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MNN. Feb. 15, 2016. The whistle blowers are tooting their horn! They are the catalyst for change, like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and others. The white handlers use corporate INDIANS for their tax free status, to enrich themselves. Rumor has it that a gaggle of corporate INDIANS are in The Isle of Man where secret off-shore accounts of onkwe’hon:weh funds have been set up and used. CROWN flunkies keep their stolen booty in off-shore tax havens. We wonder if there is a skull and crossbones symbol on their mode of transportation!

Uncle Joe leaving for Isle of Man.

Uncle Joe leaving Kahnawake for Isle of Man.

The economic hit man is in firm control of this banker instigated trap. Our land may even be put up as collateral so corporate INDIANS and their partners can access money from the international bankers. We onkwe’hon:weh owners of all natural assets to great turtle island. If we ask questions these deals could crash. They need a corporate ID and verification from bankers who are the main shareholders. Corporate receipts are provided to the band or tribal councils to conduct international banking. They are not legitimate onkwe’hon:weh representatives. The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. is a corporate body known as Indian Reserve IR 14, which is a prisoner of war camp set up in 1924 and later incorporated as a band council. Read “Off Shore” OFF-SHORE.

The economic hit man of Kahnawake is suddenly quitting his job and leaving. Is he going to live near the bank where he can siphon off the loot? When they schemed and rubbed their hands, did they plan to run and hide with the stolen spoils for the rest of their lives?empire

How did we become complacent or ignorant to these frauds? Through well-planned pacification systems by the trained military and university handlers and assets planted among us. In the 1980’s a priest arrived in Kahnawake. As a teacher, he got the confidence of the youth. DC-260-7952C8304 Loyola University of Chicago social systems training.

In the mid 1980s a young shoshone-paiute onkwe’hon:weh finished his stint in the US navy. He was recruited by the military to be trained as an asset in this mind pacification and restructuring system to control his own people. He was sent to Loyola University of Chicago where he met kahna’wake:ronon, VK and JD. They were apparently taking this training. He quit and left. lennon

As the fraudsters are on the banker’s ship, the whistle blowers are tooting their horn here to the tune of Van Morrison: “And when that fog horn whistle blows, I got to hear it. I don’t have to fear it and I want to rock your gypsy soul, Just like way back in the days of old. And together we will flow into the mystic”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Off-shore bank accounts.

New rules for US off-shore accounts.

Haudenosaunee passports.

Cindy Blackstock on CBC.






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MNN. Feb. 2, 2016. Canadian settlers rushed out west in one of the biggest land grabs in world history. They kicked the Metis off their land who were already farming. The Plains nations were starved by killing millions of buffalo. Other victims were herded onto postage sized prisons of grass with second rate agricultural implements, hoping we would die. The Europeans from the slums of Europe were promised free land and to be hewers of wood and drawers of water.

You have no jobs or money, you're sick & desperately need help!

Onkweh’hon:weh: “You have no jobs or money, you’re sick & desperately need help!”

We did not die out! Americans and Canadian settlers now complain that “INDIANS” are lazy. We are not trained to be servants of the empire. We hate to do something that doesn’t reflect who we are. We like to wake up every morning to do something we like. In our reality we have no leader, government, corporation or professor to train us to be subservient to the corporate work force. Everyone is equal to us.

How did the Europeans get kicked out of their homelands? Why weren’t they self- supporting? Why did they want our land? Our water? Everything we have?

May they did not want those lazy people over there either!!

Maybe they did not want those lazy people over there either!!

If Western technology is so great, why do Euro-Americans continually go everywhere scavenging the treasures of people who are modest, conservative and want to live in harmony with their land?

They’d prefer to con everything out of us. Otherwise, they get out their weapons and their hired guns to bully us into submission.voice silence

Now the elites are fencing themselves in so they can’t hear our voices, and make sure we have no say in our future.

To know the future, look at our experience. The invaders took total control of our lives. We could not leave our homes or go to work. Our land and resources were and are still being stolen. Our children were kidnapped and murdered. Our money and natural resources are still being systemically stolen. We were punished for speaking our languages and for trying to conduct business to feed our people. sheeple

Who’s lazy here? The elite have never worked! They make everybody else work for them and then take the profit. The colonial settlers are mental slaves.

We refuse to be lied to, dominated, manipulated, patronized or bullied by anyone. We are not lazy. We will never stop working for our emancipation. Bob Marley said, “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds”.

As Deep Purple extols laziness: “You’re lazy. You just stay in bed. You’re lazy. You just stay in bed. You don’t want no money. You don’t want no bread. Well my tryin’, it ain’t done no good. Well my tryin’, it aint done no good. You don’t make no effort, not like you should!” [Lazy]

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@ntk.com or original Mohawk music visit https://soundcloud.com/thahoketoteh

Myth of laziness.

RCMP. History of Canadian state violence.

Shale gas collapse nail on US coffin.

Alaska & Hawaii ask UN for recognition.





Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Sept. 10, 2015. There are mainly two classes of refugees from the Middle East. The ‘band council’ refugees that served the CROWN/Vatican establishment to help steal the resources. The real refugees are the displaced tribal peoples. When the upper class puppets are no longer needed, they either get reassigned, flee or get killed. The real refugees end up in tent cities, whom we should help to remain safely in their homeland.american holocaust

Soon the band council’s usefulness to the CROWN will be over. Just like the Middle East stooges, chief Joke Norton of kahnawake Mohawk Council Inc. used our sovereignty and money to set up businesses with outside partners. Online gambling earned them billions, safely put in off shore bank accounts, so we wouldn’t know how much was stolen. We got crumbs. Then the US passed a law making online betting illegal as investors and clients were not paying taxes earned off reserve from so-called INDIAN businesses. The CIA swarmed into Kahnawake. The US seized everything. Joke Norton was put out of business. His partners skipped out. The headquarters moved to the Isle of Man, and now buys ”services” cheaply from companies set up in Kahnawake.

They're fed up with greedy refugees!

Fed up with greedy ungrateful refugees!

Indian Affairs sets up Mohawks as fronts for outside investors. They just have to pay rent for space in our community to take advantage of our sovereignty and tax free position. Then Indian Affairs needed Joke Norton back on the council to finish the job! How did he win the election when nobody wanted him? Indian Affairs fixes every election! As Mark Twain said, “If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let us do it!”

The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. lawyer, Murray Marshall, is the mastermind here. There’s a Murray Marshall in every ongwe’hon:weh community. He’s a bar lawyer who sets up the spin, payoffs, rules, regulations, contracts and deals. Godfather Murray Marshall.

This corruption designed by the global monetary matrix has caused a great sense of loss to us ongwe’hon:weh. Our people are fighting each other instead of the governments and corporations. The evil ones and their puppet masters create crisis after crisis and use them to keep us divided and preoccupied. The chaos in our communities is like fire fights going in various monetary directions.

Harper in new wig: "We need your money. So shut up!"

Harper in new wig: “We need your money. So shut up!”

Canada is spending our trillions of dollars of Indian Trust Funds to pay their bills. Our communities are inundated with drugs and other problems to keep us distracted.

Our communities are clearing houses for nefarious corporate ends. The band councilors basically know nothing and go along. Where will the INDIAN refugees go when everybody finds out what they’ve done to us? These band council refugees can’t live amongst us and have forfeited their birthright to our mother. Will France, Great Britain and Germany take them as well? There will soon be thousands of refugees from the INDIAN control grid.

We will guard ono'ware:geh our mother.

We will guard ono’ware:geh our mother.


There are only rich and poor. Remember, 99% of us are poor. Joke Norton cohorts will love this song as Bon Scott sings: “finger freddy, diamond jim, they’re getting ready, look out i’m comin’ in, so spin that wheel, cut that pack, and shoot them loaded dice … [Sin City]

Why elites want more refugees.

We want elite refugees to help complete the genocide.

We need elite refugees to help complete the genocide.


New evil axis.





Harper tried to kill residential school story.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com








Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. JULY 2, 2015. All those who took an oath to the CROWN are guilty of genocide of ongwe’hon:weh. All the wrongs to us and our mother have to be made completely right to the “satisfaction” of the Great Peace. These criminals and all those colonial settlers who are benefitting from the genocide must be charged, tried and punished. Politicians and their corporate handlers are jumping ship to escape standing trial, moving to new countries and hiding their stolen loot.


Drag Queenie.

Stephen Harper’s personal friend, Arthur Porter 59, was to be extradited soon to Canada from Panama. He died suddenly and alone before he could be tried for fraud and bribery related to the $1.3 billion hospital project in Montreal. He was also Harper’s appointee in 2011 as head of the security intelligence review committee to oversee CSIS. He took many secrets with him to the grave, if in fact he is dead! Just how many criminals or who are charged with criminal acts are in the Conservative government?

Before the thieves fell out.

Before the thieves fell out.


Stephen “Revenge-of-the-Nerds” Harper thought he could destroy a world that didn’t give him the respect he wanted. The radical evangelicals make a whore of Christianity to carry out their own designs. All ongwe’hon:weh and other genocided people worldwide know this. Harper is trying to outlaw any resistence to his designs under Kangeroo Admiralty matrix to take over our land mass and resources and become a country. So far over 100 million of us were slaughtered and robbed using obscene Bulls and doctrines from the Vatican. He tried to complete the job for the bankers. The mother kept us strong and we did not allow them to finish the genocide. His masters will repurpose and reward him for services rendered.

After the rats all left the ship.

After the rats all left the ship.

In Parliament and the backrooms, the shit is mounting to their hips. Even the dummies know that it’s time to make like the rats they are, and get out while they can. If Mulcair wins the election, he promises to get a consitution ratified, get rid of the C51 anti-terror bill, stop pollution, no pipelines, remove protection of oil companies and reinstate environmental protection laws. He is beholden to the same inhuman monsters. His backers know that if voting could change the system, it would be outlawed. The system has and is at fault. All ongwe’hon:weh know the path forward. It is the Great Peace and the tekanoronkwatsera. If the Europeans etc. are smart, they will follow us. What greater proof of the truth of our way than that it could even save those who have done such great evil.

The best slaves are those who think they're free.

The best slaves are those who think they’re free.

International law has pledged to back the genocide treaty. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission proved that the CROWN is guilty of genocide. Nothing will change until all the CROWN criminals in all areas of the corporate government, judicial, banking, finance and Privy Council answer for their crimes. When everything has been made right, they can start anew following the Great Peace and the clan system of governance. So be it in our minds.


Neil Young sings about the “Monsanto Years”
when the big conglomerate tried to falsely convince us that mother nature doesn’t own the seeds anymore: “When you shop for your daily bread and walk down the aisle of Safeway, Safeway, find the package to catch your eye that makes you smile, at Safeway, Safeway. Chose a picture of an old red barn in a field of green with a farmer and his wife and children to complete the scene at Safeway, at Safeway”. 


MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0Lthahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws  

MNN Video. 


Arthur Porter dies.








Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. July 1, 2015. Military planes and weaponry, monuments to war and RCMP recruiting youth at the  “musical ride” to join them in the killing spree. Their theme is to celebrate the genocidal theft of Canada from the ongwe’hon:weh. In 1929 Mussolini said, “Fascism is a merger of state and corporate power”.

The RCMP "musical ride".

RCMP celebrates Canada Day. 


Anti-terror Bill C51 is the militarization of CSIS, the secret police and the cops, getting set for another Red River massacre or Louis Riel rebellion. Mercenaries are coming in to take us out. History is being rewritten once again. We ongwe’hon:weh from here to the southern tip of ono’ware:geh [land of the natural people] have known all along. The Greeks, Icelanders and some other European nations are beginning to see the corporate illusion and illegitimacy of freedom. We have had the corporate Nazi boot trying to grind our heads into our own soil.

PM Harper gets pie in the face.

PM Harper gets pie in the face.

Today the colonial settlers are celebrating the genocide they are illegally benefiting from for 148 years. In 1867 the colony of Canada got its corporate ISO number from the Vatican. In 1923 Canada applied for membership in the League of Nations. They were disallowed because they were not a country.They are still a colony of England.



It's part of my oath to the CROWN.

It’s part of my oath to the CROWN.

Everyone in the world sees the criminal synthesis called Canada. Canadian settlers drink and celebrate their Canada Day. They have been brainwashed by their education system. Fuhrer Adolph Hiter said: “Give me 3 generations and I’ll change everything through the education system”. General Hermann Goering revealed that their education system drilled the populace for thousands of years to be obedient to the hierarchical rulers. The private schools trained the elite to give the orders and continue the corporate hierarchical system. The Admiralty matrix is all about class and money.


Our Great Peace, struggle and values will break the back of the corporations and the international banks. All war will cease and peace will return.


Who will stand up for us to stop the genocide?

Who will charge the CROWN with genocide?

The CROWN [City of London] is 100% guilty of genocide and must be charged. For a true celebration, the colonial settlers will have to wait until they make all things right with us, the ongwe’hon:weh. Then we can all celebrate together.

Buffy Sainte Marie has a new song, Power in the Blood: “No time for backhanded compliments from television anchormen, desperate for an incident. Real estate assasins exploiting our predicment. Everything depends upon it being in their interests”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.com more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com For original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

RCMP musical ride.

biggest con job in world history. Meltdown.

Bill Gates idiocy.

Musical Ride recruiting video.

Roy Rogers quick shooter hat



Star creates heat wave.

Real self-determination at Pikangikum.

MNN. Heil Harper.