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MNN. 26 April 2016. In the movie “Deep Impact” an asteroid hit the ocean. The two mile high waves traveled 600 miles an hour and covered the Eastern Seaboard of great turtle island, except for the high hilly country.

There's Syracuse. Just up ahead!

Syracuse is just up ahead!

rotino’shonni have always been in the Northeast. “Deep integration” is a secret economic and cultural shafting by a small group of high powered US, Mexican and Canadian businessmen. It’s called “deep integration”.  After decades of “deep infiltration” by corporate interests of all institutions, including government, military and finance the plan is really “deep subjugation” of everybody on great turtle island.

It was set up to bypass the elected members of Parliament and Congress. Canada uses “Orders in Council” which don’t need scrutiny or debate in Parliament. The US President makes executive orders. The Prime Ministers Office has complete dictatorial powers, as Stephen Harper showed by suspending Parliament for two months.Prorogue. Together they are trying to use their power to control ono’ware:keh, the territory of the rotino’shonni. ego

All important decisions are being made by a cabal of corporate executives. They have usurped the powers of Parliament and Congress.

The “Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America” SPP in Canada was started by 150 members of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, an organization of CEOs.

ono'ware:keh, great turtle island.

kanienkeh of ono’ware:keh, great turtle island.



In January 2003 plans were laid for the integration of Canada’s and US’s energy markets, regulations, trade rules, and security strategy.  Three main categories are 1. Harmonizing rules and regulations, 2. Delivering onkwe’hon:weh natural resources to industry, and 3. Combining North American security forces and information.

The Jury of peers to hear Jones v. NYS Troopers Sept. 20?

The jury of peers hear Jones v. NYS Troopers Sept. 20 in Syracuse NY?!

The big one is combining military forces with US officers commanding Canadian forces in all situations.  Northcom has already been invited by treaty first signed by Paul Martin [Liberal] and then reaffirmed by Harper [Conservative] to take over Canada. indian wisdom The bottom line is a “prosperity agenda” and a “security agenda”.

We the rotino’shonni are always their number one target because we resist assimilation into the corporate matrix.

As the British band, Pink Floyd, explains: “Us and them, and after all we’re only ordinary men. Me and you. God only knows it’s not what we would chose to do. “Forward” he cried from the rear and the front rank died. The general is sat and their lines on the map move from side to side. Black and blue, and who knows which is which, and who is who? Up and down, and in the end it’s only round and round and round..”

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

Oil economy!

VT weaponry. is it art?



Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445

Secretary of State, John Kerry,

U.S. President Barak Obama,

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Mohawk Council Kahnawake Inc.








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Apr. 25, 2016. The great peace is based on the original instructions to survive and coexist with each other and all nature.

Where's 100 Clinton St. South, Syracuse? We'll need some parking!

Where’s 100 Clinton? We’ll need some water, grass, parking out front!

In the midst of our territory an historic trial is starting on September 20, 2016, in Syracuse. NY. NYS Troopers attacked us in 1997. We’ve been invaded, attacked, 99% of us have been killed off and the remainder have been pauperized, marginalized and colonized. We are hanging on by our fingernails.

Prime Minister Trudeau committed a crime by selling weapons of mass destruction to Saudi Arabia to kill men, women and children and desecrate their land. He should be held accountable for war profiteering. He is determined to destroy Alberta’s boreal forest to turn it into oil. He should be held accountable by the community of nations.

Trudeau has no colonial baggage?

Trudeau has no colonial baggage?

When a disaster is coming, we have a duty to go to the top of the tree of peace. Like an eagle we have to look afar. We are to warn of an impending disaster. rotino’shonni stand for freedom and peace for everything alive worldwide.

True democracy came out of the minds of the onkwe’hon:weh of great turtle island.  Everyone is equal, has a voice and decisions are by concensus. TV-1

Our hardships are because of a transplanted hierarchical system from Europe that was superimposed on top of our egalitarian model. It is a system of 51% majority rules, versus our concensusal decision making model. This structure gradually crashes down on itself because it tries to corrupt the natural world and human nature.

Unless the corporate matrix is changed to our model the 1% will destroy everything and everyone. There is a catastrophe brewing. As long as great turtle island remains in our hands, it will be saved.

We are the spokespeople for our mother, the earth. The corporate matrix is trying to shut us up, eliminate us or demonize us for complaining about their war economy.

We rotino’shonni are the caretakers of the most populous area of northeastern great turtle island. Wall Street, the UN, major ivy league schools and West Point are on our territory. Control of the world by the corporate-government-military-industrial complex emanates from here.

'Chief, do you swear not to speak with a forked tongue?'


History has shown that leadership by force never works. The colonial usurpers following the 51% corporate matrix system will ultimately fight each other to oblivion.

As Jackson Brown asks the onkwe’hon:weh: “Won’t you stay just a little bit longer? Oh, please, please, please. Say, you, say you will”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

De Beers Diamonds royalties Attawapiskat

Trudeau wants ‘peace’ pipeline.

Mulroney wants that pipeline.

Trudeau doesn’t see colonial past!!

Israel should leave Palestine!!


Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445

Secretary of State, John Kerry,

U.S. President Barak Obama,

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Mohawk Council Kahnawake Inc.






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MNN. Nov. 24, 2015. L. Frank Balm, writer of the “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”, and foremost American journalist, suggested US should go all out one more time and finish them off. He said, “We’ve done so much injustice to the INDIANS. We should just attack them one more time and exterminate them altogether for good! One more wrong won’t make a difference. This is the way to go”.

"Yer goin' to otkon land for what you done to us!"

“Yer goin’ to otkon land for what you done to us!”

In Oz the Wicked Witch of the West represents the onkwe’hon:weh. We are trying to stop Dorothy from getting to the promised land. Her red shoes possess magic, which burns when the evil witch touches them. onkweh’hon:weh represented evil. The winged monkeys going after Dorothy represented us.

“Their glory has fled, their spirit broken, their manhood effaced,” Baum wrote of Native Americans in his newspaper. “Better that they die than live the miserable wretches that they are. We cannot honestly regret their extermination.”

That was the plan of the bloodlines.

That is the constitution of the bloodline.


Every American was reading this in their daily newspapers. Baum’s job was to represent US foreign policy that justified the extermination of the INDIANS. The yellow brick road lead to the gold at the end of the road. He stoked the fires of INDIAN hatred and violence into the American mind forever.

The CROWN thought we were done as a people. The corporate Indian Act and Federal Indian Law were meant to legally annihilate us. It did not. They looked back to what worked for them in the past. Massacring us! This is the direction they went with Operation Gallant Piper, Scorpion Saxon, Onondaga and the others. They are angry at us. We are the people they could not defeat. They will never win their longest war. They will never win their longest false flag, which is the American experiment.

Balm’s words are the real reason for the attack in Onondaga on May 14, 1997, by the US military, to finally get the Iroquois once and for all!

This is real, folks!

We built this, folks!

It’s time to stop and undo their wrong. They have to come clean. The genocide can’t be erased. They could rebuild the people and return what’s ours. Not everyone is a sadist. There are those among them who know right from wrong.

As Cyfher tells Neo just before going into the matrix the first time, “Get ready, because Kansas is going bye-bye!”

As Led Zeppelin reminds us, “The Battle of Evermore” continues: “The apples turn from brown to black and the tyrant’s face is red. Oh, the war is common cry. Pick up your swords and fly. The sky is filled with good and bad. The mortals never know …”.

Ghislain Picard’s wise words.

Israel: lions, tigers & genocide.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

where does money come from.





Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 10 July 2015. A meeting of those of us clients dropped by the lawyers, the lawyers for the other ongwe’hon:weh, the NYS Attorney General’s office, met at G. Nugent’s office [not the INDIAN hater Ted] in Syracuse. It was about the NYS Attack in Onondaga in 1997. [See video]

A two-headed creature: NYS and pro se former lawyers.

A two-headed creature: NYS and bar lawyers.

We went to interrogate his client, one of the New York State Troopers, who was charged and wants to come clean about the “Indian Detail”. 14 of the 100 targets from all Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy Rotinoshonni were dropped by the pro se lawyers because we refused to take the cash settlement offered by NYS to drop the case against of hundreds of Troopers and NYS. As Judge George Lowe previously reported, if this case goes to court, they [the ongwe’hon:weh] will win. He advised NYS to offer us money so they can continue to get away with genocide. On May 18, 1997 we were having a ceremony and a feast on private ground near Interstate 81. Also, we were going to talk about various topics, in particular the agreement signed between the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Ind. and NYS to charge illegal taxes on our products. The highway was not blocked. 75% attending were women and children.

The appearingly remorseful sargeant was nervous. The two lawyers still involved in the case, were trying to dominate everything that happened in that room. Someone from the NYS Attorney General’s Office listened and took extensive notes.

Ongwe'hon:weh: "All we want is justice".

Ongwe’hon:weh: “All we want is justice”.

We finally got a chance to ask a few questions. “When were you called to show up for the Indian Detail?” He answered, “at 11:00 am the day before May 18th”. He admitted there was extensive preparation for this attack. Then we asked, “What is an Indian Detail? Is there an “Italian Detail”? “A Chinese Detail”? or “an English Detail”? He answered, “No. there is only an Indian Detail”. We asked what preparations are made for an Indian Detail? “We have to assemble all our equipment – rifle, ammunition, bullet proof vest, tear gas, pepper spray, shield, baton”, and so on, all meant for deadly force. The Troopers were ordered not to wear their name badges, which, he said, is illegal.

In one of the NYSP videos, the commander instructed the lineup of Troopers just before the attack, “Make sure you take out the right one [or ones]!” The sargeant said he did not know about this.

The Attorney General said to give them everything they want.

The Attorney General said to give them everything they want.

The man from the Attorney General’s Office left the room to make a phone call. He returned and asked the sargeant a few questions. Then he turned to us and asked us to submit in writing within a week a list of our demands to stop this case from going to trial. We said we needed at least a month. So a deadline was set for August 10, 2015.

Stay tuned for the next deadly details about the “Indian Detail”. Pink Floyd nailed the “us and them” dichotomy that went on in that room: “Us and them. And after all, we’re only ordinary men. Me, and you. God only knows what we chose to do”.


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.commore news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0

Indian Detail at Onondaga:


Government & Corporate surveillance of ongwe’hon:weh Gov. & corpie surveillance of ongwe’hon:weh.

Pope got sorry.