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MNN. 30 Mar. 2020. Native holocaust and denial in the Western Hemisphere began before the arrival of Columbus in 1492 ]and continues to the present.* In the 1600s the Western Europeans claimed ownership over the resource rich lands inhabited by the onkwehonweh in North and South America. They organized mad scientists to develop ways to conduct the biggest holocaust in all humanity. 150 million onkwehonweh, 95% of the people of turtle island, were annihilated. Today these rulers don’t care about the bottomless rage they created in us. We are an angry disappointed people.

The capitalists sucked the blood of the people and the land. The last chapter of capitalism has arrived. The bubble is so big, it needs to burst.
It is our duty to alert our people to any dangers, like the eagle that sits atop of the tree of peace.
The settler colonists minds are weak. They have been conditioned for hundreds of years to obey their leaders. Their religions programmed them with codes which their leaders use when they want war, bloodshed or utter chaos. Today’s leaders are dictators, not the servants of the people.
Prayer, faith and threats silence the people so they can cull us until we are at a manageable level. Their past and present horror can never be reconciled or forgotten. The final outcome will be determined by our mother earth. Not by the scientific and media manipulators of human behavior. We were deprived of 150 million onkwehonweh who were not born. Our ancestors told us about the genocide.
Today the smallpox blankets are replaced with the COVID19 virus. The vaccine is centralized so the capitalists/corporatists can enrich themselves.
Scientists put triggers in the minds of the people to commit atrocities upon command. For us mother earth creates the mind of which we are part of together. She acts and lives within us and remembers how we always tried to help her. The settler colonists’ plans to kill and suppress us were kept in the darkness. Now we see it. 
The COVID19 virus is dancing around the settler colonialists ready to provoke, torment and strike. They are terrified. What they did to us is now being played out upon them.
The genocide is known as AIONTATHENIENTHO’SHERON, the “continuous torture”. Psychopaths don’t panic. US President Trump has no empathy. He sees his people suffering, sick, hysterical and crazy as they die. The antibodies they have are for the viruses and diseases they brought here to annihilate us. They did not start the COVID19 virus so they have no antibodies. They still think they are stronger than nature. That’s their biggest mistake. Trump’s remarks are bravado and auto suggestions that the old people should volunteer to die to save the stock market, and others might commit suicide for the team.
The day our voice was taken was the day we supposedly died. They always kept count of how many of us died and how many still exist. We hid. They hid the truth. They still try to silence us. The pendulum is swinging away from them. They scream for us to listen to them. “Here’s some money for the arts, for films, for shows, for pow wows, for education, for books and so on. Tell us more about yourselves so we can plan the next phase of the genocide.” The rulers want to put us to sleep by throwing money and potions at us.
Their band councils are whores. They are cana’jon, squatters. The great peace shall deal with our traitors. They will fall into their own traps that they set for us.
The truth is our major weapon. Their lies about us were drummed into our heads. Now they are experiencing their own false made-up memories. The rulers hypnotize the people using promises, money and the American Dream. Their hands are still bloody from the hacking of our people. They murdered us and gave us small pox infested blankets to kill us. Then they made laws to decriminalized their actions. It is still immoral, wrong and evil to depopulate people. They wanted free reign to rape and plunder our mother.
When will their thirst for our blood be quenched? They don’t want to see their true desires revealed in the light of day. Our existence disturbs them. They created psychologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, counsellors, drugs and other diversions to cover and numb their hysteria.
The Minister of Indian Affairs was sent among us to mesmerized us. He hypnotized some with, “Follow me”. “Don’t be afraid”. “I will stop the madness. It will never happen again”. “Trust me”. The rulers want him to speak to us in Mohawk to pacify us so they can dissect us some more. Should they admit what they are doing, they would have hysterical seizures. They will run for their drugs and fire water to temporarily blind them. When it wears off, they get more. Liquor stores are not closed during this ongoing pandemic for a reason. Nothing makes them wake up and respect nature.

We were absolutely free as birds until the Western Europeans came. They could never imprison our minds. With the kaianerekowa, the great peace, we should be at the head of the table of nations, to teach them how to co-exist with mother earth and each other. Our mentor karonhiaktajeh said, “I’ve been waiting all my life for what they call civilization”. Til he died he never saw it.
Like charismatic Jim Jones who lead his followers to Guyana, Trump will tell his followers in effect “drink the kool aid’, or take the vaccine which might already exist.
The settler colonists are conditioned to listen to post hypnotic suggestions or coded messages created by the Freud and Bernays influenced scientists who control all the propaganda, media and “education” systems. The public are pre-molded. Their mind control system tells them that what they think is their deepest desire. They don’t realize it is really the designed desire of the rulers that has been placed in their minds to control every aspect of their lives. This is all they are suppose to know.
We want freedom for us and our mother earth. This is our gift from creation. The rulers with the artificial power are presently in charge, but not for long. Their system makes everybody submissive, lose their judgment and self-worth. The invaders are not a people of honor. They didn’t deal with us directly, except to shoot us in the back. They could not beat us in a fair direct confrontation.
The rulers cannot defeat the virus that has come for them. It has brought them to their knees. If they could, there would have been no more viruses. They are frustrated at their failures. They’ve stockpiled massive weapons of mass destruction on how to annihilate people, instead of using their energy to save people. Even life saving masks and ventiliators are withheld unless the capitalists get the right price. This is leading to mass hysteria.
The kaianerekowa, great peace, is to bring people together so we can share the burdens and success.
Canada’s ‘Framework Agreement’ is their “I-will-see-that-you-die” plan for us. Only karma will clear their conscience.
The survivors will try to escape from turtle island. They locked us up like animals in their POW camps called “reservations”. They said we were being kept in ‘safe custody’! If we tried to escape we were classified as criminals and jailed, our families were destroyed or we were killed. This persecution continues. The invaders tried to destroy our soul, to put a darkness inside our minds. It worked on the band counsellors, the” hang-around-the-fort-Indians”.
The best weapon we have is to confront them with the truth. They don’t base any of their actions on natural law.
In the end they will kill and bury each other. They will leave turtle island never to be seen by the onkwehonweh again. We will be free of the red, white and black serpents.

onkwehonweh of turtle island will rise from the ashes and the world will be in a much better place because of it. The kaianerekowa will radiate throughout the world. A new era will begin. The invaders existence will recede into the darkness.
We will always be part of the natural world. Our consciousness is in us and connects us to the earth.
If the settler colonists don’t follow the kaianerekowa they cannot stay here. Everybody has a choice because they have the ability to reason. We need only ourselves to care for our mother.
World War I 1918 and its aftermath continues, the flu, Depression, the stock market crash in 1929, World War 2 and the continuation and celebration of war.
The natural force within has to be free to unleash the power of the great peace. This power was seen when we recently blocked the trains to support our family, the wetsuweten, who resisted the Coastal Gas Link which is now illegally completed. We the natural people are here to survive and coexist as brothers, sisters and with all life on this our mother earth.
The rulers of the settler colonists are shutting down freedom and knowledge. Their empire will be thrown over by a few. Their stolen money is ineffective. 
This is the chaos that begins the UN Agenda 21 Depopulation of the world, aka the New World Order.
Barry McGuire sings a perceptive anti-war song, “Eve of Destruction”: “The Eastern World it’s explodin’. Violence flarin’. Bullets loadin’. You’re old enough to kill but not to vote. You don’t believe in war but what is that gun you’re toten’.”
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@protonmail.com For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0
*Ward Churchill, A. LITTLE MATTER OF GENOCIDE https://www.amazon.ca/Little-Matter-Genocide-Holocaust-Americas/dp/0872863239
Edward L. Bernays on “Propaganda”, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_(book) Nephew of Sigmund Freud. Relationship between human Psychology, Democracy and Corporations; the invisible government that manipulates propaganda in the service of capitalism.
Propaganda and p.r. bernays. How to manipulate the masses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRJAzvi9aEU