

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Apr. 6, 2015. Economic miracle? Tyranny? Rumor has it the corporations of Canada and US are going to try to conscript our children to wear the uniform and march with the flags of the corporations that stole our land and resources and continues to commit genocide. We will be forced to murder, fight and die for the bankers. Harper and Obama will be recruiting our young people to die in their illegal wars.orwellon war

Following the Israeli model, all 18 year old high school graduates, boys and girls, will be forced to serve. At first for one year and then increased to three years for boys and two years for girls. Recruiters are selling them on the idea of becoming a killer for the state. They don’t explain the karma that will cause trauma for the rest of their lives. Suicide is the biggest killer in the army. For what they did, soldiers are killing themselves rather than live a guilty life in drunkenness, violence and debauchery.

Queen Elizabeth, the overall Commander in Chief of the British Empire.

Queen Elizabeth, the overall Commander in Chief of the British Empire.


The military will be used to suppress strikes, protests, and any opposition to the rulers. Hundreds of square miles of our land will be devastated by warfare and nuclear weapon training. Concentration camps with solitary detention will be set up for those who fail the training. Conformity, or else.

Col. Russell Williams modelling new uniforms!

Col. Russell Williams modelling new uniforms for Harper’s war!

In preparation Harper passed Bill C-51, the anti-terror law, which allow anyone to be detained without trial or reason. They will live under martial law. The elite military officers and weapons makers require conscription for their wars to continue..

Ongwe’hon:weh cannot be forced to join a foreign occupiers army. This is absolutely illegal under all forms of law.

We can’t afford to lose our men. Dekanawida said that when the white serpent momentarily drops the Ongwe’hon:weh, they will crawl to the hilly country like babies, to heal.

I'm heading for the hilly country to heal.

I’m heading for the hilly country to heal.









As Ella sings in frustration: it ain’t no use, you cooked my goose, and took advantage of me.


kahentinetha2@mohawknationnews.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Harper’s conscription plans.

Harper the Nazi.

Canada u.s. concscription


Harper’s doubling down.









MNN. May 9, 2013. A beautiful Indigenous 15 year old girl did not realize for a long time she was being followed by a 60-year old man. One day she realized he was frequently on the same buses and coffee shops watching her. She contacted her mother, took a picture and reported him to the police. They could do nothing unless he said something or snatched her.

Many of the young women who are bought and sold in Canada are Indigenous, many between the ages of 10 to 17. Traffickers make $300,000 a year or more for each girl they sexually exploit. trafficking

Canada designed the child welfare, foster care and detention centers system, to create the international sex trade.  

The church and government-run residential school death camps started the child sex trade. The criminal justice system never charges or convicts the corporation of Canada or the churches for perpetrating this program of kidnapping, rape, murder and community breakdown. Corporate media promotes the image of sexually promiscuous children. 

PM Harper: "Ask me in question period so I can't be charged with living off the avails!"

PM Harper: “Ask me in question period so I can’t be charged with living off the avails!”

The policy is that an Indigenous girl with no bank account and no contacts with her family or community is a criminal, not a victim. Indigenous girls are easily moved by traffickers over the US-Canada border to disappear out of their jurisdiction.

Brainwashed by Canada, our girls are demonized to subject them to gross physical and psychological violence. We are charged when we react to this abuse. Recruiters don’t even have to use brute force. The kids are conditioned to want to please someone, crave validation and acceptance. 

The government designed a process to remove us from our communities and families and place us in care. When we object to abuse, we are placed in detention centers. There the recruiters find us and take us into the sex trade. 

In Winnipeg 70% of sexual exploitation of our youth and 50% of adult workers are Indigenous. The high rate of apprehensions of our children into the child welfare and then criminal justice system is state strategy. We end up in welfare fraud, prostitution, drug trafficking or almost any means to survive. 

Government puts health, education and family services in large urban centers where our kids have to go for services. They can’t get jobs or education and can be recruited there. Police don’t pay attention to runaways 14 years old and over. Recruiters even go to schools, which don’t protect our kids at all.  

Graeme MacKay










Canada’s role in the creation and propagation of the international child sexual assault and kidnapping racket is becoming more clear to the rest of the world. One of Harper’s favorite songs in high school was “Bobby Brown” by Frank Zappa, who sang: “Oh, God, I am the American dream. I do not think I’m too extreme. And I’m a handsome son of a bitch. I’m going to get a good job and be real rich.”

trafficking of aboriginal women

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Thahoketoteh@hotmail.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0