

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. APRIL 24, 2015. This letter was sent by Registered Mail on April 11, 2015, to General Sir Peter Wall and received at Whitehall. confederacy flag

kahentinetha, P.O. Box 991, kahnwake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.

April 11, 2015.

Gen. Sir Peter Wall, KCB CBE ADC Gen, Chief of the General Staff, UK Army, MOD Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HB

Dear Sir:

As you have been previously alerted by our ahserakowa of kanekotah, thahoketoteh, we write today to remind you of the order you are under. You have a copy of Captain General Sir Frederick Haldimand’s order he left for you. We provide you another.

Halidmand Proclamation 1784 making Kanekotah the only UK military protectorate for the Mohawks in the world.

Halidmand Proclamation 1784 making Kanekotah the only UK military protectorate for the Mohawks in the world.

This issue has now come before the Iroquois Confederate Council. We put you on notice of your legal requirement to follow military law and do as your General ordered in 1784. “Due to the early attachment of the Mohawks and the loss of their settlements in the American states”, “we have purchased a tract of land, six miles from each side of the Grand River, starting at Lake Erie and extending in that proportion to the head of said river, which them and their posterity shall enjoy forever”.

You are legally required to follow this order. Due to the colonial settlerism issues, we require your physical presence in kanekotah when we move to our tract. We would like to do this in June 2015.

Your house in kanekota is waiting for you.

Your house in kanekota is waiting for you.

The Canadian courts have neglected this Royal Proclamation. It is a Royal Proclamation because of the title “Captain General”. We now come to you with one mind and demand your protection for our people.

In 1947 the British Army built a mansion you can occupy in the Hamlet of Hornings Mills, kanekotah. I forward you a copy of the Royal Proclamation from the Captain General, Sir Frederick Halidmand, and the survey we had done at the Queen’s Printer of Ontario. I would like to talk with you on the telephone. Please call me when you get this letter at . . . . , email: Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

kahentinetha, bear clanmother, kanekotah.

The British have already set the precedent on this legality when they invaded Palestine to create Israel in 1947. They claimed their legality through the Balfour Declaration, which is not really a royal proclamation since it was not signed by a Captain General or a King. These are the only entities that can make a royal proclamation. Now the British Army must carry out their legal requirements and protect 6 miles from the source of the Grand River, as per the attached survey we have done by the Queens Printer of Ontario. [map]. Source of the Grand River Colour Source-of-the-Grand-River-Colour

We require physical signs everywhere to indicate that people are entering a British military protectorate under the laws of the Kaia’nere:kowa.testan

As Gene Autry laments, “The Red Man was pressed from this part of the West, it’s not likely he’ll ever return. To the banks of the Red River, where seldom, if ever, his flickering campfires still burn, home on the range.” [Home on the range].

MNN Mohawk Nation For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit


Let's get ready for peace, peace, peace!

Let’s get ready for peace, peace, peace!

Justice for Equador.

Jails in US.

Implementing Two Row throughout ono’ware:geh.

Indigo Skyfold: UN chemtrail operation.







MNN. Apr. 13, 2013. Quebec and Canada pretend to fight each other, although they’re owned by the same shareholders. Canada’s Prime Minister Harper and Quebec Premier Marois are actually working closely together to try to eliminate their common enemy, the Indigenous land and resource owners. The recent public attack of a Mohawk speaker by the separatist students at Champlain College in Sherbrooke shows that their brain programming is working well to promote racism and hatred toward the Indigenous. She was questioning their history and  legal position as settlers. The other students and teachers were unapologetic over the mistreatment of the 73-year old speaker.

False teeth, pretend sovereignty!

False teeth, pretend sovereignty!

The bankers set up the confederation; fraudulently forced indigenous people under “federal” jurisdiction; and then set up sub-corporations called “provinces” to carry out the theft of our lands and resources. All land and resource revenues go into the ever growing $60.5 trillion Indian Trust Fund which has been hijacked by the bankers. The profits from of the extraction of our resources is divided up between the federal and provincial governments. 

Canadians watch Quebec separatists trying to viciously dislodge us from our land, resources, funds and rights. They turn away and are thus complicit in the genocide. Quebec propaganda mills threaten those who question their made-up history, false news and opinions.    

LOST treatyCanada is not a state. It has no land. It is a foreign corporation established under the Admiralty “law of the seas” designed for commerce on the ocean. Quebec is a by-product. Indigenous Kaianerekowa is the law of the land of Great Turtle Island. The Indian Lands Acts of 1924 are illegal non-ratified corporate by-laws giving our resources to Quebec and other provinces. They have no right to sit at global forums selling Indigenous resources. All newcomers and their corporate entities should be petitioning our nations on access to our possessions.  

It is not Canadian nor Quebec territory. The Great Peace of Montreal Treaty 1701 allowed the newcomers a right to live here according to the Two Row Wampum. They could set up their communities and never own our land. This treaty was breached. Their occupation became illegal. The occupiers must renew their visas with us. Their agreement and fiduciary responsibility to Indigenous is affirmed by the Royal Proclamation 1763. 

harper claims PQCanada is a colony. Agreements on their settlement on our land is between Indigenous nations and the crown representing the colony of Canada and its sub-colonies. 

Nations within nations is not legal. Like Canada, Quebec cannot be a nation as both have no land. We won’t ever give up any. Canada on behalf of Quebec has to renew their commitment to the Two Row/Guswentha if they want to remain here. Otherwise they have no permit to stay and must leave forthwith. In Frank Zappa’s song “Magdalena“, he sings about the incestuous Canada-Quebec relationship: “My daughter, dear, do not be concerned when your Canadian daddy comes near. I work so hard. Don’t you understand? Making maple syrup for the pancakes of our land. Do you have any idea of what that can do to a man?”

pauline Marois: "You 'sauvages' want something, ask in French!"

Pauline Marois: “You ‘sauvages’ want something, ask in French!”

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0





MNN.  Oct. 25, 2012.  Canada has a duty to abide by the rule of law, that is, to follow their own laws.  Above all, their constitution. Their following their constitution and agreements with Indigenous peoples is their visa to live here.  Ordinary statutes like the Indian Act that breach the constitutional guarantee of protection of us are not “law”.  This breach makes it void. 

The Royal Proclamation 1763 is the first general constitution for all of North America, giving the newcomers a right to live here.  It is the foundation of Canada.  It defines its relationship with the Indigenous People and our land, based on the Guswentha/Two Row Wampum.  We are to remain separate in all ways, unless we make a treaty agreeing to some variation.  We did not.  The newcomers proclaim a “duty to protect us” from encroachment.   Sections 91[24] and 109 of the Constitution Act 1867, affirm this duty.  Furthermore, this was confirmed by the Order in Council of Canada 1875 by which Canada expressly and explicitly confessed this duty of protection.  


The Royal Proclamation 1763 provides: 

“…  that the several Nations or Tribes of Indians with whom We are connected and who live under our Protection should not be molested or disturbed in the Possession of such Parts of Our Dominions and Territories as not having been ceded to or purchased by Us are reserved to them or any of them as their hunting Grounds —“. 

“…  And we do further strictly enjoin and require all Persons whatever who have either willfully or inadvertently seated themselves upon any Lands … not having been ceded to or purchased by Us are still reserved to the said Indians as aforesaid forthwith to remove themselves from such Settlements. 

The Royal Proclamation affirms our territorial sovereignty and independence.  The Guswentha provides that there shall be no interference in our ways, languages and lands.  Nor shall they make rules for us or have any rights to our possessions. They may live here and feed their people and be of one mind with us on the environment.  

Section 109 of the Constitution Act, 1867 further elaborates:    

109. …  all … Lands, Mines, Minerals, or Royalties, [are] subject to any Trusts existing in respect thereof, and to any Interest other than that of the Province… 

In 1897 the Privy Council in Britain, at that time the highest court of appeal for Canada, defined the trust and interest as a legal duty to protect the nations or tribes of Indians, which pre-exist their administrative bodies known as Indian Act band councils.  Canada is absolutely bound by this.  The duty to protect predates the country. 

The constitution has been broken and thus the rule of law has been trashed.  It has been replaced by political opportunism that has infected the courts, politicians and almost all of non-native society.   In 1880 Canada illegally declared a formal act of genocide, the Indian Act, Section 72, to remove the life chiefs.  Then on October 25, 1924 Canada illegally set up concentration camps called “reserves”.   

Quebec cannot impose a statute such as French language Bill 101 forcing Indigenous to speak French in order to work.  Otherwise we are forced to leave our homeland.  It is a genocidal colonial statute that violates the rule of law and Canada’s duty to protect. 

The crown falsely alleged that their settlers have our land, resources and can legislate to us.  The visitors illegally interfere with our life and lands. Canada and its courts must protect the several nations and our lands from being molested or disturbed.   

Any Ongwehonwe/Indigenous as natural persons of Onowaregeh/Great Turtle Island require proof of treaty that relinquishes this constitutional agreement.  None exist.  All the land is Indigenous.  Canada’s duty is to never allow any encroachment by subsequent statutes of Canada and its provinces. Any federal or provincial imposition is unconstitutional and therefore void.  Canada has voided its own existence here. 

The rule of law does not function in Canada.  The trust has been broken.  It needs to be repaired to rescue all human kind and the environment.  

Instead of protection Canada has attacked us and our mother, the earth.  The foreign corporation of Canada must be dissolved as it does not follow the rule of law, making it illegal.  They must follow the Guswenta or leave Great Turtle Island.   

This is the basis of the Federal Court case T-1396-12, The Queen v. Thahoketoteh of Kanekota.  We need your donations now for filing, printing and mailing costs.  Those who donate today will become of one mind with us as per the Guswentha.  Go to PayPal. www.mohawknationnews.comContact:; MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0  Nia:wen