

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Mar. 5, 2015. As the eagle sat on top of the tree of peace looking out for the people, a foul smell was coming from the direction of Washington DC. An eloquent foreigner from far away was visiting the big ‘outhouse’ on the hill. Some see it as one of the lowest places on earth.

A double double with some sugar.

All I want is a double-double with some sugar.


“I am the little big man who is trying to run everything on Earth for the benefit of my family”, he told them as they sat on their portholes. He announced that he has created a new religion that will put him in charge of every living thing in the world. He will own everything and everybody will listen to him. Then they jumped up, clapped and cheered.

He announced he will pass laws so he can never be punished. More clapping. Then he excused himself for a few minutes. The people waited. He returned and raised his hands. They jump off their portholes, screamed and clapped in rapture for several minutes.

He then went to the middle of the floor, turned around and lowered himself down. It was his new “wasako’ni’ta:ion” stance. He told them that from this day on every time he does this gesture, every person must bow down to him to show their loyalty.

The eagle realized something about this persuasive man, that there is nothing as eloquent as a rattlesnakes tail. [Navajo saying].

This is the nuclear bomb that Iran has.

Bibi: “This is the nuclear bomb that Iran has.”

Bibi addressing the US Congress reminds us of Alice Cooper as he sings: “You’re a cruel device, you’re blood like ice. One look could kill my pain, your thrill. Your poison running through my veins. Your poison, I don’t want to break these chains”. [Poison]


Alice Cooper - Poison


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Read: Jon Stewart on Netanyahu.

Listen: Vermont Radio interview on NYS attack of Haudenosaunee. http://wruvmoccasintracks.podomatic.com/entry/2015-03-04T11_42_44-08_00

Edward Snowden on Canada.


mnnlogo1MNN. Feb. 25, 2014. The US is the Black Serpent Dekanawida warned us about. It took over the White and Red Serpents, EU and NATO. They are busy fomenting war everywhere in the world, as they always have. See link: “From Wounded Knee to Libya”.

US/EU/NATO: Up to now only the Black Serpent has profited fro war!

US/EU/NATO: Only Black Serpent profited from war.  



Their current hit list are all nations that do not have a Rothschild central bank: Ukraine, Libya, Syria, Venezuela and Iran.

"Hey, which way is south?"

“Hey, which way is south?”


Only the US people have the power to stop all of this madness. The leaders are supposed to work for the people. When they don’t, they have to go, as per Kaianerekowa, the Great Law of Peace. We have all been given “onikonra”, which makes us sovereign in our own mind. US people can use the “Guswentha” and the Kaianerekowa and follow the white roots of peace back to its source. They can help us to spread peace on earth for good. The door has always been open for the US and Canadian people since 1754 at the very first World Peace Conference called the “Albany Plan”.“Albany Plan”. People living in the US, can take a lesson from the other people in the world. The criminals will all be washed away when the waters of peace arrive.

The world is continuing. So let's dance!

The world will go on. So let’s dance!

The freedom of the people in Venezuela was impressive. Free of US imperialism. Two MNN editors, coming from third world communities in Canada, spent a year with the people in Venezuela. They are remarkable, robust and enjoy their freedom. In 1812 el libertador, the liberator, Simon Bolivar, crossed the Andes with an army and defeated the Spanish in Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. He taught them how to be free.

The Ukranian debacle is now revealed as a “false flag” implemented by the black serpent. The same m.o. is going on in Venezuela.

Venezuela gave to the world salsa, merenge and mamba. Let’s all sing and dance to “La vida es un carnavale” by Celia Cruz. “Carnavale”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws







MNN. Mar. 7, 2013. Physicist E.M. Keshe, of Iran, announced the offer of free clean natural energy technology to the world. It is natural magnetic energy based on the gravitational field system that surrounds the earth. Microwaves can be transmitted from the air to anything that requires electricity. It is everywhere. It belongs to everyone in the universe.

Iran captured and safely landed high speed state-of-the-art US drones to prove this. This ground based anti-aircraft super weapon can end all war. The magnetic energy is able to set up a wall and deter any dangerous flying weapons. 

No more war.

No more war.

In the late 1800’s Nickola Tesla of Croatia develop a simple coil to draw energy from the ionosphere which anyone can tap into. He developed alternating current AC electricity and put direct current DC out of business. The whole universe is electric energy. Simple wireless transformers can direct electricity anywhere, into homes and cars. To harvest energy in space he attached machinery to the natural world at any point in order to use it. 

Tesla coil.

Tesla coil.


He was supported by Westinghouse, then bought out by J.P. Morgan and the banks. In 1895 his lab, inventions, notes, data, tools, photos and x-ray imaging were burnt to the ground. He went on to develop a radio controlled boat. Marconi took his ideas for the cross Atlantic radio transmission. Tesla knew how to transmit  wireless energy over long distances through the earth’s surface and ionosphere.  

All of this was confirmed in 1950. The earth and the ionosphere are conductors of the natural electric universe. In Tesla’s Long Island wireless station in 1906 he produced a 200 hp 16,000 rpm bladeless turbine putting electrical energy in a wireless receiver. Marines smashed up his buildings in 1917. In 1928 his technology was used to create turbine engines in modern planes. Later his work in Colorado was also destroyed because he wanted to give free energy to everyone in the world. He died a pauper and forgave all his debtors who owed him millions of dollars. 

Keshe generator.

Keshe generator.

Something cannot exist on nothing. We humans are similar to our environment. We respond to energy and damage in the same way as Mother Earth. Keshe found a way for us to use it in a clean, safe and sustainable way. He has given this information out to the world. It was put on President Obama’s desk last November 2012 and was shown two weeks later how it made his high tech drone completely useless and that all US war technology is obsolete. 

Tesla, on his death bed, said, “If you want to know about the universe, think about frequency and vibration”. It can happen now. We can bury the reasons for war under the Tree of Peace for all time.  We can become of one mind now as the natural world intends. As Edgar Winter sang; “the mountain is high the valley is low and you’re so confused on which way to go.So I’ve come here to give you a hand and lead you to the promised land” Free Ride

Keshe   Film about Keshe

Secrets of Nicola Tesla

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0









MNN.  Oct. 15, 2012.  Iran always supported human rights of the Indigenous people of Great Turtle Island.  When Terrance Nelson of Manitoba informed us that he was going to Iran to speak about the continued genocide of our people, he took the following letter.  Iran supported the Iroquois Confederacy application for a seat in the League of Nations in 1923.

“OCT. 8, 2012



You always supported our human rights efforts, especially in 1923. Briefly, the Iroquois Confederacy sent Levi General, the Deskaheh, to get recognition for our people at the League of Nations.  He came from Grand River [Ontario].  

With a Haudenosaunee passport, he went to Geneva, Switzerland to speak at the League of Nations in 1923.  There he presented “The Red Man’s Appeal for Justice,” and reminded the Europeans of their obligations under the Guswentha, Two Row Wampum. This pact was made in 1701 between the 48 Indigenous Nations and our allies of Onowaregeh/Great Turtle Island with the Europeans. It is the only agreement giving foreigners the right to live on our land.  They violated it and their occupation is illegal. 

Iran supported our effort.  British, American and Canadian pressure was too strong for Deskaheh to continue.  He returned home.

On October 7 1924 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigated him. Then they dissolved the traditional Six Nations government, stole important documents and wampums, created the Indian Advancement Act and the reservations.  The Canadian government declared an immediate election to displace the traditional government. Deskaheh was forbidden to return to his home and family.  He was murdered in Tuscarora New York after giving his famous last speech on the radio on March 10, 1925, against the United States and Canada’s policies of genocide.  

“In Ottawa, they call that policy “Indian Advancement”. In Washington, they call it “Assimilation.” We say it is outright tyranny. If this must go on, we would rather that you come with your guns and poison gases and get rid of us that way. Do it openly and above board.”

Historically, Iranians have been champions of justice.  We remember you for your goodness, good minds and for always looking out for us.  Nia:wen, Kahentinetha, Woman Title Holder, Bear Clan, Kanionkehaka/Mohawk Nation”.

Terrance was interviewed on Iran TV.  He spoke about the continued genocide of our people that Canada is built upon, particularly about the theft of our natural resources and the targeting of our women.   The police are not investigating this.   Their goal has always been, “kill the Indian”.

The PRESSTV interview is on YouTube:  “Canada has Ethnic Cleansing of Aboriginal on Agenda:  Native Ex-Chief”.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceZtHLieAKs

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0