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MNN. Feb. 6, 2018. Corporations of Canada, Quebec and their know-nothing “colonial Indian Act committee” known as the band council are trying to help push the genocide against the tekentiokwenhoksteh, the 49 original families of the onkwe-hon-weh, of turtle island.  Our birthright is not for sale. All turtle island is a tax free zone.  


These traitors are not kanion-ke-haka/Mohawks. They are tax gougers for Canada.  


The Indian Act committee is the agent of the Canadian government, masquerading as the kanien-ke-haka-onwe of the Iroquois Confederacy. For selling us out they have no claims to their clan, name, family, land and nation by pledging to impose the illegal foreign laws of our enemies by force on us and our territory.

All but three gas retailers signed to allow Canada, Quebec and the Indian Act committee to run a private company in our community to collect taxes and remit it to the corporation of Canada. All turtle island is tax free. 


By aiding the enemy the Indian Act committee alienated themselves in signing the 1999 Agreement on Fiscal Matters Related to Tobacco, Petroleum and Alcohol. The people objected to this total fraud. The Indian Act committee of the government has no authority or jurisdiction to make laws, regulate trade, commerce or anything on the true natural people. 

The committee plans to administer through their private companies all native businesses under a “single source procurement system” under their control. They will buy, distribute material and pay full fees and taxes to our enemies. They will carry out the penalties for those who won’t conform to their commands. This conspiracy to steal everything from us will be set up in all our communities. The GOOD INDIANS who obey can conduct businesses. Those who don’t will be shut down. The few treacherous betrayers do not speak for the many. Every onkwe-hon-weh must be consulted, given full information and give their consent. 


The Indian Act committee is a Canadian government owned entity. Canada. They will decide the profit margins, based on their final “solution” program to try to annihilate us. We are a free people placed by creation on turtle island to carry out our duties to our mother and to all life.  

The committee signers are Joe Norton, Martin Leborgne, Kenneth McComber, Rhonda Kirby, Gus Sky-Deer, Carl Horn, Clinton Phillips, William Diabo, Christine Deom,  Robert Patton Jr., Gina Deer and Arlene Jacobs. 

The business signers are Derek White of Old Malone Gas, Countryside, OCR Gas Bar, Lee Jacobs of Get N Go, Donna McComber of Khanata’s Gas Bar, Brian Goodleaf of Goodleaf Gas Bar, John Rice of JR’s Gas Bar, Daryl Paul of Central Station, T. Thomas of First Choice, Robert Stacey of Hurricane Fuel,  Sylvia Thomas of Wolfco Rte. 138 & 207, Leah Diome of Big Bear Trading, Sheila Lazare of Gas Bar 207, and Merrick Goodleaf of Country Peddlers. 



Peggy Lee could be asking the Indian Act committee and the gas dealers if ‘that’s all there is’ to betraying your people: “I remember when I was a little girl Our house caught on fire. I’ll never forget the look on my father’s face As he gathered me up in his arms and Raced through the burning building out to the pavement. And I stood there shivering in my pajamas and Watched the whole world go up in flames. And when it was all over, I said to myself, “Is that all there is to a fire”.  


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 

HELP US: TELL THEM WHAT YOU THINK! Prime Minister Hon. Justin Trudeau, 80 Wellington St. Ottawa ON K1A 0A2 justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca; Premier of Quebec Hon.; Philippe Couillard Edifice Honre-Mercier 3e etage 835 boul Rene-Lesvesque Est Quebec, Qc G1A1B4 cpm@mce.gouv.qc.ca 1-418-643-5321 1-514-873-3411; US President Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20500 USA 1-202-456-111, 1-202-456-1414 whitehouse.gov

Contact SKARONIATI, P.O Box 370 Kahnawake gestionbg@hotmail.com Call 514-917-0700





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MNN. Feb. 3, 2018. EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Today Canadian and Quebec immigrant colonialists have placed an illegal international embargo on native businesses that refuse to comply with the will of the invaders on the homeland of the onkwe-hon-weh-onwe.


The US, Canada, Australia, South American capitalists and Europeans [was anybody missed? impose illegal sanctions worldwide against the true natural people of the Americas, Cuba, Korea, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Hawaii and Middle. East, to name a few.   

These embargoes are meant to force people to obey the capitalist war machine, give up their rights and resources through threats of starvation and destruction, which is followed by military might to kill the people. 

Capitalists stand together to invade the victim nations they occupy illegally. It is never about peace. Their interpretation of peace is ‘non-resistence’. We onkwe-hon-weh, the true natural people of turtle island, are occupied by foreigners to extort and steal from us. They push us to the point where they use weapons of war to force their authority to make us comply on pain of continuing the genocide. 


The oppressed such as the kanion-ke-haka [Mohawks} do have friends and allies. 

The Capitalists deliberately erode our natural way of self-preservation. We must stand up to all the colonial aggression of the occupying entities. We use all peaceful means until we exhaust all avenues of peace.

The wish and will of the kenonhontsa-kwenio, women, represent the people. They continue to act on our birthright as designed by creation and not by the invaders.

Good News! The people are standing together supporting each other. Ann Murray sings about the wish for good news: “Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town. Nobody OD’ed, nobody burned a single buildin’ down.
Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain. We sure could use a little good news today!”

A Little Good News-Ann Murray (Original 1983 Video)

HELP US: TELL THEM WHAT YOU THINK! Prime Minister Hon. Justin Trudeau, 80 Wellington St. Ottawa ON K1A 0A2 justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca; Premier of Quebec Hon.; Philippe Couillard Edifice Honre-Mercier 3e etage 835 boul Rene-Lesvesque Est Quebec, Qc G1A1B4 cpm@mce.gouv.qc.ca 1-418-643-5321 1-514-873-3411; US President Donald Trump 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20500 USA 1-202-456-111, 1-202-456-1414 whitehouse.gov

Send your comments To contact SKARONIATI, P.O Box 370 Kahnawake gestionbg@hotmail.com

Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 



MOHAWK official movie trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0utooEV8F8o

The United States of Hypocrisy – The Stolen Nation of Hawaii FULL LENGTH



FAKE WHITE HELMETS & LAST MAN IN ALLEPPO https://sputniknews.com/interviews/201801251061072815-last-men-in-aleppo-vanessa-beeley-investigation/

EUGENICS  https://sputniknews.com/radio_brave_new_world/201801261061097874-is-eugenics-making-come-back/

COLONIAL MINDS MUST GO http://policyoptions.irpp.org/magazines/october-2017/for-indigenous-nations-to-live-colonial-mentalities-must-die/




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MNN. Jan. 23, 2015. In December 1959 a group of McGill University students were sitting in the university cafeteria. We were admiring Life Magazine cover of Fidel Castro. One of the students, a reporter for the McGill Daily, said, “I’d like to go to Cuba and interview him!”. We all said, “We’ll go with you”.FIDEL

Soon we were driving to Florida. One guy had a relative in Miami. We asked to stay over. When he found out where we were going, he threw us out of the house! We slept in the car on the beach. The next day we caught a cheap flight to Havana.

We stayed at the formerly luxurious Havana Hilton Hotel & Casino which was turned into a student’s residence. It was packed with young people from Central and South America. Just us from Canada. None from the US that we saw.

Every evening Fidel Castro and some of his men would come into the lobby and talk to us. He regaled us with stories of the revolution. Fidel kept his promise to his people that he would educate them and give them the best medical care in the world. He had a profound affect on us. Cubans showed that people can stand up and gain their freedom. They kicked out the corporate mob that ran Cuba and had made everybody into slaves.

Bearded cigar smoking, camo-dressed revolutionaries drove us around in limos. Our friend interviewed and became friends with Fidel.

rebels cubaA few days later began the celebration of the year since the revolutionaries had rolled into Havana, kicking out the crooks and arresting those who wouldn’t obey the anti-banker rules. Many traitors were jailed or dispersed. Some were floating on rafts across the channel to Miami. Huge mansions and luxuries were left behind. They could only take what they wore. We saw a lot of jewelry clad autocrats bumming rides to Miami.

Locals were streaming in from the country-side. Poverty of the people was incredible. We had to wait in long lineups for food like everybody else. Fidel was going to speak soon. The prisoners were let out to sit on top of the walls to listen to him. He spoke for eight hours non-stop.

After a week, another person and I decided to return to the mainland. We took a taxi and waited for hours on the road to the airport. It was hopeless. The single PanAm flight from Venezuela made one stop in Havana, picked up passengers and went on to Miami. After waiting for hours, we finally returned to the hotel to get some help. We were told, “You could end up in Cuba for some time, unless you have connections!”

Our backup plan was to flee with the boat people.

Our backup plan was to catch a ride with the boat people.


The McGill Daily reporter said he might be able to help us. Two days later a camo dressed military man picked us up in a huge fancy limousine. He drove us directly through a back road to the airport. The airport was jammed with people trying to get out, ready to pay anything to get a seat on the plane. We were escorted and got on the flight.

Now that relations between the US and Cuba have been normalized, the Cubans in Miami could return and start working in the sugarcane fields or resorts like everybody else. They won’t get back their ill gotten gains they left behind. Everything’s been nationalized and belongs to everybody. We knew in 1959 that the days were numbered for these carpetbaggers who sell out their people.

As Richie Valens reminds us “Para bailar la bamba. Para bailar la bamba. Se necesita una  poca de gracia. ba ba bomba!”


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

obama cigar