

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 25 Mar. 2015. The US founding fathers went to Albany in 1754 to learn about confederation and union from us. This became known as the “Albany Plan of Union”. The British overlords shot it down because of the power of its Council of Women and Council of Men. The British owned their women and did not want them to know about this.

Yep! This is democracy.

Yep! This is democracy.

The American Revolution was initiated to divide and conquer the Iroquois Confederacy, to chop down the Tree of Peace, that stood for 3,000 years in Onondaga, the biggest tree in Onon’ware:geh. In 1779 over 13,800 colonists were sent to chop it down.

A pretend democracy was created based on the structure of the Great Peace. The Senate replaced the Council of Women. Congress replaced the Council of Men. The President, a hierarchical overlord, was placed over the whole process to render it moot.

Next the 51% majority rule was implemented, which is totally opposite to the consensual decision making process of the Great Peace. Then the bankers were put in place to control all transactions. They started selling the fantasy that people could “own” Ongwe’hon:weh land. The colonial settlerism problem began, we deal with today.

All decision-making in the Great Peace was done through the clan system. In the US-made corporate version, the clan system was replaced with the party system, an artificial clan. We Ongwe’hon:we get our clans from our mothers and cannot interbreed amongst clans. The artificial party system can change at will. harper-my-work-is-done

The British Empire is the only empire left on earth. It exists in Canada, US, New Zealand, Australia and Israel. It is time for this empire to fall. The monarchical democracy that Canada purports to follow is like the US system with a hierarchical presidency. It’s all theatre.

The true decision making power of the Corporation of Canada lies with its board of directors at the Privy Council. They oversee the day-to-day operation of the corporate officers: prime minister, leader of the opposition, finance minister, etc.

Great Peace: Everyone has a voice & everyone is equal.

Great Peace: Everyone has a voice & everyone is equal.

Dekanawida described the warmonger as “the man who eats humans”. They love disorder and hate peace. Their minds are twisted so as to strike fear into all. In the pretend democracy people’s wishes are irrelevant. Corporate boardrooms make decisions for governments and its entities. Voting is a token gesture controlled by the oligarchs.

Dekanawida also said all peoples shall love one another and live together in peace, through righteousness, health and power. Righteousness is justice practiced between people and nations. Health is soundness of mind and body so that peace comes when minds are sane and bodies are cared for. Power means authority of law and custom backed by such force as is necessary according to the will of the people.

The Great Peace makes oligarchs look into the mirror to see their evil. Dekanawida said they have to make right all the suffering they caused. He advised to never go against the forces of nature, which is the basis of the Great Peace/Kaia’nereh:kowa.

Steve Winwood captures the feelings of our current dilemma: “Come down off your throne and leave your body alone. Somebody must change. You are the reason I’ve been waiting all these years. Somebody holds the key. I’m near the end, and just ain’t got the time. And I’m wasted and I can’t find my way home”. [Can’t find my way back home].

1754 Albany Plan.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 original Mohawk music visit

Video: Global corportocracy & neo-colonialism.

Read. Decolonize Ono’ware:geh.

Benjamin Fulford on state of world.






Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 24 Mar. 2015. What happens to plutocrats and their followers when colonialism is over? A great big hangover. After centuries of oppression these parasites suffer in agony from dehydration, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, hyper-excitability and anxiety. They can’t live without preying on us, our lives and blood anymore. Their fake matrix is falling apart and can’t sustain them. They need pacified and scared slaves to operate. The beast of war is hysterical and waging last ditch colonial wars to continue their deadly illusion.

Wow! Heard the pyramid disappeared.

“Ow! I’m out of colonies, honey. Have you got anymore aspirin?”

The West is suffering the morning after hangover. They can’t live without colonialism. They have nothing without stealing and making everybody else do the work. They will do anything to stay in the old game. France, England, Spain, Holland, Portugal and Germany are the biggest predators. They rampaged, raped and pillaged Ongwe’hon:weh [natural people of the world]. They have everything through blood lust, warmongering and chaos. Now the colony of the US is colonizing Europe. Russia is once again in the middle of their fascist aspirations.

'I won't be around, but think, Billy - you will see the end of this race in your lifetime!'The oligarchs have less and less compliant slaves. The victims are finding they can protect themselves by disappearing, missing work, low job performance, reduced productivity, poor achievement and less spending.

Some complications of colonial hangovers are collective amnesia about their brutal colonization tactics. Their control mechanisms are disappearing because their underlings who do all the work are being rendered irrelevant. Bankers who know all the inner workings of the matrix are disappearing. Scientists who develop all the weapons of genocide are being eliminated.

China and Russia are on the ascendency, throwing a wrench into the plans of the West. They do not follow the pyramidal power structure of the Vatican controlled West. Russia is preparing for nuclear war because they have seen these people at their worst in two world wars. We as Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawks thank the Russian people for ending the banker created World War I and World War II. Nia:wen kowa!up in smoke

Jigosaseh, the mother of nations, warned Dekanawida about the dangerous man who eats humans and stands in the way of peace. Dekanawida said that it is each ones duty to bring such evils to an end so that all people may go about from place to place without fear.

As the Irish Rovers sing about their hangover that the oligarchs will be feeling. “Could have been the whisky. Might have been the gin. Could have the 3 or 4 six-packs. I don’t know. But look at the mess I’m in. My head’s like a football. I think I’m gonna die. Tell me, me oh me, oh my. Wasn’t that a party”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 original Mohawk music visit

Dead bankers & scientists.

Police tracking video:

USD flash crash of things to come.