


MNN. Nov. 21, 2013. The scandals in Toronto and Ottawa are meant to cover up the illegal provincial Indian Land Acts of 1924 to steal our natural resources without any oversight by us. The Corporation of Canada was registered in Washington DC, on July 1, 1867, #0000230098 CANADA DC SIC: 8880.

The shareholders of the corporations pull all the strings!

The 13 ‘royalist’ shareholders of the corporation!

The shareholders are the banished 13 economic European royalist families, that re-emerged as the international bankers. We Indigenous demand the list of original shareholders who applied for and received the corporate number.

Prime minister, minister of finance and leader of the opposition are all officers of the corporation of Canada. Their job is to continue the illusion of freedom to the people.

Ford to Harper: "Aw, shucks! You want me to be Ontario Premier?"

Ford to Harper at the barbecue: “Aw, shucks! You want me to be Ontario Premier?”

CEO Prime Minister Harper puts the criminals in charge and above the law. The bankers tell the CEO who to appoint to the Senate. They are the Board of Directors who draft and lobby by-laws. The Prime Ministers Office PMO controls the RCMP and courts. The main stream media is the Ministry of Propaganda that puts blindfolds over everybody’s eyes.

The RCMP released 89 pages of incriminating emails that point directly at Harper as being part of the PMO cover up of their wrong doing with Senator Mike Duffy.

Senators Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau were set up for the slaughter and are expendable by design. When the PMO is in charge of the Supreme Court, senators and RCMP, they are unlikely to be charged with wrong doing.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013The constitution was never ratified by the people. Corporations invent rules to keep the political thugs in charge. The ‘economic hit man’ bribes them. “Don’t worry about the people. Think about you and your family”. They stay silent otherwise they might not get their pension.

The current bizarre Rob Ford-Toronto City Hall escapades and Harper-Senate scandal are distractions to keep us from seeing the theft of the $3.1 billion anti-terrorist funds created after 911. The Auditor General cannot account for it. No one is talking about it in Parliament. Rob Ford runs into Toronto city council and pushes people over. The thieves play out the political crime show on “Question Period” in Parliament. These shenanigans are all theatre!

RCMP: "Don't worry Mr. Harper and Mr. Ford. It's all an act!"

RCMP: “Mr. Harper and Mr. Ford, you’re doing a good job beguiling the public!”

It appears Rob Ford and Stephen Harper cannot be removed if they chose not to be. The corporate by-laws protect CEOs of municipal, provincial and federal corporate bodies.  They are the “untouchables” and un-removable until the next pretend election. Remember, all leaders are selected, not elected under the pretend democracy. In the Montreal Corruption Inquiry, after public exposure, dozens of blatantly crooked politicians and their cohorts took the money and left. Only one mayor appears to be facing criminal charges. Listen to Louis Armstrong sing about how these powers try to keep us afraid: “Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dear/And he shows ’em, pearly white/Just a jack knife has Macheath, dear/And he keeps it, keeps it way out of sight.” “Mack the Knife”. Louis Armstrong.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L






MNN. Oct. 26, 2013. The people were concerned. Their lands were constantly under attack by invaders. Warriors were sent out to find some answers. One ended up at a big stone house with a big watchtower on top of a high hill. He wanted to find out who lived there and entered. He encountered large unattractive people with scales all over their bodies. He saw that they slayed each other for fun and to get prizes.

Senators: "We just come here, sit in our chairs, sleep, and collect our pay checks."

Scaly people: “Mostly we sleep in our chairs and collect our ‘sustenance’ til we die.”

In a pond next to the big stone house lived a huge dragon that had to be fed everyday with the bodies of the true people of the nation. When they are all gone, then the subjects and their children would be thrown into the pond to be eaten by the dragon. The true people nearby told the warrior that everyone was living under great distress, because the dragon and his keepers are ravaging the land. They are taking all the sustenance to the bigger stone house far away over the bigger pond. 

Dragon: "You don't believe us!!! That you just stay quiet and everything will be alright!!"

Dragon: “Here’s a back room deal. Just stay quiet and everything will be alright!!”

The beast overheard them talking. He jumped out of the pond roaring like thunder. His head was immense and his tail was 50 ft. long. The warrior showed no fear.  

The warrior and the dragon fought. Its scales were so thick and hard his arrows broke into thousands of pieces upon impact. He took shelter beneath the Tree of Peace where no poison can prevail and no dragon can hurt us. With the arrow in his hand the warrior rushed at the dragon and pierce it where there are no scales. The dragon fell dead at his feet. He had found the dragon’s weakness and went everywhere to tell his people about it.

Warrior: "Hey, Dragon. You got soft spots all over!"

Warrior: “Hey, Dragon. You got soft spots all over!”

The true people can come together under the Tree of Peace for the protection of all mankind. 

The Irish Rovers sang about dragons. When he has no believers, he dies .. “Without his life-long friend, puff could not be brave, So puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. oh!  Irish Rovers: “Puff the Magic Dragon”. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L