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MNN. 16 FEB. 2019. The onkwehonweh, original people, of turtle island never wanted to be and are not Canadians or Americans to this day. Our kaianerekowa and teiohateh guided us for thousands of years. The theft, genocide and assimilation scheme enforced by the invaders and their military is aimed at total extinguishment of the true native people of turtle island.
DOCTRINE OF DISCOVERY – Colonial Summary. “The Doctrine of Discovery established a spiritual, political, and legal justification for colonization and seizure of land not inhabited by Christians!” https://upstanderproject.org/firstlight/doctrine/ .
The Papal Bulls of Discovery are the foundational documents of the genocide puzzle. The fictional story is that Roman Catholics went to “heathen lands’. Those non-believers in the myth of Jesus Christ can be owned by the Papacy, Crown. These usurpers imposed absolute title over us, all life on turtle island and created the US military/industrial complex, the republic of war.
The Crown has no documents showing conveyance, the law to pass the title. The original title remains as it was before they arrived here. Justin Trudeau admits he has no title and acknowledges the horrible dark history.
After the Great Peace of 1702, Britain agreed to the terms of the teiohteh and affirmed their agreement by settling in Kingston Ontario. This is the only legal conveyance they have to be here. They agreed to the kaianerekoteh through the teiohateh to survive and co-exist with all life as brothers and sisters on mother earth forever. As soon it was broken, they have no more legal conveyance. They are an occupying military force run from the 14th floor of Indian Affairs in Ottawa.
1857 ACT FOR THE GRADUAL CIVILIZATION OF THE INDIAN is the sugar coated Genocide Act of 1857.
The Act is to Encourage the Gradual Civilization of Indian Tribes. The statute required the mandatory “enfranchisement” of male Indians over the age of 21. They would no longer be deemed an “Indian” but a regular British subject. He was branded a CORPORATE FIRST AND LAST NAME by the minister of Indian Affairs, with the last name following the father. His wife and descendants would also be enfranchised. They would no longer be members of their “former tribe”. He was given “a piece of land not exceeding fifty acres” out of the reserve lands set aside by the SuperIntendant of Indian Affairs and his share of the annuities of his tribe. “He has no voice in the proceedings thereof”
1867 British North America Act https://prezi.com/uu5bt6jy9xjw/problems-with-the-bna-act/
To seize Canada the British Parliament wrote up the BNA Act, which was essentially a Letters Patent for the British corporations to exploit our resources. The BNA Act was to kill, extinguish the onkwehonweh or assimilate us into the corprorate body politic. The Crown claimed our land, removed our identity, and incarcerated us in POW camps called “reserves” and then build death camps for our children called “residential schools”. BNA imposed jurisdiction over “Lands and lands reserved for the Indians” [Indian Act], taking everything from us without our knowledge or consent, declaring us non-human so we could not hire any legal advice to help us fight their paper genocide. Indian interests [humans, lands, funds] were controlled and managed by the Crown which had illegal fraudulent title to all our possessions. We could live on the POW camps until we became extinct or they needed the land for something else.
1876 https://indigenousfoundations.arts.ubc.ca/the_indian_act/ .
INDIAN ACT 1876 The Indian Act is administered by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) is a part of a long history of assimilation policies that intended to terminate the cultural, social, economic, political and our physical existence.
1884 http://caid.ca/IndAdvAct1884.pdf INDIAN ADVANCEMENT ACT
“An Act for conferring certain privileges on the more advanced Bands of the Indians of Canada, with the view of training them for the exercise of municipal powers”. [Assented to 19th April, 1884.]
1924 The ten Indian Lands Acts for each province on October 25, 1924. READ https://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2019/01/28/rescind-indian-lands-acts-1924/
“INDIAN LANDS ACTS OF OCTOBER 25, 1924. MNN. Jan. 28, 2019. Canada usurped our lands and resources in 1924 through the Indian Lands Acts of each province and carried out the genocide program designed by Duncan Campbell Scott, Superintendent of Indian Affairs. The ten Indian Lands Acts were signed and put into effect on October 25, 1924 to try to legalize this theft and genocide by Canada. We were forced into military compounds called “reserves”. Our chiefs were shot and Band Councils were installed.“
Canada imposed blood quantum [apartheid] legislation so they can decide who is and is not an “Indian”. It is a mathematical formula to ensure our extinction. Only dogs, horses and Indians are quantified in this way. No treaties in Canada show conveyances therefore they are illegal. The “land claims” process is their effort to claim our land, while they pretend that we are claiming a portion of our own stolen land back from them.
1928 PERSONS CASE https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/9029/index.do
Reference re meaning of the word “Persons” in s. 24 of British North America Act, [1928] S.C.R. 276
PERSONS CASE. Women were not persons as designated in the BNA Act. Indians were not considered human and therefore could not hire lawyers. We could not fight the thefts and kidnapping of our children until 1962. Our trust funds were taken forcefully.
1969 WHITE PAPER. Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy, called “The 69 White Paper”. Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau and the Minister of Indian Affairs Jean Chretien developed the Indian Policy for the continued program for the extinction of all native people. Opening statement in the Act is, “To be an Indian is to be a man”.
1996 Certain traitorous Indians and the colony of Canada entered into a Framework Agreement on First Nations Land Management on February 12, 1996 (the “Framework Agreement”); original people do not want colonial settlers. The Act is being signed by Canada and its Canadian Indian band council agents [Assembly of First Nations.] Each of us is sovereign. Every onkwewonweh has to be consulted on everything that has to do with us, or it is invalid and illegal.
https://pm.gc.ca/eng/news/2018/02/14/government-canada-create-recognition-and-implementation-rights-framework Minister of Canada – Prime Minister of Canada / Premier ministre du Canada
The onkwehonweh never had to prove our rights to exist to anyone. The colony of Canada must live by the kaianerekowa through the teiohateh, or they must leave.
The invaders of Canada illegally occupy most of the land of the onkwehonweh men, women, children and the land of our mother. Canada has no land, no language and no culture. Government of Canada Create Recognition and Implementation of Rights Framework is fraudulent. CANADA’S EXTINCTION PLAN, PART 2 CONTINUES . . .
These acts and others have the foundation document they rely upon, the Doctrine of Discovery. It is illegal. As the prophet Jimi Hendrix says: “if six turns out to be nine, I don’t mind. If the hippies cut off all their hair, I don’t care. Cause I got my own world to live through, and ain’t gonna copy you.” [if 6 was 9]
www.mohawknationnews.com kahentinetha2@protonmail.com Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyMaGsFyihI VENEZUELA ARMED & READY.
RACISM DRIVES THE COUP. https://truthout.org/articles/in-venezuela-white-supremacy-is-a-key-driver-of-the-coup/
http://haudenosaunee.ca/6.html?fbclid=IwAR2H1v_I2WhWl0vYuL9v5L91tX3DnetksJaMhtON7fdJsYpN_ytj-aEny7I CLAN SYSTEM –HAUDENOSAUNEE IROQUOIS CONFEDERACY
JODY WILSON RAYBOULD CAN’T SPEAK FRENCH! http://www.iheartradio.ca/cjad/news/jody-wilson-raybould-could-have-been-fired-for-a-lack-of-french-housefather-1.8777786