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MNN. DEC. 2, 2021. Black Friday, every Friday in Kahnawake is the illegal band council’s dream, to make us more spiritually and mentally dependent than we have ever been.


The illegal Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Mayor Kahsennenhawe Sky-Deer has disgusted and shamed the kanienkehaka’onwe by welcoming a project to turn kahnawake into a shopping mecca to welcome foreigners into our community. We are being urged to speak French to accommodate shoppers. She scolds us for not being better friends with our non-native neighbors who want to economically screw us over, but who actually admire the way we do business. We don’t pay taxes and do what we want. She wants us to give this all up and be more accommodating for their economic development purposes to enrich them and their Quebec and Canada partners and investors.

“We have untapped potential,” she said. “The highways that run through the territory see a lot of traffic every day, so it could be home to businesses like a Target or an Amazon factory.” “Right now,” she added, “we really need big real estate projects in our community.” Where will we live? We need more land housing for our children. With the trillions in our Indian Trust Funds, which are illegally held by Canada without our permission, we could do anything we want. We are actually the wealthiest poor people on earth. We just need to get rid of the government’s POW camps called ‘reserves’ and their illegal band council system of traitors that run the genocide show for Canada. 


The band council is a departmwent of Indian Affairs which is a department of the army. We are in jail already. The offices for the grandiose franchises should not be here. 

They are already evicting  the complaining rabble rousers.



An Amazon factory in Kahnawake actually means that the Quebec and Canada decide what projects will be implanted to reimburse us for our stolen Indian Trust Funds and reparations for genocide. We are coerced capitalists who are preyed upon and threatened with extinction. We are extorted with our own funds that iare owed to us. How about the planned “Squatters Inn” hotel with Quebec taking the profits!

Her three-way project is a taxation coop for this area. Outsiders won’t be accepting our native tax cards, which has already started. All of turtle island is a tax free zone for us. Kahnawake will become a municipality and the band council businesses will be tax free for us so we will shop in their “Off Shore” stores. Just like the old trading posts that destroyed our way of life. The people will have to pay all municipal taxes to run the community, or get kicked out. Provincial and federal taxes will become applicable to every native. This is already in place in some places in the USA.

The business partners, the illegal band councils, provinces and federal governments will invest our Indian trust funds in shady businesses and we will never see the profits.

Useless hotels will bring white “tourists” to gawk at us! Investments will be made with ‘their’ interests in mind. The illegal band council will become the only voice in Kahnawake as they will control everything.

Tir investments are meant to collapse and the funds will disappear. Profits will be unseen, untraceable and in off shore private accounts, just like many political leaders of Quebec and Canada and their international partners. The $1.67 trillion GDP [gross domestic product, value of the corporation of Canada] is the ‘Indian Trust Fund’. They are in debt to us. We own them.

 A 10 foot high fence will surround kahnawake to keep from seeing us so as not to distract the high end shoppers. Those few sell-outs who want to be tourist attractions are welcome to leave to be “pseudo’ Indians. They will speak mohawk with a soft ‘l’ rather than the rolling ‘r’. They are anxious to forfeit their birthright to being natural kanienkehaka’onwe whose duty forever is to carry out the kaianerekowa and teiohateh.

Genocide at its highest! How does bringing in Amazon, Target, hotels, casinos, tourists and thousands of foreign workers to our land and community fulfill us as a proud sovereign We won’t be hired because we refuse to speak French.

We are trying to survive the way creation intended. Not as pop culturalists! Our ancestors and descendents will think we’d all become mindless traitor puppets just like the government’s illegal corporate band councillors! Over 99% of us do not want to betray our ancestors and unborn children for whom we are trying to set an example on how to be a kanienkehaka. We were not born to be slaves to the white man, such as cashiers, half naked waitresses serving drinks in the mall bars or victims of human trafficking. Capitalism on steroids! The continued murders and genocide of our minds and bodies is the road that the government, corporations and their illegal band council agents are paving for us, to get our land and become an actual country. Their vision is money and power for a few and disable and make the rest invisible.

kahnawake will be a municipality. Government and churches have taught us how to mistrust one another. So while we stop each other from succeeding, the Canadian government system is succeeding. Our taxes will pay for straight lined paved streets with curbs, pseudo Indian street signs and numbers on our houses so the repo man can easily find us.

Our ancestors were smarter. They built long houses that could be shared by families and dead end streets to keep strangers out so we would not lose our children.

Visitors had to come miles away and ask for permission to enter our settlement. They would only be allowed into a small fortified area as our guests. Our villages were protected from the eyes of the invaders so we could be safe and private. We’ll be back to selling trinkets by the roadside and in front of the church and doing some dances for them at the ‘endangered species’ get togethers . Longhouse festivals have always been private.


For instant money we could put tolls on all the roads, seaway, bridges, railways and other unpaid for intruding structures that are already here.

We need the kaianerekowa to protect us and everything about us.

Soon we will be living under the flashing neon lights of the Mercier Bridge. During rush hour we can make a few dollars from commuters on their way to work. 

Incorporation means it’s not owned by a person. It’s controlled by a foreign entity, run by the Vatican, who own all the corporations. 

The few corporate ‘mohawks’ might be so embarrassed about the presence of their poor resister families. They are trying to send us away to live on algonquin land up north to cut our ties altogether. We traditionals of course would not be identified as Mohawks or kanienkehaka. We’d be known as “Mohawk metis”.

Those running the malls will have corporate jets, fancy clothes, super shiny shoes and fancy carpetbagger friends. Their only job is to tell their handlers, “You want more of the land and resources of our distant onkwehonweh relatives? Gimmie that pen and I’ll sign that paper. And remember to fortify that fence around us to keep out those savage lawless rebels we kicked out a long time ago. They can’t come in without a pass unless they agree to grovel at our heels . We got them trained to stay quiet through threats like losing their jobs and kids”.

These puppet agents have business names and can say a few words of old onkwehonweh that are made up by their resident old-word vomitters. All their maids and workers are whites who have to speak a bit of newspeak Mohawk.

Queenie, come and pick up your kids, put them in your yacht and get them out of here! 

Bon Scott of ACDC says it perfectly, “We gotta get them outta here!”: “There was a friend of mine on murder. And the judge’s gavel fell. Jury found him guilty. Gave him 16 years in hell. He said, “I ain’t spending my life here. I ain’t living alone. ain’t breaking no rock on the chain gang. I’m breaking out and heading home. Gonna make a jail break. I’m looking towards the sky. Gonna make a jail break. Man I wish i could fly. It’s all in the name of liberty. it was all in the name of liberty. Got to be free. Jail break. Had more than I can take. Jail break. 16 years. Jail break. You better get me out of here. He said he’d seen his woman being followed with by another man. She was down and he was up. He had a gun in his hand. And the bullets started flying everywhere. And people started to scream. There was a big man laying on the ground with a hole in his body, where his life had been. But it was all in the name of liberty. Yes it was all in the name of liberty. You just got to be free. Jail break. Jail break.”


KAHNAWAKE MALL https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/quebec-invests-3-3-million-for-a-hotel-in-kahnawake-as-indigenous-economic-forum-continues-1.5682630?cid=sm%3Atrueanthem%3Actvmontreal%3Apost&utm_campaign=trueAnthem%3A%20Trending%20Content&utm_medium=trueAnthem&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR3KqOLM_u3m2sEZSlGocsg1XjV5QknmtU91lw4W2srgTYfyGgybBhhduYk






On Nov. 29, 2021, the kahnistensera secretariat of kahnawake kanistensera@riseup.net. 438-558-2911, sent the following letter by Registered Mail to: 

  • Societe quebecoise des infrastructures, Direction generale de la requalification du site royal Victoria, 445 saint Gabriel st., montreal quebec H2Y 3A2 smayes@sqi.gouv.qc.ca 514-873-5485, 5413; –office de consultation publique de montreal, 1550 metcalfe st., office 1414, montreal H3A 1X6 514-872-8510; –mcgill university office of principle & vice chancellor, 845 sherbrooke st. w., montreal QC H3A 0G4 514-398-4180 fax 514-398-4763; –mairie d’arrondisement de ville-marie, 800 boulevarde de maisonneuve st. e., montreal QC H2L 4L8; and –indigenous services Canada, assessment & investigation services branch, 10 wellington st. Gatineau QC k!A 0H4 aadnc.cnap-naac.aandc@canada.ca 1-855-504-6760. 

Sekon sewakwekon.

We are the kahnistensera, Mohawk mothers, who have responsibilities from the kaianerekowa, great law, and teiohateh, two row, which have existed on turtle island since time immemorial. All the land and infrastructure thereon are for us to care for, since the beginning time and for all eternity. All governments and their institutions throughout turtle island know and acknowledge this.


Our duty as the natural people is to care for the land and the people who have been placed here by creation. Many are living on the streets of tioni tiotiakon temporarily known by the trespassers as montreal because they are homeless. Some are young. Many are old, frail and require medical attention, food, warmth, clean water and hygiene. Today some are dying on the streets in below freezing temperatures. It’s a life and death matter.

Some inuit and indigenous have died. There are empty buildings at mcgill university which are available. They are lit, heated and can provide adequate shelter for these extreme conditions. We must all help these people. This ground and vacant structures belong to the kanistensera. The name McGill will be changed to a proper kanienkehaka name.    

We demand the key to the royal victoria hospital. Contact us at kahnistensera@riseup.net immediately. We will arrange to meet in front of the rvh as soon as possible. 

In the meantime, kahnistensera suggest that the homeless check into nearby hotels and send the bill to mcgil university, or the mayor of the city, or the governments of canada and quebec. 


Secretariat of the kanienkehaka kahnistensera:

karakwine …   karennatha  …   kahentinetha   …   kwetiio   …   kawenaa



cc. Mcgill security services, Downtown: burnside hall, 805 sherbrooke st. west, room 120, montreal H3A 0B9. 514-398-4556 campus.security@mcgill.ca; 

cc. Montreal Police, 1432 st. Catherine west, [& bishop] montreal, H3G 1R3 514-280-0120.

In the “Earth Song” Michael Jackson asks the questions: “What about sunrise? What about rain? What about all the things That you said we were to gain? . . .”





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MNN. NOV. 14, 2021. [By thahoketoteh of MNN] FROM: Mohawk Mothers, Secretariate of the kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera, PO Box 991, kahnawake, Quebec, J0L 1B0


TO: -Société québécoise des infrastructures
Direction générale de la requalification du site Royal-Victoria
445, Saint-Gabriel Street. Montreal (Quebec), H2Y 3A2
Email : smayes@sqi.gouv.qc.ca Telephone: 514 873 5485, 5413

-McGill University Office of the Principle & Vice Chancellor, 845 Sherbrooke Street West. Montreal QC, H3A 0G4 Telephone: 514-398-4180, Fax 514-398-4763

-Mairie [mayor] d’arrondissement de Ville-Marie, 800, Boulevard De Maisonneuve street East, Montreal QC, H2L 4L8  

[Indian Affairs] Indigenous Services Canada, Assessment and Investigation Services Branch, 10 Wellington Street, Gatineau QC, K1A 0H4 Email: aadnc.cnap-nacc.aandc@canada.ca; Telephone: 1-855-504-6760

On November 10, 2021, a rally was held in front of the Allan Memorial Institute (AMI) bringing together family members of MK-Ultra experiments survivors, Duplessis orphans, McGill students and the Milton Park citizens’ committee to support the kanien’keha:ka kahnistensera’s (Mohawk Mothers) opposition to renovating the ex-Royal Victoria Hospital and AMIsites. Later that evening, the 50+ protestors accompanied the kanien’keha:ka kahnistensera’s as they shared their message in a 10 minute hearing with the non-decisional commissioners of the Office de Consultation publique de Montréal. This message, also transmitted to the responsible parties via an injunction T-1696-21 Nov. 9, 2021 filed in the Federal Court of Canada, stressed that: 1) no project can start without the permission of the kanien’keha:ka kahnistensera, as the traditional caretakers of kanien’keha:ka territory according to the precolonial Great Law of Peace, kaianerekowa, recognized by Section 35 of the Constitution Act of Canada, 1982; 2) the Royal Victoria Hospital and AMI sit on the location of the precolonial Iroquoian village and very likely contains archeological remains of interest to the kanien’keha:ka people. This land was never ceded by the Iroquois, as no land deed was shown to prove that such a transfer existed. The Société Québécoise des Infrastructures (SQI), City of Montreal, Hugh Allan family, and McGill University have thus bought, sold and handled stolen land; 3) strong evidence exists to support allegations that indigenous and non-indigenous adults and children would be buried on the site of the AMI, as a result of the psychiatric experiments of Dr. Ewen Cameron.


On November 11, 2021, the kanien’keha:ka kahnistensera noticed new materials on the website of the Office de Consultation publique de Montréal, which were posted without giving notice to the kahnistensera. One letter dated November 9, 2020 from McGill University’s Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) to the Office de Consultation publique addressed the kahnistensera’s concerns, and contained a clear commitment to allowing the necessary forensic and ground-penetrating investigations to happen to assess the presence of human remains on the site of the AMI: “‘no reconciliation is possible until the truth is known’, the letter said. Therefore, we are ready to collaborate with government and Indigenous community representatives so that the proper investigations can be conducted”. Even though the kahnistensera approve this commitment, they were not directly addressed in the letter nor notified that it had been written. They have a strong concern about who exactly is targeted in the expression “Indigenous community representatives”, as the traditional Great Law of Peace, kaianerekowa, still in effect on the traditional homeland of the kanien’keha:ka nation, holds the kahnistensera responsible for caretaking the land, and nobody else.

Two other letters had also been sent on November 9, 2021, from the SQI to the Band Council offices of Kahnawake and Kanehsatake, inviting Band Councillors to collaborate on exchanging information on potential unmarked graves on the site of the AMI that the SQI claims to own. The two letters clearly circumvented and invisibilized the authority of the traditional caretakers of kanien’keha:ka territory, the kahnistensera, who had raised the allegations in the first place, and who are solely responsible for the land. Band Councils were forced upon Indigenous peoples by the Indian Act, and the resistance of traditional kanien’keha:ka government to this colonial government system was brutally crushed as the RCMP stormed the Akwesasne Longhouse in 1899 to impose it, killing chief Jake Fire and seizing wampums and traditional regalia. Given that Band Councils funnel funds from the Federal Government and assume control of Indigenous communities despite extremely low participation in tribal elections, they are not recognized as part of the traditional kanien’keha:ka nation, and they are in a conflict of interest that impedes any possibility of them being involved in the search for unmarked graves.


This letter is to notify the proper protocol that will be followed now that the necessity of an investigation was acknowledged by McGill University and the SQI. In the current search for unmarked graves in the grounds of the Mohawk Institute in Brantfort, Ontario, near ohsweken (Six Nations of the Grand River), great care was taken to avoid the local Band Council from being involved, given their conflict of interest as representatives of the Federal government. Instead, a group composed of survivors and grassroots traditional Indigenous peoples –women, “kahnistensera” –, was formed to supervise and monitor the investigation. The same process will be followed in the upcoming ground penetrant radar investigation on the grounds of the AMI. A group composed of MK-Ultra survivors and their families, as well as the Secretariate of the kanien’keha:ka kahnistensera (Mohawk mothers), including representatives from every kanien’keha:ka clan (bear, turtle, wolf), will lead the investigation under the traditional Indigenous legal framework of the rotinonshonni (Iroquois) confederacy: the Great Law of Peace (kaianerekowa). Therefore, all future correspondence must be addressed to the Secretariate of the kanien’keha:ka kahnistensera. To ensure no conflict of interest, the role of the SQI, the Government of Canada, the City of Montreal and McGill University will be limited to allowing access to the grounds, financing the investigation using funds borrowed from the Iroquois Trust Fund in the 19th Century, and facilitating the investigation by releasing all files concerning medical experimentation programs at the Royal Victoria Hospital and AMI.

Yours truthfu

Secretariate of the kanien’keha:ka kahnistensera

Muse sings what’s around the corner; “Rise up and take the power back
It’s time the fat cats had a heart attack chase the fat cats. You know that their time’s coming to an end
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend
(So come on)”

contact thahoketoteh@hotmail.com




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Nov. 12, 2021. [thahoketoteh of MNN]. On November 10 at 7.10 pm the men’s fire and the kanistensera – Mohawk Mothers – met with the McGill-Royal Victoria makeover commissioners via Zoom [VIDEO BELOW]. According to kaianerekowa protocol, the men’s fire and Mohawk mothers informed the Commissioners that there is the possible presence of unmarked graves in certain portions of the ex-hospital site. All work on the McGill Royal Vic project must immediately stop as it could be a crime scene. The Truth and Reconciliation commission’s final report states: “no reconciliation is possible until the truth is known.” McGill stated that on their blog, ‘We are ready to collaborate with government and band council agents of Canada [the genociders] so that the proper investigations can be conducted”!!


The sovereign Mohawk mothers secretariat will oversee this task by retrieving all medical experimentation funded by the US and Canadian military and intelligence agencies. files related to Dr. Cameron’s and his colleagues mind control experimental work. This will be funded by the new vic project until it is totally completed to the satisfaction of the Mohawk mothers. 

The men’s fire and kanistensera also informed the Commissioners that no permission was given to build the McGill Royal Vic project or any entity which is on unceded kaneienkehaka land. This area is known as “thegnondat”. 

Without asking for the permission of the men’s fire and kanistensera, the SQI who call themselves owners of the land,  appointed the Canadian government band councils to undertake the investigation for these communities. The band councils were set up in 1924 to carry out the residential school genocide program. This is a gross conflict of interest to cover up their role in turning indigenous children over to the macabre mind control death programs of McGill University and others. We are the sovereigns of turtle island and speak according to the kaianerekowa. Section 35 of the Constitution Act of Canada 1982 supports the kaianerekowa as the supreme law of turtle island. All other laws are subservient. The kaianerekowa controls this entire process.

Commissioners began the hearing in French, even though we requested that they speak to us in the intermediate language of English. We began speaking in Mohawk and translated it for them into English. This is the correct protocol throughout the world. McGill has decided to ask the band council genociders to oversee this process. As noted, the band council agents of Canada have no standing except to help coverup of murder that they facilitated. See video of Zoom meeting with Commissioners:


LETTER TO MCK:  https://ocpm.qc.ca/sites/ocpm.qc.ca/files/pdf/P116/7-3_lettre_de_la_sqi_kahnawake_-_9_novembre_21_-_version_anglaise.pdf

karakwine – kawenaa – kahentinetha -karenatha


PETITIONS OF SUPPORTERS: Reached more than 16,000 . . .  https://www.change.org/p/mcgill-university-investigate-unmarked-graves-at-mcgill-university

Alice Cooper sings of the future of McGill University: No more pencils, no more books
No more teachers, dirty looks
Out for summer, out ’til fall
We might not come back at all


READ MOTION FILED BY KANISTENSERA IN FEDERAL COURT OF CANADA T-1696-21 AGAINST societe quebecoise des infrastructure; mcgill university office of the principle & vice chancellor; mairie d’ardonissement de ville marie; stantic inc. 


Contact. thahoketoteh@hotmail.com



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MNN. Nov. 10, 2021. [thahoketoteh of MNN] This is the full motion filed by the kanistenrsera mohawk mothers in the Federal Court of Canada on Nov. 9, 2021 and served on the four parties.  In addition to our b rief we have filed a motion of application to the Federal Court of Canada T-1696-21.  The Affidavit of Service has been served to all parties. 

Federal Court Motion


Federal Court Number: T-1696-21 Responders are societe quebecoise des infrastructures; mcgill university office of the principle and vice-chancellor; mairie d’ordinissement de ville marie; stantic inc. 

This is a precedent for all turtle island cases. This will be addressed today at 7.10 pm EST. for ten minutes by Zoom between the two parties and a video will be available to the public. We are meeting today with the Commissioners of the project to inform them officially that they do not have our permission to construct their project on our unceded kenienkehaka land they must immediately leave and investigate the grounds for unmarked graves and burial sites.  

The kanistensera have filed a Notice of Motion in the Federal Court of Canada to impede the projected demolition, construction, transformation of buildings, and the repurposing of the surrounding on the site of the Allan Memorial Institute, Ravenscrag gardens, and Royal Victoria Hospital [allotments 1 341 184, 1 341 185, 1 341 182 and 1 354 912 proposed by the City of Montreal on file no. 1217400001.  

The kanistensera seek an order to stop the renovation plans until a thorough investigation of the grounds is carried out for searching unmarked graves of individuals unlawfully experimented upon; and until an injunction is issued to stop all construction. 


Between: The kanien’kehá:ka kanistensera (Mohawk mothers) kahentinetha, kawenaa, karennatha and karakwine.






1. The kaianerehkó:wa, great law of peace, is the original constitution of the onkwehonweh, the original rotinonhshonni (Iroquois) people. Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, recognizes and affirms existing aboriginal rights, e.g. the kaianerehkó:wa and teiohateh, two row wampum, as traditional legal frameworks for unceded rotinoshionni (Iroquois) territories. The kaianerehkó:wa and teiohateh, apply in this case and every other case in this territory.

2. According to Wampum 44 of the kaianerehkó:wa, the precolonial constitution of the rotino’shonni iroquois confederacy, every original indigenous woman is a caretaker of the land on behalf of the future generations: kononkwe ne konwatsirineh ne kanakerasera. ne enkotiyatakwehnyyokeh ne onwentsa. ronnonkwe tahnon ne konnonkwe ne enhatihsereh tsiniyakotaroten ne ronwatihnistenha, “The lineal descent of the people of the Five Nations shall run in the female line. Women shall be considered the progenitors of the Nation. They shall own the land, and the soil. Men and women shall follow the status of their mothers” (see Appendix 1).

3. Given their status as the progenitors of all life on onowarekeh (turtle island) since the beginning of life on earth and as the original owners of the land following Indigenous law, the kahnistensera must give permission for anything to be done to their traditional unceded homeland.

4. It is with this understanding that we original peoples seek the assistance of the Canadian judicial system in the peaceable resolution of preventing a miscarriage of justice on our land and resolve this dispute between us and your subjects.  Nothing can be done on any part of turtle island without the permission of its sovereign indigenous people, as stated in Section 35 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This court is bound by the Charter of Rights and must affirm the concerns found in section 35.

5. File no. 1217400001 of the City of Montreal provides for the demolition, construction, transformation of buildings, and the repurposing of the surrounding on the site of the Allan Memorial Institute, Ravenscrag gardens, and Royal Victoria Hospital (allotments 1 341 184, 1 341 185, 1 341 182, and 1 354 912). See Appendix 2.

6. The Société Québécoise des Infrastructures has allowed McGill university to plan a repurposing project for the site of the Royal Victoria Hospital, in a plan called “The New Vic”.

7. The Société Québécoise des Infrastructures Allan Memorial Institute has commissioned Stantec inc. to explore and plan demolition, construction and landscaping work on the site of the Allan Memorial Institute and the Ravenscrag gardens.

8. The respondents have illegally bought and sold stolen Indigenous property.

9. As the caretakers of thequenondah (two mountains beside each other/mount royal), we thus demand the immediate suspension of all reconstruction plans for the Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute sites on the campus of McGill University, for the following reasons: the site is unceded kanien’kehá:ka territory; the site contains archaeological remains from the original precolonial Iroquoian village; the grounds of the Allan Memorial Institute must be investigated for potential unmarked graves of atrocities committed during the MK-Ultra program, between 1954 and 1963 by the CIA and Canada.

10. The kanien’kehá:ka land on which the Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute sites are located are said to have first been transferred by the Sulpicians to private owner Pierre Raimbault as “concession 637” in 1708. No information has been provided to us attesting to the Sulpicians having acquired the said land from the rotino’shonni:onwe iroquoian peoples who have lived on this land since time immemorial. Jacques Cartier first encountered our rotino’shonni:onwe ancestors in 1535 and indicated that the village of “Hochelaga” was located at thequenondah (mount royal). Given our people’s practice of safeguarding the environment by moving our villages regularly throughout our territories, the village had been temporarily left to natural regeneration when Samuel de Champlain came back to the site, in 1603. When our people returned, they saw a group of strangers had moved onto our site and learned that they called the settlement “Ville Marie”. Unable to use the land to meet regularly with indigenous peoples from all directions of turtle island, our people renamed the location tionni’tio’tià:kon, “the place where the people separated”. As no proper land deed or certificate of cession of this land has ever been shown to us, the site is considered unceded kanien’kehá:ka land, as publicly acknowledged both by McGill University and the City of Montreal.

11. Only the kanien’kehá:ka’onwe, the “people forever of the flint”, can make decisions on the use of our land, in accordance with the kaianerehkó:wa (great peace), our ancestral constitution which supersedes colonial legislation following 8 according to Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982. As unceded kanien’kehá:ka territory, the valid legal frameworks on thequenondah are the kaianerehkó:wa, accompanied by the two historical agreements between the rotinoshionni confederacy and the British Crown: the teiohateh (two row wampum) and the silver covenant chain (Appendix 3).

12. McGill campus on thequenondah is widely acknowledged as the original site of many of the precolonial iroquoian villages today referred to as “hochelaga”. As stated in Arkeos’ 2016 archeological survey (Appendix 4), the large number of precolonial indigenous burial sites throughout the thequenondah and Royal Victoria Hospital sites demonstrates that the remains of our indigenous ancestors lie beneath its surface. As their heirs, it is our duty to determine how these crucial archeological sites will be treated in any change to the thequenondah site. It is an extreme offence to disturb our ancestors.

13. In addition to archeological remains, the kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera have been aware of allegations that indigenous and/or non-indigenous children may be buried in the vicinity of the Henry Lewis Morgan pool, and in adjacent grounds of the Ravenscrag gardens of the Allan Memorial Institute. The Henry Lewis Morgan pool was built in 1961 during Dr. Ewen Cameron’s unethical psychiatric experimentations on mind control, carried within the Allan Memorial Institute between 1954 and 1963, and funded by the Canadian government and the CIA’s MK-Ultra project (Appendix 5).

14. An audio taped conversation under oath with 80-year-old Winnipeg resident Lana Ponting (Appendix 6), is one of the few remaining victims of these experiments, has confirmed several aspects of these allegations. Lana Ponting has stressed three points: 1) That indigenous peoples were victims of these experiments, as she remembers seeing at least one indigenous individual receiving intense shock treatment in the Allan Memorial Institute during her stay, in April 1958; 2) That underaged children were victims of these experiments, as Lana Ponting witnessed many minor individuals in the building, and as she was herself 16 years old at the time. It is also public knowledge that several MK-Ultra sub-projects included psychiatric experiments on unwitting children (Sub-projects 102, 103, 177, and 122, see Appendix 7); 3) That the rumour that the experiments’ victims were buried in the Ravenscrag gardens surrounding the Allan Memorial Institute was already in circulation amongst its patients as early as 1958. Notably, Lana Ponting recalls that suspicious activities were conducted outside the building at night. Lana Ponting has obtained a letter her doctor attesting that she is of sound mind. Lana Ponting and many other family members of psychiatric experiments at McGill University have strong suspicions that unmarked graves, potentially including indigenous children, will be uncovered beneath the grounds of Ravenscrag.

15. The kanien’kehá:ka caretakers of thequenondah take these allegations very seriously. Indigenous children who were kidnapped from their families and put in Residential Schools were legally deemed “wards” of the State of Canada. Given this status, many of these children were used for experiments, including on nutrition and starvation (Appendix 8). It must also be noted that before coming to the Allan Memorial Institute, Dr. Ewen Cameron practiced psychiatry in Brandon, Manitoba, where he likely had access to indigenous patients. Another important 9 fact bolstering our suspicions is that underage Duplessis Orphans, who had a similar status as indigenous children in Residential Schools (e.g. “wards of the State”), were subjected to extreme psychiatric torture experiments in psychiatric wards. Many died and were interred in unmarked graves, including numerous human remains found in the pigsty near St-Jean-de-Dieu hospital, in Montreal (Appendix 9). Electroshock torture was also practiced on children in residential schools, as the revealed by the Ontario Provincial Police’s inquiry on Fort Albany’s St Anne’s Residential School (Appendix 10).

16. A zone potentially containing unmarked graves has been identified (Appendix 11). Before unmarked graves of indigenous children were actually found across Canada, the widely circulated stories of their existence among indigenous peoples were dismissed as rumors.

17. The kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera, careholders of thequenondah are concerned that the current Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute rehabilitation project could destroy evidence of the unmarked graves of their siblings, depriving them of proper identification, repatriation and burial. It is McGill University’s responsibility to provide the funds and the expertise necessary for an immediate and thorough kanien’kehá:ka led investigation of the Allan Memorial Institute site, which must be considered a site of crimes against humanity. All files concerning MK-Ultra experiments conducted in McGill University’s psychiatry department must be released without delay and made available to the public without restriction.

18. According to Calls to Action 71 to 76 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, recovering unmarked graves of Indigenous children is a top priority for the state of Canada to avoid continuously carrying out crimes against humanity.

19. Before any construction can take place, the site must be thoroughly investigated by a kanien’kehá:ka led forensic and archaeological team to confirm the existence of unmarked graves or other evidence of unlawful activity. All of which is respectfully submitted this 8th day of November, 2021 by

_______________________ karakwine _______________________ kahentinetha _______________________ kawenaa _______________________ karennatha 10 APPENDICES Appen

contact: thahoketoteh@hotmail.com 



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OBJECT: Public Consultation on the Former Royal Victoria Hospital. This brief was served on McGill Royal Victoria Secretariat on October 15, 2021.

FROM: The rotisken’raketeh of kahnawake, ohsweken/six nations of the grand river, akwesasne, and kanehsatake, on behalf of the kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera (the mohawk mothers).

ATTENTION: Laurent Maurice Lafontant, Adjoint administratif, Office de Consultation Publique de Montréal 1550 Metcalfe Street, office 1414. Montreal, H3A 1X6 ocpm.qc.ca/Royal-Victoria; 514 872 8510; 1 833 215 9314

ABSTRACT: The kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera (mohawk women), “the umbilical cord connection between mother and child” and between “human race and mother earth” the caretakers of thequenondah (two mountains/mount royal), demand the immediate suspension of all reconstruction plans for the Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute sites on the campus of McGill University, for the following reasons:

1]The site is unceded kanien’kehá:ka territory; 2) The site contains archeological remains from the original precolonial Iroquoian village; 3) The grounds of the Allan Memorial Institute must be investigated for potential unmarked graves and proof of atrocities committed during the MK-Ultra program, between 1954 and 1963.


This brief will be presented on November 10, 2021, via Zoom for 10 minutes, to the Office de Consultation Publique de Montréal. It will be presented by members of the rotisken’raketeh (men’s council fire) of kahnawake, ohsweken/six nations of the grand river, akwesasne, and kanehsatake. The video of this meeting will be posted on MNN.

Following traditional protocol, the rotisken’raketeh will carry the words of the kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera (mohawk mothers), who are the caretakers of onowarekeh (turtle island), in custody for the tahatikonhsontóntie, “the future generations still in the ground of mother earth”. This brief is an objection to the plans of the corporation of McGill University and its affiliated institutions to violate the circle of life on our ancestral land at thequenondah (mount royal). As members of the rotino’shonni iroquois confederacy, we have the following vested interest in the Royal Victoria Hospital reconstruction project under the following:

According to the kaia’nere:kowa (great peace), which is the precolonial constitution of the rotino’shonni iroquois confederacy, the kahnistensera (mothers) are the progenitors of all life on onowarekeh (turtle island) since the beginning of life on earth. Their duty is to carry out the will of creation, embodied in the original circle of 49 families (tekentiohkwenhoksta). Our alliance protocol, the teiohateh (two row wampum, Appendix 1), provides that we survive and coexist with all life as siblings with our mother, the earth. All of turtle island is the unceded birthright of the onkwehonweh (original people) to caretake future generations1.

1Information on the tehiohate and kaianerekowa can be found at these two links:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z0qKkAht5s&t=277s and  https://mohawknationnews.com/thegreatlaw.htm

On September 12, 2015, a Notice of Seizure of McGill University was sent by kahentinetha, a kanien’kehá:ka woman of the waksarawakeh clan, to McGill’s Principal and Vice-Chancellor, Suzanne Fortier (Appendix 2). Addressed were multiple violations of the kaia’nere:kowa (great peace) by McGill University, whose campus is on unceded kanien’kehá:ka territory, and was built using funds borrowed from the rotino’shonni:onwe, and which were never repaid. The kaia’nere:kowa supersedes the Constitution and Charter of Rights of the corporation of Canada both historically and legally. McGill acknowledges on its own blog that its campus is located on unceded indigenous land. Despite McGill’s creation of a Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Education in 2016 (of appointees or employees by McGill), no official response was provided to this Notice of Seizure. A second letter (Appendix 3) was thus sent in May 2021, informing McGill’s Board of Governors that their failure to respond to the 2015 Notice of Seizure meant that they admitted by default that McGill illegally sits on kanien’kehá:ka land. Unless McGill University abides by the kaia’nere:kowa (great peace) and the teiohateh (two row wampum), it is considered as trespassing kanien’kehá:ka land. No agreement is valid without the consensus of the original sovereigns of turtle island. The kahionni 44 (hiawatha belt) of the kaia’nere:kowa provides the duties of the women as caretakers: kononkwe ne konwatsirineh ne kanakerasera. ne enkotiyatakwehnyyokeh ne onwentsa. ronnonkwe tahnon ne konnonkwe ne enhatihsereh tsiniyakotaroten ne ronwatihnistenha. “Women shall be considered the progenitors of the people. They are the prime caretakers of the land and the soil. Men and women shall follow the status of their mothers”.

The private “indigenous consultation” firm Acosys hired by McGill University has not received permission from the kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera to repurpose our land known as “the Royal Victoria Hospital site”. This permission is the first step towards any planning. The kahnistensera are still waiting to be provided with the information on who was improperly consulted on their behalf. Acosys must use the proper kaia’nere:kowa protocol. As caretakers of thequenondah, including the site of the Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute, the kahnistensera hereby inform you that our protocol has been violated and that the project cannot proceed.

Our demands are based on the following considerations:

1-The kanien’kehá:ka land on which the Royal Victoria Hospital site is located is said to have first been transferred by the Sulpicians to private owner Pierre Raimbault as “concession 637” in 1708. No information has been provided to us attesting to the Sulpicians having acquired the said land from the rotino’shonni:onwe iroquoian peoples who have lived on this land since time immemorial. Jacques Cartier first encountered our rotino’shonni:onwe ancestors in 1535 (Appendix 4) and indicated that the village of “Hochelaga” was located at thequenondah (mount royal). Given our people’s practice of safeguarding the environment by moving our villages regularly throughout our territories, the village had been temporarily left to natural regeneration when Samuel de Champlain came back to the site, in 1603. When our people returned, they saw a group of strangers had moved onto our site and learned that they called the settlement “Ville Marie”. Unable to use the land to meet regularly with indigenous peoples from all directions of turtle island, our people renamed the location tionni’tio’tià:kon, “the place where the people separated”. This name indicates that the kanien’kehá:ka people could no longer meet on this site, because it had been unlawfully occupied without notice by the kanatiens, “those who squat on our land.” As no proper land deed or certificate of cession of this land has ever been shown to us, the site is considered unceded kanien’kehá:ka land, as often publicly acknowledged both by McGill University and the City of Montreal.

2-Only the kanien’kehá:ka’onwe, the “people forever of the flint”, can make decisions on the use of our land, in accordance with the kaia’nere:kowa (great peace), our ancestral constitution which supersedes all colonial legislation. In the absence of any proof of the land being ceded, the only juridical foundations of the colonial occupation of onowarekeh (turtle island) are racist ideologies: the right of conquest and the right of discovery. These false doctrines underlie the Europeans’ invalid right to commit genocide of our people to the present day. Under the kaia’nere:kowa, we have a right to survive by any means. As unceded kanien’kehá:ka territory, the only valid legal framework on thequenondah is the kaia’nere:kowa, accompanied by the two historical agreements between the rotinoshionni confederacy and the British Crown: the teiohateh (two row) and the silver covenant chain (Appendix 5).

3-McGill campus on thequenondah is widely acknowledged as the original site of many of the precolonial iroquoian villages today referred to as “hochelaga”. As stated in Arkeos’ 2016 archeological survey (Appendix 6), the large number of precolonial indigenous burial sites throughout the thequenondah and Royal Victoria Hospital sites demonstrates that the remains of our indigenous ancestors lie beneath its surface. As their heirs, it is our duty to determine how these crucial archeological sites will be treated in any change to the thequenondah site. It is an extreme offence to disturb our ancestors.

4- In 1847, McGill College cashed a loan of £2000 ($8000) from the Iroquois Trust Fund. This fund, intended to compensate the use of aboriginal lands, was kept in trust by the Federal government under the racist pretext that indigenous peoples were unable to manage their own funds. This sum, which built part of the McGill campus, was never paid back to the rotinoshionni confederacy. With 10% compound interest, the amount owed today is $5,584,800,717.46, based on the value of the gold standard at that time (Appendix 7). This full amount must be immediately remitted to the rotinoshionni to stop the accumulation of interest which is compounded from sunrise to sunset every day.

5- In addition to archeological remains, the kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera have been aware of allegations that indigenous and/or non-indigenous children may be buried in the vicinity of the Henry Lewis Morgan pool, and in adjacent grounds of the Ravenscrag gardens of the Allan Memorial Institute. The Henry Lewis Morgan pool was built in 1961 during Dr. Ewen Cameron’s unethical psychiatric experimentations on mind control, carried within the Allan Memorial Institute between 1954 and 1963, and funded by the Canadian government and the CIA’s MK-Ultra project.

An audio taped conversation with 80-year-old Winnipeg resident Lana Ponting, who is one of the few remaining victims of these experiments, has confirmed several aspects of these allegations. Lana Ponting has stressed three points: 1) That indigenous peoples were victims of these experiments, as she remembers seeing at least one indigenous individual receiving intense shock treatment in the Allan Memorial Institute during her stay, in April 1958; 2) That underaged children were victims of these experiments, as Lana Ponting witnessed many minor individuals in the building, and as she was herself 16 years old at the time. It is also public knowledge that several MK-Ultra sub-projects included psychiatric experiments on unwitting children (Sub-projects 102, 103, 177, and 122, see Appendix 8); 3) That the rumor that the experiments’ victims were buried in the Ravenscrag gardens surrounding the Allan Memorial Institute was already in circulation amongst its patients as early as 1958. Notably, Lana Ponting recalls that suspicious activities were conducted outside the building at night. Lana Ponting has agreed to have her eye-witness testimony included in this brief (Appendix 9) and mentioned on tape that her doctor will provide a letter attesting that she is of sound mind. Lana Ponting and many other family members of psychiatric experiments at McGill University have strong suspicions that unmarked graves, potentially including indigenous children, will be uncovered beneath the grounds of Ravenscrag.

The kanien’kehá:ka caretakers of thequenondah take these allegations very seriously, as should McGill’s Board of Governors. Indigenous children who were kidnapped from their families and put in Residential Schools were legally deemed “wards” of the State of Canada. Given this status, many of these children were used for experiments, including on nutrition and starvation (Appendix 10). It must also be noted that before coming to the Allan Memorial Institute, Dr. Ewen Cameron practiced psychiatry in Brandon, Manitoba, where he likely had access to indigenous patients. Another important fact bolstering our suspicions is that underage Duplessis Orphans, who had a similar status as indigenous children in Residential Schools (e.g. “wards of the State”), were subjected to extreme psychiatric torture experiments in psychiatric wards. Many died and were interred in unmarked graves, including numerous human remains found in the pigsty near St-Jean-de-Dieu hospital, in Montreal (Appendix 11). Electroshock torture was also practiced on children in residential schools, as the revealed by the Ontario Provincial Police’s inquiry on Fort Albany’s St Anne’s Residential School (Appendix 12) 2 .

The families of the indigenous victims of mass murder want closure. To investigate these allegations of unmarked graves around the Allan Memorial Institute of McGill university, the kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera have set up an investigation team that includes a surveyor, a geologist and a search dog, assisted by Geoview Pro software. A zone potentially containing unmarked graves has been identified (Appendix 13). Before unmarked graves of indigenous children were actually found across Canada, the widely circulated stories of their existence among indigenous peoples were dismissed as rumors.

The kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera, careholders of thequenondah are concerned that the current Royal Victoria Hospital rehabilitation project could destroy evidence of the unmarked graves of their siblings, depriving them of proper identification, repatriation and burial. It is McGill University’s responsibility to provide the funds and the expertise necessary for an immediate and thorough kanien’kehá:ka led investigation of the Allan Memorial Institute site, which must be considered a site of crimes against humanity. All files concerning MK-Ultra experiments conducted in McGill University’s psychiatry department must be released without delay and made available to the public without restriction.

Considering the above points, on behalf of the kaia’nere:kowa and in the name of  children of the past, present, and future, the kahnistensera careholders of thequenondah, formally request:

a. The immediate termination of any work or planning activities concerning construction on site. 2 On St Anne’s Residential School, see “St. Anne’s Residential School [1941-72] Fort Albany, Cochrane District, Ontario, Canada, “Turtle Island” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcgLDvR32p0

b. That McGill University, now considered a potential crime scene by the kahnistensera, is shut down within 28 days (wahnita, “one moon”).

c. That the site be thoroughly investigated by a kanien’kehá:ka led forensic and archaeological team to confirm the existence of unmarked graves or other evidence of unlawful activity.

d. That all people and institutions responsible for the suffering of patients in MK-Ultra experiments in the Allan Memorial Institute be charged with crimes against humanity.

e. That the kaia’nere:kowa (great peace) is the only legal framework currently applicable on site, and that the kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera have the final say in any decision pertaining to the land. McGill University and the Royal Victoria Hospital are the property of the kanien’kehá:ka people, as they have been built with our funds and resources.

f. That McGill University should be renamed with a proper kanien’kehá:ka description, and be governed by the kahnistensera to address and remedy the inappropriate connection of this institution to John McGill, a slave owner and trader, and a thief of kanien’kehá:ka land and funds; kanien’kehá:ka place names shall replace all names on campus.

g. That the corporation of McGill University, the Allen Memorial Institute and all affiliate institutions engaged in the raping, pillaging and murder of our mother earth and its children immediately cease and desist their occupation of onowarekeh (turtle island).

h. That the corporation of McGill University, the Allan Memorial Institute and all affiliate institutions respect the kaia’nere:kowa (great peace) and the teiohateh (two row) as the basis of our relationship to the earth. tehiakwen’wehnniokenteh, “We have spoken”.

karakwine, rotinahton

kahentinetha, wakskarewakeh

kawenaa, wakskarewakeh

karennatha, wakskarewakeh


Here’s an old classic critique of demon Capitalism by Max Fleischer’s 1936 cartoon “Greedy Humpty Dumpty”. “Higher, higher. more bricks”.


kahentinetha2@protonmail.com mohawknationnews.com Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.  






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MNN. 3 oct. 2021. In politics leaders are supposed to lead by example. Trudeau’s stroll on the beach during the first Indigenous “Truth and Reconciliation Day” promotes the horrors of 150 years of genocide. We sense that Trudeau gave us the finger and that genocide will continue. His remedy is for us to reconcile with the murderers, become Canadian citizens to complete the genocide of us and our culture. Remaining onkwehonweh of our homeland, turtle island, is our protection.


 It appears that on tianni tiotiakon, [Montreal] which is acknowledged kanienkehaka Mohawk land, there is an epidemic of ‘tourette’s syndrome’ among politicians and candidates running in the current Montreal municipal election. They blurt out uncontrolled sounds that they don’t realize are offensive to us. A ‘diffuse axonal’ head injury victim says that ‘amnesia’ is the fastest growing disease in the country. “Nobody remembers shit about anything”, unless it gets them a vote.


Candidate former Shit Mayor Denis Coderre says about the grandiose development proposed for Mount Royal on unceded Mohawk land in the middle of the city, “There should be no question of allowing some people to get the views because they have the means to live in a tower!” He also is campaigning to return the torn down statue of the father of Canada, the First Prime Minister John A. MacDonald, to the center of the city. He wants to affirm MacDonald’s words in Parliament that, in effect, “all original people are savages and that they should be whitenised”. Today, a foreigner ordering this is guilty of an act of war and hate crime against humanity and should be tried by the world court at The Hague.

In effect, Coderre’s spin is, “That’s how we are going to remember how degenerate he was and the genocide he authored on indigenous people” to wipe us out from the face of the earth. Sounds like members of today’s governments. Coderre hopes someone will put a statue of him in the city for his degeneracy in dumping half the city’s effluent into the St. Lawrence River during his term as mayor. Our culture does not welcome statues of such enemies of mankind on Mohawk land.

Quebec Premier Francois Legault refused to commemorate the September 29 “Truth and Reconciliation Day’ as, “What happened this week will not be what happens in the following ones. . . No holiday. We need productivity in Quebec!” Dissolving the government would be very productive.


The ruling politicians, corporatists and mainstream media suffer the highest level of amnesia.

On the other hand the citizens want to remember the genocide horror that the state conducted on us. They know Canada is built on genocide and murder and that anything based on a lie will always be a lie. On Sept. 29 they wore orange shirts, pants, socks, shoes and hats , carried signs and marched for us that they will not forget. Fully dressed Prime Minister Trudeau strolled on the beach, with his family, to celebrate the horrors of residential school genocide. To carry on he should work on a vaccine for the disease known as ‘Indian Residential School Death Camp amnesia’. The rulers probably want everyone to be tested to make sure they have amnesia of this crime of genocide they have plead guilty to committing.


We onkwehonweh are going to specify the real truths the people will face. 

The Mount Royal development is on unceded Mohawk land. The Men’s Fire of Six Nations demanded to be consulted. The Public Consultation Office wants our brief to be posted on their site by November 4, 2021. On November 10 we are being given 10 minutes to give your statement by Zoom, which will be recorded and available to the public on November 11th. Smoke signals shall rise again from our perch on top of the kanienkehaka kanontowano now called Mount Royal.

Note: We should be given more time than Helene Panaioti of the “Friends of the Mounain” or anybody else to discuss our views on this project. 

Jimi Hendrix, in “Castles made of Sand” said it right: “Castles made of sand fall into the sea eventually. Disappear with one wave”. 



kahentinetha2@protonmail.com mohawknationnews.com Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.  


NO MENTIONED OF THE ONKWEHONWEH WHO OWN MOUNT ROYAL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZ9wUoBPmbw
























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MNN. 27 Sep. 2021. This Notice was sent by Registered Mail to McGill University for illegal construction on Mohawk rotinoshonni land. We Mohawk kanienkehaka have inalienable rights to this land and have received no notification. We need to be put on the agenda. We own this land and they do not have our permission. We want an investigation of our property which may be a crime scene.


NOTICE: Men’s Fire of the Six Nations Grand River Territory

542 Mohawk Rd., ON   N0A 1H0 226 388 4191


Attention: Office de Consultation Publique de Montréal

ocpm.qc.ca/Royal-Victoria 514 872 8510 1 833 215 9314

Attention: The Public Consultation (Site of the Former Royal Victoria Hospital):

I am writing to request a formal hearing session to express the following issues prior to any construction associated with the project:


Kahnawake, Akwesasne, Six Nations and all kanienkehaka are the original people of the territory and as such are; Haudenosaunee Iroquois Confederacy onkwehonweh meaning we are not citizens of either Canada or the United States or Quebec. As Haudenosaunee Iroquois Confederacy onkwehonweh,

  1. The Commissioner is on Notice to effectively notify the proper Authorities of any development to this property (Former Royal Victoria Hospital)
  2. As per: The Two Row Wampum, and Silver Covenant Chain Wampum, the onkwehonweh (original peoples) have inherent treaty rights on the territory of tionitiohtià:kon (Montreal), as nor we nor our ancestors have ever relinquished their sovereignty from the beginning of time. The City of Montreal acknowledges that the Haudenosaunee Iroquois Confederacy have never ceded their territory. There has never been any surrender of any of our territories. 
  3. McGill University was initially built with money taken from the Indian Trust Fund in 1850, supposed to be given back to the rotinoshonni. The reimbursement process for these loans has not been implemented yet by the City of Montreal nor McGill University.
  4. The Constitution of 1982 legislation allows us to exercise the following:
    1. Haudenosaunee have inherent outright claim to this property
    2. No Consultation has been conducted to-date
    3. Onkwehonweh have strong suspicions from our elders in the community of buried bodies of our people at various locations on site. 

kahentinetha, rotiskariwakeh [spitting bear clan], wishes to have a meeting with the Commissioner ASAP.

1701 Great Peace of Montreal when the French sued for peace with the rotinoshonni after 100 years of defeat.

Fiduciary Obligation

There are two ways in which fiduciary obligation may arise between the Crown and Indigenous Peoples. (Haudenosaunee):

  1. When the Crown has discretionary control over a specific or cognizable aboriginal interest, (“SUI GENERIS fiduciary obligation”)
  2. Where the Crown has undertaken to exercise its discretionary control over a legal or substantial practical interest in the best interests of a beneficiary (the “AD HOC fiduciary relationship”)
  3. Case Law: Williams Lake Indian Band v Canada, Coldwater Indian Band v Canada (Indian Affairs and Northern Affairs)

The Hodiskeagehda (Men’s Fire of the Kahnawake, Akwesasne, and Six Nation Territory) are presenting to you your responsibility to honor and act in accordance to the kaianerenko:wa (Iroquois Great Law of Peace), the teiohate Two Row Wampum, and the Silver Convonant Chain.

The Iroquois of  turtle island have never relinquished their sovereignty to allow the proposed repurposing of the site of the former Royal Victoria Hospital. Allow me to remind you of your legislation:

Bomberry v. Ontario (Minister of Revenue) (Ont. Div. Ct.), 1989 CanLII 4300 (ON SC)

It is clear that neither the province nor the federal government can extend their administrative power beyond their constitutional reach, the charter of rights, particularly in a way that trenches upon the exclusive legislative authority of the other order of government, or the universal human rights of individuals. Please contact us if you have any questions, concerns or complaints.

Respectfully submitted by the Hodiskeagehda (Men’s Fire of the Kahnawake, Akwesasne, and Six Nation Territories) 

Signed by:

Wifred Davey, Secretary for the Hodiskeagehda Wilfred Davey (Latudalasluni), Six Nations Grand River Territory. wilfreddavey@gmail.com

ROTISKEHRAKETEH ROBBIE ROBERTSON makes it as simple as it gets:  “You’re in Indian country. This is Indian Country.” 


LOOK AT LINKS ON HOW THE MOUNTAIN IS GOING TO BE RUINED.  https://ocpm.qc.ca/sites/ocpm.qc.ca/files/pdf/P116/royal-victoria_depliant_en_web.pdf



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MNN. SEP. 22, 2021.The election computers won again! Using up money. Stopping parliament. Parliament closed for a year during covid. Candidates are not to be trusted. They all want to keep things going the way they are, another 4 years of resource extortion from turtle island. During the campaign none dared to mention the biggest secret of the Queen, the horrific unmarked graves of the murdered native children. Their true allegiance is to maintain their power. How do the natives that voted feel now? They gave up the fight and joined the oppressors against us.


Not coincidental is appointing Inuit Mary Simon as Governor General to stand for the Crown. None talked about the orange shirts. She was the cleaning lady sweeping it under the carpet forever. The Canadian public has already forgotten about that. The settlers did all the murdering and benefitted.

The rulers want us to continue suffering. By 2024 they hope we won’t exist as onkwehonweh, the original people of turtle island, that we will all be assimilated into the body politic of the colony of Canada by the stroke of Mary’s pen. They will never become a country because we will always be here as creation intended. They all campaigned for ‘canadiens’. We are not shareholders of the corporation of the government of Canada. We original onkwehonwe were never mentioned. They represent only the incorporated Metis, Inuit land first nations. 

The house Indians who work for the government are not mentally rotinoshonni’onwe. They work to extinguish us according to the Indian Lands Act of Oct. 25, 1924. Their mind has been genocided. Some even sit in parliament to exterminate us. They love their white masters and being their pet dog. They have huge salaries, better houses, cars and vacations than their families. They might get a pat in the head and a bone if they obey. Like Jody. who got kicked down the basement stairs by Trudeau, where are they going to stay if they don’t bark and cower? Bad dog! When the master gets sick, they hold the master’s hand until he gets better, like a good dog should. A few favorites on the rez have all the businesses and jobs. They look like cardboard cut-outs of their masters, wearing ties, three piece suits, ribbon shirts with bolo ties and a metis sash for the good government Indian photos. The master even puts on a headdress and poses with them.


None can get a ’real’ job where they do nothing The only jobs are smoke and pot shops or the band council. Their mind is always on the next fixed election where the corporation is allowed another 4 years of unimpeded resource extraction of our wealth. 99% of the true indigenous refuse to take part in this exercise.

They want a $40 to $50 an hour job with all the benefits, which works out to $65 an hour. 2% of the people vote. When the master’s country is on fire, the house Indians run out and try to put it out. Back on the rez people in the trenches are stabbed in the back and blacklisted. kaianerekowa must be reasserted over all of turtle island. In the meantime we burn tobacco and wear that ‘original homeland security fighting terrorism since 1492’ T-shirt. to reinstate our true onkwehonweh jurisdiction on our homeland.

The field warriors are the real sovereigns. We are given dirty water to drink, toxic waste dumped up to our front door, and get leftovers so we can get sick and die. We have survived through the harshest economic sanctions of any people on earth. Everytime we try to make money in their fake economy we are arrested. We can’t work for ourselves. The government wants taxes and have numerous penalties for not having a GST or some other number or colonial id. We get pretend invoices and threats. They have the most stringent economic sanctions since 1924 when the put us on the reserves. They beat and threatened us from morning to night. We despise the master. The puppets love their master.

The ‘uncle tomahawks’ are well paid and trained to keep us in line, passive, peaceful, non-violent. It is like being sent to an Indian Affairs dentist, getting our teeth pulled with no pain killer. They want us to feel the pain so we suffer and say nothing because Indian Affairs pays for it from our Indian Trust Fund.

The great peace tells us not to fight until you die, but to fight until you win. The kaianerekowa, great peace philosophy teaches us to never suffer the enemies. We learn to be intelligent, courteous and respectful of others. When someone puts his hand on us, we defend ourselves. The white monster tried to kill the kaianerekowa, great peace, to make us into sheep. The band and tribal puppets are traitors. The uncle toms mimic the white monster. An Indian and inuit women are made prominent. celebrities with fake prestige and influence, appointed by the government to speak for us without our consent. The field warriors have no voice on mainstream media. Those who criticize them are unknown unheard of idols. 

The sell out local band tribal leaders falsely speak for the grass roots at every turn. They help keep us in the rez mentality of hopelessnes and helplessness. Any onkwehonweh, true native, rising up must be approved by the rulers, otherwise they are punished and blacklisted for opposing the white monsters.

When the unmarked graves of our children were found, they jumped up and took over the agenda to help Canadien squatters forget about it.

A ‘revolution is coming’, making the corporate power structure of systemic injustice, racism and hatred concerned. The brown steamroller of peace is on its way. The field warriors have no leaders to buy off and control. The state’s Indian puppets are ordered to cool us down. Historically, 1% of the people can wake up the 99%. 

The puppets are ordered to not fight each other but make it look like they are cooperating with us. They get the top position in the movement and get the grassroots to fight each other using 51% majority rules. The appointed ‘leaders’ raise funds in our name, which we never see. The chairman is a prominent House Indian and the backroom co-chair we never see communicates with the government and gets the money. Top public relations experts put the mainstream media at their disposal. Corporate civil rights organizations join the movement. Invited to join the “revolution” are priests, rabbis, old white preachers, labor, catholics, jews, liberals and protestants who march at the front pretending to be with the people, but they steer the revolution.

When you have strong hot brown coffee, you put cream in it to weaken it. It becomes a white drink and cools down. It woke you up one time and now it puts you to sleep. It’s called infiltration. We grassroots are hot and uncompromising.

The white monsters act like they love natives and fool a lot of us. The public don’t see what’s genuinely going on. They use the ancient Roman tactic of bread and circus to pacify the people. They hope we field natives are controlled so tight that we are told where to come, how to stop, what sign to carry, what to say. The Indian leaders get the award for best supporting cast. Then they are told to get out of town by sundown and lay low until their master calls them back. 

Just like a dog listening to his master, the band councils love this song about dogs: “Woke up this morning, my dog was dead. Someone disliked him and shot him through the head. Woke up this morning, my cat had died. I know I’ll miss her, sat down and cried. Came home this evening, my hog was gone. People here don’t like me, I think I’ll soon move on. Now somethings happened, that would make a saint frown. I turned my back and my house burned down”.


kahentinetha2@protonmail.com mohawknationnews.com Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.  


forgotten: orange shirts








First Out of The Watah !! // Grand Architects and Civilizers / Hidden History of America , Old World – YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-hCsuzd6iM&t=521s









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MNN. 6 Sep. 2021. As karonhiaktajeh said, “We [the indigenous people of the earth] are one people and we stand together”. As time goes on Anglo Americans and their allies show us their innate ugliness. To them killing an Afghani man and 9 kids ‘by’ mistake is “collateral Damage”. Guys in Colorado push buttons and drop missiles and drones on innocent people, on purpose.


The invaders have no soul. They hate us indigenous because we reveal the truth about them. There will be a response. The Chinese technology far exceeds what Americans have. The empire intrude on other peoples, land and culture as they did to us. We were called savages, atheists and terrorists. They declared us as “non-human” and according to their Christian belief they could murder us with impunity.

Almost everyone has fallen for it. Hedonist Trudeau called an election to take the focus off the thousands of unmarked hidden graves of murdered children found at Indian Residential School death camps. They are not holding themselves accountable. They avoid the humanitarian beauty of the kaianerekowa. They are terrified of the truth. “We’re going to get to bottom, of all this”, they say as they all swear an oath of secrecy to the Queen, especially, this, the biggest secret. 

Who and what is the corruptor. It is hate. This empire will not last. The past cannot be changed no matter what lies the colonists tell. We have the truth. We learn from it. The psychotics make up fantasies to make horrific deadly decisions, all based on lies which they cover with many more lies. No matter what, they will always be lies. Their spies and intelligence agents said that leaving Afghanistan would be a breeze. It was a lie. They had other plans. Psychotics wrote the scripts for the psychopaths to act out this terror. 

It’s a never ending war between good and evil, while they play the tag of death.

The world watches. The demise of America will be shown on youtube. Their contorted faces, greed, hatred, envy and planning of massacres of us and indigenous people all over the world. They hate us. They want to know the price of everything and not the natural value of things. They have been programmed into the republic of war culture which they brought from where they came. Afghanistan was a complete fiasco for 20 years. They lost. Yet Americans still want to take the last shot. It’s costing $ trillions.

The world is finally seeing the real face we seen for 500 years. They have no qualms about committing violence and crimes. They kill to kill. They are confirming to the world that war is wrong. They shoot deer and moose, any kind of animal, just to kill. 80 million buffalo wiped out to starve the Sioux, reducing the herd to 800. They killed 150 million of us and our children and tried to conceal the murders and genocide.


We view our land as a trust for our children that are yet unborn. We say “not for sale”. The foreign corporation known as the Crown could never legitimately have the land.

The psychotics want to control the force of life, like “serial killers”. They give themselves a licence to do this with impunity, without ethics and morality. Society lives in terror. Only the military establishment thrives to feed their never ending addiction to war. They came onto the shore of turtle island and saw everything the wanted to steal. They declared, “This should belong to us”. Their  corruptors directed them to exterminate the original people, which would eliminate all witnesses to the crime. 

Their psychotic leaders declared they can commit premeditated murder and genocide, in the name of freedom, human rights, and democrcy!!!. After Afghanistan they have no triumph, so like little children the Americans and their allies drop bombs on their way out. Campaign contributors are concerned that the politicians cannot easily sell another war. The noose is tightening around the neck. The US is the second most hated country in the world after Israel.

The US empire is unnatural and on the brink of annihilation on turtle island. Since we were not totally genocided, kaianerekowa the great peace survives from the beginning of time to the end of time.

The US deceived the world and now itself. They are ia-ronon-kwe-kiken. They are not natural people. They think they can murder and take no blame. 

They speak more cruel every day. They show no conscience. They cover up their evil with charity and NGOs sent to countries pretending to help them but are spying to undermine them. Nature is helping mother earth. 

The psychotic monsters are currently looking for new lands, adventures and people to kill. Those psychopaths in Colorado probably just sent another drone to kill someone, which would inevitably include innocent men, women and children going about their lives. They will never acknowledge it. They are already rewriting their past to escape what they are, evil doers. 

Blood drips from the hands of leaders and politicians of United States, Canada, and those ruled by the new British Empire which is a financial empire out of the City of London. The life of others is unimportant to them. When they are gone, a burden will be lifted from the world. We will be safer. They think they have to try to destroy us or we will destroy them with the truth. 

As Eric Burdon and the Animals say about war: “He blesses the boy and they stand in line. The smell of gun grease and the bayonets they shine. He is there to help them all that he can. To make them feel wanted. He is a good holy man. Sky Pilot. you are soldiers of god. You must understand. The fate of your country is in your young hands. May god give you strength to do your job real well. If it was all worth it, only time will tell. In the morning they returned with tears in their eyes. The stench of death drifts up to the skies. A young soldier so ill looks at the Sky Pilot, remembers the words “Thou Shalt Not Kill”. Sky Pilot. Sky Pilot. How high can you fly. You never reach the sky.”  

kahentinetha2@protonmail.com mohawknationnews.com Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.