

Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.

MNN. 13 Oct. 2015. The story goes that in the early 1800’s the bankers wrote a script to steal half the land mass of ono’ware:geh from the onkwe’hon’weh:neh, the natural people. They formed a “Family Compact” in Upper Canada Ontario and a “Chateau Clique” in Lower Canada Quebec. They were John Robinson, Bishop Strachan, William Osgoode, Jonas Jones, Aeneas Shaw, Col. James FitzGibbon, William Henry Bouleton, Allan Napier McNabb, Henry Sherwood and James Buchanan. In Montreal it was James McGill and John Molson. Their offspring are responsible for all the shit they left in Montreal.

Family Compact & Chateau Clique, your pot runneth over!

Family Compact & Chateau Clique, your pot runneth over!

The script set up its artificial matrix called “corporatism”. They would steal our land, resources and accumulate wealth and power. The only real law of the land now and then is kaia’nereh:kowa.

The Family Compact and Chateau Clique, along with the bankers, make up the board of directors for the CROWN [13 families] for the corporation of Canada. These compacts do all the dirty work such as killing the INDIANS and stealing all our possessions.

or when you tell them to flush the toilet!

or when you tell them to flush the toilet!

In this play the actors illegally control everything: public policy, revenues, patronage, land grants, banks, building canals and railroads, citizenship, etc. They appointed legislative councils to run it [the shadow government]. The municipal corporations were all independent republics owned by the banks representing the CROWN shareholders. The funds for everything came from the ongwe’hon:weh trust funds. This performance is still in play.

We never believed any of this. We are natural people and saw it wasn’t real. In the finale we were going to be absorbed into the artificial body politic they created, which is all pretend. It’s all based on the fiction that they can own our mother earth. bird wings

Today the Family Compact and Chateau Clique fear the 100th monkey effect. The people are the monkeys trained to be blind and obedient. When 10% of the sleeping human minds wake up, the 100th monkey effect will kick in. They will awaken everybody else who will see the fiction.

The Corporation of the City of Montreal set up in 1832 by the Family Compact is responsible for shitting on our bed. They better put their shit somewhere else, not in kaniatarowano:onwe, the river of the natural people. The solution for the war problem is to hold the shareholders accountable for the crimes of their corporations by eliminating the limited liability clauses in the corporate acts.

kohtihon'tia:kwenio: "Clean up our mother or get out!"

kohtihon’tia:kwenio: “Clean up our mother or get out!”

As the nursery rhyme goes, 15 monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and the other one said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed”. The made-for-tv rock band, the Monkees, reflected the gullible nature of the public: “Here we come, walking down the street… we get the funniest looks from everyone we meet. Hey, hey, we’re the monkeys. And people say we monkey around. We’re too busy singing to put anybody down. We’re just trying to be friendly. Come and watch us sing and play. We’re the young generation. And we’ve got something to say”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Dirty rate at McGill.

Family Compact.

History of Family Compact.

History of Montreal.

100th monkey effect.

Chateau Clique.





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MNN. 9 Oct. 2015. Like Red-X “o’tah Man” is from the fifth dimension. Denis Codere will be forever known as the “shit mayor” of Montreal. He wants to dump 8 billion litres of raw o’tah into our river.

Part of the land of the rotino'shonni:onwe.

Part of the land of the rotino’shonni:onwe.

Red-X was circling around tsionni’tiotake [known as Montreal]. He noticed his old friend, Stinky o’tah man, rising out of the shit at Turcot Yard. He had a lot of shit to tell Red-X. They talked about the history of the shit problem on Montreal Island. The kanion’ke:haka [Mohawks] dealt with it by working with mother earth, making holes, shitting in it, covering it and then moving for three generations to regenerate the earth. pretend

Red-X said, “Hey buddy, for thousands of years, on tsionni’tiotake, we had over 55 villages. We let the land lay fallow for three generations, for the lifetime of mother, children and grandchildren. When the babies returned they would be grandmothers and the land would be new”.

they came and came & brought their shit with them.

they came and came & brought their shit with them.

The invaders moved in disguised as settlers. They started shitting in all the holes everywhere, until there were no holes left. Then they made a big pipe so all the shit could be funneled into a huge outhouse. Now their shit hole is full and overflowing. They want to dump directly into our river, kaniatarwano:onwe.” The o’tah man said, “Now you see where it all leads”. It has become a stinking toxic mess. Their shit is being used as a weapon of war.

Today on Montreal Island all the holes are filled with shit. The Shit Mayor wants to shit directly into the river and avoid making any new holes. The oneh’kanos is the sacred blood of mother earth, never to be shit into. In nature all animals shit on the ground. Red-X and o’tah man reiterated, “Everybody in the world shits everyday. Some on a toilet, others in a hole. Everybody knows you do not shit in the rivers”. Only beside but not in.

stop the 'shit mayor'

stop the ‘shit mayor’

Everyone in Montreal has to have their own outhouses to take care of their own shit, instead of going all over the world and shitting in everybody else’s hole. Our river will not wash away their problem. It will go into the ocean and circulate throughout the entire globe. o’tah man noticed the crumbling infrastructure, artificial buildings, general filth and the total disregard for the natural world. He wondered if it was time for these people to leave so that our mother could heal.

Red-X could see o’tah man’s point. Being a wise fifth dimension medicine man, he sees millions of people sitting closely and shitting everyday. We don’t want them to mega oh ‘hon’nita’non’taks, Red-X thinks the new McGill University kanion’ke:haka [Mohawk] Board of Governors should direct all its students to work everyday only on how to turn human shit back into earth in three months.

Mohawk McGill to the rescue.

Mohawk McGill to the rescue.

As John Fogarty sings: “Well, take me back down where cool water flows. Let me remember things I love. Stoppin’ at the log where catfish bite. Walking along the river road at night. Barefoot girls dancing’ in the moonlight. I can hear the bullfrog callin’ me. Wonder if my rope’s still hangin’ to the tree. Love to kick my feet way down the shallow water. Shoo fly, dragon fly, get back to your mother. Pick up a flat rock, skip it across. Green river. [Green River].

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Coderre’s o’tah fest. https://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2015/10/07/montreal-to-dump-otah-into-river/

Truth Reconciliation Commission, now the hard part.

Stop secrecy. TPP.

ISIS. u.s. isis. led coalition.

Putin on NWO.






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MNN. 7 OCT. 2015. Our river is under attack. This objection by the women titleholders was is directed to the mayor of Montreal, Quebec government and federal Environment minister.

dump 1

dump 2

Do whatever you can to help save the river.

Montreal to dump otah.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com or more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com More stories at MNN Archives. Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.com for original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws





























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MNN. 26 Mar. 2015. This is my answer to the letter at the end of this post that came from Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. chief, Mike Delisle, dated 23 March. The meeting set for tonight was cancelled.  None has been rescheduled. Although Mike says “we are not overseen by the Privy Council“, we learned that Sophie Picard, a Temple Bar Lawyer, is one of the handlers directed through the Privy Council. Every council in Canada is directed through the Privy Council.

MCK Inc. Monday meeting.

Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. Monday morning meeting.

At a previous meeting you told us that Christine Deom is the liaison with the Privy Council, that manages the corporation for the shareholders. We Ongwe’hon:weh want a meeting with the Privy Council. They have breeched the Teio’ha:teh/Two Row Wampum. We need to renegotiate this for all our nations.

On October 25, 1924, the band councils were forced on us across Canada. The RCMP shot our chiefs in the head in the longhouse. The band council system is archaic and illegal. You representing this system means you are complicit in genocide.

MCK is incorporated or you couldn’t get a bank account. Actually, you are an actor for your overlords. You do not act for us. Your secret meetings to sell our land indicates that you only act for the Corporation of Canada. You said, “Negotiations are based solely on Seigneury interests, not rights or title”. “There will always be an underlying interest in these lands”. As the acting INDIAN for MCK Inc. you totally affirm the CROWN has the ultimate authority over our land. You have forfeited your birthright!

Wahatisokwariteh await.

Wahatisokwariteh await.

In 1979 the community had a referendum to return to the Great Law. MCK Inc. has never affirmed that referendum. You are violating the will of the people. Band councils are an archaic foreign entity who act against international law and the true law of this land. Your attempt to sell our birthright is punishable by death, according to the Kaia’nereh:kowa. Wahatisokwariteh. Mike, it’s time for you to learn about the Great Law. The band council is a festering sore. The plantain medicine that mother earth provides will draw out any foreign puss and heal the wound, as Kaia’nere:kowa does.

Saying “We no longer live in those times” means there is no more Kaia’nere:kowa in your mind. Kahnawake is the Great Law. Because you are assimilated, you say we are in full development as INDIANS and no longer follow our law. You are talking about yourself and your 300 followers who voted for you in the illegal elections. The Canadian government says we non-voters acquiesced. We cannot legally vote in this system. If we do, we forfeit our birthright, as you have done.

You do not know the Kaia’nere:kowa or you would not be trying to order us around. Your pyramidal decision making structure is archaic. Sitting at a table negotiating the birthright of our children is like a man having raped your daughter. Now he wants to sit with you and negotiate how many more times he’s going to rape your daughter. Just tell them our land is not for sale and there will be no pipeline. Mike, your mind has been clouded by the fog of colonialism.”

As the traitors will be singing from their jail cells, Johnny Cash sings: “I bet there’s rich folks eating from a fancy dining car. They’re probably drinking coffee and smoking big cigars. Well, I know I had it coming. I know I can’t be free. But those people keep a moving. That’s what tortures me”. [Folsom Prison].

Russia under attack.

London owns everything?

World news.

Mike page 1

Mike page 1






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MNN. 24 Mar. 2015. What happens to plutocrats and their followers when colonialism is over? A great big hangover. After centuries of oppression these parasites suffer in agony from dehydration, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, hyper-excitability and anxiety. They can’t live without preying on us, our lives and blood anymore. Their fake matrix is falling apart and can’t sustain them. They need pacified and scared slaves to operate. The beast of war is hysterical and waging last ditch colonial wars to continue their deadly illusion.

Wow! Heard the pyramid disappeared.

“Ow! I’m out of colonies, honey. Have you got anymore aspirin?”

The West is suffering the morning after hangover. They can’t live without colonialism. They have nothing without stealing and making everybody else do the work. They will do anything to stay in the old game. France, England, Spain, Holland, Portugal and Germany are the biggest predators. They rampaged, raped and pillaged Ongwe’hon:weh [natural people of the world]. They have everything through blood lust, warmongering and chaos. Now the colony of the US is colonizing Europe. Russia is once again in the middle of their fascist aspirations.

'I won't be around, but think, Billy - you will see the end of this race in your lifetime!'The oligarchs have less and less compliant slaves. The victims are finding they can protect themselves by disappearing, missing work, low job performance, reduced productivity, poor achievement and less spending.

Some complications of colonial hangovers are collective amnesia about their brutal colonization tactics. Their control mechanisms are disappearing because their underlings who do all the work are being rendered irrelevant. Bankers who know all the inner workings of the matrix are disappearing. Scientists who develop all the weapons of genocide are being eliminated.

China and Russia are on the ascendency, throwing a wrench into the plans of the West. They do not follow the pyramidal power structure of the Vatican controlled West. Russia is preparing for nuclear war because they have seen these people at their worst in two world wars. We as Kanion’ke:haka/Mohawks thank the Russian people for ending the banker created World War I and World War II. Nia:wen kowa!up in smoke

Jigosaseh, the mother of nations, warned Dekanawida about the dangerous man who eats humans and stands in the way of peace. Dekanawida said that it is each ones duty to bring such evils to an end so that all people may go about from place to place without fear.

As the Irish Rovers sing about their hangover that the oligarchs will be feeling. “Could have been the whisky. Might have been the gin. Could have the 3 or 4 six-packs. I don’t know. But look at the mess I’m in. My head’s like a football. I think I’m gonna die. Tell me, me oh me, oh my. Wasn’t that a party”.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@mohawknationnews.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 thahoketoteh@mohawknationnews.com original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws

Dead bankers & scientists.

Police tracking video:

USD flash crash of things to come.







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MNN. June l6, 2014. Recent unsubstantiated reports of a Russian hacker breaking into one of our servers is an attempt to sow discord between the Russian people and the Sovereigns of Great Turtle Island. These nations are bound by a 304 year old Peace Treaty Agreement. Listen to Voice of Russia interview about this with Elder Thahoketoteh. Russian hacker attacks Indian nation.

smoke signal


HARPER’S “HOT SPOT” SPIES [Diabo & Pasternak]

hogans heros

Harper has gone to Eastern Europe to help the US, EU and NATO get a war going there against Russia. He is also desperate for some action here. He just can’t seem to stir up unrest. We refuse to negotiate for our possessions under illegal crown policies. The Corporation of Canada can’t police us because they have no jurisdiction. They are desperate to continue the illusion of legitimacy. Harper puts Indians under surveillance.

MNN Mohawk Nation News kahentinetha2@yahoo.com For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to www.mohawknationnews.com  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L thahoketoteh@hotmail.comfor original Mohawk music visit thahoketoteh.ws