Mohawk Nation News

News and Articles by kahntineta, Mohawk Nation News Publisher

Mohawk Nation News


NOON 12:00 – TUESDAY OCT. 15, 2024

301 WELLINGTON ST. OTTAWA 613-995-5351

Municipal parking across from court. Greetings at front of courthouse sidewalk on Wellington @ 11.00 am. 


The kanienkehaka kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers have travelled to present documents to the Supreme Court of Canada [Ottawa] to continue the forensic archaelologcal investigation into unmarked graves and clandestine mass burials of murdered and missing indigenous women and girls on McGill University campus, at the former Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal Quebec Canada. Please join us for an historic moment as the kaniekehaka kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers stand on the steps of the Supreme Court of Canada to enter the SCC submit documents in accordance with kanienkehaka protocols.




TEKARONTAKE ‘Straightening the tree of peace’


KAHENTINETHA:’ Why we have come to your your court…’

KIMBERLY MURRAY:Independent Special Interlocateur for Missing Children & Unmarkd Graves will speak on the “Burial Sites of Indian Residential Schools”. 



Contact: Raj Basdeo 514.249.1661

The SCC is policed by the RCMP. They will be on the premises to ensure safety and security.

Ozzie Osbourne sings about how in their time of need they were taken in and sheltered but forgot about the kindness. Now hey want to find their way back to their mother.  

Times have changed and times are strange
Here I come but I ain’t the sameMama, I’m coming home
Times go bye, seems to beYou could have been a better friend to meMama, I’m coming home
You took me in and you drove me outYeah, you had me hypnotized, yeahLost and found and turned aroundBy the fire in your eyes
You made me cry, you told me liesBut I can’t stand to say goodbyeMama, I’m coming home
I could be right, I could be wrongIt hurts so bad it’s been so longMama, I’m coming home
Selfish love yeah we’re both aloneThe ride before the fall, yeahBut I’m gonna take this heart of stoneI just got to have it all
I’ve seen your face a hundred timesEveryday we’ve been apartAnd I don’t care about the sunshine, yeah‘Cause mama, mama, I’m coming homeI’m coming home
You took me in and you drove me outYeah, you had me hypnotizedLost and found and turned aroundBy the fire in your eyes
I’ve seen your face a thousand timesEveryday we’ve been apartAnd I don’t care about the sunshine, yeah‘Cause mama, mama, I’m coming homeI’m coming home, I’m coming homeI’m coming home


For immediate release

Press conference and media availability: 

To protect their ancestors’ graves, the Mohawk Mothers will be taking their case to the Supreme Court for recognition of their right to an independent inquiry into the unmarked graves of Indigenous and non-Indigenous children buried clandestinely on tekanontak (“mount royal”, kanien’kehà:ka/rotiononhsión:ni land occupied by McGill University), the site of the former Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Psychiatric Institute. Following the Court of Appeal of Québec overturning the Superior Court of Québec decision’s to this effect at the request of McGill University and the Quebec government (via the Société québécoise des infrastructures, SQI), the Kanien’kehà:ka kahnistensera and the Independent Special Interlocutor Kimberly Murray will be holding a press conference with their supporters on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at noon in front of the Supreme Court of Canada (301 Wellington Street, Ottawa to report on this major moment in which they are turning to the Supreme Court of Canada.

What: Rally, ceremonies and press conference in front of the Supreme Court of Canada in the presence of Kanien’kehà:ka kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) and Independent Special Advocate Kimberly Murray.

The Kanien’kehà:ka kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) will share information with the media on the filing of a motion before the Supreme Court of Canada to ensure that the search for anonymous graves of victims of medical experiments at Montreal’s former Royal Victoria Hospital be overseen by the panel of experts selected in collaboration with McGill and the SQI in April 2023. McGill and the SQI unilaterally disbanded the panel in the summer of 2023, leading the Superior Court of Québec to order its reinstatement in a decision that was subsequently overturned by the Court of Appeal of Quebec. In the company of Independent Special Interlocutor Kimberly Murray, and in accordance with traditional kanien’kehá:ka and rotiononhsión:ni protocols, the Mohawk Mothers will explain why they are turning to the Supreme Court in their battle to enforce their traditional responsibility to care for the land and protect the children of past, present and future generations.

After their speeches, the speakers will take questions from journalists on site.

Speakers :

  • Kanasaraken, Kanien’kehà:ka knowledge keeper
  • Kahentinetha et Kwetiio, Kanien’kehà:ka kahnistensera (Mères mohawks)
  • Kimberley Murray, Independant Special Interlocutor for Missing Children and Unmarked Graves and Burial Sites associated with Indian Residential Schools


  • Tuesday October 15th starting at 12 noon.


  • Supreme Court of Canada, 302 Wellington, Ottawa.

For more information, please consult or contact:

Email: or

Rajendra Kapila Basdeo: 514-249-1661

Marjolaine Arpin: 514-231-4252 

Philippe Blouin: 514-463-8835

Please confirm your attendance by writing to or calling Marjolaine Arpin at 514-231-4252.

This is a sensitive matter; your respect and cultural sensitivity are appreciated.

#991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0




Tactics being used to place indigenous people in positions to steal our land through frauds. The broadcast is self-explanatory by two onkwehonweh, John Kane and tekarontake Paul Delaronde. Send this out immediaqtely. 

LTN #581 Live from Akwesasne with John Kane and Tekarontake: LAND CLAIMS!

There will be more information on the next broadcasts.

thahoketoteh explains very main principles of the two row wampum applicable to our lives now. “What a magic place this is, the giver of all life and teacher to all. It starts as a trickle in the hills and continues growing wider on its call. Feeding everything on its path and asking nothing but respect from the biggest tree to the smallest insect. It then becomes a highway of fish, men and beast continuing on its journey that will never ever cease. Chorus: The river of life has many falls, twists and turns and steep walls. We travel down it in our own way. The same has been from the very first day. i’ll stay in my canoe. You stay in your boat. I only  hope you stay afloat. I’ll smile at you. You wave at me and we’ll continue on towards the sea”.








Office of the Ganienkeh Territory Council Fire

Correspondence via: U.S.P.S. P.O. Box 270, 270 Altona  NY,12910

Telephone: 518-236-7100 – Fax: 518-236-7101

Email: – Website:

Ennisko:wa 4th, 2024

Swariwa:ke: MohawkNation Council of Chiefs

TO: Curtis Nelson, Angela Elijah, Ernest David, Louise McDonald, Julia Jacobs, Howard Thompson

This communication is written upon the direction of the community. It has come come to the attention of the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs [hereinafter MNCC] projects the impression that they represent the greater Mohawk Nation and the Confederacy on land claims matters. They do not.

The MNCC represent the interests in the land claims lawsuit as the Plaintiff known as “People of the Long House of Akwesasne represented by the Mohawk Nation Council of Chiefs”, and more specifically only to the house who call themselves the “Mohawk Nation Longhouse”.  

Ganienkeh rejects any greater authority that MNCC claims . . . . 

Please read the entire statement:


Download the PDF version of the statement.

Ganienkeh Statement 2024-04-05

The song, “The Tree”, is our absolute agreement with the statement of Ganienkeh on Turtle Island which Thahoketoteh sings: “Now we stand as brothers, let us plant this tree, follow its roots. It’ll go from sea to sea. Watch it grow to the sky and bask in its shade. It represents the unity we now have made. We bury our weapons for all time underneath. And a great order we now bequeath. If any should follow the roots to their source, they may sit with us in the shade of course….” 


The Red-X.  His eyes are black cavernous void leading directly into the 5th demension.

MNN. Feb. 5, 2024. The Red X is reminding us of the finalization on October 25, 2024 of the “final solution to the Indian problem”.  

Framework Fraud – Part 2 is an MNN reprint of March 3, 2019 of the plans of the colonial settlers of Canada for the “final solution of the indian problem”. The indigenous people who have been placed on turtle island by creation will be eliminated as the original people of this land by the stroke of the colonial invader’s pen to be forced to become “canadiens” [squatters on our land]. The “100 year business plan” was set in place by Prime Minister Duncan Campbell Scott on October 25, 1924, who is the author and executioner of this insidious plan. The final day of our existence as the natural people is planned for October 25, 2024, the date of the Indian Lands Acts. 

The Red X from the fifth dimension gives his opinion on the “The Framework Agreement” from the Fifth Dimension where he comes from. “Let the sunshine. Let the sunshine in. The sunshine in. Come on everybody. Just sing along and let the sunshine in. Open your heart. Let it shine on in. You got to feel it. Open up your heart and let it shine on in.

Now open up the following PDF and read about the settler colonialists’ “business plan” for us: Court Communications 

box 991, kahnawake que. canada J0L 1B0



Please post & distribute immediately. Thank you.

COMMENTS TO QUEBEC SUPERIOR COURT FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF AND TO OBTAIN A SAFEGUARD ORDER ON SEPT. 14, 2023. CASE #500-17-120468-221: Kaheninetha et al v. SQI, McGill University, et all.; and Intervenors Independant Spedical Interlocateur for Missing Children & Unmarked Graves…. 

MNN. Sept. 15, 2023. “Shé :kon Sewakwe :kon. I am Kahentinetha, a Kahnistensera. I’m 84 years old, a great grand mother. Much of what we are doing at McGill and SQI are based on my experience, and that of the people I’ve known.

I was born in 1940. Many of our teachers at the day school I attended as a child were soldiers who just came back from the war. They were in charge and took a military approach to help Canada to annihilate us. They moved from the European theatre and to home grown Canadian war for Indian land, which continues to this day. They are trained killers sent to train the Indigenous children. It was the army managing us. Managing our disappearance. I have known about what was done to our children, to Inuit children too, in some of these hospitals. Children strapped to their stretchers, trapped in caskets. Horrible things. They came to get the weakest and the strongest of us. Intelligence tests at the Allan Memorial Institute to screen us and incarcerate the unruly, of which they studied the mind, to understand how it is that we think, the reasons why we are still ourselves, Onkwehonweh, and never became Canadians.

I’m here for these lost children, to know what happened to them, and who did it, without lawyers and no funds, just using our way against the corporation of Canada.

That’s why I came to the crime site on Mount Royal every day, without pay, to do the words to open the day, to see how things are going, that our ancestors and children are respected and that they are being found. It wasn’t easy. The toilets were filthy. We had to walk through dangerous construction sites, high fences around, and the security attacking us. A nightmare. I was reminded of when my daughter was stabbed in the chest by a soldier in 1990. Genocide is a nightmare that I have been through and that I witnessed. My family was targeted as a traditional longhouse family. Non-Indigenous people often have a hard time understanding that. They were and are still not told the complete story. If we could get the archives we are asking for, if there was a real commitment to transparency for ethnic crimes committed on us in the post-war period, it would help us. 

Justice Moore stated in the injunction that he ordered last October that no party disputed the fact that the investigation must be “Indigenous-led”. The settlement agreement provided that Cultural Monitors appointed by the Kahnistensera must be on the site. Only a fraction of our cultural monitors have received a basic safety training, and certainly nothing that would allow us to securely monitor heavy machinery on the site. We have no real protective equipment to do that. We were expected to use filthy toilets that were on the other side of the site, in an area under construction where they were stockpiling bricks in high stacks, that could fall on us at any time. We were attacked by the SQI’s security guards, and SQI  told us they wouldn’t come back, but we just stumbled on them last Sunday still working there. They were there all the time! I don’t understand how it can be so complicated to understand what Indigenous-led means! It means something that is safe for us to do things our own way, to burn our tobacco, to make decisions together using our consensual decision making system. Now the Defendants say something new that they didn’t even tell us about before starting to drill the site. They say they built another fenced area in between all the other fences, creating an open air prison to put us in and hopefully protect us from rocks flying over and guards insulting us. By any stretch of the imagination this cannot be considered lawful, let alone safe, in any law, Mohawk or Canadian.

Being on the site was not easy in a context where the Defendants apparently do not want us to be there at all. We are facing constant pressure. The slightest attitude that doesn’t fit within non-Indigenous people’s understanding of what it means to be nice was denounced immediately. I was very sorry to learn that Sophie Mayes from the SQI resorted to pulling emails from some service providers that they had contracted who apparently did not like the way us Mohawk women conduct ourselves. I do not want to perpetuate and thus endorse the Defendants’ disturbing use of defamation and ad hominem attacks through quoting non-Indigenous third parties in their submissions. Such accusations are absolutely baseless and reflect the fundamental problem with the way the Defendants unilaterally sign contracts with service providers that end up thinking they work for them, along with non-disclosure agreements and a client-provider relation that excludes the Indigenous people who are the only party that has a vested interest in the credibility of the investigation. When someone like Brian Whiting, department manager at GeoScan, says that he was upset by what I told him when he came to see me last weekend during a GPR survey, he doesn’t say that what I was asking him about is why we cannot access the raw data from the GPR, and why experts cannot get that data and analyse it. He finally admitted that it was because he is under contract with the SQI, and his allegiance goes to who is paying. At the same time, as Kwetiio said before, Mr Whiting’s own recommendations were not followed by the Defendants regarding the unknown anomalies. The SQI and McGill simply decided to ignore them. I know the settlement agreement does not allow them to do that. Nobody on our side of the room would ever have signed such a document.

To finish, I have something to say that I learned after my affidavit was completed, and that I couldn’t include in our submissions. But it happened. An indigenous person called me, who had been contacted by Pierre Major from McGill University, starting a few weeks ago, and again these last days. McGill was searching for a cultural monitor for archaeological work at the Royal Victoria site. This was done without telling us, or involving us, as if McGill wanted to continue their work by hiring their own monitors. The settlement agreement provides that it is the Kahnistensera who appoint the cultural monitors. The person was offered a good salary, a hotel, benefits, and a McGill masters degree. Mr. Major also said a few disparaging words about us, the Mohawk Mothers. We were ‘mean’ women who were not nice to security guards on the site. Aggressive, hysterical women, basically. Obviously the person didn’t believe a word of it. He said he knows how Indigenous woman are. It’s not the first time I’m contacted by people who are approached that way by the Defendants. I ask you to stop this now and show some respect for your elders. I am your elder too. It’s clear to me that the service providers were constantly hearing bad things about us, and became very reactive and apprehensive when we approached them. But the majority of them were very nice and asked us questions, including the two technicians from GeoScan that Mr. Whiting described as upset by our presence. Actually they asked us a lot of questions, and we explained them. They told us about their work to help us explain this to our people. They participated in our ceremonies. The way it should be, very simply, to be real human beings, Onkwehonweh. That’s the way we can truly change our relationship and become free.

I know it’s my right to do this. It’s my responsibility according to the Kaianerehkowa. I am a Kahnistensera, and I declare the genocide is now over.”



So as Willie Nelson reminds everyone, the party’s over. 

thahoketoteh  MNN court correspondent

box 991, kahnawake, que. canada J0L 1B0


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Feb 1, 2023.



Recently the Kahnistenseras of Kahnawake were invited to Hart House of University of Toronto to speak about current indigenous issues. 

 Globe & Mail 1964 republication  of Feb. 11, 1965. ProQuest Historical Newspapers :Self-Support Indian Goal
























Kahentinetha Horn, a lissum Indian, forecast an Indian in the future of every University of Toronto student who jammed Hart House art gallery yesterday to hear her talk on the arts and culture of contemporary Indians.                                       Miss Horn prophesied that in 35 years, Canada’s Indian population would be 1,800,000 – or roughly one out of every 25 persons. would be an Indian, she said.          “You are the privileged of the privileged”, she told the students. “You are the 82 per cent of the  future leaders of Canada” – I represent the despairing 1 per cent who are multiplying rapidly in Canada. Now is the time you must learn about Indians to help us achieve our main goal.”                                                                        The first goal of Indians is to be able to support themselves, she said.                       On each Wall of Hart House gallery hung paintings by Norval Morrisseau, Ojibway Indian from Beardmore, Ont.  “They conveyed a message of the past”, Miss Horn said.  “Such art flows through the blood of my brothers and sisters – but most of the benefits reaches the white man’s salons?”                                                        While Indian culture certainly encompasses significant art form, the arts of Indians have leaned more to warfare and politics, Miss Horn said.                                “For 20,000 years, the Indians have had a struggle to survive the forces of nature.  The cultural arts come only with leisure –  after survival.” The greats of her ancestors, the Iroquois, were related to politics and warfare. The United Nations concepts are modelled on the Iroquois Confederacy, for example. Their arts of warfare are the reasons the students speak English today instead of French, she said. That’s why you have Prime Minister Pearson as leader instead of President de Gaulle”.                                                                                                        Most Indians, Miss Horn said, are unemployable. “I’m afraid technical sciences will keep Indians unemployable. We haven’t time to think about our arts. We have to keep our people alive. How to keep our women alive, for example, past the age of 45. Why does one out of 10 of our babies die before the age of 4? Don’t ask me why; nobody has ever researched the reason. It’s just a statistic. We need housing, medical care, community planning, training and education. We need an interest in welfare –  there’ll be one of us in thec future for every one of you. 

     Note to readers: The population of indigenous people in Canada today is 1.800,000.  


kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers)

November 14, 2022

Update on next steps – Mohawk Mothers vs SQI et al.

Please post & distribute.


On Thursday October 27, 2022 at the Quebec Superior Court, Montreal District, the Kanien’kehá:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) made history as Justice Gregory Moore granted an interlocutory injunction to immediately halt “any excavation in furtherance of the redevelopment of the Allan Memorial Institute or the Royal Victoria Hospital” until the parties have completed discussions regarding the best archaeological practices to be used.



This landmark decision was the first time in Canada that self-represented Indigenous people won an injunction without using attorneys and based on their own governance system, the Kaianerehkowa (Great Peace). In court, the Mohawk Mothers were facing numerous adversaries including top lawyers from McGill University, the Société Québécoise des Infrastructures (SQI), the McGill University Health Center (MUHC), the Royal Victoria Hospital, the City of Montreal, the Attorney General of Canada and the Attorney General of Quebec. 


Kimberly Murray, the Independent Special Interlocutor appointed by the Federal government to determine a new legal framework to address the unmarked graves of Indigenous children that are currently found throughout Canada, also joined the case as a “friend of the court”,  represented by lawyers Julian N. Falconer and Daniel Worme.


Justice Moore’s court order was issued on the basis of the plaintiffs’ (Mohawk Mothers) concerns that Indigenous children were used as test subjects in medical experiments at the Royal Victoria Hospital and were buried on the site scheduled to be redeveloped. These concerns were based on both archival evidence and witness accounts, including the first-hand account from Lana Ponting, an 81 year old survivor of the CIA-funded MK-Ultra mind control experiments that took place at the Allan Memorial Institute, the Royal Victoria Hospital and McGill University’s department of psychiatry. In addition, the Mohawk Mothers pleaded that the land is the exact location of the precolonial Iroquoian village of Tekanontak (Mount Royal), and was used as a burial site before the arrival of Europeans, which warrants the necessity of using appropriate archaeological means to preserve the history of Iroquoian peoples.


Throughout the hearing on October 26th and 27th, the defendants and promoters of the redevelopment project used an array of technical and legal arguments that attempted to convey the idea that the plaintiffs were

(i) in the wrong forum to lay their claims as other administrative processes exist for such questions in the province of Québec;

(ii) that the promoters have not broken any laws and are respecting the Quebec Heritage Act, which the plaintiffs ask to be declared unconstitutional at the future merits stage of the court proceedings, because it considers Indigenous heritage as the property of Quebec and does not include any mandatory consultation of Indigenous people regarding their heritage;

(iii) that most of the evidence submitted by the plaintiffs and the Special Interlocutor Murray, including the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s report, was not eligible for technical reasons; and

(iv) that the six plaintiffs did not represent the Mohawk people – which the plaintiffs esteem as there is no “power of attorney” in Indigenous culture, where every individual is free and self-represented.


The Mohawk Mothers emphasized that it is their cultural duty to caretake their traditional territory and the children of past, present and future generations. They also argued that allowing excavation work on the site would cause irreparable harm to their identity, history, and trust as Indigenous people. They also stressed that the situation was urgent because all the other existing means to make their concerns heard were exhausted to no avail. As a matter of fact, the shovels had already broken the ground two days before the hearing with archaeological excavation starting in front of the hospital’s Hersey pavilion – an act which became illegal when the court ruling was issued. 

Justice Moore’s ruling, available online, acknowledged that the balance of convenience favored the plaintiffs, who would “suffer irreparable harm if the excavation work is not suspended for the time it takes to develop an appropriate archaeological plan to identify any unmarked graves”, following the best practices determined by the Canadian Archaeological Association. The ruling thus invited the parties to “speak out of court to settle their differences on an amicable basis”. The promoters were reminded of the Royal Victoria Hospital re-qualification project that the Call to Action 76 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission encourages “public and para-public institutions like McGill University and the SQI” to respect the following guidelines:

“i. the Aboriginal community most affected shall lead the development” of the investigation;

ii. Input must be sought from Survivors and Knowledge Keepers in developing those strategies;

“iii. Aboriginal protocols shall be respected before any invasive technical inspection and investigation of a cemetery site”. The ruling also ordered the defendants to fund the investigation. 


Throughout the next months, the Mohawk Mothers will thus be working on developing an archaeological plan which they will submit to the other parties for review one month before the next case management conference with Justice Moore, in January or February 2023. The plan will follow the best practices determined by the Canadian Archaeological Association for searching unmarked graves, drawing on non-damaging remote-sensing technologies to assess what is under the soil without disturbing the remains, and basing the investigation on archival research and interviews with survivors. Kanien’keha:ka longhouse protocols will be followed throughout the process, which will also involve traditional knowledge keepers from other Indigenous peoples, whose own protocols regarding burial sites must also be respected. The Kahnistensera are looking forward to developing a comprehensive archaeological plan which will do justice to their families, ancestors and to all survivors of colonial violence. 

The humming of Sam Cooke’s  “It’s been a long time coming/ But I know a change is gonna come” resonates across Tekanontak, as the Kahnistensera’s legal endeavor makes changes for the children yet to come never to be denied anymore. Fear will be overcome, and the path will be cleared for Onkwehonwe to live in peace on their our land, as creation intended.

Kanien’keha:ka Kahnistensera, Kahnawake

To help the Kahnistensera, donations can be provided at the following address:

More articles on the court hearings:

McGill Tribune – Tuesday Nov. 1, 2022

APTN News –  Friday, Oct. 28th, 2022

Eastern Door – Friday, Oct. 28th, 2022

Eastern Door – Monday, Nov. 7th, 2022

CBC News – Friday, Oct. 28th, 2022

ICI Radio-Canada – Vendredi 28 octobre 2022 (Fr)

Le Devoir – Mardi 1er novembre 2022 (Fr)

City News – Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, 2022.







MNN. Oct. 16, 2022. Sego. This is an important notice regarding the solidarity actions with the Mohawk Mothers that happened this week and the demonstration tomorrow. We knew nothing about this. 

The SQI has written to the Judge reporting that the offices of Arkéos were vandalized this week by people claiming to act on behalf of the Mohawk Mothers.

We are being held accountable legally of all such actions at this time, as the opponents are trying to construe us as criminals before the Judge with less than two weeks remaining before the hearing at the court on October 26, 2022.

As the plaintiffs in this matter we are being falsely considered as prime suspects in organizing these actions, thus risking police searches and prosecution, even though we have absolutely nothing to do with any of this. We remain in Kahnawake and work full time on court matters. We were not even aware that a demo was being organized. We greatly appreciate tokens of solidarity and demonstrations, but we ask you to be mindful of the dire legal repercussions for us, and the high risk of jeopardizing all the work we have invested for more than one year to obtain an injunction, which could be ruined, as well as the hope of our families to know the truth and get justice.

We invite you to consult our statements on Mohawk Nation News since last November 2021 to understand our position of peace and respect. We remind you all that skennen, peace, is one of the three pillars of the Kaianerehkowa (Great Peace), which has been and remains the way of Anowarakeh (Turtle Island) since time immemorial. It would harm us a lot if anyone was hurt, because our one and only objective as onkwehonwe and kahnistensera is to caretake the land and find our children in accordance with the Kaianerehkowa Kanien’keha:ka





OCTOBER 15, 2022.

 Shé:kon  We have been notified that a number of actions have taken place this > week at the dig site and the offices of Arkéos. The SQI is accusing us  of instigating them. We hereby unequivocally deny any knowledge of what > may have happened. We have absolutely nothing to do with any of this. These are false accusations causing prejudice to our legitimate concerns  regarding the unmarked graves of our children. We stress that as the  caretakers of our land and children, we are bound to follow the > kaianerehkowa, which includes skennen, peace, as one of its three > pillars. We advocate for the truth to be known, for the land and > children to be protected, and for skennen, peace, to be respected at all  times. We refute all false accusations and misinformation by anybody trying to cause prejudice to our legal process to halt the excavation of  the unmarked graves of our children.  O:nen  kanien’keha:ka kahnistensera, Kahnawake



OCTOBER 15, 2022.





Please post and circulate.

MNN. July 30. 2022. She was supposed to sing ‘O Canada’ to the Pope at Ste. Anne de  Beaupre in southern Quebec before he left for Iqualit in northern turtle island.  It turned out she wasn’t singing O Canada or to the Pope. She was voicing a truthful message to the indigenous people and to the whole world!









Her actual indigenous words were: “You are hereby served spoken law. We, the daughters of the Great Spirit and our tribal sovereign members cannot be coerced into any law, any treaty that is not the Great Law,” she translated later for CBC News.

She is part of the ongoing process of the indigenous people retaking total control of their original homeland, turtle island, onowarekeh, indigenous land. The kahnistensera stand with her as she reignites the tie between the indigenous and creation among the original people of the Western Hemisphere.

PO Box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0

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