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MNN. May 23, 2022. Almost 80 years ago Indian day school teachers tried to make us speak French in kahnawake. We took the exam paper which was in French, signed our name, and handed it back  blank. They exclaimed, “Eeez no use. They won’t speak French”.  We were exempted from the ‘canadien’ [squatters] stranglehold.  This commentary applies equally to English.


Today the Quebec C96 language bill to shove French down our throats and make us and our languages disappear will never happen. We are the true people of turtle island, placed here to communicate with creation in our original languages.

In the future all foreigners will speak to us in mohawk or another indigenous language. They are not of this land.  

They have two choices, to come under the tree of peace or leave. Creation wills that Indigenous will be the only languages spoken everywhere.  

Because of foreign language restrictions for trade and commerce reasons, we are being forced to leave our home for work for survival. kahnistensera proclaim that every place of work must accommodate our indigenous language requirements. They cannot deny us equal opportunities to work, study or any discourse we chose anywhere on turtle island. As a matter of pride, duty and fundamental human rights, we want to speak our languages everywhere  


The French culture is in France. We gave them no permission to dictate anything to us. They came here to exploit, steal our resources and continue to try to extinguish us. Sign language was once the common language throughout turtle island. Everybody in the world knows that our land is indigenous from time immemorial until infinity. 

The French are angry because they are losing their bastardized imported language. They want us to forsake our  language [s] so theirs can be saved. If they want to hang onto the French language, they can go home where it is being preserved. To save our languages, we the living onkwehonweh have to do it ourselves here on our homeland while under constant threats and attack by the invaders.

All signs will eventually be in kanienkehaka:onwe, mohawk or other indigenous languages. Our languages shall be spoken and displayed everywhere on our land by everyone. Our languages and kaianerekowa will will try to get rid of the systemic injustice, racism and hatred that engulfs the world today. The invaders murdered us for not speaking foreign white languages. Today they will stop attempting to kill us and our original languages and help us bury the weapons of war [great peace].

Premier Legault wants only French or else. “No exceptions”. Canada and Quebec are not nations. whever they come is where they belong. turtle island belongs to  our unborn future generations and we are its caretakers.     

In 100 years everyone on turtle island will speak only Mohawk or another indigenous language which is what our mother earth wants. Canadiens are scattered foreign populations from different separate places away from their homelands. The teiohateh two row provides that we have to keep our own ways, languages and customs. The foreigners will stay in their ship. We will stay in our canoe which is all of turtle island. 

Our duty is to raise our children on our land, and speak kanienkehaka:onwe, Mohawk. The fascists planned to do away with us [Indian Lands Acts 1924] and have set 2024 as our end time when we will be assimilated into a foreign law by the stroke of the corporate pen. The invaders are uninvited. We defeated them then and we will defeat them again.   

tionnitiotiakon [Montreal] will be Mohawk speaking only. 


These foreigners have shown us they cannot live among us. They constantly make us defensive and reactive. C96 is their latest gun to start their attacks in our schools and homes. We refuse to let them tell us how we shall be. Every generation the invaders try to make us less legitimate and think we are dying out. We will persevere and do what make us strong, our clans, decision making process, knowledge of our past and the elimination of their band council puppet gestapo they appointed to help them carry out the “final solution to the indian problem!”. 

The  fascist government of the invaders does not belong on indigenous land. We have a revolutionary way to develop a free society and to live without war. 

All those residential school death camps on turtle land were designed to beat, torture, starve, rape and murder us to destroy our land and steal our resources.  Quebec Bill C96 is another school shooting. If you want to be French, go home.   

Our language is our tie to creation. Don’t dictate anything to us. We will decide whether to learn whatever we want as we have always done!     

Finally, Prime Dictator Legault, you have no voice amongst our people. We will never accept your dictatorship words. As the song says “It’s beginning to look a lot like fascism”.

PO Box 991, kahnawake quebec J0L 1B0




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MNN. May 18, 2022. The indigenous refuse to speak the bastardized language of Quebecois known as  French ‘canadien’. All indigenous languages based on the natural world are true since time immemorial because nature has not changed. Quebecois are trying to force the foreign language of French on the original people of Quebec, a colony on onowarekeh turtle island. Basic natural human right is for everyone to have their own natural  identity based on language, culture, religion, beliefs, their natural way of life and sovereignty. Equality means being sovereign on  their own land where creation originally placed them.

Forcing a foreign language upon indigenous people is a violation of indigenous ways.  

Long ago the king of England told his subjects, according to international law,  “In order for you people to become a nation, you have to deal fairly with the people who own the land. You also have to learn one of their languages.”

Quebecers are trying to shove French down the throats of the indigenous people. Forcing a culture on another is genocide. The settlers cannot kill off the original culture. Creation did not give these visitors the right to impose anything on anybody on someone else’s homeland. Their constitution acknowledges this. The French language is preserved in France. The British could not go to France and force everybody there to speak English! 

Canada, Quebec and other provinces have, on pain of death, taken away the original tongue and forced foreign languages on the indigenous, which  is genocide. The indigenous are now in the process of bringing back their original languages and original culture that was provided by creation.   

The French, English and all except the indigenous are immigrants. The original people never chose the languages the settlers wish to speak amongst themselves. The settlers cannot force a foreign language on the original people. Quebec always forces its ways on people like not wearing religious symbols, head scarves and so on. They make laws and threats so no one can oppose their will, violating the teiohateh, two row. If they do not understand this, they should leave turtle island.



Those indigenous who learn French do not get jobs. They are being forced from their homeland to find work elsewhere. This requirement discriminates against everybody in the work force so that jobs go to the chosen few French. If they need so much coercion to maintain their French identity, they should go home.

The indigenous will not speak a foreign language of an invasive species that jumped ship. In the past a few kanionkehaka Mohawk learned French and translated for the French. Many of our men move throughout turtle island to work without ever speaking French. We few survivors have the duty to save our language. Quebecers can lose French here, and they can go home to Paris where they can blah blah in French all they want. It will always be there. Fighting over languages is the root of many wars. Minister of Indian Affairs Mark Miller learned how to ‘read’ the Mohawk language to push ‘reconciliation’ and the genocidal framework agreement at the indigenous.

Quebec and Canada never respected the right of choice of the indigenous. It is racist supremacy where the French make themselves better than everybody by making laws that favor them and creates a bully culture. “If you don’t speak French, don’t apply!” They want to force the onkwehonweh to be ‘canadien’ [squatters]. The indigenous shall speak their own languages and will find translaters when necessary. If they don’t respect the supreme indigenous languages and culture of the land, then they should go back to France. 

When Quebecois do business elsewhere, they don’t demand they speak French. They want control and to place the indigenous caretakers of the land at a disadvantage. They cannot make their nation on indigenous land without the permission of the original people. Quebecers can go to Paris. The airlines do sell one way tickets.

The indigenous have been threatened for 500 years and survived without speaking French and are better off for it. The indigenous don’t have much to say to the French anyway after what they’ve done to them! 

The English and French settlers are battling over indigenous land, turtle island, through the language genocide program. Quebec is replacing the old residential school death camps which forced English on indigenous. Now Quebec schools are going to force French on the children.

1701 when the French sued fo peace with the rotinoshonni after 100 years of defeat.



Like Bill 96, the racist and genocidal residential schools were meant to destroy indigenous identity. The French know it is wrong to force the original people to be something they are not, which is to be ‘Frenchmen’. Today it is politically correct to change names of institutions and streets back to original indigenous names.  But the French still want to idolize their murderers and genociders. The indigenous say no to drugs and forcing of their language on them. Both destroy the people. The pidgin’ French spoken in Quebec is totally different from that spoken in the motherland. They need to go home and learn the language of their mother.

Not long ago the French who lived near kahnawake spoke very good mohawk. They are welcome to learn the first language of turtle island once again. 

Quebec is not sovereign and cannot enforce any rules and regulation on indigenous nations. They are not self-sufficient, [squatting on indigenous land, and stealing resources]. They have no land, no culture and speak no indigenous language. [Montevideo Convention, 1932].

There has never been a legitimate invitation from the indigenous for the immigrants to come to turtle island. They did not respect the indigenous during their visit.  

Gwen Stefani understands when there is nothing more to say:  “Don’t speak. I know what you are thinking. Your reasons. Don’t tell me cause it hurts. It’s all ending. I gotta stop pretending who you are. You and me I can see as dying. Are we? Don’t speak. I know just what you are saying”. POBox 991, kahnawake quebec canada J0L1B0



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MNN. Apr. 29, 2022. The kahnistersera mohawk mothers are using the words of peace and not the language of war. They proclaim that the only languages on turtle island are indigenous languages. The rest are foreign languages. Genocide is foreign dictators that  murder indigenous people and their languages. To force anyone to do anything is genocide and slavery. The French and English both depend on the indigenous by squatting on their land and stealing their natural resources and the most fundamental right to speak their language. Residential and Indian Day School on pain of death forced the indigenous to speak languages foreign to onowarekeh, turtle island. They must leave.  

Tabled in April, Bill 96 is Quebec’s plan to upgrade the French language which is dying out. The French never asked the onkwehonweh if they could speak French outside their homes. Now they have not asked the onkwehonweh if they can upgrade their language. The mohawk mothers object according to their interpretation of the kaianerekowa. On okwehonweh land only the original people can decide everything. The squatting dictator cannot pass a dictatorial law to be enforced by extortion and threats. The French and British have no right to invade anyone and plant their symbols of hate [like flags, crosses, swastikas, band councils, reserves, residential schools, and other horrific reminders of genocide].   

According to wampum 44 of the kaianerekowa, the precolonial constitution of the rotinoshonni iroquois confederacy, indigenous women are the caretakers of the land on behalf of the future generations:  kononkwe ne konwatsirineh ne kanakerasera. ne enkotiyatakwehnyyokeh ne onwentsa. rononkwe tahnon ne kononokwe ne enhatihsereh tsiniyakotaroten ne ronwatihnistenha. 

“The lineal descent of the people of the Five Nations shall run in the female line. Women shall be considered the progenitors of the Nation. They shall be caretakers of the land and their soil for the coming people. Men and women shall follow the status of their mothers”. The world must learn the true history of turtle island, not just footnotes.

The trespassers are reminded that the Canadian government band councils have joined the oppressive enemies of the indigenous. 

The mohawk mothers remind the trespassers that according to the kaianerekowa and original teiohateh agreement, everyone on turtle island shall learn the ways of the great peace and speak indigenous languages.



Quebecers and ‘Canadians’ are corporations, not a nation. Most of their communication is for trade and commerce [greed, power and corruption]. They squat on stolen property, a crime under the kaianerekowa. The corporation has no right to make French or English official languages on indigenous land because the indigenous did not give the trespassers that right. In indigenous culture each person is sovereign. They asked for protection, not more than a “plow share” beneath the surface, under the great tree of peace, which was provided. For their violation of this agreement, they must leave. 

These foreigners are psychotic for not remembering their promises or their history. Truth and justice is the indigenous culture. The kahnistensera mohawk mothers call for all signs to be in indigenous languages and total indigenous language requirements for all businesses and institutions on turtle island. indigenous languages orally, in writing and symbols.  There will be no access to English and French languages anywhere. All foreign laws and languages shall be of no force and effect, according to the kaianerekowa acknowledged by the constitution of Canada 1982. 

Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, recognizes and affirms existing indigenous rights, whose contents the courts have held to be sourced in indigenous legal orders, e.g. the kaianerekowa, great peace, and teiohateh [two row wampum] applies to every action in this territory of ganienkeh, throughout eastern turtle island. 

The indigenous cannot be forced to become Canadian or to accept foreign citizenship. Quebec squatters cannot declare anything. The kahnistensera mohawk mothers are reminding the people of Quebec that all squatters on turtle island shall speak fluently a natural indigenous language that has been placed on turtle island by creation.  

The squatters are not a nation as they have no land base. Only indigenous languages can be spoken on indigenous land. French and English are banned, including all books, writing and signage from all non-indigenous sources. Only indigenous languages shall be spoken and displayed everywhere.    

The squatters cannot dictate anything on turtle island. Anyone who does not comply with this proclamation must leave turtle island immediately. The mohawk mothers demand the immediate suspension of the French language throughout Quebec. All matters are subject to the will of those people who have lived on this land since time immemorial. Everyone is free to speak anything at home but all public institutions on turtle island are entirely indigenous and do not recognize or understand any foreign languages. Sego tanon onen kiwahi. 

Start with these kahnienkehake words of love: P.O. Box 991, kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0






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MNN. Apr. 25, 2022. The kahnistensera mohawk mothers have issued a declaration according to the kaianerekowa, the great peace, that the cross, a religous thought control symbol so people can never use their own minds and to just “believe” lies, to be taken down.

The cross is a symbol of domination, genocide and the violation of the kaianerekowa. Under this cross are unmarked graves of indigenous people that have been slaughtered by the invaders. Every indian residential school has a cross where the children were slaughtered. The mind control symbol is on top of tekanontak [Mount Royal] a kanienkehaka village. The cross controls the minds of everyone who looks at it, thinks about it and worships it.



This cross is for remembrance of the genocide that continues to this day. The invaders are occupying property that will never be conveyed. McGill University is being sued in the Quebec Superior court by the mohawk mothers. the first court date is May 30th [Quebec Superior Court Montreal 500-17-120468-221]. The trespassers need to vacate our land. They were never invited here. Never.  

The mohawk mothers have made the ruling under the kaianerekowa, the great peace, to remove this symbol immediately.  

Those who carried out and benefitted from the murders of the original people can begin arranging their affairs immediately and leave turtle island or unless they commit to acknowledge the great peace as the only law of turtle island. All symbols of systemic injustice and hatred will be removed from our land.

The original people refuse to look up every day and be reminded of the horror, anger, suffering and gross mind control experiments carried out by the Allen Memorial of McGill University, the CIA and Canadian government that this cross represents. All original onkwehonweh placenames will be restore because our mother hates to be to called such names as St. Louis de ha-ha-ha  and every other foreign name. 

We are not letting them get away with helping to conduct the biggest holocaust in all mankind of the original people on great turtle island. When the cross comes down we can have some peace of mind. Thank you.  

Those so-called ‘indians’ who went to Rome and kissed the Pope’s ring show their subservience just like mafia underlings who kiss the Godfather’s ring. True indigenous people would never kiss the ring of a glorified serial killer. Yes, a culture that aggrandizes serial killers as these crosses do has got to go. 

As the Allman Brothers sing: “I  have not come to testify about our bad bad misfortune and i ain’t here wondering, but i’ll live on and i’ll be strong because it just ain’t my cross the bear. I sat down and wrote you a long letter. It was just the other day. It said, “Sure as the sunrises baby, tomorrow i’ll be up and on my way. But i’ll live on and i’ll be strong cause it just ain’t my cross to bear.” mohawknationnews  box 997, kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0