Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. APRIL 24, 2015. This letter was sent by Registered Mail on April 11, 2015, to General Sir Peter Wall and received at Whitehall.
kahentinetha, P.O. Box 991, kahnwake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.
April 11, 2015.
Gen. Sir Peter Wall, KCB CBE ADC Gen, Chief of the General Staff, UK Army, MOD Main Building, Whitehall, London, SW1A 2HB
Dear Sir:
As you have been previously alerted by our ahserakowa of kanekotah, thahoketoteh, we write today to remind you of the order you are under. You have a copy of Captain General Sir Frederick Haldimand’s order he left for you. We provide you another.

Halidmand Proclamation 1784 making Kanekotah the only UK military protectorate for the Mohawks in the world.
This issue has now come before the Iroquois Confederate Council. We put you on notice of your legal requirement to follow military law and do as your General ordered in 1784. “Due to the early attachment of the Mohawks and the loss of their settlements in the American states”, “we have purchased a tract of land, six miles from each side of the Grand River, starting at Lake Erie and extending in that proportion to the head of said river, which them and their posterity shall enjoy forever”.
You are legally required to follow this order. Due to the colonial settlerism issues, we require your physical presence in kanekotah when we move to our tract. We would like to do this in June 2015.
The Canadian courts have neglected this Royal Proclamation. It is a Royal Proclamation because of the title “Captain General”. We now come to you with one mind and demand your protection for our people.
In 1947 the British Army built a mansion you can occupy in the Hamlet of Hornings Mills, kanekotah. I forward you a copy of the Royal Proclamation from the Captain General, Sir Frederick Halidmand, and the survey we had done at the Queen’s Printer of Ontario. I would like to talk with you on the telephone. Please call me when you get this letter at . . . . , email: Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.
kahentinetha, bear clanmother, kanekotah.
The British have already set the precedent on this legality when they invaded Palestine to create Israel in 1947. They claimed their legality through the Balfour Declaration, which is not really a royal proclamation since it was not signed by a Captain General or a King. These are the only entities that can make a royal proclamation. Now the British Army must carry out their legal requirements and protect 6 miles from the source of the Grand River, as per the attached survey we have done by the Queens Printer of Ontario. [map].
We require physical signs everywhere to indicate that people are entering a British military protectorate under the laws of the Kaia’nere:kowa.
As Gene Autry laments, “The Red Man was pressed from this part of the West, it’s not likely he’ll ever return. To the banks of the Red River, where seldom, if ever, his flickering campfires still burn, home on the range.” [Home on the range].
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Implementing Two Row throughout ono’ware:geh.
Indigo Skyfold: UN chemtrail operation.