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Dec. 12, 2020.

MNN. Many onkwehonweh wonder about Canada selecting the original people of turtle island to test their untried COVID19 vaccine.


The past genocide of millions of our people to steal our land and resources was through the deliberate infection of European diseases ordered by their authorities:  small pox, bubonic plague, chicken pox, cholera, common cold, diptheria, influenza, malaria, measles, scarlet fever, typhoid, typhus, tuberculosis and pertussis. Let’s wait until the horror stories are revealed to see what happens to those non-native lab rats who are being vaccinated first. henh! 


MNN. Originally posted Dec. 4, 2018. The rest of the world is watching Canada trying to put the finishing touches on its genocide plan. The 2016 march in Montreal clearly shows the world is watching Canada and its puppet band and tribal councils. The Confederacy flag and Unity flag lead the march of 60,000. Power to the People, we say. 

The AFN members through their brain conditioning over generations do not see themselves as traitors, as they travel to Ottawa to sign away their birthright. They’re well paid to help Canada to finalize the fraud [and become a Senator like Perry Bellegarde]. Will their subconscious remind them of who they are! The fire is burning out of control! Canada’s days are numbered. [The name “Canada” comes from the Mohawk word “Kanata” which means “squatter”]. Canada can never escape the truth about their atrocities. They want to partner with the United States to set the world on fire using our land and resources, while they promote the illusion of freedom in a non-constitutional police state. 

They think if they say “I’m sorry”, their business [to be rid of the natives] can continue. They’re guilty, think they won’t be punished and don’t want to make it right.


We onkwehonweh can run a nation by using our minds, not the blast of guns. Canada’s holidays constantly worship the deaths of young people they sent to die as sacrificial lambs for the invading war mongers. 

The corporation of Canada is always making new laws and military rules to enforce land theft, municipalization, taxation [isolation, socialization and mind control]. Creation placed the true natural people on turtle island. Our ways supercede the invader’s corporate statutes by more than 10,000 years. Truth and nature are on our side.   

For 500 years we have defended our birthright and homeland. The band council puppets cannot give away what is not theirs. Our ancestors guide us. The band councillors are not listening to our ancestors’ voices.   

Truth is natural. We are the natural way. tewatatawi is to always fight for our survival, and for peace with total freedom. We cannot give up our land and resources. No person controls nature. The land is that of the unborn children we call “the faces beneath the ground”. That is why the land cannot be conveyed or sold. Only the great natural power, kasatstensera’kowa’saoiera controls nature. When they are no longer useful to our enemy they will be eradicated.   

Canada has no land, no language and no culture.They squat on onkwehonweh land, speak foreign languages, English and French and struggle desperately to invent a ‘Canadian’ culture. 

Canada is attempting to end “their” Indian problem. We will always be here. They are foreshadowing their own end. As the Doors sing: “This is the end, beautIful friend, the end. Of our elaborate plans, the end. Of everything that stands, the end. No safety or surprise, the end. I’ll never look into your eyes again”.


www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. nia:wen. See MNN Home Page. 





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Dec. 9, 2020.  

We the original people of onowarekeh/turtle island challenge the invaders to prove to us and the world beyond a reasonable doubt that they own anything on onowarekeh/turtle island. This is about the Indian Trust Fund. 


MNN.  Originally published Jan. 22, 2013 All the money to run the Corporations of Canada and United States comes from interest on the Indian Trust Fund. This revenue comes from exploitation of our land and resources.

In 1907 Canada declared us as non-persons so they could control our money, lives and future.  They gave themselves power of attorney without our permission. According to the Trust Fund Management System, the Indian Affairs Minister can manage our money as if he was our parent. He can collect, receive, hold it, decide how to manage and spend it without our knowledge or consent, done without our representation.

Indian Affairs cabal manages Indian Trust Funds.

Indian Affairs  Trust Funds managers.

The shareholders of the Corporations of the United States, Canada and the UN are getting filthy rich playing with our trust funds. Very little comes to us.  Most goes to their friends, corporations and governments. 90% of our funds goes to administration of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Washington and Department of Indian Affairs in Ottawa.  

Indian Affairs website states that “any licences, permits and other instruments to individuals and organizations” that exploits our resources belongs to us. Otherwise, there would be no need for a cabal known as Indian Affairs. They distribute 10% or more of the interest to the Vatican, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, international banks, the Queen and the bloodline families.

Indian Affairs suspense accounts are from businesses run on our behalf by the Corporation of Canada. Public Accounts of Canada monies cannot be disbursed or given to us.

The Environmental Studies Research Fund Accounts belong to us. Special Accounts are individual and band accounts which we never see.

Indian Estate Accounts are from deceased Indigenous, or those deemed incompetent and “missing”.  They collect and hold money on dead Indians and those they have killed.  On every child monies due is collected and kept.

Not included are the vast royalties from deals between the provinces and multinational corporations for our natural resources. The following table shows what Indian Affairs admits to taking and distributing to each province. They answer only to the bankers.

Our payouts to provinces of oil, gas, royalties, rents & bonuses.

Payouts to provinces of oil, gas, royalties, rents & bonuses.









It’s all ending.  These new omnibus bills like C45 shows that the Corporation of Canada is trying to steal whatever it can and then flee with the loot.  We will not be extinguished through their new fascist bills.

We will put in place a fair distribution system for our onkwehonweh people to take control of our land, resources and funds. The only function of the government enforced band councils is to distribute our Indian trust funds according to the Indian Lands Acts of August 25, 1924 when reserves were physically forced on us by the military.  

Sir William Johnson, King George’s representative in North America, told him that the Iroquois were not his subjects. “Any man who dared tell us we are subjects of a foreign power, no sooner were those words spoken would his throat be split. You better have a good army at your back if you make that claim.  We are slaves to no one.” 

band/tribal councils fall between canoe & master's boat.

band/tribal councils falling between canoe & master’s boat.

All resources are ours. Our funds are illegally held in trust for us by some very untrustworthy people. Remember that the colonial band and tribal councils are all incorporated private businesses and the councilors are chief executive officers. They try to steer the canoe for the boat master, violating the Guswentha.

As Mick Jagger sang:  “Just as every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints.  As heads is tails, just call me Lucifer.  I’m in need of some restraint.”  Misdirection, confusion, greed, will all be cast down.

Rolling Stones: Sympathy for the Devil

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@protonmail.com  For, books, workshops, and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0



See Elyse Bruce http://elysebruce.wordpress.com/2013/01/21/idle-no-more-about-that-fn-trust/

THE GREAT TRUST FUND IN THE SKY https://endracebasedlaw.com/2015/09/25/the-great-trust-fund-in-the-sky/

BIOSECURITY TO BIOTERRORISM https://www.bitchute.com/video/gnPe871WGo0n/?fbclid=IwAR07RoshiT3S0zemozlV7C_JwAPqkMi2XhYk8-AWlHUbqyK1gBKNieZfRsE


 NOTE: To dispel the lies of the serpents trying to ‘Reset’ Mohawk kanienkehaka land as a New World Order Center on tsiani tiotiake [Montreal island] without permission of creation and the original people and natural world., a report of the constant work of our “Myth Busters” was made in 2006. This is being republished. The excavators are disturbing spirits that are not meant to resurface.  



Originally published on Nov. 9, 2006.


Please post & distribute worldwide. Nov. 27, 2020. Please confirm you received this.




At the last minute on Tuesday, November 7, we Iroquois found out there was an exhibit opening at the Calliere Museum in Old Montreal. It was on the “Mysterious Disappearance of the St. Lawrence Valley Iroquois”. They wish! Four of us from Kahnawake, Kanehsatake and Tyendinaga decided to go and look it over.

We were curious as to how they got the idea that we had “disappeared” or that there was any mystery to be solved. How would anyone feel if their so-called demise was advertised and put on exhibit? It’s like finding yourself invited to your own funeral when you’re not dead. It really bugged us. Can you understand? It felt like a death threat. It reminded us of the way we were all told at school that our moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandparents, everyone were all going to die out. We cried. By now we know a terrorist threat when we see one.

We arrived around noon in Old Montreal. The banner outside indicated that this was sponsored by a whole bunch of Quebec, Canadian and international corporations. We were almost the first visitors there. Instead of welcoming us as the long lost Iroquois, they treated US as though we were spoiling their party. The man at the front desk told us we had to pay $12 to go into the wake. We suggested that since we had disappeared and were ghosts in their eyes, we should be allowed in for free. Suddenly he started to speak only French to us. This is when we started to talk only in Mohawk to him. He got mad and started punching the cash register. Eventually, after arguing about the taxes on the ticket, we could see the only way to get around this extortionist was to pay him off. Then we went up to the second floor.

What we saw was a gross rip off not just for us but for the ignorant public that they hoped to ensnare with their fake account of Mohawk Iroquois history.

Some of the corporate conspirators of these deceptions were the National Archives of Canada, the Birmingham Public Library, the Canadian Museum of Civilization, some patrimonie organization from Sorel Quebec, the Quebec Conservation Department, the National Archives of France, the National Capital Commission of Quebec, the ghost longhouse at remade tourist town of St. Anicet, the Gilcrease Museum of Tulsa Oklahoma, the Huntington Library of San Marino California, Jefferson County Historical Society of Watertown NY, McCord Museum of Montreal, McGill University Osler Library, Michel Crepeau of France, Quebec Ministry of Culture and Communications, MODIS Rapid Response Project of NASA, Montreal Botanical Gardens, Quebec Museum of Civilization, National Science Foundation of North Arlington Virginia, New York State Museum of Albany, Point-de-Buisson Archaeological Park, State Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg Russia, Trustees of the British Museum, Department of Agriculture in Washington and the University of Montreal. Yep, there you go! A whole bunch of people want us dead. Here we are, raining on their parade.

Why was NASA involved? Maybe they think we came from outer space! Or maybe that’s where they want to send us. Each of these entities must have had one little item to show that we had disappeared. Somebody had a big travel budget to visit all these bastions of colonial tradition.

The museum had the cash to rack up record numbers of air miles. Somehow they just couldn’t find the time to stop in Kahnawake or Kanehesatake on their way to the airport. Of course, the hour’s drive to Akwesasne would have been out of their way. When we asked why, they said they did speak to one young fella in Kahnawake about this, by phone! It wasn’t long distance so that was in their budget. They couldn’t ask us because, in their minds, we had mysteriously disappeared. Their tour guide told us, “You are different Iroquois”, and “our scientists have archaeological evidence that backs up our claims”.

“Yes”, we said, “lots of people used to think the earth was flat”.

So, there! Apparently, even though we had disappeared, our horticulture lives on in the “descendants”! Isn’t this a contradiction?

On Sunday Oct. 3rd 1535 Cartier visited Hochelaga at the foot of what they call Mount Royal. He drew longhouses, a central square like in Spain, with avenues and maybe even street signs. There was a shaman’s house who lived apart from the “mere mortals”. Lol!

We apparently left Montreal before Cartier arrived for his second visit and were gone for good by the time Champlain came. Don’t they know we have relatives all over turtle island,  the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence Valley, New York State and every where. We loved to travel too and go visiting. Myth busted! Another reason we left temporarily for 75 to 100 years was to leave the ground to fallow. Our idea was to use the ground and when it was getting depleted of minerals and nourishment, we would plant orchards, take down our villages and then move to our next site for 20 or so years. We had 4 to 5 regular sites. It would take us 80 to 100 years to complete a rotation. By the time we returned, the earth would have regained its nourishment. We don’t put down hundreds of thousands of pounds of potassium nitrate to mock what the earth does naturally. This modern practice is destroying the earth. We certainly didn’t expect a bunch of foreigners to move in and defile it with asphalt and all the other pollution that has made this once beautiful place now toxic and infertile for agriculture or man.

We were here when Champlain came in 1607. “I won’t look at them so I can say I didn’t see them’, said Champlain. They suggested we were the victims of diseases or a “Little Ice Age” that began around 1450? Then they said, “It was “intertribal warfare”. Their evidence for this is that we built “defensive palisades” around our villages. Well, we did grow our medicines right next to our longhouses and we erected these fences to keep out the creatures who might want to come and disturb them. We also had 3000 years or more peace until the settler colonists brought their incessant warfare here.

We notice they sprinkled words throughout their texts like “appeared”, “might have”, “may be”, “probably” and “it would appear”. Their lawyers advised them to do this so we can’t sue the pants off them for lying about us. They don’t want to acknowledge us because they say that the land was for the taking because nobody was here. This is coming from a culture that has no stewardship for the land. So where did we come from, under some rocks?

One exhibit entitled “To Pop or Not to Pop” is about pop corn, corn soup and all the cooking skills we had. They did not mention that corn, beans and squash, the Three Sisters”, provided all the nutrition one needed to live a healthy life. We got these at the beginning according to our creation story. They found we iera’kwah Iroquois were in the Bay of Gaspe and elsewhere. Cartier found us with corn like he had seen in Brazil. He said that this had convinced us to give up our nomadic life and settle down. [The invaders are nomads. This exhibit shows no sign that they were invited here.]

Most of the articles on display were about little pieces from pipes, pots and who knows what. They were tiny and under glass with texts on a red or white background in French first and then English. Nothing in Mohawk! Maybe they think that our communication with creation is not relevant. After all, it’s their theory that we disappeared.

Really misleading was info that the clan mothers led the families and selected the chiefs. The people tell the clan mothers and chiefs what to do and say. The power is with the people. A true democracy! Their sham democracy doesn’t want to say that.

They refer to the “Creator”, implying we believed in their god. Our philosophy is based on our knowledge of the natural world and creation. Gariwiio is the perfect reality which is nature. The kasatstenera kowa sa oiera is the great natural power which we can see and know exists. We have many symbols for the stories that we passed down to remind us of our history, who we are and where we belong. Here.

They minimize our culture down to making offerings of tobacco and sacrificing dogs and eating them. [They sacrificed people and ate them.] In the glass were the bones of a dog. We did not use shamans to contact any forces. Each of us made our relationships with and respect for the natural world and developed our awareness ourselves. 

The shaman did not suck out the evil or sickness from a person. There was no evil when everything was part of the natural equilibrium. Holy hell! This is completely manufactured probably by a bunch of priests who are trying to hit up people for money. “The shaman would gaze into the fire and go into a trance by dancing, chanting, fasting or sitting in a sweat lodge”. We did not have shamans or sweat lodges. Where did this come from? It’s one of those phony Indian Affairs healing programs being used to pacify us? We were almost tempted to ask where the brown Baby Jesus in the cradle was.

Cartier said we loved games and gambling. Is that why they built the Montreal casino nearby? They found a lot of different colored potsherds in their digs, which they think might be ripped up off-track betting slips or one armed bandit claim chits. We did have the peach pit game in a wooden bowl played by clans to decide who was going to win the gifts and do all the work until the next festival.

They definitely found no evidence that we played lacrosse. They want to steal this as a Canadian invented game just like hockey. Hockey comes from the expression “a-kee”, which means “ouch” when they hit each other with their sticks. It was played between villages as it is today.

As for fashion, they said that we ran around naked except for small skins to cover our privates! In the cold! Are they kidding? If we went naked, we bared it all. Afterwards, we did cover ourselves to protect us from European perverts.

We made necklaces from recycled pipe stems [that we got from the second hand stores in Old Montreal?] They said that wampum beads were the most precious item we possessed in the whole wide world. All Iroquois men smoked. Did they examine our lungs? We burnt tobacco for ceremonial purposes apparently until Cartier arrived. They say we started to smoke like chimneys like those French Canadians who drive over to our communities today. They’re all pale and desperate to buy cheap native cigarettes. It states that ‘native’ tobacco appeared in the new world in 800 AD and in Montreal in 1300. They know this because they found a whole lot of pipes dating from that time. Was this on one of the pipe stems they found? How do they know it was tobacco being smoked? Who was Cartier trying to impress. He just wanted to raise money to make another trip over here in his search for gold, the fool!

This is a pitiful exhibit. Cartier said that Iroquois women were industrious and the men were lazy. He called us “nomadic”. How would he know? He hung around the women and didn’t go with the men into the forests or on trading, hunting and diplomatic expeditions. Who’s the lazy lewd bugger here?

We wondered what all this was leading up to? Yep! The colonists found a new archaeological site at Cap Rouge River – “the remains of the very first French settlement in America”. Hoo-ray! Lots of money for diggers! It was apparently the fort built by Cartier in 1541 where he spent that winter. This is where the king had ordered a white colony be built. They found sherds of Italian faience. Wow! The public can see all this in 2006. This is how long it will take to manufacture the ancient artifacts they will put on display and celebrate 400 years of settler colonization.

We complained to the guide that we had not disappeared, that he was not staring at ghosts, that this whole exhibit was misleading and that we are definitely still here. In other words, we were unconvinced by the story of our death. Excited and anxious, security was summoned. We were followed around for a bit. Then a short little women sergeant appeared and told us that the museum would refund our money [but no lunch].

We’d prefer they shut down this travesty. Or if the public sees it, they should be told it’s a fictional representation meant to mislead the public and justify settler colonization. Cartier was just a hack explorer like the heroes of the Harlequin romances. There were lots of Europeans over here before him. But they didn’t try to scam the nobility at home into financing their misadventures.

For sure the myth of the disappearing Iroquois has been busted. 

Humble Pie dedicates “30 Days in the Hole”, to those in the current days in these lockdown events who don’t care about wearing masks: “All right. All right. All right. 30 days in the hole. 30 days in the hole. 30 days in the hole. Check green. Talking about Lebanese. A dirty room and a silver spoon. Give me my release. Black Nepalese. It gets you weak in the knees. Sneeze some dust that you got bust on. You know it’s hard to be 30 days in the hole. 30 days in the hole. 30 days in the hole. That is what they give you. 30 days in the hole.” 

niawen kowa.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@protonmail.com  For, books, workshops, and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 



Is Montreal Transit Overheating?

2]MCGILL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ROTINOSHONNI LAND https://www.mcgill.ca/circ/land-acknowledgement

3]BIDEN PART OF ‘GREAT RESET’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/joe-bidens-presidency-already-has-its-first-conspiracy-theory-the-great-reset





MNN. 19 Nov. 2020. The word “toronto” comes from a Mohawk expression, “aterontoh”, which means “Where they put the logs into the water”,   “ontario” comes from “oniatario”, which means “a beautful lake” and “canada” comes from the word “kanata” which means “squatters”.

This story was published on May 31, 2008.

Last November 2007 the Six Nations Confederacy reminded the Mississauga that Toronto sits on part of Haudenosaunee Territory. We refused to give up the 372 square miles of land on Lake Ontario. In 1787 the British brought in the Mississauga who are Algonquian from northern Ontario and got them to fraudulently sell our land to them. The Mississauga said, “It’s not our land, but we’d be glad to sell it to you!” They accepted L1,700 pounds and signed a blank sheet of paper. Why? Because they knew it wasn’t theirs. 

Now 221 years later Toronto is trying to buy it again because it wasn’t done “right” the first time. Once again, the colonists are trying to buy it from the Algonquian “misclaimers”.

The “Toronto Purchase of 1787 & 1805” and an area 12, 944, 400 acres in south and central Ontario known as the “Williams Treaty” of 1923 are part of this shady land deal. 

Another “tall tale” is about the Toronto Islands which Toronto wants to buy from the Mississauga. This is a group of 15 islands amounting to 332 acres about 1.6 km south of downtown Toronto. It was originally a peninsula made up of eroded sand and gravel carried west from the Scarborough Bluffs. In 1858 a violent storm separated the mainland from the islands. Since then the islands have been doubled in size. It is now an 8 km hook broken on the inside into tiny lagoons and islets. City Centre Airport is on the northwest area. Toronto then known as “York” was built inland protected by the old peninsula. 

The Mississauga even put in a claim to the two homes in Burlington of Mohawk traitor, Joseph Brant. Though we know this sell-out to the British is a treasonous bastard, his house and land still belong to us. We could turn it into a “Treason Museum” and display the 1805 Confederacy declaration signed by all 50 chiefs that he is a traitor to our people. He sold and gave away our land to his British army buddies and American UEL friends.  

Involved in this real estate “swindle” are the following Algonquian culprits, the communities of Hiawatha, Scugog, Alderville, Curve Lake, New Credit First Nation, Chippewa Nation of Georgina Island, Christian Island, Rama as well as Moose Deer Point. 

In 1784 Joseph Brant did state that the Haldimand Tract and the land between the three lakes was already Six Nations Land under protection from encroachment by squatters by the King, the Nan Fan Treaty, Peace Treaty of Montreal 1701, the 1725 Treaty, the Silver Covanent Chain and the Royal Proclamation of 1763. These all affirmed that the original “Beaver Hunting Grounds” of the eastern half of Onowaregeh/Turtle Island remains under the sovereignty of the Kaianereh’ko:wa, the Great Law, as maintained by the iera’kwah, Six Nations Confederacy, our friends and allies. [See list below].   None of our land can ever be given up. 

The Haudenosaunee and the Algonquian are descended from the “Paleo”. There were three branches: two were called “Clovis” and “Folsom” who developed into the “Laurentian Archaic”, the ancestors of the Haudenosaunee.   The evidence indicates we are older than the Algonquians. 

The “Shield Archaic” developed into the “Plano Paleo” who are the ancestors of the Anishnawbek/Algonquian, who came from the western plains.  

The two cultures also developed vastly different burial practices.  The Laurentian Archaic/Haudenosaunee built elaborate burial and ceremonial mounds to honor our dead. 

The Shield Archaic/Algonquian cremated their dead. Their original area is rocky, with little soil and very cold, which did not lend itself to building large burial or ceremonial mounds. After they became Christians, they buried their people in Haudenosaunee grounds. 

A traditional migration story known as the “Wallum Olum” tells of a time when the “Le Nape”, the ancestors of all the Algonquian, were located at the head waters of the Mississippi River and in the Lake of the Woods in northwestern Ontario. They moved southward to the bank of the Mississippi River. On the east side of the “Great River” was a giant race of people known as the “Alleghans”, also called “Alligwi”, who are our iera’kwah, Iroquoian, ancestors. The Alleghans lived throughout the Ohio River valley which converged with the Mississippi River. They followed the course to its source in the Alleghany Mountains which they called the “Grandfather”. Our territory is from the Mississippi River to the east coast of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island.  

To the north of the Alleghans were the “Mengwe” [the ancestors of the Wendats] another of our iera’kwah Iroquoian relatives. The Le Nape asked the Mengwe to help them get permission to cross the Mississippi and pass through the land of the Alleghans. They got permission for “safe passage”. With our help it took many years for the Le Nape to migrate to the East Coast. From there they moved northward on their way back to their homeland in the Canadian Shield and the western prairies.  

When the Le Nape reached the east coast, they branched off into other Algonquian speaking people. The Delaware, in their language, refer to themselves as the “grandfathers” of all the Algonquian. They became matrilineal like the iera’kwah Iroquois. They even picked up a few souvenirs from the Mengwi and Alligwi like wooden carved masks which they had never used before in their ceremonies. 

Some of the direct Haudenosaunee ancestors of the Alleghans/Alligwi are the Erie-Alligiwi (aka Cherokee and Choctaw) and the Erie-Neutral (Susquehannock, Conestoga, Wenro). [See previous MNN article dated May 28, 2008 for full list]. The Alligwi and the Mengwe (Six Nations and Wendat) converged to form the “People of the Longhouse”. Our world view and ceremonies are more elaborate and completely different from the Anishnawbek. 

The Ontario Ministry of Culture confirmed in 2004 that there are no old

Mississauga burial sites in the Toronto area. How could there be when they cremated their dead? There are hundreds of Haudenosaunee burial and village sites throughout Southern Ontario and south of the Ottawa River. 

The Mississauga are being paid to invent history and say they are the original owners of all Haudenosaunee land in Southern Ontario and the land between the three lakes, Ontario, Erie and Huron. What a big farce! In 2006 Indian Affairs paid them $12 million plus for our land around the mouth of the Credit River and to keep their barefaced lying mouths shut! These “fibsters” are about to receive $15 billion for the “Toronto Purchase”. It is purported that they plan to build a huge industrial park for the military industry. 

The Six Nations Grand River Confederacy contacted Brian “An-Indian-who-tells-a-white-lie-for-owista[money]” LaForme, the “big cheese” of the Mississauga of New Credit, to discuss this false land scam. He practically told them to “go f—k themselves” and to talk to his white lawyer, Kim Fullerton [contact info below] who never returned any calls. 

Then in October 2007 documents were taken to the “Toronto Aboriginal Affairs Committee” meeting to present to Mr. “B.S.” LaForme. It was about the “Thunderbird Mound” located on the village site of Taiaiagon in Toronto, [See map below] a Seneca-Mohawk village site on the Humber River dating back to 1687. He glanced at it, left it on the table and walked out.  

Researchers, archeologists, educators, politicians and traditional people from both Haudenosaunee and Anishnawbek confirm that the Mississauga are not from the Toronto area or from Southern Ontario. At the December 2, 2007 “Toronto Pow-wow”, Brian “Liar-Liar-Pants-on-Fire” LaForme publicly said with a flapping salivating “forked tongue” that “Toronto is the traditional territory of the Mississauga of New Credit”. He choked out this fiction in front of several Haudenosaunee chiefs from Six Nations. 

The Mississauga is a “rogue” band. On their website they state that they originated from the Mississippi River region of the Lake Superior highlands. They admit coming from the north into Southern Ontario. In 1784 their own Chiefs acknowledged they were not the owners of the land known as the Toronto Purchase, the Haldimand Tract or the land between the three lakes.  Two leaders of the Algonquian “Three Fires Confederacy” also confirm that the Mississauga is not a member of their alliance. 

According to our law, our land can never be alienated to any one as it is held by the women for the children yet to be born. The Haldimand Proclamation of 1784 was meant to protect the Mohawks, our posterity and those we invite to live with us from encroachment by the colonists. The Haldimand Tract is part of the vast Haudenosaunee Territory. 

Six Nations Confederacy acknowledges that in 1740 the Cayuga brought the Mississauga in as a “refugee nation” under the protection of the “Great Peace”. The Mississauga came to Southern Ontario onto the “Haldimand Tract”, after the whites kicked them out of Credit River in 1848. The Mississauga told the Confederacy that they were only “camping out overnight” and were on their way to the Detroit River, from where they were heading back northward to their homeland. They asked many times to extend their visit and never left. 

In the Great Law translation by A.C. Parker, the adoption of a “foreign” nation is temporary. The Mississauga remained under our protection as long as they respected the Great Law and our Confederacy. Now they are illegally assuming “acquired squatters rights” just like their masters, the colonists, who tell them, “You’ve been here for so long it’s yours now. So sell it to us”. There is no “squatters rights”! They have broken the conditions of their visit. They have to come to us for permission to stay. We have warned and given them a chance to live up to their adoption agreement. If they refuse to uphold the Great Law, we can’t protect them anymore. We must expel them from our territory and tell them to find their way home.  

In 1780 the Mississauga left their wampum behind for the Confederacy Council to hold. They never returned to take care of visitation matters. Should the “black beads” be held over their heads, they must come to us and make things right so they can catch the beads before they hit the ground. 

The Mississauga better talk with us immediately about their fraudulent claim to our land. Objections have been filed with all levels of the Canadian government, the United Nations and Mayor David Miller of Toronto. They all know full well that this land is ours.

A Tribe Called Red sing for the ratikonsataties, the unborn native children who own turtle island: “You have taken the land which is rightfully ours. Years from now, my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans and drink highballs. We will sell our bracelets by the roadsides. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d’oeuvres. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick-shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They have said, “Do not trust the Pilgrims”. And for all these reasons, I have decided to scalp you and burn your village to the ground.”

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@protonmail.com  For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

The late Rastia’ta’non:ha, the executive director of the Taiaiako’n Historical Preservation Society, stands on what his group believes are ancient iera’kwah Iroquoian burial grounds in High Park. The group is working to have the area, now used by BMX bikers, protected. April 18, 2011. (Photo by Jayme Poisson/Toronto Star via Getty Images)

rastiata’non:ha, May 2nd, 2011: makes predictions:

Snake Mound Reconstruction: Rastia'ta'non:ha

MNN Mohawk Nation News 


Map No. 1: 

Map Mississauga use to declare fraudulent land-claim

Federal Land Claims Commission Mississauga Land Claim-

Map No. 2.

Map of Toronto Purchase of 1805. 

NOTE: This Map also does not include the area that they are claiming in addition to the original 1805 Toronto Purchase, which also includes the waterfront and the Toronto Islands.

Map No. 3. 

Map of Toronto Mound sites: Thunderbird Mound, Bear Mound Complex & Tabor Hill which is also included in their Fraudulent Land Claim. These 3 sites are currently under the Trusteeship of the Six Nations Confederacy at Grand River.

SOME OF THE “COCK AND BULL Sh!T” TEAM: Indian Affairs: Patricia Valladao, Media Relations, (819) 997-8404; Diane Laursen, (819) 994-2044. Chief Bryan “Fibber” LaForme, 2789 Mississauga Road, R.R. #6, Hagersville, Ontario N0A 1H0 (905) 768-1133 bryanlaforme@newcreditfirstnatio; his “ambulance chaser” Kim Alexander Fullerton 256 Riverside Dr, Oakville, ON L6K 3M9 (905) 849-1700; Chief Commissioner Renée Dupuis Indian Claims Commission 613-943-2737; Ontario Ministry of Culture, Michael Johnson (416) 314-7144 Fax: (416) 314-7175 Michael.Johnson1@ontario.ca, Robert.vonBitter@ontario.ca,; Ontario Realty Corporation Jim Butticci (416) 326-4761 Jim.Butticci@orc.gov.on.ca Dr. Frank Dearman (416) 327-3937 Adrian.Mattes@orc.gov.on.ca; Toronto Cops Greg.forestall@torontopolice.on.ca; Ontario Realty Corporation Jim Butticci- (416) 326-4761 email: Jim.Butticci@orc.gov.on.ca; Dr. Frank Dearman (416) 327-3937; Adrian.Mattes@orc.gov.on.ca      

THE PEACE OF MONTREAL 1701.  The Iroquois of the League were the leaders in the negotiations with the French and other nations of the Great Lakes. The Algonquian have no power to make any treaties or agreements without consulting the Iroquois and all the signatories within the Peace Treaty of Montreal 1701 area. Should they do so their protection and treaty rights under the  treaty end. Their land claims and arbitrary arrangements with any colonial government is fraudulent.

The League of Six Nations signatories are:

Tekanoet-Seneca; Aouenano-Seneca; Tonatakout-Seneca; Ohonsiowanne- Onondaga; Toarenguenion-Seneca; Garonhiaron-Cayuga; Soueouon-Oneida; Teganiassorens-Mohawk;

L’Aigle (The Eagle) Sault St. Louis (Kaknawake) Mohawk.

The remaining signatories are:

Amikwas, Beaver Clan, represented by Mahingan and the Odawas who also spoke for them; Crees; Noro- The Foxes (or Outagamis) represented by Noro & Miskouensa; The Gens des terres ( Islanders); Kondiaronk- Huron-Petuns & Houatsaranti – Huron-Petuns; Quanrante Sols- Huron of the St. Joseph;  Kaskakias ( Illinois); Peorias ( Illinois); Tapouaros ( Illinois); Maroas (Illinois); -Coiracoentantanons (Illinois); Moingwenas (Illinois); Onanguice- Potowatomie; Courtemanche- Illinois; Kickapoos; Kiskatapi- The Mascouteans; Paintage- The Menominees; Chichicatalo- Miamis of the St. Jospeh River; Piankashaws; Ouiatenons; Chichicatalo – Miamis; Onanguice- Mississaugas; Onaganioitak – Nippissings; Outouagan (Jean Le Blanc)- Sable Odawas; Kinonge ( Le Brochet); Hassaki-Kiskakons (Culs Coupez);

Kileouiskingie-Kiskakons ( Culs Coupez); Chingouessi-Sinago Odawas; Elaouesse-Nassawaketons or Odawas of the Fork; Ouabangue-Ojibways (Saulteurs); Onanguice-Potawatomis; Ouenemek-Potawatomis; Coluby-Sauks; Timiskamings-from Lake Timiskaming ;

Puants-Winnebago; Otchagaras-Winnebago; Algonquians; Haouatchouath-Abenakis; Meskouadoue-Abenakis; Passamaqodys; Penobscots; Maliseets; Mi’kmaqs; Tsahounanhos-La Montagne; Montagnais; Susquehannocks;Mahicans


PLEASE SEND YOUR OBJECTIONS TO: QUEENIE ELIZABETH II, Buckingham Palace, LONDON UK; Governor General MICHAELLE “Haitian-Against-the-Nation” JEAN, 1 Rideau Hall, OTTAWA, ONTARIO info@gg.ca; Canada Prime Minister STEPHEN HARPER, House of Commons, OTTAWA, ONTARIO harper.s@parl.gc.ca; Ontario Premier DALTON McGUINTY, Queen’s Park, TORONTO, ONTARIO mcguinty.D@parl.gc.ca; Chief Doreen Davis, 3102-RR #2, Sharbot Lake, ONTARIO K0H 2P0 chiefdoreen@aol.com: CHRISTOPHER M. REID, 154 Monarch Park Ave., TORONTO ONTARIO M4J 4R6 lawreid@aol.com; United Nations unat@un.org; Indian Affairs Minister Strahl.c@parl.gc.ca; Toronto Mayor mayor_miller@toronto.ca; Minister Ontario Aboriginal Affairs Michael Bryand % Lars.Eedy@ontario.ca; and everybody else.

Sign Women Title Holders petition! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois







Please post & distribute.



MNN.NOV. 5, 2020. Canada  just announced what they’ve been doing all along. The military is trained to run a fascist state. [READ STORY]. They have in effect admitted that turtle island is a military occupation of onkwehonweh land. 


In 1924 the Indian Lands Acts were illegally passed giving all of turtle island to the provinces and placing us in military Prisoner of War camps called ‘reservations’. It is part of the NWO being imposed on turtle island without our representation.   

The United Nations has been turned into an octopus to strangle the world. Now we must comb the snakes out of the mind of the Medusa figure which runs the UN.   

We know as truth that turtle island is our land to infinity regardless of the ongoing genocide and fake Admiralty claims by the Corporation.  Our people’s blood is soaked into mother earth. Some settler colonists are coming to us for help. They’ve already been told what to do. The kaianerekowa, great peace, assured us all that we have to use reason. dekanawida told us we can only expose the truth and inform them of the teachings that were handed down to us.

Only the great law will stop the worldwide dictatorship that is being planned by a few megalomaniacs. It is not freedom and democracy when a few greedy elite have power because they hold their atomic bombs over our heads reminding us they can destroy all human life.

The black serpents are here among us. They are the child traffickers, pedophiles, drug pushers, kidnappers and killers of our missing and murdered women and girls, drug dealers and they run the government apparatus that enslaves and destroys the people.

Our condolence cane shows the current nations of 50 Iroquois sachems, which is the model for the 50 states of the US.  

This cane is a pictographic record of the fifty hereditary chiefs of the Confederacy of the early five nations, and it is used today as an aid to memory in the Condolence Ceremony at which time a new Confederate Lord is installed. The first set of pegs signifies the nine sachems of the Mohawk Nation or the Keepers of the Eastern Door. The second set of pegs signifies the nine sachems of the Oneida Nation. The third set of pegs signifies the fourteen sachems of the Onondaga Nation who are the fire keepers and the Capital Council fire of the Confederacy. The fourth set of pegs signifies the ten sachems of the Cayuga Nation. The Chippewa, Delaware, and Tutelo nations were adopted by the Cayuga and put under his wing for protection. The fifth set of pegs signifies the eight sachems of the Seneca Nation or the Keepers of the Western Door.

The Iroquois Confederacy decision making power is the basis of the US  “electoral college system” and the three prongs of the government: the Senate, the House of Representatives and the Presidency. These three powers are balanced to prevent totalitarian control of the people. People can have weapons to defend themselves from a totalitarian government.

Each state has two senators. Small states like Rhode Island and Delaware have equal power to large states like California and New York State. They accepted our system but backed off to plunder our resources. An extermination plan was set in place to totally annihilate our people, physically and mentally. 

Hunter Biden’s tattoo of the Finger Lakes on his back looks like serpents, that are trying to return to the head of atotarho whose snakes were combed out of his hair so he would have a mind of peace rather than aggression. The headquarters of the UN in New York is on the Hudson River, which feeds from the waters of the Finger Lakes region.

The UN is trying to take over all sovereignty of every nation in the world by pretending to use our ideas of peace. They tried to turn the kaianerekowa, great peace, into a weapon of domination. Only the Iroquois Confederacy system can halt the tyranny of this creature. 

The Finger Lakes is the center of the power of the Iroquois Confederacy. The water over, under and through one of the greatest deep water lakes in the world is being deliberately polluted. Our grandfathers tried to block the St. Lawrence Seaway to stop ships coming up the river to pollute the Great Lakes, the greatest fresh water lakes in the world. The politicians appear to be tools of the same bankers.   

The NWO wants to undo what dekanawida and ayonwatha helped to create, freedom and equality. The Red Man is being forced to beg the gluttonous enemy for justice, while pretending to use our ideas as a facade to hide their weapons of control.     

Leonard Cohen, tells us that “Everybody Knows”: “Everybody knows that the dice are loaded. Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed. Everybody knows the war is over. Everybody knows the good guys lost. Everybody knows the fight was fixed”



https://nationalpost.com/news/national/defence-watch/canadian-military-to-establish-new-organization-to-use-propaganda-other-techniques-to-influence-canadians/wcm/e9ac3abb-0674-4443-a99c-9c17a3673b79?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1604334684. CANADIAN MILITARY WANTS TO ESTABLISH A NEW ORGANIZATION TO USE PROPAGANDA WITH TECHNIQUES TO INFLUENCE CANADIANS

KLAUS SCHWAB. Great fascist

reset. https://exploringrealhistory.blogspot.com/2020/11/klaus-schwab-and-his-great-fascist.html