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MNN. 3 oct. 2021. In politics leaders are supposed to lead by example. Trudeau’s stroll on the beach during the first Indigenous “Truth and Reconciliation Day” promotes the horrors of 150 years of genocide. We sense that Trudeau gave us the finger and that genocide will continue. His remedy is for us to reconcile with the murderers, become Canadian citizens to complete the genocide of us and our culture. Remaining onkwehonweh of our homeland, turtle island, is our protection.


 It appears that on tianni tiotiakon, [Montreal] which is acknowledged kanienkehaka Mohawk land, there is an epidemic of ‘tourette’s syndrome’ among politicians and candidates running in the current Montreal municipal election. They blurt out uncontrolled sounds that they don’t realize are offensive to us. A ‘diffuse axonal’ head injury victim says that ‘amnesia’ is the fastest growing disease in the country. “Nobody remembers shit about anything”, unless it gets them a vote.


Candidate former Shit Mayor Denis Coderre says about the grandiose development proposed for Mount Royal on unceded Mohawk land in the middle of the city, “There should be no question of allowing some people to get the views because they have the means to live in a tower!” He also is campaigning to return the torn down statue of the father of Canada, the First Prime Minister John A. MacDonald, to the center of the city. He wants to affirm MacDonald’s words in Parliament that, in effect, “all original people are savages and that they should be whitenised”. Today, a foreigner ordering this is guilty of an act of war and hate crime against humanity and should be tried by the world court at The Hague.

In effect, Coderre’s spin is, “That’s how we are going to remember how degenerate he was and the genocide he authored on indigenous people” to wipe us out from the face of the earth. Sounds like members of today’s governments. Coderre hopes someone will put a statue of him in the city for his degeneracy in dumping half the city’s effluent into the St. Lawrence River during his term as mayor. Our culture does not welcome statues of such enemies of mankind on Mohawk land.

Quebec Premier Francois Legault refused to commemorate the September 29 “Truth and Reconciliation Day’ as, “What happened this week will not be what happens in the following ones. . . No holiday. We need productivity in Quebec!” Dissolving the government would be very productive.


The ruling politicians, corporatists and mainstream media suffer the highest level of amnesia.

On the other hand the citizens want to remember the genocide horror that the state conducted on us. They know Canada is built on genocide and murder and that anything based on a lie will always be a lie. On Sept. 29 they wore orange shirts, pants, socks, shoes and hats , carried signs and marched for us that they will not forget. Fully dressed Prime Minister Trudeau strolled on the beach, with his family, to celebrate the horrors of residential school genocide. To carry on he should work on a vaccine for the disease known as ‘Indian Residential School Death Camp amnesia’. The rulers probably want everyone to be tested to make sure they have amnesia of this crime of genocide they have plead guilty to committing.


We onkwehonweh are going to specify the real truths the people will face. 

The Mount Royal development is on unceded Mohawk land. The Men’s Fire of Six Nations demanded to be consulted. The Public Consultation Office wants our brief to be posted on their site by November 4, 2021. On November 10 we are being given 10 minutes to give your statement by Zoom, which will be recorded and available to the public on November 11th. Smoke signals shall rise again from our perch on top of the kanienkehaka kanontowano now called Mount Royal.

Note: We should be given more time than Helene Panaioti of the “Friends of the Mounain” or anybody else to discuss our views on this project. 

Jimi Hendrix, in “Castles made of Sand” said it right: “Castles made of sand fall into the sea eventually. Disappear with one wave”. Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.

























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MNN. SEP. 22, 2021.The election computers won again! Using up money. Stopping parliament. Parliament closed for a year during covid. Candidates are not to be trusted. They all want to keep things going the way they are, another 4 years of resource extortion from turtle island. During the campaign none dared to mention the biggest secret of the Queen, the horrific unmarked graves of the murdered native children. Their true allegiance is to maintain their power. How do the natives that voted feel now? They gave up the fight and joined the oppressors against us.


Not coincidental is appointing Inuit Mary Simon as Governor General to stand for the Crown. None talked about the orange shirts. She was the cleaning lady sweeping it under the carpet forever. The Canadian public has already forgotten about that. The settlers did all the murdering and benefitted.

The rulers want us to continue suffering. By 2024 they hope we won’t exist as onkwehonweh, the original people of turtle island, that we will all be assimilated into the body politic of the colony of Canada by the stroke of Mary’s pen. They will never become a country because we will always be here as creation intended. They all campaigned for ‘canadiens’. We are not shareholders of the corporation of the government of Canada. We original onkwehonwe were never mentioned. They represent only the incorporated Metis, Inuit land first nations. 

The house Indians who work for the government are not mentally rotinoshonni’onwe. They work to extinguish us according to the Indian Lands Act of Oct. 25, 1924. Their mind has been genocided. Some even sit in parliament to exterminate us. They love their white masters and being their pet dog. They have huge salaries, better houses, cars and vacations than their families. They might get a pat in the head and a bone if they obey. Like Jody. who got kicked down the basement stairs by Trudeau, where are they going to stay if they don’t bark and cower? Bad dog! When the master gets sick, they hold the master’s hand until he gets better, like a good dog should. A few favorites on the rez have all the businesses and jobs. They look like cardboard cut-outs of their masters, wearing ties, three piece suits, ribbon shirts with bolo ties and a metis sash for the good government Indian photos. The master even puts on a headdress and poses with them.


None can get a ’real’ job where they do nothing The only jobs are smoke and pot shops or the band council. Their mind is always on the next fixed election where the corporation is allowed another 4 years of unimpeded resource extraction of our wealth. 99% of the true indigenous refuse to take part in this exercise.

They want a $40 to $50 an hour job with all the benefits, which works out to $65 an hour. 2% of the people vote. When the master’s country is on fire, the house Indians run out and try to put it out. Back on the rez people in the trenches are stabbed in the back and blacklisted. kaianerekowa must be reasserted over all of turtle island. In the meantime we burn tobacco and wear that ‘original homeland security fighting terrorism since 1492’ T-shirt. to reinstate our true onkwehonweh jurisdiction on our homeland.

The field warriors are the real sovereigns. We are given dirty water to drink, toxic waste dumped up to our front door, and get leftovers so we can get sick and die. We have survived through the harshest economic sanctions of any people on earth. Everytime we try to make money in their fake economy we are arrested. We can’t work for ourselves. The government wants taxes and have numerous penalties for not having a GST or some other number or colonial id. We get pretend invoices and threats. They have the most stringent economic sanctions since 1924 when the put us on the reserves. They beat and threatened us from morning to night. We despise the master. The puppets love their master.

The ‘uncle tomahawks’ are well paid and trained to keep us in line, passive, peaceful, non-violent. It is like being sent to an Indian Affairs dentist, getting our teeth pulled with no pain killer. They want us to feel the pain so we suffer and say nothing because Indian Affairs pays for it from our Indian Trust Fund.

The great peace tells us not to fight until you die, but to fight until you win. The kaianerekowa, great peace philosophy teaches us to never suffer the enemies. We learn to be intelligent, courteous and respectful of others. When someone puts his hand on us, we defend ourselves. The white monster tried to kill the kaianerekowa, great peace, to make us into sheep. The band and tribal puppets are traitors. The uncle toms mimic the white monster. An Indian and inuit women are made prominent. celebrities with fake prestige and influence, appointed by the government to speak for us without our consent. The field warriors have no voice on mainstream media. Those who criticize them are unknown unheard of idols. 

The sell out local band tribal leaders falsely speak for the grass roots at every turn. They help keep us in the rez mentality of hopelessnes and helplessness. Any onkwehonweh, true native, rising up must be approved by the rulers, otherwise they are punished and blacklisted for opposing the white monsters.

When the unmarked graves of our children were found, they jumped up and took over the agenda to help Canadien squatters forget about it.

A ‘revolution is coming’, making the corporate power structure of systemic injustice, racism and hatred concerned. The brown steamroller of peace is on its way. The field warriors have no leaders to buy off and control. The state’s Indian puppets are ordered to cool us down. Historically, 1% of the people can wake up the 99%. 

The puppets are ordered to not fight each other but make it look like they are cooperating with us. They get the top position in the movement and get the grassroots to fight each other using 51% majority rules. The appointed ‘leaders’ raise funds in our name, which we never see. The chairman is a prominent House Indian and the backroom co-chair we never see communicates with the government and gets the money. Top public relations experts put the mainstream media at their disposal. Corporate civil rights organizations join the movement. Invited to join the “revolution” are priests, rabbis, old white preachers, labor, catholics, jews, liberals and protestants who march at the front pretending to be with the people, but they steer the revolution.

When you have strong hot brown coffee, you put cream in it to weaken it. It becomes a white drink and cools down. It woke you up one time and now it puts you to sleep. It’s called infiltration. We grassroots are hot and uncompromising.

The white monsters act like they love natives and fool a lot of us. The public don’t see what’s genuinely going on. They use the ancient Roman tactic of bread and circus to pacify the people. They hope we field natives are controlled so tight that we are told where to come, how to stop, what sign to carry, what to say. The Indian leaders get the award for best supporting cast. Then they are told to get out of town by sundown and lay low until their master calls them back. 

Just like a dog listening to his master, the band councils love this song about dogs: “Woke up this morning, my dog was dead. Someone disliked him and shot him through the head. Woke up this morning, my cat had died. I know I’ll miss her, sat down and cried. Came home this evening, my hog was gone. People here don’t like me, I think I’ll soon move on. Now somethings happened, that would make a saint frown. I turned my back and my house burned down”. Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.

forgotten: orange shirts







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MNN. Dec. 18, 2018. Canada’s statutes state, “This statute shall have the force of rule of law”. They shall pretend it has the force of real law, when it’s actually based on genocidal acts in the Canadian version of law.  


The Indian Act band council issued illegal business licences to our people to conduct businesses in the community. They used the money to boost up the training and weaponry of their private police force. Now Indian Act chief, Joe Norton, hides in the police station where he says the people have to go to talk to him. 

Outsiders, Surete du Quebec, SQ cops raided and shut down some the businesses. SQ can only enter kahnawake if the chief and council [Commissioners] commission the outside military force to come in. Superior Court ruled these permits are not valid. The business people were fined, jailed and given criminal records. 

Indian Act chief Joe Norton didn’t help them. He allowed the pillage of the businesses to bring on the Trudeau framework of municipalization and taxation. 

The Superior Court already ruled that the Indian Act council is not a government that can make laws. They are a committee that answers to the generals who run Indian Affairs.  

Rather than fight a jurisdictional issue that Quebec would lose, the business people were charged as criminals. Soon all the other businesses using these bogus permits will be shut down.  They have every right to sue the Indian Act MCK, as well as sue the chief personally for his negligence.  


Trudeau’s Framework is already in play in kahnawake. kanionkehaka men don’t don yellow vests. They pick up their weapons and get ready to fight their invaders, protect their women and children and their homeland.

We kanionkehaka can do whatever is necessary to bolster our economies anywhere on turtle island. We are sovereign, as creation placed us here. In the past some businesses became strong through using our sovereignty.  owistah, the disease of the mind that transfers priority thought from ‘We’ to ‘Me’, is now an epidemic in kahnawake and other kanionkehaka/Mohawk communities.    

tekentiokwanhoksta, the power of the 49 families of the rotinoshonni’onwe/Iroquois Confederacy, is the way to protect the legacy of our children. The Indian Act council is setting up a system for everybody to pay tithes to them, not to the community and they will hand every cent over to London bankers through their handlers.   

The shop of one woman stays open because she does not comply. The kanionkehaka of khenteke/tyendinaga, Six Nation, kanehsatake and akwesasne are ready to stand up. We don’t think they’ll be donning yellow vests. 

Indian Act Joe basically set up a war between the men of kahnawake and the SQ, shades of Oka?  He says he can’t do anything to help the people because he signed the 10-Point Agreement giving municipal powers over kahnawake to Quebec. He forgets to mention that it only applies to him and the 300 people who took part in the band council election. They gave up their birthright. They will soon be migrating out of kahnawake.    

The Canadian version of law is not legal because it does not pass the test of international law scrutiny as it is based on genocide. The Oct. 25, 1924 Indian Act created all of the POW camps called “reserves”. Our lands were stolen by the provinces for resource extraction and all of our rights as human beings were taken away. Our people were rounded up like dogs and herded into these camps. 

Nazareth seems to know the conflicts between the SQ and the businesses at kahnawake when they sing: “Woke up this morning. My dog was dead. Someone disliked him and shot him through the head. Woke up this morning. My cat had died. I know I’ll miss her. I sat down and cried”. Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec,Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen. See MNN Home Page.