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MNN. Nov. 26, 2015. Ranata’kaias, is our name for the office of the President of the United States. It came from an executive order that George Washington made to annihilate us. It means “a rabid dog who attacks and murders meaninglessly and destroys without any thought whatsoever!” george washington

After 92 years of conflict, we defeated the French. They begged for peace. The 1701 Great Peace of Montreal gave the newcomers a right to cohabit on our land with conditions. In 1710 we sent our chiefs to London to the first conference on world peace. The CROWN was alarmed. The kaia’nereh:kowa, the Great Peace, and the Iroquois stood in the way of the CROWN’s plans to dominate the world.

In 1779 US General George Washington set up the republic of war, the US corporation. He issued the executive order to annihilate the rotino’shonni [Iroquois], carried out by Maj. Gen. John Sullivan and Gen. James Clinton. They were, “not merely to overrun, but destroy” the Iroquois nations. Without exception every president since has a duty to implement this order to destroy us and all onkwe’hon:weh nations. genocide indians

Sullivan, Clinton, Monroe and other generals were given Iroquois land for their dastardly deed. New York State counties were named after these marauders, giving them an enormous land base to underly the rise of the American bloodline [Rockefeller faction].

This order was never recinded. The rotini’shonni [Iroquois] were targeted for “the total destruction and devastation of [the Indian] settlements and capture as many prisoners as possible”. Kill all the children! He called them “lice”, who would grow up to be adults and procreate. They want to wipe out all physical evidence of our ever having existed. The military was ordered, “You will not listen to any overture of peace before the total ruinment of their settlements is effected.”

In a short time dozens of rotinoshonni towns and villages and most of their food supply were destroyed. Many of our people were murdered or perished in the harsh winter that followed. US war numbers

We did not ally ourselves with the Americans or the British in the revolution, which was actually a pretend war between two brothers and the US first false flag. The Confederacy was never divided. We had blood relatives on both sides of the artificial borders they placed. The Grand Council said that no one would represent the Confederacy but act as individuals to protect their families.

Operation Gallant Piper, INDIAN Detail, the attack at Onondaga and others were the continued implementation of this executive order. They were to “lay waste to all the settlements, in the most effectual manner, that they would not be merely overrun, but destroyed”. 

They continue to try to kill us. As an elder said, “It’s all a pigment of their imagination!”

At the forthcoming trial in Syracuse in January 2016, we want all those responsible for attacking us on May 18, 1997, to be held accountable. This 20-year old case might be hiding the unspeakable. The victims have been offered peanuts for our silence. Finally, this order to kill us has to be recinded.

FF sent in to stop trial!

False Flag Girl sent in to stop trial!

As John Fogerty sings: “Some folks are born, made to wave the flag. Ooo. That red, white and blue. When the band plays “Hail to the chief”, they point the cannon at you. It ain’t me. it ain’t me. I ain’t no senator’s son. It ain’t me. It ain’t me. I ain’t no fortunate one.” [Prodigal Son: Credence Clearwater].



Syrian boy crying for food and water.

NOTE: The constitution of the United States was written in secret by the founding fathers and was never present to the colonists for a vote. Surely, any document as important as this demanded the approval of the people it governed! Well, it wasn’t presented for a vote because the constitution wasn’t created for “q the people”. it was created by and for the founding fat hers, their families, heirs and their posterity! The constitution is a business plan, and any reference within it that appears to be the safeguard of a “right” is there because none of the founding fathers trusted each other. the safeguards were intended to prevent anyone or group of them from cutting out the others! Proving that: “there’s no honor among thieves”. *** the matrix and the US Constitution. http://www.theeventchronicle.com/study/anonymous-judge-blows-the-whistle-u-s-is-a-plantation-and-we-the-people-are-slaves/#

Washington’s executive order to kill off Iroquois.

Lies we live.

CBC. Canadians torture for ISIS.

Brasscheck: JFK witness.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh







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MNN. Nov. 25, 2015. This was written about the attack of the rotino‘shonni at Onondaga on May 18, 1997, by the New York State Troopers. It was published in the Akwesasne Phoenix on December 19, 2004. I added this as MNN was not yet online:pack

“Something strange and unexpected happened on May 18th 1997. My daughter in Kahnawake had planned a trip to Onondaga. Just before she left her companion backed out. She came to my house to ask what to do. I told her she shouldn’t go alone. So I jumped in the car to help care for my 3 year old granddaughter. We left at 9:00 a.m. It was a beautiful sunny day. honour

People from all Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy were gathering at Onondaga to celebrate the rescinding of the compact between Governor Pataki and the Onondaga Chiefs and others.

We arrived at Onondaga around noon. We happen to notice many New York State Police cars parked at various locations in Nedrow, the nearby town. We could not figure out why they were there. We commented on this, “Hey, look at all those police cars! Can’t be for us! Naw!” floyd crow westerman

Soon we arrived at Ronnie Jones property right along Interstate 81. People were talking about all the cops they saw. “We aren’t doing anything”, they said. “So it must be for something else!” “I wonder what’s happening.”

The Peoples’ fire, lit several weeks earlier, was burning brightly. Marie Peters had started a small ceremonial fire for the thanksgiving ceremony.

A huge billboard on the property had been taken over by the Onondagas who wrote their own messages on them. Men, women and children, were milling around. Food was being brought to the site and placed on picnic tables. Benches and chairs were set in groupings.

Media people with cameras and notebooks were scattered through the crowd. The people being interviewed were happy about what we were celebrating. There was no sign of the chiefs who objected to Pataki rescinding the accord. matrix

My daughter and I did not know some of these people. We knew the Papineau family and some of the people from Kahnawake. I stood on the side of the road and watched cars going by, slowing down to take a flyer from the hands of the people. The flyers outlined the tax issue. Most non-natives were supportive of our victory. No traffic was ever stopped.

My daughter was taking photos throughout. My granddaughter was playing with the other children. The weather was as beautiful in Onondaga as it had been in Kahnawake. At a certain point, the traffic stopped. I saw the New York State Troopers coming down the road in rows with sticks in their hands. Four troopers marched in front following the directions of a native wearing red ribbons on his shirt. He was from the Onondaga chiefs council.

When they got closer, they stood on the road, turned into a formation facing the people who were gathered about the ceremonial fire. The ceremony had just begun about two minutes earlier. They marched towards us in a “V” formation, right through a shallow ditch along the highway. Another group of troopers appeared on the road behind them, marching steadily down the road toward us. rushmore

At first I did not move. I was studying them. I could not believe they were coming for us. When I realized what was happening, I froze. The troopers started to beat the first persons they encountered with their batons. Suddenly everyone jumped into action. I looked around for my granddaughter. She had been placed in a van with other children and driven away.

My daughter was standing on a picnic table taking pictures. The troopers were moving in her direction, beating everyone in their path. “Get off the table”, I yelled. “Get out! Get out quick”, I was screaming at her. She finally jumped down, ran for her car and took off. Her car was parked on the access road behind the property, parallel to Interstate 81. I jumped into a friend’s moving car while he was backing out.

The New York State Troopers were not wearing their badges. We were unlawfully harassed during a sacred ceremony. I saw our men, women and children being beaten for no reason or provocation. The troopers focused on some individuals, giving them particularly vicious beatings. Four cops grabbed an older man and held him down, while another trooper grabbed his chin and yanked it, trying to break his neck. I could see their sticks in the air as they continued to strike the people. I saw people being lead away. Others were running through the bushes fearing for their lives.

Disguised reinforcements.

Disguised reinforcements.

People were being grabbed, hit and hurt. Children were being knocked over and pushed around. Elders were being beaten. Elder Grandpa Bear, wearing a black Navajo style hat, was chased by the troopers. He took off. All I could see was his hat running through the bushes. When I ran onto the roadway, many women were hiding in the bushes with their children.

My friend in the car had a cell phone and I called my office [Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples] in Toronto. I asked the CASNP worker to send out a communiqué worldwide that we were being attacked by New York State Troopers, that many people were hurt, and that many had been arrested. The attack was unprovoked. The people at the thanksgiving ceremonial meeting had no weapons. I went to the home of an Onondaga person and faxed more details to my home. Another daughter sent this out everywhere alerting everyone of this violent attack.

It was hours before I managed to relocate my daughter and granddaughter in Onondaga. I rode around the territory here and there trying to find them. Finally, I went to the restaurant and waited. Eventually they showed up.

This is a police state.

Jack knows it’s a police state.


A court case was started seeking damages. The lawyer from Syracuse did not contact us for quite a long time. The question is – will New York State recognize our right to an exemption to their taxation so long as they “beat the dog s**t out of us periodically?” Someone should go into business designing modern ghost shirts with beaded flak vests with matching beaded helmets!”

All I can say is this was a very spooky day for me, as Dusty Springfield sings: “I get confused. I never know where I stand. And then you smile and hold my hand. Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you. Spooky!” [[Spooky].

US in constant warfare.

Video: Oka legacy.

rotino’shonni eagle defeats drone.

Bankers beware.

Franchttps://soundcloud.com/wgo-podcast/wgo-22-francis-boots-on-onkwehonwe-justice-systems onkwehonwe justice system

BIA Indian Trust Fund Heist.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh






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MNN. Nov. 24, 2015. L. Frank Balm, writer of the “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”, and foremost American journalist, suggested US should go all out one more time and finish them off. He said, “We’ve done so much injustice to the INDIANS. We should just attack them one more time and exterminate them altogether for good! One more wrong won’t make a difference. This is the way to go”.

"Yer goin' to otkon land for what you done to us!"

“Yer goin’ to otkon land for what you done to us!”

In Oz the Wicked Witch of the West represents the onkwe’hon:weh. We are trying to stop Dorothy from getting to the promised land. Her red shoes possess magic, which burns when the evil witch touches them. onkweh’hon:weh represented evil. The winged monkeys going after Dorothy represented us. http://www.counterpunch.org/2004/06/26/indian-hating-in-the-wizard-of-oz/

“Their glory has fled, their spirit broken, their manhood effaced,” Baum wrote of Native Americans in his newspaper. “Better that they die than live the miserable wretches that they are. We cannot honestly regret their extermination.”

That was the plan of the bloodlines.

That is the constitution of the bloodline.


Every American was reading this in their daily newspapers. Baum’s job was to represent US foreign policy that justified the extermination of the INDIANS. The yellow brick road lead to the gold at the end of the road. He stoked the fires of INDIAN hatred and violence into the American mind forever.

The CROWN thought we were done as a people. The corporate Indian Act and Federal Indian Law were meant to legally annihilate us. It did not. They looked back to what worked for them in the past. Massacring us! This is the direction they went with Operation Gallant Piper, Scorpion Saxon, Onondaga and the others. They are angry at us. We are the people they could not defeat. They will never win their longest war. They will never win their longest false flag, which is the American experiment.

Balm’s words are the real reason for the attack in Onondaga on May 14, 1997, by the US military, to finally get the Iroquois once and for all!

This is real, folks!

We built this, folks!

It’s time to stop and undo their wrong. They have to come clean. The genocide can’t be erased. They could rebuild the people and return what’s ours. Not everyone is a sadist. There are those among them who know right from wrong.

As Cyfher tells Neo just before going into the matrix the first time, “Get ready, because Kansas is going bye-bye!”

As Led Zeppelin reminds us, “The Battle of Evermore” continues: “The apples turn from brown to black and the tyrant’s face is red. Oh, the war is common cry. Pick up your swords and fly. The sky is filled with good and bad. The mortals never know …”.


Ghislain Picard’s wise words.

Israel: lions, tigers & genocide.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit http://thahoketoteh.ws

where does money come from.





Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 9 Sept. 2015. Yes, we ongwe’hon:weh have a 500 year-old refugee problem called “Canadians” and “Americans”. We and our mother live a life of peril since they washed upon our shores. Most of us were slaughtered. Our ancestors are warning us about them. The Corporation of Canada will selectively accept those associates who will help them rape and pillage our land and possessions and try to complete the genocide. We have no obligation to help them. We have to object. We are ono’ware:geh/Great Turtle Island. republic of war

The Anglo American establishment organized the chaos we see today in the Middle East. The bankers created a self-serving class system who must now be taken out and sent to their corporate colonies like Canada, to continue to serve them and their interests. Those upper class who are unwelcome in their homeland have been nurtured to fit into the banker’s monetary matrix. They have families and bank accounts to pay someone off. The poor walkers into Hungary who got their houses and towns blown up by the Europeans are unwanted by the gatekeepers of the corporate matrix. Sad stories are spun every day to make us feel guilty for not wanting to share more of our land, resources and lives.

Take back to the 'fatherland' only what you brought!

Take back to the ‘fatherland’ only what you brought! [Nothing!]

We brought in refugees and gave them a safe future. Soon they began exterminating us and helping themselves to our possessions. Because this is not their land they destroyed our mother with impunity. Canada passed the anti-terror bill, C51, aimed at terminating us by 2024. These refugees should go home and fix the chaos in their own countries caused by western multinational corporations. We’ve suffered enough!

Immigration system is a take & destroy mission.

Immigration system is a take & destroy mission.

They are coming here to monetize everything to wipe out the Great Law of Peace. Our women decide citizenship, political office, naming, clan designations and adoptions. CROWN, take all your children home. These immigrants are not being told that we never surrendered any of our land and possessions, that the CROWN matrix illegally controls a slave system. The CROWN is 100% guilty of genocide in the residential school holocaust. The world must help bring charges against the CROWN and punish these criminals. Terrorists are being imported to continue the genocide of the natural people. The refugees can only connect with the earth through their women in their own homelands.

Time to stop this!

Time for the world to help stop this!

Nirvana tell it: “Stay away. Stay away. Stay away. Give an inch, take a mile”.

Conservative message.pissy mug

Pope’s message.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com






Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sep. 7, 2015. About five years ago Mr. SOS got in touch with me by email. He was affiliated with a group at McGill University environmental issues and a group of Montreal Island history aficionados. He also worked with kahnawake elders to list Mohawk place names on Montreal Island and surrounding areas.

Recently an issue came up about Turcot Yard, the land south of the escarpment on Upper Lachine Road across the river from Kahnawake. Historically, from Ville St. Pierre to Atwater was a seven mile lake. In 1535 Jacques Cartier came upstream from the kaniatarowano:onwe/St. Lawrence River/river of the Mohawks and landed there at Hochelaga.

French kidnap ongwe'hon:weh to take home.

French kidnap ongwe’hon:weh to take home.

Cartier wrote about his walk along the escarpment and the food the kanion’ke:haka/Mohawks had grown there. Montreal Island was covered with over 50 kanion’ke:haka villages and hundreds of streams, creeks, lakes and ponds. The lakes were filled with life and beech and other nut trees and orchards created food and an unending fresh water supply. The lake was turned into a landfill. St. Pierre, the rail yards, highways and expressways were built on top.



Turcot Yard. Splattered on top of kanionkehaka/Mohalland.

Turcot Yard. Splattered on top of kanionkehaka/Mohawk land.

Mr. SOS is 62 years old, very fit, does not eat cooked food. The web does not reveal previous jobs. He has a small pension. He later said he was paying $1000 a month in child support. He claims to be a Jew and part ongwe’hon:weh [cultural appropriation]. His townhouse is cluttered from top to bottom with papers and stuff, like a busy work place, with no place to sit or chat. He has no car and uses a neighbor’s bike.

Mr. SOS’s townhouse is in a housing project at the Whisky Trench road that comes from kahnawake and hooks up to Highway 20, which goes downtown to Montreal. Turcot yard was a rail yard, which is no longer viable. Expressways were built in 1966, which are now falling apart and being taken down. The construction workers found an old French village but decided to continue the construction.

Why don't you stay over tonight?

Why don’t you stay over tonight?

On September 4, 2015 I called Mr. SOS and asked him about it. He talked about the escarpment and the lake, which is all Mohawk land. I had never personally met him. He invited me to his place in Lasalle to look at maps and discuss the history. Though I live 5 minutes away he asked me to stay overnight. I declined. He insisted and made me feel uncomfortable. He invited me to have supper. He picked herbs outside and made a salad. Later he told me he uses his shit and piss to nourish his garden. Yuck!

Once again he insisted I stay overnight. I left. We arranged to meet the following day, Saturday, September 5, to walk on the land in question. I parked on the street. His ‘son’ was inside waiting to meet me and then left. We started walking down the hill by the park. About two minutes later, SOS said he forgot the map and ran back to his house. 20 minutes later he returned with a knapsack on his back. He took my bottle of water and put it in his bag. I kept my car key and cell phone in my bag.

Project telecommunications!

Project telecommunications system!

SOS talked about setting up 100-people communities to share food, responsibilities and profits. He talked about finances, investments and so on. It would take millions. He had $45,000 but had access to lots of money. he told me his family is wealthy. His mother grew up in the Chateau Frontenac Hotel in Quebec City. His father was a businessman.

It was hot and muggy. We walked along the Lachine Canal to the bridge over to Ville St. Pierre.

I thought he lived in the project for 30 years. But he’s only been there for 5 years. He was evasive about his previous residences other than in BC and Pointe Claire Quebec.

We walked up the main street of St. Pierre to a bridge. SOS said we should go down the right side of the bridge and walk along the road to the old St. Raphael hotel site. There we crossed Highway 20 and got onto the north side of the road to Angrignon Mall. It curved through a huge Turcot Yard construction site with high piles of dirt and rocks. SOS then insisted that we walk through this deserted construction site. He wanted us to cross, climb over the fence and then walk through the rubble. I refused. About 500 ft. further was a busy road going over to the shopping mall, which had traffic lights and a sidewalk. I insisted we go there. missing murdered

I kept asking for water, which he kept withholding. “Let’s find a place, sit down and then drink some water”, he said. I said ‘no’, I want it now! So he had to give it to me.

We walked over the overpass and down the stairs to get to the Lachine Canal though a construction site and some shrubs. In a shack were 3 people who waved to us. We walked by, went through the shrubs to the Canal. We walked and he did not talk much.

Later I called my friend and told her about the event. She said his house in Lasalle might be a communications center; that Lasalle is part of the Seigneury of Sault St. Louis land claim by the Mohawks of kahnawake. Another friends said, “He might be a cop!” His sister said, “He might be a CSIS hit man!” Or an infiltrator? He bicycles over to Kahnawake, makes friends, gets involved with people there in language, arts, and other programs. He has become familiar with the community.

Throughout the 20 kilometer walk I questioned him about his monetary interests, misunderstanding and misinformation about us. He had a nervous laugh. Almost like he was playing nice. Was he working on my untimely disappearance? Another missing ongwe’hon:weh woman!

Mr. Nice Guy spy.

Mr. Nice Guy spy.

He wants to live by the kaia’nere’kowa. He thinks if somebody commits a murder, they should be forced to live by the Great Peace and to forgive them. I answered, “When we were being murdered, not one of you stood up for us and you still don’t. For murder, the criminal is executed, along with his entire family. This goes for the genocide that continues today by all those who are benefitting, including you, Mr. SOS”.

The next day I got itchy like mosquitoes were biting me all over my body. Did I dodge a bullet? Is Mr. Nice Guy somewhere in our neighborhood? Anyone with a voice and knows how to use it gets targeted. Anyone could turn into an agent anytime.

As Elvis sings, “As the snow flies on a cold and gray Chicago morning, a poor little baby child is born in the ghetto”.

Indian Trust Funds. Who owes who?


Ongwehonweh student expelled for speaking about genocide.

Indian Trust Funds. Who owes who?

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com


mnnlogo1CANADA AT WAR:  OKA 1990 

MNN.  Jan. 3, 2013.  Truth prevailed and only we can control our destiny.  Dekanawida instructed us to transform war into peace, to bring everyone to one mind.  We are telling Prime Minister Harper and his invading soldiers and police to refute the New World Order and sit in the shade of the Great Tree of Peace.  Otherwise they might be buried along with all the conflicts they have created. 

Army & Warrior faceoff 1990

Army & Warrior faceoff 1990

In 1990 when we objected to our burial and ceremonial grounds being turned into a golf course, Canada sent 5,000 heavily armed para-military police, RCMP and soldiers to surround us.  

The Corporation of Canada declared total war on us, using old Greek tactics.  The army laid a siege around us. Food was stopped to starve us to death.  People were imprisoned.  We could not go in or out of the razor wired compound.  Energy and communication were turned off.  After three months, they demanded we surrender or they would open fire on us.  We had to come out. The army brutalized and arrested us. Thousands of people ran to Oka, surrounded the army, helped some of us escape, protected the children and elders.  

Illegal charges were laid on us, which did not stick.  We proved that what we did was political and not criminal.  It was under the guidance of the Great Law.  We were sanctioned by Creation.  

Some soldiers told us later they were trained to carry out atrocities on us, such as racial slurs, hitting, spitting, brutalizing the women and children and even stabbing one child in the chest.  

We learned some strategies ourselves:  to stay dispersed; to keep some outside for communication, food runs and bail money; and to organize people to come to our rescue. Today’s flash mobs are effective guerilla tactics where we suddenly show up, do a round dance and then leave. 

LRAD attack

LRAD attack

During these occasions, security could bring in the cops to surround us, provoke riots, beat and then arrest us. We usually bring our children, so we would be unable to physically resist.  They will use the latest crowd control urban warfare methods, such as LRAD, a long range acoustic device and sonic weapon.  It sends pain inducing sounds that could burst our ear drums.  Now drones can be fired at us legally.  

In 1990 our sell-outs set up nearby to translate Mohawk into French and to advise the police and army. The time has come for all to assess our native and non-native allies.  

Afterwards this same elite Canadian airborne regiment was sent to Somalia to commit the same atrocities against the natives there.  

The UN, US and Canada are the New World Order.  We have the goods they want and need. We intend to eliminate the divide and conquer war strategy of the bankers who own the UN, US and Canada corporations. The idea that whoever has the money makes the rules is finished. The bankers’ money printing machines will be shattered.  They will be arrested and jailed for their fraud and crimes, and deported. 

The council of Women and the Council of Men will re-establish the peace.  It is a natural duty. The land is owned by the future  seven generations.  We are borrowing it from them. We will do everything necessary to take care of it for them.  We are fighting for our identity and rights to control our lives, territories, commerce and way of life.  

The administrators of Canada’s genocide, the band and tribal councils, tried to take over the “Idle No More” agenda.  These colonial serpents are not welcome. They are preparing to meet Harper on January 24th, which Chief Spence may attend if she has not died of hunger.  

Worried Harper

Worried Harper


As Memphis Slim sang:  “You may not have me all the time.  You may never go my way.  Mother Earth is laying for you, because of all the debt you’ve got to pay.  Don’t care how great you are.  Don’t care what you’re worth.  When it all ends up, you’ve gotta go back to Mother Earth.” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0