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MNN. Oct. 27, 2020. Many places have accepted the right to die law on “euthanasia”. The elderly are placed in old people’s homes, neglected, dehydrated, starved and then they die.

Today the war is for control of the world by 3 groups of serpents who want to cut 90% of the world population by 2024. Euthanasia reflects a death wish culture which has been conditioned into their minds. They are losing their survival instinct by constantly thinking of and discussing death. The first invaders to turtle island were the French, English and Spanish. After WW II five countries got the atomic bomb to kill people – US, UK, France, Russia and China. Now others are fighting to have it too.     

It’s a capitalist game. The instinct for self preservation is being phased out or numbed. The human race is walking around thinking they’re going to die. The “Death Wish” culture is implanted in education, entertainment, books, media, discussions on the radio, work place environment, video games to train the killers to bomb from afar, hopelessness rhetoric, etc. 

People casually talk about wanting to die when their lives are unsatisfactory or don’t meet the fake standards set by the capitalist system. Pills are sold for all kinds of imagined new fangled ailments. Pills are made for anti-depression medications that aren’t working. To make more money the pharmaceutical industry want people to die slowly by unnaturally destroying their organs, especially the liver.   

Racial hatred is one of the most useful tools. Almost everybody hates somebody for imagined reasons. On the surface they are told it isn’t nice to hate, which their conditions hatred that ends up destroying them on the inside. They don’t know natives and our rights but they hate us. We do not intend to hurt anyone. The government wants us to be obedient and out of their way. Our stance makes it difficult for them to keep genociding us with impunity, They created fears of us based on manufactured lies. When they attack and dispossess us, they brag, write about and teach how dangerous we are!

This is military training! During World War II they were taught to hate the Germans and the Japanese. Later they were taught to love them. But not us because they are not done with us.

We constantly challenge their systemic hatred by saying we want peace and not to fight or hurt anyone. Peace is difficult when violence is always being used against us. We refuse to attack them but will defend ourselves, as is our human right. They are turning their aggression inwardly and tearing themselves apart. Seeing us and our continued existence stirs up their guilt. We are in their way. The serpents say we are “an inconvenient truth”. In 1974 Henry Kissinger said that 90% of the world’s population are “useless eaters”. So the UN enacted Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 to depopulate the world. 

The European environment was destroyed. They invaded us. kaianerekowa, the great peace, and two row principles are the basis of our existence and jurisdiction to preserve nature on turtle island. Their lives are empty and unnatural based on a systemic hatred culture to sustain themselves. The kaianerekowa, the great peace, is based on kaneronkwatsera, the strongest medicine in the world. Hatred interferes with straight thinking. Minds are put out of balance and confused. COVID stirs up fear about dying. Everyday the capitalist system puts out dire death and case statistics which can’t be verified.

It’s difficuilt to fight this underlying wish or fear of dying. Traumatic experiences make people either try harder to survive or give up.

The goal of residential and day schools was to program self-defeat, hopelessness and demoralization in the native people. It failed because of our closeness to the natural world. The invaders are confused about their purpose for being here where they don’t belong. They can’t find meaning in their meaningless existence. Some are running to nature but can’t find it. Their lives and deaths are still controlled by the capitalists. Everybody is tired of the virus but the virus has not lost interest in us.  

People wait to be told what to do instead of using their minds. “Put on your mask”, “wash your hands”, “stand 6 ft. apart”, “don’t go to parties”, “today 6 people only in your group”! Answer to a bell like an animal. “Wait for the clock” to run your life”. Everybody gets asked, “Do you have a fever, headache, diahorrea, lost taste buds, shortness of breath, flu like symptoms, or a death in the family?” . We are constantly monitored and threatened with fines and jail time for not following these rules.

When the government serpent grabs somebody by the throat, it gradually tightens its grip and squeezes the life out of the victim. The world is like a serpent that has wrapped itself around the human race. People don’t know how to fight the serpent that hides behind the virus. Then it comes out and snaps its tail with a death blow. Humans are made to think they have no choice. 

The largest most powerful multi national concentration of power is the pharmaceutical industry, controlled by the serpents that are squeezing the life out of humans. They make more money when they put a slow death stranglehold on the human race.

Few are hearing the truth. Their goal is to crush the human spirit with an unknown vaccination program that might turn us into GMOs. The human spirit can win. The truth is there but we’re not suppose to see or find it. It’s a secret puzzle that hypnotizes everybody. Time to open our eyes, use our minds and follow our natural instincts. The truth will rise up and show us how to survive. Hitler said the biggest weapon is to make up the biggest lie and tell it over and over again. The biggest lie will rule the world when told enough times. The only way to defeat a big lie is by grabbing and spilling out the whole truth. Don’t let the COVID serpent win.

Rumours of our extinction are greatly exaggerated. The worldwide COVID hypnotic spell has entered like a worm that bores a hole inside us and forms a nest. The absolute truth can remove this worm from the subconscious. The best lesson in kindergarten was about lying. Anything based on a lie will always be a lie no matter how many other lies are told or time passes to back it up. It will always be a lie.

FOOTNOTE: Presently schools and workplaces are full of COVID  which are kept secret to keep people occupied and afraid.

Freddie Mercury sings the truth in his song “Liar”. “I have sinned, dear father. Father I have sinned. Try and help me father, won’t you let me in. Liar. Oh, nobody believes me. Liar. Then why don’t you leave me alone?”

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 



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MNN. Oct. 17, 2020. We are extensions of our ancestors. We are survivors of a treacherous road which we will never forget. We want peace according to the kaianerekowa, the great peace. Form and sound work together to show us what peace is like. The invaders stopped our connection to our people, land and environment. We are part of dimensions which the invaders can’t see. We’ve thought about removing the invaders. But we see they are taking themselves out.




We have the life energy to continue while their bodies and minds rot. We  rely on our traditional language to give us insight into the past. Songs and dances are important because their frequencies come from nature which we are part of. 

In February 2020 all the trains in Canada were stopped to derail the illegal pipeline destroying wetsuweten sovereign land. COVID suddenly arrived.  Gateway immediately illegally put in the pipeline through the unceded wetsuweten land. 

As it stands, if Canada goes, so goes the British empire. The City of London illegally owns the colony of Canada. Bankers are the shareholders of every municipality in Canada. They own every person through incorporating their births, which are banking documents. Everyone is a number owned by them. “No one will be able to make a purchase without the mark of the beast”.

Today the statues and temples that glorify the lives of the invaders are being torn down. It is very difficult to be an original natural person of turtle island. Canada is now in a critical situation. Our mother and creation continue to guard us, while we continue to try to take care of everything – land, water, air, animals, vegetation and all of nature’s treasures. We each take what we need. Those who want too much lose it all.

We have to do the words of creation in every part of turtle island, pole to pole and ocean to ocean, for their protection.  

The rotiskenrakete, warriors, will soon stand up and defend. Let us find our allies, those who know the true enemy. Our band council informants are placed in special positions as traitors to their own people. Our enemies carefully select weak minded and lazy people to do their dirty work. They are the tail of the white serpent that we were forewarned about.


We must all care for the well-being of each other. We will persevere so the great peace will never be eradicated. We will collectively protect each other on all of turtle island. We are reminded of the good message given to us by dekanawida. On this planet all living things have the same mother. She is the earth. We all have the same father, the source energy of all creation. That makes us all brothers and sisters living on our mother. We can survive and co-exist together as family.

The predators/psychopaths play greedy games. They gang up on the innocent because they want to keep our voices silent. No dictatorship has ever stood. They are rootless and don’t belong here. We onkwehonweh are rooted on turtle island and have a path to follow determined by creation. karonhiaktajeh taught us to know this path.  We counsel together to say what we feel and see and then pass on the knowledge. Trained traitors are sent in to spy on and mislead us.

So we will not go hungry, we are counselling ourselves on becoming self-sufficient as we were before the coming of the invaders. Gossip and idle conversation will be kept from our fire. The invaders trick us every day to put life out of balance. We will follow our own mind. We will stay on the path that leads to the peace by keeping a good mind from all the distractions.

We look forward to the time when the serpents will flee turtle island for good and the peace will return. The onkwehonweh on turtle island have a responsibility to spread the peace to the entire world. We are in the time of the black serpent. Soon we will see the signs so that peace will return.   The control by the perpetrators through fear will be gone.  

Creation created us to spread the great peace. The power of the  kanen’ ron’kwatsera, the love from mother earth, will continue forever.

We are not birds who are released from our cages. Little by little the kaianerekowa shall be fulfilled as our mother earth and creation intended.

The trigger for the global pandemic in February 2020 started in Canada. We stood on the tracks and halted the economy of the British Empire’s biggest colony, Canada. One month later COVID suddenly appeared on the world scene.

Ordinary people are now on little reservations throughout the world. As Lakota, Russell Means, said, “Welcome to the reservation”. The Grateful Dead have a great train song to end this story. ”Driving that train high on cocaine. Casey Jones, you’d better watch your speed. Trouble ahead. Trouble behind. And you know that notion crossed my mind.”…

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 



tosa serihon ne sarasehtsen tanon ohni ne sewatenrosonha tanon ne tehsewariwayenawakonneh teyonsanikonharen.

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MNN. 12 OCT. 2020. 

In 1968 the ABORIGINAL TRADITIONAL CONFERENCE sent me and a Chicano to deliver the following message to Rev. Ralph Abernathy of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference held in Washington D.C.



and to attend the funeral of Senator Robert F. Kennedy at Arlington Cemetary. 







nia’wen tsi wasewata’honsat

This letter set the course of the relationship of the three movements, AIM, Chicanos and the Black People. 





I could have been Joe Cocker singing this song: “Give me a ticket for an aeroplane. I  ain’t got time to take no fast train. Lonely days are gone, and I’m headed home, Whoa, cause my baby wrote me a letter”. 


MNN Mohawk Nation News  For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0′





eso teh’heh’nira’kwenton

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MNN. 30, 2020. Last night’s “debate” show between Trump and Joe Biden was all an act! A Hollywood performance.  They appeared to be scripted and rehearsed. Mainly they show their utter contempt for the people of the United States. The bank oligarchs said: “Go and give the people a good show. Lie, insult, scare, divide and control them!”

Trump would not let Biden talk. Biden tried to mention the real issues, the riots, killings of black people, destroyed cities, murderous police forces, the collapsing economy, COVID, homelessness, fascism, isolating people, laying off workers, super high unemployment,  cardboard cities, food lines. Making everybody wash their hands and wear masks or the government will ‘get’ them. The moderator was ignored. Trump interrupted throughout.  

The oligarchs instructed them, “Your main job is to continue the illusion of freedom to the people!” Trump’s strategy was to confuse and create chaos.  

Americans would like to have a true democracy, to be free rather than the most oppressed people in the world. Everyone around the world saw the decline of the so-called American system of democracy. 

The secret puppeteers trained the two show men to play two escapees from the insane asylum just like in “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”. The mental patients are now running the nuthouse!  

The Beatles sing about another shit [otah] show that is relevant to last night on September 29, 2020: “If you want it, here it is. Come and get it. Make your mind up fast. If you want it anytime, I can give it. You  better hurry cause it may not last. Did i hear you say that there must be a catch? Will you walk away from a fool and his money?” [Free Money – “Magic Christian”]

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SYSTEMIC HATRED [Audio] Republished


The following audio is about a way to create world peace and to try to eliminate systemic hatred based on the kaianerekowa, the great peace, and the teiohateh, the two row agreement. MNN first published this story on June 21, 2020.

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MNN. June 21, 2020. We have always and continue to duck the bullets of the invaders to our land, from pole to pole, ocean to ocean. This writer realized he had done little so far to help solve the ongoing pandemic facing indigenous people. He sent this letter to New York State Governor Cuomo, CNN, the New York Times and Mohawk Nation News:

“June 21, 2020

Re: The solution to the pandemic of  “systemic hatred.”

Dear Editor:

I am a lawyer with 43 years of litigation experience [10 years civil and 33 years criminal], member of Michigan Bar since 1977, and Ontario Bar since 1993.

The following 8 minute video link from May 18, 1997, shows and proves the vicious unprovoked attack by the New York State Police on 100 unarmed original [indigenous or native] peoples peaceably gathered at a ceremonial fire and feast. The Onondaga 15 said this was not shown to the jury:

The following website [Two-Row Justice v. United States/World Court] documents the 23 year journey to seek justice taken by 15 of these original peoples, known as the “Onondaga 15”:

The videos, photos, and documents linked in this website prove “systemic hatred” in the United States and the World. This is briefly summarized below and taken directly from the Onondaga viewpoint found in the following article posted on June 13, 2020, “Police & Military – Largest Cult in the World”:

This is the summary of their journey:

1. In 1997, the New York State Police viciously attacked the original peoples who were peaceably gathered in Onondaga.

2. Thereafter, the original peoples filed a Civil Rights action in United States District Court, at Syracuse, seeking justice for the violations of basic human rights.

3. For 23 years and counting, the New York State Police, the New York Attorney General, and the New York Governor have refused to  acknowledge any wrong doing. 

4. The United States District Court supported this delay by allowing the Civil Rights Action to languish on its docket for 20 years.

5. After 17 years of justice delayed justice denied, 76 original peoples settled for a few dollars, without any acknowledgement of wrongdoing by the the New York State Police.

6. Fifteen original peoples refused to settle. They became known as the “Onondaga 15.”

7. Thereafter, the United States District Court inexplicably allowed the lawyers to withdraw from the case, leaving each Onondaga 15 “lawyerless.”

8. The Onondaga 15 are onkwehonweh and do not know the foreign United States judicial system. 

9. The district court judge ran the trial and did not allow the Onondaga 15 to tell the jury what happened.   

10. The jury returned a verdict in favor of the New York State Police of no violation of Civil Rights.

11. The District Court had protected the New York State Police in the “system of hatred”.

12. The next stop in the United States system of hatred was at the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York City.

13. Predictably, the United States Court of Appeals, in its role, summarily affirmed [no precedential value] and rubber-stamped the systemic hatred caused by the District Court. The judgment is forever closed. 

14. Finally the Onondaga 15 went to the Supreme Court of the United States. They proved that SCOTUS as a last resort is to protect the system of hatred.  The government system can never be exposed to the World and held accountable. The Onondaga 15 Petition for Certiorari asking the Supreme Court to hear their case was dismissed with one word, “denied”, with no record and no explanation. 390 other cases were denied in the same manner on the same day. [See Petition for Rehearing in Supreme Court at the above website.] Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor recused without giving the Onondaga 15 their right to waive her recusal. 10 years earlier, Sotomayor, while a Judge on the Second Circuit, had written an extremely favorable Opinion in favor of the Onondaga 15 against the New York State Police. SCOTUS violated the law. 

15. The Onondaga 15 have no remedy in the United States system.

16. The Onondaga 15 then went to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Rights UNPFIR to expose this United States system of hatred. The UNPFIR would not allow the Onondaga 15 in the door. They proved the UN is a major part of the World-wide system of hatred. The 2007 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UNDRIP, is a sham document that pretends to support the rights and culture of the indigenous people world wide.  

17. Finally the Onondaga 15 sought justice at the International Court of Justice at The Hague, The Netherlands. The sovereign Onondaga 15 discovered that this World Court is locked to anyone exposing the systemic of hatred to the World. The United States, Canada, United Nations and The Hague refuse to recognize original peoples unless they are willing to become agents of the United States and Canada pursuant to the genocidal Indian Act and Federal Indian Law. 

18. The murder of George Floyd has now opened all these doors that had been closed where systemic hatred could thrive without remedy. 

Right/ Wrong…Color?

“Systemic injustice” thrives when all parts of systemic hatred work together. The journey by the Onondaga 15 illustrates this perfectly in the United States. In my view, all governments develop an automatic systemic response to anything that threatens their power. Systemic hatred is not limited to the police alone or any one part of the government. All corporate governments and institutions work together world wide. They quickly focus on small police reform and better training to not get caught, such as “eliminating the choke hold!” No human being needs to be trained not to murder another human being. 

This week Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau admitted to the World that there is a terrible history of systemic racism and discrimination in all systems that govern Canada, including the RCMP, Canada’s national police force. As leader of Canada, the Prime Minister is responsible for this continuing genocide.

The only solution to eliminate this “hatred” in the United States, Canada, and the World is through the kaianerekowa, the great law of peace, and teiohateh, the two-row wampum. They are the basis of the lives of the original peoples on turtle island. [The text of the kaianerekowa in both native language and English is linked at the website. The two-row wampum is described in Annex 2 & 5 of the linked website Application to the World Court]. The culture is based upon each original natural person is sovereign and a caretaker of all of turtle island [aka the western hemisphere] for future generations, while following nature, creation, consensus, truth, justice, and the great peace. The cure for systemic hatred is the kaianerekowa.

John Mann”

nia’wen tsi wasewata’honsat

Recently deceased Vera Lynn glorified war so there will be another, with this song: “We’ll meet again, don’t know where, don’t know when. But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day. Keep smiling through, just like you always do. Till the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away. 

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

READ: Exclusive: Canada police prepared to shoot Indigenous activists, documents show




Please post and distribute. oya na tehatiyarostens ne onkwesonha, aktehnon nihatinakareh tanon oya natehatiwennotens, akwekon tehsonkwawi kanon entowatorahtshekeh tanon tsino natekontakhanion. 

Original From: MNN. “CANADA EXTORTS MOHAWK CARS” Sep. 20, 2009 about Everett Report 1922. 

Audio to text of article:


MNN. The timely Everett Report of 1922 confirms us as caretakers of turtle island. Our children and the unborn have all the rights. We can never convey or sell any of turtle island from ocean to ocean, pole to pole.  Read about the systemic injustice since 1492: 

link to “The Everett Report 1922

MNN. The NYS Everett Report of March 17, 1922, found that no attempt was ever made to control the Mohawks of Akwesasne. That’s because that section lying within NYS is separate and distinct from the United States and Canada. [p. 317]. So is all of Great Turtle Island.

Aliens have only those rights we gave them under the Great Law/Kaianerehkowa, which was temporary. Should they cause loss, wrong, suffering or endanger the peace, the War Chiefs reprimand and expel them. [Wampum 74]. They have no voice in council. [Wampum 76]. Canada, US, Mexico or any foreigners cannot interfere with us.

They arrived with nothing, then stole, created paper money backed by military force and tried to take everything from us.

Red Jacket, Corn Planter and other Iroquois told US President George Washington that they are fighting over everything that belongs to our children, all our lands, resources and waters, including all the beds of all the waters of Great Turtle Island. [p. 186-7]

Their politicians, judiciary and military know we never gave up anything. Canada, US, Ontario, Quebec and New York State promised to protect us from them.

International law provides that title to land cannot be taken away without the fully informed consent of the lawful owners. If it’s stolen and used for twenty or a million years, they never get title.

At Akwesasne, Canada Customs goons are grabbing our cars and demanding $1000. These hoods nab us as we come over the bridge, take us out to the back and beat us up. A fleet of armored tow trucks haul away our vehicles. Canada threatens unarmed people with heavily armed RCMP, OPP, Cornwall and Akwesasne police forces.

Some of these community members carry pinkish purple cards showing they are Camel Toe Treaty people. This cult says a treaty was signed in Central Park in New York City in 409 AD. Egyptian tombs were left behind. They purport that Indigenous were signatories that brought down the Roman Empire! None of this has any basis in the Great Law or in history. rotinoshonni:onwe have a birthright to freedom of movement on Great Turtle Island.

Before putting the military boots to us, the colonists sent in the camels to confuse, anger and scare us. We don’t want another 1990 Mohawk Oka Crisis style attack by 5,000 heavily armed soldiers. They obviously fear true facts, which can’t be blown up, shot at or destroyed.

Canada, give it up. Your imaginary line [border] doesn’t belong here.

We will never renounce our rotinshonni’on:we birthright. Three recent Federal Court of Canada rulings confirm our sovereignty. Because we live in akwesasne,  kahnawake, kanesatake, khenteke, oswego, kanienkeh, kanatsioharekeh and wahta or anywhere on turtle island, we are not residents of the corporations of Canada or the United States. Brutal attacks and human rights violations by settler colonial border thugs are not investigated.

These attacks show panic, weakness and impotence. Predatory banksters are trying to plunder the world with impunity.

Everybody in the world knows that two party deals for our land and possessions between foreigners are illegal.




The waters of the women flow to bring forth new life forever

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MMN. Sept. 7, 2020. Listen and Read.




The 1%ers [one per centers] exploit the rules, hoard the gains and rig the game in their favor. They have no obligation to the indigenous people who provide all the land, resources and opportunities. turtle island from ocean to ocean, pole to pole, is corrupted by people who don’t live here. They only want our resources.

The corporate governmental system is monetized! If a biopsy was done on the capitalist system, the results would be: death by short term thinking. The US and Canada are broke as they are based on murder and theft.

The cure is long term thinking as provided by the kaianerekowa, great peace.

The corporate system is rigged. It is run by trained minions; to “corpsulate” regulations or laws.

1%ers tripled their earnings in the last 10 years. Now suicides have increased. One out of 5 children go to bed hungry. The US has the highest infant mortality, the lowest life expectancy. There is no free speech. The labor unions to protect workers is weakened. The banks are the government. They own all the municipalities.  

The brainwashed people rely on the government. The economy, highways, power grid, tax codes, job training, education and health care are created to benefit the 1%.

The power elite minion’s children do not need public health, public schooling; public transport, public welfare. Only the 99% of the people need that.

The baby boomers are the high achievers in the corporate knowledge economy. The corporate lawyers are trained agents that take over companies. Bankers create and fine tune the money system. There are 384 men who control 99.9% of the capital traded in all world markets everyday. [“Giants” by Peter Phillips.] The capitalist bubble is at its bursting point now. It needs to burst because it is toxic and unsustainable. 

The corporate system on turtle island uses fear as their ally, anger as their friend, and lie to the public on a daily basis through their media control. Six companies control 99% of the world’s media. 

The bankers finance the military, the police state, frame the laws and run the elections. 

Cut throat capitalism must keep growing to continue to exist.  Capitalism is the cancer of no competition, which is incurable. 

When things get better, there will be no one to exploit, no system to rig, no game to win. 

The patient is dead. There are no cures for death, no matter how much money you got! 

As Jim Morrison prophesized, “This is the end, my only friend, the end.”

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…tanon tsi nenwe enwatatie nyotiyanerenser ayentakeh tsinikariwes enkotihawaken ne onekorha ohrokwasasonha ohnonha ahonawen ne rotiyaner kahsennasonha tsinenwe, onenktsi tohka nikayaneh renserake enkotisereh.



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MNN. Sep. 3. 31, 2020. [text and audio] The real revolution is beginning. Soon the 1%ers [one per centers] will not exist on onewarekeh. The white man’s bible says “Let’s create man in our image”. Their religion promotes racism. The white colonial settlers purport that the negro man has no soul and that we are not human beings.

It’s their myth to justify their racism and hate. We were to be annihilated like the buffalo, which was our livelihood. The genocide continues while they continue to try to destroy nature.

Black Lives Matter creates divisions and intensifies racism. 

kaianerekowa, the great peace, can change the ongoing hatred. On turtle island the council of women must take their proper place in the decision making system as the natural creators of life on turtle island. They maintain the community and the children. The children and the unborn have all the rights to the land. The council of men get their direction from the women katihontia’kwenio, the title holders. All the people are caregivers.

When the women assert their mandate, the 1% system of control will dissolve.

The 1%ers want to enslave all people and bring all countries under their control. Creation never intended that. Man is not smarter than nature. Each part of life has its own responsibility. Trying to make everybody conform  makes it easier for them to control us. Creation creates variety. Each tree has responsibilities. Our gardens are all different. The white man makes a huge garden with big machines and sprays dangerous chemicals all over it to destroy our land.

When they overproduce, rather than giving it away to those who need it, they destroy it. Otherwise the bank will take over their company. The corporate future is eroding quickly.  

Everywhere people are terrified to go to work or school. We know the invaders never cared for us. The imposed band council system is to make it appear that the Indians are taking care of themselves. Indian Affairs is in charge of the prison system called “reservations”. They support the Framework Agreement to extinguish us as the true and only original people of turtle island.

The children are not outside playing and helping the community. They are inside watching tv or playing games or going to parties. They don’t talk to each other to learn what’s going on.

The invaders want ‘finality’ to their unlawful claim to our land and resources. They want to continue destroying our birthright.

Today at Oswego/Six Nations our young people are standing up to protect our land and rights. We must remain steadfast with the kaianerekowa [great peace] and the teiohateh [two row].

roti-ni-kon-kwen-ten. Our ancestors had psychological medicine to help us, such as the Four Strings, also known as the Small Condolence. We clear our eyes, ears, throat and chest. We must fix our body. Otherwise the problems will remain. We can exercise our power physically, mentally and emotionally so that we can save ourselves and the future generation. 

Ia-te-si-ti-ne-kon-eh. We can protect ourselves by using our mind/onikonra, a gift of creation. Wa-te-sa-kara-weh. We have been given eyes to see the danger while the white man tries to poison our minds. Our power comes from the piece of the source energy of creation placed in our minds giving us our power when we need it. yakon, it is said that dekanawida told us we are all creator beings. none more important than the other.  Our power can never be destroyed.  

Many are following the admiralty law that is destroying us. 

Singer and songwriter, Thahoketoteh, says: “Everybody is talking, political corruption. All across the planet exploitation and destruction. Our past generations resorted to solutions to overthrow aggression with war and dissolution. But the real revolution is spirit evolution. Eternal soul is our true constitution”.


Thank you for listening:

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0



Arnold august. Trudeau’s attacks on south America.

OPERATION CONDOR: the cold war conspiracy that terrorised south america


Constitution Turtle Island 5 – 2020-08-22, 8.47 PM


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MNN. Aug. 23, 2020. 


K#4. iseh atortarho tanon asenyawenreh sarasetsen ensowakwehnienstakeh tsi non nikatsenhaien tohsa teyotson, tohsa wahkenrayentahn. ken watien tsiowatstakawah  onerahontsa akonhonwtha ayesehwatatonniaten.









[At the same time]


“Still another version of this translation describes the chiefs as derivative of “rotiiones”, or walking the  Good Path”. Both translations indicate a monastic quality to the Rotianer. The Rotianer walks a good path acting as an example to the people of the Higher devotion to Good, and strive for a Devine Perspective in protecting the people from the Evil Forces who think “ie henskeri “wa’tente”, or I will “Frustrate their purpose”. 

The chiefs had skills and talents in the days of war between the Five Nations. Some of the chiefs are described as warlords, others as sorcerers. In the future chiefs would use their psychic or mental powers to protect the people. The chief’s covenant was to brace each other locking arms in a circle around the Great Tree. In the 1870s the chiefs told visiting Native Nations this ‘fence’ was to protect the Tree from any falling foreign object, the Tree being the People. . . . [continue reading the text . . . . file:///Users/kahentinetha/Downloads/Great_Peace_1992%20(1)%20(1).PDF

— Glossary

@645… The Statements by Six Nations Statemen

  1. Introduction
  2. The Historical Position of the Six Nations
  3. Peace, Unity and Thanksgiving 

@943… The Historical Position of the Six Nations by Asa R. Hill, Secretary, Six Nations Council

@1047… The Historical Position of the Six Nations

@1346… The Historical Position of the Six Nations

@1462… April 25, 1991. A Presentation to the Government of Canada by the Mohawks from Grad River Territory on behalf of Richard Maracle

@ 2667… The Development of kai:ianereserakowa. A discussion of the Great Law as a Principle or Divine Ethic 

@2682… The Dark Times

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

The Mohawk, Robbie Robertson, and the Red Road Ensemble, sing the “Unity Song” for all of all of Turtle Island: “In circles we gather. Moonlight fires are healing. Taking us back. We just make it go back. Beating hearts, beating hearts, as one. This is Indian country. You’re in Indian Country.”



From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers' Warning - Kogi Message to Humanity



Please post & distribute.

MNN. Aug. 14, 2020. READ PRIME MINISTER TRUDEAU’S STATEMENT in Ottawa on August 9, 2020, on the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People :




MNN. The Prime Minister of Canada Trudeau, is a “cana’jon”, a squatter on turtle island from which they derived the name “Canada”. He is president of, the corporation of the Government of Canada 1982, a resource extraction company. The squatters take an oath to the Queen, her family, heirs and all her corporations. They have no right to be here according to the teiohateh, the two row agreement that allowed the British into Canada in August of 1701, which they immediately violated. Trudeau and his predecessors benefit from the Canadian holocaust carried out on us.

Trudeau says, “First Nations, Inuit, and Métis are the historical backbone of this country”! They are not original people. They are incorporated entities invented by the corporation of Canada to front for their extraction business. We are placed here by creation, to live in peace as brothers and sisters on our mother, to survive and coexist perpetually. Canada with all its greed and destruction has created a permanent scar upon the earth.

Since their arrival on turtle island they have stolen and destroyed everything they can. Canada is a resource extraction company. 

Trudeau did not mention our incarceration as prisoners of war in death camps called ‘reserves’ where most of us still live because we refuse to be their slaves. He says the cana’jon “celebrate the traditions, values, cultures, and strengths of Indigenous peoples in Canada and around the world”. 99% of Cana’jon have never visited a reserve. 

Our contribution to their company are our stolen lands and resources. We are so vital to them that on October 25, 1924 the colonists passed the illegal Indian Lands Acts giving our land and resources to all their provinces. That’s when they put us in POW camps, stole our possessions, and performed all forms of atrocities on our people, sexual and mental abuse on us and our children. Canada is a resource extraction company. Every reserve in Canada was created on that day. It legalized the continuing genocide. 

Trudeau said they are planning to “recommit themselves to recognizing and protecting our rights!” They cannot recommit to something they never did which means they will never do it. To start they must reconcile massacring us, murdering our children and getting away with genocide. 

Our unborn children own everything and we the caretakers cannot give up anything. Trudeau admitted that , “No relationship is more important to Canada than the one with Indigenous peoples” though he has never met with any of us original people. He meets constantly with his employees, the band councils. 

While the killing continues, he says they are working to advance reconciliation through an “affirmation of rights, respect, co-operation, and partnership as the foundation for transformative change!!” 

“We recognize that Indigenous peoples have the inherent right to self-determination, including self-governance”. We declare this is all our land. We are not and have never been a part of Canada. The corporation supports their “Indian agents” called “band counsels” who implement their economic sanctions to keep the true natural people of turtle island in the death camps and out of the way. 

Trudeau is planning to implement United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UNDRIP before the end of this year. Without amendments, the Declaration sets out the standards for the survival, dignity, and well-being of Indigenous peoples around the world and provides guidance to help reconciliation flourish in 21st century Canada. The main result is that Canada must be dissolved because its criminal code is based on the illegal Indian Lands Acts of 1924 giving themselves unlawful jurisdiction over all our lands. Ratification of UNDRIP will dissolve Canada.

Jurisdiction of turtle island by indigenous people must be respected from ocean to ocean and pole to pole as creation intended. 

Trudeau says their business plan can only be done through their sell-out Indian traitors. 100% of the traditional people do not participate in the 51% majority rules cooperate elections. The only route for Canada is to forego allegiance to all foreign systems of government and adopt kaianerekowa, the great peace, as the only law of turtle island.  

“This year’s theme for the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples is COVID-19 and Indigenous peoples’ resilience”. This means giving more money and power to their corporations, the First Nations, Inuit, and Métis leaders. He gives them the credit for our survival of the past slaughters, torture and current humiliation that they helped Canada to carry out. 

In effect Trudeau encourages other corporate entities throughout the world to follow Canada’s model for carrying out the genocide, theft and impunity of prosecution, making it look like they have a path to reconciliation. There can be no reconciliation with us for the 500 years of atrocities. Canada is planning the final extinction of the original people which they call reconciliation and the framework agreement. 

The indigenous people of the world have a message, the kaianerekowa, the great peace. 

We will not reconcile with those monsters who continue to commit the horrors on our children in their residential school and Indian day school extinction projects. Their pedophile programs continue to this day. Canada is a resource extraction company. They answer to the bankers of the City of London. 

The universal law of nature is in the great peace. tok nikon nonwah

Alvin Lee and and 10 Years Later sing about the collapse for a majority:Everywhere is freaks and hairies, Dykes and fairies, tell me where is sanity.
Tax the rich, feed the poor, ‘Til there are no rich no more? I’d love to change the world, But I don’t know what to do. So I’ll leave it up to you. Population keeps on breeding. Nation bleeding, still more feeding economy. Life is funny, skies are sunny. Bees make honey, who needs money. Monopoly. I’d love to change the world, But I don’t know what to do. So I’ll leave it up to you”.


MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0