MNN. Sept. 20, 2007. Message from Rotiskeneketeh, “We will be walking peacefully on the CPR tracks from the “border” of Kahnawake at St. Constant off Highway 132 at the intersection
of Highway 30. From there we will walk to the Train Bridge over the tunnel in the village of Kahnawake.”

“We are standing in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Six Nations who have just been kidnapped by the foreigners forces of the Ontario Provincial Police, Hamilton City Police and the RCMP. Ontario and Canada have walked away from the “talks”. This has always been an international matter of colonial Canada invading the Indigenous sovereign people of Six Nations.”

“Our people have been victimized by attacks from colonial government agencies. This use of force must stop. They must obey international law. We are standing together in support of all of our Six Nations Territories .”

“Defending our land is not criminal.”

poster: katenies


Red-X escapes Guantanamo Gulag!


MNN. Sept. 17, 2007. At this time we don’t know how the infamous Indigenous sage, Red-X, escaped from the Guantanamo Gulag. His captors tried to break his spirit. But the Red-X said, “I already know this scene. I went to rez school!”

The account of his escapades is forthcoming. People Magazine, E-Talk Daily and the New York Times are all reportedly fighting for first dibs on his story. Red-X is keeping his mouth zipped. “I don’t need to talk to no colonial rag. MNN is the only one I’ll talk to. My story is just for my people!”

As MNN reported months ago, the Red-X had been captured and was being tortured. He had communicated that he would make contact with those who had fine tuned their perceptions, who had ears to hear, eyes to see and minds to know. Red-X indicated that he did receive a sign from the “war counsel” of the Third Dimension which makes itself known to those who are placed in abject confinement.

Red-X was inculcated with lyrics passed on to him on a stone tablet which was presented to him by a powerful warrior spirit, who spoke with thunder in his voice, lightening emanating through his eyes and with the head of a burning bush. His muscles looked like the mountains surrounding eternity.

The truth inscribed on this tablet from this ethereal being were to be transmitted to the mundane realm which we live in. The communicative enlightenment was to manifest its elucidation by means of melodious tonality. The musical vibration and the message would liberate the millions of people who have been imprisoned in their minds, deprived of free thought and the ability to contemplate in full cogitation. This is all part of his “sageocity”. People have been traumatized by the horrible shock and awe perpetuated by the neo conservative cabal of the Bush administration. They murdered over 3000 people in blood so cold that it would make Truman Capote shiver with a need for a steam bath at the nearest spa.

As one can imagine, the “force” tells no lies. The ethereal realm presented sacred missives in honor of the Red-X.

Red-X was instructed to deliver the words in the appropriate manner so that the truth could be converted into power. That power would then suffuse a sonorific voice that could translate into psychic transfusion. The words would be transmitted by means of rhythmic nuances for the understanding of those who are ready to hear it.

As he crossed the ocean from Cuba escorted by a fleet of dolphins onto Turtle Island , his silver eagle was waiting. He quickly mounted the silver eagle and headed back West to the place where the sun never sleeps.

As he flew he reminisced about the horrible atrocities that had been perpetrated upon his mortal form, which he never succumbed to, because his will to live is unyielding. He understands the suffering of his Arab brothers and sisters by the U.S. military torturers who have been given unlimited powers according to their so-called “extraordinary rendition”.

The Red-X was constantly tortured on the “water board”. Nothing could break him down. They wanted him to reveal the secret power of the Indigenous people who are able to communicate with the “kasastenera kowa sa oiera”. They want to know why they have not been able to totally exterminate us. We know who we are. We have the marks that denote our special place on this earth.

They put a hood over his head so he could not recognize his torturers, as if he couldn’t tell they were Americans, especially when they greeted him with “Howdy Doody!” They put him face down suspended by a pulley. He was then lowered into a pit of gurgling water so that he would sink to the bottom and be made to think he would drown.

His torturers only fed him during the day one sparse portion of cornmeal and a piece of sugar cane. They thought they were starving him. They did know that maize is an integral part of the indigenous diet and thus the main sources of the Red-X’s mystical psychic power. They were totally “amaized” at his strength.

“I have tried to expose the truth about what happened in New York City at the Twin Towers on September 11th 2001. I have been greatly concerned about the falsehoods being spread because it was built by my people, the Onkwehonweh”. He was troubled by the official story given by the U.S. government through their mouthpiece Ari Fleischer who said, “Be careful what you say and who you say it to”. He was warning about the police state that was coming and the penalties for those who talked about 911 in any other form except from the “official patriotic” perspective.

The War Counsel told him, “You have suffered enough, Red-X. We will make it easy for you to escape”. He memorized the lyrics that were on the tablet, which then evaporated right before his deep set eyes.

As he flew the words kept coming to him:

1. 911 was a “false flag”, nothing new
It’s been tried and true
As a means to perpetuate
The war mongering greed
Of the very elite few
Hell-bent on dictating
Who we are and what we do 

You can’t escape the eagle’s eye
The winds can hear your plans and lies
Your skull and bones and false flag flies
But the spirits of justice are on the rise

2. The epitome of evil false flag operations
When you kill your own people
To justify attacking other nations
Side stepping the rules
Governing war crimes and treason
Murder and genocide for your own sick reason


3. How dumb do you think we are?
You control-demoed those Twin TowersBoom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom!
From the very top floor down
Anti-terror fire and brimstone
With a dash of pyrotechnics
Suspending rights and cleansing ethnics


4. Stand down orders to the U.S. Air Force Allowing four planes
To go unchecked and off course
But, hey, what happened to
The plane that flew into the Pentagon?
Come on! No parts! No luggage! No bodies!
Something is very wrong
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowich and Bush
Have the motive, the means and the opportunity
Just like Hitler, Pinochet, PolPot and Mouselini
Your crimes are against humanity
And for that there is no immunity


5. Your game is up
Burn in HELL
Your future generations
Will know this story well
Your oiligarchy is
The next tower to come down
And the history of truth is
The only story we’ll tell



Red-X spoke these words to his messenger, Bro’hawk, who found Dacajawea [Splitting the Sky], who converted it to music with the assistance of She-Keeps-The-Door, Speaks-The-Truth, Shahada and Nat. “Truth to Power” came into being.

Listen and live on!

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: katenies






MNN. Aug. 5, 2007. The Indigenous people and President Hugo Chavez are bringing together 40 Indigenous nations of Venezuela from August 7 to 9, 2007.

The Mohawk delegation is made up of two women, Kahentinetha, an elder and Karenhahes, Bear Clan Mother.

This congress is setting up a broad international movement of indigenous people to reject colonial oppression. During the 20th century, the European states that generated the colonial movement began to understand that they would destroy each other if they kept up the land and resources grab and the ensuing killing of Indigenous peoples. Colonialism was declared illegal. Canada continued to define a “person” as any individual other than an Indian until 1951. Canada still does not respect our sovereignty and presumes that their colonial law is the only law north of the 49th parallel. The U.S. usurps the Indigenous lands, resources and jurisdiction south of the 49th parallel.

Canada refuses to sign the Declaration of Indigenous rights at the United Nations, even though that declaration is a profoundly colonial instrument. International law recognizes that no state can absorb another without the free and fully informed consent of the people concerned in a free vote. The Indigenous peoples and nations never agreed to become part of Canada. Canada is addicted to old destructive models of social and economic relations and medieval ruling class credos. It thinks that social order is based on command and obedience, not agreement between equals, and that there can’t be wealth without poverty. Such nonsense.

The meeting in Venezuela will take place in Mapiricure, an indigenous community in the south. On August 9th President Hugo Chavez will be presented with the Indigenous Feather known as the “Penacho” and a headdress. This will be followed by a ceremony invoking the powers of the natural world. On that day 11 land titles will be turned over to the Indigenous Communal Councils by President Chavez.

The shamen carrying out the ceremony will be joined by shamen from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Nicaraugua, Mexico, Panama and the U.S.

Here is a draft of the words that the Mohawk delegation will be delivering to the International Congress of Indigenous People “in Defence of the Planet”, outlining a new paradigm for human existence.

“Nia:wen for your invitation to witness this historic event. From our women, we bring greetings to the women of your country.

From the “Rotiyaner” who are the men of our nation, we bring greetings from our men to your men.

From our elders, those who are the grandmothers and grandfathers, we bring our greetings to you who are the grandmothers and grandfathers of this nation.

From the fathers and mothers of our nation we bring greetings to you who are the mothers and fathers to your nation.

From our young people we bring greetings to your young people of this nation.

From the children of our nation we bring greetings to the children of your nation.

From those who still crawl upon the earth and those who are still on the cradle board, we bring greetings to your children who crawl on the earth and those who are on the cradle board.

From those faces of our future who are still beneath the earth, we bring the greetings to those of your people whose faces are yet beneath the earth.

Now that we have said this, we may begin.

We would like to have had a larger delegation here to day. Due to our struggle to preserve our sovereignty we are oppressed and ignored on our own homeland we call Onowarekeh, also known also as “Turtle Island”. The foreign colonial governments of Canada and the United States limit our movements on our own land. They fail to teach their people about our existence, our philosophy, our laws.

Mr. Chavez, thank you for giving our people an opportunity to establish relations between our governments under our philosophy known as the “Kaianereh’ko:wa”, the Great Law of Peace. We are not under the colonial laws. We continue to adhere to our laws and traditions. We continue to ensure a future for our people as the Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk.

We are the eyes and ears that will witness this event. This is the beginning of a message to other nations to work towards bringing people back together to form an alliance. We wish to develop a sane and healthy way of life that assures that all people are decently cared for.

We need to renew the solemn blood covenants that have bound all Indigenous Peoples of South America and Onowarekeh, our name for Turtle Island, for thousands of years. We are one blood. When one family member is oppressed the other must aid their covenant partners. Everyone is there to uplift each other. No one goes without.

Our perception is that the material world is to be shared and distributed equally. Our ancestors knew that when a hunter went into the woods and brought back a deer, the entire community shared in that bounty. This is common to all Indigenous peoples of the world. Those who have fallen away from these simple concepts and now practice colonialism must be brought back into the human family and saved from themselves.

We present you with a copy of the Great Law, our constitution, in both Mohawk and English, our Confederacy flag, the Unity flag and several books about us that will be of interest to you.

We, the Onkwehonweh [the original people], are the guardians of Onowarekeh. Recently South America was visited by the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada. They both avoided Venezuela because they can’t understand what’s happening here and it frightens them. These are emotionally disturbed people. They don’t know how to exist on a level of equality with their fellow human beings.

They do not represent us or even the people of their countries. They follow habits of thought that have been proven to be ineffective and destructive to the continuation of human life on earth. They represent foreigners who have usurped our resources and deny us any rights to our ancestral heritage.

Our words as the true representatives are binding on Turtle Island. We have always been here. We belong to the land on which we were formed. Mr. Chavez is here with the true owners of the lands of Onowarekeh and South America. What we say between us is binding.

Under natural law and international law everyone has a right to our own government, nationality and land.

As elders of our nation, we are dedicated to work in the best interests of our people. Each of us has power in our lives. We have a duty to spread the Kaianerehkowa throughout the world. The white roots from the Tree of Peace go in the four directions. Those who wish to find shelter may trace its roots to the source. My nation and Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy are in need of this alliance at this time.

Mr. Chavez holds the same political positions as the Mohawk Nation. We are here to help fan the flames so that the fire grows larger to make a place for all humans to share its warmth and benefits.

No one needs anyone’s permission to promote alliances, unification of our peoples and to spread the peace as prescribed in the Kaianereh’ko:wa. We refuse to live under a dictatorship.

An opportunity came to us to come here. We seized it. Last September some of our people went to New York City, which is on Iroquois land, to hear Mr. Chavez speak. He was inspiring. They told us that they agreed with every word he said.

Our message of peace came to us from our ancestors, Dekanawida and Jigosaseh. They told our people to bring everyone into a covenant of peace, to link arms with all the other peoples of the world. We are continuing the work of our ancestors to bring the message of peace to you today.

South America has the same colonial past as Onowarekeh, Turtle Island. We have occupied our territories since time immemorial. This land is who we are. It is our identity. Mr. Chavez is one of us. His roots go deep into the soil, the jungles, the mountains and fields of Venezuela. From the earth he gets sustenance, vitality and ability to help his people. The people feel safe. His first instinct is to protect the Indigenous people and the visitors who are here.

Venezuela is a beautiful wealthy part of the world. Your resources are now being skillfully used to enhance the best interests of the land and the people who live upon it. You are tapping into the wellspring of ancestral memories that are hidden in the minds of every person living here.

Now all other Indigenous people are seeing that it is possible to take our lives under our own control, not be dominated by foreign forces and to do good.

We feel secure with the Venezuelans. You are competent and sure of who you are. Initially the multinational corporations felt intimidated by the turn of events. They are finding they can work with the original people in the best interests of all. Everyone is benefiting. The only way to achieve harmony and prosperity among us is to bring all our talents and innate abilities together.

Mr. Chavez has found a way to bring this out in all of his people. He represents the forces of a people who are on the move. He has offered a new paradigm. He is showing Indigenous peoples and others that we can take over our own lives and run our own affairs. We can do it so that no one feels intimidated or threatened. It is becoming the natural way to do things.

Dekanawaida and Jigosaseh, the man and woman who helped develop the Great Law of Peace, understood this. They realized that the strength of the Confederation was based on no nation dominating the others. Each, no matter how large or small, had a right to exist and remain who they are.

There was no stifling of the innate abilities of the Onondagas, Senecas, Oneidas, Cayugas, Mohawks or Tuscaroras. Larger nations did not overpower the smaller ones. We were equal. Diverse peoples were brought together to work in harmony for the benefit of everyone. No one could assert themselves over others.

This is the reason why the indigenous government in Venezuela is successful. Mr. Chavez has tapped into the same knowledge that exists in all Indigenous people. The renaissance in Venezuela is going to spread all over the world.

People always feel threatened by a new paradigm. We can expect many attacks from the colonial powers. We do not use guns but they point theirs at us. They don’t know what else to do. The young, the poor and even the middle class in the colonized countries are all suffering from the same insecurity and dislocation that has been imposed on us. They will join us once they understand.

If everyone doesn’t relearn how to look after the earth and each other, there will be nothing left for anyone to eat; no clean water to drink; and no clean air to breathe. The colonial commercial exploitation of the environment has been taken to such extremes that human life itself is in peril. We can work together to clean up the mess we have created as human beings and make the earth healthy again.

The greedy grasping power hungry people who are trying to gain control over all of humanity have lost touch with reality. Just when they think that they have achieved their goal of absolute control and domination, the pyramid of delusion will collapse beneath their feet. Life itself will be gone.

Nobody wants to suffer the consequences of a collapse of this order. Venezuela has a model that is working. People are free and work together to develop everyone to their full potential in whatever area of life they have chosen.

When somebody wants to go from one place to another through forests, jungles, swamps, deserts or mountains, somebody always goes ahead and cuts the trail. The others follow the steps of those who went ahead. They all get to their destination safely. It takes a courageous visionary to see far ahead the dangers that are prowling around. Hugo Chavez is a trailblazer in the realm of the world’s progressives. He helps whole groups of people move forward together. He is setting in motion an act that others will follow.

We have a chance to see how this model is working to its fullest potential so that the good life and good health is shared by all equally. We feel gratified and honored that we are taking part in the dedication of the land to the original people. We need more people like Hugo Chavez all over the world. We hope for the continued good health of Mr. Chavez, who cares to lead in troubled times. Artificial ways will dissolve themselves because they are not real. Humanity must go back to the natural relationships. We salute you, Venezuela, for showing the world how your humanitarian goals are being achieved and are inspiring others to achieve”.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

Send your comments on this movement to be presented to the Venezuelans and the Indigenous people who are attending his event at, and

poster: katenies


Oppose CN’s racism and colonialism;

Re: !! Tuesday/mardi (12h): Oppose CN’s racism and colonialism; Liberez le prisonnier politique Mohawk Shawn Brant! (Montreal)[français ci-dessous]

At the August 12, 2007 People’s Global Action (PGA) Consulta to plan actions against the upcoming meeting of Bush/Harper/Calderon and the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), the following resolution was passed unanimously:

“We call for the immediate release of Mohawk political prisoner Shawn Brant, without condition; we also re-iterate our support for the self-determination and sovereignty of the Mohawks of Tyendinaga.”

Tangibly, in Montreal, a picket will be held against CN RAIL this Tuesday, August 14 at NOON, at the Central Train Station (more details below). The picket will be denounce CN’s racist lawsuits against Mohawk protesters, including Shawn Brant. We will publicly stand for Shawn Brant’s immediate release from prison.

— Support indigenous struggles for sovereignty, dignity and self-determination on Turtle Island …

— Oppose CN Rail’s racism and colonialism …

— Protest Bush, Harper, Calderon and the “Security and Prosperity Partnership” (SPP)

Picket and Demonstration
Montreal Central Train Station
metro Bonaventure
(enter via the metro,
or via the street at 895 de la Gauchetière West,
between University and Mansfield)

** Meet at the large departures/arrivals sign in the main lobby of the train station. Bring your banners, placards, flags and other symbols of dissent. **

— We demand that CN Rail drop their racist lawsuits against Mohawk activists at Tyendinaga;
— We stand in support and solidarity with indigenous struggles for sovereignty and self-determination all over Turtle Island;
— We denounce CN Rail’s role in the corporate North American
Competitiveness Council and the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP).

“When justice fails, block the rails!”

CN Rail is a multi-billion dollar company, headquartered in Montreal, whose tracks and installations occupy native lands from ocean-to-ocean.

CN Rail is currently pursuing multi-million dollar lawsuits against Mohawk activists from the community of Tyendinaga who are actively involved in the defense of their land.

The Mohawks of Tyendinaga are demanding the return of the Culberston Tract, which was stolen from them in 1832. Recently a portion of the land was reclaimed, with the Tyendinaga community demanding that the Ontario government revoke the license legitimizing a private quarry operation that is literally removing land from the Culberston Tract. For more info, consult:

CN is threatening more lawsuits against other indigenous communities and activists who block CN rail lines.

CN Rail and their executives are targeting indigenous community organizers who have effectively brought the issue of native sovereignty to the forefront. In the context of unsettled land claims, and the fact that their tracks sit on appropriated native territory, CN Rail’s actions are colonial and racist.

While CN uses the courts to attack native activists, their CEO — E. Hunter Harrison – is a member of the North American Competitiveness Council, a key promoter of the recently formed “Security and Prosperity Partnership” (SPP) between Canada, the United States and Mexico. The SPP continues the imposition of the neo-liberal North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), combined with paranoid “Homeland Security” policies.

The SPP is an attack on all working and oppressed peoples, especially the indigenous peoples of “North America”. The SPP leaders – George Bush, Stephen Harper and Felipe Calderon — will be meeting later this summer, from August 20-21, in Montebello, Quebec (just 90 minutes from Montreal).

Join us on August 14 in Montreal, as we build towards the protests against Bush, Harper and Calderon in Montebello on August 20 (info: )

Organized and endorsed by: Block the Empire-Montreal (BLEM), Liberterre, No One Is Illegal-Montreal, La Rue Brique, Solidarity Across Borders, Tadamon! Montreal, La Pointe Libertaire and others (to add your group endorsement, please contact

-> Text of the flyer passed out at the picket against CN on July 1,
2007 in Montreal:

-> “About the SPP” Background:

INFO: 514-848-7583,


Le 12 août dernier, lors de la Consulta du réseau de l’Action mondiale des peuples (AMP) en vue de planifier les actions contre le Sommet de Bush, Harper, Calderon et du Partenariat pour la sécurité et laprospérité (PSP), nous avons adopté à l’unanimité la résolution suivante :

«Nous exigeons la libération immédiate et inconditionelle du prisonnier politique Mohawk Shawn Brant; en ce sens, nous voulons également réitérer notre soutien à l’autodétermination et aux luttes pour la souveraineté des Mohawks de Tyendinaga.»

À Montréal, une ligne de piquetage contre la compagnie CN sera organisée, et aura lieu ce mardi le 14 août à MIDI, à la Gare centrale (plus de détails ci-dessous). Cette action dénoncera les poursuites racistes du CN à l’endroit des militants Mohawks, dont Shawn Brant. Nous appuyons publiquement la libération immédiate de Shawn Brant.

— Appuyez les luttes autochtones pour la souveraineté, la dignité et l’autodétermination sur l’Île de la Tortue

— Dénoncez l’attitude raciste et colonialiste du CN

— Manifestons contre Bush, Harper, Calderon et le « Partenariat pour la sécurité et la prospérité (PSP) »

Le MARDI 14 août, midi
Gare centrale de Montréal
Métro Bonaventure
(Entrez par le métro, ou par l’entrée du 895 de la Gauchetière ouest, entre les rues University et Mansfield)

** Point de rendez-vous à l’enseigne Départs/Arrivées, dans le hall principal de la gare. Apportez vos bannières, pancartes, drapeaux et autres symboles de protestation. **

— Nous demandons que le CN abandonne ses poursuites en justice contre les militants Mohawks de Tyendinaga;
— Nous sommes en solidarité et appuyons sans condition les luttes des peuples autochtones pour leur souveraineté et leur autodétermination, partout sur l’Île de la Tortue;
— Nous dénonçons le rôle du CN dans le Conseil nord-américain pour la prospérité et le Partenariat nord-américain pour la sécurité et la prospérité.

« Quand le CN attaque, on bloque la track! »

Le CN est une société privée multi milliardaire, dont le siège social se trouve à Montréal et dont les rails et installations occupent illégitimement les territoires des autochtones, d’un océan à l’autre.

Le CN poursuit actuellement en justice (pour plusieurs millions de dollars) plusieurs activistes Mohawks de la communauté Tyendinaga (Ontario) qui sont activement impliqués dans la défense de leur territoire. Les Mohawks de Tyendinaga revendiquent le territoire de Culberson Tract, qui leur a été volé en 1832. Récemment, une partie des terres a été reprise et la communauté de Tyendinaga exige que le gouvernement ontarien révoque le permis légitimant l’exploitation d’une carrière privée qui enlève, littéralement, la terre du Culberson Tract. Pour plus de renseignements, visitez :

Le CN menace d’engager d’autres poursuites contre des communautés et militant-e-s autochtones qui choisissent de bloquer les chemins de fer.

Le CN et ses cadres ciblent les organisateurs communautaires autochtones qui ont remis à l’ordre du jour l’enjeu des revendications territoriales non résolues et la souveraineté des peuples autochtones. Dans le contexte des revendications territoriales non résolues, et considérant que leurs chemins de fer se trouvent sur des territoires arrachés aux peuples autochtones, les actions en justice du CN sont profondément racistes et colonialistes.

Alors que le CN utilise le système de justice pour attaquer les activistes autochtones, le PDG de la compagnie, E. Hunter Harrison, est membre du Conseil nord-américain de la compétitivité, un acteur clé du nouvellement formé Partenariat nord-américain pour la sécurité et la prospérité (PSP), entre le Canada, les Etats-Unis et le Mexique. Le PSP poursuit le programme néolibéral imposé par l’Accord de libre échange nord américain (ALENA), mais y rajoute des politiques de « sécurité nationale ».

Le PSP est une attaque portée contre les travailleurs et les travailleuses et toutes les classes opprimées de l’Amérique du Nord. Les leaders du PSP – George Bush, Stephen Harper et Felipe Calderón – se rencontreront cet été, les 20 et 21 août prochain, au Château Montebello (Outaouais, Qc.), à 90 minutes de Montréal.

Joignez-vous à nous le 14 août à Montréal, alors que nous poursuivons nos actions contre Bush, Harper, Calderon et le PSP à Montebello, le 20 août prochain (info: )

Cette action est organisée et endossée par : Bloquez l’Empire! –
Montréal (BLEM), Solidarité sans frontières, Liberterre, Personne n’est illégal-Montréal, Tadamon! Montréal, La Pointe Libertaire, La Rue Brique, et autres (pour associer le nom de votre groupe à la liste des endossements, veuillez écrire à )

-> Texte du tract distribué à la manifestation du 1er juillet à Montréal :

-> À propos du PSP: un autre point de vue:

INFO: 514-848-7583,

Posted by MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: katenies






MNN. Aug. 5, 2007. The Indigenous people and President Hugo Chavez are bringing together 40 Indigenous nations of Venezuela from August 7 to 9, 2007.

The Mohawk delegation is made up of two women, Kahentinetha, an elder and Karenhahes, Bear Clan Mother.

This congress is setting up a broad international movement of indigenous people to reject colonial oppression. During the 20th century, the European states that generated the colonial movement began to understand that they would destroy each other if they kept up the land and resources grab and the ensuing killing of Indigenous peoples. Colonialism was declared illegal. Canada continued to define a “person” as any individual other than an Indian until 1951. Canada still does not respect our sovereignty and presumes that their colonial law is the only law north of the 49th parallel. The U.S. usurps the Indigenous lands, resources and jurisdiction south of the 49th parallel.

Canada refuses to sign the Declaration of Indigenous rights at the United Nations, even though that declaration is a profoundly colonial instrument. International law recognizes that no state can absorb another without the free and fully informed consent of the people concerned in a free vote. The Indigenous peoples and nations never agreed to become part of Canada. Canada is addicted to old destructive models of social and economic relations and medieval ruling class credos. It thinks that social order is based on command and obedience, not agreement between equals, and that there can’t be wealth without poverty. Such nonsense.

The meeting in Venezuela will take place in Mapiricure, an indigenous community in the south. On August 9th President Hugo Chavez will be presented with the Indigenous Feather known as the “Penacho” and a headdress. This will be followed by a ceremony invoking the powers of the natural world. On that day 11 land titles will be turned over to the Indigenous Communal Councils by President Chavez.

The shamen carrying out the ceremony will be joined by shamen from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Nicaraugua, Mexico, Panama and the U.S.

Here is a draft of the words that the Mohawk delegation will be delivering to the International Congress of Indigenous People “in Defence of the Planet”, outlining a new paradigm for human existence.

“Nia:wen for your invitation to witness this historic event. From our women, we bring greetings to the women of your country.

From the “Rotiyaner” who are the men of our nation, we bring greetings from our men to your men.

From our elders, those who are the grandmothers and grandfathers, we bring our greetings to you who are the grandmothers and grandfathers of this nation.

From the fathers and mothers of our nation we bring greetings to you who are the mothers and fathers to your nation.

From our young people we bring greetings to your young people of this nation.

From the children of our nation we bring greetings to the children of your nation.

From those who still crawl upon the earth and those who are still on the cradle board, we bring greetings to your children who crawl on the earth and those who are on the cradle board.

From those faces of our future who are still beneath the earth, we bring the greetings to those of your people whose faces are yet beneath the earth.

Now that we have said this, we may begin.

We would like to have had a larger delegation here to day. Due to our struggle to preserve our sovereignty we are oppressed and ignored on our own homeland we call Onowarekeh, also known also as “Turtle Island”. The foreign colonial governments of Canada and the United States limit our movements on our own land. They fail to teach their people about our existence, our philosophy, our laws.

Mr. Chavez, thank you for giving our people an opportunity to establish relations between our governments under our philosophy known as the “Kaianereh’ko:wa”, the Great Law of Peace. We are not under the colonial laws. We continue to adhere to our laws and traditions. We continue to ensure a future for our people as the Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk.

We are the eyes and ears that will witness this event. This is the beginning of a message to other nations to work towards bringing people back together to form an alliance. We wish to develop a sane and healthy way of life that assures that all people are decently cared for.

We need to renew the solemn blood covenants that have bound all Indigenous Peoples of South America and Onowarekeh, our name for Turtle Island, for thousands of years. We are one blood. When one family member is oppressed the other must aid their covenant partners. Everyone is there to uplift each other. No one goes without.

Our perception is that the material world is to be shared and distributed equally. Our ancestors knew that when a hunter went into the woods and brought back a deer, the entire community shared in that bounty. This is common to all Indigenous peoples of the world. Those who have fallen away from these simple concepts and now practice colonialism must be brought back into the human family and saved from themselves.

We present you with a copy of the Great Law, our constitution, in both Mohawk and English, our Confederacy flag, the Unity flag and several books about us that will be of interest to you.

We, the Onkwehonweh [the original people], are the guardians of Onowarekeh. Recently South America was visited by the President of the United States and the Prime Minister of Canada. They both avoided Venezuela because they can’t understand what’s happening here and it frightens them. These are emotionally disturbed people. They don’t know how to exist on a level of equality with their fellow human beings.

They do not represent us or even the people of their countries. They follow habits of thought that have been proven to be ineffective and destructive to the continuation of human life on earth. They represent foreigners who have usurped our resources and deny us any rights to our ancestral heritage.

Our words as the true representatives are binding on Turtle Island. We have always been here. We belong to the land on which we were formed. Mr. Chavez is here with the true owners of the lands of Onowarekeh and South America. What we say between us is binding.

Under natural law and international law everyone has a right to our own government, nationality and land.

As elders of our nation, we are dedicated to work in the best interests of our people. Each of us has power in our lives. We have a duty to spread the Kaianerehkowa throughout the world. The white roots from the Tree of Peace go in the four directions. Those who wish to find shelter may trace its roots to the source. My nation and Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy are in need of this alliance at this time.

Mr. Chavez holds the same political positions as the Mohawk Nation. We are here to help fan the flames so that the fire grows larger to make a place for all humans to share its warmth and benefits.

No one needs anyone’s permission to promote alliances, unification of our peoples and to spread the peace as prescribed in the Kaianereh’ko:wa. We refuse to live under a dictatorship.

An opportunity came to us to come here. We seized it. Last September some of our people went to New York City, which is on Iroquois land, to hear Mr. Chavez speak. He was inspiring. They told us that they agreed with every word he said.

Our message of peace came to us from our ancestors, Dekanawida and Jigosaseh. They told our people to bring everyone into a covenant of peace, to link arms with all the other peoples of the world. We are continuing the work of our ancestors to bring the message of peace to you today.

South America has the same colonial past as Onowarekeh, Turtle Island. We have occupied our territories since time immemorial. This land is who we are. It is our identity. Mr. Chavez is one of us. His roots go deep into the soil, the jungles, the mountains and fields of Venezuela. From the earth he gets sustenance, vitality and ability to help his people. The people feel safe. His first instinct is to protect the Indigenous people and the visitors who are here.

Venezuela is a beautiful wealthy part of the world. Your resources are now being skillfully used to enhance the best interests of the land and the people who live upon it. You are tapping into the wellspring of ancestral memories that are hidden in the minds of every person living here.

Now all other Indigenous people are seeing that it is possible to take our lives under our own control, not be dominated by foreign forces and to do good.

We feel secure with the Venezuelans. You are competent and sure of who you are. Initially the multinational corporations felt intimidated by the turn of events. They are finding they can work with the original people in the best interests of all. Everyone is benefiting. The only way to achieve harmony and prosperity among us is to bring all our talents and innate abilities together.

Mr. Chavez has found a way to bring this out in all of his people. He represents the forces of a people who are on the move. He has offered a new paradigm. He is showing Indigenous peoples and others that we can take over our own lives and run our own affairs. We can do it so that no one feels intimidated or threatened. It is becoming the natural way to do things.

Dekanawaida and Jigosaseh, the man and woman who helped develop the Great Law of Peace, understood this. They realized that the strength of the Confederation was based on no nation dominating the others. Each, no matter how large or small, had a right to exist and remain who they are.

There was no stifling of the innate abilities of the Onondagas, Senecas, Oneidas, Cayugas, Mohawks or Tuscaroras. Larger nations did not overpower the smaller ones. We were equal. Diverse peoples were brought together to work in harmony for the benefit of everyone. No one could assert themselves over others.

This is the reason why the indigenous government in Venezuela is successful. Mr. Chavez has tapped into the same knowledge that exists in all Indigenous people. The renaissance in Venezuela is going to spread all over the world.

People always feel threatened by a new paradigm. We can expect many attacks from the colonial powers. We do not use guns but they point theirs at us. They don’t know what else to do. The young, the poor and even the middle class in the colonized countries are all suffering from the same insecurity and dislocation that has been imposed on us. They will join us once they understand.

If everyone doesn’t relearn how to look after the earth and each other, there will be nothing left for anyone to eat; no clean water to drink; and no clean air to breathe. The colonial commercial exploitation of the environment has been taken to such extremes that human life itself is in peril. We can work together to clean up the mess we have created as human beings and make the earth healthy again.

The greedy grasping power hungry people who are trying to gain control over all of humanity have lost touch with reality. Just when they think that they have achieved their goal of absolute control and domination, the pyramid of delusion will collapse beneath their feet. Life itself will be gone.

Nobody wants to suffer the consequences of a collapse of this order. Venezuela has a model that is working. People are free and work together to develop everyone to their full potential in whatever area of life they have chosen.

When somebody wants to go from one place to another through forests, jungles, swamps, deserts or mountains, somebody always goes ahead and cuts the trail. The others follow the steps of those who went ahead. They all get to their destination safely. It takes a courageous visionary to see far ahead the dangers that are prowling around. Hugo Chavez is a trailblazer in the realm of the world’s progressives. He helps whole groups of people move forward together. He is setting in motion an act that others will follow.

We have a chance to see how this model is working to its fullest potential so that the good life and good health is shared by all equally. We feel gratified and honored that we are taking part in the dedication of the land to the original people. We need more people like Hugo Chavez all over the world. We hope for the continued good health of Mr. Chavez, who cares to lead in troubled times. Artificial ways will dissolve themselves because they are not real. Humanity must go back to the natural relationships. We salute you, Venezuela, for showing the world how your humanitarian goals are being achieved and are inspiring others to achieve”.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

Send your comments on this movement to be presented to the Venezuelans and the Indigenous people who are attending his event at, and

poster: katenies




by:Viviana Avila.

There have been a series of recent events that have directly affected indigenous communities, within the Latin American and continental context. This is not a new occurrence; everything started more than 500 years ago, and everyone knows what the armed, cultural invasion brought to our continent. The damage has not been repaired, despite all the time that has passed by, and the regrets that have been said by western civilization.

The dignity of the indigenous peoples and nations of the continent has not been crushed, despite the planned genocide of assimilation imposed upon these millennial cultures. On the contrary in the last few decades, the organization and struggle for their intrinsic rights has been more vigilant with each passing day, as with the increasing grades of consciousness and disposal to struggle for their sovereignty and self-determination. Some more than others, but incentive is alive and has begun to go forward.

We see it end to end in our continent, in the south beyond the Andes; that long and narrow stretch of land, bathed along a contaminated ocean by transnational corporations known as Chile. Those who lust for power have taken over our territories, thanks to the permission given by the cowardly governments that have opened their doors to these companies in exchange for the scraps the empire throws at them, so they can thicken their dirty filthy pockets. They are traitors to their people and to their roots; they wallow in their corrupt state of lies and unbounded ambition. Inheritors of the Pinochet regime, and administrators of his politics and fascist constitution.

Immoral, racist representatives of a sick society that have launched themselves against an unarmed people; intimidating, incarcerating and murdering youth and elders. Assaulting and terrorizing entire communities, on the search for young liberators wearing military boots, worse than in the times of the dictatorship. Mapuche is the name that is criminalized; their courageous organizations, the men and women dignified of their race. What a historical shame for those in the government calling themselves socialist. What a shame for women to have representatives as deceitful as that who leads the country of Chile. You would have to be deceitful to lie and say to the UN that the Mapuches incarcerated by her neo-liberal system are not political prisoners, but “common delinquents.”

The shame that they forgot about their history. The shame of being the legal crooks of lands that do not belong to them; for wanting to develop a second colonization on Mapuche territory, that is nothing more than the extermination of a noble millennial people. One day they will be judged by history. Meanwhile, we leave the natural forces to look after and protect the ancient people with their part in this history. We men and women hold the other part, those that are not willing to let a second colonization happen in Arauco, in Malleco, nor in any other part of Mapuche territory.

Here in Canada, the same thing is happening. Perhaps in a different form, but the pillaging is seen despite the camouflage of grand terrains of flora; immensities of incalculable beauty. Large… everything is large. When one comes to this country everything shines, deceiving, as were the colonizers, as is the current empire, unnecessarily large, inflated with arrogance…. Savage; when it arrives at the indigenous reservations in the darkness, assaulting, clawing, submitting defenseless beings, seizing children, hitting elders and women, arresting youth… Advancing through ancient territory with their infernal machinery. Their factories poisoning the water. The contamination and indigenous poverty makes you shudder in the north, where the great cellulose companies destroy the forest and turn the water that runs through the streams into the color of oxide; burning eyes as you look, and your insides as you drink….

This may seem like a fable, an odyssey, but it is not. It is present north to south, east to west, in this immense show model known as Canada. Here as in the south of the continent, history repeats itself. The repression and displacement of cultures and territories are the product of the same patron of values: money. Universal corrupter of consciouses. The most horrendous injustices that a human being could conceive have been committed in its name. However the peoples and nations have said enough, and have begun to go forward as Che Guevara once said; their march of giants will not be detained. Forced for years to dwell in sacrifice and misery, the indigenous Nations throughout the entire territory have begun their march…

A little more than a year a ago on February 28, 2006, Hadonashonee, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory had to take over their own lands to stop the illegal construction of a housing development (the Douglas Creek Estates), in Kanonhstaton, the protected place. To this day, men and women confront with great courage and dignity, the defense of their territory in harsh climatic conditions and economic pressures on behalf of the government in the talks to recover their land. They are in constant harassment from the police authorities, and the racist population in its surroundings. Despite all the pressures and efforts remove and divide them, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory are more solid and united as ever under the banner of truth, dignity, and solidarity of their own people, and of brotherly peoples that have not been absent from the Reclamation site.

Recently, another front of struggle has arisen from the heart of the Mohawk peoples in Tyendinaga, in defense of their territory and displacement… The taking over of land in their own territory, protest through highway and rail blockades; the different actions of the indigenous peoples have the same cause:the struggle for the defense of their ancient territories, the preservation of their culture, autonomy and the right to decide and influence in their own matters.

That is why we say with much strength: yesterday Kanonhstaton, today Tyendinaga, tomorrow Beyond the Andes. The prophesy of the Eagle and the Condor will yet be realized.

The Women’s Coordinating Committee Chile-Canada


poster: katenies



MNN. June 26, 2007. In the midst of the most grotesque torture ever committed against anyone, the Red-X emerged with his mind and spirit in tact. In one torture he was placed in a room with no sound, low white light, air coming in through a hole in the ceiling and no interaction with anybody else. He was supposed to lose his sense of identity, hallucinate, hear nothing and see things that don’t exist to break him down psychologically. The Red-X has been in greater deprivation for longer periods of time before and during a Sun Dance.Throughout the most gruesome parts, they told him that he could save himself from their torture by committing death and destruction against his people. They offered him and close family members money and a holiday for the rest of their lives. They yelled at him, “Others have accepted. So will you! Think of your children. Wouldn’t you like to see them wearing beautiful clothes and going to the best schools? The Red-X, answered, “All people are my children”.

“Why do you want to keep flying around on that rusted old “pow wow” car of a silver eagle? You could have a Golden Hummer. You could have your name in lights in Las Vegas and smoke all the cigarettes you want. We could build you a casino to give you a never-ending supply of cash. You would never have to pay a cent of tax”.

His tormenters told him that, “We have orders right from the very top to offer you a good life, free tickets to the Senators hockey games, not one day in jail for all the atrocities you are going to commit against your people for us. We will make sure that you will not be victimized by the coming police state”. He was even offered a job at the top of the “Tower of Terror” at Indian Affairs. “You won’t have to do anything but sit in a Jacuzzi all day long and get your nails polished”.

The Red-X thought, “Is it any wonder why so many of our selfish weaklings become traitors?”

Then they warned Red-X, “If you don’t accept our offer, we will bust your head, throw you in jail for the rest of your life or we will kill you”. This is an offer many of our weak minded people cannot refuse.

The Red-X advised us that, “These sissies are terrified by the prospects of pain, doing time for their misdeeds. They fear being brutalized by both the guards and the other inmates, many of whom are Indigenous, for the crimes they have committed against us like theft, corruption, perversion and even killing our people. To escape captivity they are willing to take the “blood money” to sell information to the colonizers and spy on us. They help control any opposition among the angry oppressed class. Their bosses even give them a “Phil Fontaine Day”.

The Red-X looked at his oppressors, opened his mouth and sprayed them with blood, bits of broken teeth and pus that had filled his mouth after they had sucker punched him all day long.

Suddenly during this captivation in the dungeons of the bowels of the oppressor beast, a great transformation overcame him. He told MNN how he was visited by illuminated beings from the Third Dimension. They told him to prepare us for a great earth shaking that is to come. “We have to reconnect with our true sentient mind within and re-empower ourselves to fight”. They told him how the people worldwide are now at the point where their minds have been stolen from them and they have become people with no feelings.

The beings told the Red-X what the real deal was. The neo cons are planning to replace the true indigenous of “Onowarekeh”/Turtle Island with a duplicate race of people. They have already given out “Indian status cards” to many imposters. They are also going to create new Indigenous people by a process of cloning.

Many years ago the neo cons collected the genetic blueprints of all Indigenous people around the world. Our blood samples were deposited into a blood bank in Washington DC. It was a scheme concocted by some scientists, the CIA and the military to take control of our DNA. They are trying to contaminate our blood to destroy the continuing connection between us, our ancestors, future generations and our land.

Those with Indigenous DNA are to be eliminated. We will be replaced by those who profess to be “aboriginal” or are a cloned duplicate.

Why? The claim to our land is based on genetics. There is a finite mystical bond between us and our land. To get our land, they have to break the bond. They have to know who the Indigenous are. Getting rid of us is the only way they can claim Turtle Island free of any connection to the true Onkwehonweh.

They will do anything to usurp our authority over Onowarekeh/Turtle Island. They use the pen and we use the truth. Now they’re trying to take our constitution, the Great Law, so they can be us. Then as us they will set themselves up as the Onkwehonweh/Indigenous and declare sovereignty over Turtle Island. They can never be us.

Red-X knows about this plan. They are torturing him to make him divulge the secrets of how we are defending ourselves.

What is going to happen to the colonists’ system of demoralization? They are going to be devoured by the brutal world they have made. They will be obliviated by the inferno of nuclear weaponry they have created.

For good minded people to make it through this storm, they will have to comprehend the possibilities of developing a more translucent physical body that must increase its molecular cellular structure to go into a much higher frequency that allows one to literally take cover and refuge in the Third Dimension. This a world of perfect reality that exists right before our very eyes but which many of us have not been able to see for a long time. The perfect reality can transform everybody.

How do we increase our frequency of ability to see it? How did the church and colonial state manipulate our mental and psychic energy to destroy our ability to know our total self?

Red-X always was and always will be. He can appear in a black beaded hood, a gustowah or a breach cloth. No one has ever seen his skin. When his glasses are taken off, there are no eyes. Those little black circles are but the portholes into the Third Dimension. There is no DNA. The people who torture us keep getting burned and flooded.

The “neo cons” keep telling us that conflicts can only be solved with war. If that’s their view, then they will never be fair or truthful. They will want to continue to burn us. We will continue to flood them because they are not from here.

When we negotiate from the highest reality they can see who we really are. The enemy class has to take responsibility for their acts of oppression.

Red-X represents the Great Law that is in all of us in the perfect Onkwehonweh world. Jigosaseh is the spokesperson for all the women of the world.

The Red-X said that, “The time will come when the women will tell us to declare whatever has to be declared. Women know maternal love. They are sensitive and close to creation. The colonists have a choice. They can take a grand leap of faith and deal with us with the same love and generosity they want shown to themselves. Or they can continue to try to get rid of us one way or another, according to their perverted and false sense of economy”. In the end, the Red-X said, “It is the women who will decide when enough is enough!”

For the eternally literal, this is a message from the Red-X.

poster: katenies



MNN. June 22, 2007. The Red-X was apprehended by the special “anti-terrorist” forces constituted by the U.S., Canada and Europe to institute terror. They have taken Red-X for special “attention” and to get him out of the way for the June 29th “Phil Fontaine Day”. Without giving him any reason or charges, he was taken away under some new law to a state that excels in torture. No one heard from him for several days. Once in a while, we heard static and beeps coming into our minds but nothing more.Suddenly a telepathic message flashed telling us how he was tortured by a special squad. They were dressed in black with black hoods. They looked something like Darth Vader’s gang. They used all the old tactics like inserting large objects into his rectum which he expelled into their faces, knocking out one eye. They siced beasts on him to frighten, bite and anally rape him. These animals ended up trying to help him and even licked some of his wounds, which drove his tormenters nuts. They also tried to put a computer chip in his brain so they could track him. They were unsuccessful because his body rejected it. He did not have the necessary anti-rejection chemicals in his system. It fell on the floor and broke into a thousand pieces. Derogatory terms were constantly hurled at him, like “dirty red sand nigger and maggot”, “Wagon burner, “big papoose” and “chief”.

They squashed his testicles which bounced back like silly putty. “You’re part of the resistance”, they kept yelling at him in frustration.

The U.S. has some of the most refined torture methods in the world. They want to show our people what they can do to us if we resist them. They deprived him of all his senses and tactile contact, in the hopes he would go crazy. That didn’t work either because he knows they can hold onto or destroy his body but they can’t touch his spirit. He will always know who he is.

They want to convince our people who they consider to be “rogues” to hand over all our oil, minerals and natural resources to the U.S. and whoever is controlling them without a fight.

They think if they can get the Red-X, then everybody else will fall. The colonists don’t know we do not have leaders. Another favorite from their arsenal of torture is “water boarding”. He was strapped to a board, turned upside down and immersed in a wet towel to simulate drowning until he lost conscious. The trouble is that the Red-X is consciousness, so he couldn’t lose it.

Another one was a drip from the ceiling onto his forehead for days on end. He drank up all the water and regenerated himself.

“They tried to behead me but saw the scar on my neck”, he said. They decided against this because they figured that the Third Dimension would come and sew it back on like they did before. That happened when he was beheaded as an 8-year old at the residential school run by the churches for the colonial government.

‘They told me that they’re going to put their flags on Turtle Island once and for all, whether we like it or not”. They told him, “That means we’ve conquered you”. Then they continued bullying the Red-X.

We have been under sanctions for 500 years. It has killed millions of our men, women and babies. Is it possible for us to forgive them? We are the only ones that have the capacity to do that because we are still human. The invaders lost that ability a long time ago. They desensitized their conscience so they have no more sense of morality. They don’t seem to know what is right or wrong. They’ve lost their souls. That’s why they were and are able to commit all this cruelty against us and our land. That’s why they can’t sense the pain they inflict on us when they torture us.

Do we want the corporate butchers to completely ruin us and our land? Can we let them sell off all our assets and control our resources?

We want freedom and independence. What can we do about our saboteurs? We want the colonists to leave and to take the traitors with them. Turtle Island will never be theirs. We will always resist this illegal, immoral occupation.

The occupiers are causing us harm, sickness, poverty and lawlessness. We need clean drinking water, good hospitals, food on the table, safety in the streets, and our homes not to be attacked by foreign trespassers like the RCMP, OPP, SQ and their “Indian” police henchmen. These troops are making sure that our lives will have nothing but misery, poverty, disease and fear. The trauma suffered by our children are some of the most brutal strategies ever devised by man. The residential schools holocaust has lasted for generations.

We survived that. We are capable of overcoming any atrocity because the peacemaker, Dekanawida, gave us that ability. We cannot become like our oppressors. One day can we drive them out? Peace over Turtle Island could drive them all away. If the colonists keep up their cruelty, we could end up hating them. We can’t wait to see them all on those sailing ships leaving New York harbor going back to where they came from. We’ll stand on the shore and wave good-bye to them.

The Red-X implicitly stated previously that, “We should be very mindful of why Phil of the Assembly of First Nations is calling for “resistance” on the June 29th ”Phil Fontaine Day”. He is in reality working with the enemy class to smoke out any opposition to them, as they did in Gustafsen Lake in 1995 and Kanehsatake/Oka in 1990”.

MNN received a vivid image of the Red-X nursing his wounds and a light tear rolled down his hooded cheek. This came to us from the porthole of the Third Dimension. The tears he shed were not for himself. It was for the people who must continue in the meantime to endure this misery of everyday existence under colonial rule.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation News

poster: katenies




MNN. May 18, 2007. The Bush Administration is planning to build a huge Highway from Mexico to Canada. The NAFTA Super “Autobahn” will be a four football fields wide car-truck-train-pipeline corridor from Mexico to Canada. It will be a 10-lane limited-access road with tolls. Jerome R. Corsi of “Human Events” has written extensively about this project which is being done on the quiet.

The NAFTA autobahn is mainly going to transport our resources from one million square miles of unsurrendered Indigenous land in the northern part of Turtle Island, through the U.S and Mexico to the countries of the Pacific rim.

Then the road will bring containers from the Far East to enter the United States through the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas, bypassing the Longshoreman’s Union on the docks of the west coast. The Mexican trucks, without the involvement of the Teamsters Union, will drive on what will be the nation’s most modern highway straight into the heart of Turtle Island. [See attached map]. We see more containers on trains that are miles and miles long coming from California ports heading east. The west coast is one of the places where they want to put unions out of business.

So who benefits? Not the Mexicans! Maybe not even the Americans! Certainly not the Indigenous land and resource owners!

The northeastern route will go along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River, right through Haudenosaunee territory. Mega bridges to the northern reaches are already planned, one from Kahnawake to Montreal, one over the Ottawa River at Kanehsatake and another from Cornwall over to Akwesasne. Once again we Mohawks are in the way.

The Mexican trucks will cross the border in fast lanes, checked only electronically by the new “SENTRI” system. The first customs stop will be a Mexican customs office in Kansas City, known as a “Smart Port”, built for Mexico by U.S. taxpayers. Containers from the Far East can be transferred there to trucks going east and west.

Super roads are not a new idea. In 1933 Hitler and the Nazis finished the German “autobahn” during the Third Reich. It linked north and south Germany. It was promoted as creating jobs. It was actually built mostly by Russian prisoners of war. The military was involved in the planning to provide mobility for the movement of their troops and weaponry. They were designed with auxiliary airports with aircraft hidden in tunnels or camouflaged in nearby woods. [We don’t know what military auxiliary will be built alongside the NAFTA autobahn].

In the end the German autobahn was useless during most of the war due to a shortage of gas and lack of trucks. Tanks and trucks were hard on the fragile surface. Much of the road was bombed. The bulk of the military traffic, men and material ended up being transported by rail. Eisenhower was inspired by the German Autobahn and created a U.S. interstate highway system in 1956.

The concession for the tolls on the Texas portion of the NAFTA Autobahn was leased to a Spanish firm, “Cintra Concesiones de infra”. Rudy “911” Giuliani’s law firm represents Cintra exclusively. The state of Texas was paid $2.1 billion up front and $700 million yearly for 50 years. “Rudy Guiliani Capital Advisors” has been bought out by “Macquarrie”, an Australian Consortium which leases and operates U.S. and Canadian toll roads. It can be presumed that the whole corridor will be a private toll road which will need a private military force to protect it.

“Euro Money Seminars” of the UK is teaching state and local U.S. governments how to lease public assets such as highways, water works, prisons and schools to international investment groups. One of Giuliani’s firms, “Giuliani and Partners”, has a component for leasing out private police forces.

President Bush does not appear to be anxious to secure the Mexican border. Maybe he has to create express lanes first for the Mexican trucks that will be bringing containers into the heart of the U.S., to bypass U.S. union workers on the docks or in the trucks. 90% of trucking is now non-union because of government union busting.

The only places where the unions are still strong are in major financial industrial cities like New York, Boston, Pittsburgh and Chicago. For example, fabricated steel coming in from non-union fabricators have to go to New Jersey, reload onto union trucks and then are driven into New York City by the Teamsters Union.

It’s to kill off whatever is left of the unions. It’s to steal our resources. It’s to stop indigenous protest. It’s to eliminate anyone who wants to prevent the reestablishment of the oligarcic cultural elite who want to treat the rest of us like slaves.

To get the public’s [forced] “cooperation” of those cities and towns that are in the way of the corridor, large corporations are being shut down, such as Domtar in Cornwall Ontario and General Motors in Massena New York. A few hundred million dollars has been taken out of the economy on both sides of the Canada-U.S. border. Lost jobs will lower house and property values which can then be grabbed cheaply or easily expropriated by NAFTA under the “eminent domain” stealing act.

The public is mostly unaware of the coming North American Union that is planned for the United States, Canada and Mexico. Various U.S. government and state agencies and scores of private NGOs (non-governmental organizations) are working behind the scenes to create this highway. The U.S. government has set up an office in the Department of Commerce called the “SPP Office” for “Security and Prosperity Partnership”. The SPP Agreement was signed by Bush, President Vicente Fox, and then-Prime Minister Paul Martin in Waco, Tex., on March 23, 2005.

CN Rail and CP Rail in Canada are part of this. Let’s see how lucrative it is for them to steal our resources and to cooperate with multinational corporations and the governments they control. As of February 2007, the President and CEO of CN make more than the directors and senior management who make 2.2% of all outstanding shares. This is about $30 million. You can bet that when dividend time comes, they won’t be eating Kraft Dinner like the Indigenous people they stole the land and trust funds from to build the rail empire.

CN has had record profits on the backs of employees who were fired thus resulting in safety issues. A newly appointed vice-president and chief safety officer was created to address derailments and toxic spills. Many railroad engineers have died due to poor maintenance all in the name of $$$.

This autobahn will not benefit Turtle Island. It is a corridor to carry resources that are being stolen from us. It is transported through the U.S. to Mexico and then put it on ships to China and elsewhere. It appears like the U.S. public will not get anything out of it either. The investors and profiteers use U.S., Mexican and Canadian fronts on their various boards.

Until 1999, the land in the north of Turtle Island was administered by the Canadian government. Then a “government” was set up similar to a band council, with no authority over resources. This control is still held by the federal government which can make deals to sell it all off to multinational corporations.

This is a stupid plan. How will they defend such a long road? These extremes of self-centered despotism are not new. They have risen many times before. 2000 years ago the Han Dynasty in China forced people to do a lot of road work for almost nothing. The penalty for arriving late for work was death. Finally, when a river flooded and the people could not get to work on time, they rebelled and brought the dynasty down. Despotism always falls down in the end. This senseless project is doomed from the start. In the meantime the people will suffer a lot while the abuse builds itself up to the breaking point.

If this megalomaniac nonsense isn’t questioned right now people can go through decades or even a century of suffering. The U.S. was founded on egalitarian principles they learned from the Haudenosaunee/Iroquois. The U.S. constantly forgets its inspirational sources. When Europeans arrived on our shores they were huddled masses yearning to be free. They were dirty, malnourished and abused. Now they abuse us.

It’s time for everyone to throw off the shackles of abuse. We have to assert our rights, participate, share and laugh. We were not born to be slaves to corporate greed.

Kahentinetha Horn,
MNN Mohawk Nation News; &; for updates, workshops, speakers and to sign up, go to; please sign the Women Title Holders petition; for sale “Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy” and “Warriors Hand Book” ($10 USD each postage included)

poster: katenies




MNN. April 30, 2007. Since the “911” hit on the Twin Towers of New York City, where are the Indigenous people of Turtle Island fitting into the political and economic shift that is taking place worldwide? We have the resources that everybody wants. Could 911 be a deliberate strategy to destroy Turtle Island as a sanctuary or safe haven not only for people but for money?

Just prior to 911 the “Euro” currency was going to be launched within days. It raises suspicion as to who did 911. Issuing the Euro could have devalued the U.S. dollar while raising the value of the Euro currency.

Someone once said that to move your agenda ahead, you have to create a crisis. After 911, the financial capital of the world was shifted from New York City to London. London was already set up to take over banking on the wings of this power shift. Regardless of how 911 happened, that was the result.

The internet constantly shows the destruction of the Twin Towers and other attacks of that day. Investors have become nervous to invest in New York City. Money will move and not take chances. Other players want to cash in on the fall of New York City such as existing megatropolises like Tokyo, Shanghai and London.

The oil sheiks have since quickly converted a desert into a modern mega city. What kind of power structure is being planned in Dubai? Haliburton, for one, is moving its operations there.

It’s only 5 to 6 years of consolidation. If it is Dubai and companies start going there, U.S. interests will have to follow. Other interests are looking for ways to cash in. Dubai and other metropolises are getting ready to handle this shift.

The U.S. is trying to bring the focus back by using our resources as one of the enticements.

The U.S. has blacklisted Canada as a partner, which they want merely as a resource hinterland under their control. The U.S. is already entrenched in Canadian policing, military, governments, the intelligence community, communications, and whatever it takes to control the country. It’s got Canada lock, stock and barrel!

Toronto and Hamilton as the “Golden Horse Shoe” were once a worldwide economic center. They have been downgraded. Toronto is yesterday’s newspaper. The powers that think they are want to set up a new center that will be more attractive to investors and people with money. That is probably why they toyed with the idea of moving the stock exchange to Calgary. Toronto has to be destroyed so that any financial windfall that comes this way will fall on New York City.

Nonetheless Canada is a natural ally to the U.S. Without Canada’s resources the U.S. can’t move ahead. We see the usefulness of the U.S. building up the triangle of Montreal-Cornwall-Ottawa which is closer to New York City.

The U.S. does not finance anything. Buying a company is not the same as coming in and building one. They just come in, take over and buy up companies like Bell to gain control over Canada’s telecommunications. So the U.S. gains control over all communications with access to all private and financial records of the citizens of Canada. Soon it will be worthless to have all our conversations recorded. We might even be released from bondage and regain our freedom. This is what we’re hoping for.

It is an “Americanism” to give Indigenous People the right to demonstrate peacefully. Canadians are not seeing this. They want to shut us up. The U.S. actually wants us to win this war against Canada because it is against the Canadian government, which they have infiltrated. Should we get everything we can while we can? We want control of Turtle Island. The U.S. want Turtle Island. If they side with us to defeat Canada, no doubt they may turn on us. The U.S. ambassador recently said at an Indigenous conference in British Columbia that they are “keeping a close eye on all the activities of the Indigenous People of Canada”. You can be sure they are not doing it for our benefit.

The U.S. has to shift money back to Turtle Island to get our natural resources off us. They don’t want the big money to buy up oil shares, energy and communications in other parts of the world. This will turn Turtle Island into a third world. We, the indigenous people, have the land and resources, which is what the fight is over.

There are also a lot of resources in the China-Soviet Union interior which have not been exploited. A lot of money is going there. All of these activities will decide where the next power base will be. Our land base and resources are being used as trinkets to invest over here. While they’re busy signing away our natural resources, they hope the chips will fall back on New York City. Don’t think for a moment they have any interest in enriching the owners of the land and resources, us.

People shouldn’t forget that US dominance is primarily post World War II. It might be time to shift it somewhere else. Shouldn’t the license to oppress be spread around instead of just focusing on us here? We’ve had enough of their plutocracy [rule of the wealthy for the benefit of the wealthy]. If hierarchy has to exist, it’s time for someone else to take their turn at being oppressed.

The Akwesasne Mohawks are a fly in the ointment. The Mohawks here are well set up and in somebody’s way. Make no mistake. No one will give up Akwesasne. The U.S. know they will never win against us. Indigenous from everywhere will show up and help us defend it. So the U.S. would prefer to work with us. This is something we have to be very careful of.

The colonial band council puppet system will go the way of the do-do bird. We are presently getting back all our people. This is what frightens Canada and its minions.

We need to start laying down the laws right now. The U.S. wants a beachhead they can control. We aren’t going to allow that. They know it. The Canadian politicians have already been bought out and are under U.S. control. But we are not.

We have to watch when they start to develop and implement infrastructures to support their interests. They will box us in and horde those infrastructures. As soon as they consolidate their power back in New York City, that infrastructure will be abandoned. We need to be cautious where infrastructures go and who owns them.

The push will be on. They will make it look like the second coming. We know already that the Indigenous People will not be benefiting. The drive will not come from within our communities. Canadians are asleep at the switch. Someone else is driving their train for them. They have been hypnotized into complacently accepting everything that is happening.

Another thought is that if the U.S. ever gets the idea that it was the Europeans who knocked down the Twin Towers, are we looking at retaliation against them? Will the U.S. do the same to some European infrastructures? If the U.S. is cornered financially or in any other way, if they have the ability to attack, will they do so? That doesn’t exclude London, Paris and other big cities. We don’t know what’s coming.

We have come a long way and we have not fired a single shot. We’ve just been firing our bulletins.

Kahentinetha Horn

MNN Mohawk Nation News &
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poster: katenies