BEWARE BEWARE OF COLONIAL PANICMNN. October 29, 2008. Who brought in the Aboriginal goons to do Canada’s dirty work in Tyendinaga? Does the fact that they’re “aboriginal” from Walpole Island and Moraviantown make them legitimate? No. Some of the goons on the “aboriginal” police force are non-native! Who are they? JTF2 and RCMP in disguise?

The pre-fab, state-of-the-art, high tech prison has arrived. Canada wants to plant it in the middle of our community. The Mohawks are at the site to stop the multi-million dollar prison from going up. The people were asked if they wanted it. The majority said “no”. But here it is anyway. Going against the wishes of the people violates both democratic and Indigenous principles. It is not legal.

Band council chief R. Don Maracle said the community wanted this and that the building is needed specially for “outsiders” with “criminal records” and “the jail will be built today”! This goes beyond arrogance.

Normally the RCMP is not invited into a settler community unless the elected representatives invite them. This can only happen in an Indigeous community with the full and informed consent of the people who live there.

As in Kahnawake, Six Nations, Akwesasne and Kanehsatake, the band council is a creature of the Indian act which was imposed under foreign colonial laws. Until 1951 the Indian act defined a person as an ‘individual other than an Indian’. Nothing set up under those terms is legal – unless “might makes right” is the law, which is not.

We saw the same situation at Kanehsatake in 2004. The police commission was charged with running the security. Canada gave James Gabriel almost $1 million to do an end run around this arrangement and to set up and impose a different police force under his personal command. He brought in outside aboriginal goons to impose his will. This was illegal. Just because the guys he brought in were aboriginal did not make it legal. It violated the laws of Kanehsatake that had appointed their own Commission.

The Ontario Provincial Police OPP are waiting for the “aboriginal” goons to say they can’t handle the situation and then they will swoop down on Tyendinaga.

What questions does this situation raise?

First of all, does this mean that Canada is following through on Madame Mireille Tabib’s Order from the Federal Court of Canada, dated October 23, 2008 in “Kahentinetha & Katenies v. THE QUEEN”? Has Canada decided to stop living a lie and recognize that it has no jurisdiction over any indigenous people, our communities or our territories? Is this why the OPP didn’t accompany the prison? Or has colonial society recruited a lot of “hang around the fort Indians” to do their dirty work for them?

Colonization is not legal even when it is in aboriginal dress. The only position we can take is to stick to the truth, remain calm and peaceful and don’t get provoked. But we must stand our ground.

We smell some rats here. Do they work in Ottawa? Do some of them have names like “Chuck Strahl” and “Stockwell Day”?

It looks like this whole macabre fantasy has been engineered by the “Halloween Cabal” in Ottawa. They are a law onto themselves. They treat democracy as a joke and give a sweet s**t about treaties, indigenous rights or the Canadian obligations to respect us. They all work together to plan these attacks on us. Here they are, unmasked.

– High up – Chantal “Who-Has-a-Dirty-Hand-in-Everything” Bernier chantal.bernier@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca;
– Margaret “Trying-to-Suck-Every-Last-Drop-of-Indian-Blood-Now-Wants-Her-Fangs-in-Tyendinaga-Mohawks” Bloodworth, “National Security Advisor” to Prime Minister, Margaret.bloodworth@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca, 613-957-5466;
Indian Affairs sewer rats
– Walter “Whose-Billy-Club-Has-Been-Taken-Away” Walling, wallingw@ainc-inac.gc.ca; Christian “Anti-Christ” Rouleau, rouleau.c@ainc-inac.gc.ca;
– Andre “Turn” Cote, cote.a@ainc-inac.gc.ca;
– Stuart “Swan-Song” Swanson, swanson.s@ainc-inac.gc.ca;
– Paul ”The-White-Man” Leblanc, leblanc.p@ainc-inac.gc.ca;
– Zuwena “Squeal” Robidas, Indian Affairs mouthpiece, zuwena.robidas@pspec-sppcc.gc.ca 613-993-2596;
– Helene “Parrot” Philippe, another Indian Affairs mouthpiece, philippe.h@ainc-inac.gc.ca;
– David “Economic-Hit-Man” Hillman, DG Econ. Dev. david.hallman@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca 819-953-0517;
More Emergency Preparedness creeps
– Jean “Lapse-of-Selected-Memory” Chartrand, jean.chartrand@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca 613-990-8470;
– Denise “Who-was-in-there-like-a-dirty-shirt” Charron, denise.charron@spepc-sppcc.gc.ca 613-991-1694;
Other excreta agents of the crown
– Yvan “Who-Maintains-Toilet-Supplies” Dery, for the Privy Council Office ydery@pco-bcp.gc.ca;
– Gilles “Pig-Shop-Keeper” Rochon, Aboriginal Policing, gilles.rochon@psepc.gc.ca 613-990-2666;
– Emanuel “Little-Lamb” Chabot, emmanuel.chabot@psept-sppcc.gc.ca 613-990-4353;
– “Slippery” Jim Beaver jim.beaver@pspec-sppcc.gc.ca;
– Peter “Flat-Foot” Fisher, Police Services PSEPC fax 613-991-0961;
– Louise “Who-Doesn’t-Know-the-Half-of-It” Savage louise.savage@psepc-sppcc.gc.ca;
– Sylvia “Ambulance Chaser” McKenzie, Justice Canada sylvia.mackenzie@sppcc-psept.gc.ca 613-998-3952;
– Annik “The-Squeak” Pelletier, Justice Canada apelleti@justice.gc.ca;
– Louis-Alexandre “Who-Sits-on-a-Very-High-Chair” Guay, Justice, lguay@justice.gc.ca;
– Phil Fontaine AFN reception@afn.ca;
– Brad Duguid, Ontario Minister Aboriginal Affairs bduguid.mpp@liberal.ola.org;
– Angus Toulouse AFN Ontario Region 807-626-9339 Fax 807-626-9404 kathleen@coo.org
Help! Give a piece of your mind to: GG Michaelle jean info@gg.ca; Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Fax 613-941-6900 pm@pm.gc.ca; Chuckie “Baby” Strahl, Indian Affairs Minister, 819-997-0002, Fax 819-953-4941 strahl.c@parl.gc.ca; Prothonotary Mireille Tabib, Federal Court of Canada 613-992-4238 Fax 613-952-3653; band council Mohawks of Bay of Quinte Band TELEPHONE: 613-396-3424 Email: reception@mbq-tmt-org Fax 613-396-3627; OPP Eastern Regional Headquarters 613-284-4500 fax 613-284-4597 L.G. “Who-Wants-to-Help-Set-Up-a-Feeder-of-Young-Offenders-into-the-Big-Pens-for-the-Old-Long-Termers” Beechey, Chief Superintendent & Commander, Smiths Falls; MBQ R. Chief Don “The-Warden-Wanna-Be” Maracle, 613-396-3089, CELL 613-391-9249 RDONM@MBQ-TMT.ORG 613-396-3424 ext. 106 info@mbq-tmt.org

We need to tell Canada and their agents to: (1) immediately stop their attacks, police brutality and trying to impose a prison on the Mohawks; (2) to honor Indigenous rights and jurisdictions; (3) to support the Mohawks struggle for self-determination; and (4) to get Canada and Indian Affairs out of Haudenosaunee Territory.

To help, please contact the Rotiskenekete: 613-391-4055, 613-813-4053,
Friends, allies and supporters: come immediately to be witnesses; bring cameras, camcorders, food, cells, phone cards and warm clothes, especially gloves. Directions: take the Trans Canada Highway 401 to the “Marysville” exit, head south on #49 all the way to #2 then turn right into the community. Call 613-813-1017, email wasoonde3232@aol.com

Posted by: MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News www.mohawknationnews.com
Katenies20@yahoo.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com

Go to MNN “Tyendinaga” category for more stories;

poster: katenies



MNN. Oct. 28, 2008. Friends, allies and supporters are asked to come immediately to be witnesses of the attempted carnage of the Mohawks by the Tyendinaga Mohawk Police and the Ontario Provincial Police OPP. It is snowing. Bring cameras, camcorders, food, cells, phone cards and warm clothes, especially gloves. To get to the demonstration site, take the Trans Canada Highway 401 to the Marysville exit, head south on #49 all the way to #2 then turn right into the community. To help, call 613-813-1017, Email wasoonde3232@aol.com

The Mohawks of Tyendinaga are under siege right now. OPP Swat Team have been spotted in the area. Canada, Ontario and the band council want to set up a mega jail in the middle of the community. The Mohawks are adamantly against this. “There’s no need for it. We need fresh water, education and health facilities. And we want a peaceful resolution”, say the concerned Mohawks. Tyendinaga is a small community of several thousand. Some fear this may be more than just a “jail”. That jail can go anywhere in any community. It doesn’t have to go in the middle of ours. It is obviously being used as a tool of provocation.

Tensions are running high today as residents wait for the arrival of this “rogue” police station. Police Chief Ron Maracle has warned the people that he is prepared to use force to set up the multi million dollar high tech security jailhouse. He already threatened that if local residents keep complaining, they’ll be the first inmates.

The police building issue was hotly debated for sometime. The band council went around the community pretending to consult the people. Just about everybody said “no”. So the chief R. Don Maracle and the council of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte made a unilateral decision to bring it in anyway.

At the meeting update today the people vowed that the cop shop and construction equipment are not coming in. They are demanding that whatever equipment is already there be removed immediately.

The Tyendinaga Mohawk Police are threatening that if the pre fab jail is not allowed in and set up they will attack. Police Chief Ron Maracle has stated he will charge and arrest anybody who gets in his way. If he stirs it up enough, they can bring in the heavily equipped para-military forces of the OPP to really “give it to us”. Hundreds of OPP are dressing, gearing up and psyching themselves up at the parking lot in of the Napanee OPP Detachment looking for some ‘injuns’ they can beat up on. They did this on April 23, 2008 when the condo construction was stopped. Who knows where else other cops will be coming in from. The Trenton Army Base is nearby too.

The local corporate flyer known as the “Belleville Intelligencer” knew about the pending attack a day or so beforehand. They have been hanging around waiting for action.

The Mohawks have said over and over again they have no weapons and want a peaceful resolution.

To stop this madness and attempted bloodbath, call the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Band Council Office to call off the hounds, TELEPHONE: 613-396-3424 Email: reception@mbq-tmt-org Fax 613-396-3627

Contact the Rotiskenekete: 613-391-4055, 613-813-4053,
OPP Eastern Regional Headquarters 613-284-4500 fax 613-284-4597
L.G. “Who-Wants-to-Help-Set-Up-a-Feeder-of-Young-Offenders-into-the-Big-Pens-for-the-Old-Long-Termers” Beechey, Chief Superintendent & Commander, Eastern Region, Smiths Falls. It looks like now that the charges have been dropped from most of the Mohawks, the cops are looking for more bodies. So they are setting up this trap to grab more of our people for the “incarceration industry”. The cops are at the building site videotaping everybody and then telling them everyone filmed will be charged to “interfering with police business”. The OPP are meeting opposition from band office employees who are telling them to leave.

MBQ R. Chief Don “The-Warden-Wanna-Be” Maracle, 613-396-3089, CELL 613-391-9249 RDONM@MBQ-TMT.ORG 613-396-3424 ext. 106 info@mbq-tmt.org
And his master Stockwell “Little-Guy-Who-Thinks-He’s-Big-Time” Day, Minister of Emergency Preparedness. A lot of money is going being washed through this project. Answers are needed.

MNN Staff Mohawk Nation News www.mohawknationnews.com
Katenies20@yahoo.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com

Go to MNN “Tyendinaga” category for more stories;

poster: katenies


Police Target Indigenous Youth

SIX NATIONS: Call-out for help! Arrest of two activists Police ‘target’ Indigenous youth – bring food and phone cards. People as witnesses needed at both construction sites (ASAP) and at the courthouse today and tomorrow. To get to the construction site take the 403 west towards London, Ontario, exit off Oak Park Road. Turn left and drive over the 403. The construction site is immediately on the right hand side. Brantford City Court is on 44 Queen Street.MNN. Sept. 11, 2008. Two native activists were arrested Wednesday in a traffic stop by up to a dozen Ontario Provincial Police and Brantford city police officers. The 19-year-old son of “Boots” was arrested, along with an unnamed “young offender”. The police have disregarded the presumption of innocence by calling them “offenders”.

Boots has been living in a teepee in front of these fraudulent development projects. He is trying to remind them that we own the territory. It is a project of the “First Northwest Business Park Ontario” [John Jones 905-363-3086, jjones@firstgulf.com www.firstgulf.com; Head Office, Century Point Corporate Center, 6860 Century Ave., E. Tower, Suite 1000, Mississauga Ontario L5N 2W5 905-814-6860].

Brantford is giving illegal building permits to international corporations to build on our territory, such as:

-“Hampton Inn Hotels” which is part of the Hilton chain [we need CEO name, headquarters address and contact information];ampton HotH

-“Fen Ridge Court” [we need CEO, address and contact info]; and -Kingspan Insulation, Dublin Road, Kings Court Co., Cavan, Ireland, registration #70776 Ph. +353(0)42 9698000 admin@kingspan.ie, CE Gene M. Murtagh, Irish Stock Exchange info@ise.ie.

These companies have illegally laid claim to Haudenosaunee Territory. Some have represented that our unceded land is their collateral to raise funds on various stock exchanges. We have put them all on notice that the land is ours. They should be charged with fraud because of this knowingly willful violation of our rights and misrepresentations of their holdings in the public market. Unfortunately, the state authorities are complicit in the fraud. The city of Brantford issues the illegal permits.

Boots’ son has a bail hearing this morning, September 11th at the Brantford Court. The other youth is up for bail tomorrow at 9:00am. Both are charged with “mischief”.

Janie Jamieson gave the following report: “Today [September 10] at approximately 11:00am my one-year old son and I were leaving the “King and Benton” site of illegal construction site in Brantford, Ontario. My sister followed with the two youth. I stopped at a sign and then proceeded through. In my rear view mirror I could see my sister following close behind.

Then I saw a non-Native man with a closely shaved head pulling on her truck door with one hand while violently punching the window with a closed fist. I feared she was under attack by “skinheads” as there were several unmarked cars blocking her in.

I went ahead and turned around. When I got back all vehicles were gone, including my sister. I turned right. The same men were parked there but had changed into OPP vests and belts loaded with weapons. There were approximately 8 cruisers marked “OPP” and “Brantford City Police”. They were surrounding my sister and the two youth who were being handcuffed.

I told the police that according to our law our youth are under the authority and jurisdiction of the Ongwehonwe women and that our youth had EVERY authority to uphold our traditional laws. The police were told to cease and desist their armed invasions and kidnapping of our children. These tactics constitute declarations of war.

The cops said everything they were doing was “standard police practice” [in dealing with Indigenous people]. Why do they bother to wear uniforms? Are there any real “skinheads”? Or are they all cops trying to an end run around the law they swore to defend? Five officers then began searching my sister’s truck for “weapons”.

I put tobacco in the hands of the youth and told them to hold onto it. The police tried to stop me. The youth held onto it and were placed in separate cruisers and taken to the Brantford Jail.

Bawa Construction (Hampton Inn & Suites) has resumed illegal construction on our unsurrendered territory despite being warned by us to stop.

At no point have any of our people stepped out of the Kaianarekowa. The developers and the police continuously ESCALATE intercultural hostility by targeting our children, women (mothers and grandmothers) and men to protect the finances of local and international corporations.

We ongwehonwe will continue to uphold our great-great-grandchildren’s right to exist.

MNN Mohawk Nation News Staff www.mohawknationnews.com katenies20@yahoo.com

Please Note. Legal actions have to be taken to protect our rights. We have no funds. If you can donate anything to our cause, it will be greatly appreciated. Donate to PayPal,www.mohawknationnews.com, or “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen.


Splitting the Sky, a Mohawk activist, actor and author will be one of the featured speakers at the March on Ottawa this Thursday, September 11, 2008. It is a commemoration of the massacre of thousands of people at the Twin Towers in New York city on September 11th, 2001. Mohawk ironworkers were some of the construction workers on the Twin Towers and continue to be concerned about this issue. Come hear the arguments to substantiate the allegations.
http://www.marchonottawa2008.org/ www.splittingthesky.net 

Posted by MNN Mohawk Nation News www.mohawknationnews.com Contact: katenies20@yahoo.com kahentinetha2@yahoo.com

Go to MNN “Six Nations” category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore http://www.cafepress.com/mohawknews; Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates http://.mohawknationnews.com/news/subscription.php; Sign Women Title Holders petition! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois

poster: katenies


HOT FLASH! The Infinite “Red-X” discovers “Secret Instruction Manual:

Advanced Strategies on Stealing Indigenous Resources”

MNN. Mar. 4, 2008. “All the tricks of the colonists are now revealed”, sayeth the infamous Indigenous sage, Red-X. “It’s a manual on how to try to cash in on our land and resources”. It was used at Dehcho and it looks like they’re fine tuning it at Sharbot Lake too. Here are some of the key hints on their dirty tricks and how to counter them.

Colonial Dirty Trick #1. Call it “democracy” and make sure you keep control. Invite the Indigenous to conferences on “self-governance”. Make sure they go to lots of fancy cocktail parties with open bars, with colonial big-wigs like Governor General Michaelle Jean and other “heavies. Give them tiaras to try on and a taste of “life in the fast lane”. Make sure they’re too drunk to notice they’ve sold out their people.

Colonial Dirty Trick #2. Make sure Indigenous are outnumbered three to one at every meeting. Red-X says, “Don’t go to Ottawa, Vancouver or Kingston or any big city. Hold them meetings at home in your tipi, longhouse or your condemned Indian Affairs bungalow with the cracked window panes and asbestos contaminated floors and walls”.

Colonial Dirty Trick #3. Put out colonial law as if it’s Indigenous law. Ignore Indigenous legal processes. Only look at what counts according to the colonial Supreme Court.

The Red-X says, “Let’s take a look at how two colonial reptiles played out the “life and death” game against our people of the Northwest Territories”. Red-X goes on to reveal the “Colonial Cheat Sheet” used to try to pull the wool over our eyes.

CDT #4. Information is power – the colonists have two control strategies: collect, horde and keep it to themselves. When necessary they make it disappear. The other option is to put out a whole lot of lies, like false history and myth making. Even create “Indians”!

CDT #5. Put some “heavies” at the table. The bigger the title, the longer the resume, the fatter, the better. At the talks with our Dehcho brothers and sisters, the “heavy”, Minister of Indian Affairs, Robert Nault, said, “The signing of these agreements is an acknowledgment of a new relationship between the Deh Cho, Canada and the GNWT”. What he really said was, “I hope I confused you because I’m f—king confused myself.”

Michael Nadli, a sell-out band councilor, said, “We look forward to Phase II to begin substantive negotiations on the more fundamental elements of Deh Cho Governance.” Translation: “I’m being played. They’re making me read a script I don’t understand”.

CDT #6. Use hierarchical colonial criteria with with the colonists sitting at the top seeing themselves with guns and money in hand. We are supposed to be down there somewhere out of sight. They always beat around the bush.

CDT #7. Design an extreme “offer-concession strategy” to bowl the Injuns over if we kick up a fuss or raise awkward questions, like, “How’re you gonna clean up your filthy mess?” That’s when the “operatives” throw the chair back and pull away from the table. We can stop these sleazes even when they threaten to take the “bribe” money with them.

CDT #8. The colonial “hoods” will walk out if they lose “control”. That’s when we know the whole is falling. Translation: “We ain’t playing with you bad ‘Injuns’ anymore!”

CDT #9. Look for weaknesses. These gangsters may even use a “good cop” and a “bad cop” strategy to throw those Injuns off balance. We all know there’s no “good cop”. They’re all “bad”. They then threaten us with illegal injunctions, jail time and law suits. At the January 6, 2008 Kingston meeting “ODB” Reid’s pal, “Algonquin Would-be”, Robert Lovelace, was sent back in to talk to the Mohawks after the “carpetbaggers” stomped off in a huff. Would- Be’s job was to side track the Mohawks with his “Cointelpro” charm. The next day these “air punching” carpetbaggers disappeared to a secret hideaway. The Mohawks found them and once again they slithered off into the darkness.

CDT #10. The carpetbaggers don’t like the people you bring along. They will suggest taking your sell-outs into another room to make a deal behind closed doors. ODB Reid was overheard telling “Need-to-be-Algonquin-to-settle-a-phony-land-claim” Lovelace, “The next time we should meet with George White of Frontenac Ventures alone with no lawyers”. They’re trying to make a deal on uranium mining on Haudenosaunee land at Sharbot Lake. When we tried to ask questions, they fled again with their coat tails flapping.

CDT #11. They want targets. In the 1990 Mohawk-Oka Crisis at Kanehsatake, we sent in different spokespeople every day. Alex Patterson and Bernard Roy, the negotiators for Quebec and Canada, got spitting mad. Their threats were ignored. They picked up their toys and left. Negotiations broke down.

CDT #12. The colonial agents stuff their side with ‘know-it-alls. Warns the Red-X, “This does not intimidate us. We just have more foul smell to cut through. Just keep telling them this is all our land, we are sovereign and they are trespassers”.

Our Basic Way is simple: Report daily to the community. Get their instructions. Select new negotiators each day to avoid getting targeted and becoming too cozy with the adversaries.

Indigenous men cannot meet with adversaries without consulting the women. We all have diverse knowledge, abilities, expertise and responsibilities. We have to use the Great Law traditional decision making process to bring in everybody’s ideas. Separate private “tete-a-tetes” are meant to force us into making secret deals with the devil.

The meetings must be 2 sided – the Indigenous People on one side and all the pirates on the other side – with a neutral third party approved by both sides to mediate. This is required by international law.

The Dehcho Coercion Process involving Chris “ODB” Reid and Robin “Rotten Egg” Aitkin.

The “Dehcho Nation” is in the southwest corner of the land known to the colonists as the “Northwest Territories”. It covers roughly 210,000 square kms. There are 10 communities. The colonial vipers wanted their land and resources and to put a pipeline through their territory. It’s not a place where the vipers themselves dream of living or raising their families. But they sure do salivate after the resources.

Red-X warns, “Watch out for “ODB”. Reid. It is believed he was the double dipping negotiator and lawyer for the Deh Cho [(867) 695-2355 or (416) 466-9928]. Look out for Robin Aitken who was the Chief Federal Negotiator from Indian Affairs [(819) 953-1018]. Don’t let Bob Patterson slip away. He was the Chief Negotiator for the Northwest Territories [(867) 873-7167]. “They brag about their prowess with Indigenous people”, said Red-X. Check out their websites. See what they think of us. Their using similar dirty tricks in the current “mining and land claim strategy” at Sharbot Lake.

The Deh Cho process started in 1998 when former Indian Affairs Minister Jane Stewart sent in her patsy, Dr. Peter H. Russell, to look at Dehcho “lands, resources and governance” on behalf of industry. She’s now trying to organize Six Nations according to this Manual.

“Patsy” Russell teaches political science at the University of Toronto [phruss@aol.com] and speaks on the “Lessons of Ipperwash and Caledonia – Learning to be Treaty People”. [This title is sooo patronizing! Try not to barf!] He works at the C.D. Howe Institute, a Conservative think tank, that plans and schemes against us. He also spent time among the Australian Aborigines. After his visits to Dehcho, agents were sent in to start managing them. George Erasmus, who gets put on all kinds of government boards and commissions, was put in as chief negotiator for Dehcho.

First there was an “Interim Measures Agreement” signed in May 2001 to let the Dehcho take part in their own land and resource management. Wow! What progress! [They have been doing this for thousands of years!]

Canada wanted an “Agreement-in-Principle” in five years and a final agreement two years later so that industry could get their claws on the resources, oil, gas and diamonds and to put in the pipeline. Dr. Russell recommended something called “interim measures” and then an “Agreement-in-Principle”. There’s no science behind their spin on names for their theft!

On May 21, 2001, Dehcho, NWT and Canada signed something else called a “Framework Agreement” that was supposed to be based on the fraudulent Treaty 8 of 1900 and Treaty 11 of 1921 and 1922 with Canada. If the Dehcho scrutinized these treaties, they might find they don’t meet international law standards.

Some other fancy names to awe us into being coerced might include “Land Use Planning” funded by Canada; “Interim Land Withdrawal” to temporarily protect lands not presently needed by industry; involve the Dehcho in the “Mackenzie Valley Resource Management” to make them feel important, meaning “we’ll let you talk to us but we don’t have to listen to you”; National Energy Board, an outsider, will authorize oil and gas activities with a benefit plan for someone; Canada will let Dehcho watch them turn their land into a park; and “joint ventures projects” called “Interim Resources Development Agreements” will let Canada and industry steal the resources and give a few pennies to the Dehcho.

Resources like wildlife and fish will be used, managed and protected without specifying by whom and at whose cost.

In August 2003 the Dehcho stopped surface and sub-surface development for five years, probably on the land that has no resources that industry wanted. The mining companies, environmental groups, prospectors and oil and gas companies were probably involved in deciding which 34% of the lands were withdrawn.

In the “Interim Resource Development Agreement” of April 2003 the Dehcho would benefit only if there was oil and gas development. Dehcho got 12.25% of the first $2 million [$250,000] that Canada collected in resource royalties from the Mackenzie Valley each year, and 2.45% of any more royalties. The Dehcho could only get up to 50% each year to a maximum of $1 million. “You’ll get an allowance if you behave ourselves”, Canada told them. Canada will hold the balance in trust so that they can dip into it for their own needs. This is an old trick. At the final agreement in 2005/06 the Dehcho got $1 million. The oil and gas companies are taking out at least $1 million a day if not an hour from their land.

Dehcho had to agree to issue oil and gas exploration licenses and prospecting permits the first year and every two years after that. Mining companies can go to individual Dehcho communities to make separate deals. This is all so underhanded.

Canada says they are giving the Dehcho a chance to “hit the ground running” when a final agreement is completed. Yes, we’d better all run away from these salivating reptiles! This means they will give the Dehcho an advance on their allowance which will be deducted from the final settlement. If it doesn’t go through, the Dehcho may have to pay it back.

In September 2004, the Dehcho sued the Mackenzie Gas Project, suspending land, resources and governance negotiations. In the out-of-court settlement of July 2005 Canada agreed to pay Dehcho $31.5 million over three years through “program funding” and “new funding” which the Dehcho have to get anyway. It ended up as $3.5 million per year to make it look like the Dehcho were taking part.

The “Framework Agreement” sets out how Canada would set up an illegal municipal government to avoid legitimate nation to nation relations. “Yeah, we’ll let you “regulate” your own land and water as long as you go by our “rules”, which are in the best interests of industry!”

The Dehcho role in the Mackenzie Valley Land & Water Board was to bring their land and resources under the same overall controlling regulations. We hear they got two jobs from the oil and gas exploration. Did ODB Reid get this for them?

Derek Neary of the Deh Cho Drum, Fort Simpson, wrote about the distrust of federal negotiator, Robin “Rotten-Egg” Aitken. Rotten Egg repeatedly said that Canada doesn’t have anything up its sleeve! He said that the Dehcho made him push the negotiations. Do we believe that? It’s always the other way around.

An Old “Indian” Trick We Learned from a White Man: Canada made agreements with “metis” to put pressure on Dehcho to go along with the land and resources giveaways. Who are these “metis? Anybody who wishes to be native, like the “paper Algonquins” at Sharbot Lake who are negotiating away Haudenosaunee land? The “Congress of Aboriginal People” CAP is the federal government creature that signs up anyone who wants to be an “Indian”. If this keeps up, every Canadian could sign up and be part of this subterfuge. As Red-X said, “They can never be Ongwehonwe!” The Red-X advises, “Brothers and sisters, we must use our natural world strategies against these beasts”.

Kahentinetha Horn

MNN Mohawk Nation News

Watch for more news on the return of Red-X.

[Backgrounder – Deh Cho Process Back to News Release Index]

Roxane Poulin Communications Indian and Northern Affairs Canada Yellowknife, NWT
Tel: (867) 669-2580 Fax: (867) 669-2715 poulinr@ainc-inac.gc.ca

Deh Cho First Nation’s Interim Resource Development Agreement.

All Deh Cho updates here http://nwt-tno.inac-ainc.gc.ca/dehcho/wn_e.html



The Business Journal of Phoenix – May 9, 2005http://phoenix.bizjournals.com/phoenix/stories/2005/05/09/smallb3.html


Click News and See Category: “Sharbot Lake“

poster: katenies




MNN. Sept. 1, 2008. THIS IS A CALL FOR HELP. 3 people are in jail. 5 more are surrounded by cops. They need support and supplies. Take #403 to Brantford, exit at Oak Park Road, turn left at the T Junction; take the first right onto Fen Ridge; the site is across from the Proctor & Gamble distribution facility.

The OPP have created chaos at Six Nations – Again! Suddenly yesterday, on Sunday August 31, 2008, reports starting coming to MNN about harassments and arrests. Highway 6 was blocked. People are being stopped from going to their homes in the Six Nation communities by the Caledonians and the OPP. Everyone’s worried because school starts tomorrow. What’s happening?

In Haida Nation and Taku River Tlingit, the Supreme Court of Canada reminded Canadian governments they have a duty to consult and accommodate all indigenous people who are defending legitimate property rights. This applies to the OPP [Ontario Provincial Police]. This law is being systematically broken.

Brantford continues to give out illegal permits to foreign corporations. Mega projects continue to be started on unsurrendered Indigenous land. These corporations fraudulently use our land as collateral to raise money at stock exchanges around the world from an unsuspecting public. No charges have been laid against Brantford officials or foreign corporations for breaking the law. Instead the cops are being siked on anyone who attempts to defend our legal rights.

Yesterday, a man was grabbed by the cops from his van and held incommunicado for hours. His 14 and 16 year old sons were arrested. The cops ransacked another van looking for something to charge the driver with. Eventually they charged him for driving without a license. Two more youths were arrested. None of the parents were allowed to speak to their children.

Today, at 7:00 am. Labor Day, the OPP raided the demonstration at the illegal construction site of the Irish company, Kingspan. This had been shut down by Six Nations defenders. Two more youths were arrested, according to sporadic reports.

Why has this situation degenerated so three groups are blocking Highway 6: the OPP, the Caledonians and the Six Nations? Is this is Canada’s idea of consultation and accommodation?

Every inch of land in Canada is unsurrendered native land. Canada doesn’t want to face this. Our property rights are extremely well documented. That’s a problem for them. The rights Canada and Ontario have been violating at Six Nations were documented before either the Canadian state or the province of Ontario were founded. Canada is a product of fraud. Is that why they don’t want to sit down and work out a reasonable plan for peaceful co-existence?

So far Canada’s response has been violence. Bring out the guns and bats!

Canada and the world knows this is wrong. They have no choice but to deal with us, the landowners. We are the legal trustees of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island. Each time they hit us, they remind us of our duties. We struggle even harder to uphold them.

The use of force can never produce a legal result. The Supreme Court of Canada and international law agree with our law, the Kaianerehkowa/Great Law. The only legal way to solve problems is through discussions, negotiations and understandings.

Canada must start listening to our legal reasoning. The violence against Indigenous peoples has got to stop. We know what’s right and wrong. The more they beat us, the more they make it clear that they are wrong. They must back off, stop arresting us, stop beating us up and stop shoving their kangeroo court documents down our throats.

On Tuesday, at 9:00 a.m., some of our people will be brought into the Brantford Court. There is no proof that it has jurisdiction over our people and our land. Many Indigenous people have been asserting our law. They have refused to attorn to the court. They have declared that they stand on the law of the land, the Kaianerehkowa. Or they have demanded proof of the court’s jurisdiction.

So far Canada’s colonial courts have all refused to provide proof for their authority. They know they have none. So they find some way of putting things off. They don’t know what to do when indigenous people who have been accused for political reasons demand proof of their jurisdiction or evidence of the valid termination of our law. They know full well that we never gave our informed consent to become Canadians. We are not Canadians.

If you can, please come to witness the court proceedings and provide support. We need to tell Kingspan of Ireland, Hampton Hotels of the U.S. all the other shysters trying to trespass on our land to go away.

MNN Staff
Contact: Sonehahs 519-761-8094

Please Note. It’s becoming critical for legal actions to be taken to protect our rights. We have no funds. If you can donate anything to our cause, it will be greatly appreciated. Donate to PayPal,www.mohawknationnews.com, or “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Nia:wen.

Go to MNN “Six Nations” category for more stories; New MNN Books Available now! Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePressStore http://www.cafepress.com/mohawknews; Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates http://.mohawknationnews.com/news/subscription.php; Sign Women Title Holders petition! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/Iroquois

poster: katenies



URGENT! COPS SURROUND 6 NATIONS PEOPLE FOR TRYING TO SHUT DOWN ILLEGAL DEVELOPMENT OF “KINGSPAN OF IRELAND” ON HAUDENOSAUNEE TERRITORYMNN. July 14, 2008. 10:40 a.m. This morning the Brantford City police arrested a Six Nations Indigenous person at the construction site at Fenn Ridge in Brantford. At the same time Ontario Provincial Police are gathering on Highway 403, making way for cement trucks to enter the illegal construction site. More cruisers are arriving on the scene. They have laid spike belts on the road to keep Indigenous people on the outside. Ambulances and paddy wagons are arriving. There are men, women and children inside the site gates. All the workers have left.

This land is part of the Haudenosaunee Territory which was never surrendered by the Indigenous owners. This Indigenous land is being illegally used as collateral to raise money from the public on the Irish and other stock exchanges and constitutes fraud.

Kingspan manufactures insulation and is building a $4 billion plant on Haudenosaunee territory without consultation with or permission from the land owners.

Gene Murtagh, CEO, Kingspan Group
PLC, Dublin Road, Kingscourt Co.,
Cavan, Ireland; +353 (0) 42 969 8000;

The Six Nations people had agreed to let the company remove all their equipment on this day. Instead the
trucks are being used to run our people down. The Indigenous people refuse to move from their land. More are gathering. Help is needed. Bring cameras and camcorders. Witnesses are needed. Come prepared to stay and make sure you are self-sufficient.

Haudenosaunee Contacts: 1-518-358-3660;
1-519-865-9872; 1-519-732-6679;

Posted by MNN Mohawk Nation News
Posted July 14 2008 – 11:53pm EDT

poster: katenies




MNN. July 12, 2008. On Saturday, July 5th, 2008, at the Grand Council meeting the women ‘suggested’ that the chiefs stand with those people who had been arrested for demonstrating against illegal construction on our land known as “Brantford”.

On Monday July 7th at 9:00 a.m. the people met at the Ohsweken Arena. From there they went to close down four construction sites in Brantford. These four were involved in getting the injunction to bring in the armed forces if we interfered or stopped construction in any way or even went nearby and looked at them. Staring while being Indigenous is prohibited!

The first was “ Birkett Lane ” where ground was to be broken for 120 houses; “ Hampton Hill Heights ” on the outskirts of Brantford near Paris Ontario; and two other sites.

At Hampton Hill Heights a large fence had been built around the whole site. It was locked. 40 workers inside were operating machinery and glancing over their shoulders, scared of being circled by Indians. They knew that they had no right to be there. Our people walked up to the fence gate and moved it back and forth until the whole gate came off. The people walked onto the site. The foreman called the Brantford City Police who were already there. They did not know what to do.

It could be because on that day a decision had just been rendered by a panel of three judges of the Ontario Court of Appeal in the case of the Kichenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug “KI6”. They had received six months in jail for protesting the junior “penny stock” mining company, Platinex Company. They were planning to dig out platinum over the protests of the Indigenous owners of the land and mineral.

As Justice Smith said, “jail only served to acknowledge an already weak Indigenous faith” in the colonial courts. Duh! He asked, “How can 6 months in jail create a solution” to the intractable problem facing Canadians, who wish to steal resources without regard to its Indigenous owners? They know why we’re angry!

The judges decried the previous decision to “bring down the hammer” on Indigenous people who had already been subject to huge bills by the legal process. Aboriginals’ right to protest “cannot simply be dismissed as illusory, flawed or weak. Imprisonment, far from being a meaningful sanction for the community, had the affect of pitting the community against the justice system”. Duh!!

Criminalizing and jailing us will never deter us from protecting our land, resources, rights and lives. According to this decision if the agents lay a hand on us, they are law breakers.

At the Hampton site the cops grabbed their cell phones and video cameras and started to film us and wrote down our license plate numbers. They are building up files on us for “a rainy day” like martial law. The cops appeared to be assigned to identify us only. Warrants would then be issued for our arrest once they invent some ‘criminal’ activities to charge us with. They wait to execute the warrants when the target is vulnerable and alone somewhere. That’s the methodology.

The workers were aware that the land is subject to actions by the Indigenous people. They cordially asked for an explanation of Canada’s position. They said their own politicians had been brushing their questions aside or given them false information. After 45 minutes the site was shut down and cleared out.

According to the Ontario Court of Appeal we have a right to demonstrate all we want. Protecting our land is our duty towards the future generations.

“Any new development in this area or on our land has got to stop.” Confederacy chiefs – Allen MacNaughton, Ron Thomas and Butch Thomas – publicly supported the demonstrators.

MacNaughton said, “The city has accelerated things to hurry and cover up our land. They’ve interfered with our people’s rights to free speech and tried to silence our voices.”

At the first two sites, Brantfod police inspector Scott Easto told the Indigenous people, “You’re breaking the law,” “You’re breaking the injunction”.

The rolling demonstrations were largely peaceful, telling departing workers to, “Have a good day off!”

So what are the courts and cops going to do now? When this appeal court crumb was thrown to us, it left a great big void. So they will escalate Plan B. That is, to bring in “instigators”, “agent provocateurs”, “information gatherers” and “moles”.

The developers and their buddies will bring in skin heads, KKK, infiltrators, Indian and non-indian strangers who suggest extreme violence or utter confusion in order to set us up for the cops, courts and jail.

The infiltrators go into a community and take any side. Then another is sent in to take the opposite side. They both stir up dissensions and waste our time by drawing attention away from the real issues and the solutions that would benefit our people.

The mole is a long term asset who stays for decades. Some even marry into the community and have families to gain complete trust while they do their subversive work.

The others are “short-term” assets. One dirty rotten trick is for an “infiltrator” to start a whisper campaign against key people. They tell everybody, “Don’t tell anyone I told you this about so-and-so…”. Before you know it, they have everybody looking suspiciously and distrustingly at each other, ready to fight. It’s an old trick that the “the band council” uses to spread all kinds of stories against their non-supporters. On the other hand, the infiltrators that appear neutral or benign are just there to gather information.

Watch out for the “saviors”. That’s when somebody materializes out of thin air, [like Cathy “Space-Cadet” Duchene] who arrived like a locomotive from the West to pose as a long lost “Mohawk”. She’s “going to straighten the whole mess out” at Sharbot Lake , from her trailer next to the cop shop. Just look for the huge satellite dish on top.

Remember, don’t divulge information to strangers that are skulking around trying to pander and stroke us. Don’t forget the motto, “Loose lips sink ships”.

About 5 Six Nations people decided to commemorate the July 11, 1990 “Mohawk Oka Crisis” by shutting down an illegal construction site in Brantford . On Friday morning they arrived at 4:00 am where the insulation factory was being built. When the workers arrived around 6:30 am, they told them, “There’s going to be no work here today or ever”.

The Brantford Police, acting as go-betweens, said that their law and injunction were being “broken”. They informed the cops they were trespassing. The cops videotaped and wrote notes. More Six Nations people arrived. The workers left with almost everything. On Monday they are coming back for their concrete forms and office trailers. They said they’re going after the city of Brantford for lying to them. They should sue the city for issuing illegal building permits.

Stay tuned! This ain’t the end!

Karakwine of Kanehsatake
MNN Mohawk Nation News

Click News & See category “Six Nations”
Posted: Sunday July 13, 2008 – 10:10 am EDT

poster: katenies



– A TragiComedy of Deadly Errors in Five Acts set in Haudenosaunee Territory, early 21st Century: THE BORDER ATTACK IN CONTEXT

MNN. July 1, 2008. Sharbot Lake of Haudenosaunee Territory is a huge land claims fraud orchestrated by Ontario, Canada and the corporations that want the minerals lying under the bushes of the region. The goal is to develop the area for purposes that have yet to be revealed, or perhaps for the great and celestial aim of development for development’s sake.Uranium is the official front. The script writers have been busy. The area they want is south of the Ottawa River watershed, between Lakes Ontario, Erie and Huron. Nine fake Algonquin communities comprised mostly of non-native settlers have been groomed to “negotiate” and “sign away” the land.

The Cast:
”Ambulance Chasers”: Chris Reid, Steve Reynolds, Robert Potts, Brian Crane, Neil Smitheman, Alan Pratt; “Handlers”: Michael Bryant, et al.; “Willing Assets”: Randy Cota, Bob Lovelace, Harold Perry, Doreen Davis, Earl Badour, Cathie Duchene; “The Complicit”: CCAMU (The Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium) Frontenac News, Green Party; Chumps” the cast of thousands who follow along and don’t ask real questions. Directed by Rem “Roman Polansky” Westland; the Chorus: the Christian Peacemakers [Pacifiers] Team; Producer: the Government of Canada; Writer: the USA.

The Sharbot Lake of Haudensaunee Territory puppet show is staged to fool us into thinking that they can make us relinquish our land and make it look like uranium mining will be stopped at Robertsville. All the players in this magic display are scurrying around like rats. Lawyers, handlers and their assets parade across their makeshift stage. They’ve all been assigned roles but are still fighting to be the leading ham in this dark tragedy. The one who seals the deal gets the most$.

In May and June it’s a 5-act festival scripted by the greedy puppet masters in Ottawa, Washington, London, Europe and the Vatican.

In Act I the Ontario Minister of Aboriginal Affairs strolls into Sharbot Lake to talk to the pretend “Algonquins”. Act II takes us into the courtroom where Indigenous are brought to colonial justice, patently recognizable as injustice. Act III is a flurry of mind boggling announcements. Act IV is the vicious attack on 2 Mohawk women at the Cornwall border crossing. They’ve been exposing their crimes? Their dogged expose of ‘Algonquin Gate’. Act V is the showdown. See who panics! See how they run!

Act I – Stirring up Confusion

Scene 1: April 2008. The Mohawk people at Tyendinaga are recovering from an OPP/SWAT assault. May 8. Big Chief Doreen Davis of the newly created Shabot Obaadjiwans band of Algonquins is hosting the Ontario Minister of Aboriginal Affairs, Michael “Brylcreme and Lipless” Bryant.

The Minister was invited a year ago to meet the “NoGonquins” to discuss a uranium mine. Last July 2007 a phony protest was staged at Robertsville mine site, 42 miles north of Kingston, Ontario, by two groups of pretend “No’Gonquins and their settler supporters”.

At that time “B & L” B. was in the Attorney General’s office lobbying to get 12 years in jail on 6 counts of “mischief” for Mohawk Shawn Brant of Tyendinaga. B & L proved his hostility to Indigenous people and promptly got promoted to Minister of Aboriginal Affairs.

In Sharbot Lake, B & L was slick enough to speak privately with Big Doreen and her Warchiefs, Luanda “Miss Who?” and Earl “Green Eggs and Ham” Badour. He also spoke to the “Shabot Obaadjiwan Justice Circle”. He was fascinated to see the wampum of a real Algonquin, William Commanda of Maniwaki, brought there to try to legitimize the Shabot’s phony Algonquin land claim.

Big Doreen says she “pressed the minister for a negotiated resolution”. Though she sat on him to pressure Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, Minister of Natural Resources Donna Cansfield and Minister of Northern Development and Mines Michael Gravelle, no “particular action” was promised. In return she guaranteed the Shabots “will respect [her] rule of law”.

She grumbled about needing some of “these lands for our food, medicine and peace of mind”, forgetting to mention her main feed bag source is either Wendy’s or McDonalds in Perth.

Scene 2: In mid May, 2008, Frontenac Ventures Corp. had an Ontario Mining Act permit to conduct an extensive radiometric survey over their so-called 30,000 acres claim of unceded Haudenosaunee territory. FVC is in the midst of a 40-week drilling exploration schedule that started last October under Judge Cunningham’s ruling. There are 4 weeks of drilling left. FVC plans to dig over 100 test holes which could release harmful radon into the watershed and air. George “Dried-Up-Old-Prune” White, President and CEO of FVC, is coy about whether or not they have begun drilling. The Ontario Provincial Police provides round-the-clock security at taxpayers’ expense.

Scene 3: Elections were held in March 2008 for the ANR (Algonquin Negotiation Representatives) and the Pikwakinagan Council at Golden Lake. Most were selected and then acclaimed for 25 or 30 years. Robert “Who-Looks-a-lot-like-that-self-proclaimed-expert-on-Indigenous repression-Jim” Potts, is now senior negotiator for the Algonquins. He bosses everybody and sets out membership and dress codes.

Shortly before the ANR’s meeting, May 14-16, 2008, Robert Potts of Blaney McMurtry LLP, issued a directive that meetings with Crown representatives and ambulance chasers are not open to their clients, the “Algonquins”. This is such a bizarre interpretation of Indigenous and international law that it looks like a breach. Whatever happened to the idea of prior informed consent? But then these are pretend Algonquins! So maybe they only have pretend rights?

Potts hopes for an Agreement-in-Principal (AIP) by 2010. The No’Gonquins can try to find out what went on from their ANR. If they don’t like it, they can just “hit the road, Jack!” And sign up some new “No’Gonquins”. Compliance is a must. Unlike other nationalities, Algonquin memberships expire after 5 years.

Potts yells at anyone who asks uncomfortable questions. This made the Ardoch “All-Chiefs-No-Indians” split from the Ontario Algonquins. Randy Cota, who is an OPP and the chief, has the job of silencing the questioners. Potts directs People to the Algonquins web site run by Patrick Howe of CoreshellGroup in Toronto. MNN exposed this ring
of crooks in a March 13, 2008 article, “VIRTUAL ALGONQUINS” – MADE IN “CANADA”.

Two days of the ANR’s meeting were spent setting up more meetings, deciding where to have lunch and looking busy to justify their $50,000 a year salary plus expenses.

When the Ontario and Canada negotiators arrived on May 16, the ANRs bowed, scraped, jumped up and down with glee and clapped. They were then told that Parliamentarians need their long summer vacations. Nothing could proceed until “late fall”. The ANR’s were left to think about membership criteria, to compose a constitution and an anthem. Big Doreen is flying the Mohawk Unity Flag and the Confederacy Hiawatha Flag. She’s got no right to as a phony Algonquin. She’s supposed to give $1 to the Confederacy for every pack of cigs she sells. But we hear her pockets are getting real heavy!

Act II – The Courtroom Theatre of the Absurd

Scene 1: “FVC’s lawsuit against the Shabot Obaadjiwan for $77 million” was on the marquis. The Shabots filed a “merry-go-round” counter claim against Ontario and Canada on May 25, 2008. Money is taken from the taxpayers, put through the “Indians” and then placed into the pockets of the corporations and their helpers. On June 2nd 2008, Little Stevie “Raised-on-Wonder-Bread” Reynolds, the ambulance chaser for the Shabots, lead the mock charge against the Government.

Scene 2: The Christian Pacifiers Team has a gig at the mine site from May 25 to June 8. They have two weeks to influence people into inaction and complacency.

Scene 3: Robert “Hisses-like-a-Flat-Can-of-Pop” Lovelace is released from jail on May 28, 2008. He spent 100 days in Lindsay Correctional Facility. His groupies flock around him for the photo ops. The public relations spin him as a “hero/martyr”, if you will. Simpering Lovelace’s meandering comments and love letters are published widely by the mainstream Press and posted on the internet by his followers, the complicit CCAMU (The Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium) and Frontenac News. The real martyrs are the KI6 (Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug).

Scene 4: On June 2, 2008, the show moves into the Kingston courtroom. George “Dried-up-Old-Bones” White of FVC gets a chance to feign power. His attorney, Neil “Who-Advocates-the-Earth-should-be-Plundered” Smitheman huffs and puffs. He’s also counsel for Platinex, the destroyer and plunderer of KI territory and its people.

FVC drops the 2nd set of contempt charges filed in February 2008 against Lovelace and six non-natives. However, the “Jane and John Doe” warrant continues against anyone who might stroll by the mine gates. “Protesters” have to stay 200 metres away from the gates and FVC employees. As for the FVC’s $77 million lawsuit against the Algonquins, taxpayers will have to dig deep to pay this off. Actually it’s our money from the theft of our lands and exploitation of our resources.

Act III – Bla, Bla, Bla, Spin, Spin, Spin

Scene 1: On June 8th 2008 the Ardoch “All Chiefs, No Indians” No-gonquins hold a meeting at the local Maberly Hall. More non-native settlers attend than Algonquins. Cathie “Lost-in-the-Woods” Duchene makes her confusing pitch. She came from British Columbia to set things straight that she’s the title holder to this vast Haudenosaunee tract south of the Ottawa River. Both Cathie and Big Doreen claim to be descendents of Mohawk Francis Sharbot of Kanehsatake. She wants the government to deal with her, not the No’Gonquins. Then she aligns herself with the Ardochs, Lovelace and OPP Randy Cota!! She appears determined to replace Big Chief “DD” at the negotiation table. Documents and maps are flying all over the place. These could be forged or changed, as the colonists have always done from the beginning.

Scene 2: On June 11, 2008 The Shabots issue a press release to pacify detractors into a stupor, “Fighting uranium is what this is all about.” Big Doreen refers to Lovelace as “our colleague” and the Ardochs as “our sister community”. The Shabots and the Ardochs barely speak to each other. She says that, “understanding and trust are built up” when they “sit down around the fire and talk things through”.

Last summer, those who challenged the protest organizers were reminded about the colonial “chain of command” and told to “shut up”. Many good sincere supporters were driven away. Mohawks were told they were not welcome [on their own land]. Iakoha’ko:wa, a nearby resident, received a threatening phone call from OPP Brandy Wynters of ART [Aboriginal Response Team], “You are not welcome at the protest camp”. Randy Cota told people not to talk to Iakoha’ko:wa.

The Shabots want to stay in the “legal arena somehow”. [probably the colonial] and to “ensure full discussion within the Shabot community”. OPP Chief Randy Cota demands specific I.D. from those who want to attend meetings. Otherwise they are thrown out. Doreen posts “Algonquins only” signs.

“Because of the delicate nature of the discussions, we need to keep details confidential.” We’ll let ya know sometime [after we made the deal and get our cut!] This sounds like “war strategy” on how to make “behind-closed-doors” secret deal that benefit the greedy few and rob the rest of the “pretenders”. Big Doreen and “Warchief” Earl “The-Only-One-who-Looks-Native” Badour sign on. CCAMU and Frontenac News, the local propaganda rag, dutifully post the carefully contrived “news”. The Mohawks stay in the bush, watch and wait. They know the land isn’t going anywhere though the criminal scam artists might end up in jail, if any honest Canadians ever wake up.

The non-native residents “don’t want to tell the Natives what to do”. They are beginning to see that the whole scenario is being orchestrated by some filthy rich white men, some living in cottages in the area.

Scene 3: On Friday June 13, 2008, The Shabot Obaadjiwans release another “blowhard” [press statement]. Big Doreen says they’ve “won a key concession from Ontario”. Ontario, the fake Algonquins of Ontario and Frontenac Ventures Corp. “are developing a consultation process” on how they are going to pull off their scam. While rolling their eyes at each other, they sing, “We intend this to be a true dialogue”.

How will Doreen “address” FVC’s goal to cut open a swath of earth some 5 miles long to get at some low grade uranium? Mine or no mine?? That is the question. Big Doreen promises to keep sitting on the bureaucrats and politicians who shower her with new gas pumps at her cig shack at Silver Lake.

Scene 4: Still on Friday, June 13th, Cathie “Who’s-Now-Hanging-around-Sharbot-Lake” Duchene emails her own “blowhard” to a number of the “bottom feeders” involved in this scam, including Brian Crane (negotiator for Ontario) and Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty. Frontenac News publishes it on June 19. Cathie “Who-May-Not-be-a-Bear-at-All” Duchene arrived like a locomotive to stake her claim to Sharbot Lake. She is staying under the protection of the Sharbot Lake OPP detachment.

Her letter squeals about her alleged “Mohawk-ness” and being a “title holder under the Great Law”. There’s no evidence she ever listened to it when it was read. She also declares, “I fully support the Ardoch Algonquins, under their wise respected Honorary Elder, Harold Perry, who I have known for most of my life and remember when he visited us as a young girl.” Cathie previously said she had “never met the man”. Does she have a double personality?

Cathie thanks Randy and Harold and commends them for “practicing and living [their] traditions”!! Cathie invites all to call her so they can get more confused.

Scene 5: Still on Friday, June 13, Frontenac Ventures and Gemmill Sand & Gravel, a local outfit, are charged with “breach of environmental regulation” by the Ardochs. Road construction to the drill sites damaged “sensitive wetlands” when they “dumped fill into the waterways severing the natural flow of water”. MNR (Ministry of Natural Resources) “appears” to be making FVC tow the line on their way to complete devastation of the area and watershed which reaches urban centers like Ottawa and Montreal.

Act IV – Trying to Silence MNN

Scene 1: Less than 24 hours later MNN’s editor and manager are attacked at the Cornwall border on Saturday, June 14. The brutal attack at Akwesasne that afternoon is well documented. They were beaten by Canadian Border Service Agency “goons”. Kahentinetha was hospitalized and Katenies was held incommunicado for 2 days.

Scene 2: That same Saturday night in Kingston, 1,000 people packed a hall for a Bruce Cockburn concert honoring Bob Lovelace and raising $20,000 for him. They are trying to help legitimize his part in the big land claims with the Ardochs, Big Doreen, the Shabots and all the criminal operatives of the Crown.

Scene 3: The next day, a few Shabots hold a rally 210 meters from the Robertsville mine site gates.

Scene 4: Monday morning, June 16 Katenies is in a Cornwall courtroom facing hokey charges of “running the border”. She carefully recounted the recent sequence of events and clarifies her position in a June 29 MNN article, “Katenies questions border at Cornwall Ontario court 9:00 am July 14 2008”. The mainstream media continues to boycott the entire history making event.

Scene 5: The Shabot cabal meet with bureaucrats in Toronto. After being wined and dined, they emerge full of s**t.

Scene 6: On June 21, 2008, after Lovelace has a few days of rest and gets his new instructions from his “handlers”, the Ardochs issue another blowhard. It’s Ambulance chaser Chris Reid drivel supposedly coming from Harold Perry, honorary chief. Chief Paula “Professor of Fake Algonquin History” Sherman, Chief Mireille “Affidavit Indian” LaPointe and Chris Reid are the contacts. They coin it the “four prongs of protest, education, legal action and political pressure” which has been playing out since last summer. Lovelace plays the “political prisoner” who has suffered trauma and can’t say too much at this time.

The Ardochs apparently got their pow wow site at Malcom Lake (approved by Ontario but NOT the municipality). They are in secret talks to get unknown acreage at Crotch Lake. There is the usual reference to the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and their opposition to uranium mining.

The fifth prong to their strategy is “healing”. The CPT act is being brought in to help kill any critical thinking that might still be floating around. Uncomfortable questions are labeled as “harmful” because it stops people from feeling the pain. Everyone is encouraged to put up and shut up in the name of peace.

Act V The End is Just the Beginning

Scene 1: Bright and early Monday morning, while out fishing, Big Doreen tells Jeff Green of Frontenac News that “a pilot consultation framework is slated to be announced by the end of this week” on June 27. It will involve lots of public meetings and “free food”! Two settlers might be picked to go into the bush with Big Doreen as “observers” of alleged uranium mining activity. If Jeff, a slight man with a mop top, gets picked, he’ll get sat on to give Big Doreen some credibility in his newspaper. Jeff ignores all the well-researched Mohawk articles, complaints and documents, even maps that prove this is Haudenosaunee territory and that the “Algonquin” claim is a fraud.

Frontenac News dutifully publishes on June 26th that Frontenac Ventures will start drilling on July 21. The ANR’s hold a “nation” meeting in Kanata on the same day.

Scene 2: Today people desire peace and security at any price. They are being convinced to give up their liberty and to abandon critical thinking. ANY criticism is denounced as “trouble making” or confrontational. People are threatened if they question or look into the deeper realities. They are side tracked that it is a “conspiracy theory”. Religion and other dogma are used to pacify people into inaction and to dull their minds.

The eagle at the top of the Great Tree of Peace has the sight to see for miles around and can answer a call from 20 miles or more away. Eagles remind us to connect the dots, to be vigilant over our freedoms and to protect the people we Love.


This play is based on real life events. Many choose to go along with the script that has been written for us trying to guide us to our doom. We can get creative and resist the corruption and plunder by opening our eyes and using all our gifts.

Katenies will be in the Cornwall courthouse July 14 to ask the question, “How and when did the Crown gain jurisdiction over us?”

Iakoha’ko:wa kittoh@storm.ca
Sharbot Lake
The legal challenge on the border issue will cost money. MNN has none. Canada has unlimited funds from exploiting indigenous resources. We need counsel that will not be intimidated by this display of power. Canada is apparently hiring top law firms to fight the Mohawks. Your financial help is needed. If you could send donations, it would be greatly appreciated: Checks and money orders to “MNN Mohawk Nation News”, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0. Thank you very much.

Contact for Shabot Obaadjiwan and Chief Doreen Davis: 613 279-1970
Ardoch Algonquins and Chief Paula Sherman
Cell: 613-329-3706 omamikwe@bell.blackberry.net
Acting Chief Mireille Lapointe Phone: 613-273-3530
Christopher M. Reid Barrister & Solicitor
154 Monarch Park Ave. Toronto, ON M4J 4R6
Tel: (416) 466-9928 Fax: (416) 466-1852 lawreid@aol.com
Contact Cathie Duchene 613 484-1635
Dalton McGuinty at
Ministry of Northern Development and Mines
Ministry Contact Information
Minister’s Main Office Whitney Block
5th Flr Rm 5630 – 99 Wellesley St W. Toronto ON M7A1W3
The Honourable Michael Gravelle Phone (416)327-0633
Fax (416) 327-0665
Minister’s Northern Office (by appointment only)
Suite 404 – 189 Red River Rd. Thunder Bay ON P7B1A2
Minister: The Honourable Michael Gravelle
Phone 807-343-7808 Fax 803-343-7680
Deputy Minister’s Office, 99 Wellesley St. West, Whitney Block, Room 5630 Toronto, ON M7A 1W3 – Acting Deputy Minister: Don Ignacy
Phone (416) 327-0633 Fax (416) 327-0651
Ministry of Natural Resources: MNR
Main Office – Peterborough (Natural Resources Information Centre) 300 Water Street, P.O. Box 7000, Peterborough, Ontario, K9J 8M5 (705)
755-2000 (local) 1-800-667-1940 (toll free) 1-866-686-6072 (TTY – Hearing Impaired) Minister’s Office 6th Floor, Room 6630, Whitney Block, 99 Wellesley St. W., Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1W3 (416) 314-2301
Deputy Minister’s Office 6th Floor, Room 6643, Whitney Block, 99 Wellesley St. W., Toronto, Ontario, M7A 1W3 (416) 314-2150
Donna Cansfield provides a place to leave a message:


Posted: Saturday, July 5, 2008 – 12:15pm EDT

poster: katenies



WARNING TO THE INDIGENOUS YOUTH FROM A CONCERNED ELDER.MNN. June 27, 2008. Dear Native Youth. Take some time to read a few timely words from an elder, who has your well-being in mind.

Do not join the Canadian or U.S. military. They are violating the Two Row Wampum Agreement. Everywhere the Europeans went they put Indigenous people in the galleys of their ships. A few would be promised some benefit if they carried out some hideous deed against their people. Some were even freed. But they were never free. They helped their masters make holes in the hulls of our ancestral canoes to try to get control over the whole river of life.

They think this is a tried and true method. First corporations and governments create conditions of poverty and economic desperation. They give the youth the feeling that they have absolutely no options except to blow their brains out with drugs or alcohol. Then they stride in with banners claiming to be saviors, and that they know of an “honorable” way out. You belong! We want you! Be a man! Get a free education! Get paid! Defend your country! Be a hero!

They are recruiting you to be their galley slaves for their fortunes and fascist agenda. The colonists are trying to remodel our canoe. They’ve got seats for us, as galley slaves. To qualify we have to stop using our minds and agree to follow their orders.

The colonial states need cannon fodder for their illegal wars. You are the target, Indigenous youth of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island. If you join, you will end up disillusioned or in a body bag or seen as treasonous by our people.

Don’t be fooled. A seat as a galley slave is not the same as a seat at the negotiating table. Since the invasion of Turtle Island, colonial governments have not respected or upheld our rights to our land, resources, self-determination, freedom and human equality. The blinded visions of the politicians and military are not bringing a better life of freedom and democracy to us, to the countries they invade or to their own youth who are so cruelly sacrificed to paranoiac delusions of grandeur. Once you slap on that uniform you belong to them.

Did we ever have freedom and democracy? You bet we did. The U.S. Senate even recognized the Kaianereh’ko:wa [Great Law of Peace] as the basis of the U.S. Constitution. Today, the U.S. and Canada are taking away freedom and democracy from us and the people they invade. Don’t be fooled by Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s recent apology over the church and state’s orchestrated residential school genocide. Did you notice any changes in the Indian act to abolish the usurpation of supervisory authority that caused all of our problems? They’re not the boss of us. They never have been. But they still dream they are.

They want us to be their patsies. They are trying to recruit us to commit the same crimes they committed against us. Don’t do to others what was done to us. Middle Eastern people are not our enemies. We know your situation is not easy. We know you are intelligent, strong, can think for yourself and find a better way.

You will be made to kill dark skinned people for their land and resources. Should you return home from warfare your body may be filled with depleted uranium. These weapons are designed to kill the “victims” and to contaminate you for an early death to cut down on medical bills. “Depleted uranium” used to make “dirty bombs” destroys the soil and the poor people in these Middle Eastern nations.

You will be fighting for greedy capitalists you don’t even know, who come from “Bay Street” and “Wall Street”. [London and the Vatican]. You are not even from “ Main Street ”.

Indigenous youth, your time is needed at home to help take care of your loved ones? A wife and children are helpless without their protector?

Military funerals are displays to reinforce nationalism. Our nationalism is to care for our families and lands.

After trying for centuries to kill us off, they are coming after you, our children, to fill up their armies to die in their stinking wars?

Indigenous youth, you could be ordered to kill your own people. There is no glory or ‘neat’ adventurism in slaughtering men, women and babies.

We Indigenous have no beef against the Islamic world. They have no beef against us. We do not covet their land, resources and treasures [oil]. Turtle Island is ours. We don’t have to carry out mass murder against others to steal from them. Our mind, body and energy are tied to our land. We belong here. These European invaders are complete strangers here who are able to destroy and disrespect our land, turning it into a toxic waste dump almost unfit for us to live on.

Indigenous youth, you are going to be told lies meant to make you hate the people you are going to be ordered to slaughter. Many of you will die.

On the internet are many stories about a coming financial collapse or worldwide famine. There is no need for any of this. The people of the world can work together to make sure that everyone is decently provided for. The cartels have decided that certain of us are meant to starve to death. Your family will need you during the hard times that may be coming.

Parents, our youth are too precious. We should not sacrifice them. We must cherish and protect them. We don’t want to cry later.

Karakwine jasimon@sympatico.ca

Fighting this border issue will cost money. MNN has none. Canada can dip into the pockets of 30 million people and all indigenous resources. We need counsel that will not be intimidated by this display of power. The establishment is apparently hiring top law firms to fight the Mohawks. Your financial help is needed. If you could send donations to the MNN legal defense fund, it would be greatly appreciated: MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0.

Click News & See MNN Category: “ Warriors “

poster: katenies





MNN. June 6, 2008. When is the abuse going to stop? This document says “For discussion purposes only”, but it looks like a “done deal”. It is illegal because it never went to the people as specified by international law. The Haudenosaunee position has been consistent since day one. Resistance to colonialism! Canada knows full well we would never give up our sovereignty and our possessions. The negotiators for Six Nations got this so called “draft” on May 14th 2008 and never told us about it. It was released to the press to go into affect in September 2008.

It’s beginning to look like Canada and Ontario sent in non-native ambulance chaser, Aaron Detlor, to set up this “shell” company, first called “HDI” and now called a “trust”. At the same time Detlor set up vulnerable people to stand at the front lines while he takes his name off the injunction and other legal documents. He doesn’t want to be around when the colonists come down on the Six Nations people with subpoenas, injunctions, warrants, arrests, the police and the army.

Detlor’s job appears to be to put our land into one of their “trust” companies and move our money around for the benefit of the colonists and a few of their “Indian operatives”.

In the past Canada set up such “trust funds” from leases, rents and royalties of our land and resources called “Indian trust funds”, the “Consolidated Revenue Fund” and the “Grand River Navigation Company”, to name a few. Canada dipped in to build Canada. Even the Law Society of Upper Canada had a finger in the pie.

This trust scam is old. The government wants to control it. They use those “Indians” they’ve set up in their colonial “Indian act” band system as their “fronts”. They stay away from the true Haudenosaunee Confederacy system. In fact, they’ve set up a new one called the “Haudenosaunee Confederate Council” which Canada controls. “Together” they are going to illegally appoint “trustees” for us to hold our land and our money and make administrative decisions without our knowledge or consent.

Canada says they want to “replace” the land they took from us. Wow! Where are they going to get this land from? Are they shipping their dung heap known as “Europe” over here?

The “Tripartite Lands Committee” sounds like another “baffle them Injuns” set up! The colonial thieves have rigged it so they have all the say. They will identify which of our Six Nations land is “suitable” for us and which lands are “surplus” to them. None of our land is surplus. They want us to have the swamp or garbage contaminated brown field sites or industrial waste lands.

The colonists say they want to give us back some of our stolen money so we can “buy back” some of the land they stole from us! Oh! Gees! What a deal! This sounds like a win-win situation for them and a lose-lose one for us.

Another carrot they think they’re holding in front of us is to give us our money so we can pay for what we are legally entitled to like health, education and safe drinking water. They’ll try to make sure we can’t get our funds unless they can tell us what to do with it. They think they’ve figured out how to take it from one of their pockets and put it into another of their pockets.

Canada, Ontario and their colonial band council will nominate two out of three trustees so they can outnumber us two to one. Do they think we don’t know any math, eh?

“Fee simple” is a foreign “rip off” concept to put the land into the hands of individuals without any protection so it can be taken off us. The land and anything built on it is subject to taxes to the Queen. Under this set up we will never own our land. Then it will be taken off us. Under our law our lands are held communally where everyone has an equal voice. This is how we managed to keep it.

Canada wants to appoint a “trustee” who will buy lands on a “willing seller-willing buyer” basis!! No one is willing to sell land that they got for nothing. We are not willing to buy back our own land. There is no will! The imperial land tenure system is European. Wouldn’t it be fun to throw Queen Elizabeth off her throne? Her greatest fear is that the mob will someday come and push her into the mud. The British monarch pretends to protect the people. In fact they are the major abusers. Their solutions was to dump all their problems on us. Now we have to deal with all their crap!

The ambulance chasers [lawyers] for the Six Nations will be those who have sworn to uphold the laws of the colonizers. Haudenosaunee appoint “spokespersons” who must report back to the people on a daily basis so no individual can be bought off or sell out.

Canada wants to change the number of trustees from time to time to influence the outcome. They want their band council to remove a trustee. Only the People can make such decisions using our consensual decision making process as set out in the Great Law of Peace. Canada wants the Trustees they set up to hold our property as Individuals on behalf of the People! We want to get rid of this colonial land theft system.

The Councils will decide on the salaries of the Trustees and give themselves raises anytime they want. Amendments to the trust agreement can also be made behind closed doors between the trustees and the councils! Two trustees have already been appointed by someone [we suspect it’s Canada] without our knowledge or consent – Lonney C. Bomberry and Bev Jacobs. He’s an ambulance chaser and she runs a government sponsored organization. What’s the excuse for this? Would Canadians accept trustees appointed by Britain? Not likely.

Haudenosaunee law, like international law, requires consensus. In our law we need two-thirds or the support or two out of three clans. The quorum Canada wants is 50% + 1 which they can manipulate?

This is how fascist regimes operate. They brainwash a few members of the society that is being colonized, then they co-opted them. As we are seeing, the “martial law” relationship between the police and the military is becoming more open. The fascist city of Brantford can now bring onto Six Nations the heavily armed JTF2, which took over from the RCMP on the pretext of “911”. All we are doing is demonstrating peacefully for the colonizers to be law abiding. They are getting bolder and bolder and are openly putting their guns to our heads. It’s a well practiced script. They’re trying to use us for target practice. They wanna play with their high tech toys. They wanna grab our wealth and property.

Kahentinetha Horn
MNN Mohawk Nation news

PLEASE SEND YOUR OBJECTIONS TO: QUEENIE ELIZABETH II, Buckingham Palace, LONDON UK; Governor General MICHAELLE “Haitian-Against-the-Nation” JEAN, 1 Rideau Hall, OTTAWA, ONTARIO info@gg.ca; Canada Prime Minister STEPHEN HARPER, House of Commons, OTTAWA, ONTARIO harper.s@parl.gc.ca; Ontario Premier DALTON McGUINTY, Queen’s Park, TORONTO, ONTARIO mcguinty.D@parl.gc.ca; United Nations unat@un.org; Indian Affairs Minister Strahl.c@parl.gc.ca; Brantford Mayor Michael Hancock 519-759-3330 nborowicz@brantford.ca; Ontario Attorney General 416-326-2220 or 1-800-518-7901; Minister Ontario Aboriginal Affairs Michael Bryant % Lars.Eedy@ontario.ca; Neil Smitheman, Brantford ambulance chaser n.smitheman@fasken.com 416-868-3441; Aaron Detlor adetlor@sympatico.ca; Bev Jacobs bjacobs@nwac.hq.org; Julian Fantino OPP Commissioner julian.fantino@jus.gov.on.ca; and everybody else.

Click on News & see: “ Six Nations ”
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poster: katenies