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MNN. APR. 24, 2014. Our representation is based on the law of the land, the constitution of the Rotino’shonni:onwe, known as the Great Law of Peace. On May 18, 1997 over 100 of us were peacefully having a traditional tobacco burning ceremony in Onondaga, the capital of the Iroquois Confederacy. At 3.00 pm almost 200 specially trained New York State Troopers viciously attacked us. Many of us were severely injured, hospitalized and others were jailed.

New York State Troopers attack women, children, babies, men at Onondaga on May 18, 1997.

New York State Troopers attack women, children, babies, men at Onondaga on May 18, 1997.

Lawyers saw this unprovoked attack on the news. They came running to represent us pro bono, among them Terrance Hoffman of Syracuse and Morvillo Abramowitz of New York City. No agreement was ever made to pay Hoffman who offered to represent 52 plaintiffs. They all thought it was a “slam dunk”. 17 years have passed. Some of the plaintiffs accepted New York State’s offer to take money and not pursue a trial. Others refused and want the criminals tried. It must now proceed.

Terrance Hoffmann is dropping some of us for having an “unabashed political agenda”!! NYS exercised its political agenda by trying to beat us into submission and getting away with it. He is asking for an order for payment of his fees for the last 16 years!

Judge Lowe: "Now kids, if the trial proceeds, you might get $1."

Judge Lowe: “Now kids, if the trial proceeds, you might get $1.”

In April 2008 Judge George Lowe at a closed hearing found compelling evidence that the police should be found guilty and we would win if it went to trial. He advised New York State to push for a settlement. Our ambulance chasing lawyer is filing a motion to drop some of us. He wants a divorce for “irreconcilable differences” and an “utter breakdown of our relationship”! Undue pressure is being put on us to settle so the lawyers can profit from the settlement at our expense. The cops and NYS will try to get away with criminality. We have until May 19 2014 to file our side with Magistrate Therese Wiley Dancks at US District Court.

Hoffman’s legalese wants his reasons to be kept secret. He’s still our lawyer and advises us to find someone else or represent ourselves [pro se].

Maj. Wiley Dancks: "Too bad some of those Onondagas won't listen to anyon!"

Mag. Wiley Dancks: “Too bad some of those Onondagas won’t listen to anyone!”

At the October 16, 2013 meeting in Syracuse attended by almost 100 of our people, Dancks, Hoffman and Lowe directed threats at us if we turn down the settlement. Lowe talked at us disrespectfully, like kindergarten children. He represents the best interests of parties that were not there whose reputation and authority were at stake. Throughout Hoffman rarely gave us information. We want the criminals to be accountable. Hoffman never discussed trial strategies. The lawyers ran the show and wanted us to agree with them. All these years our people were never allowed to sit together to talk about our case. This motion confirms our suspicion. The conflict of interest was on their part, looking out for their own interests, not ours. We were made to think we had no right to refuse the NYS offer or change our mind. We have not abandoned our claim.

Hoffman & Hoffman Inc.

Hoffman & Hoffman Inc.

Hoffman is what we call “Te’hari’wa’kwen:ton”, meaning his thinking is flat, on the ground, dead, without life. Lawyers are not supposed to turn against their clients. There is no way we can get a fair trial in the Admiralty [Vatican] court. Presently the Wampum Belts found in Russia opens the way for a fair and impartial hearing in the International Court of Arbitration.

To find out what’s going on contact: Terrance J. Hoffman, 4629 Onondaga Boulevard, Syracuse NY 13219-3390, [315] 471-4107 Fax [305] 471-6701; and Magistrate Therese Wiley Dancks at US District Court, 100 South Clinton St., P.O. Box 7367, Syracuse N 13261-7367; Judge George H. Lowe, Of Counsel, glowe@bsk.com, Syracuse, NY, (315) 218-8540, (315) 218-8100 fax.

Case Re: U.S. District Court, Northern District of New York, Civil Action No.: 98-CV – 374 [FJS][MWD]. Andrew Jones, et al vs. Parmley, et al.

Interview on Voice of Russia on NYS Court Case, Part 1.  Tekarontake: “We will never get justice in US Courts”.   Part 2.

See Youtube: NYS Troopers beating at Onondaga.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws







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MNN. Apr. 22, 2014. We gave our word to our prophet Dekanawida that we would spread the peace throughout the world. Another international peace conference to spread the Great Peace is coming soon like the one we had in London in 1710. In the Great Peace women have a duty to intervene in all conflicts of other nations to stop or prevent the spilling of the blood of their people. Jigosaseh, the Mother of Nations, brought peace in Mohawk country. All “Women are the progenitors of the Nation”. W44. They create the children and are half the population of the world. We must assert our natural power to create peace by asserting our responsibility to consider all matters first and reaching a consensus. We will then inform our men of our decision.

Queen Anne's Court

Queen Anne’s Court listens to our chiefs describe The Great Peace 1710.

The power of the people is vested in our community and our consensual decision making process. Our communities override all corporate authoritarian bodies. We can quickly spread peace as Jigosaseh did among the Rotino’shonni:onwe.

We women can bring a nation into the Great Peace by persuasion. No war can be called until we have tried three times to reach a peaceful solution. We can declare the war, appoint the warriors and negotiate the peace that follows.

The peace was blocked on Great Turtle Island with the European orchestrated American Revolutionary War 70 years after the first International Great Peace Conference in London in 1710. The US constitution of war was based upon some principles of the Constitution of Peace but the Council of Women was removed. They were replaced with an all male Senate. A hierarchical president was placed overall so that banker wars would always continue.

Women everywhere beat down the enemies of freedom.

Women everywhere beat down the enemies of freedom.




Women throughout the world must now take their proper place in the consensus process within their communities. When Jigosaseh instituted the first council of women in her community, it spread throughout the Mohawk Nation and then quickly to the other Ongwehonwe communities.

Europeans owned their women. The European paternalistic oligarchs did not want their women to have powerful roles as described in the Kaianerekowa/Great Law. In their hierarchical model the man was the head of the family. The colonists created the Christian-based Handsome Lake Code to conquer the Rotinoshonnionwe.

The belts our chiefs took to Europe are hidden. The belts given to Peter the Great of Russia in 1710 have been located. This confirms the world’s first international peace conference occurred in 1710 in London at our instigation.

Like the Ongwehonwe, Russians love their Mother. At the 1710 male dominated monarchs did not accept sharing equal power with the women and set aside our message. Now the time has come to hear the message. The one you have been waiting for is yourself. With unity of mind comes great power. With that power comes the peace.

"Honey, I assure you your surrender will be sweet!"

“Honey, I assure you your surrender will be sweet!”

As Sarah McLachlan sing about the last “surrender”, which is to our Women’s Council. It will be a “sweet surrender”! “Sweet Surrender”.

Watch Russian woman stop attacking tanks. Woman stops tanks.                                Watch video about the Kogi Indians warning to the world.“Elder Brothers Warning”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws










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MNN. Apr. 19, 2014. O’ien’kwen:ton [hanging tobacco] is an elite part of the Warrior Society [Roti’skennen:kete]. They are also known as the “ghost warriors”. A bundle of fresh tobacco is tied and hung in the dark corners of the longhouse so they will stay green and almost invisible.

O'ien'kwen:ton are trained for special duties.

The men of this society secretly train to be close to the original duties of our ancestors to protect the people according to the Great Law of Peace. They go through rites to develop great mental and physical strength in peacetime and wartime. Only those who have the strength and power are selected to be part of this special elite force. Their bodies are painted in dark colors, red and yellow stripes are marked on their faces and their clothes blend in with the forest. When they are on maneuvers in the wilderness, they are a shadow that cannot be seen nor heard by the enemies.

The war chief notifies the 5 war chiefs of the League to prepare for war & have the men ready for engagement with the enemy of the Great Peace.

The 5 war chiefs prepare for war & have their men ready to fight the enemy of the Great Peace. W79.

They accompany the Ah’sera:kowa, War Chief, to face nations with the message to cease breaking the peace and hurting the people. After being given the message and told the words, the black wampum is dropped in front of enemy.

Black beads is emblem of War Chiefs' authority.

Black beads is the emblem of the War Chiefs’ authority to pursue War in Defense of the Territory.

When they refuse to grab it and it hits the ground, the O’ien’kwen:ton appear out of the shadows, and smash in their heads with the war club. Then war with the Rotino’shonni:onwe begins.

O’ien’kwen:ton are always here in the spirit dimension to assist our men. They visit those who work against natural law. Prime Minister Harper and President Obama should consider well US President Thomas Jefferson’s warning to them:                                                                  “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just: his justice cannot sleep forever!”

chief obamaPresident Obama decided rightly to cancel the oil pipeline on Great Turtle Island. We wonder if he will make the right decision to free Leonard Peltier. Enjoy the song while watching this excellent video on how our younger brother, President Obama, came to make the right decision. Video: “Obama convinced to make natural decision on pipeline”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Canada Minister of Finance dies suddenly.       Death of democracy in Canada.






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MNN. Apr. 18, 2014. Corporation of Canada CEO Harper is sending 6 CF18s and other weapons of mass destruction for NATO provocations against our ancient allies, Russia. Russia is legally a longtime ally of the Rotino’shonni:onwe/Iroquois Confederacy and its friends and allies on Great Turtle Island. Our alliance is based on  Kaia’nereh:kowa, our constitution. Treaty belts accepted by Peter the Great in 1710 record this sovereign international agreement of peace. These belts have been presented to us for interpretation.

1901-10 wampum


1901-15 wampum russia

1901-22 wampum russia

wampum russa3

According to our constitution, which is always recorded in wampum,  and our treaty, we will seek all international legal remedies to stop Canada’s violation of the Peace established between Russia and the Onkwehonwe, the true sovereigns on Great Turtle Island.

We would rather smoke the peace pipe.

We would rather smoke the peace pipe.

Canada is conspicuosly not attending the present negotiations between Russia, US, EU, and other affected nations. Each party has agreed to not supply weapons to Ukraine. However, Canada is provoking war against our ancient allies by providing fighter jets and other weapons of mass destruction.

Nobody wants to meet our o'ien'kwen:ton!

Nobody wants to meet our o’ien’kwen:ton!

This treaty alliance predates the corporations of Canada and the United States by more than a century. CEO Harper cannot speak on our behalf. Only we speak for ourselves and our friends and allies. The Corporation of Canada speaks on behalf of its shareholders. Like all corporations Canada exists for one reason, to provide ever-growing dividends and to protect the anonymity of their shareholders.

Harper sends fighter jets & weapons of mass destruction.

We stand by our Russian allies. There will be no war. Consequences will follow for these violations of our ancient alliances and sovereignty. According to international law, it is our duty to demand that Canada refrain from posturing war against Russia. We Rotinoshonnionwe reaffirm our alliance to spread world peace. We assume our Russian allies who met our grandfathers in 1710 continue to have this on their minds too. These belts were left so that one day we could sit together and discuss them. These treaty belts predate the corporations of Canada and United States and the religion called Handsome Lake. The reaffirmation of this alliance is between Russia and the people of the Kaianerehkowa, the Great Law of Peace, those who follow the natural laws of this land. Russia is being threatened by a corporation that is masquerading as a sovereign on our land.

Russia never took part in the genocide of Indigenous people of Great Turtle Island!

Russia never took part in the genocide of Indigenous people of Great Turtle Island!

 Mohawk singer Robbie Robertson sings: Together we dance/ All the first nations/There’s no chance/ We ever gonna give up/Beating hearts, beating hearts/Come as one, come as one/This is Indian country. Robbie Robertson. “Stomp Dance”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws






















MNN. Apr. 13, 2014. In 1710 the four chiefs from the [Iroquois Confederacy] Rotino’shonni:onwe went to the Court of Queen Anne in London to make peace treaties with the 13 European monarchical families. It was the first International Conference on World Peace called by our people to make the same kind of peace treaties we had with each of our nations on Great Turtle Island. Our chiefs represented all our friends and allies. They gave each monarch a Guswentha/Two Row Wampum Belt. Peter the Great of Russia accepted it. This treaty belt was recently found in a museum  in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Nicholas II of Romanovs set up Permanent Court of Arbitration 1899.

Nicholas II of Romanovs set up Permanent Court of Arbitration 1899 for world peace and to stop war.

Background: Rotino’shonni:onwe were asked to spread the peace. When the original United Nations was formed, they uprooted the biggest white pine tree, buried their weapons underneath for all time, never to be used against each other. Then it was replanted.  

The Roman Empire [the Vatican] has never set foot in Russia. The Vatican sent the Jesuits to set up the genocide of all Indigenous in the 1500s, murdering over 150 million. They went west into Europe but not east.

Rotino'shonni:onwe chiefs on world trade mission.

Rotino’shonni:onwe chiefs of Great Turtle Island on world peace mission, London 1710.

Russia never breached the treaty as they were never part of the Vatican. They opposed the genocide of our people that was carried out by the Jesuits on behalf of the Vatican. In 1776 the Vatican carried out the first “false flag”, the American Revolutionary War, to stop world peace, which already existed on Great Turtle Island and was starting to spread to  Europe.

Gaucho Jesuit Francis ready to leads his troops to annihilation.

Gaucho Jesuit Francis leads his  child raping followers to annihilation.

In 1899 Nicholas II of Russia set up the Permanent Court of Arbitration for world peace and to end war. In 1917 the Romanov family was murdered by the machinations of the banking families of Europe [World War I].

Your visits are in our communal memory.

“Black Robe, your genocide is in our communal memory”.


The Mohawks are going to nuke the Vatican and all their corporate banking structures. We will take them down for good by putting them on trial for genocide, before the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Jesuits and their top general, the Pope, the military arm of the Vatican that keeps the world under military rule, will be dissolved. It is time to repolish the covenant chain between the Rotino’shonni:onwe and Russia that this belt represents.

As our Cherokee brother, Elvis, warns the people at the Vatican, “Your walls are starting to crumble”.  Elvis Presley. “Joshua Fought the Battle”. skull w arrow

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

“US Orwellian tool VOA finished in Russia”.                                                                       “Karl Marx and the Iroquois Constitution”.                                                                           US Continental Congress meet Iroquois Confederacy. The American Revolutionary  War was to chop down the 3,300 year old tree of peace at Onondaga.  ‘Continental Congress meet Iroquois Confederacy.’ 







Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. Apr. 5, 2014. Mohawk Nation members are looking for the Two Row Wampum/Guswentha belt. In 1710 at the World’s First International Peace Conference our Haudeonsaunee chiefs presented this belt to the 13 monarchies of Europe and to explain the Great Law of Peace. Four-Kings-Stamp-Block



Russian Czar, Peter the First, was there. In 1899 Czar Nicholas II of Russia set up the oldest court for international dispute resolution, The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. The goals are world peace and an end to war.   The Permanent Court of Arbitration.

The statesman of the Romanov Dynasty.

Peter the Great, the statesman, listened to Rotino’shonni:onwe chiefs in 1710.

We are the victims of the same ‘crown’ criminal bankers and the Vatican corporation that carried out the genocide of over 150 million of our people. Then they murdered the entire imperial family of Russia in 1917 in step with their dastardly plans to take over the world. 

The following Voice of Russia Radio interview, Part I, with Kahentinetha was aired on April 5, 2014. It is about our search for the Guswentha that Peter the Great received at the World’s First International Peace Conference in London in 1710. VOICE OF RUSSIA RADIO interview. American Indians Seeking 1700 Guswentha Peace Treaty Belt.

Russian bear meets Mohawk Bear clan.

Russian bear greets Mohawk Bears.

  • “War is not a polite recreation but the vilest thing in life, and we ought to understand that and not play at war.” – Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace

As Kurt Cobain sang, “I’m worse at what I do best. And for this gift, I feel blest. Hello. Hello. Hello. How low!”. Kurt Cobain, Nirvana. “Smells like teen spirit!”

Video. HISTORY RUSSIA – 20th Century. [5.00 min.]

“1892 Banker’s Manifesto”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws






Please post and distribute. Nia:wen. 

MNN. Mar. 5, 2014. After forming the original Five Nations Confederacy, Dekanawida left for the Sky World. He told us this story about forthcoming events before he got into his stone canoe for the trip.

Jigohnsaseh arbitrated taught the people to make decisions for the benefit of all, to always think patiently with love & caring.

Jigohnsaseh, of the Women’s Council, helped Dekanawida: “Make all decisions about the land to benefit the 7 generations yet to come. It is their land. Think patiently with love & caring”.

 “There will come a time when the Ongwehonwe will be befriended by a White Serpent. At first it will be good to you. Seven generations later it will squeeze you so tight against his chest you can hardly breathe.  

“Then a Red Serpent will appear. The White Serpent will drop the Onkwehonwe to the ground. Like a baby Ongwehonwe will crawl to the hilly country to heal. Then the White and Red serpents will get into awful war, tearing open Mother Earth and causing mass destruction. All of the fish will turn on their bellies in the water. The birds will fall from the sky. All the elm trees will die. The air will burn your eyes. Then the Red and White serpents will lay around not knowing what to do for a while.  

“Out of the south will come a Black Serpent which will take over the war-making of the Red and White serpents.  He will start wars with every nation on earth, always looking to see who is his next victim. Eventually he will only see the Ongwehonwe healing in the hilly country. He will say, “I have no fight with them”.reserve school

“At that moment a light many times brighter than the sun will come from the east. The Black Serpent will be fearful and swim south never to be seen again by the Ongwehonwe.  The Red Serpent will crawl north leaving a snaily trail behind, never to be seen again by the Ongwehonwe.


“Part of the White Serpent’s tail shall break off and crawl to the hilly country to heal with the Ongwehonwe. The rest shall make a feeble attempt to swim toward the light.  

Dekanawida continued, “I will return from the sky world then. The Ongwehonwe who have been healing in the hilly country shall be burning tobacco, calling me by name. A great leader will come from the hilly country. No one knows from where he will come. He will come from the Kanienkehaka. His words will be heard by as many as the blades of grass at the same time. All the nations of the world will look to the Ongwehonwe for guidance. We will take our proper place in the council of nations. All three serpents will be washed away. The earth will be cleansed, followed by peace on earth. The Kaianerehkowa, the Great Law of Peace, will be the law of the world.”

They're all the same. White-Red-Black Serpents joined forces.

They’re all the same, White, Red and Black Serpents! 

The three serpents follow the commandment “ordo ab chao”. Quebecois are voting in a system that is designed to keep them divided and therefore conquered. 51% are vying to dictate over 49%. All candidates are dangled by the same puppet master. It matters not which party they vote for, the system will always work for the bankers to continue this corporate fraud masquerading as a democracy.

Bob Marley reminds us, “Let’s get together to fight this holy armagiddyon. So when the man comes. There will be no, no doom. Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner. There ain’t no hiding place from the father of creation”. Bob Marley. “One Love”. 

Yvon Breton: “Is Quebec Electoral Coup in the Works?” 

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws












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MNN. Apr. 3, 2014. Quebecois separatist candidate, Pierre Karl Peladeau, declares, “I want a country “.  He wants total power first as a cabinet minister, then as premier and then king of his dynasty. He is launching a hostile corporate takeover of Quebec Inc. Peladeau wants a country.

Mohawk Warriors: "Mr. Peladeau, We heard you want our country!"

Mohawk Warriors: “Mr. Peladeau, we heard you want our country!”


He became a billionaire from stealing and selling our newsprint worldwide. Now he is a media baron. He’s ready to declare war on the sovereign Mohawk Nation on whose land he squats. He has to answer to the Mohawks about our unsurrendered land and resources. This is an international issue.

Pauline Marois promises when she is re-elected as Premier of Quebec Inc. she will make the Charter of Values even stronger. She can decide that everyone should shave their heads or eat poutine three times a day. Whatever!

Peladeau threatened to pass a law disqualifying himself from putting his Quebecor Inc. assets in trust. As Neo was told in the “Matrix’.


He punches his fist in the air and shouts in French.  They promise to rewrite history. Indigenous will be almost non-existent. Who are those bronze people whose skin color the Quebecois like to emulate in their tanning parlors? Where will their cheap cigarettes come from? Will Quebec, an Algonquin word, have to be renamed? Quebecois will pledge to speak only French until the day they die. They will be taught that they won the French and Indian wars! That they brought all the Indigenous land and resources with them from Europe!

The Nazis are trying to take over Quebec like they did in Ukraine. Only French will be spoken. What is going on in Quebec is the exact same m.o. in Ukraine, except with a Canadian flavor. Many separatists are already in major positions ready to run the show. Quebecois with help from outsiders are being organized to intimidate, attack and create conflict. Same old, divide and conquer.

Mr. Peladeau’s friends are ready to help because they think they can get the booty on the stolen Indigenous natural resources. They will not. We don’t deal in what if! They’re talking what ifs! They will never make more fake borders on our land. We Ongwehonwe will take our rightful seat at the table of nations. The rest of the world is waiting for this balance of the natural law to happen.

Pauline, be careful what you wish for!

Pauline, be careful what you wish for!

As Led Zeppelin sang and Pauline better listen, “Always the same, playing your game, drive me insane, trouble is going to come to you. One of these days, and it won’t be long, you’ll look for me and I’ll be gone. Your time is gonna come. That’s all I gotta say to you, woman, your time is gonna come. “ Led Zepellin. “Your time is gonna come”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws