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April 28, 2017. South American nations don’t trust the US. US forces inside Venezuela promote foreign intervention and overthrow of the government. The Organization of American States (OAS), facilitates control of Latin America and the Caribbean. So Canada acts on behalf of the US to interfere in Venezuela’s sovereign will and refusal to come under imperial dictates. Canada also acts on behalf of the financial oligarchs in Canada, US and all of the Americas. 

The OAS is run out of Washington DC. Canada requested the special meeting with OAS, which has 34 members, to force a regime change in Venezuela in the name of “democracy and human rights”.


The Bolivia Ambassador, Chair of this session, denounced the attempted coup for not consulting or providing an agenda. It failed. 

Canada Ambassador Jennifer Lotem then organized an internal “institutional coup”, by disempowering the Chair, Vice chairs and setting aside OAS rules and procedures.


The designated Coup Chair declared the resolution was adopted by consensus, though most members were not there. The US threatened Venezuela “to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of its neighbours”, on the basis of false accusations. 

On April 6, The Trudeau government called an emergency briefing in Ottawa to immediately force the regime to step down, without giving Venezuela any notice or a voice.


US imperialists and oligarchs, constantly attack the Bolivarian revolution achievements. Venezuela is depriving them of power. 

On April 19 over a million marched in Caracas and elsewhere to defend the country’s sovereignty and Bolivarian revolution against foreign international violence and destabilization. Spanish colonial rule was overthrown 207 years ago. 

President Trump supports the coup, is fearful of their economic achievements, concerned about the failure of the US backed overthrow and about the acknowledgement of indigenous land and resource rights. 

The US goal is to destabilize and control all of Central and South America and the Caribbean. OAS members are intimidated into backing the attempted coup through political interference, trickery, blackmail and economic and military threats.


OAS is falling apart. Venezuelans opposed US attempts to take over their country.

The people support institutional revolution. The Trudeau government defends Canadian corporations that brutally violate human rights to steal indigenous land and resources. This is the corporation’s band and tribal council system that has been oppressing us for 500 years. Today millions of children go to bed hungry in US and Canada. Se-wa-ri-hoh-kten! 

Mikal Ico sings a song of courage:


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh 

Venezuela’s Withdrawal from Organization of American States and Background Information
Venezuela to Withdraw from Organization of American States
 – Granma International
Maduro: Venezuela Will Continue Its Journey Towards True Independence – AVN
OAS Spent a Year Promoting Interventionism in Venezuela – AVN
Cuba Reaffirms Its Commitment to Venezuela
 – Declaration by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba
Venezuela’s Resistance to Imperialist Interference: Oppose Canada’s Nefarious Role!  TML Weekly
Venezuelans Mobilize in Defence of Bolivarian Revolution – TML Weekly

http://bsnorrell.blogspot.ca/2017/04/zapatistas-moises-capitalist-world-is.html CAPITALIST MOISES IS A WALLED PLANTATION Censored News-Zapatistas












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MNN April 27, 2017. The immigrants to great turtle island are conditioned to believe we are extinct. They help themselves to our land, resources and everything they can get their hands on.

In 1302 Pope Boniface VIII claimed to own every human being, the planet and everything on it, through a self-declared Papal Bull. He claimed to be “God’s” representative on earth.

This turned all our land into their land without our knowledge or consent. Fake laws claimed the natural rights of all life on great turtle island. All corporations are sub-corporations of the original corporation, the Vatican [Crown]. 

The Vatican signs us up and sells our birth certificate on the stock market as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation. Our flesh is sold into perpetual slavery. 

In 1537 another Papal Bull claimed all “lost souls”. This gave Henry Viii the religious authority to secretly collect our souls. 


The incorporation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy Chiefs Council HCCC is now an artificial entity created by Vatican authority as a private company. The Handsome Lake Code is a man-made Christian religion not based on creation. 

In 1816 England went bankrupt and lost the Crown. It was granted to the Temple Bar in the City State of London. The Lawyers of the Bar Association administer, register and collect the souls of “the lost and the damned”. 

When a child is baptized, the parents give title and sell their soul to the trust owned by the bankers. Since 1933, every child is not known as man or woman, but a creature or animal, because the Vatican stole ownership of their soul. 

We are treated as things so that the lawyers can enforce Maritime law [Admiralty law of the seas]. A person owns nothing and is merely a beneficiary, because everybody is a slave and the world is owned by the Vatican.  

Additional rights were later added monetizing everything. Bankruptcies, minors, incompetents, mortgages and private companies are owned by the Vatican. Those Papal Bulls were designed by men in skirts almost 1000 years ago. 

The Vatican claims Real Property (on Earth), Personal Property (the body), and religious Property (the soul). The judge is the captain of the ship who can throw you overboard without repercussions. The judge can fine and imprison you for any amount he deems. 


When an onkwe-hon-weh, natural person of the land, goes into Admiralty court with the two row wampum, and explains how Britain came to Canada in August 1701 and set up in Kingston through this instrument, he shows the judge the top row and says, “This is why you can sit in that chair. The bottom row is us. Now we can talk”. 

It is time to hold the shareholders of the Crown [City of London, Washington DC and the Vatican] accountable for their crime of genocide of the onkwe-hon-weh on ono-ware-keh. 

Donovan talks about the fairy tale that is our illegal nightmare: “Once in a town in the Black forest a little white toy shop stood. The little tin soldier with only one leg lived in a castle of wood. Across the room on another shelf stood a little glass case and a tiny ballerina lived in there all in her dress of lace. And from where the little tin soldier stood they could see each other so clear. The little tin soldier watched over her with a love that was so dear. Then one day sadness came, the tiny ballerina was sold. The little tin soldier was thrown away and into the gutter he rolled. The water carried him to the sea and many far off lands.”


Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh 

http://www.theeventchronicle.com/study/critical-knowledge-legal-ownership-souls-vatican-since-1306/# FAKE OWNERSHIP OF THE WORLD 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMFrs1aYJFk COVERT HISTORY OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/humans-north-america-130000-1.4086109 

https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/04/25/court-dismisses-two-claims-launched-by-st-annes-residential-school-survivors.html RESIDENTIAL SCHOOL CLAIM TOSSED OUT OF COURT

http://yournewswire.com/putin-russia-banking-dollar-gold/ RUSSIA CHANGING CURRENCY 
