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MNN. 11, 2021. Two Members of Parliament, Mumilaaq Qaqqaq and Charlie Angus, are being set up to make it look as if we are going to get justice. They call for a criminal Investigation into genocide and murders of Indigenous People. They ask Justice Minister David Lametti to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate their own murders of our children in over 158 former residential schools and health centers across the country. We want an independant investigation under our jurisdiction. The Crown and Canada want to control the information and to protect themselves, the authorities, bureaucrats, priests, teachers, nuns. RCMP and staff who were hired to kill off the indigenous population. Meantime Canada and the churches are busy destroying documents and evidence and trying to stop us from our own investigation.

The government wants to control crime scenes and keep us out of accessing the information. It is another layer of their coverup.

Now the bodies of thousands of children in unmarked graves are coming to the surface to expose their big secret. All Canadiens benefit from the crime. We want to investigate these cold blooded killers ourselves under our laws and to be provided with the technical assistance we ask for.  

Another big secret is they are trying to protect the GDP, the “Gross Domestic Product”, which is the total value of  Canada. This includes using all the assets of turtle island, for a total of $1.736 trillion USD 2019. All “assets” of the corporation of Canada is the INDIAN TRUST FUND. Once Canada, a resource extraction company, dissolves, all assets will go to the indigenous caretakers and the canadien squatters will have to leave

All municipal, provincial and federal appointees who have sworn an allegiance to the Crown are guilty of complicity in genocide, including Apaqaaq and Angus. They swear “to be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors and her corporations”. They swear to reveal no secrets about the land called Canada.  

Canada says to us., “Hold it, survivors of our murder spree. We are going to do the investigation of our horrific murders ourselves. Give us everything you have found. We’ll hide it so you can’t try us!”. The cops went to the homes, grabbed our children, who ended up in the unmarked graves. Everyone that had any contact with the child is complicit in the crimes. The murderers want to cover it up so that no one will be charged and evidence will be destroyed, as was demonstrated in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. According to Canada’s 100 year plan, they want to extinguish us by 2024, so Canada can continue the illusion of being a legal country. 

Both Canada and US are not sovereign. Only the indigenous people who exist here are 100% sovereign. All exploitation of our assets will have to stop immediately. All world trade will have to be negotiated with the indigenous people as everything on turtle island is indigenous assets. Everybody will have to live by the great peace.

Why is an inuit woman making this proposal? So it will look like the indigenous people are in charge of this investigation. Canadiens benefitting from these murders and genocide cannot sit in judgment. If kaianerekowa, the great peace, finds Canada and its subjects guilty of murder and genocide, the penalty is dissolution and banishment from turtle island forever. When the world court investigates, the corporation of Canada will be dissolved. The band councils are canadiens, who swore an oath to the Queen. They are part of the problem and will never be the solution.   

The criminals call turtle island “crown land”. Which was created from a Papal Bull 300 years before knowing about turtle island. Their whole legal system is based on this fiction. Therefore, they cannot investigate themselves. We can prove every part of turtle island is ours since time immemorial. The veil of foreign names atop turtle island does not hide the theft by the invaders. They can’t have any claim to the land of our unborn children. 

There are no deeds that show legitimate conveyance or transfer or sale of any part of turtle land to anybody, because we are each sovereign, tewatatewennio, and co-caretakers of all of turtle island. Every inch of turtle island has a native name.  

It’s time for a revolution by the people of Canada, unless they want to continue to be part of the conspiracy to steal our land and kill us. 

The non-admiralty dispute resolution court set up in 1903 by Czar Nicholas of Russia, signed by every nation in the world, can now be shown the evidence of the biggest holocaust in humanity, of 150 million indigenous peoples from pole to pole, ocean to ocean.  

The band council 1re agents of the murderers, Canada. According to the teiohateh two row they are no longer indigenous. They left the canoe [turtle island] and joined the ship of the invaders.


Canada puts inuit women in key positions as if they represent us. Like the Nazis, Canada is trying to destroy the evidence of the murders by using these women. 

The Five Man Electric Band sings about the signs that cover the beautiful natural world: And the sign said “Long-haired freaky people need not apply.
So I tucked my hair up under my hat And I went in to ask him why. He said “You look like a fine upstanding young man. I think you’ll do.So I took off my hat, I said “Imagine that, Huh! Me working for you!”Whoa-oh-oh. [Chorus] Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Blockin’ out the scenery. Breakin’ out my mind. Do this, don’t do that. Can’t you read the sign?“ 

MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0




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MNN. July 26, 2021. There are allegations from a survivor, Ann Diamond, of unmarked graves behind the Allan Memorial Hospital of McGill University, on the south slope of Mount Royal. “These unmarked graves are a big secret. There has been no physical proof that kids are buried there, but some would have been native kids in Dr. Ewen Cameron’s experiments between 1953 and 1964. Between 17 and 25 children are buried there”. The higher learning schools with the intellectual geniuses were brought in to help design the premeditated genocide horror. One aspect was to ensure that protesters are silenced. 

McGill has been destroying records, evidence and making sure that witnesses and survivors stay silent. McGill has always forbidden any archaeological digging on its site which is an original large rotinoshonni Mohawk village that was never ceded, sold or transferred.

Covert operations under the direction of the Vatican and Great Britain directed McGill University to carry out mind altering experiments geared to genociding our culture and to think like white people. 

Psychiatric hospitals such as Allan Memorial are an extension of the residential schools genocide program and vice versa.   

CHIEF SEATTLE said to the white men: “Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. The very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than to yours because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors and our feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch. Even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season will love these somber solitudes and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirit. And when the last red man shall have perished, and the memory of my tribe shall have become a myth among the white men, these shores will swarm with the invisible dead of my tribe, and when your children’s children think themselves alone in the field, the store, the shop, upon the highway, or in the silence of the pathless woods, they will not be alone. At night when the streets of your cities and villages are silent and you think them deserted, they will throng with the returning hosts that once filled and still love this beautiful land. The white man will never be alone”.

“Let him be just and kindly with my people. For the dead are not powerless. Dead, did I say? There is no death, only a change of worlds”.

Those are our ancestors and they are not dead.

Our spirit comes from nature and continues until the end of time. We hear these children in the unmarked graves. 

Canada’s problem is whatever wealth that the corporation claims, it all belongs to the unborn indigenous faces yet to come which we will protect. That’s why Canada tried to stop our blood from continuing through murder, sterilization and genocide. These Frankensteins wanted to erase our brain and replace it with an obedient limited functioning white brain. The rebellious were murdered. 


Experiments were being done on indigenous children from the late 1800’s when Indian residential death camps were first established up to the present time.  

Immediately after WW II the Board of Governors of McGill University brought in 700 German top scientists, while 3000 were sent into the United States via “Operation Paperclip”. They were all part of the MKULTRA mind control program of the MI5/CIA/CSIS. They were given new identities, names and top jobs. Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron conducted experiments at Allan Memorial to change memories and erase the patients’ thoughts using “psychic driving”, drug-induced sleep, electroconvulsive therapy, sensory deprivation, lobotomies and mind control drugs. These criminal actions were secretly conducted on defenceless people and children without their consent or knowledge. We demand all files be opened to the public and a thorough investigation of each conducted by us. 

The “100 year business plan” of murder and genocide became law when the Indian Lands Acts were passed on October 25, 1924. The military set up POW death camps called ‘reservations’. Over 158 residential schools were built with Indian Trust Funds [374 schools in the United States] to extinguish our children. ‘Health’ units like Allan Memorial were established throughout Canada to experiment on our children. Many perished.

Original chiefs and clan mothers were murdered in front of the people and the puppet tribal and band councils were installed by military force. Their main purpose was and continues to be to help annihilate our people and sign away our land so Canada can become a country without ‘Indians’. The first band councillors were WW I returning native soldiers. The current Minister of Indian Affairs, Marc Miller, is a former military commander who is in the reserves.

The Vatican ‘owns’ the Crown that took illegal possession of turtle island. Churches are all registered corporations with the Vatican and pay no taxes to the people. The priests are the original intelligence agents through the confessional system. The band councils carry out the genocide as mapped out by Canada.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister of Indian Affairs Mark Miller and the McGill Board of Governors know about these criminally insane psychiatric facilities they help to enable.

The Indian Trust Fund was confiscated by Canada by making us into ‘wards’ of the state. There was never a legal war with us and therefore never a surrender. The entire value of Canada is the Indian Trust Fund which is in the hundreds of trillions. In 1850 McGill, which squats on Mohawk land, “borrowed” from the Iroquois Trust Funds to construct the university, which was never paid back. A thorough criminal investigation of each member of the McGill Board of Governors for theft and murders of our children must be carried out under our law, the kaianerekowa. We have ancient allies who know our truth. [see report below].The alumni are part of the horror for turning their backs.

McGill admits to being on Mohawk kanienkehaka land and constructing it with stolen Iroquois trust funds. We assert our right to do a thorough investigation of the crimes. We demand explanations of all the unmarked graves in and around McGill.

158 residential schools and at least 158 universities studied the ‘science’ of genocide.

We are using our own initiative and funds to investigate the graves. At the finding of unmarked graves behind Indian residential schools by the people, the government suddenly offered millions of dollars to the band council to do the excavation. Of course, the band councils took credit for the initiative and pocketed the money.

Regarding Indian day schools class action suit, lawyers Gowling WLG represented both sides, the former students and the perpetrators, Canada. Canada plead guilty to 12 charges. Yet Gowling worked the case so their other client, Canada, did not stand trial and paid as little as possible to their victims. Gowling WLG pocketed $55 million and Deloitte received $44 million for writing the cheques. All of their institutions are corrupt because they are based on a lie. Everything based on a lie, no matter how many lies, and how much times they lie, will always be a lie.

In a time of disorderly confusion, Governor General Mary Simon, represents the Queen who is a shareholder of the Crown that fraudulently owns all of turtle island. In effect, Trudeau admits they are on the unceded land of the onkwehonweh, the “past, present and future caretakers” of the land. On July 26, 2021, Mary Simon swore that she would be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, her heirs and successors. So help her god. She is now Commander in Chief of the military which is part of the system of genocide. She vows to protect the genociders. Once again she does not include over 99% of us true original indigenous people who do not recognize the Queen or Canada. She supports reconciliation only with the corporate First Nations, Metis and Inuit.  She jumps from the kayak onto the ship to help our enemies commit ‘the final solution to the Indian problem’, as depicted by the Beatles in ‘Helter Skelter”:

MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0









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MNN. July 21, 2021. The cowards are coming out of the woodwork openly demonstrating the colonial “kill the kids”, “murder the blood” program! ka-tsi-non-wak-son. [invasive species with no shame] . They invaded our land, there was never a declaration of war and no surrender by us. In 1701 the Indian Trust Fund show there was never a conquest. Treaties were all for peace only.

Mary Simon, you may not be qualified to be a Governor General because you don’t speak one of the two foreign languages of the invaders to turtle island. It’s about your oath to the Queen and not to us and creation that concerns us. You no longer work for our interest. You need to know more about our true history.

You speak one of our natural languages of turrle island, inuktituk. Of course, you could be coached to mimmick French perfectly without being able to speak it. Or you could be dubbed like in the movies where your lips and words don’t match. That is if you want the job of helping our enemies carry out “the final solution to the Indian problem”.


The new Manitoba minister of Indian affairs, Andre Lagimodiere, in effect, said, “What we did to the Indians was for their own good. We were assimilating them to become like us” [liars, thieves, cheats and murderers!” [kariwaksen]. Very dangerous is that AFN President Roseann Archibald accepts without comment the hate speeches of Lagimodiere and Premier Pallister of Manitoba.  

In the 1940s the government hired World War II vets to work as teachers in our day schools. Mr. R. was assigned to kahnawake. He wanted every kanionkehaka child to sing “God Save the King” every morning. He would herd all the children into a small classroom. The pianist would bang on the piano and Mr. R. would lead the singing while the children mumbled. This particular morning two boys stood there, pursed their lips and refused to even mumble. He yelled, “When she starts playing and I start singing, you will ALL sing “God Save the King”. Once again the two boys refused to sing. He became furious and jumped to physically assault the two small defenceless 10 year olds. The two small boys grabbed Mr. R. and pinned him and smashed his head into the wall while he yelled and screamed. We heard all the little kids laughed. The local constable was called in and sent the kids home. He told the parents the repercussions could be serious like being sent to foster homes or residential schools. The parents couldn’t understand what the fuss was, that they could lose their kids for not singing “God save the king”!

Today politicians, like new Indian Affairs Minister Andre Lagimodiere in Manitoba, are yelling at us telling us that Indian Day and residential schools were for our own good. The Manitoba Premier Pallister nervously remarked that colonialism is a good program. Local natives responded with total disgust and anger.  

Speaking at us in Manitoba is white supremacy and old stolen Indian money. They were insulting and demeaning our experience of genocide and murder at their hands. They showed no shame. The outrage from the indigenous in Winnipeg was from all of us.  There was no condemnation of their remarks from Trudeau or Archibald of the AFN. 

The majority of band councils and Indian organizations stand with the govAudioernment. They are ready to accept apologies and money to forgive the unforgivable. From 1924 to the present they have assisted in the genocide. They represent only the few people who take part in their corporate elections. Almost 99% of us true indigenous have no voice at all in their corporate business system called government.  

The higher ups made the plan, you carried it out and everybody except us benefitted.  You carefully selected your victims, our babies and small children. It was premeditated murder and genocide. You are mercenaries. The school death camps were put where we could not watch and care for our children. So many were murdered so there would be no witnesses.The Truth & Reconciliation Commission did not give names of the perpetrators to stand trial like the Nazis did at Nuremburg.

Invasive species: As the story goes, they came from across the big pond to turtle island, on scraps of wood, without invitation, then became a menace & now have to leave or dissolve.

The government and churches picked on our children because you are cowards [ronatasehton]. You can’t backtrack the carefully planned genocide you do and benefit from.

Old school racism is saying colonization is not bad. In effect Premier Pallister of Manitoba said, “All these horrors being exposed are for the good of the original people”. He’d do it again today if he could. Not having us around could give you title to turtle island. The Crown, churches and government will not get away with murder of millions of us. 

kaianerekowa does not forgive. We are here to take care of this wondrous land. Canada means “squatters” and flows from a lawyer’s pen who studied Admiralty law with limited liability. It’s a glorified piece of paper. 

We may have to take some drastic action to stop our children disappearing. In the last few days in kahnawake white men with tinted windows wait outside of homes watching kids playing and gesturing for them to come and get in their cars. Our children cannot be left alone for one second even in their own yards. They need to learn “help me” tactics. We take pictures of the cars and plates if we can. A while back a white stranger followed a young girl talking to her. She ran into a cigarette shop. They saw him jump into a white van and take off. The same happened in another part of kahnawake. Pallister’s and Lagimodiere’s remarks trigger and gives permission to sick people or agents to try and kidnap indigenous children.

Politicians saying colonialism, residential schools and kidnapping our children and women from the family is a “good thing” means they want this practice to continue. From our experience, when children and women go missing it is part of the continuing genocide without any investigation by the government. The government is the Crown at the Vatican. They also own the United States of America and Canada. The Mafia works for the Vatican. 

Keith and Mick are gross in their description. But what the Crown did to our children is grosser: “But you knifed me in my dirty filthy basement. With that jaded, faded, junky nurse oh what pleasant company. Though, we all need someone we can feel on. Yeah and if you want it, you can feel on me, hey
Take my arm, take my leg. Oh baby don’t you take my head.” As you can see, the rabbit hole goes deep but we will find out everything.

MNN Mohawk Nation News, Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0




Gianni Russo Full Interview



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MNN. June 27, 2021. Every child is an amber alert when they go missing! Nothing was done to find the millions of missing indigenous children, men and women. To steal turtle island the invaders built schools/death camps to eliminate us and our culture and to steal our natural resources. We cannot give turtle island to the Crown or anybody. It belongs to our unborn babies. We are each sovereign, not part of the Crown. We are not their subjects. [Canada Indigenous Population erroneous statistics]


The reason for the elimination of the indigenous people of turtle island is to have no debt to the owners of the land through total annihilation. That means murder of the children, sterilization of the women and missing and murdered women and girls who have the babies.

Mr. Trudeau, you stand in the shoes of all former Prime Ministers who all agreed to the genocide and murder. We want to hear your own words for why we were genocided. Hitler was a German who took out Germans. You foreigners come here and murder us whose homeland has been turtle island since the beginning of time, posing as human rights advocates and freedom lovers. Being ‘canadien’ is more evil than being a ‘Nazi’. 

Each unmarked grave is a separate crime scene and criminal investigation. We know who did the crime. We want to know the specifics of the individuals involved, just like the Nuremburg trials.

A real criminal investigation of each death is necessary. One grave can unravel a lot of mysteries. How were our children kidnapped? The government illegally made us all their ‘wards’ and took trusteeship of our possessions and funds without our consent. The RCMP as the Gestapo showed up at our homes with a court paper to take our children. Kidnapping is a crime anywhere in the world except Canada when it has to do with natives. The parents had to give their child or children to the arresting officer or they would be jailed and ultimately murdered. The RCMP placed the children in their precincts to change their identity for delivery to the school death camps or for human trafficking. They turned them over to the church and the government paid for their human extinction services!

When a body is found in an unmarked grave, the police are immediately called. A crime scene is created. The homicide squad must conduct a thorough investigation supervised by the indigenous people. DNA samples are gathered to match it with a family. Our children were taken to the farthest schools, given English names, numbered and their culture taken from them. The murderers cannot investigate their own crimes of kidnapping, human trafficking, child abuse, rape, torture and murder.

Another reason to eliminate our people is so they can steal 100% of our Indian Trust Funds which is now over $900 trillion. They are trying to eliminate witnesses  to the theft.

Directions came from the government ‘god father’, which directed the churches to implement the genocide. There’s the actual kidnapping, the cover up, terror, taking away the language and culture and enforcing Christianity, all in the name of god. We were to become “human” the English way. The number of children taken is at least 3,950,000 to the residential death camps, never to be returned home.

The truth will make the people of the world want Canada to disappear and to respect the true jurisdiction of the aboriginal people to all turtle island.

We do not reconcile or negotiate with brutal terrorists who have invaded our land and terrorize us, murder our children and steal everything they can. You said it is up to the communities to decide, not Canada. That means all us sovereign people will supervise every aspect of the investigation. Importantly the Prime Minister plead guilty to these crimes on behalf of the corporation of Canada. Under kaianerekowa there is an automatic sentence of dissolution of the guilty company, which means they no longer exist. The actual perpetrators will be hunted down like the Nazis in the Nuremburg trials.

Each unmarked grave is a separate criminal investigation. All parts of Canada are automatically dissolved which includes the band councils, Canadian criminal justice system, the legislature, the executive and the judiciary.  The Prime Minister has conceded guilt by noting that indigenous communities and sovereigns will control the criminal investigation. [at minute 27.42]. As Canada no longer exists you have no power to order anything. You are  now a witness and possible suspect. These criminal investigations, especially the coverup of the crime, are also directed to the United States, the Crown, the Pope and the christian churches. We ask that you use our protocol in communicating with anybody about this case. You are all under criminal investigation. You are subject only to us and to provide answers to us pursuant to our sovereignty, the great peace and two row. You said that Canada will do whatever the community wants and provide the answers we need.]

You have no right to send your agents to make statements and on missions to suspects of murder to beg for and accept apologies on our behalf as you are all complicit in the cover up of genocide [#4 on the Genocide Act]. The band councils are siding with you, the terrorists, which makes them our enemy. They don’t speak for us.  

The investigation of each death under our direction is to find accountability. The murderers cannot investigate the murders.

The first to be interviewed must be the Prime Minister, the President of the corporation of Canada, who has access to all the relevant reports and agreements, such as the pdf file of all 158 schools provided below. 

The coverup of coverups. The church must be investigated. What did the children die of? Natural causes? Starvation? Murder? Beatings? Why was the family not notified? Why was all identification removed?

What were the proceeds from the crimes. Everything Canadians have, the land, resources, infrastructures, water, air, everything below, on and above the earth.

DNA experts and demographers we trust are needed. We want our Indian Trust Funds to cover the cost of this thorough investigation.

Many of these children will never be found. They are in unmarked graves. Some were thrown into furnaces. Some were mixed into the concrete and poured into the walls of the school . . . .

Canada will be exposed as being worse than the Nazis, knowing everything, including you. Your responsibility is to spill the beans on why the genocide happened and why it continues. The perpetrators want to destroy evidence to avoid responsibilities for the crimes. The” community” is us, not your agents. You have to follow our direction. You should have immediately called for a criminal investigation.  

We know there is a paper trail. Show us. Psychopaths like what they do and write it down to play it over again in their minds. Had we been almost wiped out, no one would have found these graves. It would have been the perfect crime. kaianerekowa and teiohateh cannot be genocided.

You conceded the ultimate plan to murder us, that the children were taken from the arms of their parents. Canada is a criminal state that covers up their crimes with the Criminal Code of Canada, as all criminals do. They should all be arrested and prosecuted. 

This is first degree murder which should be the dissolution of the corporation that put that child in an unmarked grave. 

On August 1701 the British set foot in Canada through the teiohateh two row. They agreed to live with us and all of nature as children of mother earth. To try to steal turtle island they committed three major genocide crimes, theft of the land, elimination of the culture and killing us. So you have no right to be here.

Your government recognizes only the corporate Metis, First Nations and Inuit as the only legitimate ‘Indians’.  We the true sovereigns are entitled to nothing, given no respect as the caretakers of turtle island. We’ll see about that.

The Muse sing about the “Uprising”; “Paranoia is in bloom. The PR transmissions will resume. They try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down. And hope that we will never see the truth around [so come on]. Another promise. Another seed. Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed. And all the green belts wrapped around our minds. and endless red tape to keep the truth confined [so come on]. They will not force us. They will stop degrading us. They will not control us. We will be victorious [so come on].”  

MNN. MOHAWK NATION NEWS NEWS, PO Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0


TRUDEAU’S LATEST UPDATE  See minute 27.40 for turning the investigation over to the communities . . . MASS GRAVES ACROSS CANADA 2008




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MNN. June 24, 2021. Trudeau said, “Genocide continues to this day”. 

Prime Minister Trudeau of Canada plead guilty to the world for committing the biggest murder and genocide in all humanity of at least 4 million indigenous children. There is no statute of limitations on murder and genocide. The guilty corporations of Canada and US automatically dissolve. Both are owned by the Crown, the corporation headed by the Queen,, registered at the Vatican.

As we are individually naturally sovereign, each of us has a right to our own decision on all matters. No one speaks for us, especially not any of your sell-outs. 

Canada, US and Spanish psychopaths conducted the genocide and hid the graves. They will all be found.

Government and Christians defend their sadistic crimes as the will of god! They want to apologize so we can forgive them and be healed! Then the serial killers can get off the murder charges. We are not part of the confessional system which keeps us silent so they can be protected through their confidentiality defense. They categorized us “savages” as non-humans who had to be ‘civilized’ through torture, murder and genocide.


Adolph Hitler intensely studied the genocide masterminds in Canada and US. Then he implemented his own murder holocaust in Germany. He extinguished 6 million Jews. This was for him a “good pathway” to evil and power. Adolph Hitler learned this method of sinister depopulation through premeditated genocide and murder created by Canada and United States.

Our doctrine is nature and peace. The doctrine of the government and churches is genocide, murder and evil.

All graves will soon be found. In Canada and US it was government and church sanctioned and government and church enforced. Canada set up the RCMP to carry out the holocaust. The US set up the War Department for their holocaust. Then Hitler copied Canada and US and set up the Gestapo to implement the holocaust. 

After the mass murders, the Nazi corporation was automatically dissolved. After their genocides, Canada and US are also automatically dissolved. No more treaties. No more land claims. According to the kaianerekowa and two row everything is under our jurisdiction and has been since the beginning of time until the end of time.


Every symbol of the genocide will be removed, statues, buildings, Nazi symbols like the maple leaf flag, the cross, every foreign English, French and Spanish place names to be returned to the original native names, no more holidays to celebrate wars and murderous heroes or anyone who worked toward our extinction. ONLY THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH SHALL PREVAIL. 

These death camp atrocities on turtle island were going on at the same time as the Nuremburg trial. No court in the world would defend these murderers because the Admiralty Law courts are complicit. The racist justice system allowed this genocide without consequence. The result is automatic dissolution of the government corporation. Our children were sent to the town officials from the residential schools death camps to be abused, tortured, raped and killed. The Nazi judges were convicted in the Nuremburg trials after World War II for conspiracy mostly by execution.

Our great peace has no statute of limitations on murder. Any individual native person can seek a remedy for the atrocities. The automatic dissolution is an immediate remedy to hold the murderers in Canada accountable. After that there can be a Nuremburg type investigation under the great peace to find the actual perpetrators, like Trudeau, politicians, bureaucrats, etc. We cannot reconcile with the murderers.

The reason to kill our children was so they would not grow up and have children, The women who bore the children were murdered or sterilized.

Mad Bear said about concentration camps that “Hitler told the United States towards the end of world war 2, “Don’t point your finger at me. Look what you have done!”

Trudeau and Biden have not responded to our query. They lose by default and their corporations are automatically dissolved.

Nazis are still being hunted worldwide. If the Jews find a Nazi they would be thrown in jail or executed. Finding and dealing with our murderers will never end. We will find them. Anyone who goes against the great peace automatically banish themselves.

1.5 million German children were genocided. Complete records were kept. Canada gave him the idea to kill children. Canada started to officially genocide us in 1867. Hitler used it as a blue print, appreciated the gift and credited US and Canada for it.


Canada is no longer in complete denial of their guilt. On June 24, 2021, 751 unmarked graves of children was found at Cowessess Saskatchewan. These millions of graves were intentionally concealed in the Truth and Reconciliation Inquiry headed by Murray Sinclair, so they would never be found. The government is now dissolved and their Nazi maple leaf flag does not fit displayed behind our speakers who are explaining the horrors. The graves are unmarked to hide the crime. The government knows where they all are all and they will all be found.

It was the 100 year “business plan “created by Prime Minister John A. Macdonald, Ryerson and Duncan Campbell Scott., in whose shoes you Trudeau stand. The Indian Lands Act and Indian Act are suppose to extinguish us by 2024. The serial killers of the churches, provincial governments, hospitals have records they are hanging onto. Psychopaths always write down everything they do. They were given a right to kill as we were “savages”, not Christians. These corporations glorified the founding fathers of Canada and the United Statesl who are psychpaths thrown out of Europe, not glorified founders with democratic ideals and human rights advocacy!

We want the list of the shareholders of the corporations of the CROWN, and the Governments of CANADA and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Your choice is following the great peace and two row or get out of turtle island immediately.

Everybody, do something!

Are you getting the message of A Tribe Called Red: “You have taken the land which is rightfully ours. Years from now, my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans and drink highballs
We will sell our bracelets by the roadsides. You will play golf and enjoy hot hors d’oeuvres. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick-shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They have said, “Do not trust the Pilgrims”. And for all these reasons, I have decided to scalp you and burn your village to the ground”.


MNN. MOHAWK NATION NEWS NEWS, PO Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0














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MNN. June 18, 2021. The corporation of Canada cannot recognize the foreign language of its sub-colony Quebec on our territory. Indigenous languages are the only official languages in all of turtle island. According to the kaianerekowa you did not adhere to the great peace and must vacate turtle island without delay. You have a homeland, France. Go home. 

Kaianerekowa provides that we must fight until we win.


June 25 1701 the Great Peace of Montreal happened. In 1645 we dropped the black wampum and  invaded Ontario with 10,000 mohawk warriors. The wendat refused to return to the great peace and wanted to continue to help the French try to annihilate the kanienkehaka/Mohawk. We raided and defeated the entire large nation of wendat traitors to the great peace in five years. The French were in Quebec City.  We were ready to push them into the ocean. When we were at the gates it was the end of them on turtle island if they did not respect the great peace. The surviving wendat are still on the outskirts of Quebec City.

The French sued the Iroquois rotinoshonni for peace in 1701 so they could stay. At this time the two row concept was offered to the world. The two row was first extended to the Dutch and the symbol of the pledge to follow the two row was the hemp rope, which they violated. Then the French pledged to adhere to the two row and their symbol was the iron chain. They violated all agreements made with us and their stay here is null and void. They have no claim to anything. Then the English pledged with the silver covenant chain, which they violated. Then the Americans pledged with the gold braid, and they violated everything. They still use the gold tassel on their military uniforms and flags.


We kanienkehaka/Mohawk have jurisdiction over 100% of the land that Canada and the United States and the Crown colony of Quebec squat on. The only true natural jurisdiction here is the kaianerekowa, great peace, and two row, which is us in our canoe, and you on your ship. You are set to sail back soon to your mother or father land and we will never see you again. 

Once the federal government passes Bill C-96 making the foreign language of French the only language in Quebec, then Quebec plans to go to the United Nations to apply to become a corporation. The French already have a nation. It’s called France. Just like the United States has a nation called Britain. The UN, another corporation owned by the crown, needs to get off our land too. The scam is over for all corporations sitting at the UN pretending to be countries or nations.

CANADA IS A PRIVATE COMPANY. The Queen is one of the shareholders of the Crown. They know their time here is soon coming to an end.

Quebec is not a country but another corporation. The UN, cannot recognize you as you have no culture, no land, and speak a foreign language. Montevideo Convention 1932 provides clearly what a country is. Canada, United States and Quebec do not qualify to be a nation of the UN. Only the true sovereign people of turtle island have rightful jurisdiction here.

No more “Canada Day” by the cana’jon [canadien] squatters to celebrate the blood thirsty genocide, murders and terrorism against indigenous people to set up your corporate non-government known as “Canada” and sub-colony known as Quebec. These criminal companies, soon to self dissolved, never legally existed in the first place. 

You are all Vatican registered businesses and have no right to legislate anything to anybody here, especially the caretakers placed here by creation to take care of the natural resources. Go protect your foreign languages elsewhere. 

We remind the UN that Quebec is a partner in the genocide and murders of indigenous people. They fear criticizing the part they took in murdering the children in the residential school death camps.  UN, a corporation, has no authority to make Quebec a nation. The scam is over for all the intruding murderers, genociders and terrorists.

Led Zeppelin sings: “Your time is gonna come. Lying hurtin’, cheatin’, that’s all you ever do. Running around with every guy in town, putting me down. That’s all you wanna do. One of these days, and it won’t be long, you’ll be trying to find me. But I’ll  be gone. You’re time is gonna come. Your time is gonna come”.




Great Peace of Montreal 1701






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MNN. JUNE 15, 2021. RE: No one is surprised! The convicted murderers who  plead guilty want to find the victims they killed for the cover up. The criminals, CANADA and UNITED STATES, have no defence. They must dissolve and leave turtle island immediately, so there will be no more genocide. The original murderous corporations still exist today. They no longer have any authority.


The Indian Trust Funds they are offering the traitorous band and tribal councils to shut up the true natural people is ours. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a coverup and a fraud because these  unmarked mass graves of kidnapped children was known at the highest levels of government. It was ignored in the class action suit. There was blood shed which stirred up the primal instinct of humanity against us without consequence and it was done so easily. We are in more danger because the lust for our blood is being stirred up. 

The so-called UNITED NATIONS has known of the mass murders of indigenous people worldwide and of the biggest holocaust in all humanity of over 150 million Indigenous people throughout turtle island [Western Hemisphere]. The UN refuses to condemn and dissolve CANADA and UNITED STATES corporations from the UN. We indigenous own the earth to be caretakers and for the protection of our unborn. The 1973 illegal “War Powers Act” gives the US the “legal” right to create war with anyone they deem an enemy. Scientists were sent out to take blood samples of every Indigenous group everywhere. Someone wanted our DNA. As Leonora Zalabata of the Aarahuaco People of Northern Columbia explains: “Our land, our culture, our subsoil, our ideology and our traditions have all been exploited… this time they are using us as raw material”. We cannot let the corporate ‘grave robbers’ dig our graves for our DNA.



1.CANADA [a colony of turtle island/North America] according to kaianerekowa never legally existed and never had jurisdication anywhere on turtle island. Since the European invasion there has been a plan to kill our people and take children away from us for experiments and depopulation. Remove the children, remove the blood.

2.The invaders could have continued their visit here if the settlers had followed the principles in kaianerekowa great peace and two row teiotaheh. We assisted their survival by giving protection and permission to plow the depth of a plowshare and nothing more. Instead the Crown, churches,  military, corporate institutions and governments committed genocide and murder to steal all our land and resources. We are needed to give the aura of giving to the world and true democracy based on nature and equality in which the people are in charge, not the rulers.


3.Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the leader of the corporation of  the Government of CANADA, plead guilty to the genocide. The only remedy is dissolution of all corporations for genocide and murder. They have all forfeited their already illegal existence on turtle island.

4.CANADA and UNITED STATES make existence of nature and natural people impossible as we are in their way. The UN as peacekeepers never intervened to stop the genocide.  We sovereign onkwehonweh act without agents as we are from the natural world and the rightful custodians of the earth. We have a natural protection mandated by the great peace for all people of turtle island and the world. If we are removed as source of goodness the world will go into deep darkness.

5.States are corporations that exist through unnatural man-made rules. We all try to block all evil against our people and we are called “terrorists”. We do ceremonies to ward off evil that were given to us by creation. The invader’s agents enforce their corporate rules of genocide. CANADA and the UNITED STATES know our sovereign land cannot be ceded by humanity. turtle island is a zone of protection and we have tried to keep it safe from unnatural people [ia te ne ro non kwe ti ken]. The corporations are in collusion with all institutions that do not fit into our world. We are born sovereign. Our government is based on pure democracy coming from nature that comes from inside each of us. The invaders survive by writing it on paper. Whereas it is born in us.   

6.The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People  UNDRIP is unacceptable regardless of whether CANADA and the UNITED STATES sign the paper. Their only claims is by false documents. They lost their voice by committing genocide and murder. Creation deems that our great peace rules. 

GUILTY! US Prez. Biden.

7.The UN, CANADA and UNITED STATES, are corporate squatters. They cannot speak for us anywhere. Only each of us can represent ourselves. These corporations must dissolve  because of their role in allowing the atrocities and assisting other corporate states to continue their crimes against. us. 

8.Article 40 of UNDRIP confirms that kaianerekowa and teiohate have jurisdiction over our issues with states or other parties, and remedies for all infringement of our individual and collective rights. Solutions must reflect our customs, traditions, rules and sovereign systems and international human rights. No one can give us rights we already have since time immemorial under the great peace and two row. The Crown illegally set up the UN as a corporation on our land which we never surrendered.

9.Our land belongs to our unborn, rotikonsotatie. The world knows about the ongoing horrors of indigenous people on all of turtle island, the Western Hemisphere. Unmarked mass graves of our people, children and babies are being found outside the Residential School death camps at Kamloops, Brandon, Regina, Carlyle, Mohawk Institute and many more] The Nazis studied these genocide methods  and applied them in World War II.  [see Wasichu]. South Africa also studied  CANADA’s genocide methods for their apartheid program. The invaders carried out the biggest holocaust in all humanity which continues.

10.CANADA’s genocide programs contravene the principles of UNDRIP, the kaianerekowa and two row. Article 7, para. 2:  they confirm that we have the collective right to live freely as distinct peoples and not be subjected to genocide or violence, including forcibly removing our children to another group [residential schools, forced adoption, foster care and murder]. We had all these rights prior to the invasion. The invaders continually try to destroy the protection of the great peace.

11.Article 8, para. 1: We cannot be forced to assimilate or deprived of our culture. Article 8, Sec. 2[a], The corporate states must provide prevention of, and redress for [a] any action which deprives us of our integrity as distinct peoples, cultural values or ethnic identity such as the Indian Act, residential schools and other extinction measures. The order for total extermination has never been recinded.  Prime Minister Trudeau recently admitted guilt for the crime of genocide without fear of any penalty.


12.Article 8, 2[b], protects us from any action which dispossesses us of their land, territory or resources, such as the reserve apartheid system, 60s scoop, Indian day schools, residential schools. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission minimized the murders as “cultural genocide”!  

13.CANADA and the UNITED STATES  fear signing UNDRIP because it would undo their murderous corporations. The UN, CANADA and UNITED STATES have to accept the great peace or leave.

14.CANADA victimizes us. The “reserves” are  P.O.W. concentrations camps so the settler colonists could take control of turtle island and implement their programs to end our lives. Our duties to our mother then cannot be carried out. 

15.The great peace provides, live by our law, or leave with nothing. For 500 years we still live under constant threat to our freedom and lives. Controls are put on our voices, children, jobs, homes, economy, communities run by government death camp guards called band/tribal councils.  


16.The Indian act specifies the reserve as a ‘tract of land, the legal title to which is vested in her Majesty, that has been set apart by her Majesty for the use and benefit of a band’. The Queen as the CROWN has no title to turtle island. She’s the the main shareholder of the CROWN, the first corporation created by the Roman Catholic/Vatican Empire. Both CANADA and the UNITED STATES are  settler-colonies of the Crown.

17.Article 41: The UN system is supposed to provide  financial cooperation and technical assistance”, which you give to your agents to undermine us. We original inhabitants are not supposed to have survived the holocaust.  We have always had means to resolve issues affecting us as the owners of the earth which don’t conform to corporate goals of domination. To the UN dictatorship we have no voice unless you give it to us. The great peace gives each of us a voice. That is why the UN is meaningless.   

18.The one percenters are getting the churches and governments to dig up our bones to get our DNA from all over the world, to eliminate us so as to exploit our resources. Our bones are a cache of DNA being stored in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC and elsewhere. We have to trace our ancestry according to their criteria to prove who we are. 


19.We are very concerned about the digging up of our bones for determining DNA by mad Dr. Frankensteins that could again lead to diabolical scientific experiments. These excavations must be completely in our control. We don’t invite the crazy murderers to assist us in finding and identifying their victims which they could continue to cover up. In their quest to coverup the genocide, they may find that not one of these children is indigenous!

20.In 1924 when the Indian Act was implemented ‘for our benefit’ why were residential schools allowed to exist until 1996? To protect us the jurisdiction of the great peace shall be respected.

21.The corporations and their benefactors and slaves will dissolve themselves for their criminality. None speak for us. The Indian Act and Indian Lands Acts of 1924 are void and unlawful. These acts were imposed on those they call “heathens”or “non-persons” whom they intended to annihilate.  All indigenous people own the earth, contradicting the Papal Bulls.


22.The UN assists in our continued victimization by their corporate members. You pay traitorous agents to speak for us who are not our true people. They wear headdresses and feathers, pose for pictures and told what to say. 

23.We cannot stand before the enemy and get justice. We hereby condemn the UN for helping corporate states worldwide to continue their genocide programs and must leave turtle island. The UN is well aware of the injustices since 1492. The UN has no plans to do anything meaningful for us. One of the largest populations in the world has no seat or proper voice in the UN. After 14 years of UNDRIP no action! 

24.Only the kaianerekowa, great peace can provide justice.  

25.We the sovereign natural people of the land forever make this Notice to the UNITED NATIONS, CANADA and UNITED STATES guided by the truth revealed in the great peace. 

26.We are created as one with all natural life. The UN does not support us in being naturally sovereign. 

27.The man-made corporate genocide machine does not give us nature. Self-determination for all life comes from nature. Only our culture can protect us from the corporations. CANADA and the UNITED STATES will dissolve themselves for violating the kaianerekowa.  

28.Creation instilled in our memory our special existence as caretakers of the earth. kaianerekowa, the great peace, is the inherent tewatatewennio sovereignty on how we are to carry ourselves and exist. The natural world creates the path by which we are to live. Our songs, ceremonies, stories and creation tie us to natural life and forces of our mother earth. 

29.The foreign occupiers need to leave so we can heal our homeland.


30.“Justice” purports to be the cornerstone of the foundation of the Charter of the United Nations in protecting human rights for everyone worldwide. We sovereign onkwehonweh suffer “injustice” in the Canadian and United States court systems. We ask the United Nations to move on out of our sight for doing nothing about this.  The UN is classified as a criminal organization under the great peace.  Creation provides our energy and the great peace provides our direction.

31.In the World Court substance controls procedure. We the natural people are the substance and have the winning hand, nature, which always beats the house of procedure. The only way to deactivate our winning hand is to not let us play it in your man-made control system.  

Pursuant to the great peace and two row wampum this application is endorsed by the sign of each sovereign kanienkehaka and will be served on the following: 

The United Nations, 760 United Nations Plaza, New York 10017

The Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, House of Commons, Ottawa Casnada K1A 0H4

President Joe Biden, United States, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington DC 20006


We all want equality, a voice and freedom. Jimi Hendrix sings about “freedom”. “Right on, straight ahead/Stay up and straight ahead/Freedom/So I can live it/Freedom/So I can turn around and give it/Freedom/So I can live it”.

Jimi Hendrix. “Freedom”!

MNN. MOHAWK NATION NEWS, PO Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0

Jimi Hendrix “freedom”




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MNN. June 5, 2021.

The kaianerekowa has jurisdiction over this matter and requires death or banishment from turtle island for murder and genocide. Prime Minister Trudeau has conceded the corporation of the Government of Canada is guilty of this genocide []. The corporation must be dissolved pursuant to the kaianerekowa. Canada will cease to exist and all parts of the corporation will thereby vanish immediately. Canada is a corporation registered with the Vatican.

Otherwise the corporate governments evil will continue. They attempted mass murder to eliminate our culture and steal our land and resources. Canada and the United States have to disappear so that we shall fully regain our culture according to the kaianerekowa great peace and teiohateh two row. These British subjects in so-called Canada and the United States have no lawful jurisdiction  anywhere on turtle island. Their colonial system was designed to eliminate the original inhabitants. turtle island is the jurisdiction of all the true natural sovereigns and all life placed here by creation.

TO: THE CROWN, Royal Communications Office, Buckingham Palace, London, SW1A 1AA; THE VATICAN, His Holiness Pope Francis, Vatican City State, 00120; THE CORPORATIONS OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF CANADA Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, House of Commons Ottawa, K1A 0H4, THE UNITED STATES President Joe Biden, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington DC 20006; & THE UNITED NATIONS,  760 United Nations Plaza, New York 10017

PREAMBLE: Naziism was born and created in Canada. Hitler saw the horror, admired the British approach to genocide and recreated it in World War II. Indigenous children were forcibly removed by the military at gunpoint to residential schools and experimental hospitals. The RClMP were created to kill us. The children were fed pills, given shots that made them sick. If they fussed, or fought back, they were given shots that killed them outright. In particular, German Naziism, South African Apartheid and Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians was developed in Canadian and American run churches and universities and experimented in the residential school “death camps”. Adolph Hitler extended his gratitude for the training the Nazis received in Canada on racial elimination. [Mein Kampf, Wasichu, von Ribbentropf studied genocide in Canada].


WHEREAS This system taught to the Nazis, South Africans and others took away our native names, replaced them with British names and numbers, beat and tortured us to forget our culture and languages and sexually defiled us culminating in the mass murders. Half our children disappeared and were secretly buried, burned in the school furnaces or cemented into the walls.

WHEREAS Today McGill University has 6 War Labs to carry out research for weapons of mass destruction for manufacturers of drone warfare, missile guidance, domestic surveillance, explosives and air combat. Helping out the genociders. []. McGill is in violation of the great peace.

WHEREAS tewatatewennio: creation made us each indigenous person individually sovereign with the responsibility to live by the kaianerekowa and  teiohateh. Our duty is to care for our mother earth and all life on turtle island, the Western Hemisphere. Our power is in our minds, we have the source energy of all creation which makes each of us creator beings and sovereigns. This is our power.

WHEREAS we will stop the holocaust machine that began in 1492 operated by the invaders who are destroying all life on our mother. You have no valid receipt for turtle island as none exists because our mother cannot be sold, conveyed or transferred as she belongs to our unborn babies.

WHEREAS you secretly buried the remains of 215 children and babies behind the Kamloops Residential ‘Death Camp’ as in every other residential school in Canada as part of the kidnapping and murder of our families to eliminate all witnesses;

WHEREAS Canadiens [Mohawk word for squatters] and Americans cannot be rehabilitated. Mass murder is irreparable. The perpetrators are giving us meaningless words, trying to bribe us and to take no action. Many thousands of of our children are yet to be found. That’s why you want to take over the investigation.

WHEREAS The criminals wish to be the investigators of their own crimes. The corporations of the governments of Canada and United States carried out premeditated murder to benefit from the genocide. The guilty now want to ‘hunt’ for our bones and dig our graves to continue the coverup. Prime Minister Trudeau admitted guilt in the recent settlement of the residential school class action by throwing useless apologies and money at us. They deserve a proper and reasonable punishment for the genocide they created. The only remedy is to remove the corporation of Canada from society through its dissolution. 

WHEREAS Trudeau and Biden are guilty of the coverup of genocide violating UN the Declaration on the Crime and Punishment of Genocide. Trudeau told the Vatican to apologize as though he is not at fault! The corporate colonial government hired the agents that kidnapped the children at gunpoint, took them to the death camps to be tortured and murdered. The murderer is the  corporation of the Government of Canada and must be sentenced accordingly. 


THEREFORE as you hid your part in the biggest holocaust in all humanity of 150 million indigenous people, be it resolved that you cannot remain on turtle island. Your private corporations of Canada and the United States must be immediately dissolved.  kaianerekowa requires the penalty of instant death [tehontisokwariton] or to leave forever.

THEREFORE we shall do all necessary actions in the world community to dissolve the illegal corporations including THE CROWN, USA, CANADA and the VATICAN. Prime Minister Trudeau and President Biden are the presidents of the corporations that carried out and benefitted from the genocide. The Prime Minister’s oath is to the Crown of England, which is responsible for the genocide, to the Queen’s heirs and ancestors forever; you pledged to them that you shall reveal no secrets. Therefore you are the head of the corporation that committed the crime. The corporation of Canada must be tried and punished for its responsibility in carrying out, covering up and benefitting from genocide. You and your citizens cannot separate yourselves from the brutal actions of your death squads that carried out the government edict. The corporation has forfeited its right to be on turtle island. 

THEREFORE according to the great peace to maintain peace on turtle island kaianerekowa provides that the kahtihn’tiokwennio/women shall order the warchief and his men to enforce the great peace. They are furnished with a string of black wampum which is dropped before the perpetrators. If the perpetrators do not grab it before it hits the ground, the warriors carry out the sentence. 

THEREFORE as our teacher dekanawida warned us that the white serpent will befriend us and after seven generations will have us squeezed so tight against his chest that we can hardly breathe. The penalty is they forfeited their right to be on turtle island.

THEREFORE Government agents Minister of Justice Lametti and Minister of Indian Affairs Miller will not investigate the crimes of their corporations. The government and churches set up the Death Camps and cannot be the  investigators to investigate their own crimes. It’s a conflict of interest.

kaianerekowa and teiohateh can be the only culture on turtle island which is what Britain agreed to in August 1701 that allowed them to come onto onowarekeh. They violated the agreement and cannot stay. 

THEREFORE if the US and Canada dissolve their corporations all their property, titles and power will vanish. Only the kaianerekowa and teiohateh will remain.

The citizenry of Canada is finally looking at the evidence and discovering the truth for themselves. A portion want to be part of the solution. 


THAT since the premeditated crime was designed: The remedy to stop genocide is by dissolving Canada, the United States and the United Nations and remove them from onowarekeh. Only a neutral third party can investigate. They will be tried by the kaianerekowa, the law of the land.

THAT the residential schools are crime scenes which cannot end until there are thorough investigations inside and out to our satisfaction. Since you Mr. Trudeau admit the crimes of murder and genocide, no trial is necessary and you thereby concede that Canada must immediately dissolve. We wish to find all our murdered sovereign people to deal with them in our own way. 

THAT if the criminal system is not dissolved, it will continue the genocide, including all coverups of the crime of the Crown. Provide us with a list of the shareholders of the world’s first corporation, the Crown? The genocide keeps marching on – child care snatches of our children and forced sterilization of natives. Genocide is obvious every day, such as high rate of incarceration, nurses killing native patients [Joyce Eschaquan], abductions, child trafficking, missing and murdered women. Maintaining the constant secrecy from the public of this horror that is Canada terrifies us. Trudeau and Biden are in the headlights. Trudeau wants the Pope to apologize. To us ‘sorry’ does not exist in our culture. The remedy to genocide is death or expulsion.

THAT Canadien and US are operating a system of injustice, racism and hatred. The Indian Lands Acts of 1924 forcibly removed us from our homes and put us in prisoners of war camps called “reservations”. They created the Indian Affairs department of the army to watch the indigenous captives. Indigenous under the ‘Indian Act’ were to be exterminated or assimilated by 2024. Indian Affairs Superintendant Duncan Campbell Scott drafted the blueprint for the “final solution of the Indian problem” [which Hitler copied], commencing with the Residential School Death Camp system and other programs like the 60s Scoop, Indian Day Schools, and other genocidal schemes. 

THAT all symbols of this genocide should be destroyed immediately; and all schools should be reclassified as death camps: 


THAT CANADA  and UNITED STATES be dissolved immediately for the crimes of murder and genocide. 

As Jesus Christ said: “Anyone harm a hair on one little child will wish they had never been born”.


karakwine, roti’nahton clan

kahentinetha, roti’skare:wake

karennatha, roti’skare:wake

kwetiio, roti’skare:wake

kawenaa, roti’skare:wake 

A Cage the Elephant explains, “Ain’t no rest for the wicked and money don’t grow on trees. I got bills to pay, mouths to feed, and nothing in the world in free. Can’t hold on. Can’t look back. You know I would if i could. Ain’t no rest for the wicked until they close their eyes for good.”



MNN. MOHAWK NATION NEWS,, PO Box 991, kahnawake [Quebec Canada] J0L 1B0

Lawyers call for International Criminal Court investigation into mass grave site of Indigenous children


Dr. Roland Chrisjohn “the psychiatrization of indigenous people as a continuation of genocide”

CBC Montreal;  (514) 597-6300; CBC Toronto;   416-205-5808; Global News   Montreal   514-521-4323;    Global News  Toronto  416-446-5460; CTV news team    (416) 384-5000 The Drudge Report

Globe & Mail, 35 King, E, Suite 1000, Toronto On. M5A 0N1; New York Times,; Washington Post, 202-334-7454; USA Today, 7050 Janes Branch Drive, McLean Va. 22102, 1-800-872-0001; Los Angeles Times, 2300 E Imperial Highway, El Segundo CA 90245, 213-237-5000; Toronto Star phone 416-869-4300 email; 
Ottawa Citizen 416-659-8958; , Montreal Gazette 1-800-361-8478;, +7 499 75-00-100; North Korea, [850 2] 18 111 ext. 8536; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, ; National Post;;  World Court;;; crolyn.bennett@parl.,;; chrystia.freeland@parl.gc.cas;;;;;;;;;;;;;  





Originally posted July 17, 2014. 




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MNN. July 17, 2014. The Templars/Zionists invaded Jerusalem during the Christian crusades in 1099. For 88 years, as illegal money changers, they took over the Temple of Solomon and committed debauchery and brutality against the Palestinian Indigenous people. Saladin, a general of the Muslim army, drove them out. In 1192 they landed in Crete. In 1307, they were supposedly outlawed permanently by the Pope and King of France. They sought refuge in Switzerland. The Swiss flag still bears the Templar cross.saladin

One thousand years later the Templars through their Brithish partners went back to Jerusalem and created Israel. As history teachers say, “If you do not know your history, you are bound to repeat it”. They are killing Palestinians as they have done every thousand years since killing Jesus. Today the Israelis bring their lawn chairs and watch the slaughter, cheering and clapping when Palestianian children, women and men are blasted to pieces. Like the slaughters of Ongwehonwe at Sand Creek, Wounded Knee, Black Hawk, Buffalo Creek, Trail of Tears, Washington’s Ohio Valley Massacre and hundreds of others, Israelis confine the Indians to small areas and turn their weapons on them.

"Remember, after mow down the people, we're suppose to hide these gatling guns!"

“Remember, after we mow the People down, we’re suppose to hide these guns!”


United States legalized serial killing by bringing this mindset to Great Turtle Island. They planned to exterminate all Indigenous people. No countries stood up for us. History seems to be repeating in Palestine. Israelis are openly carrying out genocide on mainstream media. They are trying to make genocide legal with the backing of Prime Minister Trudeau and President Biden. Canada and the United States are both corporations based on the legalization of genocide.

Some Israelis have the same passion for murder of Indigenous women. The strategy was, “Kill the women as they have the Indian babies!” Ayelet Shaked, of the Israeli government, calls the Palestinians “terrorists”, that they should all be killed. She calls for the slaughter of Palestinian mothers who give birth to “little snakes”. They have to die and their houses demolished so they cannot bear any more terrorists. She calls for the genocide of anyone they decide is an “enemy” of the corporate agenda. Gaza has been set back to the Middle ages. GROWING SUPPORT FOR PALESTINE

These same British/Nazi minded elite came to turtle island and murdered 150 milion indigenous people for our land, water, air and control of all natural resources. The genocide continues today of people and mother earth.

History repeats. Who will be the next Saladin to kick the Templars out of Jerusalem again? The humming, screeching and blasting of Mother Earth are clues to her coming frequency changes. She will balance everything. 


Custer's last stand, 1876.

Custer’s last stand, 1876.


As Shirley Bassey reminds us: “The word is about, there’s something evolving, whatever may come, the world keeps revolving. They say the next big thing is here, that the revolution is near, but to me it seems quite clear that it’s all just a little bit of history repeating”. Shirley Bassey. “History Repeats”.






MNN Mohawk Nation News  sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 


Read: Iroquoian Women, the Gantowisas. B. Mann. Peter Lang. NY. 2000.

Video: Israelis watch bombs kill Palestinians.

Video: Knights Templar.

Knights Templar documentary.

Iran to stand with Palestinians.

Canada’s surveillance of Indigenous.