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MNN. APR. 9, 2016. The Cuban diplomats came to see the kanion’ke:haka in kahnawake to exchange thoughts . It reminds us of the ancient Incan prophecy about the condor and the eagle joining again to rule the skies.cubans corner diner

The Cubans, Venezuelans and Bolivians have recently visited our territories in northern ono’ware:geh, great turtle island, to reestablish or learn about our connection with the great peace and our clan based law. We all want to return to our family based system of governance. It is the natural system that protects our people. Women worldwide will be tracing the white roots of peace to take their natural place in the decision making process or their people.cuban 5

Thankfully the Cuban 5 recently walked out alive from the US prison after unjustly serving 16 years.warrior at gate


The Cuban delegation that came to Kahnawake reminds us of the late great Merle Haggard singing his death song: “The warden lead a prisoner down the hallway to his doom. So I stood up to say goodbye like all the rest. I heard him tell the warden just before he reached my cell, let my guitar playing friend do my request. Let him sing me back home with a song I used to hear. Make my old memories come alive. Take me away and turn back the years. Sing me back home before I die”. The corporatists pretend to run the world. We are not hoodwinked. We are all finding our way to the great peace.

Cuban 5.

Crimea for dummies

Racial interbreeding

what you need to know about Panama Papers.

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CLAIM OUR MINDS – tsinion’kwarihoten



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MNN. APRIL 4, 2016. “Land claim” means “Here’s some pieces of paper. Give up your minds”, “Stop following the natural path to survival”. “Turn away from your natural instincts”. “Speak this newly created INDIAN language that doesn’t connect you to your mother”. “Don’t worry about anybody else. Just think of you and your immediate family”. In other words, die!last tree2

Our birthright is to live our lives naturally by following our instincts. No one can claim what creation provided to each of us. We can’t sell her. We are to have free use of creation part of it. She gives us a path, kaia’nereh:kowa, that was passed down to us by our ancestors. Our language reveals the journey to that path into our past, present and future.

Our language is our connection to our land and our mother earth. She holds the rotikonsatatie, the faces of the unborn who are still beneath the earth. Several years ago Microsoft tried to buy our language and store it as their intellectual property. They wanted the right to modify its meaning to break our natural guide to survival.indians inc

When someone tries to pay us for a land claim, do they doubt that we are of this land? “owista’ dominated  band and tribal council corporations operate by rote programming designed by the matrix. They do not travel in the natural direction in harmony with nature, sa oiera. Tsiniion’kwarihoten is to steal away who we are as nature designed us, so that we would become unnatural as well.

When the corporate visitors try to make a claim to our land, they try to convince us we don’t know she is our mother. We know we have DNA of this land. They say we have to take a maternity test to prove this. A baby’s bonds with their mother cannot ever be taken away.fate

The corporate matrix makes rules to steal our mind and connection. We don’t have amnesia. We know who we are and who our mother is.



The Rolling Stones sing about those who are pulling away from nature and getting  so lonely.

[Rolling Stones – 2000 Light Years From Home

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Earth Guardians: our kids are taking on the challenge.

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Gina Deer of Mohawk Council of Kahnawake


Oren Lyons recently learned about Doctrine of Discovery.

Venezuelan Ambassador in kanteke.

Fake Brussels Attack.

ISIS is not funded by our legitimate tobacco trade –

Get over it!


Tobacco Bust Hoax!

Rez 3rd world living conditions.