Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Sep. 12, 2015. We are constantly told “get over it’ about the biggest holocaust in all humanity, the murder of over 100 million ongwe’hon:weh in the Western Hemisphere. The conditions are created in other countries so that more and more refugees will land on our shores. Who’s doing this? The elite and their agents who work in our midst to create the plans and weapons annihilate us and steal our resources, many are academics.
Here is a good example. Our Mohawk Trust Fund was “borrowed” to help build McGill University on kanion’ke:haka/Mohawk land. In the 1850s McGill was near-bankruptcy and borrowed from the Province of Canada, which was taken out of our trust funds. In 1989, Six Nations alerted both McGill and the federal government of the outstanding debt, which now amounts to billions. In 2006 McGill admitted that they owe Six Nations at least $1.7 billion plus interest to date. Vice-Principal Communications, Jennifer Robinson, said the debt was settled in 1873, and then said it was not clear it came from the Six Nations Trust Fund! “and the University doesn’t have to pay it back”!

Robinson: “You’re throwing us out for a 185-year old bill!! Come on!”
This debt must be repaid. We kanion’ke:haka demand an immediately stop to its violation of the Great Peace, the law of the land of ono’ware:geh. McGill is collaborating in military contracts for weapons, surveillance technologies for military applications. Its CFD Lab “Network Dynamics” [Derek Ruths] specializes in developing state-of-the art methods for the military use of force, in particular attack drones. They research and develop military hardware for CAE Inc., Bell Helicopter, Bombardier Inc., Lockheed Martin, Textron, General Atomics and others.
McGill students accuse the university of collaborating with the military, police and intelligence agencies to develop tools for surveilling social media to defeat scrutiny. Public Safety Canada which is affiliated with the RCMP and CSIS provides the funding.

So what! Every corporate university does it!
A kohtihon’tia:kwenio, woman titleholder, from the nearby Kahnawake Mohawk community which owns the land on which McGill University stands will undertake her duty under the great peace by seizing McGill University for theft of Six Nations Trust Funds, being illegally on our land and for violating the Great Peace. As we tried in 1710 in London, in 1924 in The Hague and still today, it’s time to put an end to war.

McGill horsey set: “We’re ready, George!”
George Jones sings about heartache, like McGill: “now the race is on, and here comes ‘Pride’ up the back stretch, ‘Hearaches’ are going to the inside. ‘My Tears’ are holding back. They’re trying not to fall. ‘My Hearts’ out of the running. ‘True Love’ scratched for ‘Anothers Sake’. The race is on and it look like ‘Heartache’ and the winner loses all”. [The Race is On].

The kahtihon’ti;kwenio might have to send in the rotiskenrakete!!!
MNN. Demilitarize McGill.
McGill withholding information on military ties.http://warisacrime.org/
Germany needs migrants as slaves.
CROWN hails Hitler & Nazis.
Sputniknews. ISIL recruits Nazis.
Jim Marrs. End of American Dream.
MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha@mohawknationnews.commore news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada]J0L 1B0 Thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com