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MNN. Dec. 5, 2015. Imperial Tobacco initially set up the “contraband” market in the early 1990s taking advantage of our sovereignty and tax-exempt rights. Brand name “cigarets” were shipped to Buffalo and Syracuse in New York State, supposedly for sale there. No taxes were paid to Canada. Then the product was sold to middlemen, brought back to Canada for sale at very low prices. Sales rose from $800 million a year to $6 billion by 1993. Policing agencies – NYS Troopers, SQ, OPP, army, politicians, corporations and all CROWN entities – were part of the the plan to attack. Judges, lawyers, stores, cigarette companies and others were involved. They didn’t want any competition.

US & Canada Operation "Gallant Piper" and Operation "Scorption Saxon", 1996.

Gallant Piper & Scorpion Saxon, 1996, all dressed up!” 

Tobacco is an onkwe’hon:weh plant. We have every right to use it to achieve economic sustainability in anyway that we deem necessary. Our businesses are legitimate based on the law of the land. We could purchase and sell anything to whoever without charging taxes, as reflected by the Jay Treaty 1794, the treaty of trade and commerce. Then we set up our own manufacturing and marketing of our own tobacco products. Big tobacco and everyone else were

They tried to destroy Iroquois sovereignty and put us out of business to bolster their monopoly on that trade. US, Canada and big tobacco are still pressing this economic button. Corporate by-laws were passed overriding our sovereignty and international law. Prices are manipulated. All taxation is  remitted to the City of London. To force our compliance to their rules, military operations were mounted. Our legitimate businesses are falsely called “organized crime”. We are threatened with criminalization and death. We will always defend our sovereignty to the end of time.

In 1996 fully armed military death squads were set up to invade our unarmed communities. 1800s American genocide policies were invoked [Wounded Knee, Sand Creek, etc.]. In the US it was operation “Gallant Piper” and in Canada it was operation “Scorpion Saxon”.  Then in 1997 New York State Troopers attacked us in Onondaga, for which they will be standing trial in January 2016.

Big tobacco – Rothmans, Imperial and R.J. Reynolds – Canada and US are still trying to interrupt our economic process to eliminate competition to their exorbitant prices. NYS continues to stall the trial, which is now almost 20 years old.

freedom flag


Roger Miller sings about the economic predicament the bankers try to put the Mohawks in: “Third box car, midnight train, destination Bangor Maine. Old worn out clothes and shoes. I don’t pay no union dues. I smoke old stogies I have found. Short, but not too big a’round. I am a man of means, by no means, king of the road!” [King of the Road].  

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit

San Bernadino media hoax.

Oscar for False Flag girl!

Oscar for False Flag girl!

Big Tobacco tries to liquidate onkwe’hon:weh trade.


McGill owes rotino’shonni/Iroquois billions.

Protest Highway 30 in Quebec.

Canada mining abuses in Africa.





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MNN.  29 Nov. 2015. In june 2007 there was a rumored arrest warrant for the great “untouchable” sage, Red-X” for alleged inciting “sageosity and infamocity”! It’s one of those open “John Doe” warrants for the “some-crime-has-to-fit-every-onkwe’hon:weh” mentality that pervades the colonial enterprise.

"Do what your mind tells you has to be done!"

“Do what your mind tells you has to be done!”

Phil Fontaine of the AFN, the RCMP, OPP and SQ had set a vicious “trap” for those of us who challenged Canada Inc.’s lack of jurisdiction over us and our land.  It was  to be sprung on “Aboriginal Day”. They have never taken their sights off us or stopped scoping us with their high tech weapons.

The charges against the Red-X are some sort of treason. He was certainly giving out the most sageous messages ever heard in the universe, straight from the Fifth Dimension.

The “infamocity” was obvious.  It came from his pretentious demarginalization.  He was accused of inciting the overturn of the existing worldwide social disorder.  He would have to be tried in an inter-galactic court of Ur’anus!  No neutral turd party was found to squat in judgment!

Before taking over, we have to learn to speak Mohawk & Turkish.

Bloodline: “To take over the world, we must learn to speak Mohawk & Turkish”.


He was charged because he always says what is contrary to the principles upon which Canada, the U.S. and other colonial states are founded, such as self-centered self-service, cronyism, taking advantage of people, stealing Indigenous possessions, conning people into selling to them at bargain basement prices and pocketing all the profits.  Red-X advocated the overthrow of this system that is dedicated to monotheism, oppression and suppression of people.  He was charged with inciting people to think clearly, think ahead and protect the environment.  This is a grave crime in the eyes of the colonial corporations that are trying to run the galaxy and colonize the universe.

Red-X strikes unspeakable terror into the minds of  colonizers!   Red-X asks, “What are they afraid of?”

Despite being such crooks, they had time to put out a “Most Wanted” poster of the Red-X.  They had a photo, but all you could see was the hood.  Through the eye slits, one can see a black and cavernous void, leading directly to the Fifth Dimension.

No. This is not Red-X!

No. This is not Red-X!


Some scientists discovered that some of the oldest vibrations in the universe are coming from a black hole in Pisces.  They say there were once meat-eating chickens bigger than the Taranosaurus Rex roaming around in Siberia.  As Einstein pointed out, “The solution can be found when you take the mass of the photons and divide it by the square root of infinity”.

The black beaded hood covers a scar.  Was he one of those kids who were beheaded and buried in the basement of a residential school?  If so, it seems someone from the Fifth Dimension sewed his head back on?  The Red-X would not want people to get scared by the scar on his throat, especially little children who have no need to know about the time he spent in wherever he was.

The special hood can never be found in Wal-Mart or the Dollar Store.  “This is the power of the hood”, said the Red-X.  “You gotta know your neighbors.  You gotta speak to ‘em.  You gotta ask ‘em what they think.  And then you gotta stand beside ‘em.”

Another mystery is where does he live?  The Red-X will only say, “I am he who has been prophesized to come.  I am the one they’re looking for”.  “Fine me if you will”.

"Chief, sign over here in front of the casket".

“Chief, sign over here in front of the casket”.

The Red-X is not a sequel to the “X-Files”.   He’s been around a lot longer than that.  A leading Canadian historian dusted off some primary documents in the archives.  Accordingly, he found many of the original treaties made by the colonizers to let them live here were signed with “Xs”.  But we would not put much stock in that.  According to the Red-X, “They’re all forgeries”.

But someone had to know about him to forge his signature.  We are specially skeptical about the ten “Xs” that all look exactly alike that are on many of the first treaties.

The Red-X was concerned about why Phil Fontaine [of government-front “Assembly of First Nations”] accepted Indian Affairs Minister Jonestown Prentice’s offer to settle their claims to our land.  Red-X says, “Think about it.  Jonestown might have spiked Phil’s martini with a date rape drug instead of an olive”. mirror

After chugging it down, Phil excused himself for a moment, zig-zagged by mistake into the ladies room to adjust his hair.  There were mirrors everywhere.  He saw all these guys that looked just like him.  “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?  Does Jonestown have a good deal for me?” he asked himself and nodded his head up and down.  All the other guys in the mirrors nodded together in unison.  Then he went back out to report to Jonestown, “Looks like we got consensus, boss”, he said.

Because of Red-Xs pearls of wisdom, Ottawa decided to gather the swines into an “Interdepartmental Red-X Committee” run out of the war room in the Indian Affairs ”Tower of Terror” on Wellington Street.  According to their mission statement, they are commissioned to “figure out just what is the Red-X saying”.  It’s headed by a top encryption expert from Arlington Virginia who said, “This is the biggest challenge of my entire life”.

As Red-X says, “Stay tuned”. As Hinder sings: “If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change a damn thing in my life, cause I love the dumb things we do when we’re young. But the best is yet to come.”  Video: Hinder “Best is yet to come”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 for original Mohawk music visit

Fontaine’s lynching party.

Saboteur Fontaine sets up policing agreement.

Russia-China bankdeal.

Another dead astronaut.

Erdogan: Turks owe Syria for stolen oil.

VT: Putin, don’t worry aliens have your back.





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MNN. Nov. 25, 2015. This was written about the attack of the rotino‘shonni at Onondaga on May 18, 1997, by the New York State Troopers. It was published in the Akwesasne Phoenix on December 19, 2004. I added this as MNN was not yet online:pack

“Something strange and unexpected happened on May 18th 1997. My daughter in Kahnawake had planned a trip to Onondaga. Just before she left her companion backed out. She came to my house to ask what to do. I told her she shouldn’t go alone. So I jumped in the car to help care for my 3 year old granddaughter. We left at 9:00 a.m. It was a beautiful sunny day. honour

People from all Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy were gathering at Onondaga to celebrate the rescinding of the compact between Governor Pataki and the Onondaga Chiefs and others.

We arrived at Onondaga around noon. We happen to notice many New York State Police cars parked at various locations in Nedrow, the nearby town. We could not figure out why they were there. We commented on this, “Hey, look at all those police cars! Can’t be for us! Naw!” floyd crow westerman

Soon we arrived at Ronnie Jones property right along Interstate 81. People were talking about all the cops they saw. “We aren’t doing anything”, they said. “So it must be for something else!” “I wonder what’s happening.”

The Peoples’ fire, lit several weeks earlier, was burning brightly. Marie Peters had started a small ceremonial fire for the thanksgiving ceremony.

A huge billboard on the property had been taken over by the Onondagas who wrote their own messages on them. Men, women and children, were milling around. Food was being brought to the site and placed on picnic tables. Benches and chairs were set in groupings.

Media people with cameras and notebooks were scattered through the crowd. The people being interviewed were happy about what we were celebrating. There was no sign of the chiefs who objected to Pataki rescinding the accord. matrix

My daughter and I did not know some of these people. We knew the Papineau family and some of the people from Kahnawake. I stood on the side of the road and watched cars going by, slowing down to take a flyer from the hands of the people. The flyers outlined the tax issue. Most non-natives were supportive of our victory. No traffic was ever stopped.

My daughter was taking photos throughout. My granddaughter was playing with the other children. The weather was as beautiful in Onondaga as it had been in Kahnawake. At a certain point, the traffic stopped. I saw the New York State Troopers coming down the road in rows with sticks in their hands. Four troopers marched in front following the directions of a native wearing red ribbons on his shirt. He was from the Onondaga chiefs council.

When they got closer, they stood on the road, turned into a formation facing the people who were gathered about the ceremonial fire. The ceremony had just begun about two minutes earlier. They marched towards us in a “V” formation, right through a shallow ditch along the highway. Another group of troopers appeared on the road behind them, marching steadily down the road toward us. rushmore

At first I did not move. I was studying them. I could not believe they were coming for us. When I realized what was happening, I froze. The troopers started to beat the first persons they encountered with their batons. Suddenly everyone jumped into action. I looked around for my granddaughter. She had been placed in a van with other children and driven away.

My daughter was standing on a picnic table taking pictures. The troopers were moving in her direction, beating everyone in their path. “Get off the table”, I yelled. “Get out! Get out quick”, I was screaming at her. She finally jumped down, ran for her car and took off. Her car was parked on the access road behind the property, parallel to Interstate 81. I jumped into a friend’s moving car while he was backing out.

The New York State Troopers were not wearing their badges. We were unlawfully harassed during a sacred ceremony. I saw our men, women and children being beaten for no reason or provocation. The troopers focused on some individuals, giving them particularly vicious beatings. Four cops grabbed an older man and held him down, while another trooper grabbed his chin and yanked it, trying to break his neck. I could see their sticks in the air as they continued to strike the people. I saw people being lead away. Others were running through the bushes fearing for their lives.

Disguised reinforcements.

Disguised reinforcements.

People were being grabbed, hit and hurt. Children were being knocked over and pushed around. Elders were being beaten. Elder Grandpa Bear, wearing a black Navajo style hat, was chased by the troopers. He took off. All I could see was his hat running through the bushes. When I ran onto the roadway, many women were hiding in the bushes with their children.

My friend in the car had a cell phone and I called my office [Canadian Alliance in Solidarity with the Native Peoples] in Toronto. I asked the CASNP worker to send out a communiqué worldwide that we were being attacked by New York State Troopers, that many people were hurt, and that many had been arrested. The attack was unprovoked. The people at the thanksgiving ceremonial meeting had no weapons. I went to the home of an Onondaga person and faxed more details to my home. Another daughter sent this out everywhere alerting everyone of this violent attack.

It was hours before I managed to relocate my daughter and granddaughter in Onondaga. I rode around the territory here and there trying to find them. Finally, I went to the restaurant and waited. Eventually they showed up.

This is a police state.

Jack knows it’s a police state.


A court case was started seeking damages. The lawyer from Syracuse did not contact us for quite a long time. The question is – will New York State recognize our right to an exemption to their taxation so long as they “beat the dog s**t out of us periodically?” Someone should go into business designing modern ghost shirts with beaded flak vests with matching beaded helmets!”

All I can say is this was a very spooky day for me, as Dusty Springfield sings: “I get confused. I never know where I stand. And then you smile and hold my hand. Love is kind of crazy with a spooky little boy like you. Spooky!” [[Spooky].

US in constant warfare.

Video: Oka legacy.

rotino’shonni eagle defeats drone.

Bankers beware.

Franc onkwehonwe justice system

BIA Indian Trust Fund Heist.

MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 for original Mohawk music visit