

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. June 10, 2015. To the CROWN: We understand your people. They are disrespectful to us. They practice murder, kidnapping, rape, manipulation and every form of genocide. Our homeland must be rid of them. Take them home in a peaceful manner.

Queenie: "Now ongwe'hon:weh are kicking them out!"

Queenie: “Now ongwe’hon:weh are sending them home!”

All of our problems started with your colonial settlers who stole all our lands reneging on our original agreement in 1701. They set up dictatorship, imprisonment, corruption, theft of everything, environmental destruction and every form of prejudice.

Racism truthYour bar representative, Judge Murray Sinclair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC, has set us up for total termination to protect you. His recommendation is for your colonial children to keep control over our stolen lands, resources and sovereignty. Incorporated INDIANS are already oppressing, murdering, assimilating and annihilating us, with para-military backing. Mr. Sinclair is a residential school product, groomed as the front man to relieve pressure on the CROWN, churches, and everyone who benefits from genocide. If we refuse the TRC “white wash”, ordinary services for our basic survival needs will be cut off.




The TRC actually represents no truth, no reconciliation, no compensation, no justice. Sinclair calls us “Canadians”. The CROWN speaks through is mouth. The residential school paedophila system successfully trained him to help continue the genocide.


According to kaia’nereh:kowa, our land, possessions and all profits must be handed over to us by the thieves. No gold or silver can buy our sovereignty. We are not for sale to any bidder. kaia’nereh:kowa will deal with those who continue to defy the law of the land.

The Two Row Wampum, teiohateh, is hidden in one of your little rooms in the palace. If you personally want to reconcile with us, show up with the original wampum belt from 1701 that was presented to you in Albany, that brought your children to Canada. Only then can we begin to renegotiate the lease. Harpeau C51

As the top troubadour, Mr. Johnny Cash, would sing for the Queen and all of her evil step-children, “Goodbye, little darling. We’re parting. Parting don’t always mean goodbye. Although we had to part, you’re always in my heart. Goodbye, little darling, goodbye!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.commore news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] for original Mohawk music visit

White farmers flee Zimbabwe.


Voice of Russia interview of kahentinetha.

New US internet law.

C-50 Vancouver Observor.

UK full house.

UK full house.


mnnlogo1Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

May 11, 2015. Haudenosaunee Development [HDI] is the administrative arm of Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council of Chiefs [HCCC]. It is the Masonic longhouse at Six Nations. Two secret Engagement Agreements were made with Samsung for wind and solar power on Rotinoshonni land in 2013 and 2014. Onondaga beaver clan asked for copies of contracts and were refused. They demanded the dismantlement of HDI and for Aaron Detlor, Hazel Hill and Brian Doolittle to be removed and investigated. At the last meeting, recorded by Two Row Times, Cayuga wolfs, snipes and beaver clans opposed the attempted implementation of foreign laws. [HDI 519-445-4222].


War room at Indian Affairs: Think they get scared of our tanks  and drones going down Chiefswood road.

Indian Affairs war room planning a reason for the Operational Response Team to invade: “We need more chaos!”  


Non-ongwe’hon:weh Bar lawyer, Aaron Detlor, represents the CROWN. In 2006 during the Caledonia uprising at Six Nations, Detlor interfered with our young men from guarding the line according to the Men’s Council. He appeared to have a separate agenda. Detlor was scamming other communities. Detlor scams other communities.

Hazel Hill, of HDI, is an Ontario notary public and signs on behalf of  HCCC chiefs. Band councils and Haudenosaunee “collaborators” that sign on with HDI in effect pledge to support the destruction of the Great Peace, the genocide of our people and waive our sovereign immunity, traditional law and customs over all our land. They agree to help stop all un-HDI sanctioned commercial projects “by all means”.

HCCC is the incorporated Iroquois Confederacy “and all its member nations”, attempting to replace, tribal councils and longhouses. Corporatism gone INDIAN is the height of fascism. On their website, HDI claims to be the administrative arm for all Haudenosaunee communities on our territories. Allegedly, all INDIAN enterprises, development or trade must be sanctioned by HDI. Financial audits, projects and reports have been removed from the website.

Detler reassures Haudenosaunee.

Detler continues to advise his clients. 

This is a corporate hostile takeover bid of every Rotinoshonni community in Canada. The Great Law/kaia’nere:kowa is being turned into a hierarchical pyramid based on the Vatican model.

“Member nations” must go through HDI and support their illegal usurpation of the Rotinoshonni/Iroquois. Otherwise they will be banished by an “independant” HDI board. Clans have no power. The hierarchical corporate government is directly answerable to the CROWN, with payment of taxes and fees. HDI will regulate all businesses that generate an income, such as tobacco, gas stations, gift shops, restaurants, and so on. GRE have made their own arrangements with Canada and US.

Detlor has played the divide and conquer card to our people, dealing it from the bottom of the deck.

HCCC corpo board-room.

HCCC corpo board-room, “Who’s gonna tell the people, Alan”?

GRETI Inc. will control all our money on behalf of HDI and its affiliates. Apparently Detlor incorporated HCCC and HDI under the Corporation of Canada to protect the chiefs. Allegedly, elders and clan mothers have been massively abused. Detlor is not on any paperwork. Hazel Hill, Jock Hill and the elders could be prosecuted and held responsible for any malfeasance.

Many strangers have been infiltrating our communities. Tom Keefer’s family invested in Two Row Times, where he works. Aaron Detlor got control of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council of Chiefs. Both attended university in Toronto and arrived in Six Nations in 2006. Detlor was an energy lawyer for Power Bud in Toronto. Detlor gave workshops to energy lawyers on how to win law suits against ongwe’hon:weh [see link]. The owner was disbarred and the firm disbanded. Detlor is well briefed on Iroquois issues. He tried to psychologically usurp authority by twisting some of the principles of the Great Peace. This scenario appears to be following the same blueprint that was done to us in Onondaga in 1997.

caledoniaDetlor purports that HDI has authority over other Rotinoshonni communities without their authorization. The supposed incorporated Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council of Chiefs and Haudenosaunee Development Institute are pretending to be the Great Law of Peace, in order to complete the final solution to the INDIAN problem by 2024.

Bob Dylan reminds us of what happens to those who betray: “How does it feel, To be on your own. With no direction home. Like a complete unknown. Like a rolling stone?” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] for original Mohawk music visit

Harper like Hitler.

RCMP targeting Ongwe’hon:weh.

HCCC & HDI website.

Leaked HDI documents launch investigation.








Please post and distribute. 

MNN. Jan. 21, 2015. The beautiful words of Hazel Hill describing her husband Dick. He was a hero to us all.


dick hill


Your strength was like a mountain
Both physical and spiritual the same
Your mind as brilliant as the sunrise
New challenges welcomed as each day came

Your spirit was unshakeable
Yet gentle as a breeze
You could tackle any problem
And handle it with ease

You stood strong upon your principles
Your mind once set was like a trap
For those who dared to challenge you
Your words stung like they’d been slapped

You didn’t dress in fancy clothes
Or parade in feathers & fanfare
You didn’t wait for photo ops
All that attention you didn’t care

You did your job you didn’t ask
To be told there was no need
You simply stood upon the Law
And others followed by your lead

Your name was known across the homelands
Each territory knew just who to call
Whenever the Crown would attempt to reign
You’d lead charge and say f**k em all!

There were those that didn’t like you
Others feared what they could see
But they all learned to respect you
Cause they knew you would succeed

You didn’t tolerate bullshit
Nor ego driven fools
You’d pointedly put them in their place
Playing only by your own rules

It didn’t matter what title they wore
Nor what commandeering rank
You pulled no punches and spoke your mind
Your message always clear & frank

You didn’t take kindly to two faces
Or people with no mind of their own
Who only repeated what others said
And cowered when truth be shown

There were those who thought you arrogant
Others admired your carefree ways
But everyone knew when your truck pulled in
The OPPressors had numbered days

From Ganienkeh to Kanesetake
From Gilkison to the Glebe
There was the sewer line in Brantford
And many others in between

You helped shut down the thruway
That crossed over Seneca lands
From Tyendinaga to Akwesasne
You were always willing to lend a hand

From Eagles Nest to Ipperwash
You brought the truth out from the dark
Delivering the map that proved the burial grounds
While Harris cried “I want the F**kin Indians out of the Park”

You worked tirelessly at Kanonhstaton
Keeping the Peace by whatever means
Took A.R.T. and M.E.L.T. & showed the truth
So they quickly dissolved those teams

You stopped construction of the city lines
At Erie Ave & Birketts Lane
No friendship swayed you stood your ground
Hoping others would do the same

There was never any question
It was your duty to give support
You said to hell with Crown jurisdiction
And scoffed at injunctions from the courts

You fought hard and always did your best
To uphold the Law and never bend
Fighting for the land and the people
A true warrior till the very end

A sword and a shield together
Bound together under Creators Law
No earthly man could break the bond
We stood strong throughout it all

A year ago He called you home
Your spirit’s dancing now it’s free
I will always love and miss you Hon
& You will always be a HERO to me

Written in loving memory for the man who captured my heart, and whose love and memory is my keepsake that I will hold in my heart forever~ my husband, my soul mate ~ Richard (Dick) Hill.

A True Warrior is not measured by the outcome of war, but at having the Courage to have gone in to battle.

Always & Forever
January 21, 2015

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit