MNN:  18 Dec. 2011.  Kashechewan is a Cree community on James Bay.  In 2005 half their people had been evacuated due to DeBeers Diamond Mining overloading the sewage system.  In 2010 they gave $5,231,000 to eight Indigenous communities, most of which went to lawyers, consultants and the political elite; DeBeers took out $446,020,000.00 worth of diamonds. In 2005 MNN was called in to Kashachewan, just south of Attawapiskat.   COLD AS ICE, is a story about three Kanionkehaka who were kept out.  We issued an Objection to DeBeers.  It’s relevant to the Attawapiskat issue.  Please read and understand.   MNN Mohawk Nation News.


P. O. Box 991, Kahnawake of Mohawk Territory

(Quebec, Canada) J0l 1B0

450-635-9345 613-575-1550 

Jan. 15, 2006.





Re:  DeBeers Diamond Mine exploitation of

Kashechewan Cree community on James Bay in Northern Ontario Canada



President, De Beers Diamond Mines; Queen Elizabeth II; Prime Minister of Canada; Governor General of Canada; Premier of Ontario; Indian Affairs Canada; Progressive Party of Canada; New Democratic Party of Canada; Bloc Quebecois Party; UN Office of High Commission for Human Rights; International Commission for Human Rights; Coalition Criminal Court; Royal Canadian Mounted Police; Bono;             Ontario Aboriginal Affairs; Supreme Court of Canada; Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada; Health Canada; National Defense; U.S. President George Bush;

International Peace Academy; Royal Canadian Military Institute; Canadian High Commission Trade Office in Johannesburg, South Africa (addresses/emails at end)



We the Women Title Holders of the Kanion’ke:haka are filing an objection to the exploitation of the Crees of Kashechewan by DeBeers, Indian Affairs, Ontario Government and their agents.   This private company and these governments have no legal authority under Canadian, international or Cree law to interfere with the indigenous resources involved.  We advise you to back off immediately!

Although we are not Cree, we have a duty under the Kaianereh’ko:wa, our constitution, to help all our Indigenous brothers and sisters from the east to the west coast of Turtle Island.  We also have a duty as citizens of the world to uphold the equal and inalienable rights of all people and to defend their human rights.

The people of Kashechewan have been deprived of the most basic human rights.  There is presently a crisis of E-coli contamination of the water.  The Canadian government Department of Indian Affairs caused it and refuses to fix it.  This has been going on for 9 years.  At the end of October 2005, half of the 2,000 people were suddenly evacuated to southern Canadian cities all over Ontario.  They were put in cheap hotels and military institutions.  They were deprived of their right to their community, family relations and to have a decent standard of living.  Unlike refugee claimants in Canada, they were given no resources to ensure their survival.  They had to rely on vouchers and handouts which restricted their freedom. They could not provide for themselves and their families in these alien environments.  One family was evacuated to Sault Ste. Marie.  When they wanted to go home, Indian Affairs refused to fund their travel.  They ended up in a Women’s Shelter in Akwesasne and they’re still there.

On the weekend of January 7th and 8th, 2006, there were three deaths in the community.  One young man died of a heart attacked due to stress.  Two were shackled in a building that did not meet the most minimal safety standards.  The building caught fire and they burnt to death.  Both the toxic water and this fire are due to criminal negligence by the colonial government.

We have learned that DeBeers has a deplorable history of mistreating the indigenous people in Africa.  Their mining operations have left the earth scarred and the environment irretrievably damaged.  The original peoples were removed.  Now that the area has been abandoned, they are unable to use it.  Currently they are extending their operations to the Kalahari deserts.  They removed the Bush Men tortured and confined them to small reserves, when a large territory is needed to survive under those conditions.  They stopped them from hunting, gathering and seeking water.  Many have died as a result.  We are certain that if people knew about this they would be alarmed.  This kind of resource theft and human rights abuse is not acceptable in Canada or anywhere else.  Yet the Canadian and Ontario governments seem to be facilitating the De Beers operation against the people of Kashechewan.

DeBeers has claimed the Cree’s diamonds and promised to give Canada and Ontario royalties.  This has placed Canada and Ontario in a position of conflict of interest because both have fiduciary obligations to the Indigenous peoples.  According to Sections 109 and 132 of the British North America Act 1867, the constitution of Canada, the resources are not theirs to give away.  The document known as Treaty 9 is invalid.  It violates the constitution and international law.  Canada does not have a legal treaty with the owners, the Cree People, who are indigenous to the land.

No one can give what they do not have.  Canada and Ontario have no legal right to the resources belonging to the people of Kashechewan.  When the Canadian Minister of Natural Resources went to Europe to give DeBeers permission, he had nothing to give.

DeBeers plans to completely destroy their environment.  DeBeers has seemingly limitless financial and political resources.  They have already started an operation a few miles north of Kashechewan at the sister community of Attawapiskat.  In order to facilitate the exploitation of diamonds and other resources, belonging to the people of Kashechewan, they plan to built a huge open mine pit larger than the size of Toronto.  Accommodations have already been built near Kashechewan with good pure water, though Indian Affairs refuses to provide this necessity to the Crees.  Roads, air strips, rock waste dumps, treatment plants, fields for dewatering and mine water are in the works.   Obviously this operation and the toxins it will produce will displace the Crees or kill them.

DeBeers exploitation of the people of Kashechewan is doubly reprehensible.  First, it involves illegal exploitation of indigenous people.  Second, it is for purposes of providing materials to make weapons in this age when war has become illegal.

This is our formal notification that you are to cease and desist all of your illegal operations on the territory of the Crees of Kashechewan

Attached is a report entitled “Cold as Ice”.  We assure you that we take the human rights abuses you are engaged in very seriously.

By assuming authority over Canada, the Queen has incurred fiduciary obligations to the indigenous inhabitants of Kashechewan.  We call on the Queen to preserve her honor and assert her authority to protect the laws of the Crees of Kashechewan.


Onen kiwahi



Kahentinetha /s/__________________________


Katenies /s/ _____________________________


Katsitsaionhne /s/ _________________________



President, De Beers Diamond Mines, Suite 400, 65 Overlea Blvd. Toronto, Ont. M4H 1P1,

Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, %The Privy Council, Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA, UK;

Prime Minister of Canada, Parliament Buildings, Ottawa,

Her Excellency Mme. Jean, Governor General of Canada, Rideau Hall, 1 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Canada

Premier of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty, Legislative Bldg., Queen’s park, Toronto, Ont. M7A 1A1

The Honorable Minister of Indian Affairs, 10 Wellington St., Ottawa K1A 0H4

Stephen Harper, Progressive Party of Canada, Ottawa,

Jack Layton, New Democratic Party of Canada, 279 Laurier Ave., W., Ottawa Canada K1P 5J9

Bloc Quebecois Party, Ottawa, Canada

UN Office of High Commission for Human Rights, UN Plaza, S.2914, New York 10017

Rudolpho Stavenhagen, International Commission for Human Rights, Box 16, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland

Coalition Criminal Court, %WFM, 708 3rd Ave., 24th Fl., New York 10017

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 1200 Vanier Parkway, Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0R2

Bono, DATA, 1400 Eye St., N.W., Suite 1125, Washington DC 20005

Gail Beggs, Aboriginal Affairs, 4th Fl. 720, Bay St., Toronto Ont. M5G 2K1

Hon. Beverley McLachlin, Supreme Court of Canada, 301 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont. K1A 0J1 613-995-4330

Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada, House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0A6

Assistant Deputy Minister, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada, Jeanne Mance Building, Tunney’s Pasture, Postal Locator 1921A, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K9

Hon. Bill Graham, Minister of National Defence, Major Gen. George R. Pearkes Bldg., 101 Col. By Drive, Ottawa, Canada K1A

U.S. President George Bush, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC 20500

International Peace Academy, UN Plaza, New York, NY

Royal Canadian Military Institute, 426 University Ave., Toronto ON M5G 1S9
Canadian High Commission Trade Office in Johannesburg, South Africa




cc.  All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development,info.ccfpd@dfait/ (National Forum on Africa);






De Beers Diamond Mines does not show its ugly face

to Kashechewan Cree

of James Bay in Northern Ontario Canada


Report By

Orakwa Indigenous Enterprises

January 2006



MNN Mohawk Nation News had sent out two communiqués on Kashechewan water crisis.  One described the crisis of E-coli infested water that had infected James Bay community.  Half of the 2,000 people were evacuated to Canadian cities far and wide in the province of Ontario.  The people were placed in hotels and given vouchers.  The other story was about one family who had been evacuated to Sault Ste. Marie and wanted to go home.  Indian Affairs refused to fund their travel.  They ended up in Akwesasne at the Women’s Shelter.  These two stories are reproduced in this report.  The real story is about exploitation of this community by De Beers Diamond Mines.  This report covers the failed attempt by three Mohawks on behalf of Orakwa Indigenous Enterprises to visit the Kashechewan community in northern Ontario in early January 2006.  They wanted to meet the people and get the facts of their victimization by De Beers with the assistance of Indian Affairs Canada and the government of the province of Ontario.



Orakwa, P.O. Box 991, Kahnawake of Mohawk Territory

(Quebec, Canada) J0L 1B0


Table of Contents



  1. Introduction, 3

INDIGENOUS PEOPLE – the Keshachewan Experiment. 3

3.   More to this story than meets the eye, 6



5.   Leave for Toronto, 9

6.   Akwesasne:  Trouble at the US-Canada border crossing, 9

7.   Constitutional jurisdiction question, 10

8.   Planning around the kitchen table, 10

9.   Kay, our colleague, 10

10.  African connection:  Kalahari Bush Men

11.  Kirkland Capital of Toronto, 12

12.  Kirkland Capital Website, 13

13.  Background:  Kashechewan situation, 15

14.  Zane Bell, 15

15.  Observation of John P., 18

16.  Chief Leo Friday, 18

17.  TREATY 9, 1905, 19

18.  Arrival in Timmins, 20

19.  Wondering about Rebecca, 21

20.  WBAI Radio New York City

21.  Rebecca arrives in Timmins, 22

22.  What is R.C.M.I.? 23

23.  Rebecca blocks the ice road, 24

24.  Green Peace and the flooding, 24

25.  In the dungeon, 25

26.  Meeting with the Governor General of Canada, 25

27.  Conclusion, 25





My brother, Frank Taiotekane Horn, a lawyer practicing in Cornwall Ontario, called me frantically describing what was happening in Kashechewan.  He had gone there a few times with the traveling court to represent Cree defendants as a lawyer.  He gave me several phone numbers of contacts up there.  I wrote the following story on October 30th, 2005.




INDIGENOUS PEOPLE – the Keshachewan Experiment


MNN.  Oct. 30, 2005.  Kashechewan, a remote northern Ontario Cree community of almost 2000 people has become an international scandal over reports of contaminated water.  It’s called a “fly-in” community because there is no road in.  One thousand people have been evacuated because of sicknesses created by contaminated water.


Ten years ago Indian Affairs designed a water treatment system where Hollow Creek joins the Albany River which drains into James Bay. James Bay is the southern part of Hudson’s Bay.  This is where Kashechewan is located. The two are fresh water rivers flowing into the salt water bay.  Fort Albany is a little way up the Albany River.


As they have done in so many other communities, Indian Affairs forgot about little details like health, safety and clean water.  The Indian Affairs engineer built the water plant 135 meters downstream from a sewage lagoon.  It flows right past the water intake pipe and sewage goes into the drinking water.  He forgot about the tide that comes in and backs up the sewage into the drinking water.  As a result the water pipe delivers deadly E-coli right into everybody’s kitchen tap.


Health Canada’s solution?  Based on their expertise and experience, they told the people to just put more and more chlorine in the water, boil it and then drink it.  Almost all have come down with severe skin infections and unknown sicknesses.  Was this one of their weird twisted experiments, or what?  You don’t need to be an Einstein to know what happened.  It’s a disaster!


Last year Indian Affairs, which has never hesitated to throw good money after bad, paid $500,000 for an upgrade.   But they forgot to move the intake pipe!  In the last six months Indians Affairs has sent in $250,000 worth of bottled water. To try to fix the system the people tied a rope and a wood plank to hold the water plant together.


Lately they have been going to the Albany River and lugging back buckets of water to drink.  Even this water is contaminated.


The young people want to revive the ancient custom of taking drinking water upstream before the sewage.  They want to move further inland to higher ground.  Kashechewan is built on a flood plain with a dike all the way around the community to stop the floods that come with the tides.  It was Indian Affairs’ idea that Indians should spend the whole year at a seasonal camp on a flood plain.  I wonder if they used the engineers that built New Orleans as consultants!  The older people want to stay because they’ve become attached to the location.


Canada’s been sending aid all over the world.   Now it’s revealed that the water in 70% of Indian communities is a health risk.  It would cost Indian Affairs $1.4 billion to fix all their mistakes.  Has Indian Affairs ever sued an engineering firm for incompetence?  Or is this Plan B of the old genocide project?  Dying race and all that!  Tsk!  Tsk!   Or maybe it’s just a question of giving contracts to political hacks to pay off a few seedy debts, eh!  Everybody is in the habit of blaming the “Injuns” for draining the public purse anyway.  The whole mess is pretty damn shocking!!


“Kopy Kat Kanada”.  Indian Affairs sent in the army and put up some tents.   (I’m sure they’d rather go up there than to the Middle East.)  In the meantime, Ontario shuffled 1000 to Cochrane, Sudbury and parts unknown.  The elders are very upset about letting them leave as they may never come back.  They’re getting residential school flashbacks.  Everyone is haunted by horror stories about our youth adrift in the south.  Indian Affairs works constantly at dissolving distinct Indigenous communities.


They think they can shove us into a non-native community and we can live like everybody else.  This relocation strategy will dissolve the community.  Relocation has been a disaster every time it’s been tried.    Chief, council and everyone are trying to keep the community together.  They feel it’s urgent to do something now.


Kashechewan is inundated with media.  Almost everyone is getting cameras, microphones and reporters in their faces.  It’s the news of the moment.  They’ll all leave and no one will hear about Kashechewan again.


It’s another experiment.  Move the Indians away from their original constitutional territory onto another Indigenous nation’s land.  This separates them from their spiritual ties.  Skylnick in her book “A Poison Stronger than Love” proved removals are a big “make work” project for Indian Affairs, who always say, “We’ll make the decisions for them”.  The 1960’s experiment on relocating Indians all had to be reversed in the end.  Some were relocated to Elliot Lake, the Menominees were terminated, the Innu, were relocated to Davis Inlet.  The common thread is that by such removals they lost their land and had to be reintegrated later.  Indian Affairs never lets the people decide.  They don’t intend to do what’s decent and good for the Indians.


Here’s another slant.  What’s really going on here?


The North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA was the crowning glory of former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and his negotiator, Simon Riesman.  They gave away Canadian water to the U.S.


In NAFTA Canada cannot withhold its water from the United States.  Americans are depleting their fresh water resources and are demanding the right to get Canadian water.  One idea was to divert all the rivers that flow into James Bay into the Great Lakes.  Then send it to the Midwestern U.S. to irrigate land Americans have turned into a parched “dust bowl”.


Another plan was to build a dike separating James Bay and Hudson’s Bay.  Then James Bay would be drained into the Hudson’s Bay.  This would be filled up with fresh water from the rivers that flow north from the Canadian Shield.  A huge reservoir would cover the whole area.  This would be rerouted south to the U.S., or pumped into the Great Lakes and piped out.


The main U.S. concern is that the Mississippi is no longer viable.  The population in California is over 40 million and it’s dry.  They desperately need water.  Canada has the most, fresh water in the world.  The U.S. wants it.  The Indians are in the way.


To carry out this plan, all Indian communities on Hudson’s Bay and James Bay will have to be removed before the area is flooded.  The Indians are basically in the way. They live on the mouths of all the rivers draining into James Bay.  They want the northern indigenous communities to pay for the U.S. environmental catastrophe.


On top of all this, the U.S. is going to get Canada to build the structure which has been designed to make sure the U.S. gets all the benefits.  In fact, they already probably have signed documents making it look like the Indians consented.  What they’ve forgotten is Sections 109 and 132 of the Canadian Constitution, stipulates, that the Indians have prior interests that supercede that of Canada and its provinces.  They have to deal with us first.  Hee haw!


There are 100 reserves that they say have contaminated waters.  The Indians will all have to be removed.  This experiment with the Kashechewan community is only the beginning.


Kahentinetha Horn

MNN Mohawk Nation News


I asked for comments and assistance and gave the following telephone numbers for people who wanted to corroborate my communiqué:  John Wyne – 705-275-4377;  Leo Friday –  705-275-4664; Norman Wesley – 705-275-4109, 705-275-4519; Chief – 750-275-4440.  “Zane Bell” – 705-286-6118; Ellis Kirkland –


3.  More to this story than meets the eye

In the meantime, Zane Bell had told Rebecca Friday, the vice-chief of Kashechewan, to call me.  She had not seen the story that I had sent out as Zane had not sent it to her.


After talking with her about how bad the situation was and that there was no help in sight, I wrote another story on December 23rd2005.  I read it to her over the phone and then sent it out.






MNN.  Dec. 23, 2005.  “Quit ‘Scrooging’ them around!”  This is what Indian Affairs and De Beers are doing to members of the Cree Nation of Kashechewan.  Remember that isolated northern Ontario community on James Bay?  That’s where the engineering geniuses at Indian Affairs designed and built a multi-million dollar water treatment plant that spewed filth and sewage into tap waters for nine years, starting almost from the day it was built.  “Just put more chlorine in it and boil it”, said Health Canada, when the people said they wanted clean water.  They’ve been sick and getting sicker.


In early November 1,000 people, that’s 50% of the community, were evacuated to faraway cities like Ottawa, Sault Ste. Marie, Peterborough, Timmins, Cochrane, Sudbury and Cornwall to save their lives.  Since then they have been put up in hotels and given vouchers for necessities, but little cash.  This has lead to lonesomeness and other desperate situations.  Families have been broken up.  They don’t have money to use phones to keep in touch with each other.


About a week ago, Indian Affairs decided to move a family of six, the husband and wife and four children ages 14, 13, 12 and 8, from Sault Ste. Marie to the Akwesasne Women’s Crisis Shelter near Cornwall.


Apparently the couple went drinking one time.  Who wouldn’t?  The Children’s Aid Society got involved.   Without consulting them, they spirited them to Cornwall.  No rooms at any inns were found there because of Christmas bookings.  They were taken to the crisis center.  “There were high fences and high tech gates.  It was like a prison with guards.  Our people do have to get help for their problems.  They were not told anything”, said the vice-chief of Kashechewan.  “We were initially told that Cornwall could take 1,000 people.  But there wasn’t even room for one family”.


The family was not told where they were being taken.  They were as good as kidnapped except there were no black hoods put over their heads.  They were never told where they would end up.


The family can’t go home.  Their trailer has been gutted and is getting fixed.  The water is still no good.  It has to be boiled.  In the infamous Walkerton water crisis, all the pipes were replaced.  In Kashechewan they are only going to sanitize them.  They say the water is frozen and can’t be drained.  So how are they going to sanitize them?  This situation gets worse.  Indian Affairs won’t tell the people anything.  The water is okay only for bathing and laundry if you’re not fussy about your whites.  Ontario Water Works from Red Lake Ontario are up there maintaining and monitoring the water treatment manually.  They have to stay there so nothing breaks down.


Indian Affairs won’t fix it because they say funding was accidentally misused.  If the community gives it back, the plant will be fixed.  It’s impossible.  There’s no economy up there.  There are no jobs and no income.  How can they pay back $120,000?  For this they are going to poison and kill everybody!  Indian Affairs keeps cutting their budget all the time.  No one has made Indian Affairs accountable for their miserable engineering job.  For three years they have been asking Indian Affairs for funds to give special training to the native people to be certified to run the plant.  No way!  This would cut out Indian Affairs jobs!  Guess what?  The request has never been approved.


The family in Akwesasne would like to go Sudbury to meet up with other members of their family.  Indian Affairs refuses because of the crisis they are in.  The crisis who is in, the family or Indian Affairs?  When you feel so powerless, what are you going to do?  Indian Affairs made a unilateral decision on their behavior.  Said the vice-chief, “You guys, you think you can do this to my people?  If you play dirty, we’ll play dirty too.  Your treatment is totally inhuman and we’re going to tell everybody about it”.


Two mysterious strangers, a man and a woman, strode onto the scene.  No one knows how they got there or who paid their way.  When the people asked what they were up to, they said they were working behind the scenes to help them.  The DART team did get a water purifier up there to purify and bottle water from the river.  The woman made up a binder outlining their dire situation to get the help they needed.  She got Band Council Resolutions to send to government ministers and to the Minister of Defense Bill Graham.  The Canadian public was told that everything was hunky dory.  But no one responded to their requests.  So they phoned and were told they never got the binders.


For three years Indian Affairs was working on an environmental assessment of the area.  They consulted the people a few times for half a day with not more than 10 to 15 people.  Indian Affairs approved the findings.  They gave DeBeers Diamond Mine the right go ahead and start mining.  The people did not understand the report and what DeBeers’ interest was.   Indian Affairs did not translate the complicated material into Cree syllabic.  It is a conflict of interest for Indian Affairs whose fiduciary duty is to protect the people and at the same time try to do business off their backs.  The Province of Ontario and the federal government are going to get a portion of the royalties from the mine.  The Indians, who own the land, get nothing.  They may end up losing their lives because their environment has been damaged so badly.


These two strangers and some community members are on a negotiation team.  Guess whose funding this negotiation team?  DeBeers!  DeBeers gave the team $114,000 to negotiate with them!  What do you think of that?  The woman attends meetings and speaks on behalf of the Kashechewan people without any people from the community present.


This woman is setting up a meeting in Toronto between the Kashechewan people, DeBeers and Indian Affairs.  She even found a lawyer for them from Calgary, Jim HopeRoss.  Is this starting to make sense?  How do things look when you connect the dots?  Who is helping the people of Kashechewan?  They don’t have money.  Indian Affairs refuses to help these people.  They throw them at the mercy of De Beers who pays for the negotiations which is attended by Indian Affairs.


She did make a budget for the vice chief to visit the people who had been deported to the various cities.  She got $50,000 to do this.


She also got Jim HopeRoss from Calgary as a lawyer for them.  He does aboriginal land claims, oil fields and other resource fights for people from those areas.  He told them they had a “win-win” case because they had not been told what Indian Affairs had done before DeBeers arrived on the scene and made their plans with them.  Perhaps they should consult the remaining Kalahari Bushmen in Africa as to the tactics DeBeers used to remove them off their lands in order to mine for diamonds – murder, starvation, loss of hunting and gathering rights and deprivation of water, to name a few.


This negotiation meeting at the Delta Hotel on January 3, 2006, at 9:00 am is of great public interest.  Three parties are involved.  Who do the diamonds belong to?  Are they a common gift to humanity, or are they private property?  Can they be claimed by De Beers, a private company?  By Canada, a colonial state?  Or by the people of Kashechewan, the original occupants of the territory who never surrendered their land?


What do you think?  Isn’t this an important public question?  Remember that DeBeers supplies the U.S. military through their South African mines 60% of the diamonds for their lethal armaments such as bunker buster bombs and diamond dust in the metal to make the tanks shatter proof.  Diamond mining contaminates the water table because they water blast the soil to erode it.  The water contains chemicals, salts and other environmental hazards.  The mind goes down thousands of feet.  One in Africa goes 4 miles deep.


Kahentinetha Horn

MNN Mohawk Nation News


I gave the contact number, Kashechewan 705-275-1043.



Rebecca invited me to go to the forthcoming negotiation meeting in Toronto on January 3rd, 2006.  I told her that I could not go alone.  We Mohawks traditionally attend meetings as a threesome so that each would give their own insights in the debriefing afterwards.  We agreed that we would join them as observers.


5.  Leave for Toronto


On Tuesday January 3rd Aroniakon, Katenies and I were supposed to drive to Toronto to stay with Kay Murphy and join the Crees at 7:00 am the next morning.  They were to meet with DeBeers Diamonds, Indian Affairs, Ellis Kirkland, Zane Bell and a lawyers invited by Ellis to negotiate.  (We were concerned about the lawyer.  Our experience is that the lawyer would work for a percentage of the final settlement, usually around 30%.)


6.  Akwesasne:  Trouble at the US-Canada border crossing


Aroniakon arrived at my house in Kahnawake on Tuesday morning.  We had not heard from Rebecca.  Aroniakon, without hesitation, said, “Let’s go anyway”.  Within a few minutes, we jumped into my car and left for Akwesasne.  We went by Highway 138, which is the back road that leads to the US-Canada border crossing at Dundee near Huntington Quebec.


About 2:00 pm we arrived at Dundee crossing.  The female U.S. customs officer on duty knew me from my five years of crossing daily to go to work at the Akwesasne casino.  Said the female customs officer, “Where y’all going?’  We said to Akwesasne.  She said, “Please pull over”.  We underwent a thorough one-hour inspection of ourselves and our vehicle.  After filling out forms and being asked some stupid questions, Aroniakon asked why we were being scrutinized.  She said, “It’s a random inspection”.  We accepted that.  Finally, we were given back our car and keys and went on our way.  We were only about 10 minutes from Katenies’s house.


“Was that a routine check, or what?” I asked Aroniakon as we drove into.  Akwesasne.  This Mohawk community is right on the Canada-US border at the intersection of New York State, Ontario and Quebec.  It’s a jurisdictional nightmare.  Katenies lives in the Quebec portion.  But you have to go through New York State to get to her place.


We finally pulled up to Katenies’s house.  She had visitors.  They were all talking about the Akwesasne situation, commenting on various issues, such as the border crossing harassment of Mohawks.  They cross daily from one part of their community to the other, sometimes ten times a day.  We had just gone through this harassment ourselves.





10.  Constitutional jurisdiction question


Aroniakon, Katenies, I, and others had just spent a year on the “constitutional jurisdiction” issue.  We successfully raised the question of whether New York State had gotten jurisdiction over our lands since we never gave it to them.  So how could they deal with the New York State Tribal council they had set up?  Their own entity was ready to sign a deal with them to give away our 9 million acres of land in exchange for a casino.  Perplexing, isn’t it?


As a result of our work, we had toppled four of the fraudulent land claims, St. Regis Akwesasne, Onondaga, Oneida and Cayuga.  New York State and their tribal government in Akwesasne are trying again to resurrect their ploys to settle these phony New York State claims to our lands and to build the casino for the tribal council.


11.  Planning around the kitchen table


We sat around Katenies’s kitchen-dining room in St. Regis Village on the territory.  We were wondering what to do.  Should Angus and I go home or should we go ahead?    Finally Rebecca Friday called me on my cell phone.  She told us she had cancelled the meeting in Toronto that they were not going down there.


What to do.  What to do.  She asked us if we could come to Kashechewan?  We all said, “Yes”.  She would have Air Canada plane tickets at Toronto airport for the next morning at 8:40 am. to fly to Timmins.  From there we would catch a CreeBec flight to Kashechewan.


Katenies quickly rummaged around her house for heavy duty winter clothes, long johns, extra socks, hats, gloves and coats.  We picked up some money to help defray gas, parking and other costs from one of our supporters on the territory.  We still needed a few things like underwear and socks.  We were only supposed to be away one day in Toronto.  So we planned to cross the bridge from the New York State portion of Akwesasne over to the Canadian city of Cornwall and visit the Wal Mart there.  From there we could catch the Trans Canada highway “401” to Toronto.  It was a 5 hour drive.


9.  Kay, our colleague


Rebecca had warned us it was warm in Kashechewan, only 40 below 0.  We arrived in Toronto at 9:30 pm.  We actually made good time.  We stayed with an old friend, Kay Murphy.  She was a longtime volunteer in the office of the Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native People CASNP for over 20 years.  Her small apartment has always been open to Indians.  It’s in a high rise in the center of Toronto.


About two weeks earlier she had come with me and my three year old granddaughter to meet Ellis Kirkland of Kirkland Capital.  Ellis had shown up in Kashechewan last August 2005 to “help” the people.  She worked closely with Zane Bell, an environmental biologist, who had worked previously at Indian Affairs.  He had shown up in Kashechewan about one and half years ago as a volunteer??


10.  African connection:  Kalahari Bush Men

On the drive to Toronto the three of us, me, Angus and Katenies, talked about what we knew about Kashechewan and DeBeers.  I had found a book expose on them on the internet which revealed a lot of hanky panky on the part of De Beers in Africa.


On the internet site I found out more about DeBeers and their dealings with the Kalahari Bushmen in South Africa.  To say the least I found them treacherous and vicious with these people.  They had them removed onto reserves and then had them, deprived of hunting and gathering rights and water.  So they started to die off.  There had been an October 2003 ruling.  The constitutional court ruled that the Nama People (Richtersvelders) have a right to ownership of their land and its minerals, despite the fact that they have never been given title deeds and the government had always assumed that they had no rights to it.  They were affected when diamonds were discovered there.  Botswana and DeBeers were worried.  “The ruling that Indigenous People who own land under their own unwritten law have the right to have this upheld inspite of other legal systems which are subsequently imposed by the state had interesting implications for Botswana.  If the South African ruling is applied then the Bushmen own their ancestral land as well as the mineral rights underneath their territory.”


This can be looked up – Case CCT 19/03 Alexor Ltd. (1st Appellant) and the government of South Africa (2nd Appelland) vs. the Richtersvelder community and others.


On January 1, 2006 I had sent out an MNN Mohawk Nation News communiqué which apparently went all over the world which I titled “Lust for Diamonds.  Indian Affairs and De Beers “Scrooge” Kashechewan.  I received an email from AfricaNode to re-send it to them, which I did.  Then I asked them,


“Please tell me more about the tactics of De Beers.  The Cree People of Kashechewan are having a meeting with them and the Canadian governments on January 3 in Toronto.  We need to be prepared.  What do you think De Beers and the government are going to do?  Also, a woman has come on the scene suddenly.  She is saying she advocates for them.  We are not sure who this person is.  Has this happened with other Indigenous people where De Beers is trying to take over the land for mining?  We would appreciate any help you can give us about how these big multi national corporations overcome Indigenous people in other parts of the world.  Thank you”.




Then on January 2nd, Ntailan Lolkoki sent me another email, “… and maybe you can have a look on – for similarities.








Nairobi Node


This certainly gave us food for thought and a lot to worry about.


De Beers’ plans for Kashechewan diamonds


DeBeers plans to have at Kashechewan an open mine pit larger than the size of Toronto, plus clinics, change house, shops, offices, accommodations unit (which has already been build near Kashechewan with good pure water), interconnecting access, haul roads, air strips, security, freight areas, ore process plant, associated workshops, rock waste dumps, primary crushers, ramps, treatment plants, thickening plant, earth moving vehicle workshops, weather road, well field for pit dewatering and mine water.


DeBeers diamonds are used for industrial and military use to overthrow legitimate governments.  They are needed for airplane engines, torpedoes, warheads, tanks, artillery, weapons of war of all kinds, bearings for radar and electronics or war, stabilizers, gyroscopes, guidance systems for subs and planes, converting civilian industries into war machines.  De Beer controls the world supply of diamonds.  In the 1940’s the US needed 6.5 million carats of diamonds.  De Beers refused to sell it to them.  They had members on the UK War Production Board.  De Beers was selling diamonds to both sides, to Hitler and the allies.


Kimberly Process.



11.  Kirkland Capital of Toronto


Kirkland Capital seems to be a home office company in ritzy Rosedale in Toronto headed by Ellis Danjier Galea Kirkland.  On her extensive and fancy website she purports to be an advisor in establishing international government development strategies, free trade policies and negotiations, international finance, commerce and constitutions, management, trade and technology.


Ellis seems to have everything but modesty.   She is originally from Malta, attended schools here and at Harvard, which she was quick to tell me.  I went to Harvard too for a semester on Early Childhood Education, which she probably wouldn’t care to know.


My granddaughter and I went to Toronto on November 24th 2005 to visit my friend Kay.  The following morning I phoned Zane Bell, who lives in Peterborough, and tried to set up a meeting with him.  Thirty seconds after we hung up the phone, Ellis Kirkland called and asked me out for lunch, “I’ll come and pick you up”.  She never showed and she never called.  Later that day at 4:30 she called again and said she would pick us up at 5:30 and take us out for dinner at the Mandarin.  At 6:00 we put on our coats and left.  After had finished our dinner, she showed up at 7:30.


She never asked me anything about myself.  She’s dark, looks Italian.  Malta is a small island off Sicily.  Malta which has been involved in banking and shady money deals since the time of the crusades.  She did most of the talking about herself and never answered any of our questions.   She then stunned us when she said, “I’ve been working for a while on a project with elder Andrew Maracle”.


Kay and I were stunned.  Kay said, “We know Andrew very well.  How old was this Andrew Maracle you’ve been working with?  Is he from Tyendinaga?”  (This is another Mohawk community near Belleville and Andrew Maracle was a good friend of both Kay and I).


Ellis answered, “He was young”.


Kay said, “Andrew Maracle died about ten years ago at the age of 84!”


Ellis suddenly changed the subject and refused to answer any questions about her involvement with this dead man.  She did say that she had been very sick and that Indian medicines had cured her.  This is why she wants to help the Indians.  She did not tell us what the sickness was.

12.  Kirkland Capital Website


On her website there are no pictures or biographies of those she supposedly works with on her extensive global experience in building cities and governmental infrastructures.  She was a NAFTA North American Free Trade National co-ordinator and representative under ‘architecture and a co-signer on June 25, 1994.  She was on the Tri-national committee on architecture for NAFTA, for who?  Was it for me and you?  She was on the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.  She was on the Council of Ontario Association of Architects from 91 to 96 and president from 93 to 94.  Her license is #4-185.


On her website there are dozens of pictures of her numerous certificates of memberships and accreditations to such organizations as the US National Council of Architectural Registration Board.  She was on the Nevada State Board of Architecture of Interior Design and Residential Design, June 26, 1997.


Let’s say at this point, my skepticism about her was being confirmed.  Her website under “think tank” has 726 pictures of the Kashechewan community.  On January 2nd I picked up the phone at my home and called Ellis Kirkland in Toronto.   It rang once and she answered it.


“It’s Kahentinetha Horn here.  May I ask you some questions?”


She said, “Of course”.


First she apologized about the discomfort she created at that meeting on November 25th in Toronto.  “I was tired and had been in some intense meetings”.


I calmly asked her about her part in the NAFTA agreement, which, “As you know, the Indians in the Western Hemisphere oppose”.


“Oh, I was only on the architecture negotiations.  Americans have huge firms and they overwhelm us.  Now we can bid on American work on an equal basis, have access to their markets and monitor their behavior in Canada”.  She confirmed she knew that it was detrimental to the Indians and that there had been protests over it.  As she always does when the going gets tough, she quickly changed the subject and did not answer any more questions.  I did not tell her that we were invited to sit in on the meeting with Kashechewan in Toronto on January 3rd.  She had set it up with De Beers, Indian Affairs and a lawyer, Jim RossHope of Calgary, she was bringing in.


“Who is advocating for the Crees?” I asked.


“I am”, she said.  Then I asked how much she knew of the constitutional jurisdiction question.  Nothing!  So how could she negotiate on their behalf?  She also mentioned that she heard that the Mohawks had aboriginal title to the lands from the East Coast to West Coast of Canada.  She has no legal training and the people of Kashechewan have not been given access to any lawyers.  They have no internet access.  No cell phone.  The majority don’t speak English or French.


I verified that the Kaienereh’ko:wa, Great Law of Peace, our constitution, covered all of Turtle Island.  I gave her a brief explanation about it.  “We have a different way of relating to the settlers”, I told her.


“Yes”, she said, “I am well aware of the Mohawks.”  It sounded negative to me.  It seemed like Ellis didn’t want to hear anymore or her mind was somewhere else.  Suddenly she said, “I have to go now because I have a meeting in half an hour.  I have to read something before that”.  Then she excused herself and hung up the phone.


13.  Background:  Kashechewan situation


The project started 20 years ago.  Diamonds had been discovered.  Canada gave the claim to the diamonds to DeBeers.  It wasn’t theirs to give.  They did not have a legal treaty with these owners, the Cree Nation who are indigenous to the land.  Five years ago the Minister of Natural Resources Canada went to Europe to give permission to DeBeers to start the development program to begin the mining.  The first problem was that Indians lived on this land.  From De Beer’s experience with the Kalahari Bushmen, they decided to find a way to remove the Indigenous People.  They needed the help of those evil monsters, Indian Affairs.  The royalties from the diamond mines go to Indian Affairs and to the Ontario government, none to the Indians.


14.  Zane Bell


DeBeers had a contact in Canada, Ellis Kirkland and Zane Bell.  Zane had worked for Indian Affairs.  He was an ‘environmental biologist’, who looked at rocks with a member of Kashechewan.  He is tall, blue eyed with a pony tail of very light hair.  He says he’s part Indian – Mohawk, Penobscot, MicMac, and some other nation.  His wife is also researching her Indian background, which is Ojibway, and several other nations.  Quite a mixture, but he still acts like a white man.  When I talked to Rebecca Friday of Kashechewan, I said to her, “Deep in your mind and heart, is this man an Indian?”


She replied, “He’s a white man”.


Zane worked for Indian Affairs for a year and a half and suddenly resigned and went to work for Ellis.  We were thinking, “Somehow someone got a “finder’s fee” to deliver the Crees to DeBeers.  Could it be Ellis or Zane?”  A finder’s fee is money given to someone in the community like Jim Ransom or Lorraine White of Akwesasne to help the outside interests or corporation’s project to come into existence on the territory.  The finder’s fee-er’s job is to make it happen.  So we were wondering, “Who is the “point man” here for De Beers?”  The secret finder’s fee is usually given to a band chief or band manager or someone who has authority or influence in the community and is in a position to sell the people out.  We weren’t sure who it was, but we kept our eyes open.


Zane knows the area because he’s been going to Kashechewan as a volunteer for a year and half!  Hey!  This costs money!  How can he volunteer to go up there?  It’s isolated.  There is no road.  The only way to get there is to fly or drive on the ice roads in the winter.  Airfare costs $400 from Toronto to Timmins return and $900 from Timmins to Kashechewan return.  He doesn’t pay for this.  “Who does?” we wondered.


We got curious about Zane.  After I sent out that article “Lust for Diamonds”, on December 28, 2005, he sent the following email.


“Good article:  It should stir up some response.  I appreciate your talking to Rebecca, you did get her a little confused but she is learning.

”You are quite right about Indian Affairs.  Doug Forbes, the previous Regional Director General of Ontario was the main person sent out to destroy the relationship of the three Cree communities by directing all the negotiating funds only to Attawapiskat (north of Kashechewan) and the other
communities got no funding.  The community had to get money from De Beers
just to talk to De Beers.  Indian Affairs has squeezed the community over the last 5 years allowing them to go into debt and making sure they did not have funds
to pay the staff.  So the band administrator spent money for other things on
staff pay roll.

”Indian Affairs allows the hiring of co-managers, but makes sure they can’t do the job (such as Nabil B.)  (As a general principle, it seems the less people do the more they get paid when they work for the Canadian governments).  Financial reports are never submitted on time so the spiral continues so they are over 14 million in debt.

”This is the reason I left Indian Affairs after 1.5 years to assist them.  (The question still is, who paid?)

They have absolutely no support system.  Even the Muskegowuk Tribal Council
which replaced the local Indian Affairs Moosonee Field office and the NAN Nishinabi Aski Tribal Council do not help the local communities.  They drain funding from the bands to support themselves and take directions from Indian Affairs who mostly funds the two tribal councils.

(On the plane from Timmons to Toronto Katenies picked up some magazines such as Wawatay News.  Almost every other page had a smiling picture of Stan Beardy, the point man on this Council for Indian Affairs.  It was getting annoying to keep looking at this phony smiling Jack).   Back to Zane’s email.

”This has led the council of Kashechewan to rely on an Iranian consultant (Nabil) to help them.  He has done some stuff that I will not say in paper, good or

”So what is left for the community to do?

”I have some other stuff you might want to hear.  Hope you had a nice holiday

Wabiska Mukwa


I left him five messages to call me and he never did.  Then shortly after the first email, another arrived.


“By the way, the $114,000 was the funding De Beers started to pay for the
community based negotiation team consisting of Gary Wesley and 8 other
community members, the ex-Chief Andrew Reuben, the current Deputy Chiefs
elder brother and myself as a volunteer.  That negotiation team disbanded due to mishandling of the money by the community members.  The negotiation team was replaced in May.  The Chief and Council asked me to help them.  So I introduced them to Ellis Kirkland as she knows how to deal with companies like De Beer’s.  (How’s that?)

”The information on De Beers and the Bushmen I introduced to the
community at a community meeting in April and in May. The articles are all
over Kashechewan.  The people can’t assimilate this information as yet.  But it’s in their minds.

”De Beers refused to advance anymore money to the Band negotiation team until
Ellis forced them to do so due to her ability to make press against them.

”De Beer’s is now partially owned by the Botswana Government.  They came to
Canada knowing that Canada already put the natives in concentration camps
and they think they can control the natives like they did in Africa.

”Kashechewan controls the access to northern Ontario.

”Indian Affairs split the reserve into two bands on one reserve in the 50′s when they where looking for the resources in the north, including the big water issue.

”When the De Beer’s thing all started, although they have been in the north
for over 20 years, the president of De Beer’s had a meeting in England with
the Minister for Natural Resources Canada and the next week NRCAN was the
lead agency for the federal CEAA process.

”NRCAN was pushing speed and dealing with Attawapiskat only.

”It was I and my associate Cheyanne Loan a Cree from Quebec that forced the
federal regulators to deal with the other communities.  But that is about
all we could accomplish to help the bands deal with the Feds and De Beers.

”It slowed down the activities so far but the province never negotiated with
the bands and the province gave away the land over 45 square miles to De
Beers.  No compensation to the communities except Attawapiskat who received
about 20 million which is one day’s profit of the mine and the mine will run
for over 20 years on the first strike.  There are over 20 other potential
diamond producing zones De Beers has located and claimed.

Wabiska Mukwa


On the same day I sent the following email.


“So the negotiation team has to be to the liking of De Beers or they won’t talk to them?  Colonialism is alive and well.


“Just what did Ellis do to persuade DeBeers to fork over the funds?  Did she have connections or did she work for them sometime in the past?  That would be the only way she could have some persuasive powers with them.  What did she offer to them so they would pass on the money?  Did it go to her or to the People of Kashechewan?  What is her relationship to De Beers?  Who are her personal contacts within DeBeers who can do favors for her while they work things out the way they want?


So what is it?  What is the CEAA process? Did you say that DeBeers paid those they wanted to talk to?  Who did they pay – you, Ellis and whoever you selected?  Why has the community been left dangling by Indian Affairs who are the fiduciaries?  This is a human rights issue which Canada has agreed to uphold.  What did that Iranian do and how did he come on the scene?  It seems strange that he would appear from nowhere.  Are you sure DeBeers didn’t send him in there ahead to massage them for the onslaught that followed?


I asked again for him to call me but he never did.


15.  Observation of John P.


Then John P., a Mohawk friend in Toronto sent me this on January 1, 2006.  “Sis, you are stating pretty much the same thing I’ve have been telling people since the water crisis came to light down here. When you take a look at when they first discovered that there may be diamonds up there, the length of time it takes to do the geological surveys, analyze the data, then try to do a proper survey in SWAMPLANDS, then factor in just when the water treatment plant was built, it starts to look pretty shady, At least to this Indian, it does.  But then again, it’s only some savage, backwoods, heathen, pagan Indians.  Who’s going to miss or care about them?  Let’s get all the riches and dollars we can from Mother Earth!!!”


So it looks like we aren’t the only suspicious people.


16.  Chief Leo Friday


Leo Friday is the Chief of Kashechewan band council.  Rebecca is the vice-chief.  Rebecca said that Leo has agreed to remove the people and help De Beers.


Ellis came up with the idea to remove the people.  She flew up there in August in a De Beers jet.  Indian Affairs had moved the Kashechewan people onto a flood plain on the River draining into James Bay.  Walls, as high as 20 feet, have been built all around the territory to keep the water out.  It’s like the levees around New Orleans.  It is a swamp land which is very damp and causes all kinds of problems in their houses such as moss, fungus and other toxic conditions.  It’s making them sick.


Indian Affairs doesn’t want to fix the water treatment plant because that would make the place viable.  The houses could be fixed up.  The idea seems to be to either move the people or to not bring them back to the community.


On January 3, 2006, Leo was supposed to bring the people to Toronto be assisted by Ellis to understand the agreement.  Then at the end of the day De Beers was supposed to come in and meet with them and maybe finalize the agreement.  Rebecca and the people held a meeting back in Kashechewan and refused to go to Toronto.  They told Ellis, “If De Beers wants to speak to us, they’ll have to come here”.  Rebecca said that Ellis was pretty upset over this turn of events and wanted to know what brought it about.  Leo and Ellis had set up this meeting.


17.  TREATY 9, 1905


Canada and Ontario have no rights to anything on this land without a treaty.  Treaty 9 is fraudulent.  Indian Affairs in 1905 selected the “Head Men” to sign this treaty.  The Indian Act council was already in place before the treaty.  This violates the constitution of Canada, Section 132 which stipulates that a treaty of surrender of land and sovereignty must be made before the Indian Act or the band council can be put in place in a community.  The head men were selected by Indian Affairs.  So the signatories were Indian Affairs nominees who were designated to sign away all the land.  This is illegal and fraudulent according to constitution of Canada, the B.N.A. Act 1867, international law and the rule of law.


In Treaty 9, Kashechewan Crees were coerced into opening up their land for “settlement, immigration, trade, travel, mining, lumbering,” etc.   The Crees were informed they had agreed to “cede, release, surrender and yield to the colonial governments of Canada and Ontario their rights, titles and privileges forever.”  This violates Section 109 of the constitution in which Indigenous people have “prior interests” in all lands and resources.  These rights supersede that of Canada and its provinces.  The settlers allowed the original people the right to pursue hunting, trapping and fishing on their sovereign territory.  Indian Affairs promised to set aside reserves of one mile per family.  They will allow them to sell their reserve.  Their reserve can also be expropriated for public works, railways and roads, etc. with compensation for any improvements if the government should so decide.


The Cree received $8 each at the signing and $4 every year for each family since then.  What a bargain for the thieves!  We wondered, “Don’t all the other territories involved in Treaty 9 have to agree if there is any change to the treaty?”  This agreement is outright genocide and violates the International Convention on the Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.  Canada signed onto this!  The Indian Affairs signer was none other than that cad Duncan Campbell Scott.



18.  Arrival in Timmins


We arrived in Timmins at 9:30 am on Wednesday, January 4th, 2006, to catch our 10:40 flight to Kashechewan.  Rebecca had told us to go directly to the CreeBec Airlines ticket counter for our tickets for the remainder of our jaunt.  Leo was supposed to pay for this part of our journey from Timmins to Kashechewan and return to Timmins.  There were reservations but our tickets had not been paid.  I called the band office in Kashechewan and no one answered.  After calling constantly about 20 times, a receptionist answered and kept putting me on hold.  Music blared at me while a radio host spoke in Cree.  She would not come back to the phone.  I would hang up and call her right back.  Finally, I told her, “Stay on the phone.  I want to speak to Leo”.


“He’s on the phone”, she said.  Finally CreeBec who had been holding up the plane for us, had to close the gates and take off.


Finally in the afternoon Rebecca called my cell and told me how distraught she was.  She had personally paid for our tickets from Toronto to Timmins on her own credit card.  She told us, “Go to a hotel and wait for me.  I need to speak to you.  It is urgent.  Please stay”.  She suggested the Bon Aire Hotel in Timmins.  “I’ll arrive tomorrow, Thursday, at 6:00 pm and meet you at your hotel room.  I’ll call you five minutes before I get on the plane”.  This was beginning to sound clandestine, like a mystery novel.


We found our way to Bon Aire.  It’s a busy motel.  We got two rooms, one for me and Katenies and one for Aroniakon.  It was getting pretty cold.  The motel was full of Indigenous people who came and went, giving us glances acknowledging us as their brother and sisters.  One time I was walking back to my room and came upon two tall Cree girls in warm parkas, one red and one blue.  They looked exactly alike.  They were standing outside their rooms smoking.  “Where you girls from?” I asked.


“We’re from Moose Factory”, they answered.  This community is south of Kashechewan on lower east side of James Bay.  I had visited this place twice, once in the winter and once in the summer.  I knew people there.  It is a hard place to get to.  We had to drive to Cochrance, took the Polar Bear Express for six hours through wilderness, and finally got there.  It was exciting.  It is so far north, very few non natives, and then suddenly you arrive in Moosonee, the sister community of Moose Factory.  It full of life, people, skidoos, trucks and cars.  All the businesses and people are open and friendly.


“Hey, my former son-in-law, Victory Linklater, is from there.


“He’s our cousin”, said the twin in the dark coat.


“Can you tell him that his Mohawk mother is asking about him for me?” I asked.


They laughed, “We sure will.  Nice meeting you”.  They gave me his phone number and told me he was working for CreeBec Airlines at the airport in Moose Factory.  I finished walking back to my room.


There were about 100 rooms set out in a long row which formed an “L” at the far end.  We stayed at one of the far end rooms.  It was nice and clean.  We freshened up and went to nearby Mike’s to eat.  We kept talking about what could possibly have happened to our planned trip.


19.  Wondering about Rebecca


“Let’s just hope she gets on that flight tomorrow”, said Aroniakon.  He was worried about her.


“She wants to tape our meeting so she can play it all back to her people back home”, I said.  We agreed it was a good idea.


We wondered about Leo’s relationships with De Beers, Ellis and Indian Affairs.  Katenies commented, “They know about us and kept us from going there.  That’s what I think. But why?”


We then went back to our room and got on Aroniakon’s computer which we hooked up to the motel internet.  We did some research on De Beers and Ellis’ website.  We answered our emails.  Many responses had come in on the MNN communiqué, “Lust for Diamonds”, offering help and advice.  We were encouraged by this.


20.  WBAI Radio New York City


The next morning, Thursday, we listened to the Indigenous program on WBAI in New York City on the computer.  I had been invited to speak on the Kanehsatake issue.  But I had emailed them that I could not.  I was away in the great white north.  So they set up Pearl Bonspille and John Harding of Kanehsatake for the interview.  We are writing a book on their adventures called, “Who’s Sorry Now?  The Good, the Bad and the Unapologetic Mohawks of Kanehsatake”.  It is a satirical review of how Indian Affairs, the Quebec government and their point man, James Gabriel, were trying to remove these Mohawks off their land to mine the niobium they are living over.  Niobium is a mineral that makes steel and other metals stronger and lighter, for armaments and space exploration.  For twenty years the Mohawks have constantly resisted these attempts to remove them to the point that Canada organized a raid on their community.  So the whole issue got international attention.  Their interview was great!  They were there.  They could speak about the issues with passion.


“Their situation is similar in some ways to Kashechewan, isn’t it, Katenies?” I exclaimed.


“We should explain this to Rebecca to show how this is the m.o. on native people everywhere”, she replied.


Luckily Katenies had all our communiqués on her email archive.  She pulled it out so we could read it to Rebecca.  This way she would realize others are in the same boat as her.


22.  Rebecca arrives in Timmins


Rebecca did call us 5 minutes before she boarded her flight.  She arrived at the hotel at 8:00 pm.  “I cannot understand what’s happening, but I know something is happening”, said Rebecca.  “I need to understand the whole thing”.  She felt that getting the information will make her secure.


Over supper, Rebecca started to explain, “De Beers came in the 1960’s.  They went to the Dene people in the Northwest Territories in the 1980’s.  They came to Attawapiskat three years ago.  De Beers and a whole bunch of others have stakes all around James Bay.  We were never told anything!  And this is our land!”


Aroniakon quietly explained, “In the U.S. there is a big push to open up the Arctic for oil drilling and minerals.  It is closer to the US than the Middle East.  Canada and the US are fighting over sovereignty”.  He explained, “For the past year we have been involved in the constitution jurisdiction issue.  This is a land claims issue, a water issue.  It’s all about NAFTA.  In this agreement the US has taken over Canadian water.  In the future the US might annex Canada, taking the border right out and putting everything under their control”.


Rebecca exclaimed, “Did you know that there’s going to be a port built on Hudson’s Bay?  I heard about it a year ago.  We haven’t been told yet.”


Rebecca said that Green Peace had visited Kashechewan last year.  She had asked them, “Why did you come so late?  We just found out about the diamond mines.  Diversions have been created, such as the health issue from the foul toxic drinking water.”


We asked Rebecca, “Who are the people you are dealing with at De Beers?”


She said, “Jonathan Fowler and Jeremy White who is the Vice President.  Other names are Joe Young and Steve White of Thunder Bay Indian Affairs.  They work together”.


Finally, we were all tired out and decided to call it a night.  But Rebecca, Katenies and I kept talking long into the night.  There was so much for us to learn from Rebecca and she needed so much information.



22.  What is R.C.M.I.?


We were all up early on Friday morning.  Rebecca started recalling some strange happenings with Ellis and De Beers.  “About two weeks ago I had to go to Toronto to meet up with Ellis and De Beers.  I arrived at the airport.  Ellis’ butler picked me up.  He was grubby looking and had a small dirty junky car.  How does Ellis have someone like this working for her?” Rebecca pondered.  He must have noticed that I was looking around and thinking about it.  Anyway, the next day, he came to pick me up and he was all dressed up in a snazzy suit with a tie and he was driving a limo”.


I asked her, “Where did you stay in Toronto?”


Rebecca said this was another strange occurrence.  She couldn’t remember the name of the place.  Ellis told her it was an “Embassy”.  It was like a dark gothic museum full of guns and weapons.  Finally she remembered, “It was R.C.M.I.”  None of us knew what those initials stood for.


After a while we figured it out.  It was the “Royal Canadian Military Institute”.  But why would Ellis put her up there?  Ellis said she was a member and had set up a meeting with them at this place one time.


We looked up RCMI on the internet.  Sure enough, there was such a place as the Royal Canadian Military Institute.  Rebecca recognized the pictures of the macabre exhibits and furniture.  The website said that RCMI does “original research and studies of historic and contemporary defense issues.  They are a key component of the ongoing effort to become the leading “think tank” for military and strategic affairs”.


Wow!  This was getting stranger by the minute.  The head cheese is Col. Brian S. McDonald.  They are developing laws and policies to establish martial laws should it ever be necessary.  There is an “educational mandate” for something called “Strategy 2025”.


The RCMI website states that RCMI is involved with all kinds of organizations like the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, military colleges, CIDA Canadian International Development Agency, the Navy, Canadian Secret Service, Emergency Preparedness and Response and Department of National Defense”.


They are involved with the Canadian American Strategic Review, Asia Pacific Security, the McKenzie Institute, security and defense programs in universities, Arms Control Institute, Brookings Institute, Bulleting of Atomic Scientists, Global, Rand Corporation, International Institutes and Associations like the British American Security Information Council, Center for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence, North American Aerospace Defense Command, NATO and, of course, the United Nations.


RCMI’s mission is to deal with the violence of terrorism and horrendous possibility of attacks with weapons of mass destruction.


Ellis told Rebecca, “Kashechewan is going to be the model for other communities”.


23.  Rebecca blocks the ice road


Rebecca talked about the agreements for the roads through Kashechewan.  They had given them to Ellis and Zane about a year ago and so far there was no feed back from them.  “The agreements we are being asked to sign are for new roads to be built right through our community.  They are demanding stringent conditions and the compensation goes directly to Indian Affairs, not to us, unless there is something left over. If there is any unrest, we forfeit any bonus payments.  De Beers has not consulted the people and the chiefs signed the agreements without letting us know”.


Aroniakon quickly read over the agreements and found a lot of omissions.  For one, a fixed sum will be paid for maintenance as long as it is needed by De Beers.  “They should pay every year for ever to the community consistent with inflation”, he added.


Rebecca got so mad that she went out and blocked the ice road.  Trucks could not go onto Attawapiskat.    Then there was a revised agreement.  The police will be sent up to stop anyone if they protest any incursions on their own land.  “If we object we’ll be arrested”, she said.


The arbitrator to settle any disputes will be selected by them from Ontario.  They are benefiting from the mining so how neutral can they be?  The community will have no input.  “They will contact Ontario Justice Committee and they will determine what is best for us”, she exclaimed angrily.  No independent party will be allowed to enter the arbitration process.  The entire procedure must be conducted in the English language.  The people in Kashechewan do not speak English.  They will not understand what is going on!


During our discussions, Rebecca began to validate her thoughts and feelings about  what is happening.  “No matter what happens, if De Beers offers a deal and you say “no”, they will go to the Ontario Court of Justice.  They will favor them because they are all getting a benefit.  We are a nation, our laws have to apply.  We have to be allowed to bring our own people into this discussion”.


24.  Green Peace and the flooding

“Our river, the Nispatio, is going to be dammed and diverted.  The province of Ontario secretly approved it without consulting us or getting our approval”, Rebecca told us.  “We will be flooded.  Green Peace told us that we will have to be removed!”   What have they done since their visit to help these people?


25.  In the dungeon


After her complaints, she was spirited away to Toronto.  Ellis put her up at the Royal Canadian Military Institute.  “Was this to intimidate me?” she asked.


Rebecca said something very startling, “That Ellis is very disciplined, like a soldier!”  We all commented that every time we had seen her she was wearing black clothes and a black trench coat like those kids wore at the Columbine school shootings.


Aroniakon said, “A very disciplined soldier”.  Why was Rebecca brought there?


Ellis told Rebecca, “Don’t use your cell phone.  Use only the Embassy phone.”  Rebecca didn’t listen.  She used her cell.  She felt like she was being watched.  “I thought I was a guinea pig for this place”.   It was full of weapons, ancient and recent.  There was even Von Richtoven’s seat from his Fokker plane from the First World War on display in a glass case”.


26.  Meeting with the Governor General of Canada


Then something else happened, that bewildered Rebecca.  Ellis took her along to meet with the new Governor General of Canada, Michaëlle Jean.  Ellis told the Governor General that she wants to make Kashechewan community redevelopment model for the rest of James Bay.  The Governor General said she would help Ellis to do this.  It would cost a lot which would come from Indian money.  They talked about making a model for Haiti at the same time.  That’s where the Governor General comes from.


Rebecca said, “Ellis and the Governor General discussed plans to develop the model for James Bay and sell it to Haiti”.


Ellis told Rebecca, “This is a secret meeting and nobody is supposed to know about it”.  Ellis also told Rebecca that she was going to take her on a trip to China!


This wouldn’t have something to do with Indian reserves, and Haiti development as tax free havens, would it?



27.  In conclusion


In the end Rebecca said, “People are so desperate.  They notice things.  For the military to be involved this must be a big project.  The Dart Team brought water up there”.


“Why the Dart Team?  This must be through Ellis’ connection with RCMI”, we suddenly realized.


“It cost $7 million to evacuate our people.  Now the water costs $300 a bag of one litre that’s being provided from the army!”


‘People are fighting for jobs.  Indian Affairs created this whole situation.  They are spending $8 million to renovate badly constructed houses.  This is creating fights between members of the community.  We need an economy that we have total control over.  Indian Affairs, De Beers and the Ontario government have all the strings”.


Rebecca said that, “They don’t want us to know what’s going on outside so we can get information and help.  There are a lot of human rights violations going on here”.




MNN. Apr. 14, 2010. A parasite lives in or on a host and sucks nourishment. It can’t live independently. Otherwise it perishes. It’s like a cancer cell spreading and colonizing the entire body eventually killing it.

The parasites developed capitalism so a few leeches can live off the labor and generosity of other races. They invaded the Western Hemisphere bringing nothing with them except murderous weapons and mind controlling religions.

Indigenous hosts were always aware that the parasites were deadly foes and tried shaking them off. They cannot provide for themselves and want our land and resources for free!

To steal this, the parasites advocated, motivated, planned, organized, ordered and implemented the murder of over 100 million of us.

The parasites invented the banking system. Paper is printed called money and loaned at high or illegal interest rates. The debt is collected by hook or by crook.

Parasites need artificial hierarchical authority backed by military might. The repressive apparatus is run by syndicates under their control.

The masses are trained to obey. The parasite constantly scares and threatens the host and tells them they can’t iive without them.

Can the parasite change its inner nature? A maple tree can’t be changed into a pine.

European and Western states lure non-white “aliens” into their cities to accept lower wages and threats of being kicked out if they complain. They want these “immigrants” to become their hosts to live off their backs. Many hosts realize they don’t have to serve them.

Rather than pitch in and do their share, the parasite is dying off. They think everyone else should die off too. President Obama wants to store nuclear waste in the US and might keep nuclear bombs under his bed to use as he sees fit.

Various current ideologies, movements and cults are meant to preserve the parasites. They falsely believe they own the land, waters, skies, satellites, radar, nuclear energy and so on. The masses say nothing. They attach themselves to the fake materialist world thinking they will be saved.

Parasites are always looking for or creating new hosts to latch onto their energy, resources and move onto the next host.

It is said indigenous were created from the earth and the white race was created from froth on the beach. We can use our blueprint, the Kaianerehkowa, to rebuild our societies. It will be easier now that the blockers are voluntarily leaving us.

Kahentinetha, MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, to donate and to sign up for MNN newsletters go to


Cats Leave the Cradle

Cats Leave the Cradle

MNN. Apr. 9, 2010. When the English defeated the French to steal Great Turtle Island, the Catholic Church started the “revenge of the cradle”. Priests ordered the French women to have 10 or more children to eventually outnumber the English and take over. It worked for a while. Now the white race is dying out.

Whites think they need a large uneducated slave class on whose back they can build their economy and country. There’s been a backlash.

The white race has over 250 defective genes and disorders and the most infertile men and women. In two world wars they killed off tens of millions of their people.

In the 1960s whites were 12.5% of the world population. Today they are 7.2%. By 2030 they will be 5%.

In 1974 former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called for a worldwide depopulation program. He never thought his race would be aborting themselves out of existence.

By 2050 the white race will be a minority on Great Turtle Island.

The white population growth in the US is 7% a year; Blacks are 15% of the population; and Hispanics, as Indigenous are called, are increasing by 194% a year. 20% are elders and will live in third world living conditions due to the depletion of the economy and tax base.

The Planned Parenthood and Eugenics Society complain that those least fit to carry on their race are increasing more rapidly. To maintain their civilization, they recommend not helping those who should never have been born.

In Europe the self-exterminating whites live for luxury like the Americans. For example, for every 9 live births there are 10 deaths in Britain. In Germany it’s 5. They are thinking of bringing back 10 million Germans from the US.

By the end of the 21st Century there will be no white people on Great Turtle Island and possibly none in the world.

So long, visitors. Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Whites will become like an aging dinosaur in the distant past. Many of this endangered species are already living in gated communities.

In 1897 US explorer Robert E. Peary lured 6 Greenland Inuit to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Four died. One returned home. One, Minik’s father, was secretly skinned, studied and put in a display case. In 1993 he was finally returned home and given an Inuit burial. Unlike the white race, we prefer live exhibits!

Kahentinetha, MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, to donate and to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to



– CURE FOR OBAMA FEVER IS “INDIAN” HISTORYMNN. Jan. 21, 2009. U.S. President Barack Obama slipped a subtle comment into his inauguration “mind control” speech on January 20th. When Obama defined America as a nation of “Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus and non-believers”, he deliberately left out Indigenous peoples. We have our value systems. We have our knowledge. He sneaked in the intention to ignore us when he said that “the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve”. To Americans the word “tribe” means the Ongwehonwe. We are the caretakers and trustees of the lands and resources of the world which the New World Order NWO or One World “Government” must steal to control the world. Our role puts us squarely in the path of this grand scheme of a few bankers, the governments they control and their deadly enforcement agencies.

Colonial “band or tribal councils” will be put in charge of indigenous people where possible such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Other Indigenous peoples will be “eliminated” or ignored. It looks like this program will be run by the United Nations “International Department of Indian Affairs” on behalf of the NWO war mongers.

Obama’s main message is, “If you don’t do it the American way, we will crush you”. It is all the more “devious” because it’s coming in this velvet glove that claims that it’s being done in a spirit of cooperation. The real message is, “we will defeat you”. A new disease is being spread called “Obama fever”. The symptoms are flag waving, millions gathering and clapping like a bunch of trained seals and hypnotic sectarian rapping. O-Ba-Ma, O-Ba-Ma! The following are comments by “Native Pride” and MNN Mohawk Nation News:

Tuesday, January 20, 2009: Obama: The New Lincoln? We Hope Not!

As the US crowns its new king, the world looks on with [media guided] hope and wonder. The former Illinois Senator has been compared to one of the most popular US Presidents, Abraham Lincoln who was seen as the Great Emancipator, Freer of the Slaves and the Healer of a Divided Nation. Obama swore his oath of office on Lincoln’s Bible.

Buried in that era of slavery and Civil War are a few chapters of the American “Indian” Holocaust of 115 million, the biggest in all humanity, that began long before Lincoln and continues today. While Mr. Lincoln was earning a fake place in history, he signed the Homestead Act in 1862. This was a law offering huge tracts of our lands to foreign white settlement. It was put through without consultation, without consent and without regard for the rights and needs of our people. Eventually 1.6 million homesteads were granted on our land and 270,000,000 acres of our territories were privatized between 1862 and 1986, which is 10% of all lands in the U.S. In the conflicts that raged over this illegal action, thousands of Ongwehonwe men, women and children were killed and millions of acres of our territories remain unlawfully occupied. This has nothing to do with honesty, courage, fair play and tolerance. Obama’s speech demonstrates clearly his concept of loyalty and patriotism has nothing to do with respect for the Ongwehonwe of Turtle Island and our future generations. []

Two days after Lincoln signed the “Emancipation Proclamation” in 1863, he signed an order to hang 38 Dakota Sioux in Mankato Minnesota. There were only about 40 adult men of fighting age left out of 400 “prisoners of war”. The U.S. agent refused to feed the Indigenous people and was selling the rations that were meant for them. The men begged for food for their people who were starving to death. He told them to eat grass. They killed him and stuffed his mouth with grass. [Visit]

These details of American history are rarely visited. John F. Kennedy basks in the glow as a champion of civil rights. He had no problem violating human rights and the treaty with the Seneca Nation. In 1960 he broke a campaign promise and approved the flooding of thousands of acres of Seneca land and the construction of the Kinzua Dam in upper New York State.

Today New York State has a black Democratic Governor, David A. Paterson. He has just signed an illegal document authorizing the destruction of the existing economies of eleven Ongwehonwe communities in the state. It is obvious the Americans are the big bullies they’ve always been since King Henry VII issued the “Cabot Charter” in 1496. It authorized the capture and plunder of any lands belonging to non-Christian people that might be found. []

Many Ongwehonwe have embraced this new U.S. President Barack Obama. Many of us do not. We hope that he will not earn the traditional title, “Rahnatakias”, which is our word for U.S. President. It means “town destroyer”. In 1779 the first President, George Washington, ordered the genocide of all Rotino’shonni:onwe, Iroquois people, our communities and food sources in the lands between Wyoming and the Canadian border. He eliminated over a hundred thousand of us by famine and disease. []

No, Obama is not our president. He is the 44th man to hold the title of Rahnatakias on behalf of the colonists who are occupying our territories. The valid nation-to-nation relations with Ongwehonwe are always a low priority or non-existent for any colonial administration.

People are looking to Mr. Obama for a solution. The true test of his promise of change will come in the treatment of the Ongwehonwe. Is he going to be another two faced reformer, a Washington, a Lincoln or a Kennedy, who preaches equality and freedom while crushing us under his heel? We refuse to be put under colonial “Federal Indian Law” headlocks.

The U.S. will not stop its decline by continuing to dispossess and oppress us. They have to meet us on the original nation-to-nation terms. We have never surrendered our jurisdiction over ourselves or our resources or our territories. They have to acknowledge the crimes of the past. They have to reign in their colonizing beast. They have to stop feasting on the dead bodies of our ancestors. They have to stop dancing so hard on our lands and resources that they starve and suffocate the generations to come.

Native Pride and MNN Mohawk Nation News Comment to: Posted by MNN Mohawk Nation News Staff,

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poster: katenies




MNN. Dec. 8th, 2007. Late last Wednesday night a call came from Akwesasne, “What’re you doing?” The response was, “Nothing!” The next question was, “Wanna go down to New York City for a meeting?” The answer was, “Sure!” The next morning two Mohawks, one from Kahnawake and another from Kanehsatake, met up with two other Mohawks from Akwesasne in Upstate New York for the long drive in the pick up truck to the big Apple.

The meeting was across from the Empire State Building. WOLA is the “Washington Office on Latin America”. It started in 1973 under the Jimmy Carter administration and was connected to the “Trilateral Commision”. Today they work with the “Council on Foreign Relations” and are funded by Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller and other big-time right wing foundations and corporations. The main honchos were Joy Olson, Vicki Gass, Margaret Crayhan* and Kenneth Paul Erickson [], all “scholars”. WOLA’s secretary-treasurer and president is Charles Currie, SJ [Society of Jesuits] which governs the “Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities” in Washington DC.

They were surprised to see us four Mohawks there. No one talked to us or introduced themselves. They couldn’t figure out where we came from, even though they were on Haudenosaunee territory.

A 14-page executive summary was handed out called, “A Fresh Approach to U.S. Policy in Latin America”, which is meant for whichever party wins the 2008 U.S. presidential election. Democrats or Republicans, it’s all the same! This looks like hard core evidence of the U.S. President’s plan for our people in South America.

“There are about 300 million people in ‘Latin’ America , the majority being Indigenous people. More than half live in poverty, 80 million in extreme poverty”. The oligarchs have greatly escalated their income and wealth since 1990 by deforestation, mining, logging and industry which have contaminated the air, land and water throughout the hemisphere. This rape of the land has caused suffering and devastation to Indigenous people.

George Bush’s failed policy was criticized. They’re coming up with a new “partnership” between the U.S. and ‘Latin’ America [and Canada too! It sure looked like they were dictating Canadian policy. Hey, haven’t they heard that feudalism is illegal?] Their main concern is combating the immigration and drug trade that has been coming into the U.S. They cited international criminal cartels, immigration, proliferation of arms into the “wrong hands” and the security of the minority oligarchs who control these countries on behalf of the U.S. and Europe. The long and the short of it is that if any profit is to be made, the U.S. oligarchs want a share. They’ll take our assets but not our liabilities from the damage they’ve caused to the environment.

Because of the tremendous disparity between rich and poor, violence is escalating. When the poor don’t even have enough to live on, what have they got to lose? According to WOLA, “42% of all homicides in the world are happening in Latin America which has 6% of the world’s population!” Where are these guns coming from? This sets up the excuse to go in there with more and lethal cops. They forgot to mention all the violence the U.S. is causing worldwide, such as in Iraq and Afghanistan . They need to create a calamity to get control of South America like they engineered in the Middle East?

Their idea of a “fresh approach” is for the new U.S. president to visit ‘Latin’ America to tell them about his new fresh approach for them; to strengthen the colonial “democratic” government the U.S. is trying force on everybody all over the world [which is also known as “social restructuring”]; to support the U.N. Millenium Development Goals as set out by the U.S.; to pep up the Mexico-U.S.-Canada partnership to control all trade and commerce on Turtle Island; to reform immigration so that everyone has “documents” or they are left to die; to curtail drug use by stopping the messy spraying program that has been going on since 1981; to close Guantanamo Bay detention facility so detainees can be put somewhere else “out of sight and out of mind”; and to lift the ban on travel to Cuba so the gambling lords can get back in and take over the island and the lucrative tourism trade.

The Latin American oligarchs fear the Indigenous people who want a share of their own resources. “Insecurity is a growing concern”, WOLA said. Latin America ’s growing independence is especially a “problem”.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are losing their influence since Hugo Chavez started paying off their loans and debts. You’d think that the WB and IMF would be happy that these people paid off their debts. No way, Jose! It means they have no KONTROL. Oh! oh! Venezuela, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador, Brazil and Bolivia just set up their own central bank, to “wean the regions off IMF and WB”. They want to make it easier for the poor to get loans. The U.S. and Europe are losing control and influence fast!

‘Latin’ America was run by deadly military dictatorships that were set up and trained by the U.S. at the “School of the Americas”, formerly in Georgia. Now that democratic institutions through fair elections are taking over, past subversive brutality and oppression promoted by the U.S must change. Colonists are not used to egalitarian sharing of power and resources. In light of this, “Policing, the judiciary [and prison systems] must be upgraded”, WOLA said. USAID in Venezuela recently got $48 million to destabilize President Hugo Chavez in the recent referendum on the constitution. Venezuela has shown it does not need the U.S. and have cut off all ties, which worries the U.S. They referred to the U.S. relationship with Hugo Chavez as “two scorpions in a bottle… no matter who bites first, both will die”.

WOLA’s idea of consultation is to speak to the oligarchs. Their main concern is that U.S. credibility is low. [As if this is news!] Anti-Americanism is running high worldwide [Same old, same old. We’re not wondering why!]

The oligarchies are U.S. and European puppets of a passé paradigm playing “I’m the king of the castle” on their little dung heaps, when everyone else has gone off to the strawberry festival. Trouble is they are obsessed with turning the whole world into a dung heap. Their long range plan is to set up one world government with one ruler. Dream on. Haven’t they read their history? This has never worked. Nature loves diversity. It even has a place for crazies like them.

WOLA’s main idea is the training of modern professional para-military police and other law enforcement and criminal justice officials, with what appears to be oligarchical oversight. They foresee police academy training and indoctrination, human rights [meaning forcing us to be their slaves], due process, leadership development, more effective patrol structures directed at the communities [like curfews?], internal and external controls, and community-oriented policing. [Don’t forget folks, these people want to be the only game in town. If they get their way, we’ll all be forced to play cops and robbers whether we want to or not. They have a lot of private jails to fill and they’re planning more.] Specialized police units with specific policing techniques and equipment [probably taught by the likes of BlackWater!] Develop detective units and a comprehensive “snitching” system to help police gather evidence to increase conviction rates.

They’re looking for more ways to criminalize us. The U.S. says their policies “protect civil and human rights, facilitate family linkages across borders and regularize the immigrants’ status in the U.S.”!! They must be deliberately blind! The wall that cuts through the middle of Tohono O’odham territory on the so-called Mexico-U.S. border is leading to deaths from exposure and dehydration. The $40 billion de-foliage spraying program along with the fall of the U.S. dollar have made drugs cheaper. [Are the drug cartels switching to the Euro?] Spraying killed off crops leading to starvation, death and birth defects forcing people to look for somewhere else to go so they can survive. [‘Agent Orange ’ all over again, like in Vietnam!] Heaven help those who try to go to the U.S. which authored the destruction of their homelands.

U.S. wants democratic governments where people can vote “until they get it right”. By right they mean “might” – “It’s my way or the highway, not the one that runs across our [imaginary line] border. We don’t want to see you. We just want to tell you what to do.” In other words, the U.S. has become a caricature of the British when they sought their own independence from them.

Once again we witnessed people making policy for somebody else. Colonialism! Colonialism! Colonialism! They were very careful about it, like someone trying to make love so there is no pregnancy. Every word was weighed carefully and ‘condomized’ before it was presented, so that we could not see the “banality that hides the evil”. But, Hey! Man! A rape is a rape even if you’re wearing a condom. Do they think that people can’t see when evil is staring them in the face? Some are even forced to go along with a rapist when they see they have no choice. Threats are couched in light language, bubbling altruistic froth over the real purpose – to maintain coercive power and control.

WOLA is an expert at “government-speak”. Those hungry for power know what is being said, that they plan to kill the real people of ‘Latin’ America. They said it so nicely. They thought they were so convincing that the ‘Latin’ Americans can’t wait for it to happen! They may be in for a surprise!

*Margaret Crayan’s expertise is Latin American history and politics, religion [including the Catholic Church], human rights, truth commissions, women, the military, extensive field work in Latin America including Cuba, “Post Authoritarian Societies” [?], civil society [meaning the police]. She has published 80 papers and is working on “Religion and Politics”. The Council on Foreign Relations published her research on the “City and the World: New York ’s Global Future” in 1997.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: katenies




by:Viviana Avila.

There have been a series of recent events that have directly affected indigenous communities, within the Latin American and continental context. This is not a new occurrence; everything started more than 500 years ago, and everyone knows what the armed, cultural invasion brought to our continent. The damage has not been repaired, despite all the time that has passed by, and the regrets that have been said by western civilization.

The dignity of the indigenous peoples and nations of the continent has not been crushed, despite the planned genocide of assimilation imposed upon these millennial cultures. On the contrary in the last few decades, the organization and struggle for their intrinsic rights has been more vigilant with each passing day, as with the increasing grades of consciousness and disposal to struggle for their sovereignty and self-determination. Some more than others, but incentive is alive and has begun to go forward.

We see it end to end in our continent, in the south beyond the Andes; that long and narrow stretch of land, bathed along a contaminated ocean by transnational corporations known as Chile. Those who lust for power have taken over our territories, thanks to the permission given by the cowardly governments that have opened their doors to these companies in exchange for the scraps the empire throws at them, so they can thicken their dirty filthy pockets. They are traitors to their people and to their roots; they wallow in their corrupt state of lies and unbounded ambition. Inheritors of the Pinochet regime, and administrators of his politics and fascist constitution.

Immoral, racist representatives of a sick society that have launched themselves against an unarmed people; intimidating, incarcerating and murdering youth and elders. Assaulting and terrorizing entire communities, on the search for young liberators wearing military boots, worse than in the times of the dictatorship. Mapuche is the name that is criminalized; their courageous organizations, the men and women dignified of their race. What a historical shame for those in the government calling themselves socialist. What a shame for women to have representatives as deceitful as that who leads the country of Chile. You would have to be deceitful to lie and say to the UN that the Mapuches incarcerated by her neo-liberal system are not political prisoners, but “common delinquents.”

The shame that they forgot about their history. The shame of being the legal crooks of lands that do not belong to them; for wanting to develop a second colonization on Mapuche territory, that is nothing more than the extermination of a noble millennial people. One day they will be judged by history. Meanwhile, we leave the natural forces to look after and protect the ancient people with their part in this history. We men and women hold the other part, those that are not willing to let a second colonization happen in Arauco, in Malleco, nor in any other part of Mapuche territory.

Here in Canada, the same thing is happening. Perhaps in a different form, but the pillaging is seen despite the camouflage of grand terrains of flora; immensities of incalculable beauty. Large… everything is large. When one comes to this country everything shines, deceiving, as were the colonizers, as is the current empire, unnecessarily large, inflated with arrogance…. Savage; when it arrives at the indigenous reservations in the darkness, assaulting, clawing, submitting defenseless beings, seizing children, hitting elders and women, arresting youth… Advancing through ancient territory with their infernal machinery. Their factories poisoning the water. The contamination and indigenous poverty makes you shudder in the north, where the great cellulose companies destroy the forest and turn the water that runs through the streams into the color of oxide; burning eyes as you look, and your insides as you drink….

This may seem like a fable, an odyssey, but it is not. It is present north to south, east to west, in this immense show model known as Canada. Here as in the south of the continent, history repeats itself. The repression and displacement of cultures and territories are the product of the same patron of values: money. Universal corrupter of consciouses. The most horrendous injustices that a human being could conceive have been committed in its name. However the peoples and nations have said enough, and have begun to go forward as Che Guevara once said; their march of giants will not be detained. Forced for years to dwell in sacrifice and misery, the indigenous Nations throughout the entire territory have begun their march…

A little more than a year a ago on February 28, 2006, Hadonashonee, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory had to take over their own lands to stop the illegal construction of a housing development (the Douglas Creek Estates), in Kanonhstaton, the protected place. To this day, men and women confront with great courage and dignity, the defense of their territory in harsh climatic conditions and economic pressures on behalf of the government in the talks to recover their land. They are in constant harassment from the police authorities, and the racist population in its surroundings. Despite all the pressures and efforts remove and divide them, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory are more solid and united as ever under the banner of truth, dignity, and solidarity of their own people, and of brotherly peoples that have not been absent from the Reclamation site.

Recently, another front of struggle has arisen from the heart of the Mohawk peoples in Tyendinaga, in defense of their territory and displacement… The taking over of land in their own territory, protest through highway and rail blockades; the different actions of the indigenous peoples have the same cause:the struggle for the defense of their ancient territories, the preservation of their culture, autonomy and the right to decide and influence in their own matters.

That is why we say with much strength: yesterday Kanonhstaton, today Tyendinaga, tomorrow Beyond the Andes. The prophesy of the Eagle and the Condor will yet be realized.

The Women’s Coordinating Committee Chile-Canada


poster: katenies



MNN. June 22, 2007. The Red-X was apprehended by the special “anti-terrorist” forces constituted by the U.S., Canada and Europe to institute terror. They have taken Red-X for special “attention” and to get him out of the way for the June 29th “Phil Fontaine Day”. Without giving him any reason or charges, he was taken away under some new law to a state that excels in torture. No one heard from him for several days. Once in a while, we heard static and beeps coming into our minds but nothing more.Suddenly a telepathic message flashed telling us how he was tortured by a special squad. They were dressed in black with black hoods. They looked something like Darth Vader’s gang. They used all the old tactics like inserting large objects into his rectum which he expelled into their faces, knocking out one eye. They siced beasts on him to frighten, bite and anally rape him. These animals ended up trying to help him and even licked some of his wounds, which drove his tormenters nuts. They also tried to put a computer chip in his brain so they could track him. They were unsuccessful because his body rejected it. He did not have the necessary anti-rejection chemicals in his system. It fell on the floor and broke into a thousand pieces. Derogatory terms were constantly hurled at him, like “dirty red sand nigger and maggot”, “Wagon burner, “big papoose” and “chief”.

They squashed his testicles which bounced back like silly putty. “You’re part of the resistance”, they kept yelling at him in frustration.

The U.S. has some of the most refined torture methods in the world. They want to show our people what they can do to us if we resist them. They deprived him of all his senses and tactile contact, in the hopes he would go crazy. That didn’t work either because he knows they can hold onto or destroy his body but they can’t touch his spirit. He will always know who he is.

They want to convince our people who they consider to be “rogues” to hand over all our oil, minerals and natural resources to the U.S. and whoever is controlling them without a fight.

They think if they can get the Red-X, then everybody else will fall. The colonists don’t know we do not have leaders. Another favorite from their arsenal of torture is “water boarding”. He was strapped to a board, turned upside down and immersed in a wet towel to simulate drowning until he lost conscious. The trouble is that the Red-X is consciousness, so he couldn’t lose it.

Another one was a drip from the ceiling onto his forehead for days on end. He drank up all the water and regenerated himself.

“They tried to behead me but saw the scar on my neck”, he said. They decided against this because they figured that the Third Dimension would come and sew it back on like they did before. That happened when he was beheaded as an 8-year old at the residential school run by the churches for the colonial government.

‘They told me that they’re going to put their flags on Turtle Island once and for all, whether we like it or not”. They told him, “That means we’ve conquered you”. Then they continued bullying the Red-X.

We have been under sanctions for 500 years. It has killed millions of our men, women and babies. Is it possible for us to forgive them? We are the only ones that have the capacity to do that because we are still human. The invaders lost that ability a long time ago. They desensitized their conscience so they have no more sense of morality. They don’t seem to know what is right or wrong. They’ve lost their souls. That’s why they were and are able to commit all this cruelty against us and our land. That’s why they can’t sense the pain they inflict on us when they torture us.

Do we want the corporate butchers to completely ruin us and our land? Can we let them sell off all our assets and control our resources?

We want freedom and independence. What can we do about our saboteurs? We want the colonists to leave and to take the traitors with them. Turtle Island will never be theirs. We will always resist this illegal, immoral occupation.

The occupiers are causing us harm, sickness, poverty and lawlessness. We need clean drinking water, good hospitals, food on the table, safety in the streets, and our homes not to be attacked by foreign trespassers like the RCMP, OPP, SQ and their “Indian” police henchmen. These troops are making sure that our lives will have nothing but misery, poverty, disease and fear. The trauma suffered by our children are some of the most brutal strategies ever devised by man. The residential schools holocaust has lasted for generations.

We survived that. We are capable of overcoming any atrocity because the peacemaker, Dekanawida, gave us that ability. We cannot become like our oppressors. One day can we drive them out? Peace over Turtle Island could drive them all away. If the colonists keep up their cruelty, we could end up hating them. We can’t wait to see them all on those sailing ships leaving New York harbor going back to where they came from. We’ll stand on the shore and wave good-bye to them.

The Red-X implicitly stated previously that, “We should be very mindful of why Phil of the Assembly of First Nations is calling for “resistance” on the June 29th ”Phil Fontaine Day”. He is in reality working with the enemy class to smoke out any opposition to them, as they did in Gustafsen Lake in 1995 and Kanehsatake/Oka in 1990”.

MNN received a vivid image of the Red-X nursing his wounds and a light tear rolled down his hooded cheek. This came to us from the porthole of the Third Dimension. The tears he shed were not for himself. It was for the people who must continue in the meantime to endure this misery of everyday existence under colonial rule.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: katenies




MNN. May 18, 2007. The Bush Administration is planning to build a huge Highway from Mexico to Canada. The NAFTA Super “Autobahn” will be a four football fields wide car-truck-train-pipeline corridor from Mexico to Canada. It will be a 10-lane limited-access road with tolls. Jerome R. Corsi of “Human Events” has written extensively about this project which is being done on the quiet.

The NAFTA autobahn is mainly going to transport our resources from one million square miles of unsurrendered Indigenous land in the northern part of Turtle Island, through the U.S and Mexico to the countries of the Pacific rim.

Then the road will bring containers from the Far East to enter the United States through the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas, bypassing the Longshoreman’s Union on the docks of the west coast. The Mexican trucks, without the involvement of the Teamsters Union, will drive on what will be the nation’s most modern highway straight into the heart of Turtle Island. [See attached map]. We see more containers on trains that are miles and miles long coming from California ports heading east. The west coast is one of the places where they want to put unions out of business.

So who benefits? Not the Mexicans! Maybe not even the Americans! Certainly not the Indigenous land and resource owners!

The northeastern route will go along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River, right through Haudenosaunee territory. Mega bridges to the northern reaches are already planned, one from Kahnawake to Montreal, one over the Ottawa River at Kanehsatake and another from Cornwall over to Akwesasne. Once again we Mohawks are in the way.

The Mexican trucks will cross the border in fast lanes, checked only electronically by the new “SENTRI” system. The first customs stop will be a Mexican customs office in Kansas City, known as a “Smart Port”, built for Mexico by U.S. taxpayers. Containers from the Far East can be transferred there to trucks going east and west.

Super roads are not a new idea. In 1933 Hitler and the Nazis finished the German “autobahn” during the Third Reich. It linked north and south Germany. It was promoted as creating jobs. It was actually built mostly by Russian prisoners of war. The military was involved in the planning to provide mobility for the movement of their troops and weaponry. They were designed with auxiliary airports with aircraft hidden in tunnels or camouflaged in nearby woods. [We don’t know what military auxiliary will be built alongside the NAFTA autobahn].

In the end the German autobahn was useless during most of the war due to a shortage of gas and lack of trucks. Tanks and trucks were hard on the fragile surface. Much of the road was bombed. The bulk of the military traffic, men and material ended up being transported by rail. Eisenhower was inspired by the German Autobahn and created a U.S. interstate highway system in 1956.

The concession for the tolls on the Texas portion of the NAFTA Autobahn was leased to a Spanish firm, “Cintra Concesiones de infra”. Rudy “911” Giuliani’s law firm represents Cintra exclusively. The state of Texas was paid $2.1 billion up front and $700 million yearly for 50 years. “Rudy Guiliani Capital Advisors” has been bought out by “Macquarrie”, an Australian Consortium which leases and operates U.S. and Canadian toll roads. It can be presumed that the whole corridor will be a private toll road which will need a private military force to protect it.

“Euro Money Seminars” of the UK is teaching state and local U.S. governments how to lease public assets such as highways, water works, prisons and schools to international investment groups. One of Giuliani’s firms, “Giuliani and Partners”, has a component for leasing out private police forces.

President Bush does not appear to be anxious to secure the Mexican border. Maybe he has to create express lanes first for the Mexican trucks that will be bringing containers into the heart of the U.S., to bypass U.S. union workers on the docks or in the trucks. 90% of trucking is now non-union because of government union busting.

The only places where the unions are still strong are in major financial industrial cities like New York, Boston, Pittsburgh and Chicago. For example, fabricated steel coming in from non-union fabricators have to go to New Jersey, reload onto union trucks and then are driven into New York City by the Teamsters Union.

It’s to kill off whatever is left of the unions. It’s to steal our resources. It’s to stop indigenous protest. It’s to eliminate anyone who wants to prevent the reestablishment of the oligarcic cultural elite who want to treat the rest of us like slaves.

To get the public’s [forced] “cooperation” of those cities and towns that are in the way of the corridor, large corporations are being shut down, such as Domtar in Cornwall Ontario and General Motors in Massena New York. A few hundred million dollars has been taken out of the economy on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border. Lost jobs will lower house and property values which can then be grabbed cheaply or easily expropriated by NAFTA under the “eminent domain” stealing act.

The public is mostly unaware of the coming North American Union that is planned for the United States, Canada and Mexico. Various U.S. government and state agencies and scores of private NGOs (non-governmental organizations) are working behind the scenes to create this highway. The U.S. government has set up an office in the Department of Commerce called the “SPP Office” for “Security and Prosperity Partnership”. The SPP Agreement was signed by Bush, President Vicente Fox, and then-Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Tex., on March 23, 2005.

CN Rail and CP Rail in Canada are part of this. Let’s see how lucrative it is for them to steal our resources and to cooperate with multinational corporations and the governments they control. As of February 2007, the President and CEO of CN make more than the directors and senior management who make 2.2% of all outstanding shares. This is about $30 million. You can bet that when dividend time comes, they won’t be eating Kraft Dinner like the Indigenous people they stole the land and trust funds from to build the rail empire.

CN has had record profits on the backs of employees who were fired thus resulting in safety issues. A newly appointed vice-president and chief safety officer was created to address derailments and toxic spills. Many railroad engineers have died due to poor maintenance all in the name of $$$.

This autobahn will not benefit Turtle Island. It is a corridor to carry resources that are being stolen from us. It is transported through the U.S. to Mexico and then put it on ships to China and elsewhere. It appears like the U.S. public will not get anything out of it either. The investors and profiteers use U.S., Mexican and Canadian fronts on their various boards.

Until 1999, the land in the north of Turtle Island was administered by the Canadian government. Then a “government” was set up similar to a band council, with no authority over resources. This control is still held by the federal government which can make deals to sell it all off to multinational corporations.

This is a stupid plan. How will they defend such a long road? These extremes of self-centered despotism are not new. They have risen many times before. 2000 years ago the Han Dynasty in China forced people to do a lot of road work for almost nothing. The penalty for arriving late for work was death. Finally, when a river flooded and the people could not get to work on time, they rebelled and brought the dynasty down. Despotism always falls down in the end. This senseless project is doomed from the start. In the meantime the people will suffer a lot while the abuse builds itself up to the breaking point.

If this megalomaniac nonsense isn’t questioned right now people can go through decades or even a century of suffering. The U.S. was founded on egalitarian principles they learned from the Haudenosaunee/Iroquois. The U.S. constantly forgets its inspirational sources. When Europeans arrived on our shores they were huddled masses yearning to be free. They were dirty, malnourished and abused. Now they abuse us.

It’s time for everyone to throw off the shackles of abuse. We have to assert our rights, participate, share and laugh. We were not born to be slaves to corporate greed.

Kahentinetha Horn,
MNN Mohawk Nation News; &; for updates, workshops, speakers and to sign up, go to; please sign the Women Title Holders petition; for sale “Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy” and “Warriors Hand Book” ($10 USD each postage included)

poster: katenies




MNN. April 30, 2007. Since the “911” hit on the Twin Towers of New York City, where are the Indigenous people of Turtle Island fitting into the political and economic shift that is taking place worldwide? We have the resources that everybody wants. Could 911 be a deliberate strategy to destroy Turtle Island as a sanctuary or safe haven not only for people but for money?

Just prior to 911 the “Euro” currency was going to be launched within days. It raises suspicion as to who did 911. Issuing the Euro could have devalued the U.S. dollar while raising the value of the Euro currency.

Someone once said that to move your agenda ahead, you have to create a crisis. After 911, the financial capital of the world was shifted from New York City to London. London was already set up to take over banking on the wings of this power shift. Regardless of how 911 happened, that was the result.

The internet constantly shows the destruction of the Twin Towers and other attacks of that day. Investors have become nervous to invest in New York City. Money will move and not take chances. Other players want to cash in on the fall of New York City such as existing megatropolises like Tokyo, Shanghai and London.

The oil sheiks have since quickly converted a desert into a modern mega city. What kind of power structure is being planned in Dubai? Haliburton, for one, is moving its operations there.

It’s only 5 to 6 years of consolidation. If it is Dubai and companies start going there, U.S. interests will have to follow. Other interests are looking for ways to cash in. Dubai and other metropolises are getting ready to handle this shift.

The U.S. is trying to bring the focus back by using our resources as one of the enticements.

The U.S. has blacklisted Canada as a partner, which they want merely as a resource hinterland under their control. The U.S. is already entrenched in Canadian policing, military, governments, the intelligence community, communications, and whatever it takes to control the country. It’s got Canada lock, stock and barrel!

Toronto and Hamilton as the “Golden Horse Shoe” were once a worldwide economic center. They have been downgraded. Toronto is yesterday’s newspaper. The powers that think they are want to set up a new center that will be more attractive to investors and people with money. That is probably why they toyed with the idea of moving the stock exchange to Calgary. Toronto has to be destroyed so that any financial windfall that comes this way will fall on New York City.

Nonetheless Canada is a natural ally to the U.S. Without Canada’s resources the U.S. can’t move ahead. We see the usefulness of the U.S. building up the triangle of Montreal-Cornwall-Ottawa which is closer to New York City.

The U.S. does not finance anything. Buying a company is not the same as coming in and building one. They just come in, take over and buy up companies like Bell to gain control over Canada’s telecommunications. So the U.S. gains control over all communications with access to all private and financial records of the citizens of Canada. Soon it will be worthless to have all our conversations recorded. We might even be released from bondage and regain our freedom. This is what we’re hoping for.

It is an “Americanism” to give Indigenous People the right to demonstrate peacefully. Canadians are not seeing this. They want to shut us up. The U.S. actually wants us to win this war against Canada because it is against the Canadian government, which they have infiltrated. Should we get everything we can while we can? We want control of Turtle Island. The U.S. want Turtle Island. If they side with us to defeat Canada, no doubt they may turn on us. The U.S. ambassador recently said at an Indigenous conference in British Columbia that they are “keeping a close eye on all the activities of the Indigenous People of Canada”. You can be sure they are not doing it for our benefit.

The U.S. has to shift money back to Turtle Island to get our natural resources off us. They don’t want the big money to buy up oil shares, energy and communications in other parts of the world. This will turn Turtle Island into a third world. We, the indigenous people, have the land and resources, which is what the fight is over.

There are also a lot of resources in the China-Soviet Union interior which have not been exploited. A lot of money is going there. All of these activities will decide where the next power base will be. Our land base and resources are being used as trinkets to invest over here. While they’re busy signing away our natural resources, they hope the chips will fall back on New York City. Don’t think for a moment they have any interest in enriching the owners of the land and resources, us.

People shouldn’t forget that US dominance is primarily post World War II. It might be time to shift it somewhere else. Shouldn’t the license to oppress be spread around instead of just focusing on us here? We’ve had enough of their plutocracy [rule of the wealthy for the benefit of the wealthy]. If hierarchy has to exist, it’s time for someone else to take their turn at being oppressed.

The Akwesasne Mohawks are a fly in the ointment. The Mohawks here are well set up and in somebody’s way. Make no mistake. No one will give up Akwesasne. The U.S. know they will never win against us. Indigenous from everywhere will show up and help us defend it. So the U.S. would prefer to work with us. This is something we have to be very careful of.

The colonial band council puppet system will go the way of the do-do bird. We are presently getting back all our people. This is what frightens Canada and its minions.

We need to start laying down the laws right now. The U.S. wants a beachhead they can control. We aren’t going to allow that. They know it. The Canadian politicians have already been bought out and are under U.S. control. But we are not.

We have to watch when they start to develop and implement infrastructures to support their interests. They will box us in and horde those infrastructures. As soon as they consolidate their power back in New York City, that infrastructure will be abandoned. We need to be cautious where infrastructures go and who owns them.

The push will be on. They will make it look like the second coming. We know already that the Indigenous People will not be benefiting. The drive will not come from within our communities. Canadians are asleep at the switch. Someone else is driving their train for them. They have been hypnotized into complacently accepting everything that is happening.

Another thought is that if the U.S. ever gets the idea that it was the Europeans who knocked down the Twin Towers, are we looking at retaliation against them? Will the U.S. do the same to some European infrastructures? If the U.S. is cornered financially or in any other way, if they have the ability to attack, will they do so? That doesn’t exclude London, Paris and other big cities. We don’t know what’s coming.

We have come a long way and we have not fired a single shot. We’ve just been firing our bulletins.

Kahentinetha Horn

MNN Mohawk Nation News &
For updates, workshops, speakers, to subscribe, go to

poster: katenies



THE BANKERS’ “MASTER PLAN” FOR TURTLE ISLANDMNN. April 6, 2007. The bankers want Turtle Island lock, stock and barrel. They’ve been working at it for hundreds of years and failed. The Indigenous people keep fighting back. Is this why they are escalating their attacks on us?

The Rotinonhsoni:onwe/Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy designed a real democracy on Turtle Island. Five nations joined to form the Confederacy – Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and Seneca. Later the Tuscaroras joined. Our constitution known as the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the Great Law of Peace, is based on the natural world where all are equal. It is the most democratic form of government ever devised. There is no monarch and unlike the Greek democracy, there is no elite or ruling class. The power and the peace are in the people.

By the time the Europeans invaded Turtle Island, there were already 300 other Indigenous nations who were friends and allies of the Confederacy. Based on the Two Row Wampum, we all agreed to live in peace, respect each other’s culture, ways and territories. When we made treaties and agreements, all our best interests were taken into account.

The chairman of the Confederacy, an Onondaga, is known as the “Tododarho”. He is neutral and must always think about maintaining the peace and integrity of our people, land and possessions. As a spokesman, the people count on him to sanction decisions according to our law and in the best interests of our future generations.

In 1996, the Tododarho was on his deathbed. He called for specific Iroquois to visit him in the hospital, three men and one woman. The Tadodarho wanted to pass on a mantle to the ordinary people who he felt represented the true desires of the people. He wanted to remind us that we can never surrender Turtle Island. The moment we do then all our land and resources would be transferred to the banks and the multinational corporations who’ve coveted our possessions since their arrival.

Treaties create international and domestic law. Our treaties with the U.S. and Canadian colonists are the law of the land. Under the Two Row the colonizers can live under their own laws, if that’s what they want to do. But their laws do not apply to us or to the land.

When the Europeans invaded Turtle Island, we did not become part of their capitalist system. Because Creation made us part of this continent, the banks are trying to find ways to remove the restrictions that stop them from seizing all of Turtle Island. Our democratic principles that are influencing people everywhere else are coming into conflict with their hierarchical systems that is bent on controlling the world.

Our fight has always been with the central banks that were set up by the monarchs, kings and queens of Europe. They want ownership and control. They’re trying to get it by setting up surrogate banking institutions here.

Over the centuries every time there was an attempt to exploit us, our land and resources, we did our best to block it. When the hydro electric power was to be developed in northern Quebec, it was the Crees who stood up for the land. We are the legitimate owners and the land owns us. The bankers want to remove us and our title.

They’ve tried. The monarchs sent their priests here first. The colonial governments of the U.S. and Canada forced us to hand over our children to the churches. Then the pedophiles molested and destroyed them. They hoped to pass the submissive spirit down from generation to generation, submissive to their authority, to the Vatican, to the hierarchies and to the royalty in Europe. We were not supposed to fight back when they took our land and our lives.

Then the monarchs sent over their military and government apparatus. They put up false chiefs and political organizations to run the Indigenous nations. That’s falling by the wayside too.

They are having a hard time with those of us who did not go to residential schools and with the new generation of young Indigenous people. They want to send in the army to destroy those of us who escaped this indoctrination. At Six Nations they found out that our real authority is our traditional Confederacy Chiefs who represent the will of the people.

President Thomas Jefferson once said “There is scarcely a king (or would-be king) in a hundred who would not, if he could, follow the example of Pharoah – get first all the people’s money, then all their lands and then make them and their children servants forever”.

For more than 200 years these international banking families dominated the European scene after they established the Bank of England and other central banks in Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland. The Rothschilds dominated the banking scene as they do today. They created a banking system which controls every other banking system in the world.

All the gold and silver that the U.S. claims that backs the American dollar has disappeared. Today’s dollar is really counterfeit, worth about 4 cents.

The European Bankers always won. They reaped fortunes by financing the various nations in their wars against each other. They engineered conditions of despair so they can turn people into puppets. These nations were plundered, pillaged and bled dry by war debts to the bankers.

Where do the monarchs get their power from? Through their blood line. In Europe they are the “masters” of the people. Their elite are the bankers, business people, governments and academics. We have blood lines too. Our spokespeople become the “servants” of the people.

The kings and queens of Europe are the richest people in the world today. For example, the Royal family in Holland owns Shell Oil Company, the biggest multi national company in the world and has controlling shares in many other multinational corporations.

The monarchs and their multinational corporations would not hesitate to break up the U.S. and Canada, which they consider to be their colonial “band councils”.

How are they doing this? Europe has gained control over the colonial monetary system on Turtle Island.

The Federal Reserve System came into being when the Federal Reserve Act was by passed by Congress in 1913. The bankers were granted the right to create money out of nothing and to lend it to the U.S. government at interest. This usury system is backed by the courts and the police.

The problem for them on Turtle Island is that the Indian lands are immune from seizure. The banks are presently in the process of illegally removing that protection. Actually, all of Turtle Island is not theirs to seize. We never gave anybody jurisdiction over us or our land as required by international law.

Simply put, the creation of money is called the “banking reserve system”. In the past when the bank loaned out money, it had to have money in its vaults to cover the loan in case the cash had to be produced. The central banking system was created so that the individual banks would not need to have any deposits. The banks could write checks and create money with no backup money. If they needed any “liquid cash”, the central banks covered for them or printed more money.

What is “debt financing”? In their system the lender is always the “master” over the borrower. For example, to borrow money for a house or car, you go to the bank and put your house or car up as “collateral”. The bank lends you $100,000 for your house. Over the next 25 years you have to pay back the loan plus interest, which could be more than double what you borrowed. The bank never gave you any money. They just wrote checks for the amount you borrowed. If you can’t pay, the bank seizes your house which they sell for money.

Ordinary U.S. and Canadian citizens own very little. It all belongs to the banks which control the money supply. Everyone is in hawk to them. This is how the banks are gaining control over the whole world.

The governments and corporations have been putting up our land as collateral to borrow money from the financiers for their developments. We never surrendered any of it. This is fraud. They pretend to own it and everybody pretends along with them. Using threats of military violence on us if we protest, it’s theft and extortion.

Should the clan mothers, chiefs and the people lose our authority over Turtle Island, then the European kings and queens and their corporations will grab it through their surrogate banks and puppet governments in Ottawa and Washington.

The European monarchies have been unable to gain control over Turtle Island because we have no monarch sitting at the top of a hierarchy they can buy off. Even the non-natives don’t want a monarch.

Is this what the warfare is all about? Is this why there is such a big interest in the position of the Tadodarho? The bankers want to decide who shall be the Tadodarho and what he shall do for them.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News
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poster: katenies