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MNN. August 31, 2021. US, UK, Canada and their EU-NATO henchman are scrambling out of Afghanistan in haste. They had 8 days to get out. Everybody is tired of their lying, cheating and stealing. The Taliban now possesses over $2 trillion in military equipment left behind by the war mongering psychopaths.


The Taliban has more weapons than any country in the world at the moment: 75,000 vehicles, 200 planes and choppers, 600,000 small arms and lightweight weapons, night vision goggles, body armor worth $85 billion, Black Hock helicoptors worth billions, medical supplies, bio metric devices which finger prints, eye scans and contains complete biographic information on all their traitors. President Biden announced that the US has no plans to go to Afghanistan to get this back. “No American will be killed by any of these weapons!” said he.

The allies could buy some of this when the Afghans sell it on ‘EBay’!

Alqaeda and ISIS are still there. 47,000 Afghans were killed. Since 2001 5.9 million displaced have fled. 395,000 are displaced within Afghanistan. More than 3,000 US soldiers were killed, over 20,000 wounded, not counting the mentally wounded, 3,800 private contractors known as hired mercenaries were killed, 64,000 US and NATO trained Afghan soldiers and police were killed, more than 1,100 NATO soldiers died. 

In 2000 the Taliban eradicated all poppy growing and production. In 2020 6,300 tons of poppy production was purported to have been lost by the invaders, amounting to about $2 trillion in sales by the US and NATO profiteers and grifters for worldwide distribution.

In 2007 the US Air Force built an $18 million ‘Man Camp’ called “Camp Phoenix”. The subcontractors withheld salaries and then fled with at least $2 million. Novistar Defence overcharged the Pentagon by $1.3 billion for equipment. No housing was available for the NATO workers for a year. In 2019 the US and their collaborators dropped 7,423 bombs. Now the Taliban has inherited nuclear weapons.

This scenario could happen to the ‘squatters’ in Canada on turtle island when Canada and United States leave. The final flight of the invaders will happen. You can be sure the indigenous original people will be celebrating the end of the 500 year war.

President Biden and Trudeau will be taken out in a C17 cargo plane along with their many collaborators, including their band council puppets, who will be like rats deserting the sinking ship.

We original people will keep on keeping on, on our true land! Like Afghanistan, the intruders will take nothing when they leave. The horrific genocide will stop here. Just like the genocide the west tried to commit against the Afghans. They are now one of the most powerful country in the world with backers like China, Russia, Iran and Iraq. It’s the end of the Anglo American empire.

[Song has been changed]. On August 16, 1969, at Woodstock, Country Joe McDonald came on stage and sang to the people and told them what’s really going on: Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0.








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MNN. Aug. 30, 2021. Whenever polls suggest they can win, they call an election.

Canada just dissolved Parliament and called an election. Canada wants to operate for another four years so they can operate for another four years after that. 51% majority rules voting system is ‘corporatism”. It means they can control the 1% with money. All countries doing this are ‘corporatists’.

It makes no difference who wins the corporate 51% majority rules election.

The little orange shirts are ignored. They represent our murdered children found in unmarked graves at Indian residential schools. One orange shirt for each victim should be placed all over Parliament Hill during the election. 

Those children are dead and cannot walk to or protest in Ottawa. Let’s see which party addresses the murdered orange shirted children and speaks for them in Ottawa.

The politicians work for the first private corporation, the Crown, and its shareholders. They don’t care about the horror they committed for 500 years. Every past and present prime minister is guilty of complicity in the cover up of genocide. They are for themselves only.

They want to control the economy and get away with genocide of indigenous people and children that they admit to killing.

Canada is an absolute corporate police state under “Admiralty Law of the Seas” with no constitutional remedy. The corporate charter limits their personal liability to spend our money. 

The political elites and the money power behind them continue to try to turn our society into darkness by manufactured values to steal our land and resources and carry on the genocide. 

Capitalism is collapsing. Thousands of businesses ruined. No economy. Masks on. Curfews. Borders closed. Unclosed. Taking away every little bit of human rights we have. Never giving it back. Like the income tax after World War I. 

Politicians make promises they have no intention of keeping.


If nobody votes this time, the pretend government will no longer represent any people. The politicians will represent only themselves and the banks they work for. They’ll never be paid by the people. Parliament will continue to be dissolved. Ask yourself how life would be without Parliament existing. 

The answer to a system of justice and truth is the kaianerekowa, the great peace.The whole charade of corporate Canada would be finished. Parliament would go out of business. There could be no more four years of resource extraction. The bankers all work for the Crown. The costly election is meant to make sure their power is intact.   Politicians go to barbecues, cut ribbons, make high salaries, get money under the table and then a huge pension. 

The Canadian government does not need a Governor General and a Privy Council. Only the bankers need an election every four years to collect the tax from Canadians and send it to the City of London bank and to continue the resource extraction.

We are supposed to be genocided by 2024 so Canada can become an unchallenged  bonafide country. But we are not extinct. Like the certainty of death and taxes, they can never become a legal country. They were a dominion and then a colony. Now a private corporation. They say they became a real country in 1968 when they got a flag and a song! But they don’t have a land base,  language or culture. All their unborn inherit their wrongdoings. People are beaten down to not question this inane narrative.  turtle island and the original people have been here since time immemorial.  The corporate fiction  of  Canada was created 154  years  ago!!

No Vote is the quickest way to dissolve Canada. The politicians swear to the Crown to keep secrets, the murdered native children being the biggest secret.

People are beaten down to not question this illusory election process.

As for the murdered native children, there is no statute of limitations on murder. The people knew what was going on in those Indian Residential School death camps. They walked by and said nothing, which makes them part of it. The politicians and bureaucrats that oversaw them are directly guilty of murder.

People have to do something about these murders. But the bankers that run all the political parties have told them to “shut up”. Last time Trudeau said no more pipelines, immediately after he’s elected he allows the building of illegal pipelines. Dollar signs determine every word the politicians say. Their strings are being pulled by the Vatican, City of London and Washington. 

When there is no prime minister or Members of Parliament, the permanent bureaucracy runs the country. Not the politicians. 

The campaign creates divisions and confusion to get a majority to run over everybody without opposition. All candidates play their part and bicker and call each other down.

The election is facism, corporatism, tyranny and dictatorship in the name of so called democracy, which is nothing but theatre. It means white people will continue to run the show as the majority in the unsovereign majority rules system. That is why they murdered us and brought in the settler colonists so they could say the majority support them. They tried to eliminate us and told everybody this was empty land.

After the election the settlers will go back into their prisons, put on their mask, get their vaccine passport, go to work and keep shopping. Politicians get ready  for the next election, the banquet circuit, fund raising dinners, posting signs, taking pictures with babies and holding cheques. The politicians say everything is wrong and only they can fix it if you elect them for another 4 years to say the same thing again.  

Political parties are created by corporate donations. Therefore they all work for the same banker. This gives them absolute power to run everything. All our land is erroneously called ‘Crown” land! They think they own everything and everyone. Everybody is living the lie.

The Platters suggest that when we don’t do what we’re told, we are going to be grieving all alone:, “Oh, yes, I’m the great pretender. Pretending that I’m doing well. The need is such. I pretend too much. I’m lonely, but no one can tell. Oh, yes, I’m the great pretender. Adrift in a world of my own. I played the game, but to my real shame, you left me to grieve all alone”. Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0. 




Defenders of the Black Hills: Message from the Heart






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MNN. Aug. 25, 2021. Summation: The Taliban fought off the entire colonial world. Justin Trudeau goes into election sidestepping the elephant in the room, the just found unmarked graves of indigenous children. Indian elite traitors are happy with Trudeau. Millions of orange t-shirts everywhere, one for each found and unfound native child genocided and murdered by Canada.


North American Treaty Organization,  NATO’s purpose is to guarantee the security of its members through political and military means. Under the guise of implementing democracy, NATO supported the American backed Afghan government’s brutality against their own people, in close coordination with the United Nations, the World Bank, the European Union and the investment/development community. The “war-mongers” are a collection of cartels including Canada, United States, Germany, Netherlands, France and Australia which all actively fought the Taliban. They lost. They will never rise again. These republics of war fleeing Afghanistan are “the final solution to our problem, the colonists”. All empires fade when they don’t deal humanely with the indigenous people. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea and all indigenous nations of turtle island were never defeated and never surrendered. Our land can’t be ceded, only squatted on by immigrants. The intruders now have to leave. Without war they can’t feed their military addiction. The CEOs, generals and politicians won’t have their big profits and pensions. They can’t feed the youth into their war machines.



Canada and US are defeated and bankrupt. They are addicted to being illusory “super powers” with nuclear weapons to scare everybody. In fact they are “stupid powers” and school yard bullies nobody is afraid of. When they invaded our land, they came under our jurisdiction, kaianerekowa, the great peace, and teiohateh, two row [where we stay in our canoe -turtle island – and the intruders stay on their ship which will soon return them to their fatherland]. They have both plead guilty to the biggest holocaust in humanity. We were suppose to be soon totally eradicated. We are winners, as we are here and the intruders must now leave.

The Afghan people do not want to be subjugated with Western thinking like what’s been attempted on turtle island.

These fascists murdered and tortured millions of our children and discarded them in unmarked graves. 

Politicians, prime ministers and Members of Parliament know there can only be peace or dissolution of their corporation for these criminal atrocities.  

Canada is setting up Berlin style sectors to control the people and their movements for going over their imaginary “corporate economic borders”. 

Afghans know that like what Canada and US did to us and our children, what they did to Afghans cannot be unseen. It’s a system of racism and greed for our land.  Now these same killing machines are running the society that benefits from this holocaust. The executives, judiciary and legislatures did it and the settler colonists benefitted. 


Nothing bothers a psychopath. These criminals have no right to call turtle island their land. 

NATO are bullies who got slapped by the Taliban. Anybody who does that is called a “terrorist”. They fear the original people because we have the truth. 

We can never be “settler colonists” on our own land!

Trudeau called a snap election and says to corporate Canadians, the “Government will always have your back!”, but not the original people who are not corporate Canadians. The rest are getting lip service.

Trudeau promises “to keep Canada moving forward”, which means continued genocide and exploitation of our resources. There is no regard for the original caretakers of our land on which the corporation is squatting.

Trudeau admits on behalf of Canadiens their guilt to genocide. In effect, he says, “Reconciliation will come”, so he is told his by his puppet band councillors. They are government agents that pretend to speak for 99% of us sovereign original people.  We can only speak for ourselves. We have and will persevere. 


“10 days of paid sick leave and healthy communities”, except for the indigenous.  Polluted water will continue to be deliberately created just like they’ve been doing since arriving here. By our experience we don’t expect physically and mentally unclean people to clean up their act.  

“adapting to a changing climate”, but more pipelines will go through turtle island.

“Supporting Canadian businesses in the hardest hit sector”, but not indigenous businesses. 

“$10 a day for child care to make life affordable for corporate Canadian families”. indigenous families are not mentioned.

Well, puppet band council, you’ve done your job. When the invaders arrived, they had nothing. Now they think they control 100% with your help.

Ray Charles tells it like it is: “Hit the road, Jack, and don’t you come back no more. No more. No more. Hit the road, Jack, and don’t you come back no more. No more. No more. Woman, Oh woman, don’t you treat me so mean. You are the meanest old woman that I have ever seen …” Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0. 












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MNN. 21 Aug. 2021. The Taliban in Afghanistan, defeated the Americans in an un declared war. Canada did not declare war on the indigenous when they set out to murder millions of our people and children for our land and resources.

The Taliban defeated the so-called NATO super powers of the world, Britain, Soviet Union and  U.S. Now they refuse to have diplomatic relations with the victors, except for China. The Afghans wanted the Americans out and never accepted foreign occupation.  

No war was ever declared on us on turtle island. Therefore, there was no conquest, no surrender. and no defeat in battle, let alone a war. We never gave up anything. Canada is not sovereign. It’s a a resource extraction corporation with private shareholders which will soon be dissolved for being genociders. Like  the indigenous of turtle island Afghanistan is sovereign.  

The population of Afghanistan is estimated at 30 million, which is rich in resources. The tribal peoples of Afghanistan have fought for their land and people for thousands of years. Like onkwehonweh the Afghans are trying to maintain their land and birthright.

Fleeing immigrants: “They said if we helped them betray our people, we could go to Canada or U.S. to help ourselves to onkwehonweh  land & resources”.

Canada, an occupying force known as ‘canadien’ squatters, has admitted that all of turtle land is unceded indigenous land. They can never be a country. We were never asked if the fleeing collaborators of the American backed fascists could live on our land. We don’t trust the band councils in Canada and the elective tribal system in the United States. After financing the Islamic fundamentalists against the Soviets in the 1980s, and spreading mayhem and chaos in Afghanistan, The US. and Canada have no dignity in rescuing their own collaborators, many crushed at the airport by US military cargo jets.

Afghanistan is the “graveyard of empire” No one ever defeated them. No one ever defeated us in war. Other tactics were implemented like diseases, plagues, starvation, imprisonment on reservations, no means of self-suffiiency. We persevered. We want respect for our jurisdiction of turtle island which we never ceded. Only the indigenous can lawfully decide who can come to our land.  When the desperate invaders and their collaborators leave, we will not stop them.  

The Taliban may have studied the world reknown genocide committed on us by the Europeans, US and Canada when they intruded on turtle island.  The Afghans knew they had to resist in every way. The fight was about control of drugs and oil by outside forces. Democracy and terrorism are an illusion.  

Private detention camps for native children at U.S. – Mexico border.

We will stand with those who maintain the great peace. The power is in the people. The kaianerekowa is a spectacular blue print for world peace, harmony and love.

the kaianerekowa, the great peace, does not support any form of terror anywhere. It does not support empire building, domination by anybody, injustice, taking away anybody’s natural born rights especially of women, stealing property or resources, crimes against humanity or those who advocate violence and evil. That’s why they are afraid of the great peace.

The great peace is for everyone in the world. It is not for so called leaders, corporate hierarchical systems of racism. Capitalism is the definition of greed, money and corruption. It’s made out of paper, killing and genocide to protect that paper. kaianerekowa is natural. We will never pledge allegiance to pieces of paper that will be used to enslave us. It is time to shred their incorporation papers to get back to nature and freedom. Communism and democracy are not natural. We resisted and were murdered so that we could not be heard. The Western thinking based on genocide and torture were carried out by the invaders here and in Afghanistan. Now they are becoming Amercan and Canadian settlers who will help themselves to our unceded land and resources. The Afghans who need to escape the retaliation of the Taliban must ask the original peoples of onowarkeh turtle island for assistance and to agree to abide by the teiohateh and kaianerekowa. 

IIn the end the American trained and heavily armed Afghan army abandoned their duty to kill their own people.   

The original people defending ourselves are called “terrorists”. The real terrorists have always called anyone resisting them ‘anti this and that”. The cowardly politicians are purposely hiding and avoiding confronting the issue of the holocaust that continues to rage across turtle island. The world knows about this. As Helen Hunt Jackson states, “On your hands is the blood of your relations”.  

Today US and Canada have falsely harboured their agents of genocide called band and tribal councils disguising them as speaking on behalf of the original people. But the destiny of turtle island like Afghanistan belongs only to the original peo1ple. Foreign occupiers will always be driven out.

Jimi Hendrix sings about experiences: are you experienced? If you can just get your mind together, Then come on across to me. We’ll hold hands, and then we’ll watch the sunrise, From the bottom of the sea. [Chorus] But first, are you experienced? Or have you ever been experienced? Well, I have

Are You Experienced?

MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0

Helen Hunt Jackson said there has never been an atrocity any place in the world that hasn’t been done to the native people in the Americas. [Century of Dishonour].


“IIf the victory of the Taliban demonstrates anything, it is that the American empire is a stack of cards waiting to fall. It is capable of extreme violence, of killing in the most technologically advanced ways known to humanity. It is capable of extreme cruelty. But it is a paper tiger nonetheless, unable to conquer people’s hearts and minds, regardless of the intensity of the intervention or the length of the occupation. 

Turtle Island has seen over 500 years of resistance to occupation, and regardless of how many more years lay before us, it should be clear that we will also win. The fallout from Afghanistan will not just be the defeat of a corrupt and unwanted puppet regime—it will reverberate in many areas of this crumbling empire for years to come”.











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MNN. Aug. 16, 2021. The C.C.C. ‘CANADIAN CORPORATE CITIZENS’ need a change to their systemic violence against all onkwehonweh. It is the only way they will arrive at the true system of justice and truth that our culture has provided since time immemorial on turtle island.

The war for our land continues. The settler colonialists only way to ever experience true freedom is to accept kaianerekowa, the great peace. Nature is being violated by trying to annihilate us. 

The real reason for the election is to remove the orange shirts from front page news to page 4. The orange shirts remind them of their criminality. Each Canadien is owned by the Crown which has no compassion for us, as if we never existed.

This election is so the obstruction of justice continues regardless of which party wins.

We have a connection to the source energy of the planet. We are trying to save onowarekeh, turtle island. The politicians and settlers are avoiding the unmarked graves of the thousands of murdered indigenous children and the continued genocide reinforced by every political party to the present time. In their oath to the Queen, they swear to reveal no secrets. They are trying to continue the longest living economic sanctions in the history of the Admiralty world. The bankers want to achieve their final objective in their 100 year war plan against us. They hope to get away with kidnapping, murder, theft and outright genocide. 

Only the acquiescent C.C.C. “Corporate Council of Chiefs” set up by Canada are recognized. MI5 and Indian Affairs send politicians to indigenous communities to hand out money from the ‘Indian Trust Funds’ for their puppet band councils to pressure our people to vote to support the continuing genocide and to become members of the ‘Genocide Club’, also becoming a Canadian citizen thereby relinquishing their onkwehonweh birthright. They have clearly been genocided. They forgot how to use their memory as a result of the horrors of the Indian day schools, residential schools, death camps and other genocide programs. 


Anyone who votes is for a police state under Admiralty Law with no constitutional remedy. The charter of rights is not their constitution. A constitution has to be ratified by the people to become law. 

Canadians voting for the 51% majority rules is corporatism, not democracy. Those who vote agree to their own enslavement as they are owned by the bank.  Canadians always conform.

Everyone in the world acknowledges the genocide committed against the onkwehonweh. Canadians could become a true democracy under the kaianerkowa, the great peace of the people. The present Canadian system is the hypocrisy of democracy.   

Canada promotes their manufactured history, which is based on lies. The world community is now seeing Canada for what it really is, a corporation of war. Canada is breaking an international arms embargo by selling weapons to Saudi Arabia to kill the Yemens. 

The earth pushed our dead children to the surface. Our murdered children give us no right to forgive the genocide in the residential school ‘death camps’. Creation is avenging the genocide. 

“Reconciliation” and “closure” is not acceptable except according to. the original kaianerekowa great peace. In prophecy these people will be gone from turtle island and we will never see them again. 

When they murder us, they think they are not answerable to our families. We don’t accept their phoney apologies. Prime Minister John A. MacDonald said, “You savages must be whitenised”. His words live on stronger than ever in his successor, Justin Trudeau. The murders were planned through illegal Admiralty Laws legislation, to control the attempted total culling of our people. Creation is reacting.

We will always be in their shadow. The ‘squatters’ ‘canadien’ don’t want to own up to their crimes and be punished. They want us to forgive them for the deliberate genocide and murders of almost all our people. Trudeau wants to pass a law so we will join them and the genocide is complete.  The puppet band councils support it. The world sees it. 

Trudeau’s assimilation program will not happen. Our dead children in unmarked graves are uncovering the biggest secret. Every Prime Minister and Member of Parliament past and present takes an oath to cover up the secret torture and murders of our children and are guilty of complicity in genocide. [No 4 of the Genocide Act]. According to the Admiralty Law of the Seas, they could be hung by the neck until they are dead. Our law, kaianerekowa, supercedes theirs, tehonwatisokwariton. The war for our land and the genocide are on. Because the land belongs to our unborn babies, the land can’t be sold or transferred. We have to all be extinguished so none are left. 

To this day, Canada has made it a crime for any of us to have an economy so we could not sustain ourselves. The sanctions started 500 years ago. The world sees it.

Indian Affairs is a department of the military. A member of the Reserves, Mark Miller, is the Minister of Indian Affairs!

The prime minister and all the politicians go out of their way to say they recognize they are standing on indigenous land. The people of Canada want full respect for the legitimate indigenous jurisdiction.   

The past controls the present, which controls the future direction. We always try to add truth to their false narrative. They have to stop raping and pillaging us , our natural resources and our mother and making it look legal to do this. Under the guise of the Canadian justice system they are rich because they have no remorse.  

Our brother, Elvis, sings about bein’ gone: “Oh see, see see rider. Girl see, what you’ve done. Oh, oh, oh see see rider. See what you’ve done now. You’ve gone away and left me,Lord, now and now the blues have come, oh yes, they do. Oh, well I’m goin’, goin’ away baby. And I won’t be back till fall. Oh yes I am, going away baby. And I won’t be back till fall..” [C.C. Rider].


MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0


TIME TO READ “PLANNED EXTINCTION PART 2 – FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT How Canada Plans to Live Off the Avails of Crime – It’s Obvious the Colonial Settlers Don’t Belong on. Turtle Island” By SPITTING. BEAR











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MNN. Aug. 16, 2021. The “band council system” is the Western empire building system of enslavement. In Canada, The band councils – the CCC – “Canadian Corporate Chiefs”, violate 100% of our sovereignty to steal our land and resources, were set up by the invaders. In Afghanistan thousands of traitors work in the American embassy. Over 30, 000 soldiers’ protect the US invaders. The Afghans who support the invaders have their hand out for money and favors. 

Today the Afghan traitors are fleeing because they committed treason against their own people. They helped the U.S., UK, Canada, Australia, Spain, Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands to commit horrors. Western interests have always tried to subdue Afghanistan. Historically the Afghans are known as the “graveyard of empire”. No one has ever beaten them. Like Vietnam, the British, Japanese, French and United States were all driven out in disgrace. Many NGOs were sent in to create divisions. The band councils were set up by Canada to divide us and set us up for the genocide and murders. They betray us just like in Afghanistan.

The Americans said they entered Afghanistan to teach western values, like Canada set up residential schools to eradicate us.

The band councils in Canada and tribal councils in the US paid off locals to kill their own people and help them to try to win the war against us. The US and other corporate powers have always enslaved the people to get our natural resources.


Our worst enemies are our own people, to sell us out, are paid, elevated to high paying jobs, prestige, high sounding positions, seminars, conventions, parties, physical and monetary support. When the invaders have to leave Afghanistan, they promise to get their puppets out so the people they betrayed don’t kill them. Thousands of bureaucrats and Western trained Afghan police are being taken out. US, Canada and other countries promise protection, money, citizenship and new identities.

A big portion will be illegally welcomed to turtle island by Prime Minister Trudeau, without our consent. The people they betrayed will never forget the traitors. It is ingrained in their collective memory.

The Afghans, like the indigenous people on turtle island, can’t be defeated because we are fighting for our land, heritage, culture, and our very existence. We practice the great peace at the fullest extent. Our villages, towns and cities are destroyed but our minds can never be defeated.

The Crown/bankers say they are bringing democracy to us have two faces and two tongues and can’t be trusted.

The United States financially supported 75% the French when they were in Vietnam. Then the Vietnamese drove out the French. Then the Americans went in and got driven out. They were beaten twice both financially and militarily.

When the Dutch came they took the first load of corn to Rotterdam in the early 1600s. Within 40 years it was the staple of all Europe. Tobacco only existed on onowarekeh. The Europeans started to export this to other countries. Tobacco plants belong to us, just like the poppy fields belong to the Afghans.

Malcolm X said that when you want your garden to thrive, you have to weed it out. Many traitors are here from France, China, Vietnam, Germany, Iraq, Iran, now Aghanistan and other places. They are being given protection, new identities and  funds.

The Taliban, the original people of Afghanistan, are reasserting themselves. Why isn’t the world sending us troops to help us evacuate our enemies after 500 years of atrocities here.

The British could not change our way of natural thinking and destroy our constitution of peace because they want war. They just could not “whitenise” us. Governor General Mary Simon is a former original person who has violated the teiohateh, two row. and now she is acting like the Queen.

When 1% of the settler population awakens to the truth of their history, it will awaken the other 99% and the 1% will be buried. [Secret Covenant].

As Bob Dylan reveals in “Masters of War”: ““Come you masters of war, you that build the big guns, you that build the death planes, you that hide behind walls, you that hide behind death. I just want you to know that I can see through your masks.… I hope that you die and your death will come soon. I will follow your casket in the pale afternoon and I will watch while you are lowered down to your death bed. And I will stand over your grave til I am sure that you are dead”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0








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MNN. 11, 2021. Two Members of Parliament, Mumilaaq Qaqqaq and Charlie Angus, are being set up to make it look as if we are going to get justice. They call for a criminal Investigation into genocide and murders of Indigenous People. They ask Justice Minister David Lametti to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate their own murders of our children in over 158 former residential schools and health centers across the country. We want an independant investigation under our jurisdiction. The Crown and Canada want to control the information and to protect themselves, the authorities, bureaucrats, priests, teachers, nuns. RCMP and staff who were hired to kill off the indigenous population. Meantime Canada and the churches are busy destroying documents and evidence and trying to stop us from our own investigation.

The government wants to control crime scenes and keep us out of accessing the information. It is another layer of their coverup.

Now the bodies of thousands of children in unmarked graves are coming to the surface to expose their big secret. All Canadiens benefit from the crime. We want to investigate these cold blooded killers ourselves under our laws and to be provided with the technical assistance we ask for.  

Another big secret is they are trying to protect the GDP, the “Gross Domestic Product”, which is the total value of  Canada. This includes using all the assets of turtle island, for a total of $1.736 trillion USD 2019. All “assets” of the corporation of Canada is the INDIAN TRUST FUND. Once Canada, a resource extraction company, dissolves, all assets will go to the indigenous caretakers and the canadien squatters will have to leave

All municipal, provincial and federal appointees who have sworn an allegiance to the Crown are guilty of complicity in genocide, including Apaqaaq and Angus. They swear “to be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors and her corporations”. They swear to reveal no secrets about the land called Canada.  

Canada says to us., “Hold it, survivors of our murder spree. We are going to do the investigation of our horrific murders ourselves. Give us everything you have found. We’ll hide it so you can’t try us!”. The cops went to the homes, grabbed our children, who ended up in the unmarked graves. Everyone that had any contact with the child is complicit in the crimes. The murderers want to cover it up so that no one will be charged and evidence will be destroyed, as was demonstrated in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. According to Canada’s 100 year plan, they want to extinguish us by 2024, so Canada can continue the illusion of being a legal country. 

Both Canada and US are not sovereign. Only the indigenous people who exist here are 100% sovereign. All exploitation of our assets will have to stop immediately. All world trade will have to be negotiated with the indigenous people as everything on turtle island is indigenous assets. Everybody will have to live by the great peace.

Why is an inuit woman making this proposal? So it will look like the indigenous people are in charge of this investigation. Canadiens benefitting from these murders and genocide cannot sit in judgment. If kaianerekowa, the great peace, finds Canada and its subjects guilty of murder and genocide, the penalty is dissolution and banishment from turtle island forever. When the world court investigates, the corporation of Canada will be dissolved. The band councils are canadiens, who swore an oath to the Queen. They are part of the problem and will never be the solution.   

The criminals call turtle island “crown land”. Which was created from a Papal Bull 300 years before knowing about turtle island. Their whole legal system is based on this fiction. Therefore, they cannot investigate themselves. We can prove every part of turtle island is ours since time immemorial. The veil of foreign names atop turtle island does not hide the theft by the invaders. They can’t have any claim to the land of our unborn children. 

There are no deeds that show legitimate conveyance or transfer or sale of any part of turtle land to anybody, because we are each sovereign, tewatatewennio, and co-caretakers of all of turtle island. Every inch of turtle island has a native name.  

It’s time for a revolution by the people of Canada, unless they want to continue to be part of the conspiracy to steal our land and kill us. 

The non-admiralty dispute resolution court set up in 1903 by Czar Nicholas of Russia, signed by every nation in the world, can now be shown the evidence of the biggest holocaust in humanity, of 150 million indigenous peoples from pole to pole, ocean to ocean.  

The band council 1re agents of the murderers, Canada. According to the teiohateh two row they are no longer indigenous. They left the canoe [turtle island] and joined the ship of the invaders.


Canada puts inuit women in key positions as if they represent us. Like the Nazis, Canada is trying to destroy the evidence of the murders by using these women. 

The Five Man Electric Band sings about the signs that cover the beautiful natural world: And the sign said “Long-haired freaky people need not apply.
So I tucked my hair up under my hat And I went in to ask him why. He said “You look like a fine upstanding young man. I think you’ll do.So I took off my hat, I said “Imagine that, Huh! Me working for you!”Whoa-oh-oh. [Chorus] Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Blockin’ out the scenery. Breakin’ out my mind. Do this, don’t do that. Can’t you read the sign?“ 

MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0




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MNN. July 26, 2021. There are allegations from a survivor, Ann Diamond, of unmarked graves behind the Allan Memorial Hospital of McGill University, on the south slope of Mount Royal. “These unmarked graves are a big secret. There has been no physical proof that kids are buried there, but some would have been native kids in Dr. Ewen Cameron’s experiments between 1953 and 1964. Between 17 and 25 children are buried there”. The higher learning schools with the intellectual geniuses were brought in to help design the premeditated genocide horror. One aspect was to ensure that protesters are silenced. 

McGill has been destroying records, evidence and making sure that witnesses and survivors stay silent. McGill has always forbidden any archaeological digging on its site which is an original large rotinoshonni Mohawk village that was never ceded, sold or transferred.

Covert operations under the direction of the Vatican and Great Britain directed McGill University to carry out mind altering experiments geared to genociding our culture and to think like white people. 

Psychiatric hospitals such as Allan Memorial are an extension of the residential schools genocide program and vice versa.   

CHIEF SEATTLE said to the white men: “Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. The very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than to yours because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors and our feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch. Even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season will love these somber solitudes and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirit. And when the last red man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the white men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children’s children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone. At night when the streets of your cities and villages are silent and you think them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled and still love this beautiful land. The white man will never be alone”.

“Let him be just and kindly with my people. For the dead are not powerless. Dead, did I say? There is no death, only a change of worlds”.

Those are our ancestors and they are not dead.

Our spirit comes from nature and continues until the end of time. We hear these children in the unmarked graves. 

Canada’s problem is whatever wealth that the corporation claims, it all belongs to the unborn indigenous faces yet to come which we will protect. That’s why Canada tried to stop our blood from continuing through murder, sterilization and genocide. These Frankensteins wanted to erase our brain and replace it with an obedient limited functioning white brain. The rebellious were murdered. 


Experiments were being done on indigenous children from the late 1800’s when Indian residential death camps were first established up to the present time.  

Immediately after WW II the Board of Governors of McGill University brought in 700 German top scientists, while 3000 were sent into the United States via “Operation Paperclip”. They were all part of the MKULTRA mind control program of the MI5/CIA/CSIS. They were given new identities, names and top jobs. Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron conducted experiments at Allan Memorial to change memories and erase the patients’ thoughts using “psychic driving”, drug-induced sleep, electroconvulsive therapy, sensory deprivation, lobotomies and mind control drugs. These criminal actions were secretly conducted on defenceless people and children without their consent or knowledge. We demand all files be opened to the public and a thorough investigation of each conducted by us. 

The “100 year business plan” of murder and genocide became law when the Indian Lands Acts were passed on October 25, 1924. The military set up POW death camps called ‘reservations’. Over 158 residential schools were built with Indian Trust Funds [374 schools in the United States] to extinguish our children. ‘Health’ units like Allan Memorial were established throughout Canada to experiment on our children. Many perished.

Original chiefs and clan mothers were murdered in front of the people and the puppet tribal and band councils were installed by military force. Their main purpose was and continues to be to help annihilate our people and sign away our land so Canada can become a country without ‘Indians’. The first band councillors were WW I returning native soldiers. The current Minister of Indian Affairs, Marc Miller, is a former military commander who is in the reserves.

The Vatican ‘owns’ the Crown that took illegal possession of turtle island. Churches are all registered corporations with the Vatican and pay no taxes to the people. The priests are the original intelligence agents through the confessional system. The band councils carry out the genocide as mapped out by Canada.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister of Indian Affairs Mark Miller and the McGill Board of Governors know about these criminally insane psychiatric facilities they help to enable.

The Indian Trust Fund was confiscated by Canada by making us into ‘wards’ of the state. There was never a legal war with us and therefore never a surrender. The entire value of Canada is the Indian Trust Fund which is in the hundreds of trillions. In 1850 McGill, which squats on Mohawk land, “borrowed” from the Iroquois Trust Funds to construct the university, which was never paid back. A thorough criminal investigation of each member of the McGill Board of Governors for theft and murders of our children must be carried out under our law, the kaianerekowa. We have ancient allies who know our truth. [see report below].The alumni are part of the horror for turning their backs.

McGill admits to being on Mohawk kanienkehaka land and constructing it with stolen Iroquois trust funds. We assert our right to do a thorough investigation of the crimes. We demand explanations of all the unmarked graves in and around McGill.

158 residential schools and at least 158 universities studied the ‘science’ of genocide.

We are using our own initiative and funds to investigate the graves. At the finding of unmarked graves behind Indian residential schools by the people, the government suddenly offered millions of dollars to the band council to do the excavation. Of course, the band councils took credit for the initiative and pocketed the money.

Regarding Indian day schools class action suit, lawyers Gowling WLG represented both sides, the former students and the perpetrators, Canada. Canada plead guilty to 12 charges. Yet Gowling worked the case so their other client, Canada, did not stand trial and paid as little as possible to their victims. Gowling WLG pocketed $55 million and Deloitte received $44 million for writing the cheques. All of their institutions are corrupt because they are based on a lie. Everything based on a lie, no matter how many lies, and how much times they lie, will always be a lie.

In a time of disorderly confusion, Governor General Mary Simon, represents the Queen who is a shareholder of the Crown that fraudulently owns all of turtle island. In effect, Trudeau admits they are on the unceded land of the onkwehonweh, the “past, present and future caretakers” of the land. On July 26, 2021, Mary Simon swore that she would be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors. So help her god. She is now Commander in Chief of the military which is part of the system of genocide. She vows to protect the genociders. Once again she does not include over 99% of us true original indigenous people who do not recognize the Queen or Canada. She supports reconciliation only with the corporate First Nations, Metis and Inuit.  She jumps from the kayak onto the ship to help our enemies commit ‘the final solution to the Indian problem’, as depicted by the Beatles in ‘Helter Skelter”:

MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0