OCT. 12, 2024. MNN.
On turtle island some are waking up. Because the indigenous people who survived the continuing genocide are making it happen. All people are now awakened and have to fix it. Some want to continue their murderous pointless criminal style dream, especially the “reconciliationists”. Their main purpose was to move to stolen land to make money. But now they sense they are on a sinking ship. They don’t know how much time they have left. So they are hurrying the completion of their project. In reality their dream is actually our nightmare and we are making known to them how they continue to interference in our duty to take care of our mother earth. These strangers cannot stay here unless they learn to live naturally according to the kaianerekowa, the great peace. They must cooperate with creation which is difficult for them. They came here temporarily and will leave to return to their mothers to help her or go elsewhere. We have always encouraged them to clean up their garbage on onowarekeh turtle island. We can’t let them stay here until they finish destroying all of turtle island.
Here is what is happening.
The colonists messed up their homeland and then migrated to another land, here. The told us their stay on turtle island was suppose to be temporary. They broke this promise. Before they came from their Kanatsaion’on Old Country they developed a plan to secretly annihilate the indigenous people and to make up a legend that these strange inhabitants once lived here but disappeared. Settlers were taught we were not real Indians. Their plan was to totally exterminate us all, take all the resources and then move on. In the meantime they created republics of war to put down any resistance here and elsewhere where they planned to kill off or assimilate the natural peoples and then take over the land, always thinking ahead in their journey to take over the world. The original people and creation were not told about this plan as we lived according to nature.
They came to turtle island only to try to get rich, died poor and now their children are doing the same, raping the earth trying to get rich. They are still trying to disappear us. Dekanawida warned us that “the white serpent would have us squeezed so tight we could hardly breathe”. Throughout they have moved their people in to inhabit our lands. Then unseemly events occurred like railroads and highways to claim all our lands. Nature is going to teach them. If the settlers are smart they will come to the indigenous elders to understand about oneness with nature, unity. They must clean up their messes and live absolutely sustainable with mother earth.
All the work was done for them by imported slaves and workers to be disposed of when necessary, work that can now be done by machines and robots. Our indigenous saw them as strange, ia-ra-ti-konkwe kiken, unhumans and as corporate fictions, way back when. Our elders taught our young women not to have children with these artificial entities. But our women were impregnated by the strangers to create a servant class. They had ads in the newspapers of Europe to come to take “free” land. The deep state corporation imposed their laws throughout by treaties of international trade and commerce.
Actually they were to be killed or die off if things did not work out. It was called “Starting Over” in the new lands of other peoples. Hitler learned from the American experience how to implement the Nazi program using the concentration camps as the reservations. Then “You’ll have room to grow”. We were placed by the military on concentration camps called “reservations”. Canada’s plan is to make us citizens and complicit in their plan to execute us as a people and to claim our land. “Reconciliation” is the definition of their corporate fiction.
European oligarchs are the beneficiaries and the shareholders. To them we are expendable. Robots to be thrown in the garbage dump. Every aspect of their “pioneering” is programmed, like pouring toxins in and near our communities to poison us. Cutting down all our trees. While all their holidays are to remind them of their old country, except for one, the indigenous thanksgiving harvest. When these people get to their new ‘land’ they always wish they were somewhere else because they do not belong here. Many wonder what they are doing here. After several generations the settlers are starting to realize the indigenous values. They call it “the great awakening”.
We indigenous do not wish to be anywhere else but on our mother where creation placed us so we can take care of her. They have no ties to her as we do. We tell each other stories so we know we are not alone. The colonizers say they came to turtle island to start a new culture. But they had to first eliminate the ones who were already here. These people fly from one place to another but end up dying alone because they don’t belong anywhere. Their minds are robotic, without deep feelings. They are people who are not tied to the land like us. They could and can still kill us without remorse and then hide and forget about it. It was part of the plan. Being unnatural people they change their appearance and language.
But they messed up and did not tell their people. In Canada they have been in a cocoon. Now the settlers want to become butterflies. They’ve been asleep waiting to come out as something beautiful.
We indigenous live in our close knit communities and always maintain our ties to each other. The settlers say they came here to build a new world in this open country where they had room to grow. But they had to take care of business first. Us!
Turtle island was a business venture. The biggest on earth. The deep state filled theirs and everybody’s heads with dreams that they can get rich on stolen lands while helping to murder the natural people. They were sent to this new world of the okwehonweh natives, to onowarekeh, turtle island, which the marauders named “North America”. As a coverup all the original geographical names were killed too. Also, we were all forced to be called silly foreign names or punished. They told us they were sent here by their gurus because it was their fate. We sensed it was all planned out by big companies who made a lot of money and gained a lot of world power. We noticed these companies are all owned by the same families. They invaded our paradise instead of fixing their garbage covered unliveable lands.
They set out to annihilate all life on turtle island. Despite our faults we can survive as we love one another and our land. We were told there will be a bright light many times brighter than the sun coming from the east, all the serpents will flee onowarekeh. There will be two suns in the sky and the peace will return. We are on the cycle of the return of the sky world and the peace.”
John Denver and others sang and said that we must all keep all of our mother beautiful.
He was born in the summer of his 27th year
Coming home to a place he’d never been before
He left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again
You might say he found a key for every door
When he first came to the mountains his life was far away
On the road and hanging by a song
But the string’s already broken and he doesn’t really care
It keeps changing fast and it don’t last for long
But the Colorado Rocky Mountain high
I’ve seen it rainin’ fire in the sky
The shadow from the starlight is softer than a lullaby
Rocky Mountain high (Colorado)
Rocky Mountain high (high in Colorado)
He climbed cathedral mountains, he saw silver clouds below
He saw everything as far as you can see
And they say that he got crazy once and he tried to touch the sun
And he lost a friend but kept the memory
Now he walks in quiet solitude the forests and the streams
Seeking grace in every step he takes
His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand
The serenity of a clear blue mountain lake
And the Colorado Rocky Mountain high
I’ve seen it rainin’ fire in the sky
Talk to God and listen to the casual reply
Rocky Mountain high (high in Colorado)
Rocky Mountain high (high in Colorado)
Now his life is full of wonder but his heart still knows some fear
Of a simple thing he cannot comprehend
While they try to tear the mountains down to bring in a couple more
More people, more scars upon the land
And the Colorado Rocky Mountain high
I’ve seen it rainin’ fire in the sky
I know he’d be a poorer man if he never saw an eagle fly
Rocky Mountain high
Colorado Rocky Mountain high
I’ve seen it rainin’ fire in the sky
Friends around the campfire and everybody’s high
Rocky Mountain high (high in Colorado)
box 991 kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0