Help the Mohawk Mothers protect unmarked graves

In traditional Kanien’kéha:ka (Mohawk) society, the Kahnistensera (mothers) play a crucial role in political life, social governance, and land stewardship. The Kahnistensera Mohawk Mothers of Kahnawake are guided by this tradition, rooted in the Kaianerehkowa (the Great Peace), to seek justice for the people of Kahnawake and other Indigenous people whose lands, bodies, and cultures have been harmed by Canadian settler colonialism.

Kanienkehak land at the foot of Tekanonkak (Mount Royal, Montreal) is currently targeted for the construction of McGill University’s “New Vic” project on the site of the former Royal Victoria Hospital, without the permission of the indigenous land owners. However, McGill is on unceded Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) territory, and built with funds borrowed from the Rotino’shonni:onwe (Iroquois) Trust Fund, which were never repaid. Furthermore, evidence suggests that the site contains remains of pre-colonial Iroquois villages, as well as the unmarked graves of Indigenous children who were experimented on at the Allan Memorial Institute in the 1950s and 60s as part of the CIA-funded MK ULTRA “mind control” experiments. 

In response to this persistent injustice, the Kahnistensera are mobilizing within their own community and with settler allies to advocate for their rights and title. They are joined by a research committee investigating McGill’s history of medical experimentation and its expropriation of Indigenous funds.

Finally, the Kahnistensera are taking McGill, the Société Québécoise des Infrastructures, the Attorney General of Canada and the City of Montreal to court for an injunction to stop the construction project and avoid the destruction of the gravesites. The hearing is scheduled for October 26th, 2022, but McGill University announced that they will proceed with excavation work in the vicinity of the alleged graves before the hearing. If nothing is done, the graves and forensic evidence could be destroyed, causing irreparable harm and profound disrespect to Indigenous communities and the spirits of the children buried at the site.

This struggle has already generated significant attention in Canada and garnered support from thousands of people. The Kahnistensera are now seeking your support to help with legal, research, and administrative costs. They are self-represented in court, refusing to be represented by lawyers who abide by non-Indigenous laws. Speaking the truth about the unmarked graves, treating the burial sites with respect and protecting forensic evidence of medical crimes are essential parts of the reconciliation process. Reconciliation is incomplete, however, without the repatriation of unceded lands. The Kahnistensera’s work is an important step toward restoring Kanien’kehá:ka title and addressing the ongoing legacy of settler colonialism in Canada.

By empowering Kanien’kéha:ka women as decision-makers and stewards of the land, you can help rebuild grassroots communities that is directly linked to Kanien’kehá:ka culture that educates and mobilizes the wider public around the continuing strength of Kanien’kéha:ka ways.



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There were misinterpretations of this post. It has been edited to highlight that it is male supremacy that is being criticided. Male supremacy offends all genders. “You guys” must reckon with the power of the women!

MNN. Sep. 3, 2022. Calling everybody “you guys” is disrespectful, offensive and discriminatory. It invisibilizes the specific powers of the kahnistensera and flattens the spectrum of genders as only male. It is indoctrination to attack gender ideology of the natural world. Schools are now indoctrination centers that teach supremacy of males , not education centers. This destroys our culture from within. Schools are government agencies. Bad schools. Bad government. Bad education. The genocide of the original people is not being taught. The killers are not being exposed for the holocaust of indigenous people they committed. Elites say, “Bend the twig” to make the people obedient and unquestioning – no more “Why?” and  “Can you prove it?” which we are taught to ask of everything. Boredom sets in as man-made unreality goes against the natural world.

Neutralization is by those who control media to support the fascist illusion that has been imposed on us. See “Giants. Who Really Rules the World? ” by Peter Phillips. The world is run by 300 billionaires who own all the banks. They bribe presidents, parliamentarians, governors, senators, congress, who have a lot to sell. 

Canada cannot exist without its foreign masters. The term “You guys” is part of gender laws to curb freedom of speech. Everybody is trained to say it. Some object, “Hey, i am a woman. Stop calling me a guy, girlie.”   

As Goebbels, Hitler’s top propagandist, said,”If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” 

The top propagandists are politicians who practically wear lapels showing who sponsors them. In the meantime women are going along with being classed as second class “guys” and have ended up by eliminating their own gender.   

Some of us are confused about the effort to control nature. All we have to do is follow the kaianerekowa, the great peace. Frank Zappa understands that everybody has the ability to reason. The male lament: Hey there, people, I’m Bobby Brown
They say I’m the cutest boy in town
My car is fast, my teeth is shiney

I tell all the girls they can kiss my heinie
Here I am at a famous school
I’m dressin’ sharp and I’m actin’ cool

I got a cheerleader here wants to help with my paper
Let her do all the work and maybe later I’ll rape her

[Chorus 1]
Oh God I am the American dream
I do not think I’m too extreme
An’ I’m a handsome son of a bitch
I’m gonna get a good job and be real rich

(Get a good, get a good, get a good, get a good job) 

Kahnistensera Secretaqriat POBox 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0




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Press release, August 31, 2022 *********************************

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE******************************

MNN. 31 August 2022. The kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) were in Montreal court on August 31, 2022, and continue to represent themselves. The defendants want them to have a lawyer to stop them from seeking an interlocutory injunction to halt upcoming excavation and construction work on the sites of the ex-Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial Institute projects of the Société Québécoise des infrastructures (Quebec government SQI) and McGill University, McGill University Health Center, City of Montreal, Attorney General of Canada and the impleaded Attorney General of Quebec. Phew!



On August 26th, 2022, the kahnistensera filed three sworn statements supported by 141 exhibits, suggesting that there is a high possibility that the site contains unmarked graves of Indigenous children used as test subjects for psychiatric experiments funded by the CIA, the Canadian and American armies and governments, and the Rockefeller Foundation. The affidavits containing the evidence are available at the link 22/

The hearing for the interlocutory injunction to stop the excavation is set for October 26th, 2022. In the meantime McGill University and the SQI announced that they would be going ahead with excavation beforehand, to the south of the Hersey pavilion of the ex-Royal Victoria Hospital. The kahnistensera are very concerned that human remains, forensic evidence and archeological artifacts of their ancestors being destroyed by this excavation work. In effect, the Royal Victoria Hospital Archaeological study conducted in November 2016 by the Arkéos Inc. , commissioned by McGill University, determined that this excavation zone had archeological potential. Arkeos recommended an archeological inventory before disturbing the land. So far no precautions will be taken to respect Arkéos’s non-binding recommendation to protect Indigenous heritage.

The kahnistensera requested an out of court meeting with McGill University and the SQI, to allow this non-invasive and non-damaging work, with no response. During the August 31 hearing the kahnistensera filed a letter informing all parties of their proposal to investigate the grounds in September. There will be a search using Ground Penetrant Radar in the threatened area.


Given Arkeos contention of potential findings in the zone, they recommend that an archeological inventory be done by experts selected, directed, and monitored by the kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera before any excavation work, and at the cost of the corporations responsible for the excavation. Archeologists and international experts have offered to help and guide in the use of technologies to assess the presence of graves without breaking the ground.

The kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera refuse to allow the desecration of the remains of their ancestors and relatives who were victims of medical experiments. The Mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, McGill University and the SQI have all publicly announced that they would collaborate with an investigation if there was a possibility that the grounds contain human remains.

The testimonies and evidence filed by the Mohawk Mothers corroborate their grimmest suspicions. 

The court is reminded that there is no surrender of turtle island from the kanienkehaka [Mohawk] ever. So That makes this whole court act moot. But the kahnistensera keep on shuffling their moccasins to the drum beat of “World on Fire” sung by Sarah McLaughlan and Robbie Robertson:

Hearts are worn in these dark agesYou’re not alone in this story’s pagesThe light has fallen amongst the living and the dyingAnd I’ll try to hold it in, yeah I’ll try to hold it inThe world is on fire, it’s more than I can handleI’ll tap into the water, try to bring my shareI’ll try to bring more, more than I can handleBring it to the table, bring what I am ableI watch the heavens but I find no callingSomething I can do to change what’s comin’Stay close to me while the sky is fallingI don’t wanna be left alone, don’t wanna be alone

For more information, contact with your contact information. Kanien’kehá:ka kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers), Kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0



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MNN. Aug 13, 2022. Here are two articles on “Mohawk Mothers” who asked for the removal of the Mount Royal Cross, translated from French. First, from Quebec reactionary  Mathieu Bock-Coté, followed by a response published on Aug. 11, 2022 in The Metro Journal By Philippe Blouin, Phd. candidate McGill, and Guillaume G. Poirier,  doctorate candidate, U. of Ottawa. 


The Metro newspaper reported the “Mohawk mothers” as “Aboriginal peoples who see the cross the way the Jewish people see the swastika as equivalent to the symbol of Nazism!

Bock-Cote accuses the “Mohawk mothers” of Nazifying the history of New France. Bock-Cote asks how can one seriously equate European expansion from 1492 and the era of the Great Discoveries with the history of the Third Reich? 

Bock-Cote says the new scapegoat is the “big bad white man, presented as a dirty little Satan, condemned to perpetual penitence, to eternal genuflection, to repentance until the end of time. It is obligatory to hate him”… The desire to erase the cross on Mount Royal is part of this logic similar to the public prayer now recited about the supposedly unceded territories, as if we were not at home in our country!

Bock-Cote says in effect that “We are destroying the legitimacy of the countries resulting from European expansion. The Mohawk Mothers do not talk about “reconciliation”, but the most radical Amerindian militants dream of revenge. For them, we are “intruders” in America. They are influenced by the radical left, which leads its anti-Western crusade. Unmistakably the residential schools genocide represent an indelible stain on Canadian history. But redressing this injustice should not mean self-destruction though this is the temptation of our elites, who indulge in masochism”.

Bock-Cote states that for now the idea of removing the cross is rejected. The Mount Royal Cross represents for them “a major historical  emblem of Montreal recalling historical events, and represents the French Canadian population, transforming the history of the Quebec people into the history of one ethnic community among others”. 

Bock-Cote says, “We feel that the City of Montreal is ashamed of this cross. “Mohawk mothers” equating the cross to the swastika means we have already mentally lost the battle”.

Is M. Bock-Coté, MORE CATHOLIC THAN THE POPE. OPEN LETTER – BY PHILIPPE BLOUIN AND GUILLAUME G POIRIER, PHD CANDIDATES. August 10, 2022.  After spending one week in Canada, Pope Francis confessed that his visit had been a real “slap in the face”, leading him to realize that the natives there had suffered genocide. For Bock-Côté, who was born here, the slap does not seem to have come yet. In response to the Mohawk Mothers, who are asking for the removal of the Mount Royal cross, a symbol of the horrors experienced by Aboriginals in the same way that the swastika was for the Jews, Bock-Côté regrets that this request could be “taken seriously” by the City of Montreal.

Yet the Catholic Church authority has explicitly recognized the genocidal nature of its program of assimilation of  Aboriginals, and by extension, the fact that its symbol, the cross, can be associated with genocide. The question: is  Bock-Côté more Catholic than the Pope?

We return to the distorted words of the author of The Racialist Revolution. First, the notion of “genocide”. The Geneva Convention defines it as “the intention to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group”. It also defines criteria that apply unambiguously to what happened here: “Forced transfer of children from the group to another group” (boarding schools); “Measures intended to prevent births within the group” (forced sterilizations); “Intentional subjection of the group to conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part” (reservation system), etc.

To date, more than 2,300 children’s bodies have been found in mass graves in Canada, while three quarters of the residential schools have yet to be excavated.  Let’s imagine that we Quebecers are forced – on pain of going to jail – to send our children to study year-round in a residential school where a foreign language and religion are imposed on them. Imagine the after-effects on Quebec culture after just ten years of forced acculturation. The Aboriginals have lived more than 150 years of forced acculturation. Would Whites, Quebecers or others, be ready to undergo this experience in order to attain the status of victims that Bock-Côté has given them? By denouncing the “demonization of the white man” that we would witness today, Bock-Côté reverses reality. The Church has always associated Aboriginal spiritualities and ways of life with “Satan”, but not those of the white man. The “Lord’s Prayer”was forced to be recited in residential schools, not the “public prayer acknowledging  the unceded indigenous territories”. Gas chambers were not necessary here to find a “final solution” to the “Indian problem.” Religious indoctrination, cultural ethnocide and sexual and physical abuse were enough. Let us not forget that many whites were also victims of Catholic torturers during the Great Blackness. The Mohawk Mothers’ press conference was also attended by Duplessis Orphans, who came to demand the removal of the cross, a symbol whose authority was used by priests to abuse them in orphanages. Thanks to Decree 816, signed on March 18, 1956, Maurice Duplessis, whom Bock-Côté describes as “the defender of  Quebec,” had changed the status of a whole generation of orphans to “mentally retarded” in order to receive more federal subsidies. Many of these children, born out of wedlock, were seen as children of sin, and treated by Catholic congregations with a barbarity of which no Quebecer could be proud. In 1999, the “Soue à Cochon” [pigsty] cemetery near St. Jean de Dieu Hospital, where the Duplessis Orphans had been unceremoniously piled for years, was covered by an SAQ [alcohol] warehouse. The first shovelful of earth was given by none other than [Quebec Premier} François Legault. By jointly asking for the removal of the cross from Mount Royal, the Mohawk Mothers and the Duplessis Orphans are demanding only a minimal recognition of these crimes, in a context where the secularization of public space is being demanded from all sides. If a survey were to be  launched, it is likely that many Montrealers would agree.


This brings us to the story of the word, “Québec”. Bock-Côté takes exception to the city of Montreal’s use of the term “French-Canadian population”, forgetting that the word Quebec is both an Aboriginal term and a British assignment. It was the Royal Proclamation of 1763 that established Canada as the Province of Quebec, using an Anishinabe word meaning “narrow passage”. On the other hand, the term “Canadian” was initially reserved for the French settlers, and repugnant to the British. In the Mohawk language, Kanatiéns means “squatters”. It is paradoxical, to say the least, that the demand for the removal of  colonial symbols should be labelled as “identity masochism”. Isn’t the real “morbid pleasure” that of the colonizer-colonized (Bock-Côté) who rejoices in the name that another colonizer (the British crown) has given him? How can Bock-Côté so well decry the colonial oppression of Quebecers by the British, while being unable to see that he is reproducing it against the Aboriginals?

If contemporary Quebecers want to show their solidarity with the victims of their colonial heritage, it is essential that they take seriously the testimonies and claims of the victims of the European invasion and of Catholic fundamentalism. It is even a duty to prove that we have more sensitivity than the Nazis – and that we sincerely want to repair the past. We believe that Quebec in its overwhelming majority is ready to hear and to face the terrible reality that the Pope has acknowledged about the Aboriginal people. However, everything seems to suggest that Bock-Côté has a problem of listening (not to say understanding) in this matter. We hope that he will come to his senses, as the representative of his cross. In his defense, it must be recognized that Bock-Côté has followed, in spite of himself, what many natives and non-natives sensitive to the decolonial cause would like him to do: he has returned to make his life in Europe. If France is favorable to him, let him stay there. We will take care of our colonial heritage ourselves, right here on Turtle Island.

Philippe Blouin is a PhD candidate in anthropology at McGill University, working on his dissertation on Mohawk political philosophy, and will publish in September the book “The Mohawk Warrior Society. A Handbook on Sovereignty and survival.” Guillaume G. Poirier is a doctoral candidate at the School of Political Thought of the University of Ottawa, working on a thesis on the role of the “savage” in the history of colonization and in the doctrine of the sovereign state in Thomas Hobbes.

The Beatles know that basically nothing is gonna change the world because the church and its symbols cannot kill the kaianerekowa, great peace: Sounds of laughter shades of life are ringing Through my open ears inciting and inviting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns. It calls me on and on across the universe. Jai guru deva, om. Nothing’s gonna change my world.


MNN Note: The genocide has never ended. It continues today and tomorrow. Bock-Cote attacking the Mohawk Mothers is attacking his own mother. All women around the world are right. We onkwewonweh are here and will continue to resist.  P.O. Box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0 



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MNN. Aug, 8, 2022. The Pope said, “Yes, yes. It was genocide!” They did the crime. What now? All jurisdiction over turtle island called Crown land reverts to the original people. The invaders are landless. It is all onkwehonweh land, not corporate land. Everything they claim is illegal based on the foreign Admiralty Law of the Seas brought to turtle island by the invaders. We are part of creation and defenders of turtle island. They are uninvited people squatting on our jurisdiction, that’s why we called them canajon [Canadien], which means “the squatter sitting on our land”. They own nothing.


Our fight is with rawira-nen-skwas, the Pope [he takes away the life of children], and  the corporation of Canada, which is called the ratihon-tsa-nenskwas, the “land crooks”. The ka’kwin [ the queen] is one of the shareholders of the ‘Crown’ which murdered all the children and stole everything. 97% of us were eliminated by physical and mental murder. We suffered irreparable harm. Not finding our murdered children is more irreparable. 

Now that the Pope plead guilty on behalf of the church and the Crown, what happens to Canada? kaianerekowa rules. Its occupants cannot stay here. According to the UN Declaration on Genocide, they could each go to jail for 50 years or get executed like at the Nurenberg trials.  But these criminals cannot stay here. Each have to pay the price. Their own churches and religion tell them everything they did is right as long as they go to the confessional and cross their chest. According to the kaianerekowa that means nothing.

The Crown does not respect us. They all know this is our land as there was never any surrender or transfer, hence the Department of Indian Affairs and the reservation system is army controlled. The indigenous are still POWs watched by the army.  The land still belongs in the care of the women for the unborn children. The invaders just invaded and claimed it and imposed a paternal system over our matrilineal system to destroy our clans.


All of the churches of all denominations on our reservations will be immediately turned over to the indigenous people to do with as we see fit.  The christians will have to follow the clergy off the reservation or go along the white roots of peace to the tree. They want the Pope to apologize so that they can forgive him and then be healed. Any Mohawk claiming to be christian is no longer Mohawk. He is christian and has forsaken the kaianerekowa. Some onkwehonweh can’t believe how they can be so te-hon-nuts-ka-reh-tsron-teh [cakey] like the Pope. 

They will all turn over their keys to the indigenous people and leave voluntarily and peacefully. Everything belongs to us. Everything the churches took will be turned over to the indigenous people.  

All band councils who served the ‘canajon’ will be part of the tail of the white serpent and crawl to the hilly country to heal with the onkwehonwe when the time comes, or leave with the canajon.     

We don’t wish anything bad. After all the Pope himself brought out the biggest secret about the murder of our children. They thought they could use the kaianerekowa great peace for something bad but they can’t. We use the truth, our greatest weapon, which, in its entirety is for all. They are the instructions for survival on how to live in equality, peace and true freedom forever. 

The natural world will dance for joy to Robbie Robertson’s version of our stomp dance, “Stomp Dance Unity”: “In circles we gather Moonlight fires are kindled Sending it back We just make it go back Beating hearts, beating hearts Come as one, come as one This is Indian country This is Indian country Together we dance All the first nations There’s no chance We ever gonna give up Beating hearts, beating hearts Come as one, come as one This is Indian country This is Indian country Going home, going home To a nation, six nations To all the faces I did not know Beating hearts, beating hearts Come as one, come as one This is Indian country This is Indian country Ongwehonwe Intertribal Haudenosaune  MNN Columnist mohawknationnews

box 991, kahnawake quebec canada J0L 1B0




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On Saturday July 30, 2020, Pope Francis admitted the atrocities that were perpetrated against the indigenous people. “Yes, it is a genocide, yes, yes, clearly. You can say that I said it was a genocide,” the Pope said. The kahnisensera, mohawk mothers, added that “Guilt falls also on the the Canadian government which funded the carefully planned genocide”. 

All control of occupied turtle island referred to as “Crown land” now reverts back to the original owners immediately. Canada, which sits on onowarekeh, turtle island, is squatting on our land. He has admitted the crime, similar to Canada admitting its abuse of indigenous students in Indian Day Schools, which were also operated by the churches for the Canadian government. 

Looks like the black serpent went into the ocean never to be seen again, according to ancient history of the original people.   

The Vatican is the world’s first corporation set up in 902 AD at the time of the breakup of the Roman Empire into East and West.  The Queen of England is the shareholder of the corporation known as the “Crown”. Canadian citizens are her subjects. Corporations get their IPO numbers from the Vatican, where the Crown is located. Every corporation in Canada is a sub-corporation of the Crown and will now be dissolved. Everything has always belonged to the indigenous.  

The invaders call turtle island “Crown land”. Our sovereignty was never surrendered to anybody ever! All documents the invaders present on ownership are false. None show truthful ownership of anything anywhere on turtle island.     

So now the head of the corporation has admitted the crime of genocide on turtle island.  The cross on Mount Royal [tekanontak] is the reminder of genocide and must come down immediately. It is a symbol to the indigenous people like the swastika is to the rest of the world. The great Johnny Cash sings about government and church style ‘Indian school days’: “From the Indian reservation to the governmental school
Well they’re goin’ to educate me to the white men’s Golden Rule
And I’m learning very quickly for I’ve learned to be ashamed
And I come when they call Billy though I’ve got an Indian name
And there are drums beyond the mountain Indian drums that you can’t hear
There are drums beyond the mountain and they’re getting mighty near
And when they think that they’d changed me cut my hair to meet their needs
Will they think I’m white or Indian quarter blood or just half breed
Let me tell you Mr teacher when you say you’ll make me right
In five hundred years of fighting not one Indian turned white.”  kahentinetha2@protonmail        PO Box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0




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MNN. July 30. 2022. She was supposed to sing ‘O Canada’ to the Pope at Ste. Anne de  Beaupre in southern Quebec before he left for Iqualit in northern turtle island.  It turned out she wasn’t singing O Canada or to the Pope. She was voicing a truthful message to the indigenous people and to the whole world!









Her actual indigenous words were: “You are hereby served spoken law. We, the daughters of the Great Spirit and our tribal sovereign members cannot be coerced into any law, any treaty that is not the Great Law,” she translated later for CBC News.

She is part of the ongoing process of the indigenous people retaking total control of their original homeland, turtle island, onowarekeh, indigenous land. The kahnistensera stand with her as she reignites the tie between the indigenous and creation among the original people of the Western Hemisphere.

PO Box 991, kahnawake Quebec Canada J0L 1B0



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Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) demand that the Pope must leave our land and take the cross and all of the symbols of their atrocities with him. Indigenous people see it as how the Jewish people see the swastika. McGill must stop bulldozing alleged unmarked graves before any investigation.


“The pope must leave and take the cross with him”, demand the Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers), who are carrying out their duties under the direction of the great peace kaianerekowa, and to stop the unmarked graves from being bulldozed by McGill University, which is now in Quebec’s Superior Court. They are trying to desecrate a crime scene, which violates their own law.

Tiohtiàke/Montreal, July 28, 2022. The Kanien’kehà:ka Kahnistensera (Mohawk Mothers) joined by their 50+ supporters had a rally and press conference to share updates on their attempt to stop McGill University from conducting excavation work on the grounds of the Royal Victoria Hospital, regardless of allegations of unmarked graves of Indigenous children. The rally and the press conference took place yesterday at the Mordecai Richler Gazebo at the foot of the unceded kanien’kehà:ka homeland of tekanontak (Mount-Royal), which all parties concede is all indigenous land as caretakers for future people.

On July 26th, 2022, a case management conference at the Quebec Superior Court in Montreal confirmed that McGill University intends to start building its “New Vic” campus in October 2022, in an area adjacent to McGill’s psychiatry department, the Allan Memorial Institute, where infamous CIA-funded Mk-Ultra “mind control” experiments were conducted in the 1950s and 1960s. The kahnistensera fear that forensic evidence of criminal research activities will be destroyed if the land is excavated before a thorough investigation is made to their satisfaction. The Superior Court will hear the kahnistensera’s demand for an interlocutory injunction against the construction project on October 26th 2022.

Meanwhile, the Société québécoise des infrastructures (the alleged owner of the Allan Memorial Institute), McGill University, the government of Canada and the City of Montreal are encouraging the desecration of the unmarked Indigenous graves situated on the former Royal Victoria Hospital and Allan Memorial sites, unceded land traditionally known as tekanontak, “two mountains” (Mount Royal). McGill University is being permitted to go forth with their $700 million “New Vic” project in the guise of furthering public policy and sustainability research.

Out of “common decency”, the kahnistensera ask a commitment from McGill university to not desecrate the bodies of their ancestors and children before the truth is known about the medical crimes committed on those lands. Instead, they demand McGill to provide access to archives so that proof of the graves can be ascertained. Furthermore, it is unceded Indigenous territory and its stewardship should remain in Indigenous hands. All permits for any construction can only be provided by the kanionkehaka, the rightful owners of the land.

The kahnistensera, as Mohawk women traditionally vested with the responsibility of caretaking the land, also denounced the visit of Pope Francis to Turtle Island. “He did not apply for permission from the true indigenous people to enter turtle island. He is not welcome and not wanted. He is just another trespasser,” said the kahnistensera. The legacy of the Catholic church on turtle Island is indisputably tied up in the genocide of Indigenous Peoples through residential schools and other oppressive and assimilationist practices evidenced in the thousands of unmarked graves discovered across the country to date. Millions more expected to be found. Canada hired the churches to carry out the genocide.

According to the Mothers, confronting the reality of these unspeakable crimes involves more than just words —it requires tangible action, particularly the dismantlement of the colonial oppressive apparatus called “Canada”. Apologies are unacceptable. Real action starts by “canceling the ‘doctrine of discovery’. No one can discover something that was not lost! [Mad Bear Anderson]. This is the only argument they use to justify their genocide”, said kahentinetha at the Rally and press conference. This goes for all of the indigenous people of the Western Hemisphere. There is no statute of limitation on such crimes against humanity. 

Real action means taking accountability for what has been done which can never be rectified by “giving back” something they never owned. The churches and Canada still exist and are responsible for their crimes. This stands in stark contrast to the Pope’s slap in the face to all indigenous people, such as “prayers’, phoney apologies, empty promises and continuing genocide. These cannot heal or help the countless lives taken and harmed by the Catholic church and other evil denominations. “The Pope doesn’t have any business coming over here. And all of these people, that were involved in the biggest genocide/holocaust in world history, are walking around free as a bird and being glorified by the state, the politicians the banks” and the sheep, emphasized kahentinetha. They should join in finding these graves. “The cross must come down” was one of the main demands of the kanien’kehà:ka kahnistensera, referring to the 31 meters tall cross on top of Mount Royal. “It’s a symbol of murder, rape, violence, oppression and abuse of genocide power”, said karakwiné, one of the Mohawk Mothers, as she felt the pain of so many of her ancestors. The cross as a symbol of human cruelty was also highlighted by the Duplessis Orphans who were present and recounted the stories of sexual abuse and oppression they experienced at the hands of the priests.

This demonstrated an alliance between peoples who suffered inhuman and cruel treatment under the stewardship of the church. “The cross is a symbol of power that was used to abuse children”, said Hervé Bertrand of the Duplessis Orphans. The kahnistensera invite all people in solidarity with the cause to help them prevent the desecration of the graves of Indigenous children and ancestors before their next hearing, on October 26th. -30- Contact: 514-825-4001 Source: [1] Milton Parc Citizens Committee (statement [2]) Links: —— [1] [2]




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MNN. June 20, 2022. This letter was sent to “Deloitte, the Indian Day Schools Class Action Claims Administrator, P.O. Box 1775, Toronto, ON, Canada M5C 0A2m Tel. 1-888-221-2898


Dear Sirs:

June 12/22: Claim. ID EEN-00080303 Jane Doe. Re: Level Determination. 

I am eligible for the Level 5 claim of $200,000 from the Indian Day School Class Action Settlement, plus another $50,000 dollars for the continued torture that Deloitte, Gowling and Canada are causing me at this time.



No one explained why there are 5 levels of suffering to decide the amount to pay each victim. Every victim suffered 100%. Oddly, attorney and auditor fees were settled before ours. 

Canada plead guilty  because they did the crime and had all the records, not allowing us to cross-examine them. Our lawyer, Gowling, represented us and Canada and did not advise and protect us.   

Canada plead guilty and has no choice but to agree with everything we say. The case is uncontested. We do not have to prove what Canada plead guilty to.

I am a victim since 1940 and am part of  this class action case we won. A jury should have decided the remedy for the mental and physical abuse and terrorism. Deloitte cannot decide whether the physical harm and abuse I suffered was bad enough for them. In 1988 Canada transferred the schools from the churches to the band councils who both work for Canada. Indian Affairs is part of the army.


One of the biggest mental violations was genociding my original kanonsesne kanienkehaka:onwe name. 

Canada plead guilty to committing the following crimes of torture. We survived the government’s Indian day school atrocities. We were not meant to recover from the trauma. Some torture techniques were total darkness, light & sound deprivation, various diseases, starvation, pain inducing and numbness holds [some prolonged in body casts] , raping, drugging, electric shock and mind control. Canada admitted to hiring churches and private institutions to spread diseases, sexual abuse/harm, touching of genitals or private parts, spread venereal disease, exposing themselves, fondling/kissing, taking nude photos, physical abuse and assault which caused serious physical harm requiring medical treatment and resulting in the murder of millions, beating us if we spoke our indigenous languages, mental anguish while anticipating the physical and mental abuse and possible death as part of the genocide program. 

Canada also plead guilty to sexual abuse/harm [masturbation, oral intercourse, penetration or penetration with an object causing physical assault, permanent or long-term harm [injury, impairment or disfigurement] and impregnating and sterilizing the children. [Then murdering the babies ].

Offer these two ancient relics on your holy apology tour. It’s all we really have of any value. 


Canada admits, “Yes, we did it!” and now has to settle and pay its victims according to the admiralty law system imposed upon us.     

kahnawake, tyendinaga and over 600 indian reservations and communities were victims. My home is still under military control. Some of the teachers were WW2 veterans, priests, nuns, missionaries, dentists, doctors, nurses, and other psychopathic adults and authorities.

There is no statute of limitations for these crimes which deliberately attempted to destroy our greatness. Since 1905 to 1987 all our medical records were with the Canadian government, Indian Affairs, or, in my case, the Kahnawake hospital or some other department of the military.  Kahnawake Hospital informed me that all my medical records from 1940 to1987 have disappeared. The presumption is they were destroyed. So Deloitte’s reconsideration form can’t be completed. By law Canada is obligated to believe me. As a sovereign onkwehonweh, I have determined that I am eligible for the No. 5 level of suffering of $200,000 offered plus $50,000 for the pain and suffering I am enduring presently, and another $50,000 for each time I am deprived of my right to protect myself. I am being treated by Canada as a prisoner of war so that I will suffer more. 

Canada gave Deloitte a retainer of $44 million to make and send the checks to us, not to decide our cases. Deloitte is illegally withholding payment unless we illegally relive our horrific experiences to their satisfaction. Then Canada gave $55 million as a retainer to the defence lawyers, Gowling, without asking for our approval.  

Canada is paying us from our own Indian Trust Fund.   

Canada and their sidekicks are trying to revictimize the victims. Deloitte’s job is to keep the payout down for Canada. Gowling’s job is to settle Canada’s crime without a trial so everybody cannot see and hear the evidence of genocide of our people. There should be an investigation of the actions of Canada, Deloitte and Gowling by the victims. Together they are working as B.A.R. lawyers to whitewash the genocide.

Finally, as a people we were deprived of our culture, land and our care taking duties to our mother earth and our future generations, which is priceless. 

The creation of torture systems were contracted to universities and hospitals by the CIA, MI5, CSIS and other academic, government and military institutions. Indigenous children were used to create the war prisoners torture programs. [See video “Eminent Monster”. A Manual for Modern Torture.

As Deloitte, Gowling and Canada assume they represent me, CCR say, “It ain’t me”. As John Fogarty sings: “Some folks are born made to wave the flag. Ooh, that red white and blue. And when the band plays “Hail to the Chief. Ooh, they point a cannon at you. It ain’t me. It ain’t me. I aint no senator’s son. It ain’ me. It ain’t me. I ain’t no fortunate son. Some folks are born with a silver spoon in hand. Lord, don’t they help themself. When the tax man comes to the door ….”, court reporter, 

Box 991, kahnawake, quebec casnada J0L 1B0




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MNN. May 23, 2022. Almost 80 years ago Indian day school teachers tried to make us speak French in kahnawake. We took the exam paper which was in French, signed our name, and handed it back  blank. They exclaimed, “Eeez no use. They won’t speak French”.  We were exempted from the ‘canadien’ [squatters] stranglehold.  This commentary applies equally to English.


Today the Quebec C96 language bill to shove French down our throats and make us and our languages disappear will never happen. We are the true people of turtle island, placed here to communicate with creation in our original languages.

In the future all foreigners will speak to us in mohawk or another indigenous language. They are not of this land.  

They have two choices, to come under the tree of peace or leave. Creation wills that Indigenous will be the only languages spoken everywhere.  

Because of foreign language restrictions for trade and commerce reasons, we are being forced to leave our home for work for survival. kahnistensera proclaim that every place of work must accommodate our indigenous language requirements. They cannot deny us equal opportunities to work, study or any discourse we chose anywhere on turtle island. As a matter of pride, duty and fundamental human rights, we want to speak our languages everywhere  


The French culture is in France. We gave them no permission to dictate anything to us. They came here to exploit, steal our resources and continue to try to extinguish us. Sign language was once the common language throughout turtle island. Everybody in the world knows that our land is indigenous from time immemorial until infinity. 

The French are angry because they are losing their bastardized imported language. They want us to forsake our  language [s] so theirs can be saved. If they want to hang onto the French language, they can go home where it is being preserved. To save our languages, we the living onkwehonweh have to do it ourselves here on our homeland while under constant threats and attack by the invaders.

All signs will eventually be in kanienkehaka:onwe, mohawk or other indigenous languages. Our languages shall be spoken and displayed everywhere on our land by everyone. Our languages and kaianerekowa will will try to get rid of the systemic injustice, racism and hatred that engulfs the world today. The invaders murdered us for not speaking foreign white languages. Today they will stop attempting to kill us and our original languages and help us bury the weapons of war [great peace].

Premier Legault wants only French or else. “No exceptions”. Canada and Quebec are not nations. whever they come is where they belong. turtle island belongs to  our unborn future generations and we are its caretakers.     

In 100 years everyone on turtle island will speak only Mohawk or another indigenous language which is what our mother earth wants. Canadiens are scattered foreign populations from different separate places away from their homelands. The teiohateh two row provides that we have to keep our own ways, languages and customs. The foreigners will stay in their ship. We will stay in our canoe which is all of turtle island. 

Our duty is to raise our children on our land, and speak kanienkehaka:onwe, Mohawk. The fascists planned to do away with us [Indian Lands Acts 1924] and have set 2024 as our end time when we will be assimilated into a foreign law by the stroke of the corporate pen. The invaders are uninvited. We defeated them then and we will defeat them again.   

tionnitiotiakon [Montreal] will be Mohawk speaking only. 


These foreigners have shown us they cannot live among us. They constantly make us defensive and reactive. C96 is their latest gun to start their attacks in our schools and homes. We refuse to let them tell us how we shall be. Every generation the invaders try to make us less legitimate and think we are dying out. We will persevere and do what make us strong, our clans, decision making process, knowledge of our past and the elimination of their band council puppet gestapo they appointed to help them carry out the “final solution to the indian problem!”. 

The  fascist government of the invaders does not belong on indigenous land. We have a revolutionary way to develop a free society and to live without war. 

All those residential school death camps on turtle land were designed to beat, torture, starve, rape and murder us to destroy our land and steal our resources.  Quebec Bill C96 is another school shooting. If you want to be French, go home.   

Our language is our tie to creation. Don’t dictate anything to us. We will decide whether to learn whatever we want as we have always done!     

Finally, Prime Dictator Legault, you have no voice amongst our people. We will never accept your dictatorship words. As the song says “It’s beginning to look a lot like fascism”.

PO Box 991, kahnawake quebec J0L 1B0