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MNN. Jan. 29, 2018. We are political prisoners of war on our own land, victims of the perennial war of burning, terrorizing, shooting and killing, by alien predators who refuses to leave our land. Their rape and sexual harassment strategy is now exposed.


Corporate rape strategy took away our lives, identity and possessions. Our women were targeted. [“Moccasin Makers War Breakers”]

Peace will come when these foreigners get a conscience and go. We are being tortured for loving our people and our land and for our deep and unquenchable desire for freedom. 


The invaders are proud of killing life. They are constantly improving their weapons of mass destruction and military training to kill people. Now they are hitting a brick wall. Half are attacking the other half. The sexual harassment strategy is over. Corpses of sexual predators are lying everywhere. Their corporate control system based on abuse of women and children is turning on itself, leaving behind a field of monsters who should be castrated for their crimes against children.  



The natural world continues. Our families, clans and people are one. Our way is enduring. It is here forever, knows no bounds, no space. We look beyond the eyes of tyrants – because creation’s way is right!  


This disgraceful dictatorship will die. onwe means we are the people of the way forever. Creation showed us self-preservation based on the earth and all life. wasase means to bring life back to what is right.  



Torturing the tortured for protecting life and nature. The late Miriam Makeba and Hugh Masekela sing about the suffering of the children: “The children got a letter from the master. It said: No more Xhosa, Sotho, no more Zulu. Refusing to comply they sent an answer. That’s when the policemen came to the rescue. Children were flying, bullets dying. The mothers screaming and crying. The fathers were working in the cities The evening news brought out all the publicity: Chorus: “Just a little atrocity, deep in the city” Soweto blues. Soweto blues. Soweto blues. Soweto blues.”


Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 




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MNN. Jan. 16, 2018. A bully is a coward with power. Bullying is not needed to resolve differences. The mind  and the natural defensive attributes of the native people is the power to repel bullying everywhere. A bully is defeated when people unite for a common good for all. We brought people into our home to become part of our family, living by the great peace. We never had poverty until the immigrants arrived. The invaders then used threats, force and murder to make us sign coercive agreements. They covered our land with grief.

Bullying is used throughout the world called “sanctions”, “cutting off foreign aid” and “war”. Many leaders of these poor nations live in grandeur and opulence. We are forced into this culture of possession making us vulnerable. 

The great peace, kaia-nere-kowa, is based on respect and collective interests. A few greedy racketeers set up private corporate structures to control everything and everyone. Our clans were disrupted and their goal then and today is to destroy the great peace. 

Our messenger, dekanawida, saw great suffering. He talked to the old people. He and ayonwatha, set out to bring the people together using the natural ways of creation. Language, songs, ceremonies and natural bonds brought back balance and harmony to the people, which is the law of survival. 

All corporate band and tribal councillors are te-ho-na-ton-koton. They are deliberate traitors who work to annihilate those they think are weaker, violating the great peace. They purposely help their corporate “handlers” to assimilate and disappear our people.  ion-kwa-ni-kon-iakon is when we die. The traitors carry out their own death wish. Their morally corrupt minds cause problems, io-te-hon-ni-kon-ra, trying to eliminate everything we need to stay alive. ka-so-tsra was established by our ancestors. ia-ne-wen-ton te-ho-na-ni-kon-ia-kon, our ancestor’s minds never strayed from the path of self-preservation of our species that creation put into our minds.  

The oienkwenton are coming! The oienkwenton are coming!

te-io-wa-ta-tawi is to make ourselves independent. All life is based on this power. 

Nobody wants to be remembered for being a big bully just because they think they can get away with. As Shinedown warns: “Hey! Hey! Hey! It’s 8 A.M. This hell I’m in. Seems I’ve crossed the line again For being nothing more than who I amSo break my bones. And throw your stones. We all know that life ain’t fair. But there is more of us. We’re everywhere. We don’t have to take this Back against the wall. We don’t have to take this We can end it all . . .”

Shinedown - Bully - Lyrics

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0

GO TO YOUTUBE FOR VIDEOS OF FULL DISCUSSION OF kaia-here-kowa, the great peace:






Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 15, 2015. The government wants to pass laws to take control of the internet and of us. What better way than to inundate the net with porn, bullies, racism, gore and everything that upsets us, to make us demand government control! It’s like those people who call us trying to sell us vacations, or to take part in a survey, or give us $20 million dollars. We don’t have to look at any of it. We just have to hang up or delete email. They won’t stop. Just keep hanging up or delete it every time.

McGill Team rescues corporate matrix.

McGill Team’s rescue attempt of the  corporate matrix in Kahnawake.

Corporate controlled mass media is now trying to control the internet. The Great Peace Kaia’nere:kowa is based on an informed society. The corporation of McGill University is setting up a “Define the Line” forum on the ‘legal risks of social media use’ in Kahnawake, on Tuesday, April 21. The cyber agents coming to Kahnawake are Alyssa Wiseman “on cyber-bullying as it relates to our children’s ‘moral’ development?” Arzina Zaver will guide us on the “implications of bullying, social media” and on how to obey the governments “educational and legal” edicts. Nima Naimi is the supposed expert on “civil and criminal implications” around the world. They’re here to tell us how to monitor ourselves and keep our mouths shut, especially about criticizing the government, our real problem.

Who at the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. was behind setting up this forum? This is the announcement of yet another proposed genocidal by-law to be imposed on us. They don’t want us to criticize or question them about their corporate agenda or are its directors.

The canoe will never sink!

The canoe will never sink!

Like Canada, Nazi Germany was a fascist, totalitarian state. A model of complete control over politics, society and culture was imposed on their citizens. The public could not speak freely. They had to submit totally to the corporate matrix. Private paramilitary organizations stifled dissent and terrorized the opposition. Media, television, radio, press, and education at all levels controlled all information and ideas.

How different is that from the work of Alyssa, Arzina and Naimi? They are here to help us conform to Canada’s corporate guidelines. Technology (especially the Internet) is used to harass, intimidate and frighten us. Our phones and Internet are monitored. Our computers are crashed or interfered with. We are targeted if the government decides it threatens their control grid, makes threats, falsely accuses us of anti-terrorism for standing in the way of corporatism, steals our personal and financial information and destroys our data or equipment. If we’ve left anything out, please add it here in your own mind.

Old Ongwe'hon:weh software works just fine!

Stop it! Our old Ongwe’hon:weh software works just fine!


A free internet is needed to attain the one mind, the basis of the Great Peace. The corporation wants to take over the internet to be in charge of our minds and keep us asleep. Creation gives us a mind to know what is real and not to be caught by fake reality. Satenakonnirahs, means strengthening our mind. Based on gathering relevant information, it’s our warning system.

Five Man Electrical Band sings about watching for signs: “Sign, sign, everywhere a sign. Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind. Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the signs? Sign says you got tohave a membership card to get inside!” 

MNN Mohawk Nation For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit

Canada bombs Syria.

Ontario pushes Agenda 21.

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Mystery US diplomatic mail flight.