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MNN. Sept. 14, 2017. Our family is the plants, earth, all animals, waters and everything in the air. We the people cannot kill or even hurt any of them. We must avoid and try to stop everything that kills all true natural life.


In the beginning we tried to adopt the invaders to live like us. They could not as they brought nets, traps and poisons to kill all life on turtle island. 

To the colonists we are like the dust. Our spirit can’t be camouflaged or captured. We appear out of the dust and they watch us but they don’t see us. Then we disappear and go back to our family. 

Creation placed us within our own territory. The invaders have made up false stories about us and turned them into fairy tales.

The people, animals and landscape are inseparable. All follow the rolling clouds. We carry our real stories within us.

To survive we send out our children. They go back and forth in a frequency that no one can hear but us.

The immigrants who occupy their cells watch us through their bars, constantly trying to lure us into their prisons. We go close to them, watch them and go back to our world. Our natural power is creation itself.


We send messages to the unnatural to help them remove the bars from around their pen. We tug at their ropes.

To survive and avoid the wrath of the unnatural occupiers, we melt away and reappear. They put up cement and marble statues to remind themselves of their lies about them and us. 



We assess situations constantly to see they adhere to the natural power. Some of us mimic them. Most are not poisoned. We question everything. Our minds will never have the minds of the unnatural which is akin to the mind of a sheep.

We will survive as part of our true natural family. The modern artificial world continues to try to kill our ancient ways. They make wilful strikes against us. We live on our territories. We roam it. Our relations, the winged ones, four legged, the trees, the plants, all depend on us to follow our original instruction. We are to survive and coexist on mother earth as brothers and sisters.

We keep coming back to remind ourselves that we want no part of their greed and viciousness.

Johnny Cash sings: “What have I become? My sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away in the end. And you could have it all. My empire of dirt. I will let you down. I will make you hurt. If I could start again a million miles away, I would keep myself. I would find a way.”

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 CHICANO COLLECTION 





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MNN. MNN. MAY 7, 2016. A rotiskenrakete recalls when Akwesasne was surround by the military in 1989. “Somebody from the band/tribal/handsome lake longhouse reports to the military. “Antis” were trained and put into position ahead of time.

Corpochiefs advising in war room.

Corpo’chiefs in the war room.

Control over us is critical because we never relinquished our land and resources. A 100-year plan was made to assimilate/genocide us by 2024. in 1924 POW [prison of war] camps, called numbered “reserves”, were set up to imprison onkwe’hon:weh. The “INDIAN Affairs war room” was run by the Department of War and then Department of Defense. US Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Department of War are same.

Haudenosaunee Council of Confederacy Chiefs HCCC getting ready.

Haudenosaunee Confederacy Council of Chiefs Inc. HCCC psyching up.

“It’s always about controlling the people. Bingo halls, casinos and slot machines could be set up by the onkwe’hon:weh independant nations. BIA reassured them that federal and state regulatory agencies did not apply. The kanion’ke:haka could proceed into the gaming business.

“The Mohawks were becoming prosperous and asserting their legitimate right to self-determination. The New York State public petitioned Albany to stop the kanion’kehaka/Mohawk as they were losing money because of the restaurants, gas, cigarettes, bingos and casinos.

“To illegally invade Akwesasne NYS used the excuse that slot machines were illegal in NYS, even though Akwesasne is not in NYS. The previous night the rotiskenrakete got a call from Washington DC that they were to be raided. In July 1989 over 1,000 NYS Troopers, federal marshals and FBI surrounded Akwesasne. National Guard and surrounding counties police were on alert.

Chief: "My auntie will appreciate this".

Chief: “My auntie will appreciate this”.

“37 armed onkwe’hon:weh men defended the community and the people. They backed out all police forces. Akwesasne was placed under marshall law.

“Antis surfaced. Some acted as though they were with the rotiskenraketeh. In fact, they were collaborators.

“Roadblocks surrounded Akwesasne. More Troopers arrived, costing $1 million a day. The highways were empty. Fort Drum Army Base was on alert.

“The standoff lasted for months. The media was kept out, except for a few. “Supporters/provocateurs” and mediators were sent in. Fletcher Graves believed the people spoke the truth but his people would not hear of it. Graves explained the destruction of the Black Panthers by the Department of Justice. Undercover agents were sent into meetings in homes to gather information. The government would then send in assassins to kill the targets and their families.

“Meetings were held with NYS Troopers’ commanders at bingo halls on Route 37. The rotiskenrakete had one speaker. The others listened. NYS wanted Route 37 opened. They were asked, ‘Why do you come in here with guns to talk about peace?’ NYS was chasing the onkwe’hon:weh who were on the outside back into the community. The men stopped them, took them into their protection and chased off the police.

Letterman the betterman.

Letterman the betterman.

“There was nothing to negotiate. Some wanted to end living under threat of invasion. They petitioned the federal government to bring in the 101st Airborne Division of the regular army to do away with the ‘warrior society’.

“The feds needed a reason to invade. A phony gun fight was created where the Canadian government supplied guns to the antis. Two young men were murdered. The excuse was then made to come in. Canada sent St. Regis police, RCMP, OPP; NYS sent in Troopers, federal marshalls, local police and other policing agencies. Nobody was ever prosecuted for these murders.hope

“Onondaga chiefs stayed out. A rotiskenrakete told the NY Times, “The Chiefs in Onondagas were museum Indians and cowards with power!” An anti phoned them warning them to be careful what they say or something is going to happen to them. They refused a face to face meeting.

After this Admiralty rules and regulations were made to control all INDIAN gaming.

That's what happens.

So be it.

“Overwhelming forces did not discredit the rotiskenrakete.”

Johnny Cash asks what we have become and that everyone goes away in the end: [Hurt]


Antis guard GREAT.

Antis guard GREAT.


MNN Mohawk Nation News or more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit


Minister of Indian Affairs, Carolyn Bennett,

Indian Affairs Toronto, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, 8th floor
Tel.: 1-800-567-9604
Fax: 1-866-817-3977
TTY: 1-866-553-0554

Minister of National Defence, 1-866-236-4445

U.S. President Barak Obama,

All Media, Pope Benedictum XVI, St. Peter’s Sq., Vatican City, Rome Italy; Canadian Center for Foreign Policy Development, Forum on Africa);

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Six Nations of Grande River 519-445-2201






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MNN. Sep. 25, 2014. The tactics that Doug Ford is using for his election campaign for mayor of Toronto reminds us of Hitler’s famous “beer hall putsch” to totally control a meeting. Hitler went into the beer halls with his armed brown shirt goons and provocateurs. They shouted, screamed and threatened anyone who questioned him. He became a national figure. After that success he created the National Socialist Party NAZI. Nobody dared interfere because the Zionists were behind it. To end the chaos, the authorities would come in and convince the cowering people to give in to Hitler.

Corporate band/tribal councils.

Corporate councils: “Okay Chief. The guys are going into the meeting to stir them up good!”


Toronto all candidates .meeting for mayor

Toronto all candidates meeting for mayor.

Ford’s life mission is to become mayor. He goes to the housing projects and hands out $20 to $50 to poor people on the streets. A putsch is organized. They’re bussed in to create a loud circus to drown out his co-candidates. See: Toronto City Hall Election Debate.

This putsch formula is being used on those who oppose government policies, in particular the pipeline and theft of our lands. We are made to feel like we have no future unless we accept the bullying and destructive plans of the corporate elite. Our communities and organizations are infiltrated with provocateurs, such as the “pipeline police” mercenaries who are being trained by the RCMP, big oil and Canada. See MNN Pipeline Police.The distraction is some contentious issue like racial purity to stop us from raising important matters. Kept off the table is the constant theft of everything we have and being coerced to sign one-sided agreements with big business for our resources. A prime concern is the Canada-RCMP-Big Oil setting up of the “pipeline police”. Public meetings are filled with rowdy gangs who attack those who raise these kinds of questions. Shouters dominate. Marches, threats, violence and fear divert our energies. Factions are deliberately fostered so we will argue. Then their handpicked solution is implemented to stop the dissension.

The media does not cover life and death crucial issues. People are scared. We are told that resistance is futile. They want us to believe that the only viable answer is that of the corporate tribal/band council that answers to them. They then come forward with their preplanned scheme to take something from us. We’ll get a little bit or a favor. If we refuse their offer, we’ll be threatened with continued ruinous poverty.

Like Hitler, the putsch splits the community, points out the opponents and followers and brings the instigators to national attention. They get into power and take out their enemies and assert their corporate agenda.

Chief:" Remember, Man of Good Sense not here to do our work on  your behalf. Man of Good Sense only here to help you on strategy level until you wise enough to overcome recession".

Chief:”Remember, Man of Good Sense not here to do work on your behalf. Man of Good Sense only here to help you on strategy level until you wise enough to overcome recession”.

We know who’s doing this. Just follow the money! We fear nothing! The Great Peace and the Council of Women would never allow this farce in our communities. Like Johnny Cash sings: “What have I become? My sweetest friend. Everyone I know goes away in the end. And you could have it all; my empire of dirt. I will let you down, I will make you hurt”. Johnny Cash. “Hurt”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit

Read: Beer Hall Putsch.

Obama and Clinton studied Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” on how to destroy democracy. Saul Alinsky.

See short Video: Megalomaniac Obama.