MNN. June 29. 2017. Marshall law landed here over 500 years ago, imprisoning us in our own land. The masses cannot stop this by marching around and praying. The US republic of war is continuing to rob us. How do we safeguard our future generations from the continuing genocide? Fear and confusion is part of the illusion. 

We were never conquered. We are one people. These tormenters and their helpers will be stopped. 

Ono-ware-geh, great turtle island, will be cleansed of these filthy rats. No one in the world should die by their dirty hands. We cherish all life, innocent lives will not be taken or abused using our land as the base or our resources to make weapons of mass destruction. 


Those who are killed, starved and sacrifice their lives to survive are innocent and not terrorists. 

web-Amazon book revival

Closing down newspapers and threatening to attack North Korea, Syria and Iran with pre-emptive strikes is to provoke war. 

Americans are being prepared for martial law. Paid killers will carry out their genocide.

A medical holocaust is being created to reduce the population. Many will die by design. 

The Americans are brainwashed to believe their lying politicians and media, to believe them and do nothing. USA is headed by psychopaths with no conscience. 

Violence is meant to intimidate and control. We shall defend ourselves. They hear what we are saying. The Republic of War fears the great peace, kaia-nere-kowa. Americans always follow the leader, the one who has 51per cent majority. The war blade is the debt.

We have always resisted tyranny, we will redeem what is ours, the land, resources, air and water. 


We have always tested the enemy’s blade. Millions of our ancestors lived and died from the mass murder program, we remember their teachings. There can be no dialogue between a killer and a victim. The enemy must leave great turtle island and we will never make any appeals to these criminals.

We do not accept corporate rules to commit murder in broad daylight or anytime. We will have freedom because we have no fear for we stand with our mother.

The rulers have a master plan to cause a crisis in US and worldwide to make the people desperate. No medical coverage, senators gone home for the summer, everything up in the air.

Three types go into the military: Patriots from military families. Desperate uemployed. Serial killers, who are given he green light to kill men, women and children. Just like when they came here. Many opportunities for rapists.

this commander in chief is looking to get his golden opportunity through implementing martial law.   

The Band sings about the pleas by the newcomers to be taken in: “Madam, take me in. Let me be your friend. Wont you take me in. Let me be your friend Im a lonely boy. I aint got a home.”


Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit 





Hot water : a “cool” new weed control method 

Trumps purple revolution 




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June 12, 2017. The colony of Canada was registered as a corporate company in Washington DC, owned by the Vatican shareholders. On July 1st you celebrate corporatism, also known as fascism, as Canada is one of the first in the world to be accepted without holding them accountable for murder, kidnapping, and land theft.

1867 created the corporate fiction that imprisons us. It was and still is the Dominion “Colony” of Canada. The “Family Compact” and “Chateau Clique” formed a union between their municipalities in Upper Canada, Lower Canada, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. 

The Chateau Clique is the families in Quebec that trace their blood to French royalty. The Family Compact is the families in Ontario and Nova Scotia that trace their blood to English royalty. Today they are the bankers.

Before 1867 they paid rent into the Indian Trust Fund, which became the largest in the world.

On July 1, 1867, the first act of the corporation was to steal our money, the “Indian Trust Fund”, to build Canada, which they fraudulent claimed.  

They declared us non-human and actually issued hunting licenses to kill us like a bear or a deer. Every Canadian judicial statute passed since 1867 is still in play. Those genocide laws they created were never rescinded. They can be pull out and used today. The settler colonist who do not stand with us are complicit.

The G20 military attack of the citizens of Toronto landed 2,600 Canadians in a temporary prison in a warehouse, which became known as “Torontonimo Bay”. 

Canada is still the Dominion of Canada, a private colonial corporation, whose owners reside in the City of London, in the Vatican and in Washington DC, all owned by the Crown.

MIA sings of the plight of all true people of the land:” Who the hell is hounding you in the B-M-W. How the hell he find you, 147’d you The feds gon get you
Pull the strings on the hood. 1 paranoid youth blazin’ through the hood“.

Section 35 is proud to release this Special Edition CANADON’T 150. We recognize the truth & pay homage to the resilience of indigenous people. Prepaid orders by June 19th are guaranteed for July 1st.

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit 150 YEARS OF OCCUPATION EXPLOITATION & GENOCIDE residential school 



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MNN. June 7, 2017. The “Alliance” showed up at Kanesatake to assist in the flooding. The following day the affiliated “Storm Alliance” appeared at the Canada-US border to monitor crossing of immigrants, whom they threatened and terrified.

They have illegally put themselves under the kaia-nereh-kowa, great peace, by using our symbols. They are using our warrior flag to promote hate. Also, their logo is of a warrior with the caption, “BETTER DEAD THAN RED”.

The Storm Alliance is a secretive ultra right non-native group pretending to be our supporters. Like us they are against illegal immigration. We onkwe-hon-weh do not recognize the illegal Canada-US border when we realized that the same 13 families ran everything on both sides of the “imaginary line”. 

They are well-built individuals and stand very straight just like cops. They wear white shirts with the red Knights Templar cross on it. Their funding source is unknown. 

The members are descendants of those who left Europe for freedom.  

They are allied with “The New Order of Templars of Quebec”, and other Christian-oriented crusader groups. Piggy backing on our activities is for publicity and to give the appearance of not being racist. They are affiliated with pro-Trump groups in the US. Chapters are being set up throughout Canada for border surveillance on Canada Day, July 1. 

They appear to be crusading against the Arabs, to enhance the Knights Templar, who were behind the genocide of over 100 million of our people. They are the white serpent of ancient legends. 


When they carry our warrior flag they carry the responsibility to “carry the burden of peace upon their shoulders”.

In 1968 the onkwe-hon-weh and Chicanos met with Rev. Ralph Abernathy, who replaced the slain Martin Luther King. They were in Washington DC at the “Poor People’s Camp”. Our image was being used in their marches as if they spoke for us. 

We presented a letter explaining our position, that we supported their demands for civil rights and equality with the whites. We wanted our lands, treaties, languages and control of our lives. A gain for them would be a loss for us. 

We emerged from the tent together for the press conference. They blocked us out and spoke for us. We handed out copies of the letter and walked away. Afterwards they did stop appropriating our image. 


The presence of the Alliance in our midst is confusing the public. The war chief has the duty of protecting our symbols from misuse. 

Association with our symbols is creating the false mind set that they have consulted with us, when they have not.

They have illegally usurped our land by not following the te-io-hateh, the two row wampum, to live in peace with us. Trying to steer one or the other vessel is a direct violation of the contract. 

We will organize ourselves as we see fit. Secretive outside agitators are not welcome. 

Alice Cooper just sings that we are all living in a nightmare: “Welcome to my nightmare. I think your gonna like it. I think your gonna feel you belong. A nocturnal vacation unnecessary sedation, you want to feel at home because you belong. Welcome to my breakdown. I hope I didn’t scare you. That’s just the way we are when we come down. Welcome to my nightmare …”

Mohawk Nation News for more news, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to More stories at MNN Archives.  Address: Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 or original Mohawk music visit This onkwe-hon-weh means what he says. SO WHAT IS CANADA CELEBRATING?







MNN. FEB. 10, 2014. The hierarchal charade is ending. Looks like Canada is joining the US and UN control grid [Agenda 21]. Lawyers for the Corporation of Canada are fleeing and saying in effect, “Let’s get out now while the going is good. We’ll join Piper, the international law firm, run out of the UN. We can help make laws for the bankers worldwide. We already have our stolen money in off-shore accounts so no one can touch it”. 

Dream on!

Dream on!

The first law firm to fold was home to prime ministers, supreme court justices and federal and local politicians. Their job was to take the heat off the bankers. Now they’re jumping ship and going back to the “Fatherland” to their mansions. harper slave shipThese criminals should be going to jail. They don’t want to go back on the slave ships they came in. It’s first class on their own terms, they think. They’re trying to dictate the terms of their surrender. 

There is no reconciliation with those they leave behind. The corporation of Canada is bringing in new immigrants with loads of money who won’t be told they are on Indigenous land. They will set up businesses and steal everything that their predecessors left behind. Their job is to continue the genocide.  

Canada has no constitution in place that overrides the by-laws of the Corporation of Canada. it’s a pretend democracy based on theft and abuse of our land. Prime Minister Harper is strengthening the corporate rules and enforcement system. 50,000 new prisoners can be warehoused in the new private prisons.  

We Indigenous are to remain fenced in by Indian Affairs and the Indian Act. Indian Affairs and RCMP are both divisions of the Canadian army.  

The corporation is dissolving. The shareholders are trying to steer the dissolution in their favor. We demand the list of the shareholders of the Corporation of Canada. We will charge them with genocide and theft of our ever growing $650 trillion Indian Trust Fund. The world wants to see this.

Banksters & their minions: "Our greatest fear that we will be sent back from whence we came!"

Banksters & their minions: “Our greatest fear that we will be sent back from whence we came for all eternity!”


Canada and US need to take a lesson from Iceland who put all their crooked bankers and politicians in jail, rewrote their constitution and took away their money machine. They have to pay back everything they stole.  

They think they are going to take the money and run. Like Billy Joe and Bobby Sue, you can’t run forever. “Take the Money & Run!”

“Jumping Heenan Ship”.

“Coming Fall of House of Windsor”

MNN Mohawk Nation News  For more news, books, workshops, to donate and sign up for MNN newsletters, go to  More stories at MNN Archives.  Address:  Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L for original Mohawk music visit