassment increased. Then he was threatened, pushed and yelled at by immigration and police officials. He was also stripped of his travel documents.

Venezuelan General Consul in Chicago Martin Sanchez was also searched at LaGuardia airport. “After passing the X-ray control, they told me to open my bags. I showed them my diplomatic card, but they insisted on searching my hand baggage, because they thought it might contain a banned object. I wasn’t able to board my flight and had to wait three more hours for another plane.”

President Hugo Chavez’ personal physician and his chief of security had to remain aboard the plane that brought the delegation to the UN event since their visas were denied, therefore their legal entrance to the country was forbidden.

These incidents are clear violations of international law, the Vienna Convention and the obligation of the U.S. government, as the U.S. is the site where the headquarters of the UN is located.

The UN is supposed to be a neutral place where nations can debate in a safe environment, without external interference. The U.S. government has the obligation to protect and safeguard that environment and all the heads of state, representatives, diplomats and accompanying staff. The U.S. has failed to do this in this case.

This unreasonable hostility from the George W. Bush administration towards the Venezuelan leaders only validates the name “devil” by which President Chavez referred to U.S. President Bush during the Venezuelan president’s address in the UN.

The U.S. media and even some personalities have shown their hypocrisy by attacking President Chavez for using that word. But actions speak louder than words. Those personalities and the media circus gave little thought or consideration to the countless victims, among them many children and civilians, of Bush’s military interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon in the name of “democracy”: the destruction of infrastructure, the loss of thousands of lives, the contamination of the world environment, the destabilization of the world through the “antiterrorist” military campaign and threats to countries like Iran, Syria, Sudan, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. They forget the crimes perpetrated against the victims of Katrina, many of who are still without housing or resources to rebuild their lives. Is it not reasonable that many would view the head of this administration as the personification of evil?

It is time to face the danger that the United States represents here and abroad in order to stop the destruction that otherwise will occur.

Ramsey Clark

Teresa Gutierrez & Sara Flounders,
Co-Directors IAC

Chris Silvera, Chair
National Teamsters Black Caucus
Sec/Treas. Teamsters Local 808

James Petras
Writer, Professor

Peter Coyote

Dr. James D. Cockcroft
Writer, Professor

Padre Luis Barrios, PhD
Iglesia San Romero de Las Américas

Judy Wicks Founder/President White Dog Enterprises, Inc.

Charles Barron
NYC Councilmember

Felipe C. Teixeira
Most Reverend OFSJC Bishop
Northeastern Diocese
St Francis of Assisi, CCA

Frantz Mendes, President
USW Local 8751
Boston School Bus Drivers

Leslie Feinberg,
Writer, co-chair LGBT Caucus, National Writers Union/UAW

David Sole,
President UAW Local 2334, Detroit

Berta Joubert-Ceci, MD

Dorotea Manuela and Tony Vandermeer
Co-Chairs, Boston Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Committee

Larry Holmes
Troops Out Now Coalition

Pepe Abola, ROSA 7053, Youth Group of Boston Rosa Parks Committee

LeiLani Dowell
Fight Imperialism Stand Together – FIST

Sue Harris
People’s Video Network

Ardeshir Ommani
Stop War On Iran
Iranian American Friendship Committee

John Parker

Jesse Lakahi Hiawa
Asia Pacific Action

Women’s Fightback Network

Steve Gillis, Vice-President
USW Local 8751
Boston School Bus Drivers

Susan E. Davis, Delegate
National Writers Union
UAW Local 1981

Sign the petition online:

poster: Thahoketoteh


“The answer my friend is blowin in the Wind”

WHAT GOES ‘ROUND COMES AROUND – HOW THE WOMEN TITLE HOLDERS SEIZED THE WIND MILLS ON THE HALDIMAND TRACTMNN. July 27, 2006. Last January we were called by a Mohawk resident from the community of Tyendinaga who lives at the source of the Grand River. He told us about a huge business development. The “Melancthon Wind Mill Farm” was being built on Haldimand Tract land without the knowledge of the owners, the Six Nations. They want to use our wind to make energy for sale to non-native people.

Two Women Title Holders from Akwesasne and Kahnawake then sent out an objection to this invasion of Kanien’ke:haka/Mohawk territory by a corporation, the Canadian Hydro Developers Inc. Along with this we attached a map, the Haldimand Proclamation and the “Mohawk Manifesto” with all the laws and precedents to support our objection.

It showed clearly their incursion onto our land is illegal. Canadian Hydro Developers contacted us to “have a chat and a coffee”. On June 20th we sent out another notice to have a formal meeting with an agenda. Beforehand we wanted all the information on this project such as financials, projections, plans and so on. They knew that their publicly traded company was soliciting funds for a project on land they did not own.

We asked them to obey the laws under the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the Constitution of Canada and the Charter of the United Nations. We told them to stop this encroachment immediately. Canada must abide by the international law principle that there can be no development on Indigenous land without consulting and getting the consent of the Title Holders.

On July 25th in the Orangeville Banner Canadian Hydro Developers ran a media spin calling it, “Wind Farm phase 2 delayed”. The article states that a longer than expected provincial approval process for phase 2 of the Malancthon Wind Project will push the start-up date for construction back roughly a year [or forever]. They are hoping to build 88 more turbines. The delay they say is the result of the Ministry of Environment, the residents and other “stake holder” complaints [that’s us!].

The company will have to pay out $10 million in capital costs. According to Ann Hughes, Executive Vice President of Canadian Hydro Developers, “It will still be viable. We are very much committed to working through the process”. Is she referring to talking to the Indigenous land owners, the Six Nations, and discussing why they are putting their development on our land without asking us? Thanks Ann. We’ll see you at our table.

This apparently is one of several developments backed by the Ontario government. We say “Thanks for the windmills”. Now we can sit down and talk about what we’re going to give you out of it, if we want to. The windmills are on our property. It’s ours! You’ll just have to keep your hands off them and talk to us about it.

They say they are confident the project will go ahead. They just don’t get it, do they? I’d like to see how they’d react if someone started building windmills in their back yard! They know that they belong to us now. They just want a piece of the action. So we’ll think about it. That’s what we’ll talk about.

They can’t seize anything on Indian territory, which is all of Canada. They should have made a deal with us beforehand. This Johnny-come-lately deal-making is not the proper way to do business with us.

Are they throwing us into their bag of “environmental concerns”. We’re more than that! We’re the landlords! They hope it will be resolved. Nothing is going to change the fact that this is Six Nations land and it is not for sale.

On October 25, 1784, General Frederick Haldimand pledged Britain’s protection for the Roti’noshon:ni people on a tract of land within our traditional domain extending six miles deep on either side of the Grand River running from its mouth in Lake Erie to its source, “to them and their posterity forever”. This promise has not been honored. It’s mostly been breached. Encroachment is just not legal!

Canada has allowed most of our land and resources to be stolen through illegal land transfers and fraud. Dozens of cities and towns have been established on our land without our consent.

We have had enough! Now they’re stealing another of our resources, our wind. They never brought this over from Europe, did they?

We demanded that Canadian Hydro Developers cease and desist immediately. They are trespassing on our territory. We noticed that the Consumers Gas Company has also pulled back its construction of a pipeline near the windmills. As well, a new huge subdivision project has disappeared like the wind. What gives?

Now they have to consult with us to ask for our consent to do anything. No doubt about it, all governments, corporations, their agents, assigns and developers now have to respect the Guswentha/Two Row Wampum Agreement and engage in nation-to-nation dialogue with us. Canada, Ontario and Canadian Hydro Developers do not supersede this constitution-to-constitution relationship between nations. So stop violating our jurisdiction.

In Canada we took an action in the Supreme Court of Canada – Kanion’ke:haka Kaianereh’ko:wa Kanon’ses:neh v. Attorney General of Canada and Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, Court File: 05-CV-030785. That’s the basis of our objection.

There is one good sign. They’ve decided to meet with the traditional Confederacy representatives of Six Nations. Let’s hope they realize that signatures to any agreement are worthless unless they have been ratified by our people as a whole. In the old agreements they always asked if they got the consent of all the people.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: Thahoketoteh