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MNN. Feb. 15, 2016. The whistle blowers are tooting their horn! They are the catalyst for change, like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and others. The white handlers use corporate INDIANS for their tax free status, to enrich themselves. Rumor has it that a gaggle of corporate INDIANS are in The Isle of Man where secret off-shore accounts of onkwe’hon:weh funds have been set up and used. CROWN flunkies keep their stolen booty in off-shore tax havens. We wonder if there is a skull and crossbones symbol on their mode of transportation!

Uncle Joe leaving for Isle of Man.

Uncle Joe leaving Kahnawake for Isle of Man.

The economic hit man is in firm control of this banker instigated trap. Our land may even be put up as collateral so corporate INDIANS and their partners can access money from the international bankers. We onkwe’hon:weh owners of all natural assets to great turtle island. If we ask questions these deals could crash. They need a corporate ID and verification from bankers who are the main shareholders. Corporate receipts are provided to the band or tribal councils to conduct international banking. They are not legitimate onkwe’hon:weh representatives. The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. is a corporate body known as Indian Reserve IR 14, which is a prisoner of war camp set up in 1924 and later incorporated as a band council. Read “Off Shore” OFF-SHORE.

The economic hit man of Kahnawake is suddenly quitting his job and leaving. Is he going to live near the bank where he can siphon off the loot? When they schemed and rubbed their hands, did they plan to run and hide with the stolen spoils for the rest of their lives?empire

How did we become complacent or ignorant to these frauds? Through well-planned pacification systems by the trained military and university handlers and assets planted among us. In the 1980’s a priest arrived in Kahnawake. As a teacher, he got the confidence of the youth. DC-260-7952C8304 Loyola University of Chicago social systems training.

In the mid 1980s a young shoshone-paiute onkwe’hon:weh finished his stint in the US navy. He was recruited by the military to be trained as an asset in this mind pacification and restructuring system to control his own people. He was sent to Loyola University of Chicago where he met kahna’wake:ronon, VK and JD. They were apparently taking this training. He quit and left. lennon

As the fraudsters are on the banker’s ship, the whistle blowers are tooting their horn here to the tune of Van Morrison: “And when that fog horn whistle blows, I got to hear it. I don’t have to fear it and I want to rock your gypsy soul, Just like way back in the days of old. And together we will flow into the mystic”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Off-shore bank accounts.

New rules for US off-shore accounts.

Haudenosaunee passports.

Cindy Blackstock on CBC.






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MNN. 27 OCT. 2015. Eugenics is the study of the quality of people. Eugenicists want to reproduce those who have more money and are the right race and class. They don’t favor the poor and map out their poverty, diseases, sterilization, murder, imprisonment and demise. Hitler admired the North Americans for their program that eliminated over 100 million ongwe’hon:weh. He sent doctors to study the Canadian eugenics system.

Hitler: The Reich is for blond blue-eyeds.

Hitler: The “Reich” is for blond blue-eyeds.

The objective was to help the wellborn to have strong and healthy people to run their corporations and to dispose of the rest. ongwe’hon:weh women are in danger because they bear the children. The culling of our people is to extort our possessions without resistance. The CROWN designed and built this system.

When I was working in Indian Affairs a secret report was made on the risks of low white birthrate and the increasing ongwe’hon:weh population. The elite are declining in numbers and the poor are increasing. We could read it and had to immediately turn it back in. It was their worst nightmare.

Fertility Clinic - 'This designer baby is no longer fashionable...'

The idea of making more white babies and getting rid of rest started in the US. The wealthy think the world should be populated by their class. US President Theodore Roosevelt was an open proponent of eugenics, that white couples should reproduce and not the others. Prime Minister Trudeau is bringing in 25,000 white Syrians into Canada. More of us are going to be killed or disposed so they can be brought in to replace us. The UK is run by pedophiles and eugenicists who are working for the bankers in the City of London. The private banks own every Canadian corporate municipality. Eugenics is their policy to keep the white Family Compact and Chateau Clique in power.

UN Agenda 21 is the worldwide depopulation program. Six and a half billion are to be culled. [Georgia Guide Stone]. The RCMP officers disposed of the young ongwe’hone:weh woman by slitting her throat, shooting her four times and then dousing her body with bleach. The cops hunted down the witness and tried to kill him. Thousands of ongwe’hon:weh women are missing or murdered. The state refuses to investigate. Police terrorism.

"It was supposed to be whites only!"

“It was supposed to be whites only!”

The state run murder and disposal squad is within the police enforcement run by the military.  Trudeau II and his government by not addressing this issue are complicit. It is run from Indian Affairs in Ottawa. Canada is a police state run on statute corporate bylaws, with no constitutional remedies for the people to check the power of the PMO.

Eugenics creation.

The designer wellborn.

Black Sabbath gets it right in “Children of the Grave”: “Revolution in their minds, the children start to march, against the world they have to live in. Oh! the hate that’s in their hearts. They’re tired of being pushed around and told just what to do. They’ll fight until they’ve won and love comes flowing through. … so you children of the world, listen to what I say. If you want a better place to live in, spread the words today. Show the world that love is still alive, You must be brave. Or you children of today are children of the grave”.


Time Magazine: eugenics alive & well in US [and Canada].

Reimbursement: Icelanders refunded by banksters.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L http://thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws











MNN. May 6, 2013. Prime Minister Harper just announced at the G20 meeting he is personally dismantling the non-“sovereignty” of Canada, to be governed by a new world order. Canadian Security and Intelligence Service CSIS revealed that foreign governments have taken control of Canadian politicians and bureaucrats, Harper may be one of them. These spies receive money, guidance and their orders from their handlers, the banker shareholders that own the corporation of Canada. Their fake by-laws make it necessary to always spy on each other. They bribe, lie, poison, seduce, assassinate and make secret deals with each other. It’s spy vs. spy.  spy

Harper’s plan to dismantle Canada is good news. There will be burning and shredding of evidence to hide their criminality and genocide before closing their shop of secret horrors and political terrorism. They can take only what they came here with, nothing! Their corporation can only use military force to control their illicit activities and theft. Our resources and the ever-growing $80.5 trillion Indian Trust Fund belongs to us. Soon Great Turtle Island will no longer be occupied by the enemy. 

Harper: "I said, everything! Even the new plastic Canadian dollar bills!

Harper: “I said, everything! Even the new plastic Canadian dollar bills!

Their artificial ‘sovereignty’ can only control by threatening violence. These invaders with various backgrounds are not part of our land. Their corporate Injun traitors will become useless and have to answer to our people for their treason. 

Violence will not clear the colonial fog. The enemy will kill openly to survive. Let’s avoid an explosion of pent up discontent. The masses cannot seize what their corporations do not own. The bankers’ hierarchical structure and the colonial mentality will leave, like a cancer that has been removed.     

The dissatisfied Canadian masses will have to decide their own course when the corporate overlords depart. They can only remain by living by the law of this land, Kaianerehkowa. They can never have our birthright, but can come to one mind with us, or go! The rising subconscious tie between all Indigenous caretakers of our mother earth everywhere will give us strength and guidance. Yes, writing the truth is un-peaceful. The real law of this land will bring peace and freedom. Immorality cannot be negotiated.

Spies drink, smoke, stare at each other in seedy bars and slip notes to each other. They use to dress in trench coats, wear dark glasses, with their hats pulled up over their eyes. Disguises are always changing. Canada pretends to fear the white, Asian and Arab spies, who are all working together in the spy business. All they want is to keep their jobs to continue the illusion of freedom. As Johnny Rivers laments: “Swinging on the Riviera one day, and then laying on the Bombay alley next day. Oh, No. You let the wrong word slip, while kissing persuasive lips. The odds are you won’t live to see tomorrow. Secret agent man. Secret agent man…” robin hood

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com Thahoketoteh@hotmail.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0