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MNN. Oct. 17, 2017. People know that creation is in charge. Natural power comes through the women who are closest to the earth and connect to the moon. Everyone has to figure things out. We must do what all of creation tells us by listening and living according to its spirit.

We cannot abandon our mother. The immigrants don’t understand the ‘original instructions’ of creation. They cannot live in peace. Nature is not political and does not depend on the artificial monetary system.
Our mother is needed by all. One people cannot naturally control food or the material things needed to live. We are constantly defending ourselves from those who fantasize they have power to control everything.

teiohateh, two row wampum, is about the Dutch who came to great turtle island. They wanted an agreement to be our father and we would be their children. We laughed at this joke. We told them we could only be brothers and sisters in the same family.
Creation, not man-made agreements, determines the course of all life. The world is not naturally constructed in a hierarchy. We live according to kinship. All life is in a horizontal construction, not vertical with someone at the top. There is food for everyone, there could be peace in the world and good relations between all.
Man-made hierarchy is for the megalomaniacs who are fueling the war problem continuously throughout the world. Everyone suffers. Survival depends upon all of us remembering the original instructions we have with this earth. We agreed to live as brothers and sisters with all life on our mother’s back, to survive and co-exist eternally.
Financial oligarchs ride around in bullet proof cars and surround themselves with private armies to frantically hold on to their illusory power.

The people who help our enemies to murder us will be avenged. Their atrocities and horrors will not pass from us due to the universal law of karma.
Willy Nelson is optimistic about love and fun: “If you’ve got the money honey, I’ve got the time. We’ll go honky tonkin’ and we’ll have a time. We’ll have more fun, baby, all the way down the line. If you’ve got the money honey, I’ve got the time”. [If you’ve got the money I’ve got the time].

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