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MNN. 9 Mar. 2016. After waiting for almost 20 years the trial of the beatings of the rotino’shonni by the New York State Troopers on May 18, 1997 will finally begin.

Judge Scullin, we're the victims & the Troopers tried to kill us!

Judge Scullin, we’re the victims & your Troopers tried to kill us!!

On September 20th 2016, the victims plan for a one-year sojourn close to the court on our homeland. Occupy Wall Street comes to mind! One plaintiff plans to park a camper in front of the courthouse.

The US government will not hide behind corporate masks to commit murder any longer, Ronnie Jones. They will no longer kill those whom disagree with them.

The judge is Scullin, at 100 South Clinton Street, near Bill Clinton Way, America Inc., Syracuse New York. 315-234-8613 for more information.subdivision

The rotino’shonni have been waiting almost 20 years for this case to be heard. They were hoping we’d all die off by now. That is their ultimate strategy. The media shows their involvement in the disclosure documents.

The public is invited to join. Any provisions would be greatly appreciated.

It's Sept. 20th this year! Not 2036!

It’s Sept. 20th this year! Not 2036!

Maybe now we can have a proper tribunal outside their Admiralty jurisdiction. We want justice. The true criminals have not been charged yet. The fall guys [New York State Troopers] are being put on trial.

The legality of the United States as a corporate entity is at stake. Those hiding behind corporate masks [president, vice-president, generals, secretary of state, etc.] will pay for the crimes they committed for the corporation.occupy wall street

As the Jeff Beck Group reminds the criminal cabal what’s going to happen to them: “I’m going down – down, down, down, down, down, down. I got my big feet in the window, and my head is on the ground…”



Case #98CV374, Jones v. Parmley, New York Northern District US Court, 100 So. Clinton St., Box 7367, Syracuse NY 315-793-8151.

Video: Brooklyn to Kahnawake.

onkwe’hon:weh protocols for international relations.

Mikmag attack over fracking


Unistoten attack BC https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZS0YmJCnT_A

Cornwall sex abuse.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Beating at Onondaga 1997












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MNN. Dec. 13, 2015. Since the 1946 Nuremberg Trials “following orders” is declared as no defence when committing war crimes. Each participant is legally responsible for their actions in combat. President Bill Clinton, Brig. General William C. Martin, Governor George Pataki, Attorney General Elliot Spitzer and the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. are trying to throw the NYS Troopers that were following their orders under the wheels of the bus.

"Following orders" to exterminate people is perverted & corrupt.

“Following orders” to attack innocent people is perverted, corrupt and unlawful.

The politicians will be found guilty in the forthcoming trial for ordering the deadly attacks on the onkwe’on:weh at Onondaga. Our communities were to be levelled and turned into protectorates governed by martial law.


The ones who ordered this attack are all individually responsible for their actions. According to international law they must pay for their crime just as the German commanders-in-chief and their underlings did.

Court disclosures in Jones v. Parmley of New York State #98CV374 – reveal an aggressive  military strategy called the “INDIAN Detail” to use deadly force on us. Any attack on onkwe’honweh in the US can only be ordered by the President of the United States. Our houses and businesses were burnt down. Our villages were to be levelled. Critics of the Onondaga Council of Chiefs Inc. and NYS were banished from Onondaga. Operation “Gallant Piper” was called off.

False Flag girl is not Sky Woman!

False Flag girl is ‘not’ Sky Woman!

The following year, on May 18, 1997, NYS soldiers marched into our ceremony on the Jones property in Onondaga and attacked us. One year later Onondaga spokesperson, Ronnie Jones, was murdered. The 1779 executive order by George Washington to annihilate the rotino’shonni/Iroquois is still on the books. It must be recinded.

After December 31, 2015 a date for trial of the New York State Troopers will be set by Judge Wiley Dancks [Ph. 315-793-8151]. In 1946 the defense used by the Germans of “following orders” to commit atrocities against humanity was declared null and void.women protectors

As Joni Mitchell laments: “You say we have turned Like the enemies you’ve earned. But we can remember All the good things you are. And so we ask you please Can we help you find the peace and the star? Oh my friend, we have all come To fear the beating of your drum”. [Joni Mitchell. Fiddle and the drum.]


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Elder welcomes Syrians.

IMF forgives Ukraine debt to Russia.

Kubrick confesses to fake moon landings.

Do trees communicate?

Mohawks withdraw from pipelines.

Cat came back.

NATO threatens Russia.

Whats in your name?




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MNN. DEC. 8, 2015. None of these tactics used to destroy and discredit us are random. Big tobacco, Canada, US, NYS, Quebec and Ontario carefully planned the use of our sovereignty and tax exempt rights to enrich themselves. Brand name cigarettes were transported to the US, and then had our people bring it back to our communities. We sold them tax-free. The corporations made billions, which they hid in their off-shore accounts. Everybody got illegally paid.  We legitimately earned some money.

Them anti-INDIAN laws work real good!

Them anti-INDIAN laws work real good!

Then we got too smart. We started our own businesses, growing our own tobacco, making our own brands on behalf of all our communities. Big tobacco wanted the monopoly and had to eliminate the competition, just like Al Capone in 1929 Chicago.

Corporate traps were set up to knock us out to this very day. They made us think we were doing something wrong, when we were not. The cops arrested us for delivering product for big tobacco. Our private vehicles were taken. Our products seized. We had huge fines to pay or long jail sentences to serve. Those imprisoned were beaten. Many got lifelong criminal records, followed by probation and rehabilitation to put us on the sidelines for the rest of our lives. Our communities were disrupted. Today a huge number of our people have illegal warrants.

We have been made afraid to claim our rightful social security, pensions, health care and other funds that are owed to us. Millions will die for fear of going to hospitals. Our pensions, annuities, bank accounts were seized, making us persona non grata for jobs. Our future livlihood was deliberately destroyed. We cannot look after our families.

They say they're going to sue us for forcing them to smoke.

They say they’re going to sue us for forcing them to smoke.

The big tobacco backed by the police state protects their monopoly. Every cent big tobacco makes is theft. We have not broken the law. Illegal taxation has been forced on us. If we don’t pay, we and our families are persecuted, placed on lists to be targeted for everything. Our names are never removed from their list.

Even your citizens were harassed, taxed, homes and bank accounts seized and forced to pay taxes with penalties. They are being threatened with imprisonment and loss of all their possessions. Our economy is broken to eliminate any competition for their illegal monopoly over our natural plant.

Sitting along the road or at pow wows selling beadwork is fine. When we make a lot of money, we are targeted, criminalized, violated, placed on multiple government watch lists, all absolutely illegal to all agreements that were ratified.

Queenie, the boss of Big Tobacco!

Queenie! She smokes em up!

Now the corporate band and tribal councils are controlling our businesses on behalf of the corporate matrix. They only swear allegiance to Queen Elizabeth and her heirs and ancestors, then through the Order of the Garter, they pay their taxes to the City of London.

We know which judges, lawyers, prosecutors, cops and government officials were paid off. We will be providing this important disclosure to the public soon. We did nothing wrong but they did everything wrong. Trial of NYS Troopers is supposed to be in January 2016.

Big Tobacco carting away the gold.

It’s mine! It’s all mine!

This is how our relationship with big tobacco played out: As Jerry Reed explains, “She [big tobacco] got the goldmine and we [onkwe’hon:weh] got the shaft. … They split it right down the middle, And then they give her the better half. Well, it all sounds sorta funny, But it hurts too much to laugh. She got the goldmine, I got the shaft”. 


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Assad: UK & France can’t defeat terrorism.

San Bernadine is total scam.

BIS trust fund. BIA

Hang the bankers.

Targeting onkwe’ho:weh escalates.


Was False Flag girl's mom at Onondaga?

Was False Flag girl’s momma at Onondaga?





– 6 Nations and Tyendinaga illegally invaded on Feb. 5th

MNN. Feb. 6, 2009. Last summer two Canadian tobacco giants agreed to pay the largest criminal fines and civil settlements in Canadian history for their role in cigarette smuggling and tax evasion. Revenue Minister Gordon O’Conner announced the biggest “sweetheart” deal ever. Three companies were involved – R.J. Reynolds, Imperial Tobacco and Rothman. The fine is $4 billion. Reynolds and Imperial will pay $1.1 billion for mass criminal tax fraud. Where will the rest come from? Ordinary people who don’t pay their fines are harassed and jailed. But not these guys!

Nine R.J. Reynolds executives were charged. None went to jail. Ever wonder why? Paul Martin, former Prime Minister, was on the IMASCO board that owns Imperial. [See Comments Feb. 1/09http://www.cbc.ca/sunday click on image to watch video]. Tobacco industry executive, Paul Finalyson, says Imperial initially set up the operations and the rest followed. There will be no trial. The exact nature of the involvement of these companies and their executives will remain hidden from the public.

The tobacco companies planned and set up the “contraband” market in the early 1990s. They shipped truckloads of product to Buffalo and Syracuse in New York State, supposedly for sale in the U.S. No taxes had to be paid to Canada. This product was then sold to middlemen. They brought them back to Canada for sale at very low prices. Sales rose from $800 million a year to $6 billion by 1993. Everybody was involved, police, judges, stores, cigarette companies and so on.

Cigarettes became cheaper and sales and profits soared. In Canada one in three was a smuggled cigarette. The big tobacco companies taught the indigenous people how to run this business in a sophisticated way. Now successful Indigenous business people are being called “organized crime” for manufacturing and selling the very same product that Canada and big tobacco are dealing in.

In 1994 the federal government weaned itself off the “golden teat” by dropping the price on cigarettes. Overnight smuggling stopped because it wasn’t profitable.

The deal between Canada and big tobacco was a business arrangement between two partners. The Canadian government has an interest in keeping tobacco sales high to collect more taxes, while at the same professing to cut down cigarette smoking to bring down medical care costs.

Smoking is on the decline. But these big companies and their corporate protector, Canada, want to keep the money rolling in. They are trying to do this by putting legitimate indigenous tobacco manufacturers out of business.

They do not want legitimate Indigenous traders to legally sell tax free products. So they have to illegally stop our trade by bullying, charging, threatening and fining us. Big tobacco companies are waiting to start up again big time. Canada does not want to “shoot the goose that laid the golden egg” but it does want to steal any eggs laid by Indigenous people. In the meantime, the tobacco companies have moved all their assets off-shore.

British colonization of Turtle Island was founded on piracy. Throughout we have asserted our sovereignty including the duty to look after our families according to our traditional laws and governance. Tobacco trade was always a part of our traditional culture. Today the colonists want the valueless paper currency we are getting in exchange for our legitimate products. Who’s the counterfeiter here?

We are accountable to our mothers, grandmothers, aunties, sisters, clanmothers, chiefs, clans and nations. Crown employees take an oath to uphold the colonial way of life which is aimed at destroying us. They obviously want to stop us from having any means at all to look after each other and our families. Most Ongwehonwe communities in Canada are so poor that people don’t have adequate nutrition. It really sticks in their craw to see that we have found a way to feed our families and live decently.

On February 5 2009 our “smoke shops” and businesses in Six Nations and Tyendinaga came under fire. Canada decided to once again try to illegally enforce its colonial jurisdiction on us and our territory. Squads of Six Nations Police and the Tyendinaga Mohawk Police, which are set up by the Canadian government, acted under the direction of the colonial band councilors. They set out to remove all products from a smoke shop and even tried to remove the building itself. Our men and women stopped them.

Marked and undercover police hid out in Caledonia behind Tim Hortons, Canadian Tire parking lots and elsewhere. An OPP cruiser that got “lost” in Six Nations was turned back. In a former “dry run” the police would feign being lost in our community “accidentally”! The OPP were actually testing our response so they could figure out the number, type of officers, weaponry and media required to attack us and make us look bad. They are also testing their communications equipment in all these operations now. Martial law can’t be brought in until all the kinks are ironed out. The band council police told us that if they can’t “get the job done”, outside authorities will be brought in. We wanted to see proof of their rights to invade us and try to shut us down. The band council and its goons are part of the colonial “bankster” apparatus, no matter how dark their skin is under their uniforms.

The same day, on February 5th, in Tyendinaga, six rez cops, with OPP SWAT Team backup 500 ft. down the road, went into a local bar claiming to have a warrant which they refused to show. They seized some cases of beer and whisky. The owner is accused of not paying Ontario provincial taxes even though there is no agreement for us to pay any taxes to foreigners. This is really a “protection racket”. At the other end of the community towards the Trans Canada Highway 401 were parked SUVs, vans and a tactical team. They hesitate to come in as they know they have no jurisdiction over us in any way. The murder at Ipperwash and the fiasco at Sharbot Lake still hang over their heads.

We have no agreement with the colony of Canada to pay any taxes to them. By international law we require a valid agreement contracted with our full knowledge and consent, which does not exist. That can’t and will never happen.

It looks like Canada and big tobacco have made a deal to raise prices, collect the taxes and kill their biggest competitors, the Indigenous people. It isn’t gonna work, guys. Unilaterally making laws, then forcing them down our throats by sending in your para-military death squads is illegal. You know it!

Ia’koha:kowa & MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News http://www.mohawknationnews.comiakohakowa@yahoo.ca katenies20@yahoo.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com

GLUTTONOUS SNOUTS IN THE TROUGH: Prime Minister Stephen Harper pm@pm.ca; RJ. Reynolds America http://www.rjrt.com, Salem NC; Rothman UK Holding Ltd. http://www.fundinguniverse.com 15 Hill St., London W1X 7FB 071-491-4366; Imperial Tobacco Group PLC http://www.imperial-tobacco.comP.O. Box 244, Upton Rd., Bristol BS99 7UJ +44-0-177-963-6636

poster: katenies