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MNN. May 30, 2016. The INDIAN Ring meticulously planned the genocide of onkwe’hon:weh in North and South America and now the world over. They schemed how to extinct us.

Custer: "Hey, where are all those starving, unarmed men, women and children?"

“Hey, where are all those starving, unarmed men, women and children?”

Thomas Tibbles wrote this historical book, HIDDEN POWER. A SECRET HISTORY OF THE INDIAN RING, based on events in the early 1800s. [p. 282] He said, “this Indian system is the most cunningly devised scheme for permitting robbery and tyranny that the mind of man ever devised.” Everybody is under “the control of a ring of robbers, murderers and speculators”. It is “…a government of a band of white thieves”.

The criminals are politicians, churches, army officers, agents, traders, inspectors, scouts, lawyers, judges, missionaries, contractors, business people, bureaucrats, settlers and INDIAN sell-outs. [p. 283] “The only force that can be brought to bear on them is that of the army, …which is headed by the INDIAN Ring in Washington.”

They want war to kill us and to steal our land. We refuse to give them war. [p. 136] The Government admitted, “This country is yours, and the Government can’t take it away from you without your consent, if you are at peace; but if you are at war it can take it by conquest”. All treaties are illegal agreements made under threat. wolf pack

The INDIAN Ring is a secret council of criminals. They ‘arranged’ the treaties, set up the internment camps, designed ways to totally demoralize us, break our spirit and annihilate us.

Like today 90% of our appropriations were stolen by the INDIAN Ring. The company stores forced them to buy their own necessities with their own money that is owed to them.

The INDIAN Ring tried to provoke wars, while we were defending ourselves, and justified it to the public. They had to put lipstick on the pig!heal

Read: HIDDEN POWER. A Secret History of The Indian Ring, its operations, intrigues and machinations. Revealing the manner in which it controls three important departments of the United States Government. A Defence of the U.S. Army, and a SOLUTION OF THE INDIAN PROBLEM. By T.H. Thibbles. Copyright 1881. New York: G.W. Carleton & Co., Publishers. London: S. Low, Son & Company. Book online: HIDDEN POWER. Secret of the Indian Ring.

That’s why we are controlled by the military. [p. 60] Only Congress can declare war. [p. 62] “expeditions carried on under any other authority are not war. They are wholly illegal, and every life taken under such circumstances is murder”. INDIAN Ring is US strategy for theft, conquest or genocide.

The INDIAN Ring incited the whites to help them kill us. [p. 102] “There was not a human being in a radius of 150 miles who was not directly interested In that Indian war. …the hatred of the Indian race was fed, until it became second nature”. Town meetings were set to create militias and to give authority to murder the INDIANS.

[p.105] “but this infernal Indian system of ours is a mass of contradictions. It isn’t war. It’s a “murdering, marauding, banditti affair, in which every man can take a hand to suit himself”.

The bagmen for the INDIAN Ring set up the illegal treaties. [p. 180] “cession of all right, title and interest in any or all lands held by the Indians to the United States. …a full and entire relinquishment and quit-claim of all their interest in it forever.” It’s a complete fraud!

"Indian Ring"!

“Indian Ring”!

[p.296] When anyone questioned, they called in “three of the departments of the government – the War Department, the Interior Department and the Department of Justice which control all avenues of information and thus public opinion”, to this day [Kanesatake/Oka 1990 and others].

INDIAN policy to exterminate all onkwe’hon:weh was to “Make a whole community responsible for the act of one man, and shoot down all men, women and children.”

[p. 323] When chiefs refused to sign papers, they were deposed and replaced by willing betrayers, like today’s puppet band and tribal councils. [eg. Brazil]. [p. 330] 90% of Indian funds for necessities went to the INDIAN Ring. [p. 338] “the Indians will first be half starved and then we will be sent to kill them, because they are so impudent and rebellious that they won’t stay and die peaceably and without grumbling”. baggage cartoon

In Canada, the INDIAN Ring is operated by the Canadian military, Indian Affairs and Department of Justice. As Chief Red Iron said when asked what he was doing, he said plainly, “Waiting for the White Father to civilize me.”

INDIAN Ring, you can’t break our spirit.

Politicians who formed US Indian Policy: Tombstone Epitaph:

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MNN. NOV. 3, 2013. We true Indigenous are the caretakers of Onowaregeh, Great Turtle Island. The great natural power inspires us to stand up for our inherent values, mainly to protect the environment.  Our land was stolen by the self-serving bankers to establish one of the most vicious capitalistic war machines in the history of the world. More and more are standing with us and helping us keep an eye on our enemies. sun tzu  

The invaders made us their scapegoats and murdered over 100 million of us. The designed system of fear of these greedy war mongers is crumbling.  US and Canada’s divide and rule system is dissolving as it is all built on lies and corruption.  

The rulers are inventing lethal technology to try to keep their power. The public stands up to them more every day. The rulers are slitting each other’s throats, like muggers and street gangs battling over stolen loot.  

elsipotog standFrom 1492 to the present, fear and anti-Indian’ism hid the “big lie” of genocide and theft. Truth is the basis of our power. It’s shaking up the resource extraction by the multinational corporations and their operatives. Our philosophy will protect the earth and the people.  We remain loyal to Kaianerekowa, the only sovereign law of Great Turtle Island. We will stand up to the club-wielding murderous criminal invaders to defend our Mother Earth.  

The unscrupulous traffickers of Wall Street are falling. Investors, beware of the banker fraudsters! Our unsurrendered land is being illegally put up as the collateral to raise money from you on the stock exchange to desecrate the earth and continue war.  

enemies within“Immigrants” born here or abroad had deeply ingrained ignorance or anti-Indian attitudes. A few carpetbaggers continue to try to create divisions. Now many want to live by the Kaianerekowa. Their control by fear is weakening.    

Well-meaning people run for office to clean up the corruption. It’s like Al Capone running for mayor on the campaign promise to clean up the Mafia!!”  

We're here standing with our Mother Earth.

We’re here, standing with our Mother Earth. 

Even US President Obama is trying to deflect us by proclaiming November as “National Native American Heritage Month”. He could be trying to sidetrack us while his multinational energy buddies come in and kill us for our resources!

To everyone, follow the great white roots to the tree of peace and take shelter. Come to one mind with us. Anti-Indian’ism is extinct. The rulers of this corporate paradigm will all die off soon. See and hear some of the Indigenous music of today: Tribe Called Red: “Electronic Pow Wow”.

We always hear about the “Crown”. This is who they are: private shareholders who own everything through the debt scam.

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L

